#ifndef MENUDEF_H #define MENUDEF_H #define ITEM_TYPE_ANY -1 // invalid type #define ITEM_TYPE_NONE 0 // no specified type #define ITEM_TYPE_TEXT 1 // simple text #define ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON 2 // button basically text with a border #define ITEM_TYPE_RADIOBUTTON 3 // toggle button may be grouped #define ITEM_TYPE_CHECKBOX 4 // check box #define ITEM_TYPE_EDITFIELD 5 // editable text associated with a cvar #define ITEM_TYPE_SAYFIELD 6 // the chat field #define ITEM_TYPE_CYCLE 7 // cycling list #define ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX 8 // scrollable list #define ITEM_TYPE_COMBOBOX 9 // drop down scrollable list #define ITEM_TYPE_MODEL 10 // model #define ITEM_TYPE_OWNERDRAW 11 // owner draw has an associated ownerdraw number #define ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD 12 // editable text associated with a cvar #define ITEM_TYPE_SLIDER 13 // mouse speed volume etc. #define ITEM_TYPE_YESNO 14 // boolean cvar setting #define ITEM_TYPE_MULTI 15 // multiple list setting enumerated #define ITEM_TYPE_BIND 16 // keyboard control configuration // The first items in these enums are the defaults if menus do not specify #define ALIGN_LEFT 0 // left alignment #define ALIGN_CENTER 1 // center alignment #define ALIGN_RIGHT 2 // right alignment #define ASPECT_NONE 3 // no aspect compensation #define ALIGN_NONE 4 #define VALIGN_BOTTOM 0 // bottom alignment #define VALIGN_CENTER 1 // center alignment #define VALIGN_TOP 2 // top alignment #define VALIGN_NONE 3 #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL 0 // normal text #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_BLINK 1 // fast blinking #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_PULSE 2 // slow pulsing #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED 3 // drop shadow (need a color for this) #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED 4 // apparently unimplemented #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINESHADOWED 5 // apparently unimplemented #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE 6 // drop shadow (need a color for this) #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NEON 7 // glow (need a color for this) #define WINDOW_BORDER_NONE 0 // no border #define WINDOW_BORDER_FULL 1 // full border based on border color (single pixel) #define WINDOW_BORDER_HORZ 2 // horizontal borders only #define WINDOW_BORDER_VERT 3 // vertical borders only #define WINDOW_BORDER_KCGRADIENT 4 // horizontal border using the gradient bars #define WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY 0 // no background #define WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED 1 // filled with background color #define WINDOW_STYLE_GRADIENT 2 // gradient bar based on background color #define WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER 3 // use background shader #define WINDOW_STYLE_TEAMCOLOR 4 // team color #define WINDOW_STYLE_CINEMATIC 5 // cinematic #define MENU_TRUE 1 // uh.. true #define MENU_FALSE 0 // and false #define HUD_VERTICAL 0 #define HUD_HORIZONTAL 1 // list box element types #define LISTBOX_TEXT 0 #define LISTBOX_IMAGE 1 // list feeders #define FEEDER_SERVERS 0 // servers #define FEEDER_MAPS 1 // all maps available in graphic format #define FEEDER_ALIENTEAM_LIST 2 // alien team members #define FEEDER_HUMANTEAM_LIST 3 // human team members #define FEEDER_TEAM_LIST 4 // team members for team voting #define FEEDER_PLAYER_LIST 5 // players #define FEEDER_NEWS 6 // news #define FEEDER_MODS 7 // list of available mods #define FEEDER_DEMOS 8 // list of available demo files #define FEEDER_SERVERSTATUS 9 // server status #define FEEDER_FINDPLAYER 10 // find player #define FEEDER_CINEMATICS 11 // cinematics #define FEEDER_TREMTEAMS 0 // teams #define FEEDER_TREMALIENCLASSES 1 // alien classes #define FEEDER_TREMHUMANITEMS 2 // human items #define FEEDER_TREMHUMANARMOURYBUY 3 // human buy #define FEEDER_TREMHUMANARMOURYSELL 4 // human sell #define FEEDER_TREMALIENUPGRADE 5 // alien upgrade #define FEEDER_TREMALIENBUILD 6 // alien buildables #define FEEDER_TREMHUMANBUILD 7 // human buildables #define FEEDER_IGNORE_LIST 8 // ignored players #define FEEDER_HELP_LIST 9 // help topics #define FEEDER_RESOLUTIONS 10 // display resolutions // display flags #define UI_SHOW_FAVORITESERVERS 0x00000001 #define UI_SHOW_NOTFAVORITESERVERS 0x00000002 #define UI_SHOW_VOTEACTIVE 0x00000004 #define UI_SHOW_CANVOTE 0x00000008 #define UI_SHOW_TEAMVOTEACTIVE 0x00000010 #define UI_SHOW_CANTEAMVOTE 0x00000020 #define UI_SHOW_NOTSPECTATING 0x00000040 // owner draw types #define CG_PLAYER_HEALTH 0 #define CG_PLAYER_HEALTH_CROSS 1 #define CG_PLAYER_AMMO_VALUE 2 #define CG_PLAYER_CLIPS_VALUE 3 #define CG_PLAYER_BUILD_TIMER 4 #define CG_PLAYER_CREDITS_VALUE 5 #define CG_PLAYER_CREDITS_VALUE_NOPAD 6 #define CG_PLAYER_STAMINA 7 #define CG_PLAYER_STAMINA_1 8 #define CG_PLAYER_STAMINA_2 9 #define CG_PLAYER_STAMINA_3 10 #define CG_PLAYER_STAMINA_4 11 #define CG_PLAYER_STAMINA_BOLT 12 #define CG_PLAYER_BOOST_BOLT 13 #define CG_PLAYER_CLIPS_RING 14 #define CG_PLAYER_BUILD_TIMER_RING 15 #define CG_PLAYER_SELECT 16 #define CG_PLAYER_SELECTTEXT 17 #define CG_PLAYER_WEAPONICON 18 #define CG_PLAYER_WALLCLIMBING 19 #define CG_PLAYER_BOOSTED 20 #define CG_PLAYER_POISON_BARBS 21 #define CG_PLAYER_BOMBS 22 #define CG_PLAYER_PRICKLES 23 #define CG_PLAYER_FBREATH 24 #define CG_DRAW_INVI_STAT 25 #define CG_DRAW_INVI_OVERLAY 26 #define CG_PLAYER_ALIEN_SENSE 27 #define CG_PLAYER_HUMAN_SCANNER 28 #define CG_PLAYER_USABLE_BUILDABLE 29 #define CG_PLAYER_CHARGE_BAR_BG 30 #define CG_PLAYER_CHARGE_BAR 31 #define CG_PLAYER_CROSSHAIR 32 #define CG_PLAYER_LOCATION 33 #define CG_TEAMOVERLAY 34 #define CG_PLAYER_CREDITS_FRACTION 35 #define CG_KILLER 36 #define CG_SPECTATORS 37 #define CG_FOLLOW 38 // loading screen #define CG_LOAD_LEVELSHOT 39 #define CG_LOAD_EDGESHOT 40 #define CG_LOAD_MEDIA 41 #define CG_LOAD_MEDIA_LABEL 42 #define CG_LOAD_BUILDABLES 43 #define CG_LOAD_BUILDABLES_LABEL 44 #define CG_LOAD_CHARMODEL 45 #define CG_LOAD_CHARMODEL_LABEL 46 #define CG_LOAD_OVERALL 47 #define CG_LOAD_LEVELNAME 48 #define CG_LOAD_MOTD 49 #define CG_LOAD_HOSTNAME 50 #define CG_FPS 51 #define CG_FPS_FIXED 52 #define CG_TIMER 53 #define CG_TIMER_MINS 54 #define CG_TIMER_SECS 55 #define CG_SNAPSHOT 56 #define CG_LAGOMETER 57 #define CG_SPEEDOMETER 58 #define CG_PLAYER_CROSSHAIRNAMES 59 #define CG_STAGE_REPORT_TEXT 60 #define CG_ALIEN_BUILD_POOL 61 #define CG_HUMAN_BUILD_POOL 62 #define CG_BUILD_POOL_BARS 63 #define CG_ALIEN_NOBP_FLASH 64 #define CG_HUMAN_NOBP_FLASH 65 #define CG_ALIENS_SCORE_LABEL 66 #define CG_HUMANS_SCORE_LABEL 67 #define CG_DEMO_PLAYBACK 68 #define CG_DEMO_RECORDING 69 #define CG_CONSOLE 70 #define CG_TUTORIAL 71 #define CG_CLOCK 72 #define UI_NETSOURCE 73 #define UI_NETMAPPREVIEW 74 #define UI_NETMAPCINEMATIC 75 #define UI_SERVERREFRESHDATE 76 #define UI_SERVERMOTD 77 #define UI_GLINFO 78 #define UI_KEYBINDSTATUS 79 #define UI_SELECTEDMAPPREVIEW 80 #define UI_SELECTEDMAPNAME 81 #define UI_TEAMINFOPANE 82 #define UI_ACLASSINFOPANE 83 #define UI_AUPGRADEINFOPANE 84 #define UI_HITEMINFOPANE 85 #define UI_HBUYINFOPANE 86 #define UI_HSELLINFOPANE 87 #define UI_ABUILDINFOPANE 88 #define UI_HBUILDINFOPANE 89 #define UI_HELPINFOPANE 90 #endif