#include "ui/menudef.h" { \\ score_menu \\ menuDef { name "teamscore_menu" visible 0 fullscreen 0 rect 0 0 640 480 focusColor 1 .75 0 1 style 0 border 1 // GAMETYPE BAR // // TEAM NAME // itemDef { name teamNameWindow rect 14 78 612 30 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED border 1 bordercolor .5 .5 .5 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0 0 0 .5 visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name alienteamname text "Aliens" textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textscale .5 textaligny 26 rect 20 78 306 23 forecolor 1 1 1 1 decoration visible 1 } itemDef { name stagereport align ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textscale 0.4 textaligny 24 rect 14 78 612 23 forecolor 1 1 1 1 decoration visible 1 ownerdraw CG_STAGE_REPORT_TEXT } itemDef { name humanteamname text "Humans" textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textscale .5 textaligny 26 rect 620 78 0 23 forecolor 1 1 1 1 decoration visible 1 } // TEAM BARS // itemDef { name leftteambar rect 14 112 307 25 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED border 1 bordercolor .5 .5 .5 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0 0 0 .5 visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name rightteambar rect 320 112 306 25 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED border 1 bordercolor .5 .5 .5 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0 0 0 .5 visible 1 decoration } // TEAM HEADINGS // itemDef { name leftteamheadings text "Status Name Kills Time Ping" textscale .25 style 0 rect 25 112 128 30 textalign 0 textalignx 0 // x alignment point for text // use it to offset left/right text from the edge // or to center the text on a different point textaligny 18 backcolor 0 0 0 0 forecolor 1 .75 0 1 decoration visible 1 } itemDef { name rightteamheadings text "Status Name Kills Time Ping" textscale .25 style 0 rect 331 112 128 30 textalign 0 textalignx 0 // x alignment point for text // use it to offset left/right text from the edge // or to center the text on a different point textaligny 18 backcolor 0 0 0 0 forecolor 1 .75 0 1 decoration visible 1 } // GRADIENT BACKGROUNDS // itemDef { name window rect 320 142 1 220 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED border 1 bordercolor .5 .5 .5 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0 0 0 1 visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 300 142 1 220 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED border 1 bordercolor .5 .5 .5 1 visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 606 142 1 220 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED border 1 bordercolor .5 .5 .5 1 visible 1 decoration } // LIST // itemDef { name leftlist rect 14 136 306 222 forecolor .75 .75 .75 1 visible 1 type ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX elementwidth 135 elementheight 20 textscale .25 elementtype LISTBOX_TEXT feeder FEEDER_ALIENTEAM_LIST notselectable columns 7 5 15 ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 21 15 ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 7 30 ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 45 100 ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 172 20 ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT 209 20 ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT 247 20 ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT } itemDef { name rightlist rect 320 136 306 222 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 type ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX elementwidth 135 elementheight 20 textscale .25 elementtype LISTBOX_TEXT feeder FEEDER_HUMANTEAM_LIST notselectable columns 7 5 15 ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 21 15 ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 7 30 ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 45 100 ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 172 20 ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT 209 20 ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT 247 20 ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT } // PLAYER LIST BORDER // itemDef { name window rect 14 141 612 221 style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY border 1 bordercolor .5 .5 .5 1 forecolor 1 1 1 1 backcolor 0 0 0 .5 visible 1 decoration } // spectators // itemDef { name window rect 14 366 612 24 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED border 1 bordercolor .5 .5 .5 1 forecolor 1 1 1 .7 backcolor 0 0 0 .5 textscale .33 visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window text "Spectating:" textaligny 20 rect 19 366 82 24 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED forecolor 1 1 1 1 textscale .33 textalignx 3 visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 100 366 520 24 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED forecolor 1 1 1 1 textscale .33 visible 1 ownerdraw CG_SPECTATORS decoration } // WINNAR // itemDef { name winner rect 310 400 612 40 type 4 style 0 text "" cvar ui_winner maxPaintChars 24 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textaligny 20 textscale .5 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 decoration } } }