path: root/src/renderergl1/tr_animation.cpp
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authorIronClawTrem <>2020-02-16 03:40:06 +0000
committerIronClawTrem <>2020-02-16 03:40:06 +0000
commit425decdf7e9284d15aa726e3ae96b9942fb0e3ea (patch)
tree6c0dd7edfefff1be7b9e75fe0b3a0a85fe1595f3 /src/renderergl1/tr_animation.cpp
parentccb0b2e4d6674a7a00c9bf491f08fc73b6898c54 (diff)
create tremded branch
Diffstat (limited to 'src/renderergl1/tr_animation.cpp')
1 files changed, 523 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/renderergl1/tr_animation.cpp b/src/renderergl1/tr_animation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c496cfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/renderergl1/tr_animation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
+Copyright (C) 2000-2013 Darklegion Development
+Copyright (C) 2015-2019 GrangerHub
+This file is part of Tremulous.
+Tremulous is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Tremulous is distributed in the hope that it will be
+useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Tremulous; if not, see <>
+#include "tr_local.h"
+All bones should be an identity orientation to display the mesh exactly
+as it is specified.
+For all other frames, the bones represent the transformation from the
+orientation of the bone in the base frame to the orientation in this
+// copied and adapted from tr_mesh.c
+static int R_MDRCullModel( mdrHeader_t *header, trRefEntity_t *ent ) {
+ vec3_t bounds[2];
+ mdrFrame_t *oldFrame, *newFrame;
+ int i, frameSize;
+ frameSize = (size_t)( &((mdrFrame_t *)0)->bones[ header->numBones ] );
+ // compute frame pointers
+ newFrame = ( mdrFrame_t * ) ( ( byte * ) header + header->ofsFrames + frameSize * ent->e.frame);
+ oldFrame = ( mdrFrame_t * ) ( ( byte * ) header + header->ofsFrames + frameSize * ent->e.oldframe);
+ // cull bounding sphere ONLY if this is not an upscaled entity
+ if ( !ent->e.nonNormalizedAxes )
+ {
+ if ( ent->e.frame == ent->e.oldframe )
+ {
+ switch ( R_CullLocalPointAndRadius( newFrame->localOrigin, newFrame->radius ) )
+ {
+ // Ummm... yeah yeah I know we don't really have an md3 here.. but we pretend
+ // we do. After all, the purpose of mdrs are not that different, are they?
+ case CULL_OUT:
+ tr.pc.c_sphere_cull_md3_out++;
+ return CULL_OUT;
+ case CULL_IN:
+ tr.pc.c_sphere_cull_md3_in++;
+ return CULL_IN;
+ case CULL_CLIP:
+ tr.pc.c_sphere_cull_md3_clip++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int sphereCull, sphereCullB;
+ sphereCull = R_CullLocalPointAndRadius( newFrame->localOrigin, newFrame->radius );
+ if ( newFrame == oldFrame ) {
+ sphereCullB = sphereCull;
+ } else {
+ sphereCullB = R_CullLocalPointAndRadius( oldFrame->localOrigin, oldFrame->radius );
+ }
+ if ( sphereCull == sphereCullB )
+ {
+ if ( sphereCull == CULL_OUT )
+ {
+ tr.pc.c_sphere_cull_md3_out++;
+ return CULL_OUT;
+ }
+ else if ( sphereCull == CULL_IN )
+ {
+ tr.pc.c_sphere_cull_md3_in++;
+ return CULL_IN;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tr.pc.c_sphere_cull_md3_clip++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate a bounding box in the current coordinate system
+ for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) {
+ bounds[0][i] = oldFrame->bounds[0][i] < newFrame->bounds[0][i] ? oldFrame->bounds[0][i] : newFrame->bounds[0][i];
+ bounds[1][i] = oldFrame->bounds[1][i] > newFrame->bounds[1][i] ? oldFrame->bounds[1][i] : newFrame->bounds[1][i];
+ }
+ switch ( R_CullLocalBox( bounds ) )
+ {
+ case CULL_IN:
+ tr.pc.c_box_cull_md3_in++;
+ return CULL_IN;
+ case CULL_CLIP:
+ tr.pc.c_box_cull_md3_clip++;
+ return CULL_CLIP;
+ case CULL_OUT:
+ default:
+ tr.pc.c_box_cull_md3_out++;
+ return CULL_OUT;
+ }
+int R_MDRComputeFogNum( mdrHeader_t *header, trRefEntity_t *ent ) {
+ int i, j;
+ fog_t *fog;
+ mdrFrame_t *mdrFrame;
+ vec3_t localOrigin;
+ int frameSize;
+ if ( tr.refdef.rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ frameSize = (size_t)( &((mdrFrame_t *)0)->bones[ header->numBones ] );
+ // FIXME: non-normalized axis issues
+ mdrFrame = ( mdrFrame_t * ) ( ( byte * ) header + header->ofsFrames + frameSize * ent->e.frame);
+ VectorAdd( ent->e.origin, mdrFrame->localOrigin, localOrigin );
+ for ( i = 1 ; i <>numfogs ; i++ ) {
+ fog = &>fogs[i];
+ for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
+ if ( localOrigin[j] - mdrFrame->radius >= fog->bounds[1][j] ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( localOrigin[j] + mdrFrame->radius <= fog->bounds[0][j] ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( j == 3 ) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+// much stuff in there is just copied from R_AddMd3Surfaces in tr_mesh.c
+void R_MDRAddAnimSurfaces( trRefEntity_t *ent ) {
+ mdrHeader_t *header;
+ mdrSurface_t *surface;
+ mdrLOD_t *lod;
+ shader_t *shader;
+ skin_t *skin;
+ int i, j;
+ int lodnum = 0;
+ int fogNum = 0;
+ int cull;
+ bool personalModel;
+ header = (mdrHeader_t *) tr.currentModel->modelData;
+ personalModel = (ent->e.renderfx & RF_THIRD_PERSON) && !tr.viewParms.isPortal;
+ if ( ent->e.renderfx & RF_WRAP_FRAMES )
+ {
+ ent->e.frame %= header->numFrames;
+ ent->e.oldframe %= header->numFrames;
+ }
+ //
+ // Validate the frames so there is no chance of a crash.
+ // This will write directly into the entity structure, so
+ // when the surfaces are rendered, they don't need to be
+ // range checked again.
+ //
+ if ((ent->e.frame >= header->numFrames)
+ || (ent->e.frame < 0)
+ || (ent->e.oldframe >= header->numFrames)
+ || (ent->e.oldframe < 0) )
+ {
+ ri.Printf( PRINT_DEVELOPER, "R_MDRAddAnimSurfaces: no such frame %d to %d for '%s'\n",
+ ent->e.oldframe, ent->e.frame, tr.currentModel->name );
+ ent->e.frame = 0;
+ ent->e.oldframe = 0;
+ }
+ //
+ // cull the entire model if merged bounding box of both frames
+ // is outside the view frustum.
+ //
+ cull = R_MDRCullModel (header, ent);
+ if ( cull == CULL_OUT ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // figure out the current LOD of the model we're rendering, and set the lod pointer respectively.
+ lodnum = R_ComputeLOD(ent);
+ // check whether this model has as that many LODs at all. If not, try the closest thing we got.
+ if(header->numLODs <= 0)
+ return;
+ if(header->numLODs <= lodnum)
+ lodnum = header->numLODs - 1;
+ lod = (mdrLOD_t *)( (byte *)header + header->ofsLODs);
+ for(i = 0; i < lodnum; i++)
+ {
+ lod = (mdrLOD_t *) ((byte *) lod + lod->ofsEnd);
+ }
+ // set up lighting
+ if ( !personalModel || r_shadows->integer > 1 )
+ {
+ R_SetupEntityLighting( &tr.refdef, ent );
+ }
+ // fogNum?
+ fogNum = R_MDRComputeFogNum( header, ent );
+ surface = (mdrSurface_t *)( (byte *)lod + lod->ofsSurfaces );
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < lod->numSurfaces ; i++ )
+ {
+ if(ent->e.customShader)
+ shader = R_GetShaderByHandle(ent->e.customShader);
+ else if(ent->e.customSkin > 0 && ent->e.customSkin < tr.numSkins)
+ {
+ skin = R_GetSkinByHandle(ent->e.customSkin);
+ shader = tr.defaultShader;
+ for(j = 0; j < skin->numSurfaces; j++)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(skin->surfaces[j].name, surface->name))
+ {
+ shader = skin->surfaces[j].shader;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(surface->shaderIndex > 0)
+ shader = R_GetShaderByHandle( surface->shaderIndex );
+ else
+ shader = tr.defaultShader;
+ // we will add shadows even if the main object isn't visible in the view
+ // stencil shadows can't do personal models unless I polyhedron clip
+ if ( !personalModel
+ && r_shadows->integer == 2
+ && fogNum == 0
+ && !(ent->e.renderfx & ( RF_NOSHADOW | RF_DEPTHHACK ) )
+ && shader->sort == SS_OPAQUE )
+ {
+ R_AddDrawSurf( (surfaceType_t*)surface, tr.shadowShader, 0, qfalse );
+ }
+ // projection shadows work fine with personal models
+ if ( r_shadows->integer == 3
+ && fogNum == 0
+ && (ent->e.renderfx & RF_SHADOW_PLANE )
+ && shader->sort == SS_OPAQUE )
+ {
+ R_AddDrawSurf( (surfaceType_t*)surface, tr.projectionShadowShader, 0, qfalse );
+ }
+ if (!personalModel)
+ R_AddDrawSurf( (surfaceType_t*)surface, shader, fogNum, qfalse );
+ surface = (mdrSurface_t *)( (byte *)surface + surface->ofsEnd );
+ }
+void RB_MDRSurfaceAnim( mdrSurface_t *surface )
+ int i, j, k;
+ float frontlerp, backlerp;
+ int *triangles;
+ int indexes;
+ int baseIndex, baseVertex;
+ int numVerts;
+ mdrVertex_t *v;
+ mdrHeader_t *header;
+ mdrFrame_t *frame;
+ mdrFrame_t *oldFrame;
+ mdrBone_t bones[MDR_MAX_BONES], *bonePtr, *bone;
+ int frameSize;
+ // don't lerp if lerping off, or this is the only frame, or the last frame...
+ //
+ if (backEnd.currentEntity->e.oldframe == backEnd.currentEntity->e.frame)
+ {
+ backlerp = 0; // if backlerp is 0, lerping is off and frontlerp is never used
+ frontlerp = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ backlerp = backEnd.currentEntity->e.backlerp;
+ frontlerp = 1.0f - backlerp;
+ }
+ header = (mdrHeader_t *)((byte *)surface + surface->ofsHeader);
+ frameSize = (size_t)( &((mdrFrame_t *)0)->bones[ header->numBones ] );
+ frame = (mdrFrame_t *)((byte *)header + header->ofsFrames +
+ backEnd.currentEntity->e.frame * frameSize );
+ oldFrame = (mdrFrame_t *)((byte *)header + header->ofsFrames +
+ backEnd.currentEntity->e.oldframe * frameSize );
+ RB_CHECKOVERFLOW( surface->numVerts, surface->numTriangles * 3 );
+ triangles = (int *) ((byte *)surface + surface->ofsTriangles);
+ indexes = surface->numTriangles * 3;
+ baseIndex = tess.numIndexes;
+ baseVertex = tess.numVertexes;
+ // Set up all triangles.
+ for (j = 0 ; j < indexes ; j++)
+ {
+ tess.indexes[baseIndex + j] = baseVertex + triangles[j];
+ }
+ tess.numIndexes += indexes;
+ //
+ // lerp all the needed bones
+ //
+ if ( !backlerp )
+ {
+ // no lerping needed
+ bonePtr = frame->bones;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bonePtr = bones;
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < header->numBones*12 ; i++ )
+ {
+ ((float *)bonePtr)[i] = frontlerp * ((float *)frame->bones)[i] + backlerp * ((float *)oldFrame->bones)[i];
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // deform the vertexes by the lerped bones
+ //
+ numVerts = surface->numVerts;
+ v = (mdrVertex_t *) ((byte *)surface + surface->ofsVerts);
+ for ( j = 0; j < numVerts; j++ )
+ {
+ vec3_t tempVert, tempNormal;
+ mdrWeight_t *w;
+ VectorClear( tempVert );
+ VectorClear( tempNormal );
+ w = v->weights;
+ for ( k = 0 ; k < v->numWeights ; k++, w++ )
+ {
+ bone = bonePtr + w->boneIndex;
+ tempVert[0] += w->boneWeight * ( DotProduct( bone->matrix[0], w->offset ) + bone->matrix[0][3] );
+ tempVert[1] += w->boneWeight * ( DotProduct( bone->matrix[1], w->offset ) + bone->matrix[1][3] );
+ tempVert[2] += w->boneWeight * ( DotProduct( bone->matrix[2], w->offset ) + bone->matrix[2][3] );
+ tempNormal[0] += w->boneWeight * DotProduct( bone->matrix[0], v->normal );
+ tempNormal[1] += w->boneWeight * DotProduct( bone->matrix[1], v->normal );
+ tempNormal[2] += w->boneWeight * DotProduct( bone->matrix[2], v->normal );
+ }
+[baseVertex + j][0] = tempVert[0];
+[baseVertex + j][1] = tempVert[1];
+[baseVertex + j][2] = tempVert[2];
+ tess.normal[baseVertex + j][0] = tempNormal[0];
+ tess.normal[baseVertex + j][1] = tempNormal[1];
+ tess.normal[baseVertex + j][2] = tempNormal[2];
+ tess.texCoords[baseVertex + j][0][0] = v->texCoords[0];
+ tess.texCoords[baseVertex + j][0][1] = v->texCoords[1];
+ v = (mdrVertex_t *)&v->weights[v->numWeights];
+ }
+ tess.numVertexes += surface->numVerts;
+#define MC_MASK_X ((1<<(MC_BITS_X))-1)
+#define MC_MASK_Y ((1<<(MC_BITS_Y))-1)
+#define MC_MASK_Z ((1<<(MC_BITS_Z))-1)
+#define MC_MASK_VECT ((1<<(MC_BITS_VECT))-1)
+#define MC_SCALE_VECT (1.0f/(float)((1<<(MC_BITS_VECT-1))-2))
+#define MC_POS_X (0)
+#define MC_SHIFT_X (0)
+#define MC_POS_Y ((((MC_BITS_X))/8))
+#define MC_SHIFT_Y ((((MC_BITS_X)%8)))
+#define MC_POS_Z ((((MC_BITS_X+MC_BITS_Y))/8))
+#define MC_SHIFT_Z ((((MC_BITS_X+MC_BITS_Y)%8)))
+#define MC_POS_V11 ((((MC_BITS_X+MC_BITS_Y+MC_BITS_Z))/8))
+#define MC_SHIFT_V11 ((((MC_BITS_X+MC_BITS_Y+MC_BITS_Z)%8)))
+#define MC_POS_V13 ((((MC_BITS_X+MC_BITS_Y+MC_BITS_Z+MC_BITS_VECT*2))/8))
+#define MC_POS_V21 ((((MC_BITS_X+MC_BITS_Y+MC_BITS_Z+MC_BITS_VECT*3))/8))
+#define MC_POS_V22 ((((MC_BITS_X+MC_BITS_Y+MC_BITS_Z+MC_BITS_VECT*4))/8))
+#define MC_POS_V23 ((((MC_BITS_X+MC_BITS_Y+MC_BITS_Z+MC_BITS_VECT*5))/8))
+#define MC_POS_V31 ((((MC_BITS_X+MC_BITS_Y+MC_BITS_Z+MC_BITS_VECT*6))/8))
+#define MC_POS_V32 ((((MC_BITS_X+MC_BITS_Y+MC_BITS_Z+MC_BITS_VECT*7))/8))
+#define MC_POS_V33 ((((MC_BITS_X+MC_BITS_Y+MC_BITS_Z+MC_BITS_VECT*8))/8))
+void MC_UnCompress(float mat[3][4],const unsigned char * comp)
+ int val;
+ val=(int)((unsigned short *)(comp))[0];
+ val-=1<<(MC_BITS_X-1);
+ mat[0][3]=((float)(val))*MC_SCALE_X;
+ val=(int)((unsigned short *)(comp))[1];
+ val-=1<<(MC_BITS_Y-1);
+ mat[1][3]=((float)(val))*MC_SCALE_Y;
+ val=(int)((unsigned short *)(comp))[2];
+ val-=1<<(MC_BITS_Z-1);
+ mat[2][3]=((float)(val))*MC_SCALE_Z;
+ val=(int)((unsigned short *)(comp))[3];
+ val-=1<<(MC_BITS_VECT-1);
+ mat[0][0]=((float)(val))*MC_SCALE_VECT;
+ val=(int)((unsigned short *)(comp))[4];
+ val-=1<<(MC_BITS_VECT-1);
+ mat[0][1]=((float)(val))*MC_SCALE_VECT;
+ val=(int)((unsigned short *)(comp))[5];
+ val-=1<<(MC_BITS_VECT-1);
+ mat[0][2]=((float)(val))*MC_SCALE_VECT;
+ val=(int)((unsigned short *)(comp))[6];
+ val-=1<<(MC_BITS_VECT-1);
+ mat[1][0]=((float)(val))*MC_SCALE_VECT;
+ val=(int)((unsigned short *)(comp))[7];
+ val-=1<<(MC_BITS_VECT-1);
+ mat[1][1]=((float)(val))*MC_SCALE_VECT;
+ val=(int)((unsigned short *)(comp))[8];
+ val-=1<<(MC_BITS_VECT-1);
+ mat[1][2]=((float)(val))*MC_SCALE_VECT;
+ val=(int)((unsigned short *)(comp))[9];
+ val-=1<<(MC_BITS_VECT-1);
+ mat[2][0]=((float)(val))*MC_SCALE_VECT;
+ val=(int)((unsigned short *)(comp))[10];
+ val-=1<<(MC_BITS_VECT-1);
+ mat[2][1]=((float)(val))*MC_SCALE_VECT;
+ val=(int)((unsigned short *)(comp))[11];
+ val-=1<<(MC_BITS_VECT-1);
+ mat[2][2]=((float)(val))*MC_SCALE_VECT;