path: root/src/cgame/cg_local.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cgame/cg_local.h')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cgame/cg_local.h b/src/cgame/cg_local.h
index 74b7a4d..ea1694b 100644
--- a/src/cgame/cg_local.h
+++ b/src/cgame/cg_local.h
@@ -2011,9 +2011,144 @@ void trap_GetGameState( gameState_t *gamestate );
// snapshot latency can be calculated.
void trap_GetCurrentSnapshotNumber( int *snapshotNumber, int *serverTime );
+typedef struct {
+ int commandTime; // cmd->serverTime of last executed command
+ int pm_type;
+ int bobCycle; // for view bobbing and footstep generation
+ int pm_flags; // ducked, jump_held, etc
+ int pm_time;
+ vec3_t origin;
+ vec3_t velocity;
+ int weaponTime;
+ int gravity;
+ int speed;
+ int delta_angles[3]; // add to command angles to get view direction
+ // changed by spawns, rotating objects, and teleporters
+ int groundEntityNum;// ENTITYNUM_NONE = in air
+ int legsTimer; // don't change low priority animations until this runs out
+ int legsAnim; // mask off ANIM_TOGGLEBIT
+ int torsoTimer; // don't change low priority animations until this runs out
+ int torsoAnim; // mask off ANIM_TOGGLEBIT
+ int movementDir; // a number 0 to 7 that represents the reletive angle
+ // of movement to the view angle (axial and diagonals)
+ // when at rest, the value will remain unchanged
+ // used to twist the legs during strafing
+ vec3_t grapplePoint; // location of grapple to pull towards if PMF_GRAPPLE_PULL
+ int eFlags; // copied to entityState_t->eFlags
+ int eventSequence; // pmove generated events
+ int events[MAX_PS_EVENTS];
+ int eventParms[MAX_PS_EVENTS];
+ int externalEvent; // events set on player from another source
+ int externalEventParm;
+ int externalEventTime;
+ int clientNum; // ranges from 0 to MAX_CLIENTS-1
+ int weapon; // copied to entityState_t->weapon
+ int weaponstate;
+ vec3_t viewangles; // for fixed views
+ int viewheight;
+ // damage feedback
+ int damageEvent; // when it changes, latch the other parms
+ int damageYaw;
+ int damagePitch;
+ int damageCount;
+ int stats[MAX_STATS];
+ int persistant[MAX_PERSISTANT]; // stats that aren't cleared on death
+ int misc[MAX_MISC]; // misc data
+ int ammo[16];
+ int generic1;
+ int loopSound;
+ int otherEntityNum;
+ // not communicated over the net at all
+ int ping; // server to game info for scoreboard
+ int pmove_framecount; // FIXME: don't transmit over the network
+ int jumppad_frame;
+ int entityEventSequence;
+} moduleAlternatePlayerState_t;
+typedef struct {
+ int number; // entity index
+ int eType; // entityType_t
+ int eFlags;
+ trajectory_t pos; // for calculating position
+ trajectory_t apos; // for calculating angles
+ int time;
+ int time2;
+ vec3_t origin;
+ vec3_t origin2;
+ vec3_t angles;
+ vec3_t angles2;
+ int otherEntityNum; // shotgun sources, etc
+ int otherEntityNum2;
+ int groundEntityNum; // ENTITYNUM_NONE = in air
+ int constantLight; // r + (g<<8) + (b<<16) + (intensity<<24)
+ int loopSound; // constantly loop this sound
+ int modelindex;
+ int modelindex2;
+ int clientNum; // 0 to (MAX_CLIENTS - 1), for players and corpses
+ int frame;
+ int solid; // for client side prediction, trap_linkentity sets this properly
+ int event; // impulse events -- muzzle flashes, footsteps, etc
+ int eventParm;
+ // for players
+ int misc; // bit flags
+ int weapon; // determines weapon and flash model, etc
+ int legsAnim; // mask off ANIM_TOGGLEBIT
+ int torsoAnim; // mask off ANIM_TOGGLEBIT
+ int generic1;
+} moduleAlternateEntityState_t;
+typedef struct
+ int snapFlags; // SNAPFLAG_RATE_DELAYED, etc
+ int ping;
+ int serverTime; // server time the message is valid for (in msec)
+ byte areamask[ MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES ]; // portalarea visibility bits
+ moduleAlternatePlayerState_t ps; // complete information about the current player at this time
+ int numEntities; // all of the entities that need to be presented
+ moduleAlternateEntityState_t entities[ MAX_ENTITIES_IN_SNAPSHOT ]; // at the time of this snapshot
+ int numServerCommands; // text based server commands to execute when this
+ int serverCommandSequence; // snapshot becomes current
+} moduleAlternateSnapshot_t;
+qboolean trap_GetSnapshot( int snapshotNumber, moduleAlternateSnapshot_t *snapshot );
// a snapshot get can fail if the snapshot (or the entties it holds) is so
// old that it has fallen out of the client system queue
qboolean trap_GetSnapshot( int snapshotNumber, snapshot_t *snapshot );
// retrieve a text command from the server stream
// the current snapshot will hold the number of the most recent command