#include "ui/menudef.h" { #define BORDER 10 #define X BORDER #define Y BORDER //#define W (600-(2*BORDER)) //#define H (480-(2*BORDER)) #define W 580 #define H 460 // Say to All menuDef { name say fullScreen MENU_FALSE visible MENU_FALSE rect X Y W H //aspectBias ALIGN_LEFT focusColor 1 1 1 1 style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY onOpen { setfocus say_field; } itemDef { name say_field type ITEM_TYPE_SAYFIELD style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY text "Say:" cvar "ui_sayBuffer" maxchars 128 //rect 0 0 W H rect 0 230 W 20 //textalign ALIGN_LEFT //textvalign VALIGN_CENTER textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textscale .4 forecolor 0.93 0.93 0.92 1 visible MENU_TRUE onTextEntry { uiScript Say; close say; } } } // Say to Team menuDef { name say_team fullScreen MENU_FALSE visible MENU_FALSE rect X Y W H //aspectBias ALIGN_LEFT focusColor 1 1 1 1 style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY onOpen { setfocus say_field } itemDef { name say_field type ITEM_TYPE_SAYFIELD style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY text "Say to team:" cvar "ui_sayBuffer" maxchars 128 //rect 0 0 W H rect 0 230 W 20 //textalign ALIGN_LEFT //textvalign VALIGN_CENTER textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textscale .4 forecolor 0.93 0.93 0.92 1 visible MENU_TRUE onTextEntry { uiScript Say; close say_team; } } } }