Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Darklegion Development

This file is part of Tremulous.

Tremulous is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.

Tremulous is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Tremulous; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#include "server.h"

#ifdef USE_VOIP
cvar_t *sv_voip;

serverStatic_t	svs;				// persistant server info
server_t		sv;					// local server
vm_t			*gvm = NULL;				// game virtual machine

cvar_t	*sv_fps = NULL;			// time rate for running non-clients
cvar_t	*sv_timeout;			// seconds without any message
cvar_t	*sv_zombietime;			// seconds to sink messages after disconnect
cvar_t	*sv_rconPassword;		// password for remote server commands
cvar_t	*sv_privatePassword;		// password for the privateClient slots
cvar_t	*sv_allowDownload;
cvar_t	*sv_maxclients;

cvar_t	*sv_privateClients;		// number of clients reserved for password
cvar_t	*sv_hostname;
cvar_t	*sv_master[MAX_MASTER_SERVERS];	// master server ip address
cvar_t	*sv_reconnectlimit;		// minimum seconds between connect messages
cvar_t	*sv_showloss;			// report when usercmds are lost
cvar_t	*sv_padPackets;			// add nop bytes to messages
cvar_t	*sv_killserver;			// menu system can set to 1 to shut server down
cvar_t	*sv_mapname;
cvar_t	*sv_mapChecksum;
cvar_t	*sv_serverid;
cvar_t	*sv_minRate;
cvar_t	*sv_maxRate;
cvar_t	*sv_dlRate;
cvar_t	*sv_minPing;
cvar_t	*sv_maxPing;
cvar_t	*sv_pure;
cvar_t	*sv_lanForceRate; // dedicated 1 (LAN) server forces local client rates to 99999 (bug #491)
cvar_t	*sv_banFile;





Converts newlines to "\n" so a line prints nicer
static char	*SV_ExpandNewlines( char *in ) {
	static	char	string[1024];
	int		l;

	l = 0;
	while ( *in && l < sizeof(string) - 3 ) {
		if ( *in == '\n' ) {
			string[l++] = '\\';
			string[l++] = 'n';
		} else {
			string[l++] = *in;
	string[l] = 0;

	return string;


FIXME: This is ugly
#if 0 // unused
static int SV_ReplacePendingServerCommands( client_t *client, const char *cmd ) {
	int i, index, csnum1, csnum2;

	for ( i = client->reliableSent+1; i <= client->reliableSequence; i++ ) {
		index = i & ( MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS - 1 );
		if ( !Q_strncmp(cmd, client->reliableCommands[ index ], strlen("cs")) ) {
			sscanf(cmd, "cs %i", &csnum1);
			sscanf(client->reliableCommands[ index ], "cs %i", &csnum2);
			if ( csnum1 == csnum2 ) {
				Q_strncpyz( client->reliableCommands[ index ], cmd, sizeof( client->reliableCommands[ index ] ) );
				return qtrue;
	return qfalse;


The given command will be transmitted to the client, and is guaranteed to
not have future snapshot_t executed before it is executed
void SV_AddServerCommand( client_t *client, const char *cmd ) {
	int		index, i;

	// this is very ugly but it's also a waste to for instance send multiple config string updates
	// for the same config string index in one snapshot
//	if ( SV_ReplacePendingServerCommands( client, cmd ) ) {
//		return;
//	}

	// do not send commands until the gamestate has been sent
	if( client->state < CS_PRIMED )

	// if we would be losing an old command that hasn't been acknowledged,
	// we must drop the connection
	// we check == instead of >= so a broadcast print added by SV_DropClient()
	// doesn't cause a recursive drop client
	if ( client->reliableSequence - client->reliableAcknowledge == MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS + 1 ) {
		Com_Printf( "===== pending server commands =====\n" );
		for ( i = client->reliableAcknowledge + 1 ; i <= client->reliableSequence ; i++ ) {
			Com_Printf( "cmd %5d: %s\n", i, client->reliableCommands[ i & (MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS-1) ] );
		Com_Printf( "cmd %5d: %s\n", i, cmd );
		SV_DropClient( client, "Server command overflow" );
	index = client->reliableSequence & ( MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS - 1 );
	Q_strncpyz( client->reliableCommands[ index ], cmd, sizeof( client->reliableCommands[ index ] ) );


Sends a reliable command string to be interpreted by 
the client game module: "cp", "print", "chat", etc
A NULL client will broadcast to all clients
void QDECL SV_SendServerCommand(client_t *cl, const char *fmt, ...) {
	va_list		argptr;
	byte		message[MAX_MSGLEN];
	client_t	*client;
	int			j;
	va_start (argptr,fmt);
	Q_vsnprintf ((char *)message, sizeof(message), fmt,argptr);
	va_end (argptr);

	// Fix to http://aluigi.altervista.org/adv/q3msgboom-adv.txt
	// The actual cause of the bug is probably further downstream
	// and should maybe be addressed later, but this certainly
	// fixes the problem for now
	if ( strlen ((char *)message) > 1022 ) {

	if ( cl != NULL ) {
		SV_AddServerCommand( cl, (char *)message );

	// hack to echo broadcast prints to console
	if ( com_dedicated->integer && !strncmp( (char *)message, "print", 5) ) {
		Com_Printf ("broadcast: %s\n", SV_ExpandNewlines((char *)message) );

	// send the data to all relevent clients
	for (j = 0, client = svs.clients; j < sv_maxclients->integer ; j++, client++) {
		SV_AddServerCommand( client, (char *)message );





Send a message to the masters every few minutes to
let it know we are alive, and log information.
We will also have a heartbeat sent when a server
changes from empty to non-empty, and full to non-full,
but not on every player enter or exit.
#define	HEARTBEAT_MSEC	300*1000
void SV_MasterHeartbeat(const char *message)
	static netadr_t	adr[MAX_MASTER_SERVERS][2]; // [2] for v4 and v6 address for the same address string.
	int			i;
	int			res;
	int			netenabled;

	netenabled = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("net_enabled");

	// "dedicated 1" is for lan play, "dedicated 2" is for inet public play
	if (!com_dedicated || com_dedicated->integer != 2 || !(netenabled & (NET_ENABLEV4 | NET_ENABLEV6)))
		return;		// only dedicated servers send heartbeats

	// if not time yet, don't send anything
	if ( svs.time < svs.nextHeartbeatTime )

	svs.nextHeartbeatTime = svs.time + HEARTBEAT_MSEC;

	// send to group masters
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_MASTER_SERVERS; i++)

		// see if we haven't already resolved the name
		// resolving usually causes hitches on win95, so only
		// do it when needed
		if(sv_master[i]->modified || (adr[i][0].type == NA_BAD && adr[i][1].type == NA_BAD))
			sv_master[i]->modified = qfalse;
			if(netenabled & NET_ENABLEV4)
				Com_Printf("Resolving %s (IPv4)\n", sv_master[i]->string);
				res = NET_StringToAdr(sv_master[i]->string, &adr[i][0], NA_IP);

				if(res == 2)
					// if no port was specified, use the default master port
					adr[i][0].port = BigShort(PORT_MASTER);
					Com_Printf( "%s resolved to %s\n", sv_master[i]->string, NET_AdrToStringwPort(adr[i][0]));
					Com_Printf( "%s has no IPv4 address.\n", sv_master[i]->string);
			if(netenabled & NET_ENABLEV6)
				Com_Printf("Resolving %s (IPv6)\n", sv_master[i]->string);
				res = NET_StringToAdr(sv_master[i]->string, &adr[i][1], NA_IP6);

				if(res == 2)
					// if no port was specified, use the default master port
					adr[i][1].port = BigShort(PORT_MASTER);
					Com_Printf( "%s resolved to %s\n", sv_master[i]->string, NET_AdrToStringwPort(adr[i][1]));
					Com_Printf( "%s has no IPv6 address.\n", sv_master[i]->string);

			if(adr[i][0].type == NA_BAD && adr[i][1].type == NA_BAD)
				Com_Printf("Couldn't resolve address: %s\n", sv_master[i]->string);
				Cvar_Set(sv_master[i]->name, "");
				sv_master[i]->modified = qfalse;

		Com_Printf ("Sending heartbeat to %s\n", sv_master[i]->string );

		// this command should be changed if the server info / status format
		// ever incompatably changes

		if(adr[i][0].type != NA_BAD)
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, adr[i][0], "heartbeat %s\n", message);
		if(adr[i][1].type != NA_BAD)
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, adr[i][1], "heartbeat %s\n", message);


Informs all masters that this server is going down
void SV_MasterShutdown( void ) {
	// send a heartbeat right now
	svs.nextHeartbeatTime = -9999;

	// send it again to minimize chance of drops
	svs.nextHeartbeatTime = -9999;

	// when the master tries to poll the server, it won't respond, so
	// it will be removed from the list

void SV_MasterGameStat( const char *data )
  netadr_t adr;

  if( !com_dedicated || com_dedicated->integer != 2 )
    return; // only dedicated servers send stats

  Com_Printf( "Resolving %s\n", MASTER_SERVER_NAME );

  switch( NET_StringToAdr( MASTER_SERVER_NAME, &adr, NA_UNSPEC ) )
    case 0:
      Com_Printf( "Couldn't resolve master address: %s\n", MASTER_SERVER_NAME );

    case 2:
      adr.port = BigShort( PORT_MASTER );

  Com_Printf( "%s resolved to %s\n", MASTER_SERVER_NAME,
              NET_AdrToStringwPort( adr ) );

  Com_Printf( "Sending gamestat to %s\n", MASTER_SERVER_NAME );
  NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, adr, "gamestat %s", data );




typedef struct leakyBucket_s leakyBucket_t;
struct leakyBucket_s {
	netadrtype_t	type;

	union {
		byte	_4[4];
		byte	_6[16];
	} ipv;

	int						lastTime;
	signed char		burst;

	long					hash;

	leakyBucket_t *prev, *next;

// This is deliberately quite large to make it more of an effort to DoS
#define MAX_BUCKETS			16384
#define MAX_HASHES			1024

static leakyBucket_t buckets[ MAX_BUCKETS ];
static leakyBucket_t *bucketHashes[ MAX_HASHES ];
static leakyBucket_t outboundLeakyBucket;

static long SVC_HashForAddress( netadr_t address ) {
	byte 		*ip = NULL;
	size_t	size = 0;
	int			i;
	long		hash = 0;

	switch ( address.type ) {
		case NA_IP:  ip = address.ip;  size = 4; break;
		case NA_IP6: ip = address.ip6; size = 16; break;
		default: break;

	for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
		hash += (long)( ip[ i ] ) * ( i + 119 );

	hash = ( hash ^ ( hash >> 10 ) ^ ( hash >> 20 ) );
	hash &= ( MAX_HASHES - 1 );

	return hash;


Find or allocate a bucket for an address
static leakyBucket_t *SVC_BucketForAddress( netadr_t address, int burst, int period ) {
	leakyBucket_t	*bucket = NULL;
	int						i;
	long					hash = SVC_HashForAddress( address );
	int						now = Sys_Milliseconds();

	for ( bucket = bucketHashes[ hash ]; bucket; bucket = bucket->next ) {
		switch ( bucket->type ) {
			case NA_IP:
				if ( memcmp( bucket->ipv._4, address.ip, 4 ) == 0 ) {
					return bucket;

			case NA_IP6:
				if ( memcmp( bucket->ipv._6, address.ip6, 16 ) == 0 ) {
					return bucket;


	for ( i = 0; i < MAX_BUCKETS; i++ ) {
		int interval;

		bucket = &buckets[ i ];
		interval = now - bucket->lastTime;

		// Reclaim expired buckets
		if ( bucket->lastTime > 0 && ( interval > ( burst * period ) ||
					interval < 0 ) ) {
			if ( bucket->prev != NULL ) {
				bucket->prev->next = bucket->next;
			} else {
				bucketHashes[ bucket->hash ] = bucket->next;
			if ( bucket->next != NULL ) {
				bucket->next->prev = bucket->prev;

			Com_Memset( bucket, 0, sizeof( leakyBucket_t ) );

		if ( bucket->type == NA_BAD ) {
			bucket->type = address.type;
			switch ( address.type ) {
				case NA_IP:  Com_Memcpy( bucket->ipv._4, address.ip, 4 );   break;
				case NA_IP6: Com_Memcpy( bucket->ipv._6, address.ip6, 16 ); break;
				default: break;

			bucket->lastTime = now;
			bucket->burst = 0;
			bucket->hash = hash;

			// Add to the head of the relevant hash chain
			bucket->next = bucketHashes[ hash ];
			if ( bucketHashes[ hash ] != NULL ) {
				bucketHashes[ hash ]->prev = bucket;

			bucket->prev = NULL;
			bucketHashes[ hash ] = bucket;

			return bucket;

	// Couldn't allocate a bucket for this address
	return NULL;

static qboolean SVC_RateLimit( leakyBucket_t *bucket, int burst, int period ) {
	if ( bucket != NULL ) {
		int now = Sys_Milliseconds();
		int interval = now - bucket->lastTime;
		int expired = interval / period;
		int expiredRemainder = interval % period;

		if ( expired > bucket->burst ) {
			bucket->burst = 0;
			bucket->lastTime = now;
		} else {
			bucket->burst -= expired;
			bucket->lastTime = now - expiredRemainder;

		if ( bucket->burst < burst ) {

			return qfalse;

	return qtrue;


Rate limit for a particular address
static qboolean SVC_RateLimitAddress( netadr_t from, int burst, int period ) {
	leakyBucket_t *bucket = SVC_BucketForAddress( from, burst, period );

	return SVC_RateLimit( bucket, burst, period );


Responds with all the info that qplug or qspy can see about the server
and all connected players.  Used for getting detailed information after
the simple info query.
static void SVC_Status( netadr_t from ) {
	char	player[1024];
	char	status[MAX_MSGLEN];
	int		i;
	client_t	*cl;
	playerState_t	*ps;
	int		statusLength;
	int		playerLength;
	char	infostring[MAX_INFO_STRING];

	// Prevent using getstatus as an amplifier
	if ( SVC_RateLimitAddress( from, 10, 1000 ) ) {
		Com_DPrintf( "SVC_Status: rate limit from %s exceeded, dropping request\n",
			NET_AdrToString( from ) );

	// Allow getstatus to be DoSed relatively easily, but prevent
	// excess outbound bandwidth usage when being flooded inbound
	if ( SVC_RateLimit( &outboundLeakyBucket, 10, 100 ) ) {
		Com_DPrintf( "SVC_Status: rate limit exceeded, dropping request\n" );

	strcpy( infostring, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SERVERINFO ) );

	// echo back the parameter to status. so master servers can use it as a challenge
	// to prevent timed spoofed reply packets that add ghost servers
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "challenge", Cmd_Argv(1) );

	status[0] = 0;
	statusLength = 0;

	for (i=0 ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) {
		cl = &svs.clients[i];
		if ( cl->state >= CS_CONNECTED ) {
			ps = SV_GameClientNum( i );
			Com_sprintf (player, sizeof(player), "%i %i \"%s\"\n", 
				ps->persistant[PERS_SCORE], cl->ping, cl->name);
			playerLength = strlen(player);
			if (statusLength + playerLength >= sizeof(status) ) {
				break;		// can't hold any more
			strcpy (status + statusLength, player);
			statusLength += playerLength;

	NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "statusResponse\n%s\n%s", infostring, status );


Responds with a short info message that should be enough to determine
if a user is interested in a server to do a full status
void SVC_Info( netadr_t from ) {
	int		i, count;
	char	*gamedir;
	char	infostring[MAX_INFO_STRING];

	// Prevent using getinfo as an amplifier
	if ( SVC_RateLimitAddress( from, 10, 1000 ) ) {
		Com_DPrintf( "SVC_Info: rate limit from %s exceeded, dropping request\n",
			NET_AdrToString( from ) );

	// Allow getinfo to be DoSed relatively easily, but prevent
	// excess outbound bandwidth usage when being flooded inbound
	if ( SVC_RateLimit( &outboundLeakyBucket, 10, 100 ) ) {
		Com_DPrintf( "SVC_Info: rate limit exceeded, dropping request\n" );

	 * Check whether Cmd_Argv(1) has a sane length. This was not done in the original Quake3 version which led
	 * to the Infostring bug discovered by Luigi Auriemma. See http://aluigi.altervista.org/ for the advisory.

	// A maximum challenge length of 128 should be more than plenty.
	if(strlen(Cmd_Argv(1)) > 128)

	// don't count privateclients
	count = 0;
	for ( i = sv_privateClients->integer ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
		if ( svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED ) {

	infostring[0] = 0;

	// echo back the parameter to status. so servers can use it as a challenge
	// to prevent timed spoofed reply packets that add ghost servers
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "challenge", Cmd_Argv(1) );

	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "protocol", va("%i", PROTOCOL_VERSION) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "gamename", com_gamename->string );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "hostname", sv_hostname->string );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "mapname", sv_mapname->string );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "clients", va("%i", count) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "sv_maxclients", 
		va("%i", sv_maxclients->integer - sv_privateClients->integer ) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "pure", va("%i", sv_pure->integer ) );

#ifdef USE_VOIP
	if (sv_voip->integer) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "voip", va("%i", sv_voip->integer ) );

	if( sv_minPing->integer ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "minPing", va("%i", sv_minPing->integer) );
	if( sv_maxPing->integer ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "maxPing", va("%i", sv_maxPing->integer) );
	gamedir = Cvar_VariableString( "fs_game" );
	if( *gamedir ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "game", gamedir );

	NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "infoResponse\n%s", infostring );


static void SV_FlushRedirect( char *outputbuf ) {
	NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, svs.redirectAddress, "print\n%s", outputbuf );


An rcon packet arrived from the network.
Shift down the remaining args
Redirect all printfs
static void SVC_RemoteCommand( netadr_t from, msg_t *msg ) {
	qboolean	valid;
	char		remaining[1024];
	// TTimo - scaled down to accumulate, but not overflow anything network wise, print wise etc.
	// (OOB messages are the bottleneck here)
#define SV_OUTPUTBUF_LENGTH (1024 - 16)
	char		sv_outputbuf[SV_OUTPUTBUF_LENGTH];
	char *cmd_aux;

	// Prevent using rcon as an amplifier and make dictionary attacks impractical
	if ( SVC_RateLimitAddress( from, 10, 1000 ) ) {
		Com_DPrintf( "SVC_RemoteCommand: rate limit from %s exceeded, dropping request\n",
			NET_AdrToString( from ) );

	if ( !strlen( sv_rconPassword->string ) ||
		strcmp (Cmd_Argv(1), sv_rconPassword->string) ) {
		static leakyBucket_t bucket;

		// Make DoS via rcon impractical
		if ( SVC_RateLimit( &bucket, 10, 1000 ) ) {
			Com_DPrintf( "SVC_RemoteCommand: rate limit exceeded, dropping request\n" );

		valid = qfalse;
		Com_Printf ("Bad rcon from %s: %s\n", NET_AdrToString (from), Cmd_ArgsFrom(2) );
	} else {
		valid = qtrue;
		Com_Printf ("Rcon from %s: %s\n", NET_AdrToString (from), Cmd_ArgsFrom(2) );

	// start redirecting all print outputs to the packet
	svs.redirectAddress = from;
	Com_BeginRedirect (sv_outputbuf, SV_OUTPUTBUF_LENGTH, SV_FlushRedirect);

	if ( !strlen( sv_rconPassword->string ) ) {
		Com_Printf ("No rconpassword set on the server.\n");
	} else if ( !valid ) {
		Com_Printf ("Bad rconpassword.\n");
	} else {
		remaining[0] = 0;
		// https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=543
		// get the command directly, "rcon <pass> <command>" to avoid quoting issues
		// extract the command by walking
		// since the cmd formatting can fuckup (amount of spaces), using a dumb step by step parsing
		cmd_aux = Cmd_Cmd();
		while(cmd_aux[0]==' ')
		while(cmd_aux[0] && cmd_aux[0]!=' ') // password
		while(cmd_aux[0]==' ')
		Q_strcat( remaining, sizeof(remaining), cmd_aux);
		Cmd_ExecuteString (remaining);


	Com_EndRedirect ();


A connectionless packet has four leading 0xff
characters to distinguish it from a game channel.
Clients that are in the game can still send
connectionless packets.
static void SV_ConnectionlessPacket( netadr_t from, msg_t *msg ) {
	char	*s;
	char	*c;

	MSG_BeginReadingOOB( msg );
	MSG_ReadLong( msg );		// skip the -1 marker

	if (!Q_strncmp("connect", (char *) &msg->data[4], 7)) {
		Huff_Decompress(msg, 12);

	s = MSG_ReadStringLine( msg );
	Cmd_TokenizeString( s );

	c = Cmd_Argv(0);
	Com_DPrintf ("SV packet %s : %s\n", NET_AdrToString(from), c);

	if (!Q_stricmp(c, "getstatus")) {
		SVC_Status( from );
  } else if (!Q_stricmp(c, "getinfo")) {
		SVC_Info( from );
	} else if (!Q_stricmp(c, "getchallenge")) {
	} else if (!Q_stricmp(c, "connect")) {
		SV_DirectConnect( from );
	} else if (!Q_stricmp(c, "rcon")) {
		SVC_RemoteCommand( from, msg );
	} else if (!Q_stricmp(c, "disconnect")) {
		// if a client starts up a local server, we may see some spurious
		// server disconnect messages when their new server sees our final
		// sequenced messages to the old client
	} else {
		Com_DPrintf ("bad connectionless packet from %s:\n%s\n",
			NET_AdrToString (from), s);


void SV_PacketEvent( netadr_t from, msg_t *msg ) {
	int			i;
	client_t	*cl;
	int			qport;

	// check for connectionless packet (0xffffffff) first
	if ( msg->cursize >= 4 && *(int *)msg->data == -1) {
		SV_ConnectionlessPacket( from, msg );

	// read the qport out of the message so we can fix up
	// stupid address translating routers
	MSG_BeginReadingOOB( msg );
	MSG_ReadLong( msg );				// sequence number
	qport = MSG_ReadShort( msg ) & 0xffff;

	// find which client the message is from
	for (i=0, cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if (cl->state == CS_FREE) {
		if ( !NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress ) ) {
		// it is possible to have multiple clients from a single IP
		// address, so they are differentiated by the qport variable
		if (cl->netchan.qport != qport) {

		// the IP port can't be used to differentiate them, because
		// some address translating routers periodically change UDP
		// port assignments
		if (cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port != from.port) {
			Com_Printf( "SV_PacketEvent: fixing up a translated port\n" );
			cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port = from.port;

		// make sure it is a valid, in sequence packet
		if (SV_Netchan_Process(cl, msg)) {
			// zombie clients still need to do the Netchan_Process
			// to make sure they don't need to retransmit the final
			// reliable message, but they don't do any other processing
			if (cl->state != CS_ZOMBIE) {
				cl->lastPacketTime = svs.time;	// don't timeout
				SV_ExecuteClientMessage( cl, msg );


Updates the cl->ping variables
static void SV_CalcPings( void ) {
	int			i, j;
	client_t	*cl;
	int			total, count;
	int			delta;
	playerState_t	*ps;

	for (i=0 ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++) {
		cl = &svs.clients[i];
		if ( cl->state != CS_ACTIVE ) {
			cl->ping = 999;
		if ( !cl->gentity ) {
			cl->ping = 999;

		total = 0;
		count = 0;
		for ( j = 0 ; j < PACKET_BACKUP ; j++ ) {
			if ( cl->frames[j].messageAcked <= 0 ) {
			delta = cl->frames[j].messageAcked - cl->frames[j].messageSent;
			total += delta;
		if (!count) {
			cl->ping = 999;
		} else {
			cl->ping = total/count;
			if ( cl->ping > 999 ) {
				cl->ping = 999;

		// let the game dll know about the ping
		ps = SV_GameClientNum( i );
		ps->ping = cl->ping;


If a packet has not been received from a client for timeout->integer 
seconds, drop the conneciton.  Server time is used instead of
realtime to avoid dropping the local client while debugging.

When a client is normally dropped, the client_t goes into a zombie state
for a few seconds to make sure any final reliable message gets resent
if necessary
static void SV_CheckTimeouts( void ) {
	int		i;
	client_t	*cl;
	int			droppoint;
	int			zombiepoint;

	droppoint = svs.time - 1000 * sv_timeout->integer;
	zombiepoint = svs.time - 1000 * sv_zombietime->integer;

	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		// message times may be wrong across a changelevel
		if (cl->lastPacketTime > svs.time) {
			cl->lastPacketTime = svs.time;

		if (cl->state == CS_ZOMBIE
		&& cl->lastPacketTime < zombiepoint) {
			// using the client id cause the cl->name is empty at this point
			Com_DPrintf( "Going from CS_ZOMBIE to CS_FREE for client %d\n", i );
			cl->state = CS_FREE;	// can now be reused
		if ( cl->state >= CS_CONNECTED && cl->lastPacketTime < droppoint) {
			// wait several frames so a debugger session doesn't
			// cause a timeout
			if ( ++cl->timeoutCount > 5 ) {
				SV_DropClient (cl, "timed out"); 
				cl->state = CS_FREE;	// don't bother with zombie state
		} else {
			cl->timeoutCount = 0;

static qboolean SV_CheckPaused( void ) {
	int		count;
	client_t	*cl;
	int		i;

	if ( !cl_paused->integer ) {
		return qfalse;

	// only pause if there is just a single client connected
	count = 0;
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( cl->state >= CS_CONNECTED ) {

	if ( count > 1 ) {
		// don't pause
		if (sv_paused->integer)
			Cvar_Set("sv_paused", "0");
		return qfalse;

	if (!sv_paused->integer)
		Cvar_Set("sv_paused", "1");
	return qtrue;

Return time in millseconds until processing of the next server frame.
int SV_FrameMsec()
		int frameMsec;
		frameMsec = 1000.0f / sv_fps->value;
		if(frameMsec < sv.timeResidual)
			return 0;
			return frameMsec - sv.timeResidual;
		return 1;


Player movement occurs as a result of packet events, which
happen before SV_Frame is called
void SV_Frame( int msec ) {
	int		frameMsec;
	int		startTime;

	// the menu kills the server with this cvar
	if ( sv_killserver->integer ) {
		SV_Shutdown ("Server was killed");
		Cvar_Set( "sv_killserver", "0" );

	if (!com_sv_running->integer)
		// Running as a server, but no map loaded
		// Block until something interesting happens


	// allow pause if only the local client is connected
	if ( SV_CheckPaused() ) {

	// if it isn't time for the next frame, do nothing
	if ( sv_fps->integer < 1 ) {
		Cvar_Set( "sv_fps", "10" );

	frameMsec = 1000 / sv_fps->integer * com_timescale->value;
	// don't let it scale below 1ms
	if(frameMsec < 1)
		Cvar_Set("timescale", va("%f", sv_fps->integer / 1000.0f));
		frameMsec = 1;

	sv.timeResidual += msec;

	// if time is about to hit the 32nd bit, kick all clients
	// and clear sv.time, rather
	// than checking for negative time wraparound everywhere.
	// 2giga-milliseconds = 23 days, so it won't be too often
	if ( svs.time > 0x70000000 ) {
		SV_Shutdown( "Restarting server due to time wrapping" );
		Cbuf_AddText( va( "map %s\n", Cvar_VariableString( "mapname" ) ) );
	// this can happen considerably earlier when lots of clients play and the map doesn't change
	if ( svs.nextSnapshotEntities >= 0x7FFFFFFE - svs.numSnapshotEntities ) {
		SV_Shutdown( "Restarting server due to numSnapshotEntities wrapping" );
		Cbuf_AddText( va( "map %s\n", Cvar_VariableString( "mapname" ) ) );

	if( sv.restartTime && sv.time >= sv.restartTime ) {
		sv.restartTime = 0;
		Cbuf_AddText( "map_restart 0\n" );

	// update infostrings if anything has been changed
	if ( cvar_modifiedFlags & CVAR_SERVERINFO ) {
		SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SERVERINFO, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_SERVERINFO ) );
		cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SERVERINFO;
	if ( cvar_modifiedFlags & CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ) {
		SV_SetConfigstring( CS_SYSTEMINFO, Cvar_InfoString_Big( CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ) );
		cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_SYSTEMINFO;

	if ( com_speeds->integer ) {
		startTime = Sys_Milliseconds ();
	} else {
		startTime = 0;	// quite a compiler warning

	// update ping based on the all received frames

	// run the game simulation in chunks
	while ( sv.timeResidual >= frameMsec ) {
		sv.timeResidual -= frameMsec;
		svs.time += frameMsec;
		sv.time += frameMsec;

		// let everything in the world think and move
		VM_Call (gvm, GAME_RUN_FRAME, sv.time);

	if ( com_speeds->integer ) {
		time_game = Sys_Milliseconds () - startTime;

	// check timeouts

	// send messages back to the clients

	// send a heartbeat to the master if needed


Return the number of msec until another message can be sent to
a client based on its rate settings


int SV_RateMsec(client_t *client)
	int rate, rateMsec;
	int messageSize;
	messageSize = client->netchan.lastSentSize;
	rate = client->rate;

		if(sv_maxRate->integer < 1000)
			Cvar_Set( "sv_MaxRate", "1000" );
		if(sv_maxRate->integer < rate)
			rate = sv_maxRate->integer;

		if(sv_minRate->integer < 1000)
			Cvar_Set("sv_minRate", "1000");
		if(sv_minRate->integer > rate)
			rate = sv_minRate->integer;

	if(client->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_IP6)
		messageSize += UDPIP6_HEADER_SIZE;
		messageSize += UDPIP_HEADER_SIZE;
	rateMsec = messageSize * 1000 / ((int) (rate * com_timescale->value));
	rate = Sys_Milliseconds() - client->netchan.lastSentTime;
	if(rate > rateMsec)
		return 0;
		return rateMsec - rate;


Send download messages and queued packets in the time that we're idle, i.e.
not computing a server frame or sending client snapshots.
Return the time in msec until we expect to be called next

int SV_SendQueuedPackets()
	int numBlocks;
	int dlStart, deltaT, delayT;
	static int dlNextRound = 0;
	int timeVal = INT_MAX;

	// Send out fragmented packets now that we're idle
	delayT = SV_SendQueuedMessages();
	if(delayT >= 0)
		timeVal = delayT;

		// Rate limiting. This is very imprecise for high
		// download rates due to millisecond timedelta resolution
		dlStart = Sys_Milliseconds();
		deltaT = dlNextRound - dlStart;

		if(deltaT > 0)
			if(deltaT < timeVal)
				timeVal = deltaT + 1;
			numBlocks = SV_SendDownloadMessages();

				// There are active downloads
				deltaT = Sys_Milliseconds() - dlStart;

				delayT = 1000 * numBlocks * MAX_DOWNLOAD_BLKSIZE;
				delayT /= sv_dlRate->integer * 1024;

				if(delayT <= deltaT + 1)
					// Sending the last round of download messages
					// took too long for given rate, don't wait for
					// next round, but always enforce a 1ms delay
					// between DL message rounds so we don't hog
					// all of the bandwidth. This will result in an
					// effective maximum rate of 1MB/s per user, but the
					// low download window size limits this anyways.
					if(timeVal > 2)
						timeVal = 2;

					dlNextRound = dlStart + deltaT + 1;
					dlNextRound = dlStart + delayT;
					delayT -= deltaT;

					if(delayT < timeVal)
						timeVal = delayT;
			timeVal = 0;

	return timeVal;