"An Almango" (C) 2016 Paweł "enneract" Redman Anna "MaeJong" Lamangue Released under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 3.0 license. Third-party acknowledgements: ----------------------------- Some images contain assets that ship with Tremulous (CC-BY-SA). sound/analmango/analmango.wav contains the following sound: http://freesound.org/people/gollamar/sounds/273230/ "Announcement-05.wav" by gollamar, CC-BY Several images contain text made with the following font: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto "Roboto" by Google, Apache License, Version 2.0 sound/analmango/hpc.wav was ripped from one of Hydraulic Press Channel videos I hope they won't mind. sound/analmango/elevator.wav was created from the following sound: http://freesound.org/people/tsbertalan/sounds/77789/ "Elevator door opening and closing, elevator ascending two floors.WAV" by Tom Bertalan, CC 0 sound/analmango/empress_rising.wav is a sample of Monolord's Empress Rising. I hope they won't mind. Several files are Nobiax's original work (Changed resolution, format,.. for compatibility): http://nobiax.deviantart.com Textures: Rock1, Grass1, plant_ivy, lava, lava_glow Models and their textures: plant_palmtree_bent, plant_palmtree_straight, plant_bush1-2, plant_trop, plant_trop_shrub, plant_trop_shrub2 CC-BY & CC 0 The "uncommon" texture pack is a copy of common textures from the data-radiant pk3. The chicken poster uses the following photo as background: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:White_chickens#/media/File:Canadian_chicken.jpg "Chicken 2" by Chicken Farmers of Canada, CC-BY 2.0 textures/analmango/reactor_beam.jpg was created using the following photo: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Lightning#/media/File:Lightning_3025.jpg "Lightning" by Mike Lehmann, Mike Switzerland, CC-BY-SA 2.5 sound/analmango/thunder_strike*.wav are made of the following sound: https://www.freesound.org/people/daveincamas/sounds/161491/ "20120719ThunderBig.wav" by daveincamas, CC-0 textures/analmango/pk01_* are a part of the following texture pack: PK01 - Quake IV texture set by Philip Klevestav www.philipk.net | philip@philipk.net List of sampled YouTube videos (fair use) ----------------------------------------- sound/analmango/wtf_1.wav https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_P6tFWM9B4 An excerpt from one of recordings of Adolf Hitler sound/analmango/wtf_2.wav https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-BgREkkjcg "O kurwa" sound/analmango/wtf_3.wav https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz50hqWrHUY iDubbbzTV's "I'm gay' sound/analmango/wtf_4.wav https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8c5wmeOL9o "Noice" sound/analmango/wtf_5.wav textures/analmango/wtf_5_cd.tga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebba3zVktX0 PacificSound3003's "Paradis de Rubis" sound/analmango/wtf_6.wav https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOqeuLtIY0I PacificSound3003's "Le melon et les doigts mouillés" sound/analmango/wtf_7.wav https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBMRcMGKZMg "Un fou chante sous sa douche" ("A madman sings under the shower") sound/analmango/wtf_8.wav https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SW-BU6keEUw "Mom's Spaghetti" (a parody of Eminem's "Lose Yourself") sound/analmango/wtf_9.wav https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC9qEUI_vcA "APPELEZ LA POLICE !" ("Call the police") sound/analmango/wtf_10.wav https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtEkRpGpHE8 "Goebbels on the jewish media" Transcripts: ------------ "The Announcement" Announcer: Achtung, Neger! Arithmetic lovers might actually not get overwhelmed. "Dretch Pwner Announcement #1" Announcer: A Dretch has entered the Pwner. "Dretch Pwner Announcement #2" Announcer: A Dretch has finished the Pwner. "The Painting" Hans: László.... mein Gott, László... László: Hans, what happened? Hans: They found the painting. László: What painting? Hans: Of the Führer! László: I mean... Are you serious? Are you serious by that? Hans: We must get out of here... László: Oh my god! No, no, no, no, no, it can't be happening! Hans: ...we must abort the mission... László: It can't be happening! Kurva anyjukat! Urunk segíts! Hans: Schieße! Mein Gott, László!