====== Notation and conventions used on this site ====== Every textbook, website, professor, etc. uses their own notation and conventions. To avoid confusion I thought I'd write down mine and try to use them consistently throughout the site. ===== Vectors ===== {| |- ! Notation ! Meaning |- | $ \mathbf{x} $ \\ $ \mathbf{x_\textup{stuff}} $ | A vector. |- | $ x $ | The norm of the vector $\textbf{x}$ (a scalar), if it appears in the text. Otherwise, it's some scalar. |- | $ x^2 $ | The inner product of a vector with itself (a scalar). Equivalently, the norm of the vector squared. |- | $ \vert\mathbf{a} + \mathbf{b} \cross \mathbf{c}\vert $ | The norm of a vector expression (a scalar). |- | $ \mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{b} $ | The inner product of two vectors (a scalar). |- | $ \mathbf{a} \cross \mathbf{b} $ | The cross product of two vectors (a vector). |} ===== Matrices ===== {| |- ! Notation ! Meaning |- | $ \hat{M} $ | A matrix. |- | $ \hat{A}\hat{B} $ | A matrix product (a matrix). The former is //premultiplying// the latter or, equivalently, the latter is //postmultiplying// the former. |- | $ \hat{M}\mathbf{x} $ | A matrix premultiplying a vector or, equivalently, operating on it (a vector). |- | $ \hat{A} \otimes \hat{B} $ | The Kronecker product of two matrices (a matrix). |- | $ \hat{M}^{-1} $ | The inverse of an invertible square matrix (a matrix). |- | $ \textup{det}~\hat{M} $ | The determinant of a square matrix (a scalar). |- | $ \textup{Tr}~\hat{M} $ | The trace of a square matrix (a scalar). |} ===== Index notation ===== Generally I avoid using indices because of the inherent complexity associated with coordinates. When I do, though, I try to be consistent with [[wp>Ricci_calculus|Ricci calculus]]. Below is a quick summary: {| |- ! Notation ! Meaning |- | A superscript. | A **contravariant** index. |- | A subscript. | A **covariant** index. |- | $ \mathbf{x}^i $ \\ $ (\mathbf{x}_\textup{stuff})^i $ | The i-th coordinate of a vector (which transforms contravariantly). \\ I use round brackets to avoid confusion if necessary (in which case the index appears //outside//). |- | $ \mathbf{x}_i $ | The i-th coordinate of a **co**vector (which transforms covariantly). |- | $ \tensor{T}{_i^j} $ | An element of a (1,1)-tensor. \\ When the tensor is treated as a linear transformation, this is the element of the corresponding matrix that lies at the intersection of the i-th row and the j-th column. \\ If $i$ and $j$ are undefined then this denotes the entire tensor. |} ===== Vector calculus ===== {| |- ! Notation ! Meaning |- | $ \mathbf{A} $ | A vector field. These usually have uppercase symbols. |- | $ \nabla \psi $ | The gradient of a scalar field (a vector field). |- | $ \nabla \cdot \mathbf{A} $ | The divergence of a vector field (a scalar field). |- | $ \nabla \cross \mathbf{A} $ | The curl of a vector field (a vector field). |- | $ \Delta \psi $ | The Laplacian of a scalar field (a scalar field). |}