NAME Cuboid - a Tremulous 1.2 mod focused on cuboids and fixing balance issues. CHANGELOG Version Release date ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 0.1.7 Feb 25 2014 NOTES: - Because of a bug in Tremulous code, cuboid and power info might behave weirdly if g_synchronousClients is disabled. GAMEPLAY: - Destroying buildables is now rewarded with credits (g_buildableValueModifier, default 0.16). - Rewards for killing players significantly decreased (g_playerValueModifier, default 0.5). - Complete overhaul of the Human building system: * Build points are now per-player and are obtained from special buildings. The points are now referred to as "mass". * To obtain mass, approach an RTG Unit or a Refinery. The CKit will display the amount of mass stored within the building next to the box with arrows around icon. To get the mass, issue a reload (the 'R' button). * It is possible to transfer mass between players. Issuing a reload with a Human player on the crosshair will transfer mass to the player. * Power is now simulated using a physically-correct model - the terms "voltage", "current" and "resistance" now apply to all Human buildings. The model is as follows: + All power sources (including the Capacitor Bank) and their internal resistance (in series) are connected in parallel to each other. + These, in turn, are connected in series with all other buildables (which are resistances, in parallel). + The circuit is solved using multiple applications of Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's laws. + Buildings draw much more power while active and will not work if there's not enough power. + Buildings require power in order to be built. This disqualifies Reactor as the first buildable (as it requires power to be built). * Added the RTG unit, which replaces every Reactor in all default layouts. It produces some power and some mass and does not require power or mass in order to be built. * Multiple Reactors can be built, Reactors now require mass. * DCs now heal buildables smoothly and there is no limit on how many DCs can heal a single buildable. Instead, DCs drain a lot of power from the power grid. * Overloaded power sources emit zapping sounds and sparks. At the moment, the effect is only aesthetic (power sources don't explode when overloaded). * On Sudden Death it is still possible to build, but no more mass will be available in Refineries and RTG Units. * g_massYieldModifier (default: 1) can be used to increase/decrease mass yield in RTG Units and Refineries for balancing purposes. * g_voltageModifier (default: 1) can be used to increase/decrease the voltage in all power grids. Do not change it unless the current settings turn out to be incredibly unbalanced. - CKit now features a fully-functional dynamic display on the model, which shows information about buildables (health, power info, etc.) and also replaces the ugly cuboid info text. - Removed the deconstruction marking system. - Decreased building time for all Human cuboids. - Direct line-of-sight is now needed to activate a buildable (to avoid accidental power switching). - Moved Glass to S2, Ladder to S3, Slime to S2. - Decreased Marauder's air aceleration by 50%. - Increased Human's air accelereation by 30% and speed by 10%. - Added hit sounds. NON-GAMEPLAY: - Fixed a bug related to voting. - Merged with KoRx's emoticon pack - now there's a shitload of emoticons available! - Cuboids are now rendered differently - the textures are no longer stretched (their UV maps are aligned to world). Also, most of their textures were redone and a much higher resolution. - New crosshairs with hit indication. - Alien animations now match their footsteps better. - Fixed a minor bug in Medistation's animations. 0.1.6 Jan 19 2014 GAMEPLAY: - Introduced the Basivision (Activate Upgrade, +button2). While enabled, Basilisks can see in dark and see humans and their buildings through walls. - Zap damage was corrected. - Admins can choose to limit the maximum health for cuboids (g_cuboidHealthLimit). - Lava and slime now deal damage smoothly. - Reworked the jumping-out-of-water system: Tyrants and Dragoons should now be able to exit water easily. - Dretches, Basislisk and Tyrants are no longer calculated as "out of water" if on the bottom of a liquid tank (removes a lot of exploits, notably walking on the bottom of Ancient Remains lava pool). - Non-cuboids that haven't finished building are no longer removed after builder's death. NON-GAMEPLAY: - Various new images, particle systems and sounds. - Cleaned up the cuboid protocol (thing responsible for the green/yellow/red preview while placing a cuboid). - One of the loading bars no longer stops at 75%. - Announcer can be disabled (cg_announcer or the Options menu). - Turret angles are now interpolated (smooth). - Removed the mod tutorial system (which didn't work at all). - /register now forces a write to disk after registering. The server should no longer "forget" about registrations. - New weapon.cfg weapon mode keyword: "impactMarkAlphaFade" - if it's defined, the weapon's impact mark fades out using alpha compositing (so it can properly fade out alphaFunc shaders). - Added camera shake effect near explosions (magnitude controlled by cg_cameraShakeMagnitude, set to 0 to disable). - Added /cuboidSize which makes it possible to resize the cuboid via console commands. 0.1.5 Sep 12 2013 GAMEPLAY: - Reverted both Lucifer Cannon and Advanced Marauder zap back to the GPP state. - Increased Jetpack jump fuel usage from 85 to 300 (up to 20 jumps instead of 70). - Health cross changes icon and color when implanted with an egg. NON-GAMEPLAY: - Proper Helmet Mk2 model and texture. 0.1.4 Sep 12 2013 NON-GAMEPLAY: - Announcer now announces things like "Aliens win" or "1 minute remaining", not just votes. - /register was implemented - Admin titles were implemented (/settitle, /listplayers). - Death obituaries were improved (now show killer's health and victim's class (if alien)). 0.1.3 Sep 10 2013 GAMEPLAY: - It's no longer possible to avoid buildtimer by reconnecting. NON-GAMEPLAY: - Customizable vote percentages: g_[map/restart/draw]VotePercent, default: 67. - Customizable vote timelimits: g_[map/restart]Timelimit, default: 5 for map votes, 10 for restart votes. - A lot of visual changes in the voting system. - Added vote sounds. 0.1.2 Sep 09 2013 GAMEPLAY: - Wall impact effects no longer appear on players or buildables (the MD passing through players bug). - Now it takes longer for Biores to start healing after the human is hurt. NON-GAMEPLAY: - Added a death obituary for being killed with a rantbomb. - Replaced Turret spinup sound. - Turrets now play a sound after killing their target. - It's now possible to change the resizing speed for cuboids (via menu or cg.cuboidResizeRate). - Scoretable now displays high amounts of score properly. 0.1.1 Sep 07 2013 GAMEPLAY: - Rebalanced Cuboids. - Advanced Marauder damage to buildables lowered by 33%. - Decreased jump stamina take by 40% (it's now possible to perform ca. 66% more jumps without replenishing stamina). - Limited the amount of Defense Computers that can simultaneously heal a single buildable. - Non-repairable cuboids (like concrete or glass) can no longer be healed by Defense Computers. NON-GAMEPLAY: - Added missing Human Impregnation Mod assets. - Updated Helmet Mk2's texture (still not final). - Cleaned up assets. 0.1.0 Sep 06 2013 GAMEPLAY: - Based upon Cuboid 0.2.2 (note: the versioning in the original cuboid was different). - Added Human Impregnation Mod. - Jetpacks now need fuel to operate (buy ammo to refuel). - Added a Jetpack fuel indicator (cg_fuelInfo* cvars to customize). - Jumping uses fuel instead of stamina when possible (jetpack jumps). - Implemented CPMA physics for everyone (both teams, all classes). - Lucifer Cannon behaviour reverted to 1.1 (slow missiles, high firerate). - Knockback values of Tesla Generators, Flame Throwers and Hives were decrased greatly - Aliens now build faster than Humans (all buildables). - It is now possible to evolve near an enemy as long as he's not in the sight. - Adv. Marauder now works like Quake 3's Lightning Gun (greatly increased fire rate, damage per second remains unchanged). - Medkit now gives humans 15s long immunity to poison. - Dodging was removed. - Dragoon pounce damage lowered by 25%. - Trample damage lowered by 33%. - Added Biores (heals the user and grants a partial immunity to poison). - Server operator can choose to limit the amount of buildings that can be built in an area - Tyrants can drop bombs (regenerate at a Booster) - Updated the tutorial system - now it turns itself on every update but displays help only about things that weren't in the last version - A splash screen (with Cuboid logo and version) is now displayed every map load/restart. - Regular Helmet was renamed to Helmet Mk2 and Helmet Mk1 was added (a weaker, Stage 1 version). NON-GAMEPLAY: - Jetpack now has new, less annoying sounds. - Flamer sounds better. - New Marauder zapping sounds. CREDITS Programming: theinvsblman ViruS (a.k.a. ZdrytchX) DolceTriade Source code and assets are available at under the terms of the GNU GPL. This mod is based on Tremulous (Darklegion Development), which is based on Quake III: Arena (id Software). Below is the full list of all resources used by the mod. File Author Licence ______________________________________________________________________________________________ configs/* theinvsblman cc-by credits.txt theinvsblman cc-by cuboid/logo_1.tga - logo_15.tga theinvsblman cc-by cuboid/logo_left.tga, logo_right.tga Bitstream Bistream Vera Fonts Copyright default.cfg Darklegion Development cc-by-sa gfx/2d/basivision_*.jpg theinvsblman cc-by gfx/2d/blip.tga Pikachu cc0 gfx/2d/ckit/* theinvsblman cc-by gfx/2d/ch_* Pikachu cc0 gfx/2d/digital/* Paul Flo Williams OFL gfx/blood/* Pikachu cc0 gfx/cuboid/* theinvsblman cc-by gfx/fire/* Pikachu cc0 gfx/fireball/* Pikachu cc0 gfx/flash/* Pikachu cc0 gfx/gas/* Pikachu cc0 gfx/lcannon/* Pikachu cc0 gfx/lighting/* Pikachu cc0 gfx/misc/*build.tga Pikachu cc0 gfx/misc/creep.tga Darklegion Development, Pikachu cc-by-sa gfx/smoke/* Pikachu cc0 gfx/spark/* Pikachu cc0 gfx/sprites/* Pikachu cc0 icons/iconu_biokit.tga Purga cc0 icons/iconu_helmet_mk2.tga Darklegion Development, theinvsblman cc-by-sa models/buildables/medistat/animati... Darklegion Development, Pikachu cc-by-sa models/buildables/capbank/* theinvsblman cc-by models/buildables/refinery/* Nalf models/buildables/rtg/* theinvsblman cc-by models/cuboid/concrete/concrete.jpg theinvsblman cc-by models/cuboid/concrete/fragment.tga Randy Reddig @, theinvsblman shaderlab* models/cuboid/cracks.tga theinvsblman cc-by models/cuboid/glass/* theinvsblman cc-by models/cuboid/ladder/fragment.tga Randy Reddig @, theinvsblman shaderlab* models/cuboid/ladder/ladder.jpg Randy Reddig @ shaderlab* models/cuboid/organic/* theinvsblman cc-by models/cuboid/slime/* theinvsblman cc-by models/players/*/animation.cfg Darklegion Development, Pikachu cc-by-sa models/players/human_base/h_helmet... Darklegion Development, cron cc-by-sa models/players/human_base/head_mk2... Darklegion Development, cron cc-by-sa models/players/human_base/head_lig... Darklegion Development, theinvsblman cc-by-sa models/weapons/*/weapon.cfg Darklegion Development, theinvsblman cc-by-sa models/weapons/blaster/flash0.wav Quake2World gpl2 models/weapons/blaster/hit.wav Pikachu cc0 models/weapons/ckit/*.md3 Darklegion Development, theinvsblman cc-by-sa models/weapons/flamer/fireloop_qui... Darklegion Development, theinvsblman cc-by-sa scripts/cuboid.shader theinvsblman cc-by scripts/cuboid.particle Darklegion Development, theinvsblman cc-by-sa sound/buildables/acid_tube/acidspl... Pikachu cc0 sound/buildables/capbank/sound.cfg theinvsblman cc-by sound/buildables/human/powerzap*.wav club sound @ cc-by-nc sound/buildables/human/switch.wav jessepash, Pooleside @ cc-by sound/buildables/human/unpowered_s... Tomlija, Halleck @ cc-by sound/buildables/mgturret/spinup_a... Darklegion Development, Pikachu cc-by-sa sound/buildables/mgturret/spinup_b... Darklegion Development, Pikachu cc-by-sa sound/buildables/mgturret/turretki... Pikachu cc0 sound/buildables/refinery/* Nalf sound/buildables/rtg/idle1.wav jasonthomasd, Empty Bell @ cc-by sound/buildables/rtg/sound.cfg theinvsblman cc-by sound/buildables/tesla/idle1.wav Darklegion Development, Pikachu cc-by-sa sound/cuboid/axischange.wav Ongitak @ cc-by sound/cuboid/concrete/dstr0.wav Michael Manzke @ cc-by-nc sound/cuboid/concrete/pain0.wav Benboncan @ cc-by sound/cuboid/concrete/pain1.wav Benboncan @ cc-by sound/cuboid/error.wav Ludovic Kierasinski @ cc-by sound/cuboid/glass/dstr0.wav Tomlija @ cc-by sound/cuboid/glass/dstr1.wav Richard Frohlich @ cc-by sound/cuboid/glass/dstr2.wav Rock Savage @ sampling+ sound/cuboid/glass/pain0.wav RHumphries @ cc-by sound/cuboid/glass/pain1.wav RHumphries @ cc-b sound/cuboid/glass/pain2.wav RHumphries @ cc-by sound/cuboid/ladder/dstr0.wav sagetyrtle @ cc0 sound/cuboid/ladder/pain0.wav sagetyrtle @ cc0 sound/cuboid/ladder/pain1.wav sagetyrtle @ cc0 sound/cuboid/organic/dstr0.wav Michael Manzke @ cc-by-nc sound/cuboid/organic/dstr1.wav aust_paul @ sampling+ sound/cuboid/organic/dstr2.wav Michael Manzke @, Redman cc-by-nc sound/cuboid/organic/pain0.wav Michael Manzke @ cc-by sound/cuboid/organic/pain1.wav Michael Manzke @ cc-by sound/cuboid/organic/pain2.wav Michael Manzke @ cc-by sound/cuboid/resizea.wav djgriffin @ cc-by-nc sound/cuboid/resizeb.wav djgriffin @ cc-by-nc sound/cuboid/rotate.wav djgriffin @ cc-by-nc sound/cuboid/slime/dstr0.wav Michael Manzke @ cc-by sound/cuboid/slime/dstr1.wav Audionautics @ cc-by sound/cuboid/slime/pain0.wav anechoix @ cc-by-nc sound/cuboid/slime/pain1.wav anechoix @ cc-by-nc sound/feedback/*.wav (except hit.wav) Pikachu cc0 sound/feedback/hit.wav Xonotic gpl2+ sound/player/alienhatch.wav Darklegion Development, theinvsblman cc-by-sa sound/player/alienfailedhatch.wav Darklegion Development, theinvsblman cc-by-sa sound/player/human_bsuit/* Darklegion Development, Pikachu cc-by-sa sound/upgrades/jetpack/hi.wav Pikachu cc0 sound/upgrades/jetpack/idle.wav Pikachu cc0 sound/upgrades/jetpack/low.wav Pikachu cc0 sound/upgrades/jetpack/jump.wav alexmol @, Q009, Pikachu cc-by-sa 3.0 sound/upgrades/jetpack/lowfuel.wav Pikachu cc0 sound/upgrades/jetpack/nojumpfuel.wav Pikachu cc0 sound/upgrades/jetpack/refuel.wav joeseshon @, alexmol @, Pikachu cc-by ui/assets/human/scanner.tga Pikachu cc0 ui/assets/neutral/cross_implanted.tga Darklegion Development, theinvsblman cc-by-sa ui/help.txt theinvsblman cc-by ui/ Darklegion Development, theinvsblman cc-by-sa ui/ Darklegion Development, theinvsblman cc-by-sa ui/menudef.h Darklegion Development cc-by-sa video/ckit.roq theinvsblman cc-by vm/*.qvm authors denoted in Programming section GPL EMOTICONS: Cuboid-related emoticons (concrete, cuboid, glass, ladder, organic, slime) were created by the invisible man and are licensed under the terms of CC-BY. All other emoticons come from KoRx's 0.3.3r2 emoticons pack. Terms of the Creative Commons licenses (includes the Sampling Plus license) can be found at: Terms of the Bitstream Vera Fonts Copyright can be found at: shaderlab's copyright notice ( ______________________________________________________________________________ Usage and redistribution policy: Textures may be freely downloaded, modified, and used in free maps, mods or total conversions provided this copyright notice is left intact and a link to Shaderlab is provided in the credits or read-me file. ther non-commercial applications are considered on a case-by-case basis via e-mail. All other usage requires written permission. Bulk redistribution or archival of the textures in any medium, digital or otherwise (except mapping packages for mods) is prohibited.