/* This file is part of Minitrem. Minitrem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Minitrem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Minitrem. If not, see . */ #include "game.hpp" namespace game { static std::string scientist_name(procgen::prng_t *prng) { std::stringstream ss; static const char *names[] = { "Сергей", "Александер", "Василий", "Владимир", "Дмитрий", "Иосиф", "Иван", "Пётр", "Юрий" }; ss << "проф. "; ss << names[prng->next() % (sizeof(names) / sizeof(names[0]))]; return ss.str(); } unit_scientist_t::unit_scientist_t(game::state_t *game) : unit_t(game, UNIT_SCIENTIST) { size[0] = v2f_t(-0.3f, +0.0f); size[1] = v2f_t(+0.3f, +0.3f); render_size[0] = v2f_t(-0.5f, -1.2f); render_size[1] = v2f_t(+0.5f, +0.3f); cmodel.cflags = CF_BODY; move.cflags = CF_SOLID | CF_BODY | CF_WATER; name = scientist_name(&game->prng); wake(); friendly = true; controllable = true; health = max_health = 15; } void unit_scientist_t::on_think(void) { keep_moving(4.0); game->wake_area(x); if (!move.moving) move_marker.reset(); if (move.moving && (x - move.last_step).len() > 0.5f) { move.last_step = x; assets::soldier.step_stone.play_3d(x); } } void unit_scientist_t::on_damage(unit_t *attacker) { } void unit_scientist_t::on_death(void) { cmodel.ignore = true; game->deletion_list.insert(this); game->explosion(x); } void unit_scientist_t::render_to(render::state_t *render) { sf::Color selection_color; render::oriented_sprite_t *body; if (selected == selection_cookie) { if (health == max_health) selection_color = sf::Color::Green; else if (health >= max_health / 2) selection_color = sf::Color::Yellow; else if (dead) selection_color = sf::Color::Black; else selection_color = sf::Color::Red; render->render(0.0, &assets::unit_selected, cmodel.bounds, selection_color); } if (move.moving && !move.blocked) body = &assets::scientist.body_walking; else body = &assets::scientist.body_idle; render->render(game->now * 4, body, render_bounds, move.angle); render->render(game->now * 4, &assets::scientist.head_idle, render_bounds, move.angle); unit_t::render_to(render); } void unit_scientist_t::render_late_to(render::state_t *render) { if (selected == selection_cookie) render->render(0.0, &assets::unit_selected_halo, cmodel.bounds, selection_color); } }