Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2000-2013 Darklegion Development
Copyright (C) 2015-2019 GrangerHub
This file is part of Tremulous.
Tremulous is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Tremulous is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Tremulous; if not, see
// qcommon.h -- definitions common between client and server, but not game.or ref modules
#ifndef _QCOMMON_H_
#define _QCOMMON_H_
#include "cm_public.h"
//Ignore __attribute__ on non-gcc platforms
#ifndef __GNUC__
#ifndef __attribute__
#define __attribute__(x)
struct netadr_t;
struct msg_t;
// maintain a list of compatible protocols for demo playing
// NOTE: that stuff only works with two digits protocols
extern int demo_protocols[];
// override on command line, config files etc.
#define MASTER_SERVER_NAME "master.tremulous.net"
#define PORT_MASTER 30700
#define PORT_SERVER 30720
#define ALT1PORT_MASTER 30700
#define ALT1PORT_SERVER 30721
#define ALT2PORT_MASTER 30710
#define ALT2PORT_SERVER 30722
#define NUM_SERVER_PORTS 4 // broadcast scan this many ports after
// PORT_SERVER so a single machine can
// run multiple servers
// the svc_strings[] array in cl_parse.c should mirror this
// server to client
enum svc_ops_e {
svc_configstring, // [short] [string] only in gamestate messages
svc_baseline, // only in gamestate messages
svc_serverCommand, // [string] to be executed by client game module
svc_download, // [short] size [size bytes]
// new commands, supported only by ioquake3 protocol but not legacy
svc_voipSpeex, // not wrapped in USE_VOIP, so this value is reserved.
svc_voipOpus, //
// client to server
enum clc_ops_e {
clc_move, // [[usercmd_t]
clc_moveNoDelta, // [[usercmd_t]
clc_clientCommand, // [string] message
// new commands, supported only by ioquake3 protocol but not legacy
clc_voipSpeex, // not wrapped in USE_VOIP, so this value is reserved.
clc_voipOpus, //
//#include "cvar.h"
typedef struct cvar_s cvar_t;
Edit fields and command line history/completion
#define MAX_EDIT_LINE 256
typedef struct {
int cursor;
int scroll;
int widthInChars;
char buffer[MAX_EDIT_LINE];
} field_t;
void Field_Clear( field_t *edit );
void Field_AutoComplete( field_t *edit );
void Field_CompleteKeyname( void );
void Field_CompleteFilename( const char *dir, const char *ext, bool stripExt, bool allowNonPureFilesOnDisk );
void Field_CompleteCommand( char *cmd, bool doCommands, bool doCvars );
void Field_CompletePlayerName( const char **names, int count );
void Field_CompleteList( char *listJson );
// centralized and cleaned, that's the max string you can send to a Com_Printf / Com_DPrintf (above gets truncated)
#define MAXPRINTMSG 4096
typedef enum {
// SE_NONE must be zero
SE_NONE = 0, // evTime is still valid
SE_KEY, // evValue is a key code, evValue2 is the down flag
SE_CHAR, // evValue is an ascii char
SE_MOUSE, // evValue and evValue2 are relative signed x / y moves
SE_JOYSTICK_AXIS, // evValue is an axis number and evValue2 is the current state (-127 to 127)
SE_CONSOLE // evPtr is a char*
} sysEventType_t;
typedef struct {
int evTime;
sysEventType_t evType;
int evValue, evValue2;
int evPtrLength; // bytes of data pointed to by evPtr, for journaling
void *evPtr; // this must be manually freed if not NULL
} sysEvent_t;
void Com_QueueEvent( int time, sysEventType_t type, int value, int value2, int ptrLength, void *ptr );
int Com_EventLoop( void );
sysEvent_t Com_GetSystemEvent( void );
char *CopyString( const char *in );
void Info_Print( const char *s );
void Com_BeginRedirect (char *buffer, int buffersize, void (*flush)(char *));
void Com_EndRedirect( void );
//#ifndef __Q_SHARED_H
void QDECL Com_Printf( const char *fmt, ... ) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
void QDECL Com_Error( int code, const char *fmt, ... ) __attribute__ ((noreturn, format(printf, 2, 3)));
void QDECL Com_DPrintf( const char *fmt, ... ) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
void Engine_Exit(const char* p ) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
void Com_Quit_f( void ) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
void Com_GameRestart(int checksumFeed, bool disconnect);
int Com_Milliseconds( void ); // will be journaled properly
char *Com_MD5File(const char *filename, int length, const char *prefix, int prefix_len);
int Com_Filter(const char* filter, char *name, int casesensitive);
int Com_FilterPath(const char *filter, char *name, int casesensitive);
int Com_RealTime(qtime_t *qtime);
bool Com_SafeMode( void );
void Com_RunAndTimeServerPacket(struct netadr_t *evFrom, struct msg_t *buf);
bool Com_IsVoipTarget(uint8_t *voipTargets, int voipTargetsSize, int clientNum);
void Com_StartupVariable( const char *match );
// checks for and removes command line "+set var arg" constructs
// if match is NULL, all set commands will be executed, otherwise
// only a set with the exact name. Only used during startup.
bool Com_PlayerNameToFieldString( char *str, int length, const char *name );
bool Com_FieldStringToPlayerName( char *name, int length, const char *rawname );
int QDECL Com_strCompare( const void *a, const void *b );
extern cvar_t *com_developer;
extern cvar_t *com_dedicated;
extern cvar_t *com_speeds;
extern cvar_t *com_timescale;
extern cvar_t *com_sv_running;
extern cvar_t *com_cl_running;
extern cvar_t *com_version;
extern cvar_t *com_buildScript; // for building release pak files
extern cvar_t *com_journal;
extern cvar_t *com_cameraMode;
extern cvar_t *com_ansiColor;
extern cvar_t *com_unfocused;
extern cvar_t *com_maxfpsUnfocused;
extern cvar_t *com_minimized;
extern cvar_t *com_maxfpsMinimized;
extern cvar_t *com_altivec;
extern cvar_t *com_homepath;
// both client and server must agree to pause
extern cvar_t *cl_paused;
extern cvar_t *sv_paused;
extern cvar_t *cl_packetdelay;
extern cvar_t *sv_packetdelay;
extern cvar_t *com_gamename;
// com_speeds times
extern int time_game;
extern int time_frontend;
extern int time_backend; // renderer backend time
extern int com_frameTime;
extern bool com_errorEntered;
extern bool com_fullyInitialized;
extern fileHandle_t com_journalFile;
extern fileHandle_t com_journalDataFile;
typedef enum {
} memtag_t;
--- low memory ----
server vm
server clipmap
renderer initialization (shaders, etc)
UI vm
cgame vm
renderer map
renderer models
temp file loading
--- high memory ---
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(BSPC)
#define ZONE_DEBUG
#define Z_TagMalloc(size, tag) Z_TagMallocDebug(size, tag, #size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define Z_Malloc(size) Z_MallocDebug(size, #size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define S_Malloc(size) S_MallocDebug(size, #size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
void *Z_TagMallocDebug( int size, int tag, const char *label, const char *file, int line ); // NOT 0 filled memory
void *Z_MallocDebug( int size, const char *label, const char *file, int line ); // returns 0 filled memory
void *S_MallocDebug( int size, const char *label, const char *file, int line ); // returns 0 filled memory
void *Z_TagMalloc( int size, int tag ); // NOT 0 filled memory
void *Z_Malloc( int size ); // returns 0 filled memory
void *S_Malloc( int size ); // NOT 0 filled memory only for small allocations
void Z_Free( void *ptr );
void Z_FreeTags( int tag );
int Z_AvailableMemory( void );
void Z_LogHeap( void );
void Hunk_Clear( void );
void Hunk_ClearToMark( void );
void Hunk_SetMark( void );
bool Hunk_CheckMark( void );
void Hunk_ClearTempMemory( void );
void *Hunk_AllocateTempMemory( int size );
void Hunk_FreeTempMemory( void *buf );
int Hunk_MemoryRemaining( void );
void Hunk_Log( void);
void Com_TouchMemory( void );
// commandLine should not include the executable name (argv[0])
void Com_Init( char *commandLine );
void Com_Frame( void );
void Com_Shutdown( void );
// client interface
void CL_InitKeyCommands( void );
// the keyboard binding interface must be setup before execing
// config files, but the rest of client startup will happen later
void CL_Init( void );
void CL_Disconnect( bool showMainMenu );
void CL_Shutdown(const char *finalmsg, bool disconnect, bool quit);
void CL_Frame( int msec );
bool CL_GameCommand( void );
void CL_KeyEvent (int key, bool down, unsigned time);
void CL_CharEvent( int key );
// char events are for field typing, not game control
void CL_MouseEvent( int dx, int dy, int time );
void CL_JoystickEvent( int axis, int value, int time );
void CL_PacketEvent( struct netadr_t from, struct msg_t *msg );
void CL_ConsolePrint( const char *text );
void CL_MapLoading( void );
// do a screen update before starting to load a map
// when the server is going to load a new map, the entire hunk
// will be cleared, so the client must shutdown cgame, ui, and
// the renderer
void CL_ForwardCommandToServer( const char *string );
// adds the current command line as a clc_clientCommand to the client message.
// things like godmode, noclip, etc, are commands directed to the server,
// so when they are typed in at the console, they will need to be forwarded.
void CL_FlushMemory( void );
// dump all memory on an error
void CL_ShutdownAll(bool shutdownRef);
// shutdown client
void CL_StartHunkUsers( bool rendererOnly );
// start all the client stuff using the hunk
void Key_KeynameCompletion( void(*callback)(const char *s) );
// for keyname autocompletion
void Key_WriteBindings( fileHandle_t f );
// for writing the config files
void S_ClearSoundBuffer( void );
// call before filesystem access
void SCR_DebugGraph (float value); // FIXME: move logging to common?
// server interface
void SV_Init( void );
void SV_Shutdown( const char *finalmsg );
void SV_Frame( int msec );
void SV_PacketEvent( struct netadr_t from, struct msg_t *msg );
int SV_FrameMsec(void);
bool SV_GameCommand( void );
int SV_SendQueuedPackets(void);
// UI interface
bool UI_GameCommand( void );
bool Parse_AddGlobalDefine(char *string);
int Parse_LoadSourceHandle(const char *filename);
bool Parse_FreeSourceHandle(int handle);
bool Parse_ReadTokenHandle(int handle, pc_token_t *pc_token);
bool Parse_SourceFileAndLine(int handle, char *filename, int *line);
char *Sys_BinaryPath(void);
// flags for sv_allowDownload and cl_allowDownload
#define DLF_ENABLE 1
#define DLF_NO_UDP 4
#endif // _QCOMMON_H_