/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Tim Angus This file is part of Tremulous. Tremulous is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Tremulous is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Tremulous; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ #include "g_local.h" damageRegion_t g_damageRegions[ PCL_NUM_CLASSES ][ MAX_DAMAGE_REGIONS ]; int g_numDamageRegions[ PCL_NUM_CLASSES ]; damageRegion_t g_armourRegions[ UP_NUM_UPGRADES ][ MAX_DAMAGE_REGIONS ]; int g_numArmourRegions[ UP_NUM_UPGRADES ]; /* ============ AddScore Adds score to both the client and his team ============ */ void AddScore( gentity_t *ent, int score ) { if( !ent->client ) return; // no scoring during pre-match warmup if( level.warmupTime ) return; ent->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_SCORE ] += score; CalculateRanks( ); } /* ================== LookAtKiller ================== */ void LookAtKiller( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker ) { vec3_t dir; if ( attacker && attacker != self ) VectorSubtract( attacker->s.pos.trBase, self->s.pos.trBase, dir ); else if( inflictor && inflictor != self ) VectorSubtract( inflictor->s.pos.trBase, self->s.pos.trBase, dir ); else { self->client->ps.stats[ STAT_VIEWLOCK ] = self->s.angles[ YAW ]; return; } self->client->ps.stats[ STAT_VIEWLOCK ] = vectoyaw( dir ); } // these are just for logging, the client prints its own messages char *modNames[ ] = { "MOD_UNKNOWN", "MOD_SHOTGUN", "MOD_BLASTER", "MOD_PAINSAW", "MOD_MACHINEGUN", "MOD_CHAINGUN", "MOD_PRIFLE", "MOD_MDRIVER", "MOD_LASGUN", "MOD_LCANNON", "MOD_LCANNON_SPLASH", "MOD_FLAMER", "MOD_FLAMER_SPLASH", "MOD_GRENADE", "MOD_WATER", "MOD_SLIME", "MOD_LAVA", "MOD_CRUSH", "MOD_TELEFRAG", "MOD_FALLING", "MOD_SUICIDE", "MOD_DECONSTRUCT", "MOD_NOCREEP", "MOD_TARGET_LASER", "MOD_TRIGGER_HURT", "MOD_ABUILDER_CLAW", "MOD_LEVEL0_BITE", "MOD_LEVEL1_CLAW", "MOD_LEVEL1_PCLOUD", "MOD_LEVEL3_CLAW", "MOD_LEVEL3_POUNCE", "MOD_LEVEL3_BOUNCEBALL", "MOD_LEVEL2_CLAW", "MOD_LEVEL2_ZAP", "MOD_LEVEL4_CLAW", "MOD_LEVEL4_TRAMPLE", "MOD_LEVEL4_CRUSH", "MOD_SLOWBLOB", "MOD_POISON", "MOD_SWARM", "MOD_HSPAWN", "MOD_TESLAGEN", "MOD_MGTURRET", "MOD_REACTOR", "MOD_ASPAWN", "MOD_ATUBE", "MOD_OVERMIND" }; /* ================== G_RewardAttackers Function to distribute rewards to entities that killed this one. Returns the total damage dealt. ================== */ float G_RewardAttackers( gentity_t *self ) { float value, totalDamage = 0; int team, i, maxHealth = 0; // Total up all the damage done by every client for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) totalDamage += (float)self->credits[ i ]; if( totalDamage <= 0.0f ) return 0.0f; // Only give credits for killing players and buildables if( self->client ) { value = BG_GetValueOfPlayer( &self->client->ps ); team = self->client->pers.teamSelection; maxHealth = self->client->ps.stats[ STAT_MAX_HEALTH ]; } else if( self->s.eType == ET_BUILDABLE ) { value = BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->value; // only give partial credits for a buildable not yet completed if( !self->spawned ) { value *= (float)( level.time - self->buildTime ) / BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->buildTime; } team = self->buildableTeam; maxHealth = BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->health; } else return totalDamage; // Give credits and empty the array for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { gentity_t *player = g_entities + i; short num = value * self->credits[ i ] / totalDamage; int stageValue = num; if( totalDamage < maxHealth ) stageValue *= totalDamage / maxHealth; if( !player->client || !self->credits[ i ] || player->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == team ) continue; G_AddCreditToClient( player->client, num, qtrue ); // add to stage counters if( player->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_ALIENS ) trap_Cvar_Set( "g_alienCredits", va( "%d", g_alienCredits.integer + stageValue ) ); else if( player->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS ) trap_Cvar_Set( "g_humanCredits", va( "%d", g_humanCredits.integer + stageValue ) ); self->credits[ i ] = 0; } return totalDamage; } /* ================== player_die ================== */ void player_die( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker, int damage, int meansOfDeath ) { gentity_t *ent; int anim; int killer; int i; char *killerName, *obit; float totalDamage = 0.0f; if( self->client->ps.pm_type == PM_DEAD ) return; if( level.intermissiontime ) return; self->client->ps.pm_type = PM_DEAD; self->suicideTime = 0; if( attacker ) { killer = attacker->s.number; if( attacker->client ) killerName = attacker->client->pers.netname; else killerName = "<non-client>"; } else { killer = ENTITYNUM_WORLD; killerName = "<world>"; } if( killer < 0 || killer >= MAX_CLIENTS ) { killer = ENTITYNUM_WORLD; killerName = "<world>"; } if( meansOfDeath < 0 || meansOfDeath >= sizeof( modNames ) / sizeof( modNames[0] ) ) obit = "<bad obituary>"; else obit = modNames[ meansOfDeath ]; G_LogPrintf("Kill: %i %i %i: %s^7 killed %s^7 by %s\n", killer, self->s.number, meansOfDeath, killerName, self->client->pers.netname, obit ); // close any menus the client has open G_CloseMenus( self->client->ps.clientNum ); // deactivate all upgrades for( i = UP_NONE + 1; i < UP_NUM_UPGRADES; i++ ) BG_DeactivateUpgrade( i, self->client->ps.stats ); // broadcast the death event to everyone ent = G_TempEntity( self->r.currentOrigin, EV_OBITUARY ); ent->s.eventParm = meansOfDeath; ent->s.otherEntityNum = self->s.number; ent->s.otherEntityNum2 = killer; ent->r.svFlags = SVF_BROADCAST; // send to everyone self->enemy = attacker; self->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_KILLED ]++; if( attacker && attacker->client ) { attacker->client->lastkilled_client = self->s.number; if( attacker == self || OnSameTeam( self, attacker ) ) { AddScore( attacker, -1 ); //punish team kills and suicides if( attacker->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_ALIENS ) G_AddCreditToClient( attacker->client, -ALIEN_TK_SUICIDE_PENALTY, qtrue ); else if( attacker->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS ) G_AddCreditToClient( attacker->client, -HUMAN_TK_SUICIDE_PENALTY, qtrue ); } else { AddScore( attacker, 1 ); attacker->client->lastKillTime = level.time; } } else if( attacker->s.eType != ET_BUILDABLE ) AddScore( self, -1 ); // give credits for killing this player totalDamage = G_RewardAttackers( self ); ScoreboardMessage( self ); // show scores // send updated scores to any clients that are following this one, // or they would get stale scoreboards for( i = 0 ; i < level.maxclients ; i++ ) { gclient_t *client; client = &level.clients[ i ]; if( client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) continue; if( client->sess.spectatorState == SPECTATOR_NOT ) continue; if( client->sess.spectatorClient == self->s.number ) ScoreboardMessage( g_entities + i ); } VectorCopy( self->s.origin, self->client->pers.lastDeathLocation ); self->takedamage = qfalse; // can still be gibbed self->s.weapon = WP_NONE; self->r.contents = CONTENTS_CORPSE; self->s.angles[ PITCH ] = 0; self->s.angles[ ROLL ] = 0; self->s.angles[ YAW ] = self->s.apos.trBase[ YAW ]; LookAtKiller( self, inflictor, attacker ); VectorCopy( self->s.angles, self->client->ps.viewangles ); self->s.loopSound = 0; self->r.maxs[ 2 ] = -8; // don't allow respawn until the death anim is done // g_forcerespawn may force spawning at some later time self->client->respawnTime = level.time + 1700; // clear misc memset( self->client->ps.misc, 0, sizeof( self->client->ps.misc ) ); { // normal death static int i; if( !( self->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] & PS_NONSEGMODEL ) ) { switch( i ) { case 0: anim = BOTH_DEATH1; break; case 1: anim = BOTH_DEATH2; break; case 2: default: anim = BOTH_DEATH3; break; } } else { switch( i ) { case 0: anim = NSPA_DEATH1; break; case 1: anim = NSPA_DEATH2; break; case 2: default: anim = NSPA_DEATH3; break; } } self->client->ps.legsAnim = ( ( self->client->ps.legsAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | anim; if( !( self->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] & PS_NONSEGMODEL ) ) { self->client->ps.torsoAnim = ( ( self->client->ps.torsoAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | anim; } // use own entityid if killed by non-client to prevent uint8_t overflow G_AddEvent( self, EV_DEATH1 + i, ( killer < MAX_CLIENTS ) ? killer : self - g_entities ); // globally cycle through the different death animations i = ( i + 1 ) % 3; } trap_LinkEntity( self ); } /* =============== G_ParseDmgScript =============== */ int G_ParseDmgScript( damageRegion_t *regions, char *buf ) { char *token; float angleSpan, heightSpan; int count; for( count = 0; ; count++ ) { token = COM_Parse( &buf ); if( !token[ 0 ] ) break; if( strcmp( token, "{" ) ) { G_Printf( "Missing { in damage region file\n" ); break; } if( count >= MAX_DAMAGE_REGIONS ) { G_Printf( "Max damage regions exceeded in damage region file\n" ); break; } // defaults regions[ count ].name[ 0 ] = '\0'; regions[ count ].minHeight = 0.0f; regions[ count ].maxHeight = 1.0f; regions[ count ].minAngle = 0.0f; regions[ count ].maxAngle = 360.0f; regions[ count ].modifier = 1.0f; regions[ count ].crouch = qfalse; while( 1 ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qtrue ); if( !token[ 0 ] ) { G_Printf( "Unexpected end of damage region file\n" ); break; } if( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } else if( !strcmp( token, "name" ) ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qfalse ); if( token[ 0 ] ) Q_strncpyz( regions[ count ].name, token, sizeof( regions[ count ].name ) ); } else if( !strcmp( token, "minHeight" ) ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qfalse ); if( !token[ 0 ] ) strcpy( token, "0" ); regions[ count ].minHeight = atof( token ); } else if( !strcmp( token, "maxHeight" ) ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qfalse ); if( !token[ 0 ] ) strcpy( token, "100" ); regions[ count ].maxHeight = atof( token ); } else if( !strcmp( token, "minAngle" ) ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qfalse ); if( !token[ 0 ] ) strcpy( token, "0" ); regions[ count ].minAngle = atoi( token ); } else if( !strcmp( token, "maxAngle" ) ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qfalse ); if( !token[ 0 ] ) strcpy( token, "360" ); regions[ count ].maxAngle = atoi( token ); } else if( !strcmp( token, "modifier" ) ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qfalse ); if( !token[ 0 ] ) strcpy( token, "1.0" ); regions[ count ].modifier = atof( token ); } else if( !strcmp( token, "crouch" ) ) { regions[ count ].crouch = qtrue; } } // Angle portion covered angleSpan = regions[ count ].maxAngle - regions[ count ].minAngle; if( angleSpan < 0.0f ) angleSpan += 360.0f; angleSpan /= 360.0f; // Height portion covered heightSpan = regions[ count ].maxHeight - regions[ count ].minHeight; if( heightSpan < 0.0f ) heightSpan = -heightSpan; if( heightSpan > 1.0f ) heightSpan = 1.0f; regions[ count ].area = angleSpan * heightSpan; if( !regions[ count ].area ) regions[ count ].area = 0.00001f; } return count; } /* ============ GetRegionDamageModifier ============ */ static float GetRegionDamageModifier( gentity_t *targ, int class, int piece ) { damageRegion_t *regions, *overlap; float modifier = 0.0f, areaSum = 0.0f; int j, i; qboolean crouch; crouch = targ->client->ps.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED; overlap = &g_damageRegions[ class ][ piece ]; if( g_debugDamage.integer > 2 ) G_Printf( "GetRegionDamageModifier():\n" ". bodyRegion = [%d %d %f %f] (%s)\n" ". modifier = %f\n", overlap->minAngle, overlap->maxAngle, overlap->minHeight, overlap->maxHeight, overlap->name, overlap->modifier ); // Find the armour layer modifier, assuming that none of the armour regions // overlap and that any areas that are not covered have a modifier of 1.0 for( j = UP_NONE + 1; j < UP_NUM_UPGRADES; j++ ) { if( !BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( j, targ->client->ps.stats ) || !g_numArmourRegions[ j ] ) continue; regions = g_armourRegions[ j ]; for( i = 0; i < g_numArmourRegions[ j ]; i++ ) { float overlapMaxA, regionMinA, regionMaxA, angleSpan, heightSpan, area; if( regions[ i ].crouch != crouch ) continue; // Convert overlap angle to 0 to max overlapMaxA = overlap->maxAngle - overlap->minAngle; if( overlapMaxA < 0.0f ) overlapMaxA += 360.0f; // Convert region angles to match overlap regionMinA = regions[ i ].minAngle - overlap->minAngle; if( regionMinA < 0.0f ) regionMinA += 360.0f; regionMaxA = regions[ i ].maxAngle - overlap->minAngle; if( regionMaxA < 0.0f ) regionMaxA += 360.0f; // Overlapping Angle portion if( regionMinA <= regionMaxA ) { angleSpan = 0.0f; if( regionMinA < overlapMaxA ) { if( regionMaxA > overlapMaxA ) regionMaxA = overlapMaxA; angleSpan = regionMaxA - regionMinA; } } else { if( regionMaxA > overlapMaxA ) regionMaxA = overlapMaxA; angleSpan = regionMaxA; if( regionMinA < overlapMaxA ) angleSpan += overlapMaxA - regionMinA; } angleSpan /= 360.0f; // Overlapping height portion heightSpan = MIN( overlap->maxHeight, regions[ i ].maxHeight ) - MAX( overlap->minHeight, regions[ i ].minHeight ); if( heightSpan < 0.0f ) heightSpan = 0.0f; if( heightSpan > 1.0f ) heightSpan = 1.0f; if( g_debugDamage.integer > 2 ) G_Printf( ". armourRegion = [%d %d %f %f] (%s)\n" ". . modifier = %f\n" ". . angleSpan = %f\n" ". . heightSpan = %f\n", regions[ i ].minAngle, regions[ i ].maxAngle, regions[ i ].minHeight, regions[ i ].maxHeight, regions[ i ].name, regions[ i ].modifier, angleSpan, heightSpan ); areaSum += area = angleSpan * heightSpan; modifier += regions[ i ].modifier * area; } } if( g_debugDamage.integer > 2 ) G_Printf( ". areaSum = %f\n" ". armourModifier = %f\n", areaSum, modifier ); return overlap->modifier * ( overlap->area + modifier - areaSum ); } /* ============ GetNonLocDamageModifier ============ */ static float GetNonLocDamageModifier( gentity_t *targ, int class ) { float modifier = 0.0f, area = 0.0f, scale = 0.0f; int i; qboolean crouch; // For every body region, use stretch-armor formula to apply armour modifier // for any overlapping area that armour shares with the body region crouch = targ->client->ps.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED; for( i = 0; i < g_numDamageRegions[ class ]; i++ ) { damageRegion_t *region; region = &g_damageRegions[ class ][ i ]; if( region->crouch != crouch ) continue; modifier += GetRegionDamageModifier( targ, class, i ); scale += region->modifier * region->area; area += region->area; } modifier = !scale ? 1.0f : 1.0f + ( modifier / scale - 1.0f ) * area; if( g_debugDamage.integer > 1 ) G_Printf( "GetNonLocDamageModifier() modifier:%f, area:%f, scale:%f\n", modifier, area, scale ); return modifier; } /* ============ GetPointDamageModifier Returns the damage region given an angle and a height proportion ============ */ static float GetPointDamageModifier( gentity_t *targ, damageRegion_t *regions, int len, float angle, float height ) { float modifier = 1.f; int i; for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if( regions[ i ].crouch != ( targ->client->ps.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) ) continue; // Angle must be within range if( ( regions[ i ].minAngle <= regions[ i ].maxAngle && ( angle < regions[ i ].minAngle || angle > regions[ i ].maxAngle ) ) || ( regions[ i ].minAngle > regions[ i ].maxAngle && angle > regions[ i ].maxAngle && angle < regions[ i ].minAngle ) ) continue; // Height must be within range if( height < regions[ i ].minHeight || height > regions[ i ].maxHeight ) continue; modifier *= regions[ i ].modifier; } if( g_debugDamage.integer ) G_Printf( "GetDamageRegionModifier(angle = %f, height = %f): %f\n", angle, height, modifier ); return modifier; } /* ============ G_CalcDamageModifier ============ */ static float G_CalcDamageModifier( vec3_t point, gentity_t *targ, gentity_t *attacker, int class, int dflags ) { vec3_t targOrigin, bulletPath, bulletAngle, pMINUSfloor, floor, normal; float clientHeight, hitRelative, hitRatio, modifier; int hitRotation, i; if( point == NULL ) return 1.0f; // Don't need to calculate angles and height for non-locational damage if( dflags & DAMAGE_NO_LOCDAMAGE ) return GetNonLocDamageModifier( targ, class ); // Get the point location relative to the floor under the target if( g_unlagged.integer && targ->client && targ->client->unlaggedCalc.used ) VectorCopy( targ->client->unlaggedCalc.origin, targOrigin ); else VectorCopy( targ->r.currentOrigin, targOrigin ); BG_GetClientNormal( &targ->client->ps, normal ); VectorMA( targOrigin, targ->r.mins[ 2 ], normal, floor ); VectorSubtract( point, floor, pMINUSfloor ); // Get the proportion of the target height where the hit landed clientHeight = targ->r.maxs[ 2 ] - targ->r.mins[ 2 ]; if( !clientHeight ) clientHeight = 1.0f; hitRelative = DotProduct( normal, pMINUSfloor ) / VectorLength( normal ); if( hitRelative < 0.0f ) hitRelative = 0.0f; if( hitRelative > clientHeight ) hitRelative = clientHeight; hitRatio = hitRelative / clientHeight; // Get the yaw of the attack relative to the target's view yaw VectorSubtract( targOrigin, point, bulletPath ); vectoangles( bulletPath, bulletAngle ); if( hitRotation < 0.0f ) hitRotation += 360.0f; hitRotation = AngleNormalize360( targ->client->ps.viewangles[ YAW ] - bulletAngle[ YAW ] ); // Get modifiers from the target's damage regions modifier = GetPointDamageModifier( targ, g_damageRegions[ class ], g_numDamageRegions[ class ], hitRotation, hitRatio ); for( i = UP_NONE + 1; i < UP_NUM_UPGRADES; i++ ) { if( BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( i, targ->client->ps.stats ) ) { modifier *= GetPointDamageModifier( targ, g_armourRegions[ i ], g_numArmourRegions[ i ], hitRotation, hitRatio ); } } return modifier; } /* ============ G_InitDamageLocations ============ */ void G_InitDamageLocations( void ) { char *modelName; char filename[ MAX_QPATH ]; int i; int len; fileHandle_t fileHandle; char buffer[ MAX_DAMAGE_REGION_TEXT ]; for( i = PCL_NONE + 1; i < PCL_NUM_CLASSES; i++ ) { modelName = BG_ClassConfig( i )->modelName; Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/locdamage.cfg", modelName ); len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, &fileHandle, FS_READ ); if ( !fileHandle ) { G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "file not found: %s\n", filename ); continue; } if( len >= MAX_DAMAGE_REGION_TEXT ) { G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "file too large: %s is %i, max allowed is %i", filename, len, MAX_DAMAGE_REGION_TEXT ); trap_FS_FCloseFile( fileHandle ); continue; } trap_FS_Read( buffer, len, fileHandle ); buffer[len] = 0; trap_FS_FCloseFile( fileHandle ); g_numDamageRegions[ i ] = G_ParseDmgScript( g_damageRegions[ i ], buffer ); } for( i = UP_NONE + 1; i < UP_NUM_UPGRADES; i++ ) { modelName = BG_Upgrade( i )->name; Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "armour/%s.armour", modelName ); len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, &fileHandle, FS_READ ); //no file - no parsage if ( !fileHandle ) continue; if( len >= MAX_DAMAGE_REGION_TEXT ) { G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "file too large: %s is %i, max allowed is %i", filename, len, MAX_DAMAGE_REGION_TEXT ); trap_FS_FCloseFile( fileHandle ); continue; } trap_FS_Read( buffer, len, fileHandle ); buffer[len] = 0; trap_FS_FCloseFile( fileHandle ); g_numArmourRegions[ i ] = G_ParseDmgScript( g_armourRegions[ i ], buffer ); } } /* ============ T_Damage targ entity that is being damaged inflictor entity that is causing the damage attacker entity that caused the inflictor to damage targ example: targ=monster, inflictor=rocket, attacker=player dir direction of the attack for knockback point point at which the damage is being inflicted, used for headshots damage amount of damage being inflicted knockback force to be applied against targ as a result of the damage inflictor, attacker, dir, and point can be NULL for environmental effects dflags these flags are used to control how T_Damage works DAMAGE_RADIUS damage was indirect (from a nearby explosion) DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR armor does not protect from this damage DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK do not affect velocity, just view angles DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION kills godmode, armor, everything ============ */ // team is the team that is immune to this damage void G_SelectiveDamage( gentity_t *targ, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker, vec3_t dir, vec3_t point, int damage, int dflags, int mod, int team ) { if( targ->client && ( team != targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] ) ) G_Damage( targ, inflictor, attacker, dir, point, damage, dflags, mod ); } void G_Damage( gentity_t *targ, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker, vec3_t dir, vec3_t point, int damage, int dflags, int mod ) { gclient_t *client; int take; int save; int asave = 0; int knockback; // Can't deal damage sometimes if( !targ->takedamage || targ->health <= 0 || level.intermissionQueued ) return; if( !inflictor ) inflictor = &g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_WORLD ]; if( !attacker ) attacker = &g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_WORLD ]; // shootable doors / buttons don't actually have any health if( targ->s.eType == ET_MOVER ) { if( targ->use && ( targ->moverState == MOVER_POS1 || targ->moverState == ROTATOR_POS1 ) ) targ->use( targ, inflictor, attacker ); return; } client = targ->client; if( client && client->noclip ) return; if( !dir ) dflags |= DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK; else VectorNormalize( dir ); knockback = damage; if( inflictor->s.weapon != WP_NONE ) { knockback = (int)( (float)knockback * BG_Weapon( inflictor->s.weapon )->knockbackScale ); } if( targ->client ) { knockback = (int)( (float)knockback * BG_Class( targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_CLASS ] )->knockbackScale ); } if( knockback > 200 ) knockback = 200; if( targ->flags & FL_NO_KNOCKBACK ) knockback = 0; if( dflags & DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK ) knockback = 0; // figure momentum add, even if the damage won't be taken if( knockback && targ->client ) { vec3_t kvel; float mass; mass = 200; VectorScale( dir, g_knockback.value * (float)knockback / mass, kvel ); VectorAdd( targ->client->ps.velocity, kvel, targ->client->ps.velocity ); // set the timer so that the other client can't cancel // out the movement immediately if( !targ->client->ps.pm_time ) { int t; t = knockback * 2; if( t < 50 ) t = 50; if( t > 200 ) t = 200; targ->client->ps.pm_time = t; targ->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK; } } // don't do friendly fire on movement attacks if( ( mod == MOD_LEVEL4_TRAMPLE || mod == MOD_LEVEL3_POUNCE || mod == MOD_LEVEL4_CRUSH ) && targ->s.eType == ET_BUILDABLE && targ->buildableTeam == TEAM_ALIENS ) { return; } // check for completely getting out of the damage if( !( dflags & DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION ) ) { // if TF_NO_FRIENDLY_FIRE is set, don't do damage to the target // if the attacker was on the same team if( targ != attacker && OnSameTeam( targ, attacker ) ) { // don't do friendly fire on movement attacks if( mod == MOD_LEVEL4_TRAMPLE || mod == MOD_LEVEL3_POUNCE || mod == MOD_LEVEL4_CRUSH ) return; if( g_dretchPunt.integer && targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_CLASS ] == PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL0 ) { vec3_t dir, push; VectorSubtract( targ->r.currentOrigin, attacker->r.currentOrigin, dir ); VectorNormalizeFast( dir ); VectorScale( dir, ( damage * 10.0f ), push ); push[2] = 64.0f; VectorAdd( targ->client->ps.velocity, push, targ->client->ps.velocity ); return; } else if( !g_friendlyFire.integer ) { if( !g_friendlyFireHumans.integer && targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS ) { return; } if( !g_friendlyFireAliens.integer && targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_ALIENS ) { return; } } } if( targ->s.eType == ET_BUILDABLE && attacker->client ) { if( targ->buildableTeam == attacker->client->pers.teamSelection ) { if( !g_friendlyBuildableFire.integer ) return; } // base is under attack warning if DCC'd if( targ->buildableTeam == TEAM_HUMANS && G_FindDCC( targ ) && level.time > level.humanBaseAttackTimer && mod != MOD_DECONSTRUCT && mod != MOD_SUICIDE ) { level.humanBaseAttackTimer = level.time + DC_ATTACK_PERIOD; G_BroadcastEvent( EV_DCC_ATTACK, 0 ); } } // check for godmode if ( targ->flags & FL_GODMODE ) return; } // add to the attacker's hit counter if( attacker->client && targ != attacker && targ->health > 0 && targ->s.eType != ET_MISSILE && targ->s.eType != ET_GENERAL ) { if( OnSameTeam( targ, attacker ) ) attacker->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_HITS ]--; else attacker->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_HITS ]++; } take = damage; save = 0; // add to the damage inflicted on a player this frame // the total will be turned into screen blends and view angle kicks // at the end of the frame if( client ) { if( attacker ) client->ps.persistant[ PERS_ATTACKER ] = attacker->s.number; else client->ps.persistant[ PERS_ATTACKER ] = ENTITYNUM_WORLD; client->damage_armor += asave; client->damage_blood += take; client->damage_knockback += knockback; if( dir ) { VectorCopy ( dir, client->damage_from ); client->damage_fromWorld = qfalse; } else { VectorCopy ( targ->r.currentOrigin, client->damage_from ); client->damage_fromWorld = qtrue; } // set the last client who damaged the target targ->client->lasthurt_client = attacker->s.number; targ->client->lasthurt_mod = mod; take = (int)( take * G_CalcDamageModifier( point, targ, attacker, client->ps.stats[ STAT_CLASS ], dflags ) + 0.5f ); //if boosted poison every attack if( attacker->client && attacker->client->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] & SS_BOOSTED ) { if( targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS && mod != MOD_LEVEL2_ZAP && mod != MOD_POISON && mod != MOD_LEVEL1_PCLOUD && targ->client->poisonImmunityTime < level.time ) { targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] |= SS_POISONED; targ->client->lastPoisonTime = level.time; targ->client->lastPoisonClient = attacker; } } } if( take < 1 ) take = 1; if( g_debugDamage.integer ) { G_Printf( "%i: client:%i health:%i damage:%i armor:%i\n", level.time, targ->s.number, targ->health, take, asave ); } // do the damage if( take ) { targ->health = targ->health - take; if( targ->client ) targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_HEALTH ] = targ->health; targ->lastDamageTime = level.time; // add to the attackers "account" on the target if( attacker->client && attacker != targ && !OnSameTeam( targ, attacker ) ) targ->credits[ attacker->client->ps.clientNum ] += take; if( targ->health <= 0 ) { if( client ) targ->flags |= FL_NO_KNOCKBACK; if( targ->health < -999 ) targ->health = -999; targ->enemy = attacker; targ->die( targ, inflictor, attacker, take, mod ); return; } else if( targ->pain ) targ->pain( targ, attacker, take ); } } /* ============ CanDamage Returns qtrue if the inflictor can directly damage the target. Used for explosions and melee attacks. ============ */ qboolean CanDamage( gentity_t *targ, vec3_t origin ) { vec3_t dest; trace_t tr; vec3_t midpoint; // use the midpoint of the bounds instead of the origin, because // bmodels may have their origin is 0,0,0 VectorAdd( targ->r.absmin, targ->r.absmax, midpoint ); VectorScale( midpoint, 0.5, midpoint ); VectorCopy( midpoint, dest ); trap_Trace( &tr, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, ENTITYNUM_NONE, MASK_SOLID ); if( tr.fraction == 1.0 || tr.entityNum == targ->s.number ) return qtrue; // this should probably check in the plane of projection, // rather than in world coordinate, and also include Z VectorCopy( midpoint, dest ); dest[ 0 ] += 15.0; dest[ 1 ] += 15.0; trap_Trace( &tr, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, ENTITYNUM_NONE, MASK_SOLID ); if( tr.fraction == 1.0 ) return qtrue; VectorCopy( midpoint, dest ); dest[ 0 ] += 15.0; dest[ 1 ] -= 15.0; trap_Trace( &tr, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, ENTITYNUM_NONE, MASK_SOLID ); if( tr.fraction == 1.0 ) return qtrue; VectorCopy( midpoint, dest ); dest[ 0 ] -= 15.0; dest[ 1 ] += 15.0; trap_Trace( &tr, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, ENTITYNUM_NONE, MASK_SOLID ); if( tr.fraction == 1.0 ) return qtrue; VectorCopy( midpoint, dest ); dest[ 0 ] -= 15.0; dest[ 1 ] -= 15.0; trap_Trace( &tr, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, ENTITYNUM_NONE, MASK_SOLID ); if( tr.fraction == 1.0 ) return qtrue; return qfalse; } /* ============ G_SelectiveRadiusDamage ============ */ qboolean G_SelectiveRadiusDamage( vec3_t origin, gentity_t *attacker, float damage, float radius, gentity_t *ignore, int mod, int team ) { float points, dist; gentity_t *ent; int entityList[ MAX_GENTITIES ]; int numListedEntities; vec3_t mins, maxs; vec3_t v; vec3_t dir; int i, e; qboolean hitClient = qfalse; if( radius < 1 ) radius = 1; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { mins[ i ] = origin[ i ] - radius; maxs[ i ] = origin[ i ] + radius; } numListedEntities = trap_EntitiesInBox( mins, maxs, entityList, MAX_GENTITIES ); for( e = 0; e < numListedEntities; e++ ) { ent = &g_entities[ entityList[ e ] ]; if( ent == ignore ) continue; if( !ent->takedamage ) continue; // find the distance from the edge of the bounding box for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { if( origin[ i ] < ent->r.absmin[ i ] ) v[ i ] = ent->r.absmin[ i ] - origin[ i ]; else if( origin[ i ] > ent->r.absmax[ i ] ) v[ i ] = origin[ i ] - ent->r.absmax[ i ]; else v[ i ] = 0; } dist = VectorLength( v ); if( dist >= radius ) continue; points = damage * ( 1.0 - dist / radius ); if( CanDamage( ent, origin ) && ent->client && ent->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] != team ) { VectorSubtract( ent->r.currentOrigin, origin, dir ); // push the center of mass higher than the origin so players // get knocked into the air more dir[ 2 ] += 24; hitClient = qtrue; G_Damage( ent, NULL, attacker, dir, origin, (int)points, DAMAGE_RADIUS|DAMAGE_NO_LOCDAMAGE, mod ); } } return hitClient; } /* ============ G_RadiusDamage ============ */ qboolean G_RadiusDamage( vec3_t origin, gentity_t *attacker, float damage, float radius, gentity_t *ignore, int mod ) { float points, dist; gentity_t *ent; int entityList[ MAX_GENTITIES ]; int numListedEntities; vec3_t mins, maxs; vec3_t v; vec3_t dir; int i, e; qboolean hitClient = qfalse; if( radius < 1 ) radius = 1; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { mins[ i ] = origin[ i ] - radius; maxs[ i ] = origin[ i ] + radius; } numListedEntities = trap_EntitiesInBox( mins, maxs, entityList, MAX_GENTITIES ); for( e = 0; e < numListedEntities; e++ ) { ent = &g_entities[ entityList[ e ] ]; if( ent == ignore ) continue; if( !ent->takedamage ) continue; // find the distance from the edge of the bounding box for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if( origin[ i ] < ent->r.absmin[ i ] ) v[ i ] = ent->r.absmin[ i ] - origin[ i ]; else if( origin[ i ] > ent->r.absmax[ i ] ) v[ i ] = origin[ i ] - ent->r.absmax[ i ]; else v[ i ] = 0; } dist = VectorLength( v ); if( dist >= radius ) continue; points = damage * ( 1.0 - dist / radius ); if( CanDamage( ent, origin ) ) { VectorSubtract( ent->r.currentOrigin, origin, dir ); // push the center of mass higher than the origin so players // get knocked into the air more dir[ 2 ] += 24; hitClient = qtrue; G_Damage( ent, NULL, attacker, dir, origin, (int)points, DAMAGE_RADIUS|DAMAGE_NO_LOCDAMAGE, mod ); } } return hitClient; } /* ================ G_LogDestruction Log deconstruct/destroy events ================ */ void G_LogDestruction( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *actor, int mod ) { if( !actor || !actor->client ) return; if( actor->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->team ) { G_TeamCommand( actor->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ], va( "print \"%s ^3%s^7 by %s\n\"", BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->humanName, mod == MOD_UNKNOWN ? "DECONSTRUCTED" : "DESTROYED", actor->client->pers.netname ) ); } if( mod == MOD_UNKNOWN ) G_LogPrintf( "Decon: %d %d %d: %s^7 deconstructed %s\n", actor->client->ps.clientNum, self->s.modelindex, mod, actor->client->pers.netname, BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->name ); else G_LogPrintf( "Decon: %d %d %d: %s^7 destroyed %s by %s\n", actor->client->ps.clientNum, self->s.modelindex, mod, actor->client->pers.netname, BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->name, modNames[ mod ] ); }