/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Tony J. White This file is part of Tremulous. This shrubbot implementation is the original work of Tony J. White. Contains contributions from Wesley van Beelen, Chris Bajumpaa, Josh Menke, and Travis Maurer. The functionality of this code mimics the behaviour of the currently inactive project shrubet (http://www.etstats.com/shrubet/index.php?ver=2) by Ryan Mannion. However, shrubet was a closed-source project and none of it's code has been copied, only it's functionality. Tremulous is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Tremulous is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Tremulous; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ #include "g_local.h" // big ugly global buffer for use with buffered printing of long outputs static char g_bfb[ 32000 ]; // note: list ordered alphabetically g_admin_cmd_t g_admin_cmds[ ] = { {"adjustban", G_admin_adjustban, "ban", "change the duration or reason of a ban. time is specified as numbers " "followed by units 'w' (weeks), 'd' (days), 'h' (hours) or 'm' (minutes)," " or seconds if no units are specified. if the duration is" " preceded by a + or -, the ban duration will be extended or shortened by" " the specified amount", "[^3ban#^7] (^5duration^7) (^5reason^7)" }, {"adminlog", G_admin_adminlog, "adminlog", "list recent admin activity", "(^5start id#|name|!command|-skip#^7) (^5search skip#^7)" }, {"admintest", G_admin_admintest, "admintest", "display your current admin level", "" }, {"allowbuild", G_admin_denybuild, "denybuild", "restore a player's ability to build", "[^3name|slot#^7]" }, {"allowweapon", G_admin_denyweapon, "denyweapon", "restore a player's ability to use a weapon or class", "[^3name|slot#^7] [^3class|weapon|all^7]" }, {"allready", G_admin_allready, "allready", "makes everyone ready in intermission", "" }, {"ban", G_admin_ban, "ban", "ban a player by IP and GUID with an optional expiration time and reason." " time is specified as numbers followed by units 'w' (weeks), 'd' " "(days), 'h' (hours) or 'm' (minutes), or seconds if no units are " "specified", "[^3name|slot#|IP^7] (^5time^7) (^5reason^7)" }, {"bring", G_admin_bring, "bring", "This will bring you to a players location.", "[^3name|slot#^7]" }, {"bubble", G_admin_bubble, "bubble", "draw attention to a player with bubbles", "[^3name|slot#^7]" }, {"buildlog", G_admin_buildlog, "buildlog", "display a list of recent builds and deconstructs, optionally specifying" " a team", "(^5xnum^7) (^5#skip^7) (^5-name|num^7) (^5a|h^7)" "\n ^3Example:^7 '!buildlog #10 h' skips 10 events, then shows the previous 10 events affecting human buildables" }, {"cancelvote", G_admin_cancelvote, "cancelvote", "cancel a vote taking place", "" }, {"cp", G_admin_cp, "cp", "display a CP message to users, optionally specifying team(s) to send to", "(-AHS) [^3message^7]" }, {"demo", G_admin_demo, "demo", "turn admin chat off for the caller so it does not appear in demos. " "this is a toggle use !demo again to turn warnings back on", "" }, {"denybuild", G_admin_denybuild, "denybuild", "take away a player's ability to build", "[^3name|slot#^7]" }, {"denyweapon", G_admin_denyweapon, "denyweapon", "take away a player's ability to use a weapon or class", "[^3name|slot#^7] [^3class|weapon^7]" }, {"designate", G_admin_designate, "designate", "give the player designated builder privileges", "[^3name|slot#^7]" }, {"devmap", G_admin_devmap, "devmap", "load a map with cheats (and optionally force layout)", "[^3mapname^7] (^5layout^7)" }, {"drop", G_admin_drop, "drop", "kick a client from the server without log", "[^3name|slot#^7] [^3message^7]" }, {"expire", G_admin_expire, "expire", "Expires up to 5 level 1 admins with !seen times older than g_adminExpireTime", "[^5confirm^7]" }, {"flag", G_admin_flag, "flag", "add an admin flag to a player, prefix flag with '-' to disallow the flag. " "console can use this command on admin levels by prefacing a '*' to the admin level value.", "[^3name|slot#|admin#|*adminlevel^7] (^5+^7|^5-^7)[^3flag^7]" }, {"flaglist", G_admin_flaglist, "flag", "list all flags understood by this server", "" }, {"help", G_admin_help, "help", "display commands available to you or help on a specific command", "(^5command^7)" }, {"info", G_admin_info, "info", "display the contents of server info files", "(^5subject^7)" }, {"immunity", G_admin_immunity, "immunity", "give a player ban immunity", "[^3+|-^7](^5slot#^7)" }, {"invisible", G_admin_invisible, "invisible", "hides a player so they cannot be seen in playerlists", "" }, {"kick", G_admin_kick, "kick", "kick a player with an optional reason", "[^3name|slot#^7] (^5reason^7)" }, {"L0", G_admin_L0, "l0", "Sets a level 1 to level 0", "[^3name|slot#^7]" }, {"L1", G_admin_L1, "l1", "Sets a level 0 to level 1", "[^3name|slot#^7]" }, {"layoutsave", G_admin_layoutsave, "layoutsave", "save a map layout", "[^3mapname^7]" }, {"listadmins", G_admin_listadmins, "listadmins", "display a list of all server admins and their levels", "(^5name|start admin#^7) (^5minimum level to display^7)" }, {"listlayouts", G_admin_listlayouts, "listlayouts", "display a list of all available layouts for a map", "(^5mapname^7)" }, {"listplayers", G_admin_listplayers, "listplayers", "display a list of players, their client numbers and their levels", "" }, {"listmaps", G_admin_listmaps, "listmaps", "display a list of available maps on the server", "(^5map name^7)" }, {"lock", G_admin_lock, "lock", "lock a team to prevent anyone from joining it", "[^3a|h^7]" }, {"map", G_admin_map, "map", "load a map (and optionally force layout)", "[^3mapname^7] (^5layout^7)" }, {"maplog", G_admin_maplog, "maplog", "show recently played maps", "" }, {"mute", G_admin_mute, "mute", "mute a player", "[^3name|slot#^7] (Duration)" }, {"namelog", G_admin_namelog, "namelog", "display a list of names used by recently connected players", "(^5name^7)" }, {"nextmap", G_admin_nextmap, "nextmap", "go to the next map in the cycle", "" }, {"outlaw", G_admin_outlaw, "outlaw", "adjust a player's bleed counter, usually to make their base turn on them." " bleed value can be '?' to query their current value, a number to add and activate bleed status," " +num or -num will silently adjust their current bleed value, 0 will pardon them", "(^5name|slot^7) (^5bleed value)" }, {"passvote", G_admin_passvote, "passvote", "pass a vote currently taking place", "" }, {"pause", G_admin_pause, "pause", "prevent a player from interacting with the game." " * will pause all players, using no argument will pause game clock", "(^5name|slot|*^7)" }, {"practice", G_admin_practice, "practice", "set practice mode for player names with 'clan tag', " "these players will be allowed to join any team regardless of balance. " "'map count' is number of maps to maintain practice mode", "[^3clan tag|off^7] [^3map count^7])" }, {"putteam", G_admin_putteam, "putteam", "move a player to a specified team", "[^3name|slot#^7] [^3h|a|s^7] (^3duration^7)" }, {"readconfig", G_admin_readconfig, "readconfig", "reloads the admin config file and refreshes permission flags", "" }, {"register", G_admin_register, "register", "Registers your name to protect it from being used by others or updates your admin name to your current name.", "[^3level^7] [^3password^7]" }, {"rename", G_admin_rename, "rename", "rename a player", "[^3name|slot#^7] [^3new name^7]" }, {"restart", G_admin_restart, "restart", "restart the current map (optionally using named layout or keeping/switching teams)", "(^5layout^7) (^5keepteams|switchteams|keepteamslock|switchteamslock^7)" }, {"revert", G_admin_revert, "revert", "revert one or more buildlog events, optionally of only one team", "(^5xnum^7) (^5#ID^7) (^5-name|num^7) (^5a|h^7)" "\n ^3Example:^7 '!revert x5 h' reverts the last 5 events affecting human buildables" }, {"rotation", G_admin_listrotation, "rotation", "display a list of maps that are in the active map rotation", "" }, {"seen", G_admin_seen, "seen", "find the last time a player was on the server", "[^3name|admin#^7]" }, {"setlevel", G_admin_setlevel, "setlevel", "sets the admin level of a player", "[^3name|slot#|admin#^7] [^3level^7]" }, {"showbans", G_admin_showbans, "showbans", "display a (partial) list of active bans", "(^5start at ban#^7) (^5name|IP|'-subnet'^7)" }, {"slap", G_admin_slap, "slap", "Do damage to a player, and send them flying", "[^3name|slot^7] (damage)" }, {"spec999", G_admin_spec999, "spec999", "move 999 pingers to the spectator team", ""}, //kev: a bit of a hack, but there is no real point to //creating a new admin flag for this, so i stole it from !help {"specme", G_admin_putmespec, "specme", "moves you to the spectators (can be done silently with the 's' argument)", "(^5s^7)" }, {"subnetban", G_admin_subnetban, "subnetban", "Add or change a subnet mask on a ban", "[^3ban#^7] [^5CIDR mask^7]" "\n ^3Example:^7 '!subnetban 10 16' changes ban #10 to be a ban on XXX.XXX.*.*" "\n ^3Example:^7 '!subnetban 10 24' changes ban #10 to be a ban on XXX.XXX.XXX.*" "\n ^3Example:^7 '!subnetban 10 32' changes ban #10 to be a regular (non-subnet) ban" "\n ^1WARNING:^7 Use of this command may make your admin.dat incompatible with other game.qvms" }, {"suspendban", G_admin_suspendban, "suspendban", "suspend a ban for a length of time. time is specified as numbers " "followed by units 'w' (weeks), 'd' (days), 'h' (hours) or 'm' (minutes)," " or seconds if no units are specified", "[^5ban #^7] [^5length^7]" }, {"time", G_admin_time, "time", "show the current local server time", ""}, {"tklog", G_admin_tklog, "tklog", "list recent teamkill activity", "(^5start id#|name|-skip#^7) (^5search skip#^7)" }, {"unban", G_admin_unban, "ban", "unbans a player specified by the slot as seen in showbans", "[^3ban#^7]" }, {"undesignate", G_admin_designate, "designate", "revoke designated builder privileges", "[^3name|slot#^7]" }, {"unflag", G_admin_flag, "flag", "clears an admin flag from a player. " "console can use this command on admin levels by prefacing a '*' to the admin level value.", "[^3name|slot#|admin#|*adminlevel^7] (^5+^7|^5-^7)[^3flag^7]" }, {"unlock", G_admin_unlock, "lock", "unlock a locked team", "[^3a|h^7]" }, {"unmute", G_admin_mute, "mute", "unmute a muted player", "[^3name|slot#^7]" }, {"nobuild", G_admin_nobuild, "nobuild", "Enable and control nobuild mode.", "[^3on|off|save|add|del|list|mode|zone|+|-|go^7]" }, {"unpause", G_admin_pause, "pause", "allow a player to interact with the game." " * will unpause all players, using no argument will unpause game clock", "(^5name|slot|*^7)" }, { "warn", G_admin_warn, "warn", "Warn a player to cease or face admin intervention", "[^3name|slot#^7] [reason]" } }; static int adminNumCmds = sizeof( g_admin_cmds ) / sizeof( g_admin_cmds[ 0 ] ); static int admin_level_maxname = 0; g_admin_level_t *g_admin_levels[ MAX_ADMIN_LEVELS ]; g_admin_admin_t *g_admin_admins[ MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS ]; g_admin_ban_t *g_admin_bans[ MAX_ADMIN_BANS ]; g_admin_command_t *g_admin_commands[ MAX_ADMIN_COMMANDS ]; g_admin_namelog_t *g_admin_namelog[ MAX_ADMIN_NAMELOGS ]; static int admin_adminlog_index = 0; g_admin_adminlog_t *g_admin_adminlog[ MAX_ADMIN_ADMINLOGS ]; static int admin_tklog_index = 0; g_admin_tklog_t *g_admin_tklog[ MAX_ADMIN_TKLOGS ]; // match a certain flag within these flags // return state of whether flag was found or not, // set *perm to indicate whether found flag was + or - static qboolean admin_permission( char *flags, const char *flag, qboolean *perm ) { char *token, *token_p = flags; qboolean all_found = qfalse; qboolean base_perm = qfalse; while( *( token = COM_Parse( &token_p ) ) ) { *perm = qtrue; if( *token == '-' || *token == '+' ) *perm = *token++ == '+'; if( !strcmp( token, flag ) ) return qtrue; if( !strcmp( token, ADMF_ALLFLAGS ) ) { all_found = qtrue; base_perm = *perm; } } if( all_found && flag[ 0 ] != '.' ) { *perm = base_perm; return qtrue; } return qfalse; } // This function should only be used directly when the client is connecting and thus has no GUID. // Else, use G_admin_permission() qboolean G_admin_permission_guid( char *guid, const char *flag ) { int i; int l = 0; qboolean perm = qfalse; // Does the admin specifically have this flag granted/denied to them, // irrespective of their admin level? for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ]; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( guid, g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid ) ) { if( admin_permission( g_admin_admins[ i ]->flags, flag, &perm ) ) return perm; l = g_admin_admins[ i ]->level; break; } } // If not, is this flag granted/denied for their admin level? for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_LEVELS && g_admin_levels[ i ]; i++ ) { if( g_admin_levels[ i ]->level == l ) return admin_permission( g_admin_levels[ i ]->flags, flag, &perm ) && perm; } return qfalse; } qboolean G_admin_permission( gentity_t *ent, const char *flag ) { if(!ent) return qtrue; //console always wins return G_admin_permission_guid(ent->client->pers.guid, flag); } qboolean G_admin_name_check( gentity_t *ent, char *name, char *err, int len ) { int i; gclient_t *client; char testName[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; char name2[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; int alphaCount = 0; G_SanitiseString( name, name2, sizeof( name2) ); if( !Q_stricmp( name2, "UnnamedPlayer" ) ) return qtrue; if( !Q_stricmp( name2, "console" ) ) { Q_strncpyz( err, va( "The name '%s^7' is invalid here", name2 ), len ); return qfalse; } for( i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++ ) { client = &level.clients[ i ]; if( client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTING && client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) { continue; } // can rename ones self to the same name using different colors if( i == ( ent - g_entities ) ) continue; G_SanitiseString( client->pers.netname, testName, sizeof( testName) ); if( !Q_stricmp( name2, testName ) ) { Q_strncpyz( err, va( "The name '%s^7' is already in use", name ), len ); return qfalse; } } if( Q_isdigit( name2[ 0 ] ) || name2[ 0 ] == '-' ) { Q_strncpyz( err, "Names cannot begin with a number or with a dash. Please choose another.", len ); return qfalse; } for( i = 0; name2[ i ] !='\0'; i++) { if( Q_isalpha( name2[ i ] ) ) alphaCount++; if( name2[ i ] == ' ' ) { if( name2[ i + 1 ] == '-' ) { Q_strncpyz( err, "Names cannot contain a - preceded by a space. Please choose another.", len ); return qfalse; } } } if( alphaCount == 0 ) { Q_strncpyz( err, va( "The name '%s^7' does not include at least one letter. Please choose another.", name ), len ); return qfalse; } if( !g_adminNameProtect.string[ 0 ] ) return qtrue; for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ]; i++ ) { if( g_admin_admins[ i ]->level < 1 ) continue; G_SanitiseString( g_admin_admins[ i ]->name, testName, sizeof( testName) ); if( !Q_stricmp( name2, testName ) && Q_stricmp( ent->client->pers.guid, g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid ) ) { Q_strncpyz( err, va( "The name '%s^7' belongs to an admin. " "Please choose another.", name ), len ); return qfalse; } } return qtrue; } static qboolean admin_higher_guid( char *admin_guid, char *victim_guid ) { int i; int alevel = 0; qboolean perm = qfalse; for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ]; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( admin_guid, g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid ) ) { alevel = g_admin_admins[ i ]->level; break; } } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ]; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( victim_guid, g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid ) ) { if( alevel < g_admin_admins[ i ]->level ) return qfalse; return ( !admin_permission( g_admin_admins[ i ]->flags, ADMF_IMMUTABLE, &perm ) || !perm ); } } return qtrue; } static qboolean admin_higher( gentity_t *admin, gentity_t *victim ) { // console always wins if( !admin ) return qtrue; // just in case if( !victim ) return qtrue; return admin_higher_guid( admin->client->pers.guid, victim->client->pers.guid ); } static void admin_writeconfig_string( char *s, fileHandle_t f ) { char buf[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; buf[ 0 ] = '\0'; if( s[ 0 ] ) { //Q_strcat(buf, sizeof(buf), s); Q_strncpyz( buf, s, sizeof( buf ) ); trap_FS_Write( buf, strlen( buf ), f ); } trap_FS_Write( "\n", 1, f ); } static void admin_writeconfig_int( int v, fileHandle_t f ) { char buf[ 32 ]; Com_sprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", v ); if( buf[ 0 ] ) trap_FS_Write( buf, strlen( buf ), f ); trap_FS_Write( "\n", 1, f ); } static void admin_writeconfig( void ) { fileHandle_t f; int len, i; int t; if( !g_admin.string[ 0 ] ) { G_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: g_admin is not set. " " configuration will not be saved to a file.\n" ); return; } t = trap_RealTime( NULL ); len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( g_admin.string, &f, FS_WRITE ); if( len < 0 ) { G_Printf( "admin_writeconfig: could not open g_admin file \"%s\"\n", g_admin.string ); return; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_LEVELS && g_admin_levels[ i ]; i++ ) { trap_FS_Write( "[level]\n", 8, f ); trap_FS_Write( "level = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_int( g_admin_levels[ i ]->level, f ); trap_FS_Write( "name = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_levels[ i ]->name, f ); trap_FS_Write( "flags = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_levels[ i ]->flags, f ); trap_FS_Write( "\n", 1, f ); } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ]; i++ ) { // don't write level 0 users if( g_admin_admins[ i ]->level == 0 ) continue; trap_FS_Write( "[admin]\n", 8, f ); trap_FS_Write( "name = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_admins[ i ]->name, f ); trap_FS_Write( "guid = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid, f ); trap_FS_Write( "level = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_int( g_admin_admins[ i ]->level, f ); trap_FS_Write( "flags = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_admins[ i ]->flags, f ); trap_FS_Write( "\n", 1, f ); } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_BANS && g_admin_bans[ i ]; i++ ) { // don't write expired bans // if expires is 0, then it's a perm ban if( g_admin_bans[ i ]->expires != 0 && ( g_admin_bans[ i ]->expires - t ) < 1 ) continue; trap_FS_Write( "[ban]\n", 6, f ); trap_FS_Write( "name = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_bans[ i ]->name, f ); trap_FS_Write( "guid = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_bans[ i ]->guid, f ); trap_FS_Write( "ip = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_bans[ i ]->ip, f ); trap_FS_Write( "reason = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_bans[ i ]->reason, f ); trap_FS_Write( "made = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_bans[ i ]->made, f ); trap_FS_Write( "expires = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_int( g_admin_bans[ i ]->expires, f ); if( g_admin_bans[ i ]->suspend > t ) { trap_FS_Write( "suspend = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_int( g_admin_bans[ i ]->suspend, f ); } trap_FS_Write( "banner = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_bans[ i ]->banner, f ); trap_FS_Write( "blevel = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_int( g_admin_bans[ i ]->bannerlevel, f ); trap_FS_Write( "\n", 1, f ); } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_COMMANDS && g_admin_commands[ i ]; i++ ) { trap_FS_Write( "[command]\n", 10, f ); trap_FS_Write( "command = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_commands[ i ]->command, f ); trap_FS_Write( "exec = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_commands[ i ]->exec, f ); trap_FS_Write( "desc = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_commands[ i ]->desc, f ); trap_FS_Write( "flag = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_commands[ i ]->flag, f ); trap_FS_Write( "\n", 1, f ); } trap_FS_FCloseFile( f ); } static void admin_readconfig_string( char **cnf, char *s, int size ) { char * t; //COM_MatchToken(cnf, "="); t = COM_ParseExt( cnf, qfalse ); if( !strcmp( t, "=" ) ) { t = COM_ParseExt( cnf, qfalse ); } else { G_Printf( "readconfig: warning missing = before " "\"%s\" on line %d\n", t, COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } s[ 0 ] = '\0'; while( t[ 0 ] ) { if( ( s[ 0 ] == '\0' && strlen( t ) <= size ) || ( strlen( t ) + strlen( s ) < size ) ) { Q_strcat( s, size, t ); Q_strcat( s, size, " " ); } t = COM_ParseExt( cnf, qfalse ); } // trim the trailing space if( strlen( s ) > 0 && s[ strlen( s ) - 1 ] == ' ' ) s[ strlen( s ) - 1 ] = '\0'; } static void admin_readconfig_int( char **cnf, int *v ) { char * t; //COM_MatchToken(cnf, "="); t = COM_ParseExt( cnf, qfalse ); if( !strcmp( t, "=" ) ) { t = COM_ParseExt( cnf, qfalse ); } else { G_Printf( "readconfig: warning missing = before " "\"%s\" on line %d\n", t, COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ); } *v = atoi( t ); } void G_admin_chat_writeconfig( void ) { fileHandle_t f; int len; char keybuf[ 16 ]; int i, j; qboolean found; G_admin_karma_sync( ); if( !g_chat.string[ 0 ] ) { G_Printf( "WARNING: g_chat is not set. " " channel subscriptions will not be saved to a file.\n" ); return; } // check that there is something to save found = qfalse; for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ] && !found; i++ ) { if( g_admin_admins[ i ]->level == 0 ) continue; for( j = 0; j < CHAT_MAXCHAN; j++ ) { if( g_admin_admins[ i ]->chat[ j ][ 0 ] ) found = qtrue; } if(g_admin_admins[ i ]->seen ) found = qtrue; } if( !found ) { G_Printf( "Cowardly refusing to create an empty chat file.\n" ); return; } len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( g_chat.string, &f, FS_WRITE ); if( len < 0 ) { G_Printf( "chat_writeconfig: could not open g_chat file \"%s\"\n", g_chat.string ); return; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ]; i++ ) { // don't write level 0 users if( g_admin_admins[ i ]->level == 0 ) continue; // don't write users not joined to a channel found = qfalse; for( j = 0; j < CHAT_MAXCHAN; j++ ) { if( g_admin_admins[ i ]->chat[ j ][ 0 ] ) found = qtrue; } if( !found && !g_admin_admins[ i ]->seen ) continue; trap_FS_Write( "[chat]\n", 7, f ); trap_FS_Write( "guid = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid, f ); trap_FS_Write( "seen = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_int( g_admin_admins[ i ]->seen, f ); trap_FS_Write( "karma = ", 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_int( g_admin_admins[ i ]->karma, f ); for( j = 0 ; j < CHAT_MAXCHAN; j++ ) { if( g_admin_admins[ i ]->chat[ j ][ 0 ] ) { Com_sprintf( keybuf, sizeof( keybuf ), "%d = ", j ); trap_FS_Write( keybuf, 10, f ); admin_writeconfig_string( g_admin_admins[ i ]->chat[ j ], f ); } } trap_FS_Write( "\n", 1, f ); } trap_FS_FCloseFile( f ); } qboolean G_admin_chat_readconfig( gentity_t *ent ) { g_admin_admin_t *a = NULL; fileHandle_t f; int len; char *cnf, *cnf2; char *t; int uc = 0, cc = 0; qboolean chat_open; char guid[ 33 ]; int i; if( !g_chat.string[ 0 ] ) { ADMP( "chat_readconfig: g_chat is not set, not loading channel subscriptions " "from a file\n" ); return qfalse; } len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( g_chat.string, &f, FS_READ ) ; if( len < 0 ) { ADMP( va( "chat_readconfig: could not open chat config file %s\n", g_chat.string ) ); return qfalse; } cnf = G_Alloc( len + 1 ); cnf2 = cnf; trap_FS_Read( cnf, len, f ); *( cnf + len ) = '\0'; trap_FS_FCloseFile( f ); t = COM_Parse( &cnf ); chat_open = qfalse; while( *t ) { if( !Q_stricmp( t, "[chat]" ) ) { chat_open = qtrue; a = NULL; } else if( chat_open ) { int chan; if( !Q_stricmp( t, "guid" ) ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, guid, sizeof( guid ) ); for( i = 0 ; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ]; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( guid, g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid ) ) { a = g_admin_admins[ i ]; memset( a->chat, 0, sizeof( a->chat) ); uc++; break; } } } else if( a == NULL ) { // no guid match, ignored } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "seen" ) ) { admin_readconfig_int( &cnf, &a->seen ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "karma" ) ) { admin_readconfig_int( &cnf, &a->karma ); } else if( *t >= '0' && *t <= '9' ) { chan = atoi( t ); if( chan >= 0 && chan < CHAT_MAXCHAN && a ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, a->chat[ chan ], sizeof( a->chat[ chan ] ) ); cc++; } } else { ADMP( va( "chat_readconfig: [chat] parse error near %s on line %d\n", t, COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ) ); } } t = COM_Parse( &cnf ); } G_Free( cnf2 ); ADMP( va( "chat_readconfig: loaded %d users with %d channels\n", uc, cc ) ); return qtrue; } void G_admin_chat_sync( gentity_t *ent ) { gentity_t *target; int i, j; qboolean rejoin = qfalse; if( !ent || !ent->client || ent->client->pers.adminLevel < 1 ) return; for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ] ; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( ent->client->pers.guid, g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid ) ) { ent->client->pers.karma = g_admin_admins[ i ]->karma; for( j = 0; j < CHAT_MAXCHAN; j++ ) { Q_strncpyz( ent->client->pers.chat[ j ], g_admin_admins[ i ]->chat[ j ], sizeof( g_admin_admins[ i ]->chat[ j ] ) ); } rejoin = qtrue; break; } } if( !rejoin ) return; for( j = 0; j < CHAT_MAXCHAN; j++ ) { if( !ent->client->pers.chat[ j ][ 0 ] ) continue; for( i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++ ) { target = &g_entities[ i ]; if( target && target->client && target->client->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED && !Q_stricmp( target->client->pers.chat[ j ], ent->client->pers.chat[ j ] ) ) { trap_SendServerCommand( i, va( "print \"join: %s^7 has rejoined channel #%d\n\"", ent->client->pers.netname, j ) ); } } } } void G_admin_chat_update( gentity_t *ent, int chan ) { int i; if( !ent || !ent->client || ent->client->pers.adminLevel < 1 ) return; if( chan < 0 || chan > CHAT_MAXCHAN - 1 ) return; for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ] ; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( ent->client->pers.guid, g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid ) ) { Q_strncpyz( g_admin_admins[ i ]->chat[ chan ], ent->client->pers.chat[ chan ], sizeof( g_admin_admins[ i ]->chat[ chan ] ) ); return; } } } // if we can't parse any levels from readconfig, set up default // ones to make new installs easier for admins static void admin_default_levels( void ) { g_admin_level_t * l; int i; for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_LEVELS && g_admin_levels[ i ]; i++ ) { G_Free( g_admin_levels[ i ] ); g_admin_levels[ i ] = NULL; } for( i = 0; i <= 5; i++ ) { l = G_Alloc( sizeof( g_admin_level_t ) ); l->level = i; *l->name = '\0'; *l->flags = '\0'; g_admin_levels[ i ] = l; } Q_strncpyz( g_admin_levels[ 0 ]->name, "^4Unknown Player", sizeof( l->name ) ); Q_strncpyz( g_admin_levels[ 0 ]->flags, "listplayers admintest help specme time", sizeof( l->flags ) ); Q_strncpyz( g_admin_levels[ 1 ]->name, "^5Server Regular", sizeof( l->name ) ); Q_strncpyz( g_admin_levels[ 1 ]->flags, "listplayers admintest help specme time", sizeof( l->flags ) ); Q_strncpyz( g_admin_levels[ 2 ]->name, "^6Team Manager", sizeof( l->name ) ); Q_strncpyz( g_admin_levels[ 2 ]->flags, "listplayers admintest help specme time putteam spec999 warn denybuild", sizeof( l->flags ) ); Q_strncpyz( g_admin_levels[ 3 ]->name, "^2Junior Admin", sizeof( l->name ) ); Q_strncpyz( g_admin_levels[ 3 ]->flags, "listplayers admintest help specme time putteam spec999 kick mute warn " "denybuild ADMINCHAT SEESFULLLISTPLAYERS", sizeof( l->flags ) ); Q_strncpyz( g_admin_levels[ 4 ]->name, "^3Senior Admin", sizeof( l->name ) ); Q_strncpyz( g_admin_levels[ 4 ]->flags, "listplayers admintest help specme time putteam spec999 kick mute showbans " "ban namelog warn denybuild invisible ADMINCHAT SEESFULLLISTPLAYERS", sizeof( l->flags ) ); Q_strncpyz( g_admin_levels[ 5 ]->name, "^1Server Operator", sizeof( l->name ) ); Q_strncpyz( g_admin_levels[ 5 ]->flags, "ALLFLAGS -INCOGNITO -IMMUTABLE -DBUILDER -BANIMMUNITY", sizeof( l->flags ) ); } // return a level for a player entity. int G_admin_level( gentity_t *ent ) { int i; qboolean found = qfalse; if( !ent ) { return MAX_ADMIN_LEVELS; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ]; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid, ent->client->pers.guid ) ) { found = qtrue; break; } } if( found ) { return g_admin_admins[ i ]->level; } return 0; } // set a player's adminname void G_admin_set_adminname( gentity_t *ent ) { int i; qboolean found = qfalse; if( !ent ) { return; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ]; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid, ent->client->pers.guid ) ) { found = qtrue; break; } } if( found ) { Q_strncpyz( ent->client->pers.adminName, g_admin_admins[ i ]->name, sizeof( ent->client->pers.adminName ) ); } else { Q_strncpyz( ent->client->pers.adminName, "", sizeof( ent->client->pers.adminName ) ); } } // get an admin's realname const char *G_admin_get_adminname( gentity_t *ent ) { int i; if( !ent ) return "console"; for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ]; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid, ent->client->pers.guid ) ) return g_admin_admins[ i ]->name; } return ent->client->pers.netname; } char* G_admin_adminPrintName( gentity_t *ent ) { char *out; if( !ent->client->pers.adminLevel ) { out = ""; return out; } if( G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_ADMINSTEALTH ) ) { out = ent->client->pers.adminName; } else { out = ent->client->pers.netname; } return out; } static void admin_log( gentity_t *admin, char *cmd, int skiparg ) { fileHandle_t f; int len, i, j; char string[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ], decoloured[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; int min, tens, sec; g_admin_admin_t *a; g_admin_level_t *l; char flags[ MAX_ADMIN_FLAGS * 2 ]; gentity_t *victim = NULL; int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; if( !g_adminLog.string[ 0 ] ) return ; len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( g_adminLog.string, &f, FS_APPEND ); if( len < 0 ) { G_Printf( "admin_log: error could not open %s\n", g_adminLog.string ); return ; } sec = (level.time - level.startTime) / 1000; min = sec / 60; sec -= min * 60; tens = sec / 10; sec -= tens * 10; *flags = '\0'; if( admin ) { for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ]; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid , admin->client->pers.guid ) ) { a = g_admin_admins[ i ]; Q_strncpyz( flags, a->flags, sizeof( flags ) ); for( j = 0; j < MAX_ADMIN_LEVELS && g_admin_levels[ j ]; j++ ) { if( g_admin_levels[ j ]->level == a->level ) { l = g_admin_levels[ j ]; Q_strcat( flags, sizeof( flags ), l->flags ); break; } } break; } } } if( G_SayArgc() > 1 + skiparg ) { G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) == 1 ) { victim = &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ]; } } if( victim && Q_stricmp( cmd, "attempted" ) ) { Com_sprintf( string, sizeof( string ), "%3i:%i%i: %i: %s: %s (%s): %s: %s: %s: %s: \"%s\"\n", min, tens, sec, ( admin ) ? admin->s.clientNum : -1, ( admin ) ? admin->client->pers.guid : "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", ( admin ) ? admin->client->pers.netname : "console", ( admin ) ? admin->client->pers.adminName : "console", flags, cmd, victim->client->pers.guid, victim->client->pers.netname, G_SayConcatArgs( 2 + skiparg ) ); } else { Com_sprintf( string, sizeof( string ), "%3i:%i%i: %i: %s: %s (%s): %s: %s: \"%s\"\n", min, tens, sec, ( admin ) ? admin->s.clientNum : -1, ( admin ) ? admin->client->pers.guid : "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", ( admin ) ? admin->client->pers.netname : "console", ( admin ) ? admin->client->pers.adminName : "console", flags, cmd, G_SayConcatArgs( 1 + skiparg ) ); } if( g_decolourLogfiles.integer ) { G_DecolorString( string, decoloured ); trap_FS_Write( decoloured, strlen( decoloured ), f ); } else { trap_FS_Write( string, strlen( string ), f ); } trap_FS_FCloseFile( f ); if ( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "attempted" ) ) { Com_sprintf( string, sizeof( string ), "%s^7 (%i) %s: %s", ( admin ) ? admin->client->pers.netname : "console", ( admin ) ? admin->s.clientNum : -1, cmd, G_SayConcatArgs( 1 + skiparg ) ); G_AdminsPrintf("%s\n",string); } G_LogPrintf("Admin Command: %s^7 (%s): %s %s\n",( admin ) ? admin->client->pers.netname : "console", ( admin ) ? admin->client->pers.adminName : "console", cmd, G_SayConcatArgs( 1 + skiparg )); } static int admin_listadmins( gentity_t *ent, int start, char *search, int minlevel ) { int drawn = 0; char guid_stub[9]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; char name2[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; char lname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; char lname_fmt[ 5 ]; int i,j; gentity_t *vic; int l = 0; qboolean dup = qfalse; ADMBP_begin(); // print out all connected players regardless of level if name searching for( i = 0; i < level.maxclients && search[ 0 ]; i++ ) { vic = &g_entities[ i ]; if( vic->client && vic->client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) continue; l = vic->client->pers.adminLevel; G_SanitiseString( vic->client->pers.netname, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( !strstr( name, search ) ) continue; for( j = 0; j < 8; j++ ) guid_stub[ j ] = vic->client->pers.guid[ j + 24 ]; guid_stub[ j ] = '\0'; lname[ 0 ] = '\0'; Q_strncpyz( lname_fmt, "%s", sizeof( lname_fmt ) ); for( j = 0; j < MAX_ADMIN_LEVELS && g_admin_levels[ j ]; j++ ) { if( g_admin_levels[ j ]->level == l ) { G_DecolorString( g_admin_levels[ j ]->name, lname ); Com_sprintf( lname_fmt, sizeof( lname_fmt ), "%%%is", ( admin_level_maxname + (int)( strlen( g_admin_levels[ j ]->name ) - strlen( lname ) ) ) ); Com_sprintf( lname, sizeof( lname ), lname_fmt, g_admin_levels[ j ]->name ); break; } } ADMBP( va( "%4i %4i %s^7 (*%s) ^1%1s ^7%s^7\n", i, l, lname, guid_stub, ( G_admin_permission( &g_entities[ i ], ADMF_BAN_IMMUNITY ) ) ? "I" : "", vic->client->pers.netname ) ); drawn++; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ] && drawn < MAX_ADMIN_LISTITEMS; i++ ) if( ( minlevel > 0 && g_admin_admins[ i ]->level >= minlevel ) || ( minlevel < 0 && g_admin_admins[ i ]->level <= minlevel ) || ( minlevel == 0 && g_admin_admins[ i ]->level != 0 ) ) { if( start ) { start--; continue; } if( search[ 0 ] ) { G_SanitiseString( g_admin_admins[ i ]->name, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( !strstr( name, search ) ) continue; // verify we don't have the same guid/name pair in connected players // since we don't want to draw the same player twice dup = qfalse; for( j = 0; j < level.maxclients; j++ ) { vic = &g_entities[ j ]; if( !vic->client || vic->client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) continue; G_SanitiseString( vic->client->pers.netname, name2, sizeof( name2) ); if( !Q_stricmp( vic->client->pers.guid, g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid ) && strstr( name2, search ) ) { dup = qtrue; break; } } if( dup ) continue; } for( j = 0; j < 8; j++ ) guid_stub[ j ] = g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid[ j + 24 ]; guid_stub[ j ] = '\0'; lname[ 0 ] = '\0'; Q_strncpyz( lname_fmt, "%s", sizeof( lname_fmt ) ); for( j = 0; j < MAX_ADMIN_LEVELS && g_admin_levels[ j ]; j++ ) { if( g_admin_levels[ j ]->level == g_admin_admins[ i ]->level ) { G_DecolorString( g_admin_levels[ j ]->name, lname ); Com_sprintf( lname_fmt, sizeof( lname_fmt ), "%%%is", ( admin_level_maxname + (int)( strlen( g_admin_levels[ j ]->name ) - strlen( lname ) ) ) ); Com_sprintf( lname, sizeof( lname ), lname_fmt, g_admin_levels[ j ]->name ); break; } } ADMBP( va( "%4i %4i %s^7 (*%s) ^1%1s ^7%s^7\n", ( i + MAX_CLIENTS ), g_admin_admins[ i ]->level, lname, guid_stub, ( G_admin_permission_guid( g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid, ADMF_BAN_IMMUNITY ) ) ? "I" : "", g_admin_admins[ i ]->name ) ); drawn++; } ADMBP_end(); return drawn; } void G_admin_duration( int secs, char *duration, int dursize ) { if( secs > ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 50 ) || secs < 0 ) Q_strncpyz( duration, "PERMANENT", dursize ); else if( secs >= ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 ) ) Com_sprintf( duration, dursize, "%1.1f years", ( secs / ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.0f ) ) ); else if( secs >= ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 90 ) ) Com_sprintf( duration, dursize, "%1.1f weeks", ( secs / ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 7.0f ) ) ); else if( secs >= ( 60 * 60 * 24 ) ) Com_sprintf( duration, dursize, "%1.1f days", ( secs / ( 60 * 60 * 24.0f ) ) ); else if( secs >= ( 60 * 60 ) ) Com_sprintf( duration, dursize, "%1.1f hours", ( secs / ( 60 * 60.0f ) ) ); else if( secs >= 60 ) Com_sprintf( duration, dursize, "%1.1f minutes", ( secs / 60.0f ) ); else Com_sprintf( duration, dursize, "%i seconds", secs ); } qboolean G_admin_ban_check( char *userinfo, char *reason, int rlen ) { static char lastConnectIP[ 16 ] = {""}; static int lastConnectTime = 0; char guid[ 33 ]; char ip[ 16 ]; char *value; int i; unsigned int userIP = 0, intIP = 0, tempIP; int IP[5], k, mask, ipscanfcount; int t; char notice[51]; qboolean ignoreIP = qfalse; qboolean banned = qfalse; trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "g_banNotice", notice, sizeof( notice ) ); *reason = '\0'; if( !*userinfo ) return qfalse; value = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "ip" ); Q_strncpyz( ip, value, sizeof( ip ) ); // strip port value = strchr( ip, ':' ); if ( value ) *value = '\0'; if( !*ip ) return qfalse; value = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cl_guid" ); Q_strncpyz( guid, value, sizeof( guid ) ); t = trap_RealTime( NULL ); memset( IP, 0, sizeof( IP )); sscanf(ip, "%i.%i.%i.%i", &IP[4], &IP[3], &IP[2], &IP[1]); for(k = 4; k >= 1; k--) { if(!IP[k]) continue; userIP |= IP[k] << 8*(k-1); } ignoreIP = G_admin_permission_guid( guid, ADMF_BAN_IMMUNITY ); for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_BANS && g_admin_bans[ i ]; i++ ) { // 0 is for perm ban if( g_admin_bans[ i ]->expires != 0 && ( g_admin_bans[ i ]->expires - t ) < 1 ) continue; if( g_admin_bans[ i ]->suspend >= t ) continue; if( !ignoreIP ) { tempIP = userIP; intIP = 0; mask = -1; memset( IP, 0, sizeof( IP )); ipscanfcount = sscanf(g_admin_bans[ i ]->ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d/%d", &IP[4], &IP[3], &IP[2], &IP[1], &IP[0]); if( ipscanfcount == 4 ) mask = -1; else if( ipscanfcount == 5 ) mask = IP[0]; else if( ipscanfcount > 0 && ipscanfcount < 4 ) mask = 8 * ipscanfcount; else continue; for(k = 4; k >= 1; k--) { if(!IP[k]) continue; intIP |= IP[k] << 8*(k-1); } if(mask > 0 && mask <= 32) { tempIP &= ~((1 << (32-mask)) - 1); intIP &= ~((1 << (32-mask)) - 1); } if( intIP == tempIP || mask == 0 ) { G_LogPrintf("Banned player tried to connect from IP %s\n", ip); banned = qtrue; } } if( !banned && *guid && !Q_stricmp( g_admin_bans[ i ]->guid, guid ) ) { G_LogPrintf("Banned player tried to connect with GUID %s\n", guid); banned = qtrue; } if( banned ) { char duration[ 32 ]; G_admin_duration( ( g_admin_bans[ i ]->expires - t ), duration, sizeof( duration ) ); // flood protected if( t - lastConnectTime >= 300 || Q_stricmp( lastConnectIP, ip ) ) { lastConnectTime = t; Q_strncpyz( lastConnectIP, ip, sizeof( lastConnectIP ) ); G_AdminsPrintf( "Banned player %s^7 (%s^7) tried to connect (ban #%i on %s by %s^7 expires %s reason: %s^7 )\n", Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "name" ), g_admin_bans[ i ]->name, i+1, ip, g_admin_bans[ i ]->banner, duration, g_admin_bans[ i ]->reason ); } Com_sprintf( reason, rlen, "You have been banned by %s^7 reason: %s^7 expires: %s", g_admin_bans[ i ]->banner, g_admin_bans[ i ]->reason, duration ); return qtrue; } } if ( *guid ) { int count = 0; qboolean valid = qtrue; while( guid[ count ] != '\0' && valid ) { if( (guid[ count ] < '0' || guid[ count ] > '9') && (guid[ count ] < 'A' || guid[ count ] > 'F') ) { valid = qfalse; } count++; } if( !valid || count != 32 ) { Com_sprintf( reason, rlen, "Invalid client data" ); G_Printf("Player with invalid GUID [%s] connect from IP %s\n", guid, ip); return qtrue; } } return qfalse; } qboolean G_admin_cmd_check( gentity_t *ent, qboolean say ) { int i; char command[ MAX_ADMIN_CMD_LEN ]; char *cmd; int skip = 0; command[ 0 ] = '\0'; G_SayArgv( 0, command, sizeof( command ) ); if( !Q_stricmp( command, "say" ) || ( G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_TEAMCHAT_CMD ) && ( !Q_stricmp( command, "say_team" ) ) ) ) { skip = 1; G_SayArgv( 1, command, sizeof( command ) ); } if( !command[ 0 ] ) return qfalse; if( command[ 0 ] == '!' ) { cmd = &command[ 1 ]; } else { return qfalse; } // Flood limit. If they're talking too fast, determine that and return. if( g_floodMinTime.integer ) if ( G_Flood_Limited( ent ) ) { trap_SendServerCommand( ent-g_entities, "print \"Your chat is flood-limited; wait before chatting again\n\"" ); return qtrue; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_COMMANDS && g_admin_commands[ i ]; i++ ) { if( Q_stricmp( cmd, g_admin_commands[ i ]->command ) ) continue; if( G_admin_permission( ent, g_admin_commands[ i ]->flag ) ) { trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, g_admin_commands[ i ]->exec ); admin_log( ent, cmd, skip ); G_admin_adminlog_log( ent, cmd, NULL, skip, qtrue ); } else { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7permission denied\n", g_admin_commands[ i ]->command ) ); admin_log( ent, "attempted", skip - 1 ); G_admin_adminlog_log( ent, cmd, NULL, skip, qfalse ); } return qtrue; } for( i = 0; i < adminNumCmds; i++ ) { if( Q_stricmp( cmd, g_admin_cmds[ i ].keyword ) ) continue; if( G_admin_permission( ent, g_admin_cmds[ i ].flag ) ) { g_admin_cmds[ i ].handler( ent, skip ); admin_log( ent, cmd, skip ); G_admin_adminlog_log( ent, cmd, NULL, skip, qtrue ); } else { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7permission denied\n", g_admin_cmds[ i ].keyword ) ); admin_log( ent, "attempted", skip - 1 ); G_admin_adminlog_log( ent, cmd, NULL, skip, qfalse ); } return qtrue; } return qfalse; } void G_admin_namelog_cleanup( ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_NAMELOGS && g_admin_namelog[ i ]; i++ ) { G_Free( g_admin_namelog[ i ] ); g_admin_namelog[ i ] = NULL; } } void G_admin_namelog_update( gclient_t *client, qboolean disconnect ) { int i, j; g_admin_namelog_t *namelog; char n1[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char n2[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; int clientNum = ( client - level.clients ); G_admin_seen_update( client, disconnect ); G_SanitiseString( client->pers.netname, n1, sizeof( n1 ) ); for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_NAMELOGS && g_admin_namelog[ i ]; i++ ) { if( disconnect && g_admin_namelog[ i ]->slot != clientNum ) continue; if( !disconnect && !( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->slot == clientNum || g_admin_namelog[ i ]->slot == -1 ) ) { continue; } if( !Q_stricmp( client->pers.ip, g_admin_namelog[ i ]->ip ) && !Q_stricmp( client->pers.guid, g_admin_namelog[ i ]->guid ) ) { for( j = 0; j < MAX_ADMIN_NAMELOG_NAMES && g_admin_namelog[ i ]->name[ j ][ 0 ]; j++ ) { G_SanitiseString( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->name[ j ], n2, sizeof( n2 ) ); if( !Q_stricmp( n1, n2 ) ) break; } if( j == MAX_ADMIN_NAMELOG_NAMES ) j = MAX_ADMIN_NAMELOG_NAMES - 1; Q_strncpyz( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->name[ j ], client->pers.netname, sizeof( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->name[ j ] ) ); g_admin_namelog[ i ]->slot = ( disconnect ) ? -1 : clientNum; // if this player is connecting, they are no longer banned if( !disconnect ) g_admin_namelog[ i ]->banned = qfalse; //check other things like if user was denybuild or muted or denyweapon and restore them if( !disconnect ) { if( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->muted ) { client->pers.muted = qtrue; client->pers.muteExpires = g_admin_namelog[ i ]->muteExpires; G_AdminsPrintf( "^7%s^7's mute has been restored\n", client->pers.netname ); g_admin_namelog[ i ]->muted = qfalse; } if( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->denyBuild ) { client->pers.denyBuild = qtrue; G_AdminsPrintf( "^7%s^7's Denybuild has been restored\n", client->pers.netname ); g_admin_namelog[ i ]->denyBuild = qfalse; } if( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->denyHumanWeapons > 0 || g_admin_namelog[ i ]->denyAlienClasses > 0 ) { if( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->denyHumanWeapons > 0 ) client->pers.denyHumanWeapons = g_admin_namelog[ i ]->denyHumanWeapons; if( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->denyAlienClasses > 0 ) client->pers.denyAlienClasses = g_admin_namelog[ i ]->denyAlienClasses; G_AdminsPrintf( "^7%s^7's Denyweapon has been restored\n", client->pers.netname ); g_admin_namelog[ i ]->denyHumanWeapons = 0; g_admin_namelog[ i ]->denyAlienClasses = 0; } if( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->specExpires > 0 ) { client->pers.specExpires = g_admin_namelog[ i ]->specExpires; G_AdminsPrintf( "^7%s^7's Putteam spectator has been restored\n", client->pers.netname ); g_admin_namelog[ i ]->specExpires = 0; } } else { //for mute if( G_IsMuted( client ) ) { g_admin_namelog[ i ]->muted = qtrue; g_admin_namelog[ i ]->muteExpires = client->pers.muteExpires; } //denybuild if( client->pers.denyBuild ) { g_admin_namelog[ i ]->denyBuild = qtrue; } //denyweapon humans if( client->pers.denyHumanWeapons > 0 ) { g_admin_namelog[ i ]->denyHumanWeapons = client->pers.denyHumanWeapons; } //denyweapon aliens if( client->pers.denyAlienClasses > 0 ) { g_admin_namelog[ i ]->denyAlienClasses = client->pers.denyAlienClasses; } //putteam spec if( client->pers.specExpires > 0 ) { g_admin_namelog[ i ]->specExpires = client->pers.specExpires; } } return; } } if( i >= MAX_ADMIN_NAMELOGS ) { G_Printf( "G_admin_namelog_update: warning, g_admin_namelogs overflow\n" ); return; } namelog = G_Alloc( sizeof( g_admin_namelog_t ) ); memset( namelog, 0, sizeof( *namelog ) ); for( j = 0; j < MAX_ADMIN_NAMELOG_NAMES ; j++ ) namelog->name[ j ][ 0 ] = '\0'; Q_strncpyz( namelog->ip, client->pers.ip, sizeof( namelog->ip ) ); Q_strncpyz( namelog->guid, client->pers.guid, sizeof( namelog->guid ) ); Q_strncpyz( namelog->name[ 0 ], client->pers.netname, sizeof( namelog->name[ 0 ] ) ); namelog->slot = ( disconnect ) ? -1 : clientNum; g_admin_namelog[ i ] = namelog; } qboolean G_admin_readconfig( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { g_admin_level_t * l = NULL; g_admin_admin_t *a = NULL; g_admin_ban_t *b = NULL; g_admin_command_t *c = NULL; int lc = 0, ac = 0, bc = 0, cc = 0; fileHandle_t f; int len; char *cnf, *cnf2; char *t; qboolean level_open, admin_open, ban_open, command_open; int i; G_admin_cleanup(); if( !g_admin.string[ 0 ] ) { ADMP( "^3!readconfig: g_admin is not set, not loading configuration " "from a file\n" ); admin_default_levels(); return qfalse; } len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( g_admin.string, &f, FS_READ ) ; if( len < 0 ) { ADMP( va( "^3!readconfig: ^7could not open admin config file %s\n", g_admin.string ) ); admin_default_levels(); return qfalse; } cnf = G_Alloc( len + 1 ); cnf2 = cnf; trap_FS_Read( cnf, len, f ); *( cnf + len ) = '\0'; trap_FS_FCloseFile( f ); t = COM_Parse( &cnf ); level_open = admin_open = ban_open = command_open = qfalse; while( *t ) { if( !Q_stricmp( t, "[level]" ) || !Q_stricmp( t, "[admin]" ) || !Q_stricmp( t, "[ban]" ) || !Q_stricmp( t, "[command]" ) ) { if( level_open ) g_admin_levels[ lc++ ] = l; else if( admin_open ) g_admin_admins[ ac++ ] = a; else if( ban_open ) g_admin_bans[ bc++ ] = b; else if( command_open ) g_admin_commands[ cc++ ] = c; level_open = admin_open = ban_open = command_open = qfalse; } if( level_open ) { if( !Q_stricmp( t, "level" ) ) { admin_readconfig_int( &cnf, &l->level ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "name" ) ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, l->name, sizeof( l->name ) ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "flags" ) ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, l->flags, sizeof( l->flags ) ); } else { ADMP( va( "^3!readconfig: ^7[level] parse error near %s on line %d\n", t, COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ) ); } } else if( admin_open ) { if( !Q_stricmp( t, "name" ) ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, a->name, sizeof( a->name ) ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "guid" ) ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, a->guid, sizeof( a->guid ) ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "level" ) ) { admin_readconfig_int( &cnf, &a->level ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "flags" ) ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, a->flags, sizeof( a->flags ) ); } else { ADMP( va( "^3!readconfig: ^7[admin] parse error near %s on line %d\n", t, COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ) ); } } else if( ban_open ) { if( !Q_stricmp( t, "name" ) ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, b->name, sizeof( b->name ) ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "guid" ) ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, b->guid, sizeof( b->guid ) ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "ip" ) ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, b->ip, sizeof( b->ip ) ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "reason" ) ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, b->reason, sizeof( b->reason ) ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "made" ) ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, b->made, sizeof( b->made ) ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "expires" ) ) { admin_readconfig_int( &cnf, &b->expires ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "suspend" ) ) { admin_readconfig_int( &cnf, &b->suspend ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "banner" ) ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, b->banner, sizeof( b->banner ) ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "blevel" ) ) { admin_readconfig_int( &cnf, &b->bannerlevel ); } else { ADMP( va( "^3!readconfig: ^7[ban] parse error near %s on line %d\n", t, COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ) ); } } else if( command_open ) { if( !Q_stricmp( t, "command" ) ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, c->command, sizeof( c->command ) ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "exec" ) ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, c->exec, sizeof( c->exec ) ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "desc" ) ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, c->desc, sizeof( c->desc ) ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "flag" ) ) { admin_readconfig_string( &cnf, c->flag, sizeof( c->flag ) ); } else { ADMP( va( "^3!readconfig: ^7[command] parse error near %s on line %d\n", t, COM_GetCurrentParseLine() ) ); } } if( !Q_stricmp( t, "[level]" ) ) { if( lc >= MAX_ADMIN_LEVELS ) return qfalse; l = G_Alloc( sizeof( g_admin_level_t ) ); l->level = 0; *l->name = '\0'; *l->flags = '\0'; level_open = qtrue; } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "[admin]" ) ) { if( ac >= MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS ) return qfalse; a = G_Alloc( sizeof( g_admin_admin_t ) ); *a->name = '\0'; *a->guid = '\0'; a->level = 0; *a->flags = '\0'; a->seen = 0; admin_open = qtrue; } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "[ban]" ) ) { if( bc >= MAX_ADMIN_BANS ) return qfalse; b = G_Alloc( sizeof( g_admin_ban_t ) ); *b->name = '\0'; *b->guid = '\0'; *b->ip = '\0'; *b->made = '\0'; b->expires = 0; b->suspend = 0; *b->reason = '\0'; b->bannerlevel = 0; ban_open = qtrue; } else if( !Q_stricmp( t, "[command]" ) ) { if( cc >= MAX_ADMIN_COMMANDS ) return qfalse; c = G_Alloc( sizeof( g_admin_command_t ) ); *c->command = '\0'; *c->exec = '\0'; *c->desc = '\0'; *c->flag = '\0'; command_open = qtrue; } t = COM_Parse( &cnf ); } if( level_open ) { g_admin_levels[ lc++ ] = l; } if( admin_open ) g_admin_admins[ ac++ ] = a; if( ban_open ) g_admin_bans[ bc++ ] = b; if( command_open ) g_admin_commands[ cc++ ] = c; G_Free( cnf2 ); ADMP( va( "^3!readconfig: ^7loaded %d levels, %d admins, %d bans, %d commands\n", lc, ac, bc, cc ) ); if( lc == 0 ) admin_default_levels(); else { char n[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; // max printable name length for formatting for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_LEVELS && g_admin_levels[ i ]; i++ ) { G_DecolorString( l->name, n ); if( strlen( n ) > admin_level_maxname ) admin_level_maxname = strlen( n ); } } // reset adminLevel for( i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++ ) if( level.clients[ i ].pers.connected != CON_DISCONNECTED ) level.clients[ i ].pers.adminLevel = G_admin_level( &g_entities[ i ] ); G_admin_chat_readconfig( ent ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_time( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { qtime_t qt; trap_RealTime( &qt ); ADMP( va( "^3!time: ^7local time is %02i:%02i:%02i\n", qt.tm_hour, qt.tm_min, qt.tm_sec ) ); return qtrue; } static int G_admin_find_slot( gentity_t *ent, char *namearg, const char *command ) { char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char testname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char *guid = NULL; int matches = 0; int id = -1; int i; qboolean numeric = qtrue; G_SanitiseString( namearg, name, sizeof( name ) ); for( i = 0; i < sizeof( name ) && name[ i ] ; i++ ) { if( !isdigit( name[ i ] ) ) { numeric = qfalse; break; } } if( numeric ) { id = atoi( name ); if( id >= 0 && id < level.maxclients ) { gentity_t *vic; vic = &g_entities[ id ]; if( vic && vic->client && vic->client->pers.connected != CON_DISCONNECTED ) return id; ADMP( va( "^3!%s:^7 no one connected by that slot number\n", command ) ); return -1; } if( id >= MAX_CLIENTS && id < MAX_CLIENTS + MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ id - MAX_CLIENTS ] ) { return id; } ADMP( va( "^3!%s:^7 no match for slot or admin number %d\n", command, id ) ); return -1; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ] && matches < 2; i++ ) { G_SanitiseString( g_admin_admins[ i ]->name, testname, sizeof( testname ) ); if( strstr( testname, name ) ) { id = i + MAX_CLIENTS; guid = g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid; matches++; } } for( i = 0; i < level.maxclients && matches < 2; i++ ) { if( level.clients[ i ].pers.connected == CON_DISCONNECTED ) continue; if( matches && guid && !Q_stricmp( level.clients[ i ].pers.guid, guid ) ) continue; G_SanitiseString( level.clients[ i ].pers.netname, testname, sizeof( testname ) ); if( strstr( testname, name ) ) { id = i; matches++; } } if( matches == 0 ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s:^7 no match, use !listplayers or !listadmins to " "find an appropriate number to use instead of name.\n", command ) ); return -1; } if( matches == 1 ) return id; ADMP( va( "^3!%s:^7 multiple matches, use the admin number instead:\n", command ) ); admin_listadmins( ent, 0, name, 0 ); return -1; } static int G_admin_find_admin_slot( gentity_t *ent, char *namearg, char *command, char *nick, int nick_len ) { gentity_t *vic; char *guid; int id; int i; if ( nick ) nick[ 0 ] = '\0'; id = G_admin_find_slot( ent, namearg, command ); if( id < 0 ) return -1; if( id < MAX_CLIENTS ) { vic = &g_entities[ id ]; guid = vic->client->pers.guid; for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ]; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( guid, g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid ) ) { id = i + MAX_CLIENTS; if( nick ) Q_strncpyz( nick, vic->client->pers.netname, nick_len ); break; } } if( id < MAX_CLIENTS ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s:^7 player is not !registered\n", command ) ); return -1; } } id -= MAX_CLIENTS; if( nick && !nick[ 0 ] ) Q_strncpyz( nick, g_admin_admins[ id ]->name, nick_len ); return id; } qboolean G_admin_setlevel( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { char lstr[ 11 ]; // 10 is max strlen() for 32-bit int char adminname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; char testname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; char guid[ 33 ]; int l, i; gentity_t *vic = NULL; qboolean updated = qfalse; g_admin_admin_t *a; qboolean found = qfalse; int id = -1; if( G_SayArgc() < 3 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!setlevel: ^7usage: !setlevel [name|slot#] [level]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, testname, sizeof( testname ) ); G_SayArgv( 2 + skiparg, lstr, sizeof( lstr ) ); l = atoi( lstr ); if( ent && l > ent->client->pers.adminLevel ) { ADMP( "^3!setlevel: ^7you may not use !setlevel to set a level higher " "than your current level\n" ); return qfalse; } // if admin is activated for the first time on a running server, we need // to ensure at least the default levels get created if( !ent && !g_admin_levels[ 0 ] ) G_admin_readconfig(NULL, 0); for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_LEVELS && g_admin_levels[ i ]; i++ ) { if( g_admin_levels[ i ]->level == l ) { found = qtrue; break; } } if( !found ) { ADMP( "^3!setlevel: ^7level is not defined\n" ); return qfalse; } id = G_admin_find_slot( ent, testname, "setlevel" ); if( id >=0 && id < MAX_CLIENTS ) { vic = &g_entities[ id ]; Q_strncpyz( adminname, vic->client->pers.netname, sizeof( adminname ) ); Q_strncpyz( guid, vic->client->pers.guid, sizeof( guid ) ); } else if( id >= MAX_CLIENTS && id < MAX_CLIENTS + MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ id - MAX_CLIENTS ] ) { Q_strncpyz( adminname, g_admin_admins[ id - MAX_CLIENTS ]->name, sizeof( adminname ) ); Q_strncpyz( guid, g_admin_admins[ id - MAX_CLIENTS ]->guid, sizeof( guid ) ); for( i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++ ) { if( level.clients[ i ].pers.connected == CON_DISCONNECTED ) continue; if( !Q_stricmp( level.clients[ i ].pers.guid, guid ) ) { vic = &g_entities[ i ]; Q_strncpyz( adminname, vic->client->pers.netname, sizeof( adminname ) ); } } } else { return qfalse; } if( !Q_stricmp( guid, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3!setlevel: ^7%s does not have a valid GUID\n", adminname ) ); return qfalse; } if( ent && !admin_higher_guid( ent->client->pers.guid, guid ) ) { ADMP( "^3!setlevel: ^7sorry, but your intended victim has a higher" " admin level than you\n" ); return qfalse; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ];i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid, guid ) ) { g_admin_admins[ i ]->level = l; Q_strncpyz( g_admin_admins[ i ]->name, adminname, sizeof( g_admin_admins[ i ]->name ) ); updated = qtrue; } } if( !updated ) { if( i == MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS ) { ADMP( "^3!setlevel: ^7too many admins\n" ); return qfalse; } a = G_Alloc( sizeof( g_admin_admin_t ) ); a->level = l; Q_strncpyz( a->name, adminname, sizeof( a->name ) ); Q_strncpyz( a->guid, guid, sizeof( a->guid ) ); *a->flags = '\0'; g_admin_admins[ i ] = a; } AP( va( "print \"^3!setlevel: ^7%s^7 was given level %d admin rights by %s\n\"", adminname, l, ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); if( vic ) { vic->client->pers.adminLevel = l; G_admin_set_adminname( vic ); } if( !g_admin.string[ 0 ] ) ADMP( "^3!setlevel: ^7WARNING g_admin not set, not saving admin record " "to a file\n" ); else admin_writeconfig(); return qtrue; } int G_admin_parse_time( const char *time ) { int seconds = 0, num = 0; int i; for( i = 0; time[ i ]; i++ ) { if( isdigit( time[ i ] ) ) { num = num * 10 + time[ i ] - '0'; continue; } if( i == 0 || !isdigit( time[ i - 1 ] ) ) return -1; switch( time[ i ] ) { case 'w': num *= 7; case 'd': num *= 24; case 'h': num *= 60; case 'm': num *= 60; case 's': break; default: return -1; } seconds += num; num = 0; } if( num ) seconds += num; // overflow if( seconds < 0 ) seconds = 0; return seconds; } static void admin_check_duplicate_ban( int ban ) { qtime_t qt; int t; int i, j; qboolean immune; if ( ban < 0 || ban >= MAX_ADMIN_BANS || !g_admin_bans[ ban ] ) return; t = trap_RealTime( &qt ); for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_BANS && g_admin_bans[ i ]; i++ ) { if( g_admin_bans[ i ]->expires != 0 && ( g_admin_bans[ i ]->expires - t ) < 1 ) { continue; } if( i != ban && strstr( g_admin_bans[ ban ]->ip, g_admin_bans[ i ]->ip ) == g_admin_bans[ ban ]->ip ) { immune = qfalse; for( j = 0; j < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ j ]; j++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( g_admin_bans[ ban ]->guid, g_admin_admins[ j ]->guid ) && G_admin_permission_guid( g_admin_admins[ j ]->guid, ADMF_BAN_IMMUNITY ) ) { immune = qtrue; } } G_AdminsPrintf( "new ban #%d duplicates %sban #%d (%s^7)%s.\n", ban + 1, ( g_admin_bans[ i ]->suspend > t ) ? "SUSPENDED " : "", i + 1, g_admin_bans[ i ]->name, ( immune ) ? ", player has immunity" : "" ); } } } static qboolean admin_create_ban( gentity_t *ent, char *netname, char *guid, char *ip, int seconds, char *reason ) { g_admin_ban_t *b = NULL; qtime_t qt; int t; int i; t = trap_RealTime( &qt ); b = G_Alloc( sizeof( g_admin_ban_t ) ); if( !b ) return qfalse; Q_strncpyz( b->name, netname, sizeof( b->name ) ); Q_strncpyz( b->guid, guid, sizeof( b->guid ) ); Q_strncpyz( b->ip, ip, sizeof( b->ip ) ); b->suspend = 0; //strftime( b->made, sizeof( b->made ), "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S", lt ); Q_strncpyz( b->made, va( "%02i/%02i/%02i %02i:%02i:%02i", (qt.tm_mon + 1), qt.tm_mday, (qt.tm_year - 100), qt.tm_hour, qt.tm_min, qt.tm_sec ), sizeof( b->made ) ); Q_strncpyz( b->banner, G_admin_get_adminname( ent ), sizeof( b->banner ) ); if( ent ) b->bannerlevel = G_admin_level( ent ); else b->bannerlevel = 0; if( !seconds ) b->expires = 0; else b->expires = t + seconds; if( !*reason ) Q_strncpyz( b->reason, "banned by admin", sizeof( b->reason ) ); else Q_strncpyz( b->reason, reason, sizeof( b->reason ) ); for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_BANS && g_admin_bans[ i ]; i++ ) ; if( i == MAX_ADMIN_BANS ) { ADMP( "^3!ban: ^7too many bans\n" ); G_Free( b ); return qfalse; } g_admin_bans[ i ] = b; admin_check_duplicate_ban( i ); return qtrue; } static qboolean admin_create_ban_check_repeats( gentity_t *ent, char *netname, char *guid, char *ip, int seconds, char *reason ) { qboolean repeatBan = qfalse; qboolean isKick = qfalse; qtime_t qt; int t; int i; t = trap_RealTime( &qt ); if( seconds >= G_admin_parse_time( g_adminTempBan.string ) - 60 && seconds <= G_admin_parse_time( g_adminTempBan.string ) + 60 ) isKick = qtrue; if( g_adminBanRepeatKicks.integer && isKick ) { for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_BANS && g_admin_bans[ i ] && !repeatBan; i++ ) { if( g_admin_bans[ i ]->expires != 0 && g_admin_bans[ i ]->expires - t < 1 ) continue; if( !Q_stricmp( ip, g_admin_bans[ i ]->ip ) || ( guid[0] != 'X' && !Q_stricmp( guid, g_admin_bans[ i ]->guid) )) { char duration[ 32 ]; g_admin_bans[ i ]->suspend = 0; g_admin_bans[ i ]->expires += g_adminBanRepeatKicks.integer * 60 * 60; repeatBan = qtrue; G_admin_duration( ( g_admin_bans[ i ]->expires - t ), duration, sizeof( duration ) ); trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va( "print \"^3autoban: ^7%s^7 has been auto-banned. duration: %s, reason: repeated kicks\n\"", netname, duration ) ); return qtrue; } } } if( !admin_create_ban( ent, netname, guid, ip, seconds, reason ) ) return qfalse; if( g_adminBanRepeatKicks.integer && seconds > 0 && isKick ) { int newestBan = -1; int length; length = g_adminBanRepeatKicks.integer * 60 * 60; if( admin_create_ban( ent, netname, guid, ip, length, reason ) ) { for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_BANS && g_admin_bans[ i ]; i++ ) { newestBan = i; } if( newestBan >= 0 && !Q_stricmp( ip, g_admin_bans[ newestBan ]->ip ) ) { g_admin_bans[ newestBan ]->suspend = t + length; Q_strncpyz( g_admin_bans[ newestBan ]->banner, "^3auto-banner", sizeof( g_admin_bans[ newestBan ]->banner ) ); } } } return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_kick( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ], *reason, err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; int minargc; gentity_t *vic; char notice[51]; trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "g_banNotice", notice, sizeof( notice ) ); minargc = 3 + skiparg; if( G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_UNACCOUNTABLE ) ) minargc = 2 + skiparg; if( G_SayArgc() < minargc ) { ADMP( "^3!kick: ^7usage: !kick [name] [reason]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); reason = G_SayConcatArgs( 2 + skiparg ); if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) != 1 ) { G_MatchOnePlayer( pids, err, sizeof( err ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!kick: ^7%s\n", err ) ); return qfalse; } if( !admin_higher( ent, &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ] ) ) { ADMP( "^3!kick: ^7sorry, but your intended victim has a higher admin" " level than you\n" ); return qfalse; } vic = &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ]; G_admin_autorevert( vic ); admin_create_ban_check_repeats( ent, vic->client->pers.netname, vic->client->pers.guid, vic->client->pers.ip, G_admin_parse_time( g_adminTempBan.string ), ( *reason ) ? reason : "kicked by admin" ); if( g_admin.string[ 0 ] ) admin_writeconfig(); vic->client->pers.karma -= 5000; trap_SendServerCommand( pids[ 0 ], va( "disconnect \"You have been kicked.\n%s^7\nreason:\n%s\n%s\"", ( ent ) ? va( "admin:\n%s", G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) ) : "admin\nconsole", ( *reason ) ? reason : "kicked by admin", notice ) ); G_LogPrintf( "kick: %i %i [%s] (%s) %s^7 %s^7\n", vic->client->ps.clientNum, G_admin_parse_time( g_adminTempBan.string ), vic->client->pers.ip, vic->client->pers.guid, vic->client->pers.netname, ( *reason ) ? reason : "automatic temp ban created by kick" ); trap_DropClient( pids[ 0 ], va( "kicked%s^7, reason: %s", ( ent ) ? va( " by %s", G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) ) : " by console", ( *reason ) ? reason : "kicked by admin" ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_ban( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int seconds; char search[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char secs[ 7 ]; char *reason; int minargc; char duration[ 32 ]; int logmatch = -1, logmatches = 0; int i, j; qboolean exactmatch = qfalse; char n2[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char s2[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char guid_stub[ 9 ]; char notice[51]; gentity_t *vic; trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "g_banNotice", notice, sizeof( notice ) ); if( G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_CAN_PERM_BAN ) && G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_UNACCOUNTABLE ) ) { minargc = 2 + skiparg; } else if( ( G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_CAN_PERM_BAN ) || g_adminMaxBan.integer ) || G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_UNACCOUNTABLE ) ) { minargc = 3 + skiparg; } else { minargc = 4 + skiparg; } if( G_SayArgc() < minargc ) { ADMP( "^3!ban: ^7usage: !ban [name|slot|ip] [time] [reason]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, search, sizeof( search ) ); G_SanitiseString( search, s2, sizeof( s2 ) ); G_SayArgv( 2 + skiparg, secs, sizeof( secs ) ); seconds = G_admin_parse_time( secs ); if( seconds <= 0 ) { if( g_adminMaxBan.integer && !G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_CAN_PERM_BAN ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3!ban: ^7using your admin level's maximum ban length of %s\n", g_adminMaxBan.string ) ); seconds = G_admin_parse_time( g_adminMaxBan.string ); } else if( G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_CAN_PERM_BAN ) ) { seconds = 0; } else { ADMP( "^3!ban: ^7ban time must be positive\n" ); return qfalse; } reason = G_SayConcatArgs( 2 + skiparg ); } else { reason = G_SayConcatArgs( 3 + skiparg ); if( g_adminMaxBan.integer && seconds > G_admin_parse_time( g_adminMaxBan.string ) && !G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_CAN_PERM_BAN ) ) { seconds = G_admin_parse_time( g_adminMaxBan.string ); ADMP( va( "^3!ban: ^7ban length limited to %s for your admin level\n", g_adminMaxBan.string ) ); } } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_NAMELOGS && g_admin_namelog[ i ]; i++ ) { // skip players in the namelog who have already been banned if( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->banned ) continue; // skip disconnected players when banning on slot number if( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->slot == -1 ) continue; if( !Q_stricmp( va( "%d", g_admin_namelog[ i ]->slot ), s2 ) ) { logmatches = 1; logmatch = i; exactmatch = qtrue; break; } } for( i = 0; !exactmatch && i < MAX_ADMIN_NAMELOGS && g_admin_namelog[ i ]; i++ ) { // skip players in the namelog who have already been banned if( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->banned ) continue; if( !Q_stricmp( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->ip, s2 ) ) { logmatches = 1; logmatch = i; exactmatch = qtrue; break; } for( j = 0; j < MAX_ADMIN_NAMELOG_NAMES && g_admin_namelog[ i ]->name[ j ][ 0 ]; j++ ) { G_SanitiseString(g_admin_namelog[ i ]->name[ j ], n2, sizeof( n2 ) ); if( strstr( n2, s2 ) ) { if( logmatch != i ) logmatches++; logmatch = i; } } } if( !logmatches ) { ADMP( "^3!ban: ^7no player found by that name, IP, or slot number\n" ); return qfalse; } else if( logmatches > 1 ) { ADMBP_begin(); ADMBP( "^3!ban: ^7multiple recent clients match name, use IP or slot#:\n" ); for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_NAMELOGS && g_admin_namelog[ i ]; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < 8; j++ ) guid_stub[ j ] = g_admin_namelog[ i ]->guid[ j + 24 ]; guid_stub[ j ] = '\0'; for( j = 0; j < MAX_ADMIN_NAMELOG_NAMES && g_admin_namelog[ i ]->name[ j ][ 0 ]; j++ ) { G_SanitiseString(g_admin_namelog[ i ]->name[ j ], n2, sizeof( n2 ) ); if( strstr( n2, s2 ) ) { if( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->slot > -1 ) ADMBP( "^3" ); ADMBP( va( "%-2s (*%s) %15s ^7'%s^7'\n", (g_admin_namelog[ i ]->slot > -1) ? va( "%d", g_admin_namelog[ i ]->slot ) : "-", guid_stub, g_admin_namelog[ i ]->ip, g_admin_namelog[ i ]->name[ j ] ) ); } } } ADMBP_end(); return qfalse; } G_admin_duration( ( seconds ) ? seconds : -1, duration, sizeof( duration ) ); if( ent && !admin_higher_guid( ent->client->pers.guid, g_admin_namelog[ logmatch ]->guid ) ) { ADMP( "^3!ban: ^7sorry, but your intended victim has a higher admin" " level than you\n" ); return qfalse; } admin_create_ban_check_repeats( ent, g_admin_namelog[ logmatch ]->name[ 0 ], g_admin_namelog[ logmatch ]->guid, g_admin_namelog[ logmatch ]->ip, seconds, reason ); g_admin_namelog[ logmatch ]->banned = qtrue; if( !g_admin.string[ 0 ] ) ADMP( "^3!ban: ^7WARNING g_admin not set, not saving ban to a file\n" ); else admin_writeconfig(); G_LogPrintf( "ban: %i %i [%s] (%s) %s^7 %s^7\n", g_admin_namelog[ logmatch ]->slot, seconds, g_admin_namelog[ logmatch ]->ip, g_admin_namelog[ logmatch ]->guid, g_admin_namelog[ logmatch ]->name[ 0 ], ( *reason ) ? reason : "banned by admin" ); if( g_admin_namelog[ logmatch ]->slot == -1 ) { // client is already disconnected so stop here AP( va( "print \"^3!ban:^7 %s^7 has been banned by %s^7 " "duration: %s, reason: %s\n\"", g_admin_namelog[ logmatch ]->name[ 0 ], ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console", duration, ( *reason ) ? reason : "banned by admin" ) ); return qtrue; } vic = &g_entities[ g_admin_namelog[ logmatch ]->slot ]; G_admin_autorevert( vic ); if( g_karma.integer ) vic->client->pers.karma -= 5000; trap_SendServerCommand( g_admin_namelog[ logmatch ]->slot, va( "disconnect \"You have been banned.\n" "admin:\n%s^7\nduration:\n%s\nreason:\n%s\n%s\"", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console", duration, ( *reason ) ? reason : "banned by admin", notice ) ); trap_DropClient( g_admin_namelog[ logmatch ]->slot, va( "banned by %s^7, duration: %s, reason: %s", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console", duration, ( *reason ) ? reason : "banned by admin" ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_adjustban( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int bnum; int length; int expires; int time = trap_RealTime( NULL ); char duration[ 32 ] = {""}; char *reason; char bs[ 5 ]; char secs[ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ]; char mode = '\0'; if( G_SayArgc() < 3 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!adjustban: ^7usage: !adjustban [ban#] [time] [reason]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, bs, sizeof( bs ) ); bnum = atoi( bs ); if( bnum < 1 || bnum > MAX_ADMIN_BANS || !g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1] ) { ADMP( "^3!adjustban: ^7invalid ban#\n" ); return qfalse; } if( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->expires == 0 && !G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_CAN_PERM_BAN ) ) { ADMP( "^3!adjustban: ^7you cannot modify permanent bans\n" ); return qfalse; } if( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->bannerlevel > G_admin_level( ent ) ) { ADMP( "^3!adjustban: ^7you cannot modify Bans made by admins higher than you\n" ); return qfalse; } if( g_adminMaxBan.integer && !G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_CAN_PERM_BAN ) && g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->expires - time > G_admin_parse_time( g_adminMaxBan.string ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3!adjustban: ^7your admin level cannot modify bans longer than %s\n", g_adminMaxBan.string ) ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 2 + skiparg, secs, sizeof( secs ) ); if( secs[ 0 ] == '+' || secs[ 0 ] == '-' ) mode = secs[ 0 ]; length = G_admin_parse_time( &secs[ mode ? 1 : 0 ] ); if( length < 0 ) skiparg--; else { if( length ) { if( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->expires == 0 && mode ) { ADMP( "^3!adjustban: ^7new duration must be explicit\n" ); return qfalse; } if( mode == '+' ) expires = g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->expires + length; else if( mode == '-' ) expires = g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->expires - length; else expires = time + length; if( expires <= time ) { ADMP( "^3!adjustban: ^7ban time must be positive\n" ); return qfalse; } if( g_adminMaxBan.integer && !G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_CAN_PERM_BAN ) && expires - time > G_admin_parse_time( g_adminMaxBan.string ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3!adjustban: ^7ban length is limited to %s for your admin level\n", g_adminMaxBan.string ) ); length = G_admin_parse_time( g_adminMaxBan.string ); expires = time + length; } } else if( G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_CAN_PERM_BAN ) ) expires = 0; else { ADMP( "^3!adjustban: ^7ban time must be positive\n" ); return qfalse; } g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->expires = expires; G_admin_duration( ( expires ) ? expires - time : -1, duration, sizeof( duration ) ); } reason = G_SayConcatArgs( 3 + skiparg ); if( *reason ) Q_strncpyz( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->reason, reason, sizeof( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->reason ) ); AP( va( "print \"^3!adjustban: ^7ban #%d for %s^7 has been updated by %s^7 " "%s%s%s%s%s\n\"", bnum, g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->name, ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console", ( length >= 0 ) ? "duration: " : "", duration, ( length >= 0 && *reason ) ? ", " : "", ( *reason ) ? "reason: " : "", reason ) ); if( ent ) { Q_strncpyz( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->banner, G_admin_get_adminname( ent ), sizeof( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->banner ) ); g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->bannerlevel = G_admin_level( ent ); } if( g_admin.string[ 0 ] ) admin_writeconfig(); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_subnetban( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int bnum; int mask; unsigned int IPRlow = 0, IPRhigh = 0; char cIPRlow[ 32 ], cIPRhigh[ 32 ]; char bs[ 5 ]; char strmask[ 5 ]; char exl[2]; int k, IP[5]; if( G_SayArgc() < 3 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!subnetban: ^7usage: !subnetban [ban#] [mask]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, bs, sizeof( bs ) ); bnum = atoi( bs ); if( bnum < 1 || bnum > MAX_ADMIN_BANS || !g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1] ) { ADMP( "^3!subnetban: ^7invalid ban#\n" ); return qfalse; } if( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->bannerlevel > G_admin_level( ent ) ) { ADMP( "^3!subnetban: ^7you cannot subnetban Bans on bans made by admins higher than you\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 2 + skiparg, strmask, sizeof( strmask ) ); mask = atoi( strmask ); if( mask >= 0 && mask <= 32) { G_SayArgv( 3 + skiparg, exl, sizeof( exl ) ); if( mask >= 0 && mask < 16 ) { if( ent ) { ADMP( "^3!subnetban: ^7Only console may ban such a large network. Regular admins may only ban >=16.\n" ); return qfalse; } if( strcmp(exl, "!") ) { ADMP( "^3!subnetban: ^1WARNING:^7 you are about to ban a large network, use !subnetban [ban] [mask] ! to force^7\n" ); return qfalse; } } memset( IP, 0, sizeof( IP ) ); sscanf(g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d/%d", &IP[4], &IP[3], &IP[2], &IP[1], &IP[0]); for(k = 4; k >= 1; k--) { if( IP[k] ) IPRlow |= IP[k] << 8*(k-1); } IPRhigh = IPRlow; if( mask == 32 ) { Q_strncpyz( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->ip, va("%i.%i.%i.%i", IP[4], IP[3], IP[2], IP[1]), sizeof( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->ip ) ); } else { Q_strncpyz( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->ip, va("%i.%i.%i.%i/%i", IP[4], IP[3], IP[2], IP[1], mask ), sizeof( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->ip ) ); IPRlow &= ~((1 << (32-mask)) - 1); IPRhigh |= ((1 << (32-mask)) - 1); } } else { ADMP( "^3!subnetban: ^7mask is out of range, please use 0-32 inclusive\n" ); return qfalse; } if( mask > 0 ) { Q_strncpyz( cIPRlow, va("%i.%i.%i.%i", (IPRlow & (255 << 24)) >> 24, (IPRlow & (255 << 16)) >> 16, (IPRlow & (255 << 8)) >> 8, IPRlow & 255), sizeof( cIPRlow ) ); Q_strncpyz( cIPRhigh, va("%i.%i.%i.%i", (IPRhigh & (255 << 24)) >> 24, (IPRhigh & (255 << 16)) >> 16, (IPRhigh & (255 << 8)) >> 8, IPRhigh & 255), sizeof( cIPRhigh ) ); } else { Q_strncpyz( cIPRlow, "", sizeof( cIPRlow ) ); Q_strncpyz( cIPRhigh, "", sizeof( cIPRhigh ) ); } AP( va( "print \"^3!subnetban: ^7ban #%d for %s^7 has been updated by %s^7 " "%s (%s - %s)\n\"", bnum, g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->name, ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console", g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->ip, cIPRlow, cIPRhigh) ); if( ent ) Q_strncpyz( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->banner, G_admin_get_adminname( ent ), sizeof( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->banner ) ); if( g_admin.string[ 0 ] ) admin_writeconfig(); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_suspendban( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int bnum; int length; int expires = 0; char *arg; char bs[ 5 ]; char duration[ 32 ]; if( G_SayArgc() < 3 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!suspendban: ^7usage: !suspendban [ban #] [length]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, bs, sizeof( bs ) ); bnum = atoi( bs ); if( bnum < 1 || !g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1] ) { ADMP( "^3!suspendban: ^7invalid ban #\n" ); return qfalse; } if( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->bannerlevel > G_admin_level( ent ) ) { ADMP( "^3!suspendban: ^7you cannot suspend Bans made by admins higher than you\n" ); return qfalse; } arg = G_SayConcatArgs( 2 + skiparg ); length = G_admin_parse_time( arg ); if( length < 0 ) { ADMP( "^3!suspendban: ^7invalid length\n" ); return qfalse; } if( length > MAX_ADMIN_BANSUSPEND_DAYS * 24 * 60 * 60 ) { length = MAX_ADMIN_BANSUSPEND_DAYS * 24 * 60 * 60; ADMP( va( "^3!suspendban: ^7maximum ban suspension is %d days\n", MAX_ADMIN_BANSUSPEND_DAYS ) ); } if ( length > 0 ) { qtime_t qt; expires = trap_RealTime( &qt ) + length; } if( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->suspend == expires ) { ADMP( "^3!suspendban: ^7no change\n" ); return qfalse; } g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->suspend = expires; if ( length > 0 ) { G_admin_duration( length , duration, sizeof( duration ) ); AP( va( "print \"^3!suspendban: ^7ban #%d suspended for %s\n\"", bnum, duration ) ); } else { AP( va( "print \"^3!suspendban: ^7ban #%d suspension removed\n\"", bnum ) ); } if( !g_admin.string[ 0 ] ) ADMP( "^3!adjustban: ^7WARNING g_admin not set, not saving ban to a file\n" ); else admin_writeconfig(); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_unban( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int bnum; char bs[ 5 ]; int t; t = trap_RealTime( NULL ); if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!unban: ^7usage: !unban [ban#]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, bs, sizeof( bs ) ); bnum = atoi( bs ); if( bnum < 1 || bnum > MAX_ADMIN_BANS || !g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ] ) { ADMP( "^3!unban: ^7invalid ban#\n" ); return qfalse; } if( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->expires == 0 && !G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_CAN_PERM_BAN ) ) { ADMP( "^3!unban: ^7you cannot remove permanent bans\n" ); return qfalse; } if( g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->bannerlevel > G_admin_level( ent ) ) { ADMP( "^3!unban: ^7you cannot Remove Bans made by admins higher than you\n" ); return qfalse; } if( g_adminMaxBan.integer && !G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_CAN_PERM_BAN ) && g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->expires - t > G_admin_parse_time( g_adminMaxBan.string ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3!unban: ^7your admin level cannot remove bans longer than %s\n", g_adminMaxBan.string ) ); return qfalse; } g_admin_bans[ bnum -1 ]->expires = t; AP( va( "print \"^3!unban: ^7ban #%d for %s^7 has been removed by %s\n\"", bnum, g_admin_bans[ bnum - 1 ]->name, ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); if( g_admin.string[ 0 ] ) admin_writeconfig(); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_seen(gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char search[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char sduration[ 32 ]; qboolean numeric = qtrue; int i, j; int id = -1; int count = 0; int t; qtime_t qt; gentity_t *vic; qboolean ison; if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!seen: ^7usage: !seen [name|admin#]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); G_SanitiseString( name, search, sizeof( search ) ); for( i = 0; i < sizeof( search ) && search[ i ] ; i++ ) { if( search[ i ] < '0' || search[ i ] > '9' ) { numeric = qfalse; break; } } if( numeric ) { id = atoi( name ); search[ 0 ] = '\0'; } ADMBP_begin(); t = trap_RealTime( &qt ); for( i = 0; i < level.maxclients && count < 10; i ++ ) { vic = &g_entities[ i ]; if( !vic->client || vic->client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) continue; G_SanitiseString( vic->client->pers.netname, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( i == id || (search[ 0 ] && strstr( name, search ) ) ) { ADMBP( va( "%4d %s^7 is currently playing\n", i, vic->client->pers.netname ) ); count++; } } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ] && count < 10; i++ ) { G_SanitiseString( g_admin_admins[ i ]->name, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( i + MAX_CLIENTS == id || (search[ 0 ] && strstr( name, search ) ) ) { ison = qfalse; for( j = 0; j < level.maxclients; j++ ) { vic = &g_entities[ j ]; if( !vic->client || vic->client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) continue; G_SanitiseString( vic->client->pers.netname, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( !Q_stricmp( vic->client->pers.guid, g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid ) && strstr( name, search ) ) { ison = qtrue; break; } } if( ison ) { if( id == -1 ) continue; ADMBP( va( "%4d %s^7 is currently playing\n", i + MAX_CLIENTS, g_admin_admins[ i ]->name ) ); } else { G_admin_duration( t - g_admin_admins[ i ]->seen, sduration, sizeof( sduration ) ); ADMBP( va( "%4d %s^7 last seen %s%s\n", i + MAX_CLIENTS, g_admin_admins[ i ]->name , ( g_admin_admins[ i ]->seen ) ? sduration : "", ( g_admin_admins[ i ]->seen ) ? " ago" : "time is unknown" ) ); } count++; } } if( search[ 0 ] ) ADMBP( va( "^3!seen:^7 found %d player%s matching '%s'\n", count, (count == 1) ? "" : "s", search ) ); else if ( !count ) ADMBP( "^3!seen:^7 no one connectd by that slot number\n" ); ADMBP_end(); return qtrue; } void G_admin_karma_sync( void ) { gclient_t *p; int i, j; if( !g_karma.integer ) return; for( i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++ ) { p = &level.clients[ i ]; if( p->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED && p->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTING ) continue; if( p->pers.adminLevel < 1 ) continue; for( j = 0; j < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ j ]; j++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( g_admin_admins[ j ]->guid, p->pers.guid ) ) { if( p->pers.karma ) g_admin_admins[ j ]->karma = p->pers.karma; break; } } } } void G_admin_seen_update( gclient_t *client, qboolean disconnect ) { char *guid; int i; guid = client->pers.guid; for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ] ; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid, guid ) ) { qtime_t qt; g_admin_admins[ i ]->seen = trap_RealTime( &qt ); if ( disconnect && client->pers.karma ) g_admin_admins[ i ]->karma = client->pers.karma; return; } } } typedef struct { g_admin_admin_t *admin; int id; } g_admin_sort_t; static int SortSeenTimes( const void *av, const void *bv) { const g_admin_sort_t *a = av; const g_admin_sort_t *b = bv; if( !a->admin || !b->admin ) return 0; if( a->admin->seen > b->admin->seen ) return 1; if( a->admin->seen < b->admin->seen ) return -1; return 0; } qboolean G_admin_expire( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { g_admin_sort_t sort_list[ MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS ]; char arg[ MAX_ADMIN_CMD_LEN ]; qboolean confirm = qfalse; qtime_t qt; int t; int count = 0; int max = 5; int i; if( g_adminExpireTime.integer < 1 ) { ADMP( "^3!expire: ^7expire is disabled\n" ); return qfalse; } if( G_SayArgc() > 1 + skiparg ) { G_SayArgv( skiparg + 1, arg, sizeof( arg ) ); if( !Q_stricmp( arg, "confirm" ) ) confirm = qtrue; } t = trap_RealTime( &qt ); memset( sort_list, 0, sizeof( sort_list ) ); for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ] ; i++ ) { sort_list[ i ].admin = g_admin_admins[ i ]; sort_list[ i ].id = MAX_CLIENTS + i; count++; } qsort( sort_list, count, sizeof( sort_list[ 0 ] ), SortSeenTimes ); ADMBP_begin(); for( i = 0; i < count && max > 0 ; i++ ) { if( !sort_list[ i ].admin ) continue; if( sort_list[ i ].admin->level != 1 ) continue; if( t - sort_list[ i ].admin->seen > g_adminExpireTime.integer * 86400 ) { char sduration[ 32 ]; max--; G_admin_duration( t - sort_list[ i ].admin->seen, sduration, sizeof( sduration ) ); if( confirm ) { trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, va( "!setlevel %d 0;", sort_list[ i ].id ) ); } else { ADMBP( va( " ^7%d %s^7 last seen %s%s\n", sort_list[ i ].id, sort_list[ i ].admin->name, (sort_list[ i ].admin->seen ) ? sduration : "", (sort_list[ i ].admin->seen ) ? " ago" : "time is unknown" ) ); } } } ADMBP( va( "^3!expire: ^7%s %d level 1 admin(s) older than %d days\n", ( confirm ) ? "expired" : "listed", 5 - max, g_adminExpireTime.integer ) ); if ( !confirm ) ADMBP( "^3!expire: ^7to make this permanent use '^2!expire confirm^7'\n" ); ADMBP_end(); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_putteam( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ], team[ 7 ], err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; gentity_t *vic; pTeam_t teamnum = PTE_NONE; char teamdesc[ 32 ] = {"spectators"}; char secs[ 7 ]; int seconds = 0; qboolean useDuration = qfalse; G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); G_SayArgv( 2 + skiparg, team, sizeof( team ) ); if( G_SayArgc() < 3 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!putteam: ^7usage: !putteam [name] [h|a|s] (duration)\n" ); return qfalse; } if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) != 1 ) { G_MatchOnePlayer( pids, err, sizeof( err ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!putteam: ^7%s\n", err ) ); return qfalse; } if( !admin_higher( ent, &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ] ) ) { ADMP( "^3!putteam: ^7sorry, but your intended victim has a higher " " admin level than you\n" ); return qfalse; } vic = &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ]; if ( vic->client->sess.invisible == qtrue ) { ADMP( "^3!putteam: ^7invisible players cannot join a team\n" ); return qfalse; } switch( team[ 0 ] ) { case 'a': teamnum = PTE_ALIENS; Q_strncpyz( teamdesc, "aliens", sizeof( teamdesc ) ); break; case 'h': teamnum = PTE_HUMANS; Q_strncpyz( teamdesc, "humans", sizeof( teamdesc ) ); break; case 's': teamnum = PTE_NONE; break; default: ADMP( va( "^3!putteam: ^7unknown team %c\n", team[ 0 ] ) ); return qfalse; } //duration code if( G_SayArgc() > 3 + skiparg ) { //can only lock players in spectator if ( teamnum != PTE_NONE ) { ADMP( "^3!putteam: ^7You can only lock a player into the spectators team\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 3 + skiparg, secs, sizeof( secs ) ); seconds = G_admin_parse_time( secs ); useDuration = qtrue; } if( vic->client->pers.teamSelection == teamnum && teamnum != PTE_NONE ) { ADMP( va( "^3!putteam: ^7%s ^7is already on the %s team\n", vic->client->pers.netname, teamdesc ) ); return qfalse; } if( useDuration == qtrue && seconds > 0 ) { vic->client->pers.specExpires = level.time + ( seconds * 1000 ); } G_ChangeTeam( vic, teamnum ); AP( va( "print \"^3!putteam: ^7%s^7 put %s^7 on to the %s team%s\n\"", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console", vic->client->pers.netname, teamdesc, ( seconds ) ? va( " for %i seconds", seconds ) : "" ) ); return qtrue; } void G_admin_adminlog_cleanup( void ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINLOGS && g_admin_adminlog[ i ]; i++ ) { G_Free( g_admin_adminlog[ i ] ); g_admin_adminlog[ i ] = NULL; } admin_adminlog_index = 0; } void G_admin_adminlog_log( gentity_t *ent, char *command, char *args, int skiparg, qboolean success ) { g_admin_adminlog_t *adminlog; int previous; int count = 1; int i; if( !command ) return; if( !Q_stricmp( command, "adminlog" ) || !Q_stricmp( command, "admintest" ) || !Q_stricmp( command, "help" ) || !Q_stricmp( command, "info" ) || !Q_stricmp( command, "listadmins" ) || !Q_stricmp( command, "listplayers" ) || !Q_stricmp( command, "namelog" ) || !Q_stricmp( command, "showbans" ) || !Q_stricmp( command, "time" ) ) return; previous = admin_adminlog_index - 1; if( previous < 0 ) previous = MAX_ADMIN_ADMINLOGS - 1; if( g_admin_adminlog[ previous ] ) count = g_admin_adminlog[ previous ]->id + 1; if( g_admin_adminlog[ admin_adminlog_index ] ) adminlog = g_admin_adminlog[ admin_adminlog_index ]; else adminlog = G_Alloc( sizeof( g_admin_adminlog_t ) ); memset( adminlog, 0, sizeof( *adminlog ) ); adminlog->id = count; adminlog->time = level.time - level.startTime; adminlog->success = success; Q_strncpyz( adminlog->command, command, sizeof( adminlog->command ) ); if ( args ) Q_strncpyz( adminlog->args, args, sizeof( adminlog->args ) ); else Q_strncpyz( adminlog->args, G_SayConcatArgs( 1 + skiparg ), sizeof( adminlog->args ) ); if( ent ) { qboolean found = qfalse; // real admin name for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ]; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid, ent->client->pers.guid ) ) { Q_strncpyz( adminlog->name, g_admin_admins[ i ]->name, sizeof( adminlog->name ) ); found = qtrue; break; } } if( !found ) Q_strncpyz( adminlog->name, ent->client->pers.netname, sizeof( adminlog->name ) ); adminlog->level = ent->client->pers.adminLevel; } else { Q_strncpyz( adminlog->name, "console", sizeof( adminlog->name ) ); adminlog->level = 10000; } g_admin_adminlog[ admin_adminlog_index ] = adminlog; admin_adminlog_index++; if( admin_adminlog_index >= MAX_ADMIN_ADMINLOGS ) admin_adminlog_index = 0; } qboolean G_admin_adminlog( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { g_admin_adminlog_t *results[ 10 ]; int result_index = 0; char *search_cmd = NULL; char *search_name = NULL; int index; int skip = 0; int skipped = 0; int checked = 0; char n1[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char fmt_name[ 16 ]; char argbuf[ 32 ]; int name_length = 12; int max_id = 0; int i; qboolean match; memset( results, 0, sizeof( results ) ); index = admin_adminlog_index; for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { int prev; prev = index - 1; if( prev < 0 ) prev = MAX_ADMIN_ADMINLOGS - 1; if( !g_admin_adminlog[ prev ] ) break; if( g_admin_adminlog[ prev ]->id > max_id ) max_id = g_admin_adminlog[ prev ]->id; index = prev; } if( G_SayArgc() > 1 + skiparg ) { G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, argbuf, sizeof( argbuf ) ); if( ( *argbuf >= '0' && *argbuf <= '9' ) || *argbuf == '-' ) { int id; id = atoi( argbuf ); if( id < 0 ) id += ( max_id - 9 ); else if( id <= max_id - MAX_ADMIN_ADMINLOGS ) id = max_id - MAX_ADMIN_ADMINLOGS + 1; if( id + 9 >= max_id ) id = max_id - 9; if( id < 1 ) id = 1; for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINLOGS; i++ ) { if( g_admin_adminlog[ i ]->id == id ) { index = i; break; } } } else if ( *argbuf == '!' ) { search_cmd = argbuf + 1; } else { search_name = argbuf; } if( G_SayArgc() > 2 + skiparg && ( search_cmd || search_name ) ) { char skipbuf[ 4 ]; G_SayArgv( 2 + skiparg, skipbuf, sizeof( skipbuf ) ); skip = atoi( skipbuf ); } } if( search_cmd || search_name ) { g_admin_adminlog_t *result_swap[ 10 ]; memset( result_swap, 0, sizeof( result_swap ) ); index = admin_adminlog_index - 1; if( index < 0 ) index = MAX_ADMIN_ADMINLOGS - 1; while( g_admin_adminlog[ index ] && checked < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINLOGS && result_index < 10 ) { match = qfalse; if( search_cmd ) { if( !Q_stricmp( search_cmd, g_admin_adminlog[ index ]->command ) ) match = qtrue; } if( search_name ) { G_SanitiseString( g_admin_adminlog[ index ]->name, n1, sizeof( n1 ) ); if( strstr( n1, search_name ) ) match = qtrue; } if( match && skip > 0 ) { match = qfalse; skip--; skipped++; } if( match ) { result_swap[ result_index ] = g_admin_adminlog[ index ]; result_index++; } checked++; index--; if( index < 0 ) index = MAX_ADMIN_ADMINLOGS - 1; } // search runs backwards, turn it around for( i = 0; i < result_index; i++ ) results[ i ] = result_swap[ result_index - i - 1 ]; } else { while( g_admin_adminlog[ index ] && result_index < 10 ) { results[ result_index ] = g_admin_adminlog[ index ]; result_index++; index++; if( index >= MAX_ADMIN_ADMINLOGS ) index = 0; } } for( i = 0; results[ i ] && i < 10; i++ ) { int l; G_DecolorString( results[ i ]->name, n1 ); l = strlen( n1 ); if( l > name_length ) name_length = l; } ADMBP_begin( ); for( i = 0; results[ i ] && i < 10; i++ ) { char levelbuf[ 8 ]; int t; t = results[ i ]->time / 1000; G_DecolorString( results[ i ]->name, n1 ); Com_sprintf( fmt_name, sizeof( fmt_name ), "%%%ds", ( name_length + (int)( strlen( results[ i ]->name ) - strlen( n1 ) ) ) ); Com_sprintf( n1, sizeof( n1 ), fmt_name, results[ i ]->name ); Com_sprintf( levelbuf, sizeof( levelbuf ), "%2d", results[ i ]->level ); ADMBP( va( "%s%3d %3d:%02d %2s ^7%s^7 %s!%s ^7%s^7\n", ( results[ i ]->success ) ? "^7" : "^1", results[ i ]->id, t / 60, t % 60, ( results[ i ]->level ) < 10000 ? levelbuf : " -", n1, ( results[ i ]->success ) ? "^3" : "^1", results[ i ]->command, results[ i ]->args ) ); } if( search_cmd || search_name ) { ADMBP( va( "^3!adminlog:^7 Showing %d matches for '%s^7'.", result_index, argbuf ) ); if( checked < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINLOGS && g_admin_adminlog[ checked ] ) ADMBP( va( " run '!adminlog %s^7 %d' to see more", argbuf, skipped + result_index ) ); ADMBP( "\n" ); } else if ( results[ 0 ] ) { ADMBP( va( "^3!adminlog:^7 Showing %d - %d of %d.\n", results[ 0 ]->id, results[ result_index - 1 ]->id, max_id ) ); } else { ADMBP( "^3!adminlog:^7 log is empty.\n" ); } ADMBP_end( ); return qtrue; } void G_admin_tklog_cleanup( void ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_TKLOGS && g_admin_tklog[ i ]; i++ ) { G_Free( g_admin_tklog[ i ] ); g_admin_tklog[ i ] = NULL; } admin_tklog_index = 0; } void G_admin_tklog_log( gentity_t *attacker, gentity_t *victim, int meansOfDeath ) { g_admin_tklog_t *tklog; int previous; int count = 1; if( !attacker ) return; previous = admin_tklog_index - 1; if( previous < 0 ) previous = MAX_ADMIN_TKLOGS - 1; if( g_admin_tklog[ previous ] ) count = g_admin_tklog[ previous ]->id + 1; if( g_admin_tklog[ admin_tklog_index ] ) tklog = g_admin_tklog[ admin_tklog_index ]; else tklog = G_Alloc( sizeof( g_admin_tklog_t ) ); memset( tklog, 0, sizeof( g_admin_tklog_t ) ); tklog->id = count; tklog->time = level.time - level.startTime; Q_strncpyz( tklog->name, attacker->client->pers.netname, sizeof( tklog->name ) ); if( victim ) { Q_strncpyz( tklog->victim, victim->client->pers.netname, sizeof( tklog->victim ) ); tklog->damage = victim->client->tkcredits[ attacker->s.number ]; tklog->value = victim->client->ps.stats[ STAT_MAX_HEALTH ]; } else { Q_strncpyz( tklog->victim, "^3BLEEDING", sizeof( tklog->victim ) ); tklog->damage = attacker->client->pers.statscounters.spreebleeds; tklog->value = g_bleedingSpree.integer * 100; } tklog->team = attacker->client->ps.stats[ STAT_PTEAM ]; if( meansOfDeath == MOD_GRENADE ) tklog->weapon = WP_GRENADE; else if( tklog->team == PTE_HUMANS ) tklog->weapon = attacker->s.weapon; else tklog->weapon = attacker->client->ps.stats[ STAT_PCLASS ]; g_admin_tklog[ admin_tklog_index ] = tklog; admin_tklog_index++; if( admin_tklog_index >= MAX_ADMIN_TKLOGS ) admin_tklog_index = 0; } qboolean G_admin_tklog( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { g_admin_tklog_t *results[ 10 ]; int result_index = 0; char *search_name = NULL; int index; int skip = 0; int skipped = 0; int checked = 0; char n1[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char fmt_name[ 16 ]; char argbuf[ 32 ]; char *weaponName; int name_length = 10; int max_id = 0; int i; qboolean match; memset( results, 0, sizeof( results ) ); index = admin_tklog_index; for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { int prev; prev = index - 1; if( prev < 0 ) prev = MAX_ADMIN_TKLOGS - 1; if( !g_admin_tklog[ prev ] ) break; if( g_admin_tklog[ prev ]->id > max_id ) max_id = g_admin_tklog[ prev ]->id; index = prev; } if( G_SayArgc() > 1 + skiparg ) { G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, argbuf, sizeof( argbuf ) ); if( ( *argbuf >= '0' && *argbuf <= '9' ) || *argbuf == '-' ) { int id; id = atoi( argbuf ); if( id < 0 ) id += ( max_id - 9 ); else if( id <= max_id - MAX_ADMIN_TKLOGS ) id = max_id - MAX_ADMIN_TKLOGS + 1; if( id + 9 >= max_id ) id = max_id - 9; if( id < 1 ) id = 1; for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_TKLOGS; i++ ) { if( g_admin_tklog[ i ]->id == id ) { index = i; break; } } } else { search_name = argbuf; } if( G_SayArgc() > 2 + skiparg && ( search_name ) ) { char skipbuf[ 4 ]; G_SayArgv( 2 + skiparg, skipbuf, sizeof( skipbuf ) ); skip = atoi( skipbuf ); } } if( search_name ) { g_admin_tklog_t *result_swap[ 10 ]; memset( &result_swap, 0, sizeof( result_swap ) ); index = admin_tklog_index - 1; if( index < 0 ) index = MAX_ADMIN_TKLOGS - 1; while( g_admin_tklog[ index ] && checked < MAX_ADMIN_TKLOGS && result_index < 10 ) { match = qfalse; G_SanitiseString( g_admin_tklog[ index ]->name, n1, sizeof( n1 ) ); if( strstr( n1, search_name ) ) match = qtrue; if( match && skip > 0 ) { match = qfalse; skip--; skipped++; } if( match ) { result_swap[ result_index ] = g_admin_tklog[ index ]; result_index++; } checked++; index--; if( index < 0 ) index = MAX_ADMIN_TKLOGS - 1; } // search runs backwards, turn it around for( i = 0; i < result_index; i++ ) results[ i ] = result_swap[ result_index - i - 1 ]; } else { while( g_admin_tklog[ index ] && result_index < 10 ) { results[ result_index ] = g_admin_tklog[ index ]; result_index++; index++; if( index >= MAX_ADMIN_TKLOGS ) index = 0; } } for( i = 0; results[ i ] && i < 10; i++ ) { int l; G_DecolorString( results[ i ]->name, n1 ); l = strlen( n1 ); if( l > name_length ) name_length = l; } ADMBP_begin( ); for( i = 0; results[ i ] && i < 10; i++ ) { int t; t = results[ i ]->time / 1000; G_DecolorString( results[ i ]->name, n1 ); Com_sprintf( fmt_name, sizeof( fmt_name ), "%%%ds", ( name_length + (int)( strlen( results[ i ]->name ) - strlen( n1 ) ) ) ); Com_sprintf( n1, sizeof( n1 ), fmt_name, results[ i ]->name ); if( results[ i ]->team == PTE_HUMANS ) weaponName = BG_FindNameForWeapon( results[ i ]->weapon ); else weaponName = BG_FindNameForClassNum( results[ i ]->weapon ); ADMBP( va( "^7%3d %3d:%02d %s^7 %3d / %3d %10s %s^7\n", results[ i ]->id, t / 60, t % 60, n1, results[ i ]->damage, results[ i ]->value, weaponName, results[ i ]->victim ) ); } if( search_name ) { ADMBP( va( "^3!tklog:^7 Showing %d matches for '%s^7'.", result_index, argbuf ) ); if( checked < MAX_ADMIN_TKLOGS && g_admin_tklog[ checked ] ) ADMBP( va( " run '!tklog %s^7 %d' to see more", argbuf, skipped + result_index ) ); ADMBP( "\n" ); } else if ( results[ 0 ] ) { ADMBP( va( "^3!tklog:^7 Showing %d - %d of %d.\n", results[ 0 ]->id, results[ result_index - 1 ]->id, max_id ) ); } else { ADMBP( "^3!tklog:^7 log is empty.\n" ); } ADMBP_end( ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_map( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { char map[ MAX_QPATH ]; char layout[ MAX_QPATH ] = { "" }; if( G_SayArgc( ) < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!map: ^7usage: !map [map] (layout)\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( skiparg + 1, map, sizeof( map ) ); if( !trap_FS_FOpenFile( va( "maps/%s.bsp", map ), NULL, FS_READ ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3!map: ^7invalid map name '%s'\n", map ) ); return qfalse; } if( G_SayArgc( ) > 2 + skiparg ) { G_SayArgv( skiparg + 2, layout, sizeof( layout ) ); if( !Q_stricmp( layout, "*BUILTIN*" ) || trap_FS_FOpenFile( va( "layouts/%s/%s.dat", map, layout ), NULL, FS_READ ) > 0 ) { trap_Cvar_Set( "g_layouts", layout ); } else { ADMP( va( "^3!map: ^7invalid layout name '%s'\n", layout ) ); return qfalse; } } trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, va( "map %s", map ) ); level.restarted = qtrue; AP( va( "print \"^3!map: ^7map '%s' started by %s^7 %s\n\"", map, ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console", ( layout[ 0 ] ) ? va( "(forcing layout '%s')", layout ) : "" ) ); G_admin_maplog_result( "M" ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_devmap( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { char map[ MAX_QPATH ]; char layout[ MAX_QPATH ] = { "" }; if( G_SayArgc( ) < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!devmap: ^7usage: !devmap [map] (layout)\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( skiparg + 1, map, sizeof( map ) ); if( !trap_FS_FOpenFile( va( "maps/%s.bsp", map ), NULL, FS_READ ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3!devmap: ^7invalid map name '%s'\n", map ) ); return qfalse; } if( G_SayArgc( ) > 2 + skiparg ) { G_SayArgv( skiparg + 2, layout, sizeof( layout ) ); if( !Q_stricmp( layout, "*BUILTIN*" ) || trap_FS_FOpenFile( va( "layouts/%s/%s.dat", map, layout ), NULL, FS_READ ) > 0 ) { trap_Cvar_Set( "g_layouts", layout ); } else { ADMP( va( "^3!devmap: ^7invalid layout name '%s'\n", layout ) ); return qfalse; } } trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, va( "devmap %s", map ) ); level.restarted = qtrue; AP( va( "print \"^3!devmap: ^7map '%s' started by %s^7 with cheats %s\n\"", map, ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console", ( layout[ 0 ] ) ? va( "(forcing layout '%s')", layout ) : "" ) ); G_admin_maplog_result( "D" ); return qtrue; } void G_admin_maplog_update( void ) { char map[ 64 ]; char maplog[ MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING ]; char *ptr; int count = 0; trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "mapname", map, sizeof( map ) ); Q_strncpyz( maplog, g_adminMapLog.string, sizeof( maplog ) ); ptr = maplog; while( *ptr && count < MAX_ADMIN_MAPLOG_LENGTH ) { while( *ptr != ' ' && *ptr != '\0' ) ptr++; count++; if( count >= MAX_ADMIN_MAPLOG_LENGTH ) { *ptr = '\0'; } if( *ptr == ' ' ) ptr++; } trap_Cvar_Set( "g_adminMapLog", va( "%s%s%s", map, ( maplog[0] != '\0' ) ? " " : "", maplog ) ); } void G_admin_maplog_result( char *flag ) { static int lastTime = 0; char maplog[ MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING ]; int t; if( !flag ) return; // avoid race when called in same frame if( level.time == lastTime ) return; lastTime = level.time; if( g_adminMapLog.string[ 0 ] && g_adminMapLog.string[ 1 ] == ';' ) { // only one result allowed return; } if ( level.surrenderTeam != PTE_NONE ) { if( flag[ 0 ] == 'a' ) { if( level.surrenderTeam == PTE_HUMANS ) flag = "A"; } else if( flag[ 0 ] == 'h' ) { if( level.surrenderTeam == PTE_ALIENS ) flag = "H"; } } t = ( level.time - level.startTime ) / 1000; Q_strncpyz( maplog, g_adminMapLog.string, sizeof( maplog ) ); trap_Cvar_Set( "g_adminMapLog", va( "%1s;%03d:%02d;%s", flag, t / 60, t % 60, maplog ) ); } qboolean G_admin_maplog( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { char maplog[ MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING ]; char *ptr; int count = 0; Q_strncpyz( maplog, g_adminMapLog.string, sizeof( maplog ) ); ADMBP_begin( ); ptr = maplog; while( *ptr != '\0' && count < MAX_ADMIN_MAPLOG_LENGTH + 1 ) { char *end; const char *result = NULL; char *clock = NULL; char *colon; end = ptr; while( *end != ' ' && *end != '\0' ) end++; if( *end == ' ' ) { *end = '\0'; end++; } if( ptr[ 0 ] && ptr[ 1 ] == ';' ) { switch( ptr[ 0 ] ) { case 't': result = "^7tie"; break; case 'a': result = "^1Alien win"; break; case 'A': result = "^1Alien win ^7/ Humans admitted defeat"; break; case 'h': result = "^4Human win"; break; case 'H': result = "^4Human win ^7/ Aliens admitted defeat"; break; case 'd': result = "^5draw vote"; break; case 'N': result = "^6admin loaded next map"; break; case 'r': result = "^2restart vote"; break; case 'R': result = "^6admin restarted map"; break; case 'm': result = "^2map vote"; break; case 'M': result = "^6admin changed map"; break; case 'l': result = "^2layout vote"; break; case 'D': result = "^6admin loaded devmap"; break; default: result = ""; break; } ptr += 2; colon = strchr( ptr, ';' ); if ( colon ) { clock = ptr; ptr = colon + 1; *colon = '\0'; // right justification with -6%s doesnt work.. if( clock[ 0 ] == '0' && clock[ 1 ] != ':' ) { if( clock[ 1 ] == '0' && clock[ 2 ] != ':' ) clock[ 1 ] = ' '; clock[ 0 ] = ' '; } } } else if( count == 0 ) { result = "^3current map"; clock = " -:--"; } ADMBP( va( "%s%20s %-6s %s^7\n", ( count == 0 ) ? "^3" : "^7", ptr, ( clock ) ? clock : "", ( result ) ? result : "" ) ); ptr = end; count++; } if( g_nextMap.string[ 0 ] ) ADMBP( va( "^5NextMap override: %s\n", g_nextMap.string ) ); ADMBP_end( ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_layoutsave( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { char layout[ MAX_QPATH ]; if( G_SayArgc( ) < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!layoutsave: ^7usage: !layoutsave [layout]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( skiparg + 1, layout, sizeof( layout ) ); trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, va( "layoutsave %s", layout ) ); AP( va( "print \"^3!layoutsave: ^7layout saved as '%s' by %s\n\"", layout, ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_demo( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { if( !ent ) { ADMP( "!demo: console can not use demo.\n"); return qfalse; } ent->client->pers.ignoreAdminWarnings = !( ent->client->pers.ignoreAdminWarnings ); ADMP( va( "^3!demo: ^7your visibility of admin chat is now %s\n", ( ent->client->pers.ignoreAdminWarnings ) ? "^1disabled" : "^2enabled" ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_mute( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ], err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; char command[ MAX_ADMIN_CMD_LEN ], *cmd; gentity_t *vic; char secs[ 7 ]; int seconds = 0; G_SayArgv( skiparg, command, sizeof( command ) ); cmd = command; if( cmd && *cmd == '!' ) cmd++; if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7usage: !%s [name|slot#] (duration)\n", cmd, cmd ) ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) != 1 ) { G_MatchOnePlayer( pids, err, sizeof( err ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7%s\n", cmd, err ) ); return qfalse; } if( !admin_higher( ent, &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ] ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7sorry, but your intended victim has a higher admin" " level than you\n", cmd ) ); return qfalse; } vic = &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ]; if( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "unmute" ) ) { if( vic->client->pers.muted == qfalse ) { ADMP( "^3!unmute: ^7player is not currently muted\n" ); return qtrue; } vic->client->pers.muteExpires = 0; vic->client->pers.muted = qfalse; CPx( pids[ 0 ], "cp \"^1You have been unmuted\"" ); AP( va( "print \"^3!unmute: ^7%s^7 has been unmuted by %s\n\"", vic->client->pers.netname, ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); } else { // Duration if( G_SayArgc() > 2 + skiparg ) { G_SayArgv( 2 + skiparg, secs, sizeof( secs ) ); seconds = G_admin_parse_time( secs ); vic->client->pers.muteExpires = level.time + ( seconds * 1000 ); } vic->client->pers.muted = qtrue; CPx( pids[ 0 ], "cp \"^1You've been muted\"" ); AP( va( "print \"^3!mute: ^7%s^7 has been muted by ^7%s%s\n\"", vic->client->pers.netname, ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console", ( seconds ) ? va( " ^7for %i seconds", seconds ) : "" ) ); } return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_cp( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int minargc; minargc = 2 + skiparg; if( G_SayArgc() < minargc ) { ADMP( "^3!cp: ^7usage: !cp [message]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_CP(ent); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_denybuild( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ], err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; char command[ MAX_ADMIN_CMD_LEN ], *cmd; gentity_t *vic; G_SayArgv( skiparg, command, sizeof( command ) ); cmd = command; if( cmd && *cmd == '!' ) cmd++; if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7usage: !%s [name|slot#]\n", cmd, cmd ) ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) != 1 ) { G_MatchOnePlayer( pids, err, sizeof( err ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7%s\n", cmd, err ) ); return qfalse; } if( !admin_higher( ent, &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ] ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7sorry, but your intended victim has a higher admin" " level than you\n", cmd ) ); return qfalse; } vic = &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ]; if( vic->client->pers.denyBuild ) { if( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "denybuild" ) ) { ADMP( "^3!denybuild: ^7player already has no building rights\n" ); return qtrue; } vic->client->pers.denyBuild = qfalse; CPx( pids[ 0 ], "cp \"^1You've regained your building rights\"" ); AP( va( "print \"^3!allowbuild: ^7building rights for ^7%s^7 restored by %s\n\"", vic->client->pers.netname, ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); } else { if( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "allowbuild" ) ) { ADMP( "^3!allowbuild: ^7player already has building rights\n" ); return qtrue; } vic->client->pers.denyBuild = qtrue; vic->client->ps.stats[ STAT_BUILDABLE ] = BA_NONE; if( vic->client->ps.stats[ STAT_PCLASS ]== PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0 || vic->client->ps.stats[ STAT_PCLASS ] == PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0_UPG ) { vic->suicideTime = level.time + 1000; } CPx( pids[ 0 ], "cp \"^1You've lost your building rights\"" ); AP( va( "print \"^3!denybuild: ^7building rights for ^7%s^7 revoked by ^7%s\n\"", vic->client->pers.netname, ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); } return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_denyweapon( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ], err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; char command[ MAX_ADMIN_CMD_LEN ], *cmd; char buffer[ 32 ]; int weapon = WP_NONE; int class = PCL_NONE; char *realname; gentity_t *vic; int flag; qboolean all = qfalse; G_SayArgv( skiparg, command, sizeof( command ) ); cmd = command; if( cmd && *cmd == '!' ) cmd++; if( G_SayArgc() < 3 + skiparg ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7usage: !%s [name|slot#] [class|weapon]\n", cmd, cmd ) ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) != 1 ) { G_MatchOnePlayer( pids, err, sizeof( err ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7%s\n", cmd, err ) ); return qfalse; } if( !admin_higher( ent, &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ] ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7sorry, but your intended victim has a higher admin" " level than you\n", cmd ) ); return qfalse; } vic = &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ]; if( vic == ent && !Q_stricmp( cmd, "denyweapon" ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7sorry, you cannot %s yourself\n", cmd, cmd ) ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 2 + skiparg, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) ); if( !Q_stricmp( buffer, "all" ) && !Q_stricmp( cmd, "allowweapon" ) ) { if( vic->client->pers.denyHumanWeapons || vic->client->pers.denyAlienClasses ) { vic->client->pers.denyHumanWeapons = 0; vic->client->pers.denyAlienClasses = 0; CPx( pids[ 0 ], "cp \"^1You've regained all weapon and class rights\"" ); AP( va( "print \"^3!%s: ^7all weapon and class rights for ^7%s^7 restored by %s\n\"", cmd, vic->client->pers.netname, ( ent ) ? ent->client->pers.netname : "console" ) ); } else { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7player already has all rights\n", cmd ) ); } return qtrue; } if( !Q_stricmp( buffer, "all" ) && !Q_stricmp( cmd, "denyweapon" ) ) { all = qtrue; weapon = WP_NONE; class = PCL_NONE; if( vic->client->pers.denyHumanWeapons == 0xFFFFFF && vic->client->pers.denyAlienClasses == 0xFFFFFF ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7player already has no weapon or class rights\n", cmd ) ); return qtrue; } if( vic->client->pers.teamSelection == PTE_HUMANS ) { weapon = vic->client->ps.weapon; if( weapon < WP_PAIN_SAW || weapon > WP_GRENADE ) weapon = WP_NONE; } if( vic->client->pers.teamSelection == PTE_ALIENS ) { class = vic->client->pers.classSelection; if( class < PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL1 || class > PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL4 ) class = PCL_NONE; } vic->client->pers.denyHumanWeapons = 0xFFFFFF; vic->client->pers.denyAlienClasses = 0xFFFFFF; } else { weapon = BG_FindWeaponNumForName( buffer ); if( weapon < WP_PAIN_SAW || weapon > WP_GRENADE ) class = BG_FindClassNumForName( buffer ); if( ( weapon < WP_PAIN_SAW || weapon > WP_GRENADE ) && ( class < PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL1 || class > PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL4 ) ) { { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7unknown weapon or class\n", cmd ) ); return qfalse; } } } if( class == PCL_NONE ) { realname = BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( weapon ); flag = 1 << (weapon - WP_BLASTER); if( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "denyweapon" ) ) { if( ( vic->client->pers.denyHumanWeapons & flag ) && !all ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7player already has no %s rights\n", cmd, realname ) ); return qtrue; } vic->client->pers.denyHumanWeapons |= flag; if( vic->client->pers.teamSelection == PTE_HUMANS ) { if( ( weapon == WP_GRENADE || all ) && BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( UP_GRENADE, vic->client->ps.stats ) ) { BG_RemoveUpgradeFromInventory( UP_GRENADE, vic->client->ps.stats ); G_AddCreditToClient( vic->client, (short)BG_FindPriceForUpgrade( UP_GRENADE ), qfalse ); } if( BG_InventoryContainsWeapon( weapon, vic->client->ps.stats ) ) { int maxAmmo, maxClips; BG_RemoveWeaponFromInventory( weapon, vic->client->ps.stats ); G_AddCreditToClient( vic->client, (short)BG_FindPriceForWeapon( weapon ), qfalse ); BG_AddWeaponToInventory( WP_MACHINEGUN, vic->client->ps.stats ); BG_FindAmmoForWeapon( WP_MACHINEGUN, &maxAmmo, &maxClips ); vic->client->ps.ammo = maxAmmo; vic->client->ps.clips = maxClips; G_ForceWeaponChange( vic, WP_MACHINEGUN ); vic->client->ps.stats[ STAT_MISC ] = 0; ClientUserinfoChanged( pids[ 0 ], qfalse ); } } } else { if( !( vic->client->pers.denyHumanWeapons & flag ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7player already has %s rights\n", cmd, realname ) ); return qtrue; } vic->client->pers.denyHumanWeapons &= ~flag; } } else { realname = BG_FindHumanNameForClassNum( class ); flag = 1 << class; if( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "denyweapon" ) ) { if( ( vic->client->pers.denyAlienClasses & flag ) && !all ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7player already has no %s rights\n", cmd, realname ) ); return qtrue; } vic->client->pers.denyAlienClasses |= flag; if( vic->client->pers.teamSelection == PTE_ALIENS && vic->client->pers.classSelection == class ) { vec3_t infestOrigin; short cost; G_RoomForClassChange( vic, PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL0, infestOrigin ); vic->client->pers.evolveHealthFraction = (float)vic->client->ps.stats[ STAT_HEALTH ] / (float)BG_FindHealthForClass( class ); if( vic->client->pers.evolveHealthFraction < 0.0f ) vic->client->pers.evolveHealthFraction = 0.0f; else if( vic->client->pers.evolveHealthFraction > 1.0f ) vic->client->pers.evolveHealthFraction = 1.0f; vic->client->pers.classSelection = PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL0; cost = BG_ClassCanEvolveFromTo( PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL0, class, 9, 0 ); if( cost < 0 ) cost = 0; G_AddCreditToClient( vic->client, cost, qfalse ); ClientUserinfoChanged( pids[ 0 ], qfalse ); VectorCopy( infestOrigin, vic->s.pos.trBase ); ClientSpawn( vic, vic, vic->s.pos.trBase, vic->s.apos.trBase ); } } else { if( !( vic->client->pers.denyAlienClasses & flag ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7player already has %s rights\n", cmd, realname ) ); return qtrue; } vic->client->pers.denyAlienClasses &= ~flag; } } if( all ) realname = "weapon and class"; CPx( pids[ 0 ], va( "cp \"^1You've %s your %s rights\"", ( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "denyweapon" ) ) ? "lost" : "regained", realname ) ); AP( va( "print \"^3!%s: ^7%s rights for ^7%s^7 %s by %s\n\"", cmd, realname, vic->client->pers.netname, ( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "denyweapon" ) ) ? "revoked" : "restored", ( ent ) ? ent->client->pers.netname : "console" ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_listadmins( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int i, found = 0; char search[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; char s[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; int start = 0; qboolean numeric = qtrue; int drawn = 0; int minlevel = 0; char *direction = "(all levels)"; if( G_SayArgc() == 3 + skiparg ) { G_SayArgv( 2 + skiparg, s, sizeof( s ) ); if( ( s[ 0 ] >= '0' && s[ 0] <= '9' ) || s[ 0 ] == '-' ) { minlevel = atoi( s ); if( minlevel > 0 ) direction = "or greater"; else if( minlevel < 0) direction = "or lesser"; } } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ]; i++ ) { if( ( minlevel == 0 && g_admin_admins[ i ]->level != 0 ) || ( minlevel > 0 && g_admin_admins[ i ]->level >= minlevel ) || ( minlevel < 0 && g_admin_admins[ i ]->level <= minlevel ) ) found++; } if( !found ) { if( minlevel != 0 ) { ADMP( va( "^3!listadmins: ^7no admins level %i %s found\n", minlevel, direction ) ); } else { ADMP( "^3!listadmins: ^7no admins defined\n" ); } return qfalse; } if( G_SayArgc() >= 2 + skiparg ) { G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, s, sizeof( s ) ); for( i = 0; i < sizeof( s ) && s[ i ]; i++ ) { if( s[ i ] >= '0' && s[ i ] <= '9' ) continue; numeric = qfalse; } if( numeric ) { start = atoi( s ); if( start > 0 ) start -= 1; else if( start < 0 ) start = found + start; } else G_SanitiseString( s, search, sizeof( search ) ); } if( start >= found || start < 0 ) start = 0; drawn = admin_listadmins( ent, start, search, minlevel ); if( search[ 0 ] ) { if( drawn <= 20 ) { ADMP( va( "^3!listadmins:^7 found %d admins level %i %s matching '%s^7'\n", drawn, minlevel, direction, search ) ); } else { ADMP( va( "^3!listadmins:^7 found >20 admins level %i %s matching '%s^7. Try a more narrow search.'\n", minlevel, direction, search ) ); } } else { ADMBP_begin(); ADMBP( va( "^3!listadmins:^7 showing admins level %i %s %d - %d of %d. ", minlevel, direction, ( found ) ? ( start + 1 ) : 0, ( ( start + MAX_ADMIN_LISTITEMS ) > found ) ? found : ( start + MAX_ADMIN_LISTITEMS ), found ) ); if( ( start + MAX_ADMIN_LISTITEMS ) < found ) { if( minlevel != 0 ) { ADMBP( va( "run '!listadmins %d %d' to see more", ( start + MAX_ADMIN_LISTITEMS + 1 ), minlevel ) ); } else { ADMBP( va( "run '!listadmins %d' to see more", ( start + MAX_ADMIN_LISTITEMS + 1 ) ) ); } } ADMBP( "\n" ); ADMBP_end(); } return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_listlayouts( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { char list[ MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING ]; char map[ MAX_QPATH ]; int count = 0; char *s; char layout[ MAX_QPATH ] = { "" }; int i = 0; if( G_SayArgc( ) == 2 + skiparg ) G_SayArgv( 1 +skiparg, map, sizeof( map ) ); else trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "mapname", map, sizeof( map ) ); count = G_LayoutList( map, list, sizeof( list ) ); ADMBP_begin( ); ADMBP( va( "^3!listlayouts:^7 %d layouts found for '%s':\n", count, map ) ); s = &list[ 0 ]; while( *s ) { if( *s == ' ' ) { ADMBP( va ( " %s\n", layout ) ); layout[ 0 ] = '\0'; i = 0; } else if( i < sizeof( layout ) - 2 ) { layout[ i++ ] = *s; layout[ i ] = '\0'; } s++; } if( layout[ 0 ] ) ADMBP( va ( " %s\n", layout ) ); ADMBP_end( ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_listplayers( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int i, j; int invisiblePlayers = 0; gclient_t *p; char c[ 3 ], t[ 2 ]; // color and team letter char n[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; char n2[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; char n3[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; char lname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char lname2[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char guid_stub[ 9 ]; char muted[ 2 ], denied[ 2 ], dbuilder[ 2 ], immune[ 2 ]; int l; char lname_fmt[ 5 ]; char karma[ 8 ]; //get amount of invisible players for( i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++ ) { p = &level.clients[ i ]; if ( p->sess.invisible == qtrue ) invisiblePlayers++; } ADMBP_begin(); ADMBP( va( "^3!listplayers^7: %d players connected:\n", level.numConnectedClients - invisiblePlayers ) ); for( i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++ ) { p = &level.clients[ i ]; // Ignore invisible players if ( p->sess.invisible == qtrue ) continue; Q_strncpyz( t, "S", sizeof( t ) ); Q_strncpyz( c, S_COLOR_YELLOW, sizeof( c ) ); if( p->pers.teamSelection == PTE_HUMANS ) { Q_strncpyz( t, "H", sizeof( t ) ); Q_strncpyz( c, S_COLOR_BLUE, sizeof( c ) ); } else if( p->pers.teamSelection == PTE_ALIENS ) { Q_strncpyz( t, "A", sizeof( t ) ); Q_strncpyz( c, S_COLOR_RED, sizeof( c ) ); } if( p->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTING ) { Q_strncpyz( t, "C", sizeof( t ) ); Q_strncpyz( c, S_COLOR_CYAN, sizeof( c ) ); } else if( p->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) { continue; } for( j = 0; j < 8; j++ ) guid_stub[ j ] = p->pers.guid[ j + 24 ]; guid_stub[ j ] = '\0'; muted[ 0 ] = '\0'; if( G_admin_permission( &g_entities[ i ], ADMF_NO_VOTE ) ) { Q_strncpyz( muted, "V", sizeof( muted ) ); } if( p->pers.muted ) { Q_strncpyz( muted, "M", sizeof( muted ) ); } denied[ 0 ] = '\0'; if( p->pers.denyBuild ) { Q_strncpyz( denied, "B", sizeof( denied ) ); } if( p->pers.denyHumanWeapons || p->pers.denyAlienClasses ) { Q_strncpyz( denied, "W", sizeof( denied ) ); } dbuilder[ 0 ] = '\0'; if( p->pers.designatedBuilder ) { if( !G_admin_permission( &g_entities[ i ], ADMF_INCOGNITO ) && G_admin_permission( &g_entities[ i ], ADMF_DBUILDER ) && G_admin_permission(ent, ADMF_SEESFULLLISTPLAYERS ) ) { Q_strncpyz( dbuilder, "P", sizeof( dbuilder ) ); } else { Q_strncpyz( dbuilder, "D", sizeof( dbuilder ) ); } } immune[ 0 ] = '\0'; if( G_admin_permission( &g_entities[ i ], ADMF_BAN_IMMUNITY ) ) { Q_strncpyz( immune, "I", sizeof( immune ) ); } if( p->pers.paused ) { // use immunity slot for paused player status Q_strncpyz( immune, "L", sizeof( immune ) ); } l = 0; G_SanitiseString( p->pers.netname, n2, sizeof( n2 ) ); n[ 0 ] = '\0'; for( j = 0; j < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ j ]; j++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( g_admin_admins[ j ]->guid, p->pers.guid ) ) { // don't gather aka or level info if the admin is incognito if( ent && G_admin_permission( &g_entities[ i ], ADMF_INCOGNITO ) ) { break; } l = g_admin_admins[ j ]->level; G_SanitiseString( g_admin_admins[ j ]->name, n3, sizeof( n3 ) ); if( Q_stricmp( n2, n3 ) ) { Q_strncpyz( n, g_admin_admins[ j ]->name, sizeof( n ) ); } break; } } lname[ 0 ] = '\0'; Q_strncpyz( lname_fmt, "%s", sizeof( lname_fmt ) ); for( j = 0; j < MAX_ADMIN_LEVELS && g_admin_levels[ j ]; j++ ) { if( g_admin_levels[ j ]->level == l ) { Q_strncpyz( lname, g_admin_levels[ j ]->name, sizeof( lname ) ); if( *lname ) { G_DecolorString( lname, lname2 ); Com_sprintf( lname_fmt, sizeof( lname_fmt ), "%%%is", ( admin_level_maxname + (int)( strlen( lname ) - strlen( lname2 ) ) ) ); Com_sprintf( lname2, sizeof( lname2 ), lname_fmt, lname ); } break; } } if( g_karma.integer ) Com_sprintf( karma, sizeof( karma ), " %4i", p->pers.karma / 1000 ); else karma[ 0 ] = '\0'; if( G_admin_permission(ent, ADMF_SEESFULLLISTPLAYERS ) ) { ADMBP( va( "%2i %s%s^7%s %-2i %s^7 (*%s) ^1%1s%1s%1s%1s^7 %s^7 %s%s^7%s\n", i, c, t, karma, l, ( *lname ) ? lname2 : "", guid_stub, immune, muted, dbuilder, denied, p->pers.netname, ( *n ) ? "(a.k.a. " : "", n, ( *n ) ? ")" : "" ) ); } else { ADMBP( va( "%2i %s%s^7%s ^1%1s%1s%1s^7 %s^7\n", i, c, t, karma, muted, dbuilder, denied, p->pers.netname ) ); } } ADMBP_end(); return qtrue; } #define MAX_LISTMAPS_MAPS 256 static int SortMaps(const void *a, const void *b) { return strcmp(*(char **)a, *(char **)b); } qboolean G_admin_listmaps( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { char fileList[ 4096 ] = {""}; char *fileSort[ MAX_LISTMAPS_MAPS ]; char search[ 16 ] = {""}; int numFiles; int i; int fileLen = 0; int count = 0; char *filePtr; int rows; if( G_SayArgc( ) > 1 + skiparg ) { G_SayArgv( skiparg + 1, search, sizeof( search ) ); } numFiles = trap_FS_GetFileList( "maps/", ".bsp", fileList, sizeof( fileList ) ); filePtr = fileList; for( i = 0; i < numFiles && count < MAX_LISTMAPS_MAPS; i++, filePtr += fileLen + 1 ) { fileLen = strlen( filePtr ); if (fileLen < 5) continue; filePtr[ fileLen - 4 ] = '\0'; if( search[ 0 ] && !strstr( filePtr, search ) ) continue; fileSort[ count ] = filePtr; count++; } qsort(fileSort, count, sizeof(fileSort[ 0 ]), SortMaps); rows = count / 3; if ( rows * 3 < count ) rows++; ADMBP_begin(); for( i = 0; i < rows; i++ ) { ADMBP( va( "^7%20s %20s %20s\n", fileSort[ i ], ( rows + i < count ) ? fileSort[ rows + i ] : "", ( rows * 2 + i < count ) ? fileSort[ rows * 2 + i ] : "" ) ); } if ( search[ 0 ] ) ADMBP( va( "^3!listmaps: ^7found %d maps matching '%s^7'.\n", count, search ) ); else ADMBP( va( "^3!listmaps: ^7listing %d maps.\n", count ) ); ADMBP_end(); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_listrotation( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int i, j, statusColor; char mapnames[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; char *status = '\0'; extern mapRotations_t mapRotations; // Check for an active map rotation if ( !G_MapRotationActive() || g_currentMapRotation.integer == NOT_ROTATING ) { trap_SendServerCommand( ent-g_entities, "print \"^3!rotation: ^7There is no active map rotation on this server\n\"" ); return qfalse; } // Locate the active map rotation and output its contents for( i = 0; i < mapRotations.numRotations; i++ ) { if ( i == g_currentMapRotation.integer ) { int currentMap = G_GetCurrentMap( i ); ADMBP_begin(); ADMBP( va( "^3!rotation: ^7%s\n", mapRotations.rotations[ i ].name ) ); for( j = 0; j < mapRotations.rotations[ i ].numMaps; j++ ) { Q_strncpyz( mapnames, mapRotations.rotations[ i ].maps[ j ].name, sizeof( mapnames ) ); if( !Q_stricmp( mapRotations.rotations[ i ].maps[ j ].name, "*VOTE*" ) ) { char slotMap[ 64 ]; int lineLen = 0; int k; trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "mapname", slotMap, sizeof( slotMap ) ); mapnames[ 0 ] = '\0'; for( k = 0; k < mapRotations.rotations[ i ].maps[ j ].numConditions; k++ ) { char *thisMap; int mc = 7; if( mapRotations.rotations[ i ].maps[ j ].conditions[ k ].lhs != MCV_VOTE ) continue; thisMap = mapRotations.rotations[ i ].maps[ j ].conditions[ k ].dest; lineLen += strlen( thisMap ) + 1; if( currentMap == j && !Q_stricmp( thisMap, slotMap ) ) mc = 3; Q_strcat( mapnames, sizeof( mapnames ), va( "^7%s%s^%i%s", ( k ) ? ", " : "", ( lineLen > 50 ) ? "\n " : "", mc, thisMap ) ); if( lineLen > 50 ) lineLen = strlen( thisMap ) + 2; else lineLen++; } if( currentMap == j ) { statusColor = 3; status = "current slot"; } else if( !k ) { statusColor = 1; status = "empty vote"; } else { statusColor = 7; status = "vote"; } } else if ( currentMap == j ) { statusColor = 3; status = "current slot"; } else if ( !G_MapExists( mapRotations.rotations[ i ].maps[ j ].name ) ) { statusColor = 1; status = "missing"; } else { statusColor = 7; status = ""; } ADMBP( va( " ^%i%-12s %3i %s\n", statusColor, status, j + 1, mapnames ) ); } ADMBP_end(); // No maps were found in the active map rotation if ( mapRotations.rotations[ i ].numMaps < 1 ) { trap_SendServerCommand( ent-g_entities, "print \" - ^7Empty!\n\"" ); return qfalse; } } } if( g_nextMap.string[0] ) { ADMP( va ("^5 Next map overriden by g_nextMap to: %s\n", g_nextMap.string ) ); } return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_showbans( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int i, found = 0; int t; char duration[ 32 ]; char sduration[ 32 ]; char suspended[ 64 ] = { "" }; char name_fmt[ 32 ] = { "%s" }; char banner_fmt[ 32 ] = { "%s" }; int max_name = 1, max_banner = 1; int secs; int start = 0; char filter[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; char date[ 11 ]; char *made; int j; char n1[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH * 2 ] = {""}; char n2[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH * 2 ] = {""}; int bannerslevel = 0; qboolean numeric = qtrue; char *ip_match = NULL; int ip_match_len = 0; char name_match[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; int show_count = 0; qboolean subnetfilter = qfalse; int line_color; int dummy; t = trap_RealTime( NULL ); for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_BANS && g_admin_bans[ i ]; i++ ) { found++; } if( G_SayArgc() >= 2 + skiparg ) { G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, filter, sizeof( filter ) ); if( G_SayArgc() >= 3 + skiparg ) { start = atoi( filter ); G_SayArgv( 2 + skiparg, filter, sizeof( filter ) ); } for( i = 0; i < sizeof( filter ) && filter[ i ] ; i++ ) { if( ( filter[ i ] < '0' || filter[ i ] > '9' ) && filter[ i ] != '.' && filter[ i ] != '-' ) { numeric = qfalse; break; } } if (!numeric) { if( filter[ 0 ] != '-' ) { G_SanitiseString( filter, name_match, sizeof( name_match) ); } else { if( !Q_strncmp( filter, "-sub", 4 ) ) { subnetfilter = qtrue; } else { ADMP( va( "^3!showbans: ^7invalid argument %s\n", filter ) ); return qfalse; } } } else if( strchr( filter, '.' ) != NULL ) { ip_match = filter; ip_match_len = strlen(ip_match); } else { start = atoi( filter ); filter[0] = '\0'; } // showbans 1 means start with ban 0 if( start > 0 ) start -= 1; else if( start < 0 ) start = found + start; } if( start >= MAX_ADMIN_BANS || start < 0 ) start = 0; for( i = start; i < MAX_ADMIN_BANS && g_admin_bans[ i ] && show_count < MAX_ADMIN_SHOWBANS; i++ ) { qboolean match = qfalse; if (!numeric) { if( !subnetfilter ) { G_SanitiseString( g_admin_bans[ i ]->name, n1, sizeof( n1 ) ); if (strstr( n1, name_match) ) match = qtrue; } else { int mask = -1; int scanflen = 0; scanflen = sscanf( g_admin_bans[ i ]->ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d/%d", &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &mask ); if( scanflen == 5 && mask < 32 ) { match = qtrue; } } } if ( ( match ) || !ip_match || Q_strncmp( ip_match, g_admin_bans[ i ]->ip, ip_match_len) == 0 ) { G_DecolorString( g_admin_bans[ i ]->name, n1 ); G_DecolorString( g_admin_bans[ i ]->banner, n2 ); if( strlen( n1 ) > max_name ) { max_name = strlen( n1 ); } if( strlen( n2 ) > max_banner ) max_banner = strlen( n2 ); show_count++; } } if( start >= found ) { ADMP( va( "^3!showbans: ^7there are %d active bans\n", found ) ); return qfalse; } ADMBP_begin(); show_count = 0; for( i = start; i < MAX_ADMIN_BANS && g_admin_bans[ i ] && show_count < MAX_ADMIN_SHOWBANS; i++ ) { if (!numeric) { if( !subnetfilter ) { G_SanitiseString( g_admin_bans[ i ]->name, n1, sizeof( n1 ) ); if ( strstr ( n1, name_match ) == NULL ) continue; } else { int mask = -1; int scanflen = 0; scanflen = sscanf( g_admin_bans[ i ]->ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d/%d", &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &mask ); if( scanflen != 5 || mask >= 32 ) { continue; } } } else if( ip_match != NULL && Q_strncmp( ip_match, g_admin_bans[ i ]->ip, ip_match_len ) != 0) continue; // only print out the the date part of made date[ 0 ] = '\0'; made = g_admin_bans[ i ]->made; for( j = 0; made && *made; j++ ) { if( ( j + 1 ) >= sizeof( date ) ) break; if( *made == ' ' ) break; date[ j ] = *made; date[ j + 1 ] = '\0'; made++; } if( g_admin_bans[ i ]->expires == 0 || g_admin_bans[ i ]->expires > t ) { secs = ( g_admin_bans[ i ]->expires - t ); G_admin_duration( secs, duration, sizeof( duration ) ); if( sscanf( g_admin_bans[ i ]->ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d/%d", &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy ) != 4 ) line_color = 1; else if( g_admin_bans[ i ]->suspend > t ) line_color = 5; else line_color = 7; } else { Q_strncpyz( duration, "expired", sizeof( duration ) ); line_color = 5; } suspended[ 0 ] = '\0'; if( g_admin_bans[ i ]->suspend > t ) { G_admin_duration( g_admin_bans[ i ]->suspend - t, sduration, sizeof( sduration ) ); Com_sprintf( suspended, sizeof( suspended ), "^5 | - SUSPENDED for %s\n", sduration ); } G_DecolorString( g_admin_bans[ i ]->name, n1 ); Com_sprintf( name_fmt, sizeof( name_fmt ), "%%-%is", ( max_name + (int)( strlen( g_admin_bans[ i ]->name ) - strlen( n1 ) ) ) ); Com_sprintf( n1, sizeof( n1 ), name_fmt, g_admin_bans[ i ]->name ); G_DecolorString( g_admin_bans[ i ]->banner, n2 ); Com_sprintf( banner_fmt, sizeof( banner_fmt ), "%%-%is", ( max_banner + (int)( strlen( g_admin_bans[ i ]->banner ) - strlen( n2 ) ) ) ); Com_sprintf( n2, sizeof( n2 ), banner_fmt, g_admin_bans[ i ]->banner ); bannerslevel = g_admin_bans[ i ]->bannerlevel; ADMBP( va( "^%i%4i ^7%s^%i %-15s %-8s ^7%s^7 %2i^%i %-10s\n%s^5 \\__ %s\n", line_color, ( i + 1 ), n1, line_color, g_admin_bans[ i ]->ip, date, n2, bannerslevel, line_color, duration, suspended, g_admin_bans[ i ]->reason ) ); show_count++; } if (!numeric || ip_match) { char matchmethod[50]; if( numeric ) Com_sprintf( matchmethod, sizeof(matchmethod), "IP" ); else if( !subnetfilter ) Com_sprintf( matchmethod, sizeof(matchmethod), "name" ); else Com_sprintf( matchmethod, sizeof(matchmethod), "ip range size" ); ADMBP( va( "^3!showbans:^7 found %d matching bans by %s. ", show_count, matchmethod ) ); } else { ADMBP( va( "^3!showbans:^7 showing bans %d - %d of %d. ", ( found ) ? ( start + 1 ) : 0, ( ( start + MAX_ADMIN_SHOWBANS ) > found ) ? found : ( start + MAX_ADMIN_SHOWBANS ), found ) ); } if( ( start + MAX_ADMIN_SHOWBANS ) < found ) { ADMBP( va( "run !showbans %d%s%s to see more", ( start + MAX_ADMIN_SHOWBANS + 1 ), (filter[0]) ? " " : "", (filter[0]) ? filter : "" ) ); } ADMBP( "\n" ); ADMBP_end(); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_help( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int i; char additional[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] = ""; if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { int j = 0; int count = 0; ADMBP_begin(); for( i = 0; i < adminNumCmds; i++ ) { if( G_admin_permission( ent, g_admin_cmds[ i ].flag ) ) { ADMBP( va( "^3!%-12s", g_admin_cmds[ i ].keyword ) ); j++; count++; } // show 6 commands per line if( j == 6 ) { ADMBP( "\n" ); j = 0; } } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_COMMANDS && g_admin_commands[ i ]; i++ ) { if( !G_admin_permission( ent, g_admin_commands[ i ]->flag ) ) continue; ADMBP( va( "^3!%-12s", g_admin_commands[ i ]->command ) ); j++; count++; // show 6 commands per line if( j == 6 ) { ADMBP( "\n" ); j = 0; } } if( ent && g_markDeconstruct.integer == 2 ) strcat( additional, " /mark" ); if( ent ) strcat( additional, " /builder /say_area" ); if( g_publicSayadmins.integer || G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_ADMINCHAT ) ) strcat( additional, " /a /say_admins" ); if( g_privateMessages.integer ) strcat( additional, " /m" ); if( ent && g_actionPrefix.string[0] ) strcat( additional, " /me /mt /me_team" ); if( ent && g_myStats.integer ) strcat( additional, " /mystats" ); if( ent && g_teamStatus.integer ) strcat( additional, " /teamstatus" ); if( ent && ent->client ) { if( ent->client->pers.designatedBuilder ) { strcat( additional, " /protect /resign" ); } } if( ent && g_allowShare.integer ) strcat( additional, " /share /donate" ); if( count ) ADMBP( "\n" ); ADMBP( va( "^3!help: ^7%i available commands\n", count ) ); ADMBP( "run !help [^3command^7] for help with a specific command.\n" ); ADMBP( va( "\nThe following non-standard /commands may also be available to you: \n^3%s\n", additional ) ); ADMBP_end(); return qtrue; } else { //!help param char param[ MAX_ADMIN_CMD_LEN ]; char *cmd; G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, param, sizeof( param ) ); cmd = ( param[0] == '!' ) ? ¶m[1] : ¶m[0]; ADMBP_begin(); for( i = 0; i < adminNumCmds; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( cmd, g_admin_cmds[ i ].keyword ) ) { if( !G_admin_permission( ent, g_admin_cmds[ i ].flag ) ) { ADMBP( va( "^3!help: ^7you have no permission to use '%s'\n", g_admin_cmds[ i ].keyword ) ); ADMBP_end(); return qfalse; } ADMBP( va( "^3!help: ^7help for '!%s':\n", g_admin_cmds[ i ].keyword ) ); ADMBP( va( " ^3Function: ^7%s\n", g_admin_cmds[ i ].function ) ); ADMBP( va( " ^3Syntax: ^7!%s %s\n", g_admin_cmds[ i ].keyword, g_admin_cmds[ i ].syntax ) ); ADMBP( va( " ^3Flag: ^7'%s'\n", g_admin_cmds[ i ].flag ) ); ADMBP_end(); return qtrue; } } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_COMMANDS && g_admin_commands[ i ]; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( cmd, g_admin_commands[ i ]->command ) ) { if( !G_admin_permission( ent, g_admin_commands[ i ]->flag ) ) { ADMBP( va( "^3!help: ^7you have no permission to use '%s'\n", g_admin_commands[ i ]->command ) ); ADMBP_end(); return qfalse; } ADMBP( va( "^3!help: ^7help for '%s':\n", g_admin_commands[ i ]->command ) ); ADMBP( va( " ^3Description: ^7%s\n", g_admin_commands[ i ]->desc ) ); ADMBP( va( " ^3Syntax: ^7!%s\n", g_admin_commands[ i ]->command ) ); ADMBP_end(); return qtrue; } } ADMBP( va( "^3!help: ^7no help found for '%s'\n", cmd ) ); ADMBP_end(); return qfalse; } } qboolean G_admin_admintest( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int i, l = 0; qboolean found = qfalse; qboolean lname = qfalse; if( !ent ) { ADMP( "^3!admintest: ^7you are on the console.\n" ); return qtrue; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ]; i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( g_admin_admins[ i ]->guid, ent->client->pers.guid ) ) { found = qtrue; break; } } if( found ) { l = g_admin_admins[ i ]->level; for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_LEVELS && g_admin_levels[ i ]; i++ ) { if( g_admin_levels[ i ]->level != l ) continue; if( *g_admin_levels[ i ]->name ) { lname = qtrue; break; } } } AP( va( "print \"^3!admintest: ^7%s^7 is a level %d admin %s%s^7%s\n\"", ent->client->pers.netname, l, ( lname ) ? "(" : "", ( lname ) ? g_admin_levels[ i ]->name : "", ( lname ) ? ")" : "" ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_allready( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int i = 0; gclient_t *cl; if( !level.intermissiontime ) { ADMP( "^3!allready: ^7this command is only valid during intermission\n" ); return qfalse; } for( i = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++ ) { cl = level.clients + i; if( cl->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) continue; if( cl->pers.teamSelection == PTE_NONE ) continue; cl->readyToExit = 1; } AP( va( "print \"^3!allready:^7 %s^7 says everyone is READY now\n\"", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_cancelvote( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { if(!level.voteTime && !level.teamVoteTime[ 0 ] && !level.teamVoteTime[ 1 ] ) { ADMP( "^3!cancelvote^7: no vote in progress\n" ); return qfalse; } if( !Q_strncmp( level.voteDisplayString, "Extend", 6 ) && level.extend_vote_count > 0 ) level.extend_vote_count--; level.voteNo = level.numConnectedClients; level.voteYes = 0; CheckVote( ); level.teamVoteNo[ 0 ] = level.numConnectedClients; level.teamVoteYes[ 0 ] = 0; CheckTeamVote( PTE_HUMANS ); level.teamVoteNo[ 1 ] = level.numConnectedClients; level.teamVoteYes[ 1 ] = 0; CheckTeamVote( PTE_ALIENS ); AP( va( "print \"^3!cancelvote: ^7%s^7 decided that everyone voted No\n\"", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_passvote( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { if(!level.voteTime && !level.teamVoteTime[ 0 ] && !level.teamVoteTime[ 1 ] ) { ADMP( "^3!passvote^7: no vote in progress\n" ); return qfalse; } level.voteYes = level.numConnectedClients; level.voteNo = 0; CheckVote( ); level.teamVoteYes[ 0 ] = level.numConnectedClients; level.teamVoteNo[ 0 ] = 0; CheckTeamVote( PTE_HUMANS ); level.teamVoteYes[ 1 ] = level.numConnectedClients; level.teamVoteNo[ 1 ] = 0; CheckTeamVote( PTE_ALIENS ); AP( va( "print \"^3!passvote: ^7%s^7 decided that everyone voted Yes\n\"", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); return qtrue; } static qboolean G_admin_global_pause( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { if( level.paused ) { level.pauseTime = level.time; ADMP( "^3!pause: ^7Game is already paused, unpause timer reset\n" ); return qfalse; } level.paused = qtrue; level.pauseTime = level.time; level.pause_speed = g_speed.value; level.pause_gravity = g_gravity.value; level.pause_knockback = g_knockback.value; level.pause_ff = g_friendlyFire.integer; level.pause_ffb = g_friendlyBuildableFire.integer; g_speed.value = 0; g_gravity.value = 0; g_knockback.value = 0; g_friendlyFire.integer = 0; g_friendlyBuildableFire.integer = 0; CP( "cp \"^1Game is PAUSED\"" ); AP( va( "print \"^3!pause: ^7The game has been paused by %s\n\"", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); return qtrue; } static qboolean G_admin_global_unpause( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { if( !level.paused ) { ADMP( "^3!unpause: ^7Game is not paused\n" ); return qfalse; } level.paused = qfalse; g_speed.value = level.pause_speed; g_gravity.value = level.pause_gravity; g_knockback.value = level.pause_knockback; g_friendlyFire.integer = level.pause_ff; g_friendlyBuildableFire.integer = level.pause_ffb; CP( "cp \"^2Game is RESUMED\"" ); AP( va( "print \"^3!unpause: ^7The game has been resumed by %s\n\"", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_pause( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ], err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; char command[ MAX_ADMIN_CMD_LEN ], *cmd; int i; int count = 0; gentity_t *vic; G_SayArgv( skiparg, command, sizeof( command ) ); cmd = command; if( cmd && *cmd == '!' ) cmd++; if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { // global pause if( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "pause" ) ) return G_admin_global_pause( ent, skiparg ); else return G_admin_global_unpause( ent, skiparg ); } if( G_SayArgc() != 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7usage: !%s (^5name|slot|*^7)\n", cmd, cmd ) ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( !Q_stricmp( name, "*" ) ) { for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { vic = &g_entities[ i ]; if( vic && vic->client && vic->client->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED ) { pids[ count ] = i; count++; } } } else { if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) != 1 ) { G_MatchOnePlayer( pids, err, sizeof( err ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7%s\n", cmd, err ) ); return qfalse; } count = 1; } for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { vic = &g_entities[ pids[ i ] ]; if ( !vic || !vic->client ) continue; if( !admin_higher( ent, vic ) ) { if( count == 1 ) ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7sorry, but your intended victim has a higher admin" " level than you\n", cmd ) ); continue; } if( vic->client->pers.paused ) { if( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "pause" ) ) { if( count == 1 ) ADMP( "^3!pause: ^7player is already paused\n" ); continue; } vic->client->pers.paused = qfalse; CPx( pids[ i ], "cp \"^2You've been unpaused\"" ); if( count == 1 ) AP( va( "print \"^3!unpause: ^7%s^7 unpaused by %s\n\"", vic->client->pers.netname, ( ent ) ? ent->client->pers.netname : "console" ) ); } else { if( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "unpause" ) ) { if( count == 1 ) ADMP( "^3!unpause: ^7player is already unpaused\n" ); continue; } if( count == 1 && ent == vic) { ADMP( "^3!pause: ^7you can not pause yourself\n" ); continue; } vic->client->pers.paused = qtrue; CPx( pids[ i ], va( "cp \"^1You've been paused by ^7%s\"", ( ent ) ? ent->client->pers.netname : "console" ) ); if( count == 1 ) AP( va( "print \"^3!pause: ^7%s^7 paused by %s\n\"", vic->client->pers.netname, ( ent ) ? ent->client->pers.netname : "console" ) ); } } return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_practice( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { char clantag[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char mapsarg[ 8 ]; int maps; if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { if( g_practiceCount.integer ) { AP( va( "print \"^3practice:^7 practice mode is in effect for the next %d maps\n\"", g_practiceCount.integer ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!practice: ^7practice mode set to %s^7 for next %d maps\n", g_practiceText.string, g_practiceCount.integer ) ); } else { ADMP( "^3!practice: ^7practice mode is off\n" ); } return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, clantag, sizeof( clantag ) ); if( G_SayArgc() < 3 + skiparg ) { if( !Q_stricmp( clantag, "off" ) ) { if( g_practiceCount.integer ) { trap_Cvar_Set( "g_practiceCount", "0" ); AP( va ("print \"^3!practice: ^7 practice mode turned off by %s^7\n\"", ( ent ) ? ent->client->pers.netname : "console" ) ); ADMP( "^3!practice: ^7practice mode set to off\n" ); return qtrue; } else { ADMP( "^3!practice: ^7practice mode already off\n" ); } } else { ADMP( "^3!practice: ^7usage: practice [clan tag] [map count]\n" ); } return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 2 + skiparg, mapsarg, sizeof( mapsarg ) ); maps = atoi( mapsarg ); if( !clantag[ 0 ] ) { ADMP( "^3!practice: ^7no clan tag specified\n" ); return qfalse; } if( maps < 1 || maps > 8 ) { ADMP( "^3!practice: ^7map count must be between 1 and 8\n" ); return qfalse; } trap_Cvar_Set( "g_practiceText", clantag ); trap_Cvar_Set( "g_practiceCount", va( "%d", maps ) ); AP( va( "print \"^3practice:^7 %s^7 has activated practice mode for the next %d maps\n\"", ( ent ) ? ent->client->pers.netname : "console", maps ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_spec999( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int i; gentity_t *vic; for( i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++ ) { vic = &g_entities[ i ]; if( !vic->client ) continue; if( vic->client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) continue; if( vic->client->pers.teamSelection == PTE_NONE ) continue; if( vic->client->ps.ping == 999 ) { G_ChangeTeam( vic, PTE_NONE ); AP( va( "print \"^3!spec999: ^7%s^7 moved ^7%s^7 to spectators\n\"", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console", vic->client->pers.netname ) ); } } return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_register(gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ){ int level = 0; int max; char buffer [ 64 ]; if( !ent ) return qtrue; level = G_admin_level(ent); if( G_SayArgc() > 1 + skiparg ) { G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) ); max = atoi( buffer ); if( G_SayArgc() > 2 + skiparg ) { G_SayArgv( 2 + skiparg, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) ); if( g_adminRegisterAdminPass.string[ 0 ] && Q_stricmp( g_adminRegisterAdminPass.string, "none" ) && Q_stricmp( g_adminRegisterAdminPass.string, buffer) ) { ADMP( "Invalid password.\n" ); return qfalse; } if (max > g_adminRegisterAdminLevel.integer) max = g_adminRegisterAdminLevel.integer; if( level <= g_adminRegisterAdminLevel.integer ) level = max; } else { if( max > g_adminRegisterLevel.integer ) max = g_adminRegisterLevel.integer; if( max >= 0 && level >= 0 && level <= g_adminRegisterLevel.integer ) level = max; } } else { max = 1; } if( level >= 0 && level < max ) level = max; if( !Q_stricmp( ent->client->pers.guid, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3!register: ^7 You cannot register for name protection until you update your client. Please replace your client executable with the one at http://trem.tjw.org/backport/ and reconnect. Updating your client will also allow you to have faster map downloads.\n" ) ); return qfalse; } if( g_newbieNumbering.integer && g_newbieNamePrefix.string[ 0 ] && !Q_stricmpn ( ent->client->pers.netname, g_newbieNamePrefix.string, strlen(g_newbieNamePrefix.string ) ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3!register: ^7 You cannot register names that begin with '%s^7'.\n", g_newbieNamePrefix.string ) ); return qfalse; } trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND,va( "!setlevel %d %d;", (int)(ent - g_entities), level) ); AP( va( "print \"^3!register: ^7%s^7 is now a protected nickname.\n\"", ent->client->pers.netname) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_rename( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char newname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char oldname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; char userinfo[ MAX_INFO_STRING ]; char *s; gentity_t *victim = NULL; if( G_SayArgc() < 3 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!rename: ^7usage: !rename [name] [newname]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); s = G_SayConcatArgs( 2 + skiparg ); Q_strncpyz( newname, s, sizeof( newname ) ); if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) != 1 ) { G_MatchOnePlayer( pids, err, sizeof( err ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!rename: ^7%s\n", err ) ); return qfalse; } victim = &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ] ; if( !admin_higher( ent, victim ) ) { ADMP( "^3!rename: ^7sorry, but your intended victim has a higher admin" " level than you\n" ); return qfalse; } if( !G_admin_name_check( victim, newname, err, sizeof( err ) ) ) { G_admin_print( ent, va( "^3!rename: Invalid name: ^7%s\n", err ) ); return qfalse; } level.clients[ pids[ 0 ] ].pers.nameChanges--; level.clients[ pids[ 0 ] ].pers.nameChangeTime = 0; trap_GetUserinfo( pids[ 0 ], userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ) ); s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "name" ); Q_strncpyz( oldname, s, sizeof( oldname ) ); Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "name", newname ); trap_SetUserinfo( pids[ 0 ], userinfo ); ClientUserinfoChanged( pids[ 0 ], qtrue ); if( strcmp( oldname, level.clients[ pids[ 0 ] ].pers.netname ) ) AP( va( "print \"^3!rename: ^7%s^7 has been renamed to %s^7 by %s\n\"", oldname, level.clients[ pids[ 0 ] ].pers.netname, ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_restart( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { char layout[ MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING ] = { "" }; char teampref[ MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING ] = { "" }; int i; gclient_t *cl; if( G_SayArgc( ) > 1 + skiparg ) { char map[ MAX_QPATH ]; trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "mapname", map, sizeof( map ) ); G_SayArgv( skiparg + 1, layout, sizeof( layout ) ); if( Q_stricmp( layout, "keepteams" ) && Q_stricmp( layout, "keepteamslock" ) && Q_stricmp( layout, "switchteams" ) && Q_stricmp( layout, "switchteamslock" ) ) { if( !Q_stricmp( layout, "*BUILTIN*" ) || trap_FS_FOpenFile( va( "layouts/%s/%s.dat", map, layout ), NULL, FS_READ ) > 0 ) { trap_Cvar_Set( "g_layouts", layout ); } else { ADMP( va( "^3!restart: ^7layout '%s' does not exist\n", layout ) ); return qfalse; } } else { strcpy(layout,""); G_SayArgv( skiparg + 1, teampref, sizeof( teampref ) ); } } if( G_SayArgc( ) > 2 + skiparg ) { G_SayArgv( skiparg + 2, teampref, sizeof( teampref ) ); } if( !Q_stricmp( teampref, "keepteams" ) || !Q_stricmp( teampref, "keepteamslock" ) ) { for( i = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++ ) { cl = level.clients + i; if( cl->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) continue; if( cl->pers.teamSelection == PTE_NONE ) continue; cl->sess.restartTeam = cl->pers.teamSelection; } } else if(!Q_stricmp( teampref, "switchteams" ) || !Q_stricmp( teampref, "switchteamslock" )) { for( i = 0; i < g_maxclients.integer; i++ ) { cl = level.clients + i; if( cl->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) continue; if( cl->pers.teamSelection == PTE_NONE ) continue; if( cl->pers.teamSelection == PTE_ALIENS ) cl->sess.restartTeam = PTE_HUMANS; else if(cl->pers.teamSelection == PTE_HUMANS ) cl->sess.restartTeam = PTE_ALIENS; } } if( !Q_stricmp( teampref, "switchteamslock" ) || !Q_stricmp( teampref, "keepteamslock" ) ) { trap_Cvar_Set( "g_lockTeamsAtStart", "1" ); } trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, "map_restart" ); if(teampref[ 0 ]) strcpy(teampref,va( "^7(with teams option: '%s^7')", teampref )); G_admin_maplog_result( "R" ); AP( va( "print \"^3!restart: ^7map restarted by %s %s %s\n\"", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console", ( layout[ 0 ] ) ? va( "^7(forcing layout '%s^7')", layout ) : "", teampref ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_nextmap( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { AP( va( "print \"^3!nextmap: ^7%s^7 decided to load the next map\n\"", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); level.lastWin = PTE_NONE; trap_SetConfigstring( CS_WINNER, "Evacuation" ); LogExit( va( "nextmap was run by %s", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); G_admin_maplog_result( "N" ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_namelog( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int i, j; char search[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; char s2[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; char n2[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; char guid_stub[ 9 ]; qboolean found = qfalse; int printed = 0; if( G_SayArgc() > 1 + skiparg ) { G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, search, sizeof( search ) ); G_SanitiseString( search, s2, sizeof( s2 ) ); } ADMBP_begin(); for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_NAMELOGS && g_admin_namelog[ i ]; i++ ) { if( search[0] ) { found = qfalse; for( j = 0; j < MAX_ADMIN_NAMELOG_NAMES && g_admin_namelog[ i ]->name[ j ][ 0 ]; j++ ) { G_SanitiseString( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->name[ j ], n2, sizeof( n2 ) ); if( strstr( n2, s2 ) ) { found = qtrue; break; } } if( !found ) continue; } printed++; for( j = 0; j < 8; j++ ) guid_stub[ j ] = g_admin_namelog[ i ]->guid[ j + 24 ]; guid_stub[ j ] = '\0'; if( g_admin_namelog[ i ]->slot > -1 ) ADMBP( "^3" ); ADMBP( va( "%-2s (*%s) %15s^7", (g_admin_namelog[ i ]->slot > -1 ) ? va( "%d", g_admin_namelog[ i ]->slot ) : "-", guid_stub, g_admin_namelog[ i ]->ip ) ); for( j = 0; j < MAX_ADMIN_NAMELOG_NAMES && g_admin_namelog[ i ]->name[ j ][ 0 ]; j++ ) { ADMBP( va( " '%s^7'", g_admin_namelog[ i ]->name[ j ] ) ); } ADMBP( "\n" ); } ADMBP( va( "^3!namelog:^7 %d recent clients found\n", printed ) ); ADMBP_end(); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_lock( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { char teamName[2] = {""}; pTeam_t team; if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!lock: ^7usage: !lock [a|h]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, teamName, sizeof( teamName ) ); if( teamName[ 0 ] == 'a' || teamName[ 0 ] == 'A' ) team = PTE_ALIENS; else if( teamName[ 0 ] == 'h' || teamName[ 0 ] == 'H' ) team = PTE_HUMANS; else { ADMP( va( "^3!lock: ^7invalid team\"%c\"\n", teamName[0] ) ); return qfalse; } if( team == PTE_ALIENS ) { if( level.alienTeamLocked ) { ADMP( "^3!lock: ^7Alien team is already locked\n" ); return qfalse; } else level.alienTeamLocked = qtrue; } else if( team == PTE_HUMANS ) { if( level.humanTeamLocked ) { ADMP( "^3!lock: ^7Human team is already locked\n" ); return qfalse; } else level.humanTeamLocked = qtrue; } AP( va( "print \"^3!lock: ^7%s team has been locked by %s\n\"", ( team == PTE_ALIENS ) ? "Alien" : "Human", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_unlock( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { char teamName[2] = {""}; pTeam_t team; if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!unlock: ^7usage: !unlock [a|h]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, teamName, sizeof( teamName ) ); if( teamName[ 0 ] == 'a' || teamName[ 0 ] == 'A' ) team = PTE_ALIENS; else if( teamName[ 0 ] == 'h' || teamName[ 0 ] == 'H' ) team = PTE_HUMANS; else { ADMP( va( "^3!unlock: ^7invalid team\"%c\"\n", teamName[0] ) ); return qfalse; } if( team == PTE_ALIENS ) { if( !level.alienTeamLocked ) { ADMP( "^3!unlock: ^7Alien team is not currently locked\n" ); return qfalse; } else level.alienTeamLocked = qfalse; } else if( team == PTE_HUMANS ) { if( !level.humanTeamLocked ) { ADMP( "^3!unlock: ^7Human team is not currently locked\n" ); return qfalse; } else level.humanTeamLocked = qfalse; } AP( va( "print \"^3!unlock: ^7%s team has been unlocked by %s\n\"", ( team == PTE_ALIENS ) ? "Alien" : "Human", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_designate( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ], err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; char command[ MAX_ADMIN_CMD_LEN ], *cmd; gentity_t *vic; if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!designate: ^7usage: designate [name|slot#]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( skiparg, command, sizeof( command ) ); cmd = command; if( cmd && *cmd == '!' ) cmd++; G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) != 1 ) { G_MatchOnePlayer( pids, err, sizeof( err ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!designate: ^7%s\n", err ) ); return qfalse; } if( !admin_higher( ent, &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ] ) && !Q_stricmp( cmd, "undesignate" ) ) { ADMP( "^3!designate: ^7sorry, but your intended victim has a higher admin" " level than you\n" ); return qfalse; } vic = &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ]; if( vic->client->pers.designatedBuilder == qtrue ) { if( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "designate" ) ) { ADMP( "^3!designate: ^7player is already designated builder\n" ); return qtrue; } vic->client->pers.designatedBuilder = qfalse; CPx( pids[ 0 ], "cp \"^1Your designation has been revoked\"" ); AP( va( "print \"^3!designate: ^7%s^7's designation has been revoked by %s\n\"", vic->client->pers.netname, ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); G_CheckDBProtection( ); } else { if( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "undesignate" ) ) { ADMP( "^3!undesignate: ^7player is not currently designated builder\n" ); return qtrue; } vic->client->pers.designatedBuilder = qtrue; CPx( pids[ 0 ], "cp \"^1You've been designated\"" ); AP( va( "print \"^3!designate: ^7%s^7 has been designated by ^7%s\n\"", vic->client->pers.netname, ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); } return qtrue; } static int SortFlags( const void *pa, const void *pb ) { char *a = (char *)pa; char *b = (char *)pb; if( *a == '-' || *a == '+' ) a++; if( *b == '-' || *b == '+' ) b++; return strcmp(a, b); } #define MAX_USER_FLAGS 200 const char *G_admin_user_flag( char *oldflags, char *flag, qboolean add, qboolean clear, char *newflags, int size ) { char *token, *token_p; char *key; char head_flags[ MAX_USER_FLAGS ][ MAX_ADMIN_FLAG_LEN ]; char tail_flags[ MAX_USER_FLAGS ][ MAX_ADMIN_FLAG_LEN ]; char allflag[ MAX_ADMIN_FLAG_LEN ]; char newflag[ MAX_ADMIN_FLAG_LEN ]; int head_count = 0; int tail_count = 0; qboolean flagset = qfalse; int i; if( !flag[ 0 ] ) { return "invalid admin flag"; } allflag[ 0 ] = '\0'; token_p = oldflags; while( *( token = COM_Parse( &token_p ) ) ) { key = token; if( *key == '-' || *key == '+' ) key++; if( !strcmp( key, flag ) ) { if( flagset ) continue; flagset = qtrue; if( clear ) { // clearing ALLFlAGS will result in clearing any following flags if( !strcmp( key, ADMF_ALLFLAGS ) ) break; else continue; } Com_sprintf( newflag, sizeof( newflag ), "%s%s", ( add ) ? "+" : "-", key ); } else { Q_strncpyz( newflag, token, sizeof( newflag ) ); } if( !strcmp( key, ADMF_ALLFLAGS ) ) { if( !allflag[ 0 ] ) Q_strncpyz( allflag, newflag, sizeof( allflag ) ); continue; } if( !allflag[ 0 ] ) { if( head_count < MAX_USER_FLAGS ) { Q_strncpyz( head_flags[ head_count ], newflag, sizeof( head_flags[ head_count ] ) ); head_count++; } } else { if( tail_count < MAX_USER_FLAGS ) { Q_strncpyz( tail_flags[ tail_count ], newflag, sizeof( tail_flags[ tail_count ] ) ); tail_count++; } } } if( !flagset && !clear ) { if( !strcmp( flag, ADMF_ALLFLAGS ) ) { Com_sprintf( allflag, sizeof( allflag ), "%s%s", ( add ) ? "" : "-", ADMF_ALLFLAGS ); } else if( !allflag[ 0 ] ) { if( head_count < MAX_USER_FLAGS ) { Com_sprintf( head_flags[ head_count ], sizeof( head_flags[ head_count ] ), "%s%s", ( add ) ? "" : "-", flag ); head_count++; } } else { if( tail_count < MAX_USER_FLAGS ) { Com_sprintf( tail_flags[ tail_count ], sizeof( tail_flags[ tail_count ] ), "%s%s", ( add ) ? "+" : "-", flag ); tail_count++; } } } qsort( head_flags, head_count, sizeof( head_flags[ 0 ] ), SortFlags ); qsort( tail_flags, tail_count, sizeof( tail_flags[ 0 ] ), SortFlags ); // rebuild flags newflags[ 0 ] = '\0'; for( i = 0; i < head_count; i++ ) { Q_strcat( newflags, size, va( "%s%s", ( i ) ? " ": "", head_flags[ i ] ) ); } if( allflag[ 0 ] ) { Q_strcat( newflags, size, va( "%s%s", ( newflags[ 0 ] ) ? " ": "", allflag ) ); for( i = 0; i < tail_count; i++ ) { Q_strcat( newflags, size, va( " %s", tail_flags[ i ] ) ); } } return NULL; } typedef struct { char *flag; char *description; } AdminFlagListEntry_t; static AdminFlagListEntry_t adminFlagList[] = { { ADMF_ACTIVITY, "inactivity rules do not apply" }, { ADMF_ADMINCHAT, "can see and use admin chat" }, { ADMF_ALLFLAGS, "has all flags and can use any command" }, { ADMF_BAN_IMMUNITY, "immune from IP bans" }, { ADMF_CAN_PERM_BAN, "can permanently ban players" }, { ADMF_DBUILDER, "permanent designated builder" }, { ADMF_FORCETEAMCHANGE, "team balance rules do not apply" }, { ADMF_INCOGNITO, "does not show as admin in !listplayers" }, { ADMF_IMMUNITY, "cannot be vote kicked or muted" }, { ADMF_IMMUTABLE, "admin commands cannot be used on them" }, { ADMF_NOCENSORFLOOD, "no flood protection" }, { ADMF_NO_VOTE_LIMIT, "vote limitations do not apply" }, { ADMF_SEESFULLLISTPLAYERS, "sees all info in !listplayers" }, { ADMF_SPEC_ALLCHAT, "can see team chat as spectator" }, { ADMF_ADMINSTEALTH, "uses admin stealth" }, { ADMF_TEAMCHANGEFREE, "keeps credits on team switch" }, { ADMF_TEAMCHAT_CMD, "can run commands from team chat" }, { ADMF_UNACCOUNTABLE, "does not need to specify reason for kick/ban" }, { ADMF_NO_CHAT, "can not talk" }, { ADMF_NO_VOTE, "can not call votes" } }; static int adminNumFlags= sizeof( adminFlagList ) / sizeof( adminFlagList[ 0 ] ); #define MAX_LISTCOMMANDS 128 qboolean G_admin_flaglist( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { qboolean shown[ MAX_LISTCOMMANDS ]; int i, j; int count = 0; ADMBP_begin(); ADMBP( "^3Ability flags:\n" ); for( i = 0; i < adminNumFlags; i++ ) { ADMBP( va( " %s%-20s ^7%s\n", ( adminFlagList[ i ].flag[ 0 ] != '.' ) ? "^5" : "^1", adminFlagList[ i ].flag, adminFlagList[ i ].description ) ); } ADMBP( "^3Command flags:\n" ); memset( shown, 0, sizeof( shown ) ); for( i = 0; i < adminNumCmds; i++ ) { if( i < MAX_LISTCOMMANDS && shown[ i ] ) continue; ADMBP( va( " ^5%-20s^7", g_admin_cmds[ i ].flag ) ); for( j = i; j < adminNumCmds; j++ ) { if( !strcmp( g_admin_cmds[ j ].flag, g_admin_cmds[ i ].flag ) ) { ADMBP( va( " %s", g_admin_cmds[ j ].keyword ) ); if( j < MAX_LISTCOMMANDS ) shown[ j ] = qtrue; } } ADMBP( "\n" ); count++; } ADMBP( va( "^3!flaglist: ^7listed %d abilities and %d command flags\n", adminNumFlags, count ) ); ADMBP_end(); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_flag( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { char command[ MAX_ADMIN_CMD_LEN ], *cmd; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ]; char flagbuf[ MAX_ADMIN_FLAG_LEN ]; char *flag; int id; char adminname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; const char *result; qboolean add = qtrue; qboolean clear = qfalse; int admin_level = -1; int i, level; G_SayArgv( skiparg, command, sizeof( command ) ); cmd = command; if( *cmd == '!' ) cmd++; if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7usage: !%s slot# flag\n", cmd, cmd ) ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( name[ 0 ] == '*' ) { if( ent ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: only console can change admin level flags\n", cmd ) ); return qfalse; } id = atoi( name + 1 ); for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_LEVELS && g_admin_levels[ i ]; i++ ) { if( g_admin_levels[ i ]->level == id ) { admin_level = i; break; } } if( admin_level < 0 ) { ADMP( va( "^3!%s: admin level %d does not exist\n", cmd, id ) ); return qfalse; } Com_sprintf( adminname, sizeof( adminname ), "admin level %d", id ); } else { id = G_admin_find_admin_slot( ent, name, cmd, adminname, sizeof( adminname ) ); if( id < 0 ) return qfalse; if( ent && !admin_higher_guid( ent->client->pers.guid, g_admin_admins[ id ]->guid ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3%s:^7 your intended victim has a higher admin level than you\n", cmd ) ); return qfalse; } } if( G_SayArgc() < 3 + skiparg ) { flag = ""; level = 0; if( admin_level < 0 ) { for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_LEVELS && g_admin_levels[ i ]; i++ ) { if( g_admin_admins[ id ]->level == g_admin_levels[ i ]->level ) { flag = g_admin_levels[ i ]->flags; level = g_admin_admins[ id ]->level; break; } } ADMP( va( "^3%s:^7 flags for %s^7 are '^3%s^7'\n", cmd, adminname, g_admin_admins[ id ]->flags) ); } else { flag = g_admin_levels[ admin_level ]->flags; level = g_admin_levels[ admin_level ]->level; } ADMP( va( "^3%s:^7 level %d flags are '%s'\n", cmd, level, flag ) ); return qtrue; } G_SayArgv( 2 + skiparg, flagbuf, sizeof( flagbuf ) ); flag = flagbuf; if( flag[ 0 ] == '-' || flag[ 0 ] == '+' ) { add = ( flag[ 0 ] == '+' ); flag++; } if( ent && !Q_stricmp( ent->client->pers.guid, g_admin_admins[ id ]->guid ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3%s:^7 you may not change your own flags (use rcon)\n", cmd ) ); return qfalse; } if( flag[ 0 ] != '.' && !G_admin_permission( ent, flag ) ) { ADMP( va( "^3%s:^7 you can only change flags that you also have\n", cmd ) ); return qfalse; } if( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "unflag" ) ) { clear = qtrue; } if( admin_level < 0 ) { result = G_admin_user_flag( g_admin_admins[ id ]->flags, flag, add, clear, g_admin_admins[ id ]->flags, sizeof( g_admin_admins[ id ]->flags ) ); } else { result = G_admin_user_flag( g_admin_levels[ admin_level ]->flags, flag, add, clear, g_admin_levels[ admin_level ]->flags, sizeof( g_admin_levels[ admin_level ]->flags ) ); } if( result ) { ADMP( va( "^3!flag: ^7an error occured setting flag '^3%s^7', %s\n", flag, result ) ); return qfalse; } if( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "flag" ) ) { G_AdminsPrintf( "^3!%s: ^7%s^7 was %s admin flag '%s' by %s\n", cmd, adminname, ( add ) ? "given" : "denied", flag, ( ent ) ? ent->client->pers.netname : "console" ); } else { G_AdminsPrintf( "^3!%s: ^7admin flag '%s' for %s^7 cleared by %s\n", cmd, flag, adminname, ( ent ) ? ent->client->pers.netname : "console" ); } if( !g_admin.string[ 0 ] ) ADMP( va( "^3!%s: ^7WARNING g_admin not set, not saving admin record " "to a file\n", cmd ) ); else admin_writeconfig(); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_immunity( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { char command[ MAX_ADMIN_CMD_LEN ]; char *cmd, *action; int id; char adminname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; const char *result; if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!immunity: ^7usage: immunity [+|-]slot#\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, command, sizeof( command ) ); cmd = command; action = command; if( *cmd == '+' || *cmd == '-' ) cmd++; id = G_admin_find_admin_slot( ent, cmd, "immunity", adminname, sizeof( adminname ) ); if( id < 0 ) return qfalse; if( *action != '+' && *action != '-' ) { ADMP( va( "^3immunity:^7 ban immunity for %s^7 is %s, prepend + or - to the slot number to change.\n", adminname, ( G_admin_permission_guid( g_admin_admins[ id ]->guid, ADMF_BAN_IMMUNITY ) ) ? "on" : "off" ) ); return qfalse; } result = G_admin_user_flag( g_admin_admins[ id ]->flags, ADMF_BAN_IMMUNITY, qtrue, ( *action != '+' ), g_admin_admins[ id ]->flags, sizeof( g_admin_admins[ id ]->flags ) ); if( result ) { ADMP( va( "^3!immunity: ^7an error occured setting flag, %s\n", result ) ); return qfalse; } if( *action == '+' ) { AP( va( "print \"^3!immunity: ^7%s^7 was given ban immunity by %s\n\"", adminname, ( ent ) ? ent->client->pers.netname : "console" ) ); } else { AP( va( "print \"^3!immunity: ^7ban immunity for %s^7 removed by %s\n\"", adminname, ( ent ) ? ent->client->pers.netname : "console" ) ); } if( !g_admin.string[ 0 ] ) ADMP( "^3!immunity: ^7WARNING g_admin not set, not saving admin record " "to a file\n" ); else admin_writeconfig(); return qtrue; } //!Warn by Gate (Daniel Evans) qboolean G_admin_warn( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) {//mostly copy and paste with the proper lines altered from !mute and !kick int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ], *reason, err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; int minargc; gentity_t *vic; minargc = 3 + skiparg; if( G_admin_permission( ent, ADMF_UNACCOUNTABLE ) ) minargc = 2 + skiparg; if( G_SayArgc() < minargc ) { ADMP( "^3!warn: ^7usage: warn [name] [reason]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); reason = G_SayConcatArgs( 2 + skiparg ); if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) != 1 ) { G_MatchOnePlayer( pids, err, sizeof( err ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!warn: ^7%s\n", err ) ); return qfalse; } if( !admin_higher( ent, &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ] ) ) { ADMP( "^3!warn: ^7sorry, but your intended victim has a higher admin" " level than you.\n" ); return qfalse; } vic = &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ]; //next line is the onscreen warning CPx( pids[ 0 ],va("cp \"^1You have been warned by an administrator.\n ^3Cease immediately or face admin action!\n^1 %s%s\"",(*reason)? "REASON: " : "" ,(*reason)? reason : "") ); AP( va( "print \"^3!warn: ^7%s^7 has been warned to cease and desist: %s by %s \n\"", vic->client->pers.netname, (*reason) ? reason : "his current activity", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) );//console announcement return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_bring( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ], err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; gentity_t *vic; if( !ent ) { ADMP( "^3!bring: ^7console cannot use this command\n" ); return qfalse; } if( ent->client->pers.teamSelection != PTE_NONE ) { ADMP( "^3!bring: ^7you can only use this command from spectator\n" ); return qfalse; } if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!bring: ^7usage: !bring [name|slot#]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) != 1 ) { G_MatchOnePlayer( pids, err, sizeof( err ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!bring: ^7%s\n", err ) ); return qfalse; } vic = &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ]; VectorCopy( vic->client->ps.origin, ent->client->ps.origin ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_putmespec( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int cs_offset; if( !ent ) { ADMP( "!specme: sorry, but console isn't allowed on the spectators team\n"); return qfalse; } if( level.paused ) { ADMP("!specme: disabled when game is paused\n"); return qfalse; } if(ent->client->pers.teamSelection == PTE_NONE) return qfalse; if( ent->client->pers.teamSelection == PTE_ALIENS ) cs_offset = 1; else cs_offset = 0; if( level.teamVoteTime[ cs_offset ] ) { trap_SendServerCommand( ent-g_entities, "print \"Can not leave team during a team vote\n\"" ); return qfalse; } //guard against build timer exploit if( ent->client->pers.teamSelection != PTE_NONE && ent->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR && ( ent->client->ps.stats[ STAT_PCLASS ] == PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0 || ent->client->ps.stats[ STAT_PCLASS ] == PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0_UPG || BG_InventoryContainsWeapon( WP_HBUILD, ent->client->ps.stats ) || BG_InventoryContainsWeapon( WP_HBUILD2, ent->client->ps.stats ) ) && ent->client->ps.stats[ STAT_MISC ] > 0 ) { ADMP("!specme: You cannot leave your team until the build timer expires"); return qfalse; } G_ChangeTeam( ent, PTE_NONE ); // check for silent '!specme s' - requires !kick permission if( G_SayArgc() > 1 + skiparg ) { char arg[ 2 ]; G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, arg, sizeof( arg ) ); if( ( arg[ 0 ] == 's' || arg[ 0 ] == 'S' ) && G_admin_permission( ent, "kick" ) ) { ADMP("^3!specme: ^7 You have silently joined the spectators\n"); return qtrue; } } AP( va("print \"^3!specme: ^7%s^7 decided to join the spectators\n\"", ent->client->pers.netname ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_outlaw( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ], err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; char valuebuf[ 8 ]; gentity_t *vic; int points; qboolean activate = qtrue; if( !g_bleedingSpree.integer ) { ADMP( "^3!outlaw: ^7bleeding sprees are disabled\n" ); return qfalse; } if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!outlaw: ^7usage: !outlaw [name|slot#] (value)\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) != 1 ) { G_MatchOnePlayer( pids, err, sizeof( err ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!mute: ^7%s\n", err ) ); return qfalse; } vic = &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ]; if( G_SayArgc() > 2 + skiparg ) { G_SayArgv( 2 + skiparg, valuebuf, sizeof( valuebuf ) ); if( valuebuf[ 0 ] == '?' ) { ADMP( va( "^3!outlaw: ^7%s^7's bleeder value is %d\n", vic->client->pers.netname, vic->client->pers.statscounters.spreebleeds ) ); return qtrue; } if( valuebuf[ 0 ] == '+' || valuebuf[ 0 ] == '-' ) { activate = qfalse; } points = atoi( valuebuf ); } else { points = ( g_bleedingSpree.integer + 1 ) * 100; } if( !admin_higher( ent, &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ] ) ) { ADMP( "^3!outlaw: ^7sorry, but your intended victim has a higher admin" " level than you\n" ); return qfalse; } if( points ) { vic->client->pers.statscounters.spreebleeds += points; if( vic->client->pers.statscounters.spreebleeds < 1 ) vic->client->pers.statscounters.spreebleeds = 1; if( activate && !vic->client->pers.bleeder ) { vic->client->pers.bleeder = qtrue; level.bleeders++; AP( va( "print \"^3!outlaw: ^7%s^7 has been designated an outlaw by ^7%s\n\"", vic->client->pers.netname, ( ent ) ? ent->client->pers.netname : "console" ) ); } else { AP( va( "print \"^3!outlaw: ^7%s^7 bleeder value has been adjusted by ^7%s\n\"", vic->client->pers.netname, ( ent ) ? ent->client->pers.netname : "console" ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!outlaw: ^7%s^7's bleeder value is now %d\n", vic->client->pers.netname, vic->client->pers.statscounters.spreebleeds ) ); } } else { vic->client->pers.statscounters.spreebleeds = 0; if( vic->client->pers.bleeder ) vic->client->pers.bleeder = qfalse; if( level.bleeders ) level.bleeders--; AP( va( "print \"^3!outlaw: ^7%s^7 has been pardoned by ^7%s\n\"", vic->client->pers.netname, ( ent ) ? ent->client->pers.netname : "console" ) ); } return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_slap( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ], err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; gentity_t *vic; vec3_t dir; if( level.intermissiontime ) return qfalse; if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!slap: ^7usage: !slap [name|slot#]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) != 1 ) { G_MatchOnePlayer( pids, err, sizeof( err ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!slap: ^7%s\n", err ) ); return qfalse; } vic = &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ]; if( !vic ) { ADMP( "^3!slap: ^7bad target\n" ); return qfalse; } if( vic == ent ) { ADMP( "^3!slap: ^7sorry, you cannot slap yourself\n" ); return qfalse; } if( !admin_higher( ent, vic ) ) { ADMP( "^3!slap: ^7sorry, but your intended victim has a higher admin" " level than you\n" ); return qfalse; } if( vic->client->pers.teamSelection == PTE_NONE || vic->client->pers.classSelection == PCL_NONE ) { ADMP( "^3!slap: ^7can't slap spectators\n" ); return qfalse; } // knockback in a random direction dir[0] = crandom(); dir[1] = crandom(); dir[2] = random(); G_Knockback( vic, dir, g_slapKnockback.integer ); trap_SendServerCommand( vic-g_entities, va( "cp \"%s^7 is not amused\n\"", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); if( g_slapDamage.integer > 0 ) { int damage; if( G_SayArgc() > 2 + skiparg ) { char dmg_str[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; G_SayArgv( 2 + skiparg, dmg_str, sizeof( dmg_str ) ); damage = atoi(dmg_str); if( damage < 0 ) damage = 0; } else { if( g_slapDamage.integer > 100 ) g_slapDamage.integer = 100; damage = BG_FindHealthForClass( vic->client->ps.stats[ STAT_PCLASS ] ) * g_slapDamage.integer / 100; if( damage < 1 ) damage = 1; } vic->health -= damage; vic->client->ps.stats[ STAT_HEALTH ] = vic->health; vic->lastDamageTime = level.time; if( vic->health <= 0 ) { vic->flags |= FL_NO_KNOCKBACK; vic->enemy = &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ]; vic->die( vic, ent, ent, damage, MOD_SLAP ); } else if( vic->pain ) { vic->pain( vic, &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ], damage ); } } return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_drop( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ], err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!drop: ^7usage: !drop [name|slot#] [message]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) != 1 ) { G_MatchOnePlayer( pids, err, sizeof( err ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!drop: ^7%s\n", err ) ); return qfalse; } if( !admin_higher( ent, &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ] ) ) { ADMP( "^3!drop: ^7sorry, but your intended victim has a higher admin" " level than you\n" ); return qfalse; } // victim's message if( G_SayArgc() > 2 + skiparg ) trap_SendServerCommand( pids[ 0 ], va( "disconnect \"You have been dropped.\n%s^7\n\"", G_SayConcatArgs( 2 + skiparg ) ) ); else trap_SendServerCommand( pids[ 0 ], va( "disconnect" ) ); // server message trap_DropClient( pids[ 0 ], va( "disconnected" ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_bubble( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ], err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; gentity_t *vic; if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!bubble: ^7usage: !bubble [name|slot#]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) != 1 ) { G_MatchOnePlayer( pids, err, sizeof( err ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!bubble: ^7%s\n", err ) ); return qfalse; } if( !admin_higher( ent, &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ] ) ) { ADMP( "^3!bubble: ^7sorry, but your intended victim has a higher admin" " level than you\n" ); return qfalse; } vic = &g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ]; if( vic->client->pers.bubbleTime ) vic->client->pers.bubbleTime = 0; else vic->client->pers.bubbleTime = level.time + 500; AP( va( "print \"^3!bubble: ^7bubbles %s for %s^7 by %s\n\"", ( vic->client->pers.bubbleTime ) ? "enabled" : "disabled", vic->client->pers.netname, ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_buildlog( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { #define LOG_DISPLAY_LENGTH 10 buildHistory_t *ptr; gentity_t *builder = NULL; int skip = 0, start = 0, lastID = -1, firstID = -1, i, len, matchlen = 0; pTeam_t team = PTE_NONE; char message[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ], *teamchar; char *name, *action, *buildablename, markstring[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; if( !g_buildLogMaxLength.integer ) { ADMP( "^3!buildlog: ^7build logging is disabled" ); return qfalse; } if( G_SayArgc( ) >= 2 + skiparg ) { for( i = 1; i + skiparg < G_SayArgc( ); i++ ) { char argbuf[ 64 ], err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; int x = 0, pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; G_SayArgv( i + skiparg, argbuf, sizeof argbuf ); switch( argbuf[ 0 ]) { case 'x': x = 1; default: skip = atoi( argbuf + x ); start = 0; break; case '#': start = atoi( argbuf + 1 ); skip = 0; break; case '-': if(G_ClientNumbersFromString(argbuf + 1, pids) != 1) { G_MatchOnePlayer(pids, err, sizeof(err)); ADMP(va("^3!revert: ^7%s\n", err)); return qfalse; } builder = g_entities + *pids; break; case 'A': case 'a': team = PTE_ALIENS; break; case 'H': case 'h': team = PTE_HUMANS; break; } } } // !buildlog can be abused, so let everyone know when it is used AP( va( "print \"^3!buildlog: ^7%s^7 requested a log of recent building" " activity\n\"", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console" ) ); len = G_CountBuildLog( ); // also clips the log if too long if( !len ) { ADMP( "^3!buildlog: ^7no build log found\n" ); return qfalse; } if( start ) { // set skip based on start for( ptr = level.buildHistory; ptr && ptr->ID != start; ptr = ptr->next, skip++ ); if( !ptr ) { ADMP( "^3!buildlog: ^7log ID not found\n" ); skip = 0; } } // ensure skip is a useful value if( skip > len - LOG_DISPLAY_LENGTH ) skip = len - LOG_DISPLAY_LENGTH; *message = '\0'; // skip to start entry for( ptr = level.buildHistory, i = len; ptr && i > len - skip; ptr = ptr->next ) { // these checks could perhaps be done more efficiently but they are cheap // in processor time so I'm not worrying if( team != PTE_NONE && team != BG_FindTeamForBuildable( ptr->buildable ) ) continue; if( builder && builder != ptr->ent ) continue; matchlen++; i--; } for( ; i + LOG_DISPLAY_LENGTH > len - skip && i > 0; i--, ptr = ptr->next ) { if( !ptr ) break; // run out of log *markstring = '\0'; // reinit markstring // check team if( ( team != PTE_NONE && team != BG_FindTeamForBuildable( ptr->buildable ) ) || ( builder && builder != ptr->ent ) ) { skip++; // loop an extra time because we skipped one continue; } if( lastID < 0 ) lastID = ptr->ID; firstID = ptr->ID; matchlen++; // set name to the ent's current name or last recorded name if( ptr->ent ) { if( ptr->ent->client ) name = ptr->ent->client->pers.netname; else name = ""; // any non-client action } else name = ptr->name; switch( ptr->fate ) { case BF_BUILT: action = "^2built^7 a"; break; case BF_DECONNED: action = "^3DECONSTRUCTED^7 a"; break; case BF_DESTROYED: action = "destroyed a"; break; case BF_TEAMKILLED: action = "^1TEAMKILLED^7 a"; break; default: action = "\0"; // erm break; } // handle buildables removed by markdecon if( ptr->marked ) { buildHistory_t *mark; int j, markdecon[ BA_NUM_BUILDABLES ], and = 2; char bnames[ 32 ], *article; mark = ptr; // count the number of buildables memset( markdecon, 0, sizeof( markdecon ) ); while( ( mark = mark->marked ) ) markdecon[ mark->buildable ]++; // reverse order makes grammar easier for( j = BA_NUM_BUILDABLES; j >= 0; j-- ) { buildablename = BG_FindHumanNameForBuildable( j ); // plural is easy if( markdecon[ j ] > 1 ) Com_sprintf( bnames, 32, "%d %ss", markdecon[ j ], buildablename ); // use an appropriate article else if( markdecon[ j ] == 1 ) { if( BG_FindUniqueTestForBuildable( j ) ) article = "the"; // if only one else if( strchr( "aeiouAEIOU", *buildablename ) ) article = "an"; // if first char is vowel else article = "a"; Com_sprintf( bnames, 32, "%s %s", article, buildablename ); } else continue; // none of this buildable // C grammar: x, y, and z // the integer and is 2 initially, the test means it is used on the // second sprintf only, the reverse order makes this second to last // the comma is only printed if there is already some markstring i.e. // not the first time ( which would put it on the end of the string ) Com_sprintf( markstring, sizeof( markstring ), "%s%s %s%s", bnames, ( *markstring ) ? "," : "", ( and-- == 1 ) ? "and " : "", markstring ); } } buildablename = BG_FindHumanNameForBuildable( ptr->buildable ); switch( BG_FindTeamForBuildable( ptr->buildable ) ) { case PTE_ALIENS: teamchar = "^1A"; break; case PTE_HUMANS: teamchar = "^4H"; break; default: teamchar = " "; // space so it lines up neatly break; } // prepend the information to the string as we go back in buildhistory // so the earliest events are at the top Com_sprintf( message, MAX_STRING_CHARS, "%3d %s^7 %s^7 %s%s %s%s%s\n%s", ptr->ID, teamchar, name, action, ( strchr( "aeiouAEIOU", buildablename[ 0 ] ) ) ? "n" : "", buildablename, ( markstring[ 0 ] ) ? ", removing " : "", markstring, message ); } for( ; ptr; ptr = ptr->next ) { if( builder && builder != ptr->ent ) continue; if( team != PTE_NONE && team != BG_FindTeamForBuildable( ptr->buildable ) ) continue; matchlen++; } if( matchlen ) ADMP( va( "%s^3!buildlog: showing log entries %d - %d of %d\n", message, firstID, lastID, matchlen ) ); else ADMP( "^3!buildlog: ^7no log entries match those criteria\n" ); return qtrue; } int G_admin_autorevert( gentity_t *ent ) { int count = 0; int max; buildHistory_t *ptr; if( !g_autoRevert.integer ) return 0; if( !g_buildLogMaxLength.integer ) return 0; max = g_autoRevert.integer; ptr = level.buildHistory; while( ptr && count < max ) { if( ptr->ent == ent && ptr->time > level.time - (60000 * 5) && ( ptr->fate == BF_TEAMKILLED || ptr->fate == BF_DECONNED ) ) { trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, va("!revert #%d\n", ptr->ID) ); count++; } ptr = ptr->next; } return count; } qboolean G_admin_revert( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { int i = 0, j = 0, repeat = 1, ID = 0, len, matchlen=0; pTeam_t team = PTE_NONE; qboolean force = qfalse, reached = qfalse; gentity_t *builder = NULL, *targ; buildHistory_t *ptr, *tmp, *mark, *prev; vec3_t dist; char argbuf[ 64 ], *name, *bname, *action, *article; len = G_CountBuildLog( ); if( !len ) { ADMP( "^3!revert: ^7no build log found\n" ); return qfalse; } if( G_SayArgc( ) < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!revert: ^7usage: !revert (^5xnum^7) (^5#ID^7) (^5-name|num^7) (^5a|h^7)\n" ); return qfalse; } for( i = 1; i + skiparg < G_SayArgc( ); i++ ) { char arg[ 64 ], err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; G_SayArgv( i + skiparg, arg, sizeof arg ); switch( arg[ 0 ]) { case 'x': repeat = atoi( arg + 1 ); break; case '#': ID = atoi( arg + 1 ); break; case '-': if(G_ClientNumbersFromString(arg + 1, pids) != 1) { G_MatchOnePlayer(pids, err, sizeof err); ADMP(va("^3!revert: ^7%s\n", err)); return qfalse; } builder = g_entities + *pids; break; case 'A': case 'a': team = PTE_ALIENS; break; case 'H': case 'h': team = PTE_HUMANS; break; case '!': force = qtrue; break; default: ADMP( "^3!revert: ^7usage: !revert (^5xnum^7) (^5#ID^7) (^5-name|num^7) (^5a|h^7)\n" ); return qfalse; } } if( repeat > 25 ) { ADMP( "^3!revert: ^7to avoid flooding, can only revert 25 builds at a time\n" ); repeat = 25; } for( i = 0, ptr = prev = level.buildHistory; repeat > 0; repeat--, j = 0 ) { if( !ptr ) break; // run out of bhist if( !reached && ID ) { if( ptr->ID == ID ) reached = qtrue; else { prev = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; repeat++; continue; } } if( ( team != PTE_NONE && team != BG_FindTeamForBuildable( ptr->buildable ) ) || ( builder && builder != ptr->ent )) { // team doesn't match, so skip this ptr and reset prev prev = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; // we don't want to count this one so counteract the decrement by the for repeat++; continue; } // get the ent's current or last recorded name if( ptr->ent ) { if( ptr->ent->client ) name = ptr->ent->client->pers.netname; else name = ""; // non-client actions } else name = ptr->name; bname = BG_FindHumanNameForBuildable( ptr->buildable ); action = ""; switch( ptr->fate ) { case BF_BUILT: action = "^2build^7"; for( j = MAX_CLIENTS, targ = g_entities + j; j < level.num_entities; j++, targ++ ) { // easy checks first to save time if( targ->s.eType != ET_BUILDABLE ) continue; if( targ->s.modelindex != ptr->buildable ) continue; VectorSubtract( targ->s.pos.trBase, ptr->origin, dist ); #define FIND_BUILDABLE_TOLERANCE 5 if( VectorLength( dist ) > FIND_BUILDABLE_TOLERANCE ) continue; // number is somewhat arbitrary, watch for false pos/neg // if we didn't continue then it's this one, unlink it but we can't // free it yet, because the markdecon buildables might not place trap_UnlinkEntity( targ ); break; } // if there are marked buildables to replace, and we aren't overriding // space check, check they can fit before acting if( ptr->marked && !force ) { for( mark = ptr->marked; mark; mark = mark->marked ) if( !G_RevertCanFit( mark ) ) { trap_LinkEntity( targ ); // put it back, we failed // scariest sprintf ever: Com_sprintf( argbuf, sizeof argbuf, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s!", ( repeat > 1 ) ? "x" : "", ( repeat > 1 ) ? va( "%d ", repeat ) : "", ( ID ) ? "#" : "", ( ID ) ? va( "%d ", ptr->ID ) : "", ( builder ) ? "-" : "", ( builder ) ? va( "%d ", (int)( builder - g_entities ) ) : "", ( team == PTE_ALIENS ) ? "a " : ( team == PTE_HUMANS ) ? "h " : "" ); ADMP( va( "^3!revert: ^7revert aborted: reverting this %s would conflict with " "another buildable, use ^3!revert %s ^7to override\n", action, argbuf ) ); return qfalse; } } // if we haven't returned yet then we're good to go, free it G_FreeEntity( targ ); // put the marked buildables back and mark them again if( ptr->marked ) // there may be a more efficient way of doing this { for( mark = ptr->marked; mark; mark = mark->marked ) G_SpawnRevertedBuildable( mark, qtrue ); } break; case BF_DECONNED: if( !action[ 0 ] ) action = "^3deconstruction^7"; case BF_TEAMKILLED: if( !action[ 0 ] ) action ="^1TEAMKILL^7"; case BF_DESTROYED: if( !action[ 0 ] ) action = "destruction"; // if we're not overriding and the replacement can't fit, as before if( !force && !G_RevertCanFit( ptr ) ) { Com_sprintf( argbuf, sizeof argbuf, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s!", ( repeat > 1 ) ? "x" : "", ( repeat > 1 ) ? va( "%d ", repeat ) : "", ( ID ) ? "#" : "", ( ID ) ? va( "%d ", ptr->ID ) : "", ( builder ) ? "-" : "", ( builder ) ? va( "%d ", (int)( builder - g_entities ) ) : "", ( team == PTE_ALIENS ) ? "a " : ( team == PTE_HUMANS ) ? "h " : "" ); ADMP( va( "^3!revert: ^7revert aborted: reverting this %s would " "conflict with another buildable, use ^3!revert %s ^7to override\n", action, argbuf ) ); return qfalse; } // else replace it but don't mark it ( it might have been marked before // but it isn't that important ) G_SpawnRevertedBuildable( ptr, qfalse ); break; default: // if this happens something has gone wrong ADMP( "^3!revert: ^7incomplete or corrupted build log entry\n" ); /* quarantine and dispose of the log, it's dangerous trap_Cvar_Set( "g_buildLogMaxLength", "0" ); G_CountBuildLog( ); */ return qfalse; } if( j == level.num_entities ) { ADMP( va( "^3!revert: ^7could not find logged buildable #%d\n", ptr->ID )); prev = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; continue; } // this is similar to the buildlog stuff if( BG_FindUniqueTestForBuildable( ptr->buildable ) ) article = "the"; else if( strchr( "aeiouAEIOU", *bname ) ) article = "an"; else article = "a"; AP( va( "print \"%s^7 reverted %s^7'%s %s of %s %s\n\"", ( ent ) ? G_admin_adminPrintName( ent ) : "console", name, strchr( "Ss", name[ strlen( name ) - 1 ] ) ? "" : "s", action, article, bname ) ); matchlen++; // remove the reverted entry // ptr moves on, prev just readjusts ->next unless it is about to be // freed, in which case it is forced to move on too tmp = ptr; if( ptr == level.buildHistory ) prev = level.buildHistory = ptr = ptr->next; else prev->next = ptr = ptr->next; G_Free( tmp ); } if( ID && !reached ) { ADMP( "^3!revert: ^7no buildlog entry with that ID\n" ); return qfalse; } if( !matchlen ) { ADMP( "^3!revert: ^7no log entries match those criteria\n" ); return qfalse; } else { ADMP( va( "^3!revert: ^7reverted %d buildlog events\n", matchlen ) ); } return qtrue; } void G_Unescape( char *input, char *output, int len ); qboolean G_StringReplaceCvars( char *input, char *output, int len ); qboolean G_admin_info( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { fileHandle_t infoFile; int length; char filename[ MAX_OSPATH ], message[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; if( G_SayArgc() == 2 + skiparg ) G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, filename, sizeof( filename ) ); else if( G_SayArgc() == 1 + skiparg ) Q_strncpyz( filename, "default", sizeof( filename ) ); else { ADMP( "^3!info: ^7usage: ^3!info ^7(^5subject^7)\n" ); return qfalse; } Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "info/info-%s.txt", filename ); length = trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, &infoFile, FS_READ ); if( length <= 0 || !infoFile ) { trap_FS_FCloseFile( infoFile ); ADMP( "^3!info: ^7no relevant information is available\n" ); return qfalse; } else { int i; char *cr; trap_FS_Read( message, sizeof( message ), infoFile ); if( length < sizeof( message ) ) message[ length ] = '\0'; else message[ sizeof( message ) - 1 ] = '\0'; trap_FS_FCloseFile( infoFile ); // strip carriage returns for windows platforms while( ( cr = strchr( message, '\r' ) ) ) memmove( cr, cr + 1, strlen( cr + 1 ) + 1 ); #define MAX_INFO_PARSE_LOOPS 100 for( i = 0; i < MAX_INFO_PARSE_LOOPS && G_StringReplaceCvars( message, message, sizeof( message ) ); i++ ); G_Unescape( message, message, sizeof( message ) ); if( i == MAX_INFO_PARSE_LOOPS ) G_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: %s exceeds MAX_INFO_PARSE_LOOPS\n", filename ); ADMP( va( "%s\n", message ) ); return qtrue; } } void G_Unescape( char *input, char *output, int len ) { // \n -> newline, \%c -> %c // output is terminated at output[len - 1] // it's OK for input to equal output, because our position in input is always // equal or greater than our position in output // however, if output is later in the same string as input, a crash is pretty // much inevitable int i, j; for( i = j = 0; input[i] && j + 1 < len; i++, j++ ) { if( input[i] == '\\' ) { if( !input[++i] ) { output[j] = '\0'; return; } else if( input[i] == 'n' ) output[j] = '\n'; else output[j] = input[i]; } else output[j] = input[i]; } output[j] = '\0'; } qboolean G_StringReplaceCvars( char *input, char *output, int len ) { int i, outNum = 0; char cvarName[ 64 ], cvarValue[ MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING ]; char *outputBuffer; qboolean doneAnything = qfalse; if( len <= 0 ) return qfalse; // use our own internal buffer in case output == input outputBuffer = G_Alloc( len ); len -= 1; // fit in a terminator while( *input && outNum < len ) { if( *input == '\\' && input[1] && outNum < len - 1 ) { outputBuffer[ outNum++ ] = *input++; outputBuffer[ outNum++ ] = *input++; } else if( *input == '$' ) { doneAnything = qtrue; input++; if( *input == '{' ) input++; for( i = 0; *input && ( isalnum( *input ) || *input == '_' ) && i < 63; i++ ) cvarName[ i ] = *input++; cvarName[ i ] = '\0'; if( *input == '}' ) input++; trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( cvarName, cvarValue, sizeof( cvarValue ) ); if( cvarValue[ 0 ] ) { for( i = 0; cvarValue[ i ] && outNum < len; i++ ) outputBuffer[ outNum++ ] = cvarValue[ i ]; } } else outputBuffer[ outNum++ ] = *input++; } outputBuffer[ outNum ] = '\0'; Q_strncpyz( output, outputBuffer, len ); G_Free( outputBuffer ); return doneAnything; } /* ================ G_admin_print This function facilitates the ADMP define. ADMP() is similar to CP except that it prints the message to the server console if ent is not defined. ================ */ void G_admin_print( gentity_t *ent, char *m ) { if( ent ) trap_SendServerCommand( ent - level.gentities, va( "print \"%s\"", m ) ); else { char m2[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; if( !trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "com_ansiColor" ) ) { G_DecolorString( m, m2 ); G_Printf( m2 ); } else G_Printf( m ); } } void G_admin_buffer_begin() { g_bfb[ 0 ] = '\0'; } void G_admin_buffer_end( gentity_t *ent ) { ADMP( g_bfb ); } void G_admin_buffer_print( gentity_t *ent, char *m ) { // 1022 - strlen("print 64 \"\"") - 1 if( strlen( m ) + strlen( g_bfb ) >= 1009 ) { ADMP( g_bfb ); g_bfb[ 0 ] = '\0'; } Q_strcat( g_bfb, sizeof( g_bfb ), m ); } void G_admin_cleanup() { int i = 0; for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_LEVELS && g_admin_levels[ i ]; i++ ) { G_Free( g_admin_levels[ i ] ); g_admin_levels[ i ] = NULL; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ i ]; i++ ) { G_Free( g_admin_admins[ i ] ); g_admin_admins[ i ] = NULL; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_BANS && g_admin_bans[ i ]; i++ ) { G_Free( g_admin_bans[ i ] ); g_admin_bans[ i ] = NULL; } for( i = 0; i < MAX_ADMIN_COMMANDS && g_admin_commands[ i ]; i++ ) { G_Free( g_admin_commands[ i ] ); g_admin_commands[ i ] = NULL; } } qboolean G_admin_L0(gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ){ int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; char testname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ] = {""}; char err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; qboolean numeric = qtrue; int i; int id = -1; gentity_t *vic; if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!L0: ^7usage: !L0 [name|slot#|admin#]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, testname, sizeof( testname ) ); G_SanitiseString( testname, name, sizeof( name ) ); for( i = 0; i < sizeof( name ) && name[ i ] ; i++ ) { if( name[ i ] < '0' || name[ i ] > '9' ) { numeric = qfalse; break; } } if( numeric ) { id = atoi( name ); } else { if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) != 1 ) { G_MatchOnePlayer( pids, err, sizeof( err ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!L0: ^7%s\n", err ) ); return qfalse; } id = pids[ 0 ]; } if (id >= 0 && id < level.maxclients) { vic = &g_entities[ id ]; if( !vic || !(vic->client) || vic->client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) { ADMP( "^3!L0:^7 no one connected by that slot number\n" ); return qfalse; } if( G_admin_level( vic ) != 1 ) { ADMP( "^3!L0:^7 intended victim is not level 1\n" ); return qfalse; } } else if (id >= MAX_CLIENTS && id < MAX_CLIENTS + MAX_ADMIN_ADMINS && g_admin_admins[ id - MAX_CLIENTS ] ) { if( g_admin_admins[ id - MAX_CLIENTS ]->level != 1 ) { ADMP( "^3!L0:^7 intended victim is not level 1\n" ); return qfalse; } } else { ADMP( "^3!L0:^7 no match. use !listplayers or !listadmins to " "find an appropriate number to use instead of name.\n" ); return qfalse; } trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, va( "!setlevel %d 0;", id ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_L1(gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ){ int pids[ MAX_CLIENTS ]; char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ], err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; int minargc; minargc = 2 + skiparg; if( G_SayArgc() < minargc ) { ADMP( "^3!L1: ^7usage: !L1 [name]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, name, sizeof( name ) ); if( G_ClientNumbersFromString( name, pids ) != 1 ) { G_MatchOnePlayer( pids, err, sizeof( err ) ); ADMP( va( "^3!L1: ^7%s\n", err ) ); return qfalse; } if( G_admin_level(&g_entities[ pids[ 0 ] ] )>0 ) { ADMP( "^3!L1: ^7Sorry, but that person is already higher than level 0.\n" ); return qfalse; } trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND,va( "!setlevel %d 1;", pids[ 0 ] ) ); return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_nobuild(gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { char func[ 32 ]; if( ent && ent->client->pers.teamSelection != PTE_NONE ) { ADMP( "^3!bring: ^7you can only use this command from spectator\n" ); return qfalse; } if( G_SayArgc() < 2 + skiparg ) { ADMP( "^3!nobuild: ^7usage: !nobuild [on|off|save|add|del|list|mode|zone|+|-|go]\n" ); return qfalse; } G_SayArgv( 1 + skiparg, func, sizeof( func ) ); if( !Q_stricmp( func, "on" ) ) { nobuild_set( qtrue, ent ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( func, "off" ) ) { nobuild_set( qfalse, ent ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( func, "save" ) ) { nobuild_save( ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( func, "list" ) ) { nobuild_list( ent ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( func, "add" ) ) { nobuild_add( ent ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( func, "del" ) ) { nobuild_del( ent ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( func, "zone" ) ) { nobuild_command( ent, qtrue, qfalse, 0.0f ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( func, "mode" ) ) { nobuild_command( ent, qfalse, qtrue, 0.0f ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( func, "+" ) ) { nobuild_command( ent, qfalse, qfalse, 8.0f ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( func, "-" ) ) { nobuild_command( ent, qfalse, qfalse, -8.0f ); } else if( !Q_stricmp( func, "go" ) ) { nobuild_go( ent ); } else { ADMP( "^3!nobuild: ^7usage: !nobuild [on|off|save|add|del|list|mode|zone|+|-|go]\n" ); return qfalse; } return qtrue; } qboolean G_admin_invisible( gentity_t *ent, int skiparg ) { if( !ent ) { ADMP( "!invisible: console can not become invisible.\n" ); return qfalse; } if ( ent->client->sess.invisible != qtrue ) { // Make the player invisible G_ChangeTeam( ent, PTE_NONE ); ent->client->sess.invisible = qtrue; ClientUserinfoChanged( ent->client->pers.connection->clientNum, qfalse ); G_admin_namelog_update( ent->client, qtrue ); trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va( "print \"%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " disconnected\n\"", ent->client->pers.netname ) ); } else { // Make the player visible ent->client->sess.invisible = qfalse; ClientUserinfoChanged( ent->client->pers.connection->clientNum, qfalse ); G_admin_namelog_update( ent->client, qfalse ); trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va( "print \"%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " connected\n\"", ent->client->pers.netname ) ); trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va( "print \"%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " entered the game\n\"", ent->client->pers.netname ) ); } return qtrue; }