#include "ui/menudef.h" { assetGlobalDef { font "fonts/font" 16 // font smallFont "fonts/smallfont" 12 // font bigFont "fonts/bigfont" 20 // font cursor "ui/assets/3_cursor3" // cursor gradientBar "ui/assets/gradientbar2.tga" // gradient bar itemFocusSound "sound/misc/menu2.wav" // sound for item getting focus (via keyboard or mouse ) fadeClamp 1.0 // sets the fadeup alpha fadeCycle 1 // how often fade happens in milliseconds fadeAmount 0.1 // amount to adjust alpha per cycle shadowColor 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 // shadow color } menuDef { name main fullScreen MENU_TRUE rect 0 0 640 480 // Size and position of the menu visible MENU_TRUE // Visible on open focusColor 1 .75 0 1 // Menu focus color for text and items onOpen { uiScript stopRefresh ; playlooped "sounds/ui/heartbeat.wav" } onESC { open quit_popmenu } itemDef { name background rect 0 0 640 480 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED backcolor 0 0 0 1 visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name splashmodel rect 0 0 640 480 type ITEM_TYPE_MODEL style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY asset_model "models/splash/splash_screen.md3" model_fovx 32.0 model_fovy 24.0 model_angle 180 visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name mainmenu text "Play!" type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL rect 472 20 128 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 128 textaligny 20 textscale .416 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/misc/kcaction.wav"; close main; open joinserver } } itemDef { name mainmenu text "Credits" type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL textscale .416 style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY rect 472 40 128 20 textalignx 128 textaligny 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT backcolor 0 0 0 0 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/misc/kcaction.wav"; close main; open credit } } itemDef { name mainmenu text "Mods" type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL textscale .416 rect 472 60 128 20 textalignx 128 textaligny 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT backcolor 0 0 0 0 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/misc/kcaction.wav"; open mod } } itemDef { name mainmenu text "Quit" type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL rect 472 80 128 20 textalignx 128 textaligny 20 textscale .416 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/misc/kcaction.wav"; open quit_popmenu } } itemDef { name copyright text "Q3A (C) 2000 Id Software Inc. Tremulous (C) 2002 Us." style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL textscale .15 rect 0 440 640 40 textalign 1 textaligny 32 textalignx 320 forecolor .75 .75 .75 .75 visible 1 decoration } } }