{ "^3Welcome to MGDev!^7" { "This mod is under ongoing development. It is probably buggy and new " "features will come and go, please be patient and report any bugs you " "find!\n\n" "Please visit the Mercenaries Guild at:\n" "http://www.mercenariesguild.net/\n\n" "We can also be reached on Freenode IRC:\n" "#mercenariesguild" } "^3Release Notes r147^7" { "See svn.mercenariesguild.net for details." } "Alien Healing" { "The most important change for Alien players to know is that their healing " "rate is slower away from creep. To counter this, healing near Boosters " "and Basilisks is greatly accelerated.\n\n" "Watch the health cross icon on your " "HUD to see what your healing rate is. If the icon glows, you are on " "creep. If you are near a booster or basilisk, you will see two " "(2X healing) or four (3X healing) barbs around the health cross." } "Anti-Camping" { "Aliens will no longer be as frustrated by camping Human players because " "the Adv. Dragoon is now available at Stage 2. The Adv. " "Dragoon snipe attack has splash damage.\n\n" "Also, because Human turrets " "have a slight spinup delay, skillful Dretches can run inside the Human " "base and get a few kills before being shot by turrets." } "Barricades" { "Nearly useless in 1.1, Barricades now have more health, are cheaper to " "build, and will shrink to allow Aliens to pass through them. Acid tubes " "will fire from behind barricades, providing a formidable defense. " "Experiment with blocking off hallways and building staged defenses, but " "keep in mind that low ceilings will prevent Tyrants from returning inside " "the base." } "Human Buildables" { "While turrets now have a small spin up delay before firing, they have " "increased damage output.\n\n" "To protect against small Aliens getting inside " "the base, build Tesla Generators at Stage 3. Tesla Generators no longer " "require the Defense Computer to function. Instead, the Defense Computer " "will automatically repair Human buildables. Tesla Generators can fire " "over turrets." } "Human Weapons" { "The Lucifer Cannon projectile can be fired faster but now takes longer " "to charge. You will be able to hear other players overcharge " "their Lucifer Cannon.\n\n" "The Mass Driver can now fire through players and buildables. The same " "amount of damage is dealt to all targets along the path. Keep in mind " "that you cannot shoot through friendly targets if friendly fire is off." } "Lag Correction" { "While the Tremulous implementation of Neil Toronto's unlagged is " "becoming widely accepted, MGDev also implements client-side improvements " "not possible in 1.1 servers. Because attacking is more " "accurate on account of lag correction, Humans no longer need to lead " "their weapons and Alien ranges and attack widths have generally been " "decreased." } "Marauder" { "The Adv. Marauder now has a simpler, area-effect electric shock attack " "that does not need to be aimed. Use this to attack large groups of Humans " "or Human bases.\n\n" "The Marauder's walljump mechanics have changed subtly. To walljump, " "jump at a wall, look in the direction you wish to push and press jump " "again. You can use the new walljump to gain speed in hallways, climb, " "and swoop down on Humans." } "Mark Deconstruction" { "The deconstruction method has changed. Buildables are no longer instantly " "deconstructed. Instead, a deconstruct mark appears on the health bar. " "Go ahead and build a new buildable somewhere else and the old one will " "be removed automatically. Buildables that are about to be removed by " "constructing the selected buildable glow red." } "Sprint / Dodge" { "Human players will find their old binds for sprinting will no longer " "work. Sprinting has been merged with a new Human ability, dodging. You " "can bind a key for Sprint and Dodge via the Options menu or bind a " "key (\\bind shift +button6). When you are strafing or walking backwards, " "press the dodge key to make a quick sideways jump. When running forward, " "press the dodge key to start a sprint. The sprint will last until you let " "go of the forward key." } "Tyrant" { "The Tyrant is now a weaker class as its health has been lowered and " "turret damage is greater. To counter this, Tyrants can charge for longer " "periods of time, hit targets multiple times in a single charge, " "and crush any Humans they land on top of. Trample charge does not " "instantly release when full but can be held for two seconds. " "The Tyrant's healing aura has been removed, find a booster or a basilisk " "to heal faster." } "^3Credits^7" { "MGDev is developed and hosted by the Mercenaries Guild. " "Contributing developers:\n\n" "Asa ''Norfenstein'' Kravets\n" "Tony J. White\n" "Michael ''Risujin'' Levin\n" "Ben Millwood (''benmachine'')\n" "Chris ''Lakitu7'' Schwarz\n" "Roman ''Kevlarman'' Tetelman\n" } }