====== The plan for June ====== This month I'll be working on implementing [[http://rgl.epfl.ch/publications/Jakob2019Spectral|Jakob and Hanika (2019)]] in Colour's reflectance recovery submodule. Here are the goals to be met before the first evaluations start on June 24: * Write code that computes the spectrum for a single color * Extend it to the entire sRGB gamut (using feedback to get a smooth map) * Match the published tables * Write code that samples the tables correctly (i.e. giving the same results as the reference code) * Other color spaces The academic year here hasn't ended yet and I've still got some minor exams and projects left. I expect to be rather busy for a week or two, but hopefully things go smoothly and I won't get too overworked. At least there haven't been any pandemic-related delays.