models/weapons/ckit/screen { { videoMap video/ckit.roq } } gfx/ckit/background { sort 16 { map gfx/ckit/background.jpg blendFunc add rgbGen wave sin 0.15 0.02 0 129 } } gfx/ckit/overlay { sort 16 { map gfx/ckit/noise.jpg blendFunc filter tcMod scroll 123.456 789.012 } } // need to manually define all these shaders // otherwise the shading and the sorting are screwed up gfx/2d/digital/0 { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/2d/digital/0.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/2d/digital/1 { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/2d/digital/1.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/2d/digital/2 { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/2d/digital/2.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/2d/digital/3 { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/2d/digital/3.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/2d/digital/4 { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/2d/digital/4.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/2d/digital/5 { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/2d/digital/5.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/2d/digital/6 { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/2d/digital/6.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/2d/digital/7 { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/2d/digital/7.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/2d/digital/8 { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/2d/digital/8.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/2d/digital/9 { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/2d/digital/9.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/2d/digital/comma { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/2d/digital/comma.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/2d/digital/minus { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/2d/digital/minus.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/ckit/icon_bp { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/ckit/icon_bp.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/ckit/icon_current { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/ckit/icon_current.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/ckit/icon_depth { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/ckit/icon_depth.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/ckit/icon_health { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/ckit/icon_health.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/ckit/icon_height { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/ckit/icon_height.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/ckit/icon_network { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/ckit/icon_network.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/ckit/icon_nopower { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/ckit/icon_nopower.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/ckit/icon_nosurge { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/ckit/icon_nosurge.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/ckit/icon_off { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/ckit/icon_off.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/ckit/icon_power { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/ckit/icon_power.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/ckit/icon_storedbp { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/ckit/icon_storedbp.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/ckit/icon_surge { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/ckit/icon_surge.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/ckit/icon_time { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/ckit/icon_time.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/ckit/icon_voltage { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/ckit/icon_voltage.tga blendFunc blend } } gfx/ckit/icon_width { nopicmip nomipmaps { map gfx/ckit/icon_width.tga blendFunc blend } }