Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Tim Angus

This file is part of Tremulous.

Tremulous is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.

Tremulous is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Tremulous; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

// bg_misc.c -- both games misc functions, all completely stateless

#include "../qcommon/q_shared.h"
#include "bg_public.h"

int  trap_FS_FOpenFile( const char *qpath, fileHandle_t *f, fsMode_t mode );
void trap_FS_Read( void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f );
void trap_FS_Write( const void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f );
void trap_FS_FCloseFile( fileHandle_t f );
void trap_FS_Seek( fileHandle_t f, long offset, fsOrigin_t origin ); // fsOrigin_t
int  trap_FS_GetFileList(  const char *path, const char *extension, char *listbuf, int bufsize );

static const buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
    BA_A_SPAWN,            //int       buildNum;
    "eggpod",              //char      *buildName;
    "Egg",                 //char      *humanName;
    "The most basic alien structure. It allows aliens to spawn "
      "and protect the Overmind. Without any of these, the Overmind "
      "is left nearly defenseless and defeat is imminent.",
    "team_alien_spawn",    //char      *entityName;
    TR_GRAVITY,            //trType_t  traj;
    0.0,                   //float     bounce;
    ASPAWN_BP,             //int       buildPoints;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    ASPAWN_HEALTH,         //int       health;
    ASPAWN_REGEN,          //int       regenRate;
    ASPAWN_SPLASHDAMAGE,   //int       splashDamage;
    ASPAWN_SPLASHRADIUS,   //int       splashRadius;
    MOD_ASPAWN,            //int       meansOfDeath;
    TEAM_ALIENS,           //int       team;
    ( 1 << WP_ABUILD )|( 1 << WP_ABUILD2 ),    //weapon_t  buildWeapon;
    BANIM_IDLE1,           //int       idleAnim;
    100,                   //int       nextthink;
    ASPAWN_BT,             //int       buildTime;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  usable;
    0,                     //int       turretRange;
    0,                     //int       turretFireSpeed;
    WP_NONE,               //weapon_t  turretProjType;
    0.5f,                  //float     minNormal;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  invertNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  creepTest;
    ASPAWN_CREEPSIZE,      //int       creepSize;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  dccTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  transparentTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  uniqueTest;
    ASPAWN_VALUE,          //int       value;
    BA_A_OVERMIND,         //int       buildNum;
    "overmind",            //char      *buildName;
    "Overmind",            //char      *humanName;
    "A collective consciousness that controls all the alien structures "
      "in its vicinity. It must be protected at all costs, since its "
      "death will render alien structures defenseless.",
    "team_alien_overmind", //char      *entityName;
    TR_GRAVITY,            //trType_t  traj;
    0.0,                   //float     bounce;
    OVERMIND_BP,           //int       buildPoints;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    OVERMIND_HEALTH,       //int       health;
    OVERMIND_REGEN,        //int       regenRate;
    OVERMIND_SPLASHDAMAGE, //int       splashDamage;
    OVERMIND_SPLASHRADIUS, //int       splashRadius;
    MOD_ASPAWN,            //int       meansOfDeath;
    TEAM_ALIENS,           //int       team;
    ( 1 << WP_ABUILD )|( 1 << WP_ABUILD2 ),    //weapon_t  buildWeapon;
    BANIM_IDLE1,           //int       idleAnim;
    OVERMIND_ATTACK_REPEAT,//int       nextthink;
    OVERMIND_BT,           //int       buildTime;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  usable;
    0,                     //int       turretRange;
    0,                     //int       turretFireSpeed;
    WP_NONE,               //weapon_t  turretProjType;
    0.95f,                 //float     minNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  invertNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  creepTest;
    OVERMIND_CREEPSIZE,    //int       creepSize;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  dccTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  transparentTest;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  uniqueTest;
    OVERMIND_VALUE,        //int       value;
    BA_A_BARRICADE,        //int       buildNum;
    "barricade",           //char      *buildName;
    "Barricade",           //char      *humanName;
    "Used to obstruct corridors and doorways, hindering humans from "
      "threatening the spawns and Overmind. Barricades will shrink "
      "to allow aliens to pass over them, however.",
    "team_alien_barricade",//char      *entityName;
    TR_GRAVITY,            //trType_t  traj;
    0.0,                   //float     bounce;
    BARRICADE_BP,          //int       buildPoints;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    BARRICADE_HEALTH,      //int       health;
    BARRICADE_REGEN,       //int       regenRate;
    BARRICADE_SPLASHDAMAGE,//int       splashDamage;
    BARRICADE_SPLASHRADIUS,//int       splashRadius;
    MOD_ASPAWN,            //int       meansOfDeath;
    TEAM_ALIENS,           //int       team;
    ( 1 << WP_ABUILD )|( 1 << WP_ABUILD2 ),    //weapon_t  buildWeapon;
    BANIM_IDLE1,           //int       idleAnim;
    100,                   //int       nextthink;
    BARRICADE_BT,          //int       buildTime;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  usable;
    0,                     //int       turretRange;
    0,                     //int       turretFireSpeed;
    WP_NONE,               //weapon_t  turretProjType;
    0.707f,                //float     minNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  invertNormal;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  creepTest;
    BARRICADE_CREEPSIZE,   //int       creepSize;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  dccTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  transparentTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  uniqueTest;
    BARRICADE_VALUE,       //int       value;
    BA_A_ACIDTUBE,         //int       buildNum;
    "acid_tube",           //char      *buildName;
    "Acid Tube",           //char      *humanName;
    "Ejects lethal poisonous acid at an approaching human. These "
      "are highly effective when used in conjunction with a trapper "
      "to hold the victim in place.",
    "team_alien_acid_tube",//char      *entityName;
    TR_GRAVITY,            //trType_t  traj;
    0.0,                   //float     bounce;
    ACIDTUBE_BP,           //int       buildPoints;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    ACIDTUBE_HEALTH,       //int       health;
    ACIDTUBE_REGEN,        //int       regenRate;
    ACIDTUBE_SPLASHDAMAGE, //int       splashDamage;
    ACIDTUBE_SPLASHRADIUS, //int       splashRadius;
    MOD_ASPAWN,            //int       meansOfDeath;
    TEAM_ALIENS,           //int       team;
    ( 1 << WP_ABUILD )|( 1 << WP_ABUILD2 ),    //weapon_t  buildWeapon;
    BANIM_IDLE1,           //int       idleAnim;
    200,                   //int       nextthink;
    ACIDTUBE_BT,           //int       buildTime;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  usable;
    0,                     //int       turretRange;
    0,                     //int       turretFireSpeed;
    WP_NONE,               //weapon_t  turretProjType;
    0.0f,                  //float     minNormal;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  invertNormal;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  creepTest;
    ACIDTUBE_CREEPSIZE,    //int       creepSize;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  dccTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  transparentTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  uniqueTest;
    ACIDTUBE_VALUE,        //int       value;
    BA_A_TRAPPER,          //int       buildNum;
    "trapper",             //char      *buildName;
    "Trapper",             //char      *humanName;
    "Fires a blob of adhesive spit at any non-alien in its line of "
      "sight. This hinders their movement, making them an easy target "
      "for other defensive structures or aliens.",
    "team_alien_trapper",  //char      *entityName;
    TR_GRAVITY,            //trType_t  traj;
    0.0,                   //float     bounce;
    TRAPPER_BP,            //int       buildPoints;
    ( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages //NEEDS ADV BUILDER SO S2 AND UP
    TRAPPER_HEALTH,        //int       health;
    TRAPPER_REGEN,         //int       regenRate;
    TRAPPER_SPLASHDAMAGE,  //int       splashDamage;
    TRAPPER_SPLASHRADIUS,  //int       splashRadius;
    MOD_ASPAWN,            //int       meansOfDeath;
    TEAM_ALIENS,            //int       team;
    ( 1 << WP_ABUILD2 ),   //weapon_t  buildWeapon;
    BANIM_IDLE1,           //int       idleAnim;
    100,                   //int       nextthink;
    TRAPPER_BT,            //int       buildTime;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  usable;
    TRAPPER_RANGE,         //int       turretRange;
    TRAPPER_REPEAT,        //int       turretFireSpeed;
    WP_LOCKBLOB_LAUNCHER,  //weapon_t  turretProjType;
    0.0f,                  //float     minNormal;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  invertNormal;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  creepTest;
    TRAPPER_CREEPSIZE,     //int       creepSize;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  dccTest;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  transparentTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  uniqueTest;
    TRAPPER_VALUE,         //int       value;
    BA_A_BOOSTER,          //int       buildNum;
    "booster",             //char      *buildName;
    "Booster",             //char      *humanName;
    "Laces the attacks of any alien that touches it with a poison "
      "that will gradually deal damage to any humans exposed to it. "
      "The booster also increases the rate of health regeneration for "
      "any nearby aliens.",
    "team_alien_booster",  //char      *entityName;
    TR_GRAVITY,            //trType_t  traj;
    0.0,                   //float     bounce;
    BOOSTER_BP,            //int       buildPoints;
    ( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    BOOSTER_HEALTH,        //int       health;
    BOOSTER_REGEN,         //int       regenRate;
    BOOSTER_SPLASHDAMAGE,  //int       splashDamage;
    BOOSTER_SPLASHRADIUS,  //int       splashRadius;
    MOD_ASPAWN,            //int       meansOfDeath;
    TEAM_ALIENS,            //int       team;
    ( 1 << WP_ABUILD2 ),   //weapon_t  buildWeapon;
    BANIM_IDLE1,           //int       idleAnim;
    100,                   //int       nextthink;
    BOOSTER_BT,            //int       buildTime;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  usable;
    0,                     //int       turretRange;
    0,                     //int       turretFireSpeed;
    WP_NONE,               //weapon_t  turretProjType;
    0.707f,                //float     minNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  invertNormal;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  creepTest;
    BOOSTER_CREEPSIZE,     //int       creepSize;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  dccTest;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  transparentTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  uniqueTest;
    BOOSTER_VALUE,         //int       value;
    BA_A_HIVE,             //int       buildNum;
    "hive",                //char      *buildName;
    "Hive",                //char      *humanName;
    "Houses millions of tiny insectoid aliens. When a human "
      "approaches this structure, the insectoids attack.",
    "team_alien_hive",     //char      *entityName;
    TR_GRAVITY,            //trType_t  traj;
    0.0,                   //float     bounce;
    HIVE_BP,               //int       buildPoints;
    ( 1 << S3 ),           //int  stages
    HIVE_HEALTH,           //int       health;
    HIVE_REGEN,            //int       regenRate;
    HIVE_SPLASHDAMAGE,     //int       splashDamage;
    HIVE_SPLASHRADIUS,     //int       splashRadius;
    MOD_ASPAWN,            //int       meansOfDeath;
    TEAM_ALIENS,            //int       team;
    ( 1 << WP_ABUILD2 ),   //weapon_t  buildWeapon;
    BANIM_IDLE1,           //int       idleAnim;
    500,                   //int       nextthink;
    HIVE_BT,               //int       buildTime;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  usable;
    0,                     //int       turretRange;
    0,                     //int       turretFireSpeed;
    WP_HIVE,               //weapon_t  turretProjType;
    0.0f,                  //float     minNormal;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  invertNormal;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  creepTest;
    HIVE_CREEPSIZE,        //int       creepSize;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  dccTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  transparentTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  uniqueTest;
    HIVE_VALUE,            //int       value;
    BA_A_HOVEL,            //int       buildNum;
    "hovel",               //char      *buildName;
    "Hovel",               //char      *humanName;
    "An armoured shell used by the Grangers to hide in, while "
      "the alien base is under attack. It may be entered or "
      "exited at any time.",
    "team_alien_hovel",    //char      *entityName;
    TR_GRAVITY,            //trType_t  traj;
    0.0,                   //float     bounce;
    HOVEL_BP,              //int       buildPoints;
    ( 1 << S3 ),           //int  stages
    HOVEL_HEALTH,          //int       health;
    HOVEL_REGEN,           //int       regenRate;
    HOVEL_SPLASHDAMAGE,    //int       splashDamage;
    HOVEL_SPLASHRADIUS,    //int       splashRadius;
    MOD_ASPAWN,            //int       meansOfDeath;
    TEAM_ALIENS,            //int       team;
    ( 1 << WP_ABUILD2 ),   //weapon_t  buildWeapon;
    BANIM_IDLE1,           //int       idleAnim;
    150,                   //int       nextthink;
    HOVEL_BT,              //int       buildTime;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  usable;
    0,                     //int       turretRange;
    0,                     //int       turretFireSpeed;
    WP_NONE,               //weapon_t  turretProjType;
    0.95f,                 //float     minNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  invertNormal;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  creepTest;
    HOVEL_CREEPSIZE,       //int       creepSize;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  dccTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  transparentTest;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  uniqueTest;
    HOVEL_VALUE,           //int       value;
    BA_H_SPAWN,            //int       buildNum;
    "telenode",            //char      *buildName;
    "Telenode",            //char      *humanName;
    "The most basic human structure. It provides a means for humans "
      "to enter the battle arena. Without any of these the humans "
      "cannot spawn and defeat is imminent.",
    "team_human_spawn",    //char      *entityName;
    TR_GRAVITY,            //trType_t  traj;
    0.0,                   //float     bounce;
    HSPAWN_BP,             //int       buildPoints;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    HSPAWN_HEALTH,         //int       health;
    0,                     //int       regenRate;
    HSPAWN_SPLASHDAMAGE,   //int       splashDamage;
    HSPAWN_SPLASHRADIUS,   //int       splashRadius;
    MOD_HSPAWN,            //int       meansOfDeath;
    TEAM_HUMANS,            //int       team;
    ( 1 << WP_HBUILD ),    //weapon_t  buildWeapon;
    BANIM_IDLE1,           //int       idleAnim;
    100,                   //int       nextthink;
    HSPAWN_BT,             //int       buildTime;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  usable;
    0,                     //int       turretRange;
    0,                     //int       turretFireSpeed;
    WP_NONE,               //weapon_t  turretProjType;
    0.95f,                 //float     minNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  invertNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  creepTest;
    0,                     //int       creepSize;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  dccTest;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  transparentTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  uniqueTest;
    HSPAWN_VALUE,          //int       value;
    BA_H_MGTURRET,         //int       buildNum;
    "mgturret",            //char      *buildName;
    "Machinegun Turret",   //char      *humanName;
    "Automated base defense that is effective against large targets "
      "but slow to begin firing. Should always be "
      "backed up by physical support.",
    "team_human_mgturret", //char      *entityName;
    TR_GRAVITY,            //trType_t  traj;
    0.0,                   //float     bounce;
    MGTURRET_BP,           //int       buildPoints;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    MGTURRET_HEALTH,       //int       health;
    0,                     //int       regenRate;
    MGTURRET_SPLASHDAMAGE, //int       splashDamage;
    MGTURRET_SPLASHRADIUS, //int       splashRadius;
    MOD_HSPAWN,            //int       meansOfDeath;
    TEAM_HUMANS,            //int       team;
    ( 1 << WP_HBUILD ),   //weapon_t  buildWeapon;
    BANIM_IDLE1,           //int       idleAnim;
    50,                    //int       nextthink;
    MGTURRET_BT,           //int       buildTime;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  usable;
    MGTURRET_RANGE,        //int       turretRange;
    MGTURRET_REPEAT,       //int       turretFireSpeed;
    WP_MGTURRET,           //weapon_t  turretProjType;
    0.95f,                 //float     minNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  invertNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  creepTest;
    0,                     //int       creepSize;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  dccTest;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  transparentTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  uniqueTest;
    MGTURRET_VALUE,        //int       value;
    BA_H_TESLAGEN,         //int       buildNum;
    "tesla",               //char      *buildName;
    "Tesla Generator",     //char      *humanName;
    "A structure equipped with a strong electrical attack that fires "
      "instantly and always hits its target. It is effective against smaller "
      "aliens and for consolidating basic defense.",
    "team_human_tesla",    //char      *entityName;
    TR_GRAVITY,            //trType_t  traj;
    0.0,                   //float     bounce;
    TESLAGEN_BP,           //int       buildPoints;
    ( 1 << S3 ),           //int       stages
    TESLAGEN_HEALTH,       //int       health;
    0,                     //int       regenRate;
    TESLAGEN_SPLASHDAMAGE, //int       splashDamage;
    TESLAGEN_SPLASHRADIUS, //int       splashRadius;
    MOD_HSPAWN,            //int       meansOfDeath;
    TEAM_HUMANS,            //int       team;
    ( 1 << WP_HBUILD ),    //weapon_t  buildWeapon;
    BANIM_IDLE1,           //int       idleAnim;
    150,                   //int       nextthink;
    TESLAGEN_BT,           //int       buildTime;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  usable;
    TESLAGEN_RANGE,        //int       turretRange;
    TESLAGEN_REPEAT,       //int       turretFireSpeed;
    WP_TESLAGEN,           //weapon_t  turretProjType;
    0.95f,                 //float     minNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  invertNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  creepTest;
    0,                     //int       creepSize;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  dccTest;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  transparentTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  uniqueTest;
    TESLAGEN_VALUE,        //int       value;
    BA_H_ARMOURY,          //int       buildNum;
    "arm",                 //char      *buildName;
    "Armoury",             //char      *humanName;
    "An essential part of the human base, providing a means "
      "to upgrade the basic human equipment. A range of upgrades "
      "and weapons are available for sale from the armoury.",
    "team_human_armoury",  //char      *entityName;
    TR_GRAVITY,            //trType_t  traj;
    0.0,                   //float     bounce;
    ARMOURY_BP,            //int       buildPoints;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    ARMOURY_HEALTH,        //int       health;
    0,                     //int       regenRate;
    ARMOURY_SPLASHDAMAGE,  //int       splashDamage;
    ARMOURY_SPLASHRADIUS,  //int       splashRadius;
    MOD_HSPAWN,            //int       meansOfDeath;
    TEAM_HUMANS,            //int       team;
    ( 1 << WP_HBUILD ),    //weapon_t  buildWeapon;
    BANIM_IDLE1,           //int       idleAnim;
    100,                   //int       nextthink;
    ARMOURY_BT,            //int       buildTime;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  usable;
    0,                     //int       turretRange;
    0,                     //int       turretFireSpeed;
    WP_NONE,               //weapon_t  turretProjType;
    0.95f,                 //float     minNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  invertNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  creepTest;
    0,                     //int       creepSize;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  dccTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  transparentTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  uniqueTest;
    ARMOURY_VALUE,         //int       value;
    BA_H_DCC,              //int       buildNum;
    "dcc",                 //char      *buildName;
    "Defence Computer",    //char      *humanName;
    "A structure that enables self-repair functionality in "
      "human structures. Each Defence Computer built increases "
      "repair rate slightly.",
    "team_human_dcc",      //char      *entityName;
    TR_GRAVITY,            //trType_t  traj;
    0.0,                   //float     bounce;
    DC_BP,                 //int       buildPoints;
    ( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int       stages
    DC_HEALTH,             //int       health;
    0,                     //int       regenRate;
    DC_SPLASHDAMAGE,       //int       splashDamage;
    DC_SPLASHRADIUS,       //int       splashRadius;
    MOD_HSPAWN,            //int       meansOfDeath;
    TEAM_HUMANS,            //int       team;
    ( 1 << WP_HBUILD ),    //weapon_t  buildWeapon;
    BANIM_IDLE1,           //int       idleAnim;
    100,                   //int       nextthink;
    DC_BT,                 //int       buildTime;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  usable;
    0,                     //int       turretRange;
    0,                     //int       turretFireSpeed;
    WP_NONE,               //weapon_t  turretProjType;
    0.95f,                 //float     minNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  invertNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  creepTest;
    0,                     //int       creepSize;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  dccTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  transparentTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  uniqueTest;
    DC_VALUE,              //int       value;
    BA_H_MEDISTAT,         //int       buildNum;
    "medistat",            //char      *buildName;
    "Medistation",         //char      *humanName;
    "A structure that automatically restores "
      "the health and stamina of any human that stands on it. "
      "It may only be used by one person at a time. This structure "
      "also issues medkits.",
    "team_human_medistat", //char      *entityName;
    TR_GRAVITY,            //trType_t  traj;
    0.0,                   //float     bounce;
    MEDISTAT_BP,           //int       buildPoints;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    MEDISTAT_HEALTH,       //int       health;
    0,                     //int       regenRate;
    MEDISTAT_SPLASHDAMAGE, //int       splashDamage;
    MEDISTAT_SPLASHRADIUS, //int       splashRadius;
    MOD_HSPAWN,            //int       meansOfDeath;
    TEAM_HUMANS,            //int       team;
    ( 1 << WP_HBUILD ),    //weapon_t  buildWeapon;
    BANIM_IDLE1,           //int       idleAnim;
    100,                   //int       nextthink;
    MEDISTAT_BT,           //int       buildTime;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  usable;
    0,                     //int       turretRange;
    0,                     //int       turretFireSpeed;
    WP_NONE,               //weapon_t  turretProjType;
    0.95f,                 //float     minNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  invertNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  creepTest;
    0,                     //int       creepSize;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  dccTest;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  transparentTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  uniqueTest;
    MEDISTAT_VALUE,        //int       value;
    BA_H_REACTOR,          //int       buildNum;
    "reactor",             //char      *buildName;
    "Reactor",             //char      *humanName;
    "All structures except the telenode rely on a reactor to operate. "
      "The reactor provides power for all the human structures either "
      "directly or via repeaters. Only one reactor can be built at a time.",
    "team_human_reactor",  //char      *entityName;
    TR_GRAVITY,            //trType_t  traj;
    0.0,                   //float     bounce;
    REACTOR_BP,            //int       buildPoints;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    REACTOR_HEALTH,        //int       health;
    0,                     //int       regenRate;
    REACTOR_SPLASHDAMAGE,  //int       splashDamage;
    REACTOR_SPLASHRADIUS,  //int       splashRadius;
    MOD_HSPAWN,            //int       meansOfDeath;
    TEAM_HUMANS,            //int       team;
    ( 1 << WP_HBUILD ),    //weapon_t  buildWeapon;
    BANIM_IDLE1,           //int       idleAnim;
    REACTOR_ATTACK_DCC_REPEAT, //int       nextthink;
    REACTOR_BT,            //int       buildTime;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  usable;
    0,                     //int       turretRange;
    0,                     //int       turretFireSpeed;
    WP_NONE,               //weapon_t  turretProjType;
    0.95f,                 //float     minNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  invertNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  creepTest;
    0,                     //int       creepSize;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  dccTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  transparentTest;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  uniqueTest;
    REACTOR_VALUE,         //int       value;
    BA_H_REPEATER,         //int       buildNum;
    "repeater",            //char      *buildName;
    "Repeater",            //char      *humanName;
    "A power distributor that transmits power from the reactor "
      "to remote locations, so that bases may be built far "
      "from the reactor.",
    "team_human_repeater", //char      *entityName;
    TR_GRAVITY,            //trType_t  traj;
    0.0,                   //float     bounce;
    REPEATER_BP,           //int       buildPoints;
    ( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    REPEATER_HEALTH,       //int       health;
    0,                     //int       regenRate;
    REPEATER_SPLASHDAMAGE, //int       splashDamage;
    REPEATER_SPLASHRADIUS, //int       splashRadius;
    MOD_HSPAWN,            //int       meansOfDeath;
    TEAM_HUMANS,            //int       team;
    ( 1 << WP_HBUILD ),    //weapon_t  buildWeapon;
    BANIM_IDLE1,           //int       idleAnim;
    100,                   //int       nextthink;
    REPEATER_BT,           //int       buildTime;
    qtrue,                 //qboolean  usable;
    0,                     //int       turretRange;
    0,                     //int       turretFireSpeed;
    WP_NONE,               //weapon_t  turretProjType;
    0.95f,                 //float     minNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  invertNormal;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  creepTest;
    0,                     //int       creepSize;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  dccTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  transparentTest;
    qfalse,                //qboolean  uniqueTest;
    REPEATER_VALUE,        //int       value;

int   bg_numBuildables = sizeof( bg_buildableList ) / sizeof( bg_buildableList[ 0 ] );

static const buildableAttributes_t nullBuildable = { 0 };

const buildableAttributes_t *BG_BuildableByName( const char *name )
  int i;

  for( i = 0; i < bg_numBuildables; i++ )
    if( !Q_stricmp( bg_buildableList[ i ].name, name ) )
      return &bg_buildableList[ i ];

  return &nullBuildable;

const buildableAttributes_t *BG_BuildableByEntityName( const char *name )
  int i;

  for( i = 0; i < bg_numBuildables; i++ )
    if( !Q_stricmp( bg_buildableList[ i ].entityName, name ) )
      return &bg_buildableList[ i ];

  return &nullBuildable;

const buildableAttributes_t *BG_Buildable( buildable_t buildable )
  return ( buildable > BA_NONE && buildable < BA_NUM_BUILDABLES ) ?
    &bg_buildableList[ buildable - 1 ] : &nullBuildable;

qboolean BG_BuildableAllowedInStage( buildable_t buildable,
                                     stage_t stage )
  int stages = BG_Buildable( buildable )->stages;

  if( stages & ( 1 << stage ) )
    return qtrue;
    return qfalse;

static buildableConfig_t bg_buildableConfigList[ BA_NUM_BUILDABLES ];

buildableConfig_t *BG_BuildableConfig( buildable_t buildable )
  return &bg_buildableConfigList[ buildable ];

void BG_BuildableBoundingBox( buildable_t buildable,
                              vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs )
  buildableConfig_t *buildableConfig = BG_BuildableConfig( buildable );

  if( mins != NULL )
    VectorCopy( buildableConfig->mins, mins );

  if( maxs != NULL )
    VectorCopy( buildableConfig->maxs, maxs );


Parses a configuration file describing a buildable
static qboolean BG_ParseBuildableFile( const char *filename, buildableConfig_t *bc )
  char          *text_p;
  int           i;
  int           len;
  char          *token;
  char          text[ 20000 ];
  fileHandle_t  f;
  float         scale;
  int           defined = 0;
      MODEL         = 1 << 0,
      MODELSCALE    = 1 << 1,
      MINS          = 1 << 2,
      MAXS          = 1 << 3,
      ZOFFSET       = 1 << 4

  // load the file
  len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, &f, FS_READ );
  if( len < 0 )
    Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: Buildable file %s doesn't exist\n", filename );
    return qfalse;

  if( len == 0 || len >= sizeof( text ) - 1 )
    trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );
    Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: Buildable file %s is %s\n", filename,
      len == 0 ? "empty" : "too long" );
    return qfalse;

  trap_FS_Read( text, len, f );
  text[ len ] = 0;
  trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );

  // parse the text
  text_p = text;

  // read optional parameters
  while( 1 )
    token = COM_Parse( &text_p );

    if( !token )

    if( !Q_stricmp( token, "" ) )

    if( !Q_stricmp( token, "model" ) )
      int index = 0;

      token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
      if( !token )

      index = atoi( token );

      if( index < 0 )
        index = 0;
      else if( index > 3 )
        index = 3;

      token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
      if( !token )

      Q_strncpyz( bc->models[ index ], token, sizeof( bc->models[ 0 ] ) );

      defined |= MODEL;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "modelScale" ) )
      token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
      if( !token )

      scale = atof( token );

      if( scale < 0.0f )
        scale = 0.0f;

      bc->modelScale = scale;

      defined |= MODELSCALE;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "mins" ) )
      for( i = 0; i <= 2; i++ )
        token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
        if( !token )

        bc->mins[ i ] = atof( token );

      defined |= MINS;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "maxs" ) )
      for( i = 0; i <= 2; i++ )
        token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
        if( !token )

        bc->maxs[ i ] = atof( token );

      defined |= MAXS;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "zOffset" ) )
      float offset;

      token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
      if( !token )

      offset = atof( token );

      bc->zOffset = offset;

      defined |= ZOFFSET;

    Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: unknown token '%s'\n", token );
    return qfalse;

  if(      !( defined & MODEL      ) )  token = "model";
  else if( !( defined & MODELSCALE ) )  token = "modelScale";
  else if( !( defined & MINS       ) )  token = "mins";
  else if( !( defined & MAXS       ) )  token = "maxs";
  else if( !( defined & ZOFFSET    ) )  token = "zOffset";
  else                                  token = "";

  if( strlen( token ) > 0 )
      Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: %s not defined in %s\n",
                  token, filename );
      return qfalse;

  return qtrue;

void BG_InitBuildableConfigs( void )
  int               i;
  buildableConfig_t *bc;

  for( i = BA_NONE + 1; i < BA_NUM_BUILDABLES; i++ )
    bc = BG_BuildableConfig( i );
    Com_Memset( bc, 0, sizeof( buildableConfig_t ) );

    BG_ParseBuildableFile( va( "configs/buildables/%s.cfg",
                               BG_Buildable( i )->name ), bc );


static const classAttributes_t bg_classList[ ] =
    PCL_NONE,                                       //int     classnum;
    "spectator",                                    //char    *className;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ),            //int  stages
    0,                                              //int     health;
    0.0f,                                           //float   fallDamage;
    0,                                              //int     regenRate;
    0,                                              //int     abilities;
    WP_NONE,                                        //weapon_t  startWeapon
    0.0f,                                           //float   buildDist;
    90,                                             //int     fov;
    0.000f,                                         //float   bob;
    1.0f,                                           //float   bobCycle;
    0,                                              //int     steptime;
    600,                                            //float   speed;
    10.0f,                                          //float   acceleration;
    1.0f,                                           //float   airAcceleration;
    6.0f,                                           //float   friction;
    100.0f,                                         //float   stopSpeed;
    270.0f,                                         //float   jumpMagnitude;
    1.0f,                                           //float   knockbackScale;
    { PCL_NONE, PCL_NONE, PCL_NONE },               //int     children[ 3 ];
    0,                                              //int     cost;
    0                                               //int     value;
    PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0,                             //int     classnum;
    "builder",                                      //char    *className;
    "Responsible for building and maintaining all the alien structures. "
      "Has a weak melee slash attack.",
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ),            //int  stages
    ABUILDER_HEALTH,                                //int     health;
    0.2f,                                           //float   fallDamage;
    ABUILDER_REGEN,                                 //int     regenRate;
    WP_ABUILD,                                      //weapon_t  startWeapon
    95.0f,                                          //float   buildDist;
    80,                                             //int     fov;
    0.001f,                                         //float   bob;
    2.0f,                                           //float   bobCycle;
    150,                                            //int     steptime;
    ABUILDER_SPEED,                                 //float   speed;
    10.0f,                                          //float   acceleration;
    1.0f,                                           //float   airAcceleration;
    6.0f,                                           //float   friction;
    100.0f,                                         //float   stopSpeed;
    195.0f,                                         //float   jumpMagnitude;
    1.0f,                                           //float   knockbackScale;
    { PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0_UPG, PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL0, PCL_NONE },       //int     children[ 3 ];
    ABUILDER_COST,                                  //int     cost;
    ABUILDER_VALUE                                  //int     value;
    PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0_UPG,                         //int     classnum;
    "builderupg",                                   //char    *classname;
    "Similar to the base Granger, except that in addition to "
      "being able to build structures it has a spit attack "
      "that slows victims and the ability to crawl on walls.",
    ( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ),                        //int  stages
    ABUILDER_UPG_HEALTH,                            //int     health;
    0.2f,                                           //float   fallDamage;
    ABUILDER_UPG_REGEN,                             //int     regenRate;
    WP_ABUILD2,                                     //weapon_t  startWeapon
    105.0f,                                         //float   buildDist;
    110,                                            //int     fov;
    0.001f,                                         //float   bob;
    2.0f,                                           //float   bobCycle;
    100,                                            //int     steptime;
    ABUILDER_UPG_SPEED,                             //float   speed;
    10.0f,                                          //float   acceleration;
    1.0f,                                           //float   airAcceleration;
    6.0f,                                           //float   friction;
    100.0f,                                         //float   stopSpeed;
    270.0f,                                         //float   jumpMagnitude;
    1.0f,                                           //float   knockbackScale;
    { PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL0, PCL_NONE, PCL_NONE },       //int     children[ 3 ];
    ABUILDER_UPG_COST,                              //int     cost;
    ABUILDER_UPG_VALUE                              //int     value;
    PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL0,                               //int     classnum;
    "level0",                                       //char    *classname;
    "Has a lethal reflexive bite and the ability to crawl on "
      "walls and ceilings.",
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ),            //int  stages
    LEVEL0_HEALTH,                                  //int     health;
    0.0f,                                           //float   fallDamage;
    LEVEL0_REGEN,                                   //int     regenRate;
    WP_ALEVEL0,                                     //weapon_t  startWeapon
    0.0f,                                           //float   buildDist;
    140,                                            //int     fov;
    0.0f,                                           //float   bob;
    2.5f,                                           //float   bobCycle;
    25,                                             //int     steptime;
    LEVEL0_SPEED,                                   //float   speed;
    10.0f,                                          //float   acceleration;
    1.0f,                                           //float   airAcceleration;
    6.0f,                                           //float   friction;
    400.0f,                                         //float   stopSpeed;
    250.0f,                                         //float   jumpMagnitude;
    2.0f,                                           //float   knockbackScale;
    { PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL1, PCL_NONE, PCL_NONE },       //int     children[ 3 ];
    LEVEL0_COST,                                    //int     cost;
    LEVEL0_VALUE                                    //int     value;
    PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL1,                               //int     classnum;
    "level1",                                       //char    *classname;
    "A support class able to crawl on walls and ceilings. Its melee "
      "attack is most effective when combined with the ability to grab "
      "and hold its victims in place. Provides a weak healing aura "
      "that accelerates the healing rate of nearby aliens.",
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ),            //int  stages
    LEVEL1_HEALTH,                                  //int     health;
    0.0f,                                           //float   fallDamage;
    LEVEL1_REGEN,                                   //int     regenRate;
    WP_ALEVEL1,                                     //weapon_t  startWeapon
    0.0f,                                           //float   buildDist;
    120,                                            //int     fov;
    0.001f,                                         //float   bob;
    1.8f,                                           //float   bobCycle;
    60,                                             //int     steptime;
    LEVEL1_SPEED,                                   //float   speed;
    10.0f,                                          //float   acceleration;
    1.0f,                                           //float   airAcceleration;
    6.0f,                                           //float   friction;
    300.0f,                                         //float   stopSpeed;
    310.0f,                                         //float   jumpMagnitude;
    1.2f,                                           //float   knockbackScale;
    { PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL2, PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL1_UPG, PCL_NONE },   //int     children[ 3 ];
    LEVEL1_COST,                                     //int     cost;
    LEVEL1_VALUE                                     //int     value;
    PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL1_UPG,                           //int     classnum;
    "level1upg",                                    //char    *classname;
    "In addition to the basic Basilisk abilities, the Advanced "
      "Basilisk sprays a poisonous gas which disorients any "
      "nearby humans. Has a strong healing aura that "
      "that accelerates the healing rate of nearby aliens.",
    ( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ),                        //int  stages
    LEVEL1_UPG_HEALTH,                              //int     health;
    0.0f,                                           //float   fallDamage;
    LEVEL1_UPG_REGEN,                               //int     regenRate;
    WP_ALEVEL1_UPG,                                 //weapon_t  startWeapon
    0.0f,                                           //float   buildDist;
    120,                                            //int     fov;
    0.001f,                                         //float   bob;
    1.8f,                                           //float   bobCycle;
    60,                                             //int     steptime;
    LEVEL1_UPG_SPEED,                               //float   speed;
    10.0f,                                          //float   acceleration;
    1.0f,                                           //float   airAcceleration;
    6.0f,                                           //float   friction;
    300.0f,                                         //float   stopSpeed;
    310.0f,                                         //float   jumpMagnitude;
    1.1f,                                           //float   knockbackScale;
    { PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL2, PCL_NONE, PCL_NONE },       //int     children[ 3 ];
    LEVEL1_UPG_COST,                                //int     cost;
    LEVEL1_UPG_VALUE                                //int     value;
    PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL2,                               //int     classnum;
    "level2",                                       //char    *classname;
    "Has a melee attack and the ability to jump off walls. This "
      "allows the Marauder to gather great speed in enclosed areas.",
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ),            //int  stages
    LEVEL2_HEALTH,                                  //int     health;
    0.0f,                                           //float   fallDamage;
    LEVEL2_REGEN,                                   //int     regenRate;
    WP_ALEVEL2,                                     //weapon_t  startWeapon
    0.0f,                                           //float   buildDist;
    90,                                             //int     fov;
    0.001f,                                         //float   bob;
    1.5f,                                           //float   bobCycle;
    80,                                             //int     steptime;
    LEVEL2_SPEED,                                   //float   speed;
    10.0f,                                          //float   acceleration;
    2.0f,                                           //float   airAcceleration;
    6.0f,                                           //float   friction;
    100.0f,                                         //float   stopSpeed;
    380.0f,                                         //float   jumpMagnitude;
    0.8f,                                           //float   knockbackScale;
    { PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL3, PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL2_UPG, PCL_NONE },   //int     children[ 3 ];
    LEVEL2_COST,                                    //int     cost;
    LEVEL2_VALUE                                    //int     value;
    PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL2_UPG,                           //int     classnum;
    "level2upg",                                    //char    *classname;
    "The Advanced Marauder has all the abilities of the basic Marauder "
      "with the addition of an area effect electric shock attack.",
    ( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ),                        //int  stages
    LEVEL2_UPG_HEALTH,                              //int     health;
    0.0f,                                           //float   fallDamage;
    LEVEL2_UPG_REGEN,                               //int     regenRate;
    WP_ALEVEL2_UPG,                                 //weapon_t  startWeapon
    0.0f,                                           //float   buildDist;
    90,                                             //int     fov;
    0.001f,                                         //float   bob;
    1.5f,                                           //float   bobCycle;
    80,                                             //int     steptime;
    LEVEL2_UPG_SPEED,                               //float   speed;
    10.0f,                                          //float   acceleration;
    2.0f,                                           //float   airAcceleration;
    6.0f,                                           //float   friction;
    100.0f,                                         //float   stopSpeed;
    380.0f,                                         //float   jumpMagnitude;
    0.7f,                                           //float   knockbackScale;
    { PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL3, PCL_NONE, PCL_NONE },       //int     children[ 3 ];
    LEVEL2_UPG_COST,                                //int     cost;
    LEVEL2_UPG_VALUE                                //int     value;
    PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL3,                               //int     classnum;
    "level3",                                       //char    *classname;
    "Possesses a melee attack and the pounce ability, which may "
      "be used as both an attack and a means to reach remote "
      "locations inaccessible from the ground.",
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ),            //int  stages
    LEVEL3_HEALTH,                                  //int     health;
    0.0f,                                           //float   fallDamage;
    LEVEL3_REGEN,                                   //int     regenRate;
    SCA_FOVWARPS|SCA_ALIENSENSE,                    //int     abilities;
    WP_ALEVEL3,                                     //weapon_t  startWeapon
    0.0f,                                           //float   buildDist;
    110,                                            //int     fov;
    0.0005f,                                        //float   bob;
    1.3f,                                           //float   bobCycle;
    90,                                             //int     steptime;
    LEVEL3_SPEED,                                   //float   speed;
    10.0f,                                          //float   acceleration;
    1.0f,                                           //float   airAcceleration;
    6.0f,                                           //float   friction;
    200.0f,                                         //float   stopSpeed;
    270.0f,                                         //float   jumpMagnitude;
    0.5f,                                           //float   knockbackScale;
    { PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL4, PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL3_UPG, PCL_NONE },   //int     children[ 3 ];
    LEVEL3_COST,                                    //int     cost;
    LEVEL3_VALUE                                    //int     value;
    PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL3_UPG,                           //int     classnum;
    "level3upg",                                    //char    *classname;
    "In addition to the basic Dragoon abilities, the Advanced "
      "Dragoon has 3 barbs which may be used to attack humans "
      "from a distance.",
    ( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ),                        //int  stages
    LEVEL3_UPG_HEALTH,                              //int     health;
    0.0f,                                           //float   fallDamage;
    LEVEL3_UPG_REGEN,                               //int     regenRate;
    SCA_FOVWARPS|SCA_ALIENSENSE,                    //int     abilities;
    WP_ALEVEL3_UPG,                                 //weapon_t  startWeapon
    0.0f,                                           //float   buildDist;
    110,                                            //int     fov;
    0.0005f,                                        //float   bob;
    1.3f,                                           //float   bobCycle;
    90,                                             //int     steptime;
    LEVEL3_UPG_SPEED,                               //float   speed;
    10.0f,                                          //float   acceleration;
    1.0f,                                           //float   airAcceleration;
    6.0f,                                           //float   friction;
    200.0f,                                         //float   stopSpeed;
    270.0f,                                         //float   jumpMagnitude;
    0.4f,                                           //float   knockbackScale;
    { PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL4, PCL_NONE, PCL_NONE },       //int     children[ 3 ];
    LEVEL3_UPG_COST,                                //int     cost;
    LEVEL3_UPG_VALUE                                //int     value;
    PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL4,                               //int     classnum;
    "level4",                                       //char    *classname;
    "A large alien with a strong melee attack, this class can "
      "also charge at enemy humans and structures, inflicting "
      "great damage. Any humans or their structures caught under "
      "a falling Tyrant will be crushed by its weight.",
    ( 1 << S3 ),                                    //int  stages
    LEVEL4_HEALTH,                                  //int     health;
    0.0f,                                           //float   fallDamage;
    LEVEL4_REGEN,                                   //int     regenRate;
    SCA_FOVWARPS|SCA_ALIENSENSE,                    //int     abilities;
    WP_ALEVEL4,                                     //weapon_t  startWeapon
    0.0f,                                           //float   buildDist;
    90,                                             //int     fov;
    0.001f,                                         //float   bob;
    1.1f,                                           //float   bobCycle;
    100,                                            //int     steptime;
    LEVEL4_SPEED,                                   //float   speed;
    10.0f,                                          //float   acceleration;
    1.0f,                                           //float   airAcceleration;
    6.0f,                                           //float   friction;
    100.0f,                                         //float   stopSpeed;
    170.0f,                                         //float   jumpMagnitude;
    0.1f,                                           //float   knockbackScale;
    { PCL_NONE, PCL_NONE, PCL_NONE },               //int     children[ 3 ];
    LEVEL4_COST,                                    //int     cost;
    LEVEL4_VALUE                                    //int     value;
    PCL_HUMAN,                                      //int     classnum;
    "human_base",                                   //char    *classname;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ),            //int  stages
    100,                                            //int     health;
    1.0f,                                           //float   fallDamage;
    0,                                              //int     regenRate;
    SCA_TAKESFALLDAMAGE|SCA_CANUSELADDERS,          //int     abilities;
    WP_NONE, //special-cased in g_client.c          //weapon_t  startWeapon
    110.0f,                                         //float   buildDist;
    90,                                             //int     fov;
    0.002f,                                         //float   bob;
    1.0f,                                           //float   bobCycle;
    100,                                            //int     steptime;
    1.0f,                                           //float   speed;
    10.0f,                                          //float   acceleration;
    1.0f,                                           //float   airAcceleration;
    6.0f,                                           //float   friction;
    100.0f,                                         //float   stopSpeed;
    220.0f,                                         //float   jumpMagnitude;
    1.0f,                                           //float   knockbackScale;
    { PCL_NONE, PCL_NONE, PCL_NONE },               //int     children[ 3 ];
    0,                                              //int     cost;
    ALIEN_CREDITS_PER_FRAG                          //int     value;
    PCL_HUMAN_BSUIT,                                //int     classnum;
    "human_bsuit",                                  //char    *classname;
    ( 1 << S3 ),                                    //int  stages
    100,                                            //int     health;
    1.0f,                                           //float   fallDamage;
    0,                                              //int     regenRate;
      SCA_CANUSELADDERS,                            //int     abilities;
    WP_NONE, //special-cased in g_client.c          //weapon_t  startWeapon
    110.0f,                                         //float   buildDist;
    90,                                             //int     fov;
    0.002f,                                         //float   bob;
    1.0f,                                           //float   bobCycle;
    100,                                            //int     steptime;
    1.0f,                                           //float   speed;
    10.0f,                                          //float   acceleration;
    1.0f,                                           //float   airAcceleration;
    6.0f,                                           //float   friction;
    100.0f,                                         //float   stopSpeed;
    220.0f,                                         //float   jumpMagnitude;
    1.0f,                                           //float   knockbackScale;
    { PCL_NONE, PCL_NONE, PCL_NONE },               //int     children[ 3 ];
    0,                                              //int     cost;
    ALIEN_CREDITS_PER_FRAG                          //int     value;

int   bg_numClasses = sizeof( bg_classList ) / sizeof( bg_classList[ 0 ] );

static const classAttributes_t nullClass = { 0 };

const classAttributes_t *BG_ClassByName( const char *name )
  int i;

  for( i = 0; i < bg_numClasses; i++ )
    if( !Q_stricmp( bg_classList[ i ].name, name ) )
      return &bg_classList[ i ];

  return &nullClass;

const classAttributes_t *BG_Class( class_t class )
  return ( class >= PCL_NONE && class < PCL_NUM_CLASSES ) ?
    &bg_classList[ class ] : &nullClass;

qboolean BG_ClassAllowedInStage( class_t class,
                                 stage_t stage )
  int stages = BG_Class( class )->stages;

  return stages & ( 1 << stage );

static classConfig_t bg_classConfigList[ PCL_NUM_CLASSES ];

classConfig_t *BG_ClassConfig( class_t class )
  return &bg_classConfigList[ class ];

void BG_ClassBoundingBox( class_t class,
                          vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs,
                          vec3_t cmaxs, vec3_t dmins, vec3_t dmaxs )
  classConfig_t *classConfig = BG_ClassConfig( class );

  if( mins != NULL )
    VectorCopy( classConfig->mins, mins );

  if( maxs != NULL )
    VectorCopy( classConfig->maxs, maxs );

  if( cmaxs != NULL )
    VectorCopy( classConfig->crouchMaxs, cmaxs );

  if( dmins != NULL )
    VectorCopy( classConfig->deadMins, dmins );

  if( dmaxs != NULL )
    VectorCopy( classConfig->deadMaxs, dmaxs );

qboolean BG_ClassHasAbility( class_t class, int ability )
  int abilities = BG_Class( class )->abilities;

  return abilities & ability;

int BG_ClassCanEvolveFromTo( class_t fclass,
                             class_t tclass,
                             int credits, int stage,
                             int cost )
  int i, j, best, value;

  if( credits < cost || fclass == PCL_NONE || tclass == PCL_NONE ||
      fclass == tclass )
    return -1;

  for( i = 0; i < bg_numClasses; i++ )
    if( bg_classList[ i ].number != fclass )

    best = credits + 1;
    for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
      int thruClass, evolveCost;
      thruClass = bg_classList[ i ].children[ j ];
      if( thruClass == PCL_NONE || !BG_ClassAllowedInStage( thruClass, stage ) ||
          !BG_ClassIsAllowed( thruClass ) )

      evolveCost = BG_Class( thruClass )->cost * ALIEN_CREDITS_PER_FRAG;
      if( thruClass == tclass )
        value = cost + evolveCost;
        value = BG_ClassCanEvolveFromTo( thruClass, tclass, credits, stage,
                                         cost + evolveCost );

      if( value >= 0 && value < best )
        best = value;

    return best <= credits ? best : -1;

  Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: fallthrough in BG_ClassCanEvolveFromTo\n" );
  return -1;

qboolean BG_AlienCanEvolve( class_t class, int credits, int stage )
  int i, j, tclass;

  for( i = 0; i < bg_numClasses; i++ )
    if( bg_classList[ i ].number != class )

    for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
      tclass = bg_classList[ i ].children[ j ];
      if( tclass != PCL_NONE && BG_ClassAllowedInStage( tclass, stage ) &&
          BG_ClassIsAllowed( tclass ) &&
          credits >= BG_Class( tclass )->cost * ALIEN_CREDITS_PER_FRAG )
        return qtrue;

    return qfalse;

  Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: fallthrough in BG_AlienCanEvolve\n" );
  return qfalse;


Parses a configuration file describing a class
static qboolean BG_ParseClassFile( const char *filename, classConfig_t *cc )
  char          *text_p;
  int           i;
  int           len;
  char          *token;
  char          text[ 20000 ];
  fileHandle_t  f;
  float         scale = 0.0f;
  int           defined = 0;
      MODEL         = 1 << 0,
      SKIN          = 1 << 1,
      HUD           = 1 << 2,
      MODELSCALE    = 1 << 3,
      SHADOWSCALE   = 1 << 4,
      MINS          = 1 << 5,
      MAXS          = 1 << 6,
      DEADMINS      = 1 << 7,
      DEADMAXS      = 1 << 8,
      CROUCHMAXS    = 1 << 9,
      VIEWHEIGHT    = 1 << 10,
      CVIEWHEIGHT   = 1 << 11,
      ZOFFSET       = 1 << 12,
      NAME          = 1 << 13

  // load the file
  len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, &f, FS_READ );
  if( len < 0 )
    return qfalse;

  if( len == 0 || len >= sizeof( text ) - 1 )
    trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );
    Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: Class file %s is %s\n", filename,
      len == 0 ? "empty" : "too long" );
    return qfalse;

  trap_FS_Read( text, len, f );
  text[ len ] = 0;
  trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );

  // parse the text
  text_p = text;

  // read optional parameters
  while( 1 )
    token = COM_Parse( &text_p );

    if( !token )

    if( !Q_stricmp( token, "" ) )

    if( !Q_stricmp( token, "model" ) )
      token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
      if( !token )

      Q_strncpyz( cc->modelName, token, sizeof( cc->modelName ) );

      defined |= MODEL;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "skin" ) )
      token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
      if( !token )

      Q_strncpyz( cc->skinName, token, sizeof( cc->skinName ) );

      defined |= SKIN;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "hud" ) )
      token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
      if( !token )

      Q_strncpyz( cc->hudName, token, sizeof( cc->hudName ) );

      defined |= HUD;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "modelScale" ) )
      token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
      if( !token )

      scale = atof( token );

      if( scale < 0.0f )
        scale = 0.0f;

      cc->modelScale = scale;

      defined |= MODELSCALE;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "shadowScale" ) )
      token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
      if( !token )

      scale = atof( token );

      if( scale < 0.0f )
        scale = 0.0f;

      cc->shadowScale = scale;

      defined |= SHADOWSCALE;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "mins" ) )
      for( i = 0; i <= 2; i++ )
        token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
        if( !token )

        cc->mins[ i ] = atof( token );

      defined |= MINS;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "maxs" ) )
      for( i = 0; i <= 2; i++ )
        token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
        if( !token )

        cc->maxs[ i ] = atof( token );

      defined |= MAXS;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "deadMins" ) )
      for( i = 0; i <= 2; i++ )
        token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
        if( !token )

        cc->deadMins[ i ] = atof( token );

      defined |= DEADMINS;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "deadMaxs" ) )
      for( i = 0; i <= 2; i++ )
        token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
        if( !token )

        cc->deadMaxs[ i ] = atof( token );

      defined |= DEADMAXS;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "crouchMaxs" ) )
      for( i = 0; i <= 2; i++ )
        token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
        if( !token )

        cc->crouchMaxs[ i ] = atof( token );

      defined |= CROUCHMAXS;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "viewheight" ) )
      token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
      cc->viewheight = atoi( token );
      defined |= VIEWHEIGHT;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "crouchViewheight" ) )
      token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
      cc->crouchViewheight = atoi( token );
      defined |= CVIEWHEIGHT;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "zOffset" ) )
      float offset;

      token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
      if( !token )

      offset = atof( token );

      cc->zOffset = offset;

      defined |= ZOFFSET;
    else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "name" ) )
      token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
      if( !token )

      Q_strncpyz( cc->humanName, token, sizeof( cc->humanName ) );

      defined |= NAME;

    Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: unknown token '%s'\n", token );
    return qfalse;

  if(      !( defined & MODEL       ) ) token = "model";
  else if( !( defined & SKIN        ) ) token = "skin";
  else if( !( defined & HUD         ) ) token = "hud";
  else if( !( defined & MODELSCALE  ) ) token = "modelScale";
  else if( !( defined & SHADOWSCALE ) ) token = "shadowScale";
  else if( !( defined & MINS        ) ) token = "mins";
  else if( !( defined & MAXS        ) ) token = "maxs";
  else if( !( defined & DEADMINS    ) ) token = "deadMins";
  else if( !( defined & DEADMAXS    ) ) token = "deadMaxs";
  else if( !( defined & CROUCHMAXS  ) ) token = "crouchMaxs";
  else if( !( defined & VIEWHEIGHT  ) ) token = "viewheight";
  else if( !( defined & CVIEWHEIGHT ) ) token = "crouchViewheight";
  else if( !( defined & ZOFFSET     ) ) token = "zOffset";
  else if( !( defined & NAME        ) ) token = "name";
  else                                  token = "";

  if( strlen( token ) > 0 )
      Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: %s not defined in %s\n",
                  token, filename );
      return qfalse;

  return qtrue;

void BG_InitClassConfigs( void )
  int           i;
  classConfig_t *cc;

  for( i = PCL_NONE; i < PCL_NUM_CLASSES; i++ )
    cc = BG_ClassConfig( i );

    BG_ParseClassFile( va( "configs/classes/%s.cfg",
                           BG_Class( i )->name ), cc );


static const weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
    WP_ALEVEL0,           //int       weaponNum;
    0,                    //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "level0",             //char      *weaponName;
    "Bite",               //char      *humanName;
    0,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    LEVEL0_BITE_REPEAT,   //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    LEVEL0_BITE_K_SCALE,  //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  purchasable;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_ALIENS           //team_t    team;
    WP_ALEVEL1,           //int       weaponNum;
    0,                    //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "level1",             //char      *weaponName;
    "Claws",              //char      *humanName;
    0,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    LEVEL1_CLAW_REPEAT,   //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    LEVEL1_CLAW_K_SCALE,  //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  purchasable;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_ALIENS           //team_t    team;
    WP_ALEVEL1_UPG,       //int       weaponNum;
    0,                    //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "level1upg",          //char      *weaponName;
    "Claws Upgrade",      //char      *humanName;
    0,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    LEVEL1_CLAW_U_REPEAT, //int       repeatRate1;
    LEVEL1_PCLOUD_REPEAT, //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    LEVEL1_CLAW_U_K_SCALE,//float     knockbackScale;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  purchasable;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_ALIENS           //team_t    team;
    WP_ALEVEL2,           //int       weaponNum;
    0,                    //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "level2",             //char      *weaponName;
    "Bite",               //char      *humanName;
    0,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    LEVEL2_CLAW_REPEAT,   //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    LEVEL2_CLAW_K_SCALE,        //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  purchasable;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_ALIENS           //team_t    team;
    WP_ALEVEL2_UPG,       //int       weaponNum;
    0,                    //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "level2upg",          //char      *weaponName;
    "Zap",                //char      *humanName;
    0,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    LEVEL2_CLAW_U_REPEAT, //int       repeatRate1;
    LEVEL2_AREAZAP_REPEAT,//int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    LEVEL2_CLAW_U_K_SCALE,//float     knockbackScale;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  purchasable;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_ALIENS           //team_t    team;
    WP_ALEVEL3,           //int       weaponNum;
    0,                    //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "level3",             //char      *weaponName;
    "Pounce",             //char      *humanName;
    0,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    LEVEL3_CLAW_REPEAT,   //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    LEVEL3_CLAW_K_SCALE,  //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  purchasable;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_ALIENS           //team_t    team;
    WP_ALEVEL3_UPG,       //int       weaponNum;
    0,                    //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "level3upg",          //char      *weaponName;
    "Pounce (upgrade)",   //char      *humanName;
    3,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    LEVEL3_CLAW_U_REPEAT, //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    LEVEL3_BOUNCEBALL_REPEAT,//int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    LEVEL3_CLAW_U_K_SCALE,//float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  purchasable;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_ALIENS           //team_t    team;
    WP_ALEVEL4,           //int       weaponNum;
    0,                    //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "level4",             //char      *weaponName;
    "Charge",             //char      *humanName;
    0,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    LEVEL4_CLAW_REPEAT,   //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    LEVEL4_CLAW_K_SCALE,  //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  purchasable;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_ALIENS           //team_t    team;
    WP_BLASTER,           //int       weaponNum;
    0,                    //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    0,                    //int       slots;
    "blaster",            //char      *weaponName;
    "Blaster",            //char      *humanName;
    0,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    BLASTER_REPEAT,       //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    BLASTER_K_SCALE,      //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  purchasable;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_HUMANS           //team_t    team;
    WP_MACHINEGUN,        //int       weaponNum;
    RIFLE_PRICE,          //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "rifle",              //char      *weaponName;
    "Rifle",              //char      *humanName;
    "Basic weapon. Cased projectile weapon, with a slow clip based "
      "reload system.",
    RIFLE_CLIPSIZE,       //int       maxAmmo;
    RIFLE_MAXCLIPS,       //int       maxClips;
    qfalse,               //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    RIFLE_REPEAT,         //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    RIFLE_RELOAD,         //int       reloadTime;
    RIFLE_K_SCALE,        //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  purchasable;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_HUMANS           //team_t    team;
    WP_PAIN_SAW,          //int       weaponNum;
    PAINSAW_PRICE,        //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "psaw",               //char      *weaponName;
    "Pain Saw",           //char      *humanName;
    "Similar to a chainsaw, but instead of a chain it has an "
      "electric arc capable of dealing a great deal of damage at "
      "close range.",
    0,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    PAINSAW_REPEAT,       //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    PAINSAW_K_SCALE,      //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  purchasable;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_HUMANS           //team_t    team;
    WP_SHOTGUN,           //int       weaponNum;
    SHOTGUN_PRICE,        //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "shotgun",            //char      *weaponName;
    "Shotgun",            //char      *humanName;
    "Close range weapon that is useful against larger foes. "
      "It has a slow repeat rate, but can be devastatingly "
    SHOTGUN_SHELLS,       //int       maxAmmo;
    SHOTGUN_MAXCLIPS,     //int       maxClips;
    qfalse,               //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    SHOTGUN_REPEAT,       //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    SHOTGUN_RELOAD,       //int       reloadTime;
    SHOTGUN_K_SCALE,        //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  purchasable;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_HUMANS           //team_t    team;
    WP_LAS_GUN,           //int       weaponNum;
    LASGUN_PRICE,         //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "lgun",               //char      *weaponName;
    "Las Gun",            //char      *humanName;
    "Slightly more powerful than the basic rifle, rapidly fires "
      "small packets of energy.",
    LASGUN_AMMO,          //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qfalse,               //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qtrue,                //int       usesEnergy;
    LASGUN_REPEAT,        //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    LASGUN_RELOAD,        //int       reloadTime;
    LASGUN_K_SCALE,       //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  purchasable;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_HUMANS           //team_t    team;
    WP_MASS_DRIVER,       //int       weaponNum;
    MDRIVER_PRICE,        //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "mdriver",            //char      *weaponName;
    "Mass Driver",        //char      *humanName;
    "A portable magnetic accelerator capable of launching "
      "metallic slugs at extremely high velocity. Damage is dealt to "
      "all targets in the line of fire until the slug comes to a halt "
      "within a wall.",
    MDRIVER_CLIPSIZE,     //int       maxAmmo;
    MDRIVER_MAXCLIPS,     //int       maxClips;
    qfalse,               //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qtrue,                //int       usesEnergy;
    MDRIVER_REPEAT,       //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    MDRIVER_RELOAD,       //int       reloadTime;
    MDRIVER_K_SCALE,      //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  canZoom;
    20.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  purchasable;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_HUMANS           //team_t    team;
    WP_CHAINGUN,          //int       weaponNum;
    CHAINGUN_PRICE,       //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "chaingun",           //char      *weaponName;
    "Chaingun",           //char      *humanName;
    "Belt drive, cased projectile weapon. It has a high repeat "
      "rate but a wide firing angle and is therefore relatively "
    CHAINGUN_BULLETS,     //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qfalse,               //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    CHAINGUN_REPEAT,      //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    CHAINGUN_K_SCALE,     //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  purchasable;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_HUMANS           //team_t    team;
    WP_PULSE_RIFLE,       //int       weaponNum;
    PRIFLE_PRICE,         //int       price;
    ( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "prifle",             //char      *weaponName;
    "Pulse Rifle",        //char      *humanName;
    "An energy weapon that fires rapid pulses of concentrated energy.",
    PRIFLE_CLIPS,         //int       maxAmmo;
    PRIFLE_MAXCLIPS,      //int       maxClips;
    qfalse,               //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qtrue,                //int       usesEnergy;
    PRIFLE_REPEAT,        //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    PRIFLE_RELOAD,        //int       reloadTime;
    PRIFLE_K_SCALE,       //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  purchasable;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_HUMANS           //team_t    team;
    WP_FLAMER,            //int       weaponNum;
    FLAMER_PRICE,         //int       price;
    ( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "flamer",             //char      *weaponName;
    "Flame Thrower",      //char      *humanName;
    "Sprays fire at its target. It is powered by compressed "
      "gas. The relatively low rate of fire means this weapon is most "
      "effective against static targets.",
    FLAMER_GAS,           //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qfalse,               //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    FLAMER_REPEAT,        //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    FLAMER_K_SCALE,       //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  purchasable;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_HUMANS           //team_t    team;
    WP_LUCIFER_CANNON,    //int       weaponNum;
    LCANNON_PRICE,        //int       price;
    ( 1 << S3 ),          //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "lcannon",            //char      *weaponName;
    "Lucifer Cannon",     //char      *humanName;
    "Blaster technology scaled up to deliver devastating power. "
      "Primary fire must be charged before firing. It has a quick "
      "secondary attack that does not require charging.",
    LCANNON_AMMO,         //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qfalse,               //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qtrue,                //int       usesEnergy;
    LCANNON_REPEAT,       //int       repeatRate1;
    LCANNON_SECONDARY_REPEAT, //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    LCANNON_RELOAD,       //int       reloadTime;
    LCANNON_K_SCALE,      //float     knockbackScale;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  purchasable;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_HUMANS           //team_t    team;
    WP_GRENADE,           //int       weaponNum;
    GRENADE_PRICE,        //int       price;
    ( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_NONE,            //int       slots;
    "grenade",            //char      *weaponName;
    "Grenade",            //char      *humanName;
    1,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qfalse,               //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    GRENADE_REPEAT,       //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    GRENADE_K_SCALE,      //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  purchasable;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_HUMANS           //team_t    team;
    WP_LOCKBLOB_LAUNCHER, //int       weaponNum;
    0,                    //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "lockblob",           //char      *weaponName;
    "Lock Blob",          //char      *humanName;
    0,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    500,                  //int       repeatRate1;
    500,                  //int       repeatRate2;
    500,                  //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    LOCKBLOB_K_SCALE,     //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  purchasable;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_ALIENS           //team_t    team;
    WP_HIVE,              //int       weaponNum;
    0,                    //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "hive",               //char      *weaponName;
    "Hive",               //char      *humanName;
    0,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    500,                  //int       repeatRate1;
    500,                  //int       repeatRate2;
    500,                  //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    HIVE_K_SCALE,         //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  purchasable;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_ALIENS           //team_t    team;
    WP_TESLAGEN,          //int       weaponNum;
    0,                    //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "teslagen",           //char      *weaponName;
    "Tesla Generator",    //char      *humanName;
    0,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qtrue,                //int       usesEnergy;
    500,                  //int       repeatRate1;
    500,                  //int       repeatRate2;
    500,                  //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    TESLAGEN_K_SCALE,     //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  purchasable;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_HUMANS           //team_t    team;
    WP_MGTURRET,          //int       weaponNum;
    0,                    //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "mgturret",           //char      *weaponName;
    "Machinegun Turret",  //char      *humanName;
    0,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate1;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    MGTURRET_K_SCALE,     //float     knockbackScale;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  purchasable;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_HUMANS           //team_t    team;
    WP_ABUILD,            //int       weaponNum;
    0,                    //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "abuild",             //char      *weaponName;
    "Alien build weapon", //char      *humanName;
    0,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    ABUILDER_BUILD_REPEAT,//int       repeatRate1;
    ABUILDER_CLAW_REPEAT, //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    ABUILDER_CLAW_K_SCALE,//float     knockbackScale;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  purchasable;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_ALIENS           //team_t    team;
    WP_ABUILD2,           //int       weaponNum;
    0,                    //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "abuildupg",          //char      *weaponName;
    "Alien build weapon2",//char      *humanName;
    0,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    ABUILDER_BUILD_REPEAT,//int       repeatRate1;
    ABUILDER_CLAW_REPEAT, //int       repeatRate2;
    ABUILDER_BLOB_REPEAT, //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    ABUILDER_CLAW_K_SCALE,//float     knockbackScale;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  purchasable;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_ALIENS           //team_t    team;
    WP_HBUILD,            //int       weaponNum;
    HBUILD_PRICE,         //int       price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_WEAPON,          //int       slots;
    "ckit",               //char      *weaponName;
    "Construction Kit",   //char      *humanName;
    "Used for building structures. This includes "
      "spawns, power and basic defense. More structures become "
      "available with new stages.",
    0,                    //int       maxAmmo;
    0,                    //int       maxClips;
    qtrue,                //int       infiniteAmmo;
    qfalse,               //int       usesEnergy;
    HBUILD_REPEAT,        //int       repeatRate1;
    HBUILD_REPEAT,        //int       repeatRate2;
    0,                    //int       repeatRate3;
    0,                    //int       reloadTime;
    0.0f,                 //float     knockbackScale;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  hasAltMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  hasThirdMode;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  canZoom;
    90.0f,                //float     zoomFov;
    qtrue,                //qboolean  purchasable;
    qfalse,               //qboolean  longRanged;
    TEAM_HUMANS           //team_t    team;

int   bg_numWeapons = sizeof( bg_weapons ) / sizeof( bg_weapons[ 0 ] );

static const weaponAttributes_t nullWeapon = { 0 };

const weaponAttributes_t *BG_WeaponByName( const char *name )
  int i;

  for( i = 0; i < bg_numWeapons; i++ )
    if( !Q_stricmp( bg_weapons[ i ].name, name ) )
      return &bg_weapons[ i ];

  return &nullWeapon;

const weaponAttributes_t *BG_Weapon( weapon_t weapon )
  return ( weapon > WP_NONE && weapon < WP_NUM_WEAPONS ) ?
    &bg_weapons[ weapon - 1 ] : &nullWeapon;

qboolean BG_WeaponAllowedInStage( weapon_t weapon, stage_t stage )
  int stages = BG_Weapon( weapon )->stages;

  return stages & ( 1 << stage );


static const upgradeAttributes_t bg_upgrades[ ] =
    UP_LIGHTARMOUR,         //int   upgradeNum;
    LIGHTARMOUR_PRICE,      //int   price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_TORSO|SLOT_ARMS|SLOT_LEGS, //int   slots;
    "larmour",              //char  *upgradeName;
    "Light Armour",         //char  *humanName;
    "Protective armour that helps to defend against light alien melee "
    qtrue,                  //qboolean purchasable
    qfalse,                 //qboolean usable
    TEAM_HUMANS             //team_t  team;
    UP_HELMET,              //int   upgradeNum;
    HELMET_PRICE,           //int   price;
    ( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_HEAD,              //int   slots;
    "helmet",               //char  *upgradeName;
    "Helmet",               //char  *humanName;
    "In addition to protecting your head, the helmet provides a "
      "scanner indicating the presence of any friendly or hostile "
      "lifeforms and structures in your immediate vicinity.",
    qtrue,                  //qboolean purchasable
    qfalse,                 //qboolean usable
    TEAM_HUMANS             //team_t  team;
    UP_MEDKIT,              //int   upgradeNum;
    MEDKIT_PRICE,           //int   price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_NONE,              //int   slots;
    "medkit",               //char  *upgradeName;
    "Medkit",               //char  *humanName;
    qfalse,                 //qboolean purchasable
    qtrue,                  //qboolean usable
    TEAM_HUMANS             //team_t  team;
    UP_BATTPACK,            //int   upgradeNum;
    BATTPACK_PRICE,         //int   price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_BACKPACK,          //int   slots;
    "battpack",             //char  *upgradeName;
    "Battery Pack",         //char  *humanName;
    "Back-mounted battery pack that permits storage of one and a half "
      "times the normal energy capacity for energy weapons.",
    qtrue,                  //qboolean purchasable
    qfalse,                 //qboolean usable
    TEAM_HUMANS             //team_t  team;
    UP_JETPACK,             //int   upgradeNum;
    JETPACK_PRICE,          //int   price;
    ( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_BACKPACK,          //int   slots;
    "jetpack",              //char  *upgradeName;
    "Jet Pack",             //char  *humanName;
    "Back-mounted jet pack that enables the user to fly to remote "
      "locations. It is very useful against alien spawns in hard "
      "to reach spots.",
    qtrue,                  //qboolean purchasable
    qtrue,                  //qboolean usable
    TEAM_HUMANS             //team_t  team;
    UP_BATTLESUIT,          //int   upgradeNum;
    BSUIT_PRICE,            //int   price;
    ( 1 << S3 ),            //int  stages
    "bsuit",                //char  *upgradeName;
    "Battlesuit",           //char  *humanName;
    "A full body armour that is highly effective at repelling alien attacks. "
      "It allows the user to enter hostile situations with a greater degree "
      "of confidence.",
    qtrue,                  //qboolean purchasable
    qfalse,                 //qboolean usable
    TEAM_HUMANS             //team_t  team;
    UP_GRENADE,             //int   upgradeNum;
    GRENADE_PRICE,          //int   price;
    ( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ),//int  stages
    SLOT_NONE,              //int   slots;
    "gren",                 //char  *upgradeName;
    "Grenade",              //char  *humanName;
    "A small incendinary device ideal for damaging tightly packed "
      "alien structures. Has a five second timer.",
    qtrue,                  //qboolean purchasable
    qtrue,                  //qboolean usable
    TEAM_HUMANS             //team_t  team;
    UP_AMMO,                //int   upgradeNum;
    0,                      //int   price;
    ( 1 << S1 )|( 1 << S2 )|( 1 << S3 ), //int  stages
    SLOT_NONE,              //int   slots;
    "ammo",                 //char  *upgradeName;
    "Ammunition",           //char  *humanName;
    "Ammunition for the currently held weapon.",
    qtrue,                  //qboolean purchasable
    qfalse,                 //qboolean usable
    TEAM_HUMANS             //team_t  team;

int   bg_numUpgrades = sizeof( bg_upgrades ) / sizeof( bg_upgrades[ 0 ] );

static const upgradeAttributes_t nullUpgrade = { 0 };

const upgradeAttributes_t *BG_UpgradeByName( const char *name )
  int i;

  for( i = 0; i < bg_numUpgrades; i++ )
    if( !Q_stricmp( bg_upgrades[ i ].name, name ) )
      return &bg_upgrades[ i ];

  return &nullUpgrade;

const upgradeAttributes_t *BG_Upgrade( upgrade_t upgrade )
  return ( upgrade > UP_NONE && upgrade < UP_NUM_UPGRADES ) ?
    &bg_upgrades[ upgrade - 1 ] : &nullUpgrade;

qboolean BG_UpgradeAllowedInStage( upgrade_t upgrade, stage_t stage )
  int stages = BG_Upgrade( upgrade )->stages;

  return stages & ( 1 << stage );



void BG_EvaluateTrajectory( const trajectory_t *tr, int atTime, vec3_t result )
  float   deltaTime;
  float   phase;

  switch( tr->trType )
      VectorCopy( tr->trBase, result );

    case TR_LINEAR:
      deltaTime = ( atTime - tr->trTime ) * 0.001;  // milliseconds to seconds
      VectorMA( tr->trBase, deltaTime, tr->trDelta, result );

    case TR_SINE:
      deltaTime = ( atTime - tr->trTime ) / (float)tr->trDuration;
      phase = sin( deltaTime * M_PI * 2 );
      VectorMA( tr->trBase, phase, tr->trDelta, result );

    case TR_LINEAR_STOP:
      if( atTime > tr->trTime + tr->trDuration )
        atTime = tr->trTime + tr->trDuration;

      deltaTime = ( atTime - tr->trTime ) * 0.001;  // milliseconds to seconds
      if( deltaTime < 0 )
        deltaTime = 0;

      VectorMA( tr->trBase, deltaTime, tr->trDelta, result );

    case TR_GRAVITY:
      deltaTime = ( atTime - tr->trTime ) * 0.001;  // milliseconds to seconds
      VectorMA( tr->trBase, deltaTime, tr->trDelta, result );
      result[ 2 ] -= 0.5 * DEFAULT_GRAVITY * deltaTime * deltaTime;   // FIXME: local gravity...

    case TR_BUOYANCY:
      deltaTime = ( atTime - tr->trTime ) * 0.001;  // milliseconds to seconds
      VectorMA( tr->trBase, deltaTime, tr->trDelta, result );
      result[ 2 ] += 0.5 * DEFAULT_GRAVITY * deltaTime * deltaTime;   // FIXME: local gravity...

      Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "BG_EvaluateTrajectory: unknown trType: %i", tr->trTime );


For determining velocity at a given time
void BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta( const trajectory_t *tr, int atTime, vec3_t result )
  float deltaTime;
  float phase;

  switch( tr->trType )
      VectorClear( result );

    case TR_LINEAR:
      VectorCopy( tr->trDelta, result );

    case TR_SINE:
      deltaTime = ( atTime - tr->trTime ) / (float)tr->trDuration;
      phase = cos( deltaTime * M_PI * 2 );  // derivative of sin = cos
      phase *= 0.5;
      VectorScale( tr->trDelta, phase, result );

    case TR_LINEAR_STOP:
      if( atTime > tr->trTime + tr->trDuration )
        VectorClear( result );
      VectorCopy( tr->trDelta, result );

    case TR_GRAVITY:
      deltaTime = ( atTime - tr->trTime ) * 0.001;  // milliseconds to seconds
      VectorCopy( tr->trDelta, result );
      result[ 2 ] -= DEFAULT_GRAVITY * deltaTime;   // FIXME: local gravity...

    case TR_BUOYANCY:
      deltaTime = ( atTime - tr->trTime ) * 0.001;  // milliseconds to seconds
      VectorCopy( tr->trDelta, result );
      result[ 2 ] += DEFAULT_GRAVITY * deltaTime;   // FIXME: local gravity...

      Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta: unknown trType: %i", tr->trTime );

char *eventnames[ ] =





  "EV_WATER_TOUCH", // foot touches
  "EV_WATER_LEAVE", // foot leaves
  "EV_WATER_UNDER", // head touches
  "EV_WATER_CLEAR", // head leaves


  "EV_PLAYER_RESPAWN", // for fovwarp effects

  "EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE",    // eventParm will be the soundindex

  "EV_GLOBAL_SOUND",    // no attenuation



  "EV_BULLET",        // otherEntity is the shooter



  "EV_GIB_PLAYER",      // gib a previously living player

  "EV_BUILD_DELAY",     // can't build yet
  "EV_BUILD_REPAIR",    // repairing buildable
  "EV_BUILD_REPAIRED",  // buildable has full health




  "EV_OVERMIND_ATTACK", // overmind under attack
  "EV_OVERMIND_DYING",  // overmind close to death
  "EV_OVERMIND_SPAWNS", // overmind needs spawns

  "EV_DCC_ATTACK",      // dcc under attack

  "EV_RPTUSE_SOUND"     // trigger a sound


Handles the sequence numbers

void  trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( const char *var_name, char *buffer, int bufsize );

void BG_AddPredictableEventToPlayerstate( int newEvent, int eventParm, playerState_t *ps )
#ifdef _DEBUG
    char buf[ 256 ];
    trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "showevents", buf, sizeof( buf ) );

    if( atof( buf ) != 0 )
#ifdef GAME
      Com_Printf( " game event svt %5d -> %5d: num = %20s parm %d\n",
                  ps->pmove_framecount/*ps->commandTime*/, ps->eventSequence, eventnames[ newEvent ], eventParm);
      Com_Printf( "Cgame event svt %5d -> %5d: num = %20s parm %d\n",
                  ps->pmove_framecount/*ps->commandTime*/, ps->eventSequence, eventnames[ newEvent ], eventParm);
  ps->events[ ps->eventSequence & ( MAX_PS_EVENTS - 1 ) ] = newEvent;
  ps->eventParms[ ps->eventSequence & ( MAX_PS_EVENTS - 1 ) ] = eventParm;


This is done after each set of usercmd_t on the server,
and after local prediction on the client
void BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( playerState_t *ps, entityState_t *s, qboolean snap )
  int     i;

  if( ps->pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION || ps->pm_type == PM_SPECTATOR || ps->pm_type == PM_FREEZE )
    s->eType = ET_INVISIBLE;
  else if( ps->persistant[ PERS_SPECSTATE ] != SPECTATOR_NOT )
    s->eType = ET_INVISIBLE;
    s->eType = ET_PLAYER;

  s->number = ps->clientNum;

  s->pos.trType = TR_INTERPOLATE;
  VectorCopy( ps->origin, s->pos.trBase );

  // Snapping player origins causes more problems than it solves
  //if( snap )
  //  SnapVector( s->pos.trBase );

  //set the trDelta for flag direction
  VectorCopy( ps->velocity, s->pos.trDelta );

  s->apos.trType = TR_INTERPOLATE;
  VectorCopy( ps->viewangles, s->apos.trBase );

  if( snap )
    SnapVector( s->apos.trBase );

  s->time2 = ps->movementDir;
  s->legsAnim = ps->legsAnim;
  s->torsoAnim = ps->torsoAnim;
  s->weaponAnim = ps->weaponAnim;
  s->clientNum = ps->clientNum;   // ET_PLAYER looks here instead of at number
                    // so corpses can also reference the proper config
  s->eFlags = ps->eFlags;
  if( ps->stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 )
    s->eFlags |= EF_DEAD;
    s->eFlags &= ~EF_DEAD;

  if( ps->stats[ STAT_STATE ] & SS_BLOBLOCKED )
    s->eFlags |= EF_BLOBLOCKED;
    s->eFlags &= ~EF_BLOBLOCKED;

  if( ps->externalEvent )
    s->event = ps->externalEvent;
    s->eventParm = ps->externalEventParm;
  else if( ps->entityEventSequence < ps->eventSequence )
    int   seq;

    if( ps->entityEventSequence < ps->eventSequence - MAX_PS_EVENTS )
      ps->entityEventSequence = ps->eventSequence - MAX_PS_EVENTS;

    seq = ps->entityEventSequence & ( MAX_PS_EVENTS - 1 );
    s->event = ps->events[ seq ] | ( ( ps->entityEventSequence & 3 ) << 8 );
    s->eventParm = ps->eventParms[ seq ];

  s->weapon = ps->weapon;
  s->groundEntityNum = ps->groundEntityNum;

  //store items held and active items in modelindex and modelindex2
  s->modelindex = 0;
  s->modelindex2 = 0;
  for( i = UP_NONE + 1; i < UP_NUM_UPGRADES; i++ )
    if( BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( i, ps->stats ) )
      s->modelindex |= 1 << i;

      if( BG_UpgradeIsActive( i, ps->stats ) )
        s->modelindex2 |= 1 << i;

  // use misc field to store team/class info:
  s->misc = ps->stats[ STAT_TEAM ] | ( ps->stats[ STAT_CLASS ] << 8 );

  // have to get the surfNormal through somehow...
  VectorCopy( ps->grapplePoint, s->angles2 );

  s->loopSound = ps->loopSound;
  s->generic1 = ps->generic1;

  if( s->generic1 <= WPM_NONE || s->generic1 >= WPM_NUM_WEAPONMODES )
    s->generic1 = WPM_PRIMARY;

  s->otherEntityNum = ps->otherEntityNum;  


This is done after each set of usercmd_t on the server,
and after local prediction on the client
void BG_PlayerStateToEntityStateExtraPolate( playerState_t *ps, entityState_t *s, int time, qboolean snap )
  int     i;

  if( ps->pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION || ps->pm_type == PM_SPECTATOR || ps->pm_type == PM_FREEZE )
    s->eType = ET_INVISIBLE;
  else if( ps->persistant[ PERS_SPECSTATE ] != SPECTATOR_NOT )
    s->eType = ET_INVISIBLE;
    s->eType = ET_PLAYER;

  s->number = ps->clientNum;

  s->pos.trType = TR_LINEAR_STOP;
  VectorCopy( ps->origin, s->pos.trBase );

  // Snapping player origins causes more problems than it solves
  //if( snap )
  //  SnapVector( s->pos.trBase );

  // set the trDelta for flag direction and linear prediction
  VectorCopy( ps->velocity, s->pos.trDelta );
  // set the time for linear prediction
  s->pos.trTime = time;
  // set maximum extra polation time
  s->pos.trDuration = 50; // 1000 / sv_fps (default = 20)

  s->apos.trType = TR_INTERPOLATE;
  VectorCopy( ps->viewangles, s->apos.trBase );
  if( snap )
    SnapVector( s->apos.trBase );

  s->time2 = ps->movementDir;
  s->legsAnim = ps->legsAnim;
  s->torsoAnim = ps->torsoAnim;
  s->weaponAnim = ps->weaponAnim;
  s->clientNum = ps->clientNum;   // ET_PLAYER looks here instead of at number
                    // so corpses can also reference the proper config
  s->eFlags = ps->eFlags;

  if( ps->stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 )
    s->eFlags |= EF_DEAD;
    s->eFlags &= ~EF_DEAD;

  if( ps->stats[ STAT_STATE ] & SS_BLOBLOCKED )
    s->eFlags |= EF_BLOBLOCKED;
    s->eFlags &= ~EF_BLOBLOCKED;

  if( ps->externalEvent )
    s->event = ps->externalEvent;
    s->eventParm = ps->externalEventParm;
  else if( ps->entityEventSequence < ps->eventSequence )
    int   seq;

    if( ps->entityEventSequence < ps->eventSequence - MAX_PS_EVENTS )
      ps->entityEventSequence = ps->eventSequence - MAX_PS_EVENTS;

    seq = ps->entityEventSequence & ( MAX_PS_EVENTS - 1 );
    s->event = ps->events[ seq ] | ( ( ps->entityEventSequence & 3 ) << 8 );
    s->eventParm = ps->eventParms[ seq ];

  s->weapon = ps->weapon;
  s->groundEntityNum = ps->groundEntityNum;

  //store items held and active items in modelindex and modelindex2
  s->modelindex = 0;
  s->modelindex2 = 0;

  for( i = UP_NONE + 1; i < UP_NUM_UPGRADES; i++ )
    if( BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( i, ps->stats ) )
      s->modelindex |= 1 << i;

      if( BG_UpgradeIsActive( i, ps->stats ) )
        s->modelindex2 |= 1 << i;

  // use misc field to store team/class info:
  s->misc = ps->stats[ STAT_TEAM ] | ( ps->stats[ STAT_CLASS ] << 8 );

  // have to get the surfNormal through somehow...
  VectorCopy( ps->grapplePoint, s->angles2 );

  s->loopSound = ps->loopSound;
  s->generic1 = ps->generic1;

  if( s->generic1 <= WPM_NONE || s->generic1 >= WPM_NUM_WEAPONMODES )
    s->generic1 = WPM_PRIMARY;

  s->otherEntityNum = ps->otherEntityNum;


Check if a weapon has full ammo
qboolean BG_WeaponIsFull( weapon_t weapon, int stats[ ], int ammo, int clips )
  int maxAmmo, maxClips;

  maxAmmo = BG_Weapon( weapon )->maxAmmo;
  maxClips = BG_Weapon( weapon )->maxClips;

  if( BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( UP_BATTPACK, stats ) )

  return ( maxAmmo == ammo ) && ( maxClips == clips );


Does the player hold a weapon?
qboolean BG_InventoryContainsWeapon( int weapon, int stats[ ] )
  // humans always have a blaster
  if( stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS && weapon == WP_BLASTER )
    return qtrue;

  return ( stats[ STAT_WEAPON ] == weapon );


Calculate the slots used by an inventory and warn of conflicts
int BG_SlotsForInventory( int stats[ ] )
  int i, slot, slots;

  slots = BG_Weapon( stats[ STAT_WEAPON ] )->slots;
  if( stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS )
    slots |= BG_Weapon( WP_BLASTER )->slots;

  for( i = UP_NONE; i < UP_NUM_UPGRADES; i++ )
    if( BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( i, stats ) )
      slot = BG_Upgrade( i )->slots;

      // this check should never be true
      if( slots & slot )
        Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: held item %d conflicts with "
                    "inventory slot %d\n", i, slot );

      slots |= slot;

  return slots;


Give the player an upgrade
void BG_AddUpgradeToInventory( int item, int stats[ ] )
  stats[ STAT_ITEMS ] |= ( 1 << item );


Take an upgrade from the player
void BG_RemoveUpgradeFromInventory( int item, int stats[ ] )
  stats[ STAT_ITEMS ] &= ~( 1 << item );


Does the player hold an upgrade?
qboolean BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( int item, int stats[ ] )
  return( stats[ STAT_ITEMS ] & ( 1 << item ) );


Activates an upgrade
void BG_ActivateUpgrade( int item, int stats[ ] )
  stats[ STAT_ACTIVEITEMS ] |= ( 1 << item );


Deactivates an upgrade
void BG_DeactivateUpgrade( int item, int stats[ ] )
  stats[ STAT_ACTIVEITEMS ] &= ~( 1 << item );


Is this upgrade active?
qboolean BG_UpgradeIsActive( int item, int stats[ ] )
  return( stats[ STAT_ACTIVEITEMS ] & ( 1 << item ) );


Shared axis rotation function
qboolean BG_RotateAxis( vec3_t surfNormal, vec3_t inAxis[ 3 ],
                        vec3_t outAxis[ 3 ], qboolean inverse, qboolean ceiling )
  vec3_t  refNormal = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
  vec3_t  ceilingNormal = { 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f };
  vec3_t  localNormal, xNormal;
  float   rotAngle;

  //the grapplePoint being a surfNormal rotation Normal hack... see above :)
  if( ceiling )
    VectorCopy( ceilingNormal, localNormal );
    VectorCopy( surfNormal, xNormal );
    //cross the reference normal and the surface normal to get the rotation axis
    VectorCopy( surfNormal, localNormal );
    CrossProduct( localNormal, refNormal, xNormal );
    VectorNormalize( xNormal );

  //can't rotate with no rotation vector
  if( VectorLength( xNormal ) != 0.0f )
    rotAngle = RAD2DEG( acos( DotProduct( localNormal, refNormal ) ) );

    if( inverse )
      rotAngle = -rotAngle;

    AngleNormalize180( rotAngle );

    //hmmm could get away with only one rotation and some clever stuff later... but i'm lazy
    RotatePointAroundVector( outAxis[ 0 ], xNormal, inAxis[ 0 ], -rotAngle );
    RotatePointAroundVector( outAxis[ 1 ], xNormal, inAxis[ 1 ], -rotAngle );
    RotatePointAroundVector( outAxis[ 2 ], xNormal, inAxis[ 2 ], -rotAngle );
    return qfalse;

  return qtrue;


Get the normal for the surface the client is walking on
void BG_GetClientNormal( const playerState_t *ps, vec3_t normal )
  if( ps->stats[ STAT_STATE ] & SS_WALLCLIMBING )
      VectorSet( normal, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f );
      VectorCopy( ps->grapplePoint, normal );
    VectorSet( normal, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );


Find a place to build a buildable
void BG_PositionBuildableRelativeToPlayer( const playerState_t *ps,
                                           const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs,
                                           void (*trace)( trace_t *, const vec3_t, const vec3_t,
                                                          const vec3_t, const vec3_t, int, int ),
                                           vec3_t outOrigin, vec3_t outAngles, trace_t *tr )
  vec3_t  forward, entityOrigin, targetOrigin;
  vec3_t  angles, playerOrigin, playerNormal;
  float   buildDist;

  BG_GetClientNormal( ps, playerNormal );

  VectorCopy( ps->viewangles, angles );
  VectorCopy( ps->origin, playerOrigin );
  buildDist = BG_Class( ps->stats[ STAT_CLASS ] )->buildDist;

  AngleVectors( angles, forward, NULL, NULL );
  ProjectPointOnPlane( forward, forward, playerNormal );
  VectorNormalize( forward );

  VectorMA( playerOrigin, buildDist, forward, entityOrigin );

  VectorCopy( entityOrigin, targetOrigin );

  //so buildings can be placed facing slopes
  VectorMA( entityOrigin, 32, playerNormal, entityOrigin );

  //so buildings drop to floor
  VectorMA( targetOrigin, -128, playerNormal, targetOrigin );

  // The mask is MASK_DEADSOLID on purpose to avoid collisions with other entities
  (*trace)( tr, entityOrigin, mins, maxs, targetOrigin, ps->clientNum, MASK_DEADSOLID );
  VectorCopy( tr->endpos, entityOrigin );
  VectorMA( entityOrigin, 0.1f, playerNormal, outOrigin );
  vectoangles( forward, outAngles );


Returns the credit value of a player
int BG_GetValueOfPlayer( playerState_t *ps )
  int i, worth = 0;
  worth = BG_Class( ps->stats[ STAT_CLASS ] )->value;

  // Humans have worth from their equipment as well
  if( ps->stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS )
    for( i = UP_NONE + 1; i < UP_NUM_UPGRADES; i++ )
      if( BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( i, ps->stats ) )
        worth += BG_Upgrade( i )->price;

    for( i = WP_NONE + 1; i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS; i++ )
      if( BG_InventoryContainsWeapon( i, ps->stats ) )
        worth += BG_Weapon( i )->price;
  return worth;

qboolean BG_PlayerCanChangeWeapon( playerState_t *ps )
  // Do not allow Lucifer Cannon "canceling" via weapon switch
  if( ps->weapon == WP_LUCIFER_CANNON &&
      ps->stats[ STAT_MISC ] > LCANNON_CHARGE_TIME_MIN )
    return qfalse;
  return ps->weaponTime <= 0 || ps->weaponstate != WEAPON_FIRING;

int BG_PlayerPoisonCloudTime( playerState_t *ps )
  int time = LEVEL1_PCLOUD_TIME;

  if( BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( UP_BATTLESUIT, ps->stats ) )
  if( BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( UP_HELMET, ps->stats ) )
  if( BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( UP_LIGHTARMOUR, ps->stats ) )
  return time;


Returns the players current weapon or the weapon they are switching to.
Only needs to be used for human weapons.
weapon_t BG_GetPlayerWeapon( playerState_t *ps )
  if( ps->persistant[ PERS_NEWWEAPON ] &&
      ps->persistant[ PERS_NEWWEAPON ] != ps->weapon )
    return ps->persistant[ PERS_NEWWEAPON ];
  return ps->weapon;


atof with an allowance for negative values
float atof_neg( char *token, qboolean allowNegative )
  float value;

  value = atof( token );

  if( !allowNegative && value < 0.0f )
    value = 1.0f;

  return value;


atoi with an allowance for negative values
int atoi_neg( char *token, qboolean allowNegative )
  int value;

  value = atoi( token );

  if( !allowNegative && value < 0 )
    value = 1;

  return value;

void BG_ParseCSVEquipmentList( const char *string, weapon_t *weapons, int weaponsSize,
    upgrade_t *upgrades, int upgradesSize )
  char      buffer[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
  int       i = 0, j = 0;
  char      *p, *q;
  qboolean  EOS = qfalse;

  Q_strncpyz( buffer, string, MAX_STRING_CHARS );

  p = q = buffer;

  while( *p != '\0' )
    //skip to first , or EOS
    while( *p != ',' && *p != '\0' )

    if( *p == '\0' )
      EOS = qtrue;

    *p = '\0';

    //strip leading whitespace
    while( *q == ' ' )

    if( weaponsSize )
      weapons[ i ] = BG_WeaponByName( q )->number;

    if( upgradesSize )
      upgrades[ j ] = BG_UpgradeByName( q )->number;

    if( weaponsSize && weapons[ i ] == WP_NONE &&
        upgradesSize && upgrades[ j ] == UP_NONE )
      Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: unknown equipment %s\n", q );
    else if( weaponsSize && weapons[ i ] != WP_NONE )
    else if( upgradesSize && upgrades[ j ] != UP_NONE )

    if( !EOS )
      q = p;

    if( i == ( weaponsSize - 1 ) || j == ( upgradesSize - 1 ) )

  if( weaponsSize )
    weapons[ i ] = WP_NONE;

  if( upgradesSize )
    upgrades[ j ] = UP_NONE;

void BG_ParseCSVClassList( const char *string, class_t *classes, int classesSize )
  char      buffer[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
  int       i = 0;
  char      *p, *q;
  qboolean  EOS = qfalse;

  Q_strncpyz( buffer, string, MAX_STRING_CHARS );

  p = q = buffer;

  while( *p != '\0' )
    //skip to first , or EOS
    while( *p != ',' && *p != '\0' )

    if( *p == '\0' )
      EOS = qtrue;

    *p = '\0';

    //strip leading whitespace
    while( *q == ' ' )

    classes[ i ] = BG_ClassByName( q )->number;

    if( classes[ i ] == PCL_NONE )
      Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: unknown class %s\n", q );

    if( !EOS )
      q = p;

  classes[ i ] = PCL_NONE;

void BG_ParseCSVBuildableList( const char *string, buildable_t *buildables, int buildablesSize )
  char      buffer[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
  int       i = 0;
  char      *p, *q;
  qboolean  EOS = qfalse;

  Q_strncpyz( buffer, string, MAX_STRING_CHARS );

  p = q = buffer;

  while( *p != '\0' )
    //skip to first , or EOS
    while( *p != ',' && *p != '\0' )

    if( *p == '\0' )
      EOS = qtrue;

    *p = '\0';

    //strip leading whitespace
    while( *q == ' ' )

    buildables[ i ] = BG_BuildableByName( q )->number;

    if( buildables[ i ] == BA_NONE )
      Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: unknown buildable %s\n", q );

    if( !EOS )
      q = p;

  buildables[ i ] = BA_NONE;

typedef struct gameElements_s
  buildable_t       buildables[ BA_NUM_BUILDABLES ];
  class_t           classes[ PCL_NUM_CLASSES ];
  weapon_t          weapons[ WP_NUM_WEAPONS ];
  upgrade_t         upgrades[ UP_NUM_UPGRADES ];
} gameElements_t;

static gameElements_t bg_disabledGameElements;

void BG_InitAllowedGameElements( void )
  char cvar[ MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING ];

  trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "g_disabledEquipment",
      cvar, MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING );

  BG_ParseCSVEquipmentList( cvar,
      bg_disabledGameElements.weapons, WP_NUM_WEAPONS,
      bg_disabledGameElements.upgrades, UP_NUM_UPGRADES );

  trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "g_disabledClasses",
      cvar, MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING );

  BG_ParseCSVClassList( cvar,
      bg_disabledGameElements.classes, PCL_NUM_CLASSES );

  trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "g_disabledBuildables",
      cvar, MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING );

  BG_ParseCSVBuildableList( cvar,
      bg_disabledGameElements.buildables, BA_NUM_BUILDABLES );

qboolean BG_WeaponIsAllowed( weapon_t weapon )
  int i;

  for( i = 0; i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS &&
      bg_disabledGameElements.weapons[ i ] != WP_NONE; i++ )
    if( bg_disabledGameElements.weapons[ i ] == weapon )
      return qfalse;

  return qtrue;

qboolean BG_UpgradeIsAllowed( upgrade_t upgrade )
  int i;

  for( i = 0; i < UP_NUM_UPGRADES &&
      bg_disabledGameElements.upgrades[ i ] != UP_NONE; i++ )
    if( bg_disabledGameElements.upgrades[ i ] == upgrade )
      return qfalse;

  return qtrue;

qboolean BG_ClassIsAllowed( class_t class )
  int i;

  for( i = 0; i < PCL_NUM_CLASSES &&
      bg_disabledGameElements.classes[ i ] != PCL_NONE; i++ )
    if( bg_disabledGameElements.classes[ i ] == class )
      return qfalse;

  return qtrue;

qboolean BG_BuildableIsAllowed( buildable_t buildable )
  int i;

  for( i = 0; i < BA_NUM_BUILDABLES &&
      bg_disabledGameElements.buildables[ i ] != BA_NONE; i++ )
    if( bg_disabledGameElements.buildables[ i ] == buildable )
      return qfalse;

  return qtrue;

qboolean BG_ClientListTest( clientList_t *list, int clientNum )
  if( clientNum < 0 || clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS || !list )
    return qfalse;
  if( clientNum < 32 )
    return ( ( list->lo & ( 1 << clientNum ) ) != 0 );
    return ( ( list->hi & ( 1 << ( clientNum - 32 ) ) ) != 0 );

void BG_ClientListAdd( clientList_t *list, int clientNum )
  if( clientNum < 0 || clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS || !list )
  if( clientNum < 32 )
    list->lo |= ( 1 << clientNum );
    list->hi |= ( 1 << ( clientNum - 32 ) );

void BG_ClientListRemove( clientList_t *list, int clientNum )
  if( clientNum < 0 || clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS || !list )
  if( clientNum < 32 )
    list->lo &= ~( 1 << clientNum );
    list->hi &= ~( 1 << ( clientNum - 32 ) );

char *BG_ClientListString( clientList_t *list )
  static char s[ 17 ];

  s[ 0 ] = '\0';
  if( !list )
    return s;
  Com_sprintf( s, sizeof( s ), "%08x%08x", list->hi, list->lo );
  return s;

void BG_ClientListParse( clientList_t *list, const char *s )
  if( !list )
  list->lo = 0;
  list->hi = 0;
  if( !s )
  if( strlen( s ) != 16 )
  sscanf( s, "%x%x", &list->hi, &list->lo );

weapon_t BG_PrimaryWeapon( int stats[ ] )
  int i;

  for( i = WP_NONE; i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS; i++ )
    if( BG_Weapon( i )->slots != SLOT_WEAPON )
    if( BG_InventoryContainsWeapon( i, stats ) )
      return i;

  if( BG_InventoryContainsWeapon( WP_BLASTER, stats ) )
    return WP_BLASTER;

  return WP_NONE;

int BG_LoadEmoticons( char names[ ][ MAX_EMOTICON_NAME_LEN ], int widths[ ] )
  int numFiles;
  char fileList[ MAX_EMOTICONS * ( MAX_EMOTICON_NAME_LEN + 9 ) ] = {""};
  int i;
  char *filePtr;
  int fileLen;
  char emoticon[ MAX_EMOTICON_NAME_LEN + 9 ] = {""};
  int loaded = 0;
  int count;
  int width = 0;

  numFiles = trap_FS_GetFileList( "emoticons", "x1.tga", fileList,
    sizeof( fileList ) );

  if( numFiles < 1 )
    return 0;

  filePtr = fileList;
  fileLen = 0;
  count = 0;
  for( i = 0; i < numFiles; i++, filePtr += fileLen + 1 )
    if( count >= MAX_EMOTICONS )

    fileLen = strlen( filePtr );
    if( fileLen > MAX_EMOTICON_NAME_LEN + 8 )
        "skipping \"%s\", filename too long", MAX_EMOTICON_NAME_LEN, filePtr );
    if( fileLen < 9 )
      Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: skipping \"%s\", filename too short",
        filePtr );
    if( !trap_FS_FOpenFile( va( "emoticons/%s", filePtr ), NULL, FS_READ ) )
      Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: BG_LoadEmoticons(): detected "
        " an unreadable .tga file name \"emoticons/%s\" in emoticon detection",
        filePtr );

    Q_strncpyz( emoticon, filePtr, sizeof( emoticon ) );

    if( emoticon[ fileLen - 8 ] != '_' )
      Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: skipping \"%s\", filename invalid",
        filePtr );

    width = atoi( va( "%c", emoticon[ fileLen - 7 ] ) );

    if( width < 1 || width > 9 )
      Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: skipping \"%s\", invalid width",
        filePtr );

    emoticon[ fileLen - 8 ] = '\0';

    Q_strncpyz( names[ count ], emoticon, sizeof( names[ count ] ) );
    if( widths )
      widths[ count ] = width;
    loaded = count;

  Com_Printf( "Loaded %d of %d emoticons (MAX_EMOTICONS is %d)\n",
    loaded, count, MAX_EMOTICONS );
  return loaded;

char *BG_TeamName( team_t team )
  if( team == TEAM_NONE )
    return "spectator";
  if( team == TEAM_ALIENS )
    return "alien";
  if( team == TEAM_HUMANS )
    return "human";
  return "<team>";