path: root/src/cgame/cg_predict.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cgame/cg_predict.c')
1 files changed, 878 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cgame/cg_predict.c b/src/cgame/cg_predict.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34f00c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cgame/cg_predict.c
@@ -0,0 +1,878 @@
+Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
+Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Tim Angus
+This file is part of Tremulous.
+Tremulous is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Tremulous is distributed in the hope that it will be
+useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Tremulous; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+// cg_predict.c -- this file generates cg.predictedPlayerState by either
+// interpolating between snapshots from the server or locally predicting
+// ahead the client's movement.
+// It also handles local physics interaction, like fragments bouncing off walls
+#include "cg_local.h"
+static pmove_t cg_pmove;
+static int cg_numSolidEntities;
+static centity_t *cg_solidEntities[MAX_ENTITIES_IN_SNAPSHOT];
+static int cg_numTriggerEntities;
+static centity_t *cg_triggerEntities[MAX_ENTITIES_IN_SNAPSHOT];
+When a new cg.snap has been set, this function builds a sublist
+of the entities that are actually solid, to make for more
+efficient collision detection
+void CG_BuildSolidList( void )
+ int i;
+ centity_t *cent;
+ snapshot_t *snap;
+ entityState_t *ent;
+ cg_numSolidEntities = 0;
+ cg_numTriggerEntities = 0;
+ if( cg.nextSnap && !cg.nextFrameTeleport && !cg.thisFrameTeleport )
+ snap = cg.nextSnap;
+ else
+ snap = cg.snap;
+ for( i = 0; i < snap->numEntities; i++ )
+ {
+ cent = &cg_entities[ snap->entities[ i ].number ];
+ ent = &cent->currentState;
+ if( ent->eType == ET_ITEM || ent->eType == ET_PUSH_TRIGGER || ent->eType == ET_TELEPORT_TRIGGER )
+ {
+ cg_triggerEntities[ cg_numTriggerEntities ] = cent;
+ cg_numTriggerEntities++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( cent->nextState.solid && ent->eType != ET_MISSILE )
+ {
+ cg_solidEntities[ cg_numSolidEntities ] = cent;
+ cg_numSolidEntities++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+static void CG_ClipMoveToEntities ( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins,
+ const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int skipNumber,
+ int mask, trace_t *tr, traceType_t collisionType )
+ int i, j, x, zd, zu;
+ trace_t trace;
+ entityState_t *ent;
+ clipHandle_t cmodel;
+ vec3_t bmins, bmaxs;
+ vec3_t origin, angles;
+ centity_t *cent;
+ //this causes a trace to collide with the local player
+ if( skipNumber == MAGIC_TRACE_HACK )
+ j = cg_numSolidEntities + 1;
+ else
+ j = cg_numSolidEntities;
+ for( i = 0; i < j; i++ )
+ {
+ if( i < cg_numSolidEntities )
+ cent = cg_solidEntities[ i ];
+ else
+ cent = &cg.predictedPlayerEntity;
+ ent = &cent->currentState;
+ if( ent->number == skipNumber )
+ continue;
+ if( ent->solid == SOLID_BMODEL )
+ {
+ // special value for bmodel
+ cmodel = trap_CM_InlineModel( ent->modelindex );
+ VectorCopy( cent->lerpAngles, angles );
+ BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &cent->currentState.pos, cg.physicsTime, origin );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // encoded bbox
+ x = ( ent->solid & 255 );
+ zd = ( ( ent->solid >> 8 ) & 255 );
+ zu = ( ( ent->solid >> 16 ) & 255 ) - 32;
+ bmins[ 0 ] = bmins[ 1 ] = -x;
+ bmaxs[ 0 ] = bmaxs[ 1 ] = x;
+ bmins[ 2 ] = -zd;
+ bmaxs[ 2 ] = zu;
+ if( i == cg_numSolidEntities )
+ BG_FindBBoxForClass( ( ent->powerups >> 8 ) & 0xFF, bmins, bmaxs, NULL, NULL, NULL );
+ cmodel = trap_CM_TempBoxModel( bmins, bmaxs );
+ VectorCopy( vec3_origin, angles );
+ VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, origin );
+ }
+ if( collisionType == TT_CAPSULE )
+ {
+ trap_CM_TransformedCapsuleTrace ( &trace, start, end,
+ mins, maxs, cmodel, mask, origin, angles );
+ }
+ else if( collisionType == TT_AABB )
+ {
+ trap_CM_TransformedBoxTrace ( &trace, start, end,
+ mins, maxs, cmodel, mask, origin, angles );
+ }
+ else if( collisionType == TT_BISPHERE )
+ {
+ trap_CM_TransformedBiSphereTrace( &trace, start, end,
+ mins[ 0 ], maxs[ 0 ], cmodel, mask, origin );
+ }
+ if( trace.allsolid || trace.fraction < tr->fraction )
+ {
+ trace.entityNum = ent->number;
+ if( tr->lateralFraction < trace.lateralFraction )
+ {
+ float oldLateralFraction = tr->lateralFraction;
+ *tr = trace;
+ tr->lateralFraction = oldLateralFraction;
+ }
+ else
+ *tr = trace;
+ }
+ else if( trace.startsolid )
+ tr->startsolid = qtrue;
+ if( tr->allsolid )
+ return;
+ }
+void CG_Trace( trace_t *result, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end,
+ int skipNumber, int mask )
+ trace_t t;
+ trap_CM_BoxTrace( &t, start, end, mins, maxs, 0, mask );
+ t.entityNum = t.fraction != 1.0 ? ENTITYNUM_WORLD : ENTITYNUM_NONE;
+ // check all other solid models
+ CG_ClipMoveToEntities( start, mins, maxs, end, skipNumber, mask, &t, TT_AABB );
+ *result = t;
+void CG_CapTrace( trace_t *result, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end,
+ int skipNumber, int mask )
+ trace_t t;
+ trap_CM_CapsuleTrace( &t, start, end, mins, maxs, 0, mask );
+ t.entityNum = t.fraction != 1.0 ? ENTITYNUM_WORLD : ENTITYNUM_NONE;
+ // check all other solid models
+ CG_ClipMoveToEntities( start, mins, maxs, end, skipNumber, mask, &t, TT_CAPSULE );
+ *result = t;
+void CG_BiSphereTrace( trace_t *result, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end,
+ const float startRadius, const float endRadius, int skipNumber, int mask )
+ trace_t t;
+ vec3_t mins, maxs;
+ mins[ 0 ] = startRadius;
+ maxs[ 0 ] = endRadius;
+ trap_CM_BiSphereTrace( &t, start, end, startRadius, endRadius, 0, mask );
+ t.entityNum = t.fraction != 1.0 ? ENTITYNUM_WORLD : ENTITYNUM_NONE;
+ // check all other solid models
+ CG_ClipMoveToEntities( start, mins, maxs, end, skipNumber, mask, &t, TT_BISPHERE );
+ *result = t;
+int CG_PointContents( const vec3_t point, int passEntityNum )
+ int i;
+ entityState_t *ent;
+ centity_t *cent;
+ clipHandle_t cmodel;
+ int contents;
+ contents = trap_CM_PointContents (point, 0);
+ for( i = 0; i < cg_numSolidEntities; i++ )
+ {
+ cent = cg_solidEntities[ i ];
+ ent = &cent->currentState;
+ if( ent->number == passEntityNum )
+ continue;
+ if( ent->solid != SOLID_BMODEL ) // special value for bmodel
+ continue;
+ cmodel = trap_CM_InlineModel( ent->modelindex );
+ if( !cmodel )
+ continue;
+ contents |= trap_CM_TransformedPointContents( point, cmodel, ent->origin, ent->angles );
+ }
+ return contents;
+Generates cg.predictedPlayerState by interpolating between
+cg.snap->player_state and cg.nextFrame->player_state
+static void CG_InterpolatePlayerState( qboolean grabAngles )
+ float f;
+ int i;
+ playerState_t *out;
+ snapshot_t *prev, *next;
+ out = &cg.predictedPlayerState;
+ prev = cg.snap;
+ next = cg.nextSnap;
+ *out = cg.snap->ps;
+ // if we are still allowing local input, short circuit the view angles
+ if( grabAngles )
+ {
+ usercmd_t cmd;
+ int cmdNum;
+ cmdNum = trap_GetCurrentCmdNumber( );
+ trap_GetUserCmd( cmdNum, &cmd );
+ PM_UpdateViewAngles( out, &cmd );
+ }
+ // if the next frame is a teleport, we can't lerp to it
+ if( cg.nextFrameTeleport )
+ return;
+ if( !next || next->serverTime <= prev->serverTime )
+ return;
+ f = (float)( cg.time - prev->serverTime ) / ( next->serverTime - prev->serverTime );
+ i = next->ps.bobCycle;
+ if( i < prev->ps.bobCycle )
+ i += 256; // handle wraparound
+ out->bobCycle = prev->ps.bobCycle + f * ( i - prev->ps.bobCycle );
+ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+ {
+ out->origin[ i ] = prev->ps.origin[ i ] + f * ( next->ps.origin[ i ] - prev->ps.origin[ i ] );
+ if( !grabAngles )
+ out->viewangles[ i ] = LerpAngle( prev->ps.viewangles[ i ], next->ps.viewangles[ i ], f );
+ out->velocity[ i ] = prev->ps.velocity[ i ] +
+ f * (next->ps.velocity[ i ] - prev->ps.velocity[ i ] );
+ }
+Predict push triggers and items
+static void CG_TouchTriggerPrediction( void )
+ int i;
+ trace_t trace;
+ entityState_t *ent;
+ clipHandle_t cmodel;
+ centity_t *cent;
+ qboolean spectator;
+ // dead clients don't activate triggers
+ if( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_HEALTH ] <= 0 )
+ return;
+ spectator = ( cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_SPECTATOR );
+ if( cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type != PM_NORMAL && !spectator )
+ return;
+ for( i = 0; i < cg_numTriggerEntities; i++ )
+ {
+ cent = cg_triggerEntities[ i ];
+ ent = &cent->currentState;
+ if( ent->solid != SOLID_BMODEL )
+ continue;
+ cmodel = trap_CM_InlineModel( ent->modelindex );
+ if( !cmodel )
+ continue;
+ trap_CM_BoxTrace( &trace, cg.predictedPlayerState.origin, cg.predictedPlayerState.origin,
+ cg_pmove.mins, cg_pmove.maxs, cmodel, -1 );
+ if( !trace.startsolid )
+ continue;
+ if( ent->eType == ET_TELEPORT_TRIGGER )
+ cg.hyperspace = qtrue;
+ }
+static int CG_IsUnacceptableError( playerState_t *ps, playerState_t *pps )
+ vec3_t delta;
+ int i;
+ if( pps->pm_type != ps->pm_type ||
+ pps->pm_flags != ps->pm_flags ||
+ pps->pm_time != ps->pm_time )
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ VectorSubtract( pps->origin, ps->origin, delta );
+ if( VectorLengthSquared( delta ) > 0.1f * 0.1f )
+ {
+ if( cg_showmiss.integer )
+ {
+ CG_Printf( "origin delta: %.2f ", VectorLength( delta ) );
+ }
+ return 2;
+ }
+ VectorSubtract( pps->velocity, ps->velocity, delta );
+ if( VectorLengthSquared( delta ) > 0.1f * 0.1f )
+ {
+ if( cg_showmiss.integer )
+ {
+ CG_Printf( "velocity delta: %.2f ", VectorLength( delta ) );
+ }
+ return 3;
+ }
+ if( pps->weaponTime != ps->weaponTime ||
+ pps->gravity != ps->gravity ||
+ pps->speed != ps->speed ||
+ pps->delta_angles[ 0 ] != ps->delta_angles[ 0 ] ||
+ pps->delta_angles[ 1 ] != ps->delta_angles[ 1 ] ||
+ pps->delta_angles[ 2 ] != ps->delta_angles[ 2 ] ||
+ pps->groundEntityNum != ps->groundEntityNum )
+ {
+ return 4;
+ }
+ if( pps->legsTimer != ps->legsTimer ||
+ pps->legsAnim != ps->legsAnim ||
+ pps->torsoTimer != ps->torsoTimer ||
+ pps->torsoAnim != ps->torsoAnim ||
+ pps->movementDir != ps->movementDir )
+ {
+ return 5;
+ }
+ VectorSubtract( pps->grapplePoint, ps->grapplePoint, delta );
+ if( VectorLengthSquared( delta ) > 0.1f * 0.1f )
+ return 6;
+ if( pps->eFlags != ps->eFlags )
+ return 7;
+ if( pps->eventSequence != ps->eventSequence )
+ return 8;
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_PS_EVENTS; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( pps->events[ i ] != ps->events[ i ] ||
+ pps->eventParms[ i ] != ps->eventParms[ i ] )
+ {
+ return 9;
+ }
+ }
+ if( pps->externalEvent != ps->externalEvent ||
+ pps->externalEventParm != ps->externalEventParm ||
+ pps->externalEventTime != ps->externalEventTime )
+ {
+ return 10;
+ }
+ if( pps->clientNum != ps->clientNum ||
+ pps->weapon != ps->weapon ||
+ pps->weaponstate != ps->weaponstate )
+ {
+ return 11;
+ }
+ if( fabs( AngleDelta( ps->viewangles[ 0 ], pps->viewangles[ 0 ] ) ) > 1.0f ||
+ fabs( AngleDelta( ps->viewangles[ 1 ], pps->viewangles[ 1 ] ) ) > 1.0f ||
+ fabs( AngleDelta( ps->viewangles[ 2 ], pps->viewangles[ 2 ] ) ) > 1.0f )
+ {
+ return 12;
+ }
+ if( pps->viewheight != ps->viewheight )
+ return 13;
+ if( pps->damageEvent != ps->damageEvent ||
+ pps->damageYaw != ps->damageYaw ||
+ pps->damagePitch != ps->damagePitch ||
+ pps->damageCount != ps->damageCount )
+ {
+ return 14;
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_STATS; i++ )
+ {
+ if( pps->stats[ i ] != ps->stats[ i ] )
+ return 15;
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_PERSISTANT; i++ )
+ {
+ if( pps->persistant[ i ] != ps->persistant[ i ] )
+ return 16;
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++ )
+ {
+ if( pps->ammo[ i ] != ps->ammo[ i ] )
+ return 18;
+ }
+ if( pps->generic1 != ps->generic1 ||
+ pps->loopSound != ps->loopSound )
+ {
+ return 19;
+ }
+ return 0;
+Generates cg.predictedPlayerState for the current cg.time
+cg.predictedPlayerState is guaranteed to be valid after exiting.
+For demo playback, this will be an interpolation between two valid
+For normal gameplay, it will be the result of predicted usercmd_t on
+top of the most recent playerState_t received from the server.
+Each new snapshot will usually have one or more new usercmd over the last,
+but we simulate all unacknowledged commands each time, not just the new ones.
+This means that on an internet connection, quite a few pmoves may be issued
+each frame.
+OPTIMIZE: don't re-simulate unless the newly arrived snapshot playerState_t
+differs from the predicted one. Would require saving all intermediate
+playerState_t during prediction.
+We detect prediction errors and allow them to be decayed off over several frames
+to ease the jerk.
+void CG_PredictPlayerState( void )
+ int cmdNum, current, i;
+ playerState_t oldPlayerState;
+ qboolean moved;
+ usercmd_t oldestCmd;
+ usercmd_t latestCmd;
+ int stateIndex = 0, predictCmd = 0;
+ cg.hyperspace = qfalse; // will be set if touching a trigger_teleport
+ // if this is the first frame we must guarantee
+ // predictedPlayerState is valid even if there is some
+ // other error condition
+ if( !cg.validPPS )
+ {
+ cg.validPPS = qtrue;
+ cg.predictedPlayerState = cg.snap->ps;
+ }
+ // demo playback just copies the moves
+ if( cg.demoPlayback || (cg.snap->ps.pm_flags & PMF_FOLLOW) )
+ {
+ CG_InterpolatePlayerState( qfalse );
+ return;
+ }
+ // non-predicting local movement will grab the latest angles
+ if( cg_nopredict.integer || cg_synchronousClients.integer )
+ {
+ CG_InterpolatePlayerState( qtrue );
+ return;
+ }
+ // prepare for pmove
+ = &cg.predictedPlayerState;
+ cg_pmove.pmext = &cg.pmext;
+ cg_pmove.trace = CG_Trace;
+ cg_pmove.pointcontents = CG_PointContents;
+ cg_pmove.debugLevel = cg_debugMove.integer;
+ if(>pm_type == PM_DEAD )
+ cg_pmove.tracemask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID & ~CONTENTS_BODY;
+ else
+ cg_pmove.tracemask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
+ if( cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_TEAM ] == TEAM_SPECTATOR )
+ cg_pmove.tracemask &= ~CONTENTS_BODY; // spectators can fly through bodies
+ cg_pmove.noFootsteps = 0;
+ // save the state before the pmove so we can detect transitions
+ oldPlayerState = cg.predictedPlayerState;
+ current = trap_GetCurrentCmdNumber( );
+ // if we don't have the commands right after the snapshot, we
+ // can't accurately predict a current position, so just freeze at
+ // the last good position we had
+ cmdNum = current - CMD_BACKUP + 1;
+ trap_GetUserCmd( cmdNum, &oldestCmd );
+ if( oldestCmd.serverTime > cg.snap->ps.commandTime &&
+ oldestCmd.serverTime < cg.time )
+ { // special check for map_restart
+ if( cg_showmiss.integer )
+ CG_Printf( "exceeded PACKET_BACKUP on commands\n" );
+ return;
+ }
+ // get the latest command so we can know which commands are from previous map_restarts
+ trap_GetUserCmd( current, &latestCmd );
+ // get the most recent information we have, even if
+ // the server time is beyond our current cg.time,
+ // because predicted player positions are going to
+ // be ahead of everything else anyway
+ if( cg.nextSnap && !cg.nextFrameTeleport && !cg.thisFrameTeleport )
+ {
+ cg.predictedPlayerState = cg.nextSnap->ps;
+ cg.physicsTime = cg.nextSnap->serverTime;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cg.predictedPlayerState = cg.snap->ps;
+ cg.physicsTime = cg.snap->serverTime;
+ }
+ if( pmove_msec.integer < 8 )
+ trap_Cvar_Set( "pmove_msec", "8" );
+ else if( pmove_msec.integer > 33 )
+ trap_Cvar_Set( "pmove_msec", "33" );
+ cg_pmove.pmove_fixed = pmove_fixed.integer;// | cg_pmove_fixed.integer;
+ cg_pmove.pmove_msec = pmove_msec.integer;
+ // Like the comments described above, a player's state is entirely
+ // re-predicted from the last valid snapshot every client frame, which
+ // can be really, really, really slow. Every old command has to be
+ // run again. For every client frame that is *not* directly after a
+ // snapshot, this is unnecessary, since we have no new information.
+ // For those, we'll play back the predictions from the last frame and
+ // predict only the newest commands. Essentially, we'll be doing
+ // an incremental predict instead of a full predict.
+ //
+ // If we have a new snapshot, we can compare its player state's command
+ // time to the command times in the queue to find a match. If we find
+ // a matching state, and the predicted version has not deviated, we can
+ // use the predicted state as a base - and also do an incremental predict.
+ //
+ // With this method, we get incremental predicts on every client frame
+ // except a frame following a new snapshot in which there was a prediction
+ // error. This yeilds anywhere from a 15% to 40% performance increase,
+ // depending on how much of a bottleneck the CPU is.
+ if( cg_optimizePrediction.integer )
+ {
+ if( cg.nextFrameTeleport || cg.thisFrameTeleport )
+ {
+ // do a full predict
+ cg.lastPredictedCommand = 0;
+ cg.stateTail = cg.stateHead;
+ predictCmd = current - CMD_BACKUP + 1;
+ }
+ // cg.physicsTime is the current snapshot's serverTime if it's the same
+ // as the last one
+ else if( cg.physicsTime == cg.lastServerTime )
+ {
+ // we have no new information, so do an incremental predict
+ predictCmd = cg.lastPredictedCommand + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // we have a new snapshot
+ int i;
+ int errorcode;
+ qboolean error = qtrue;
+ // loop through the saved states queue
+ for( i = cg.stateHead; i != cg.stateTail;
+ i = ( i + 1 ) % NUM_SAVED_STATES )
+ {
+ // if we find a predicted state whose commandTime matches the snapshot
+ // player state's commandTime
+ if( cg.savedPmoveStates[ i ].commandTime !=
+ cg.predictedPlayerState.commandTime )
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // make sure the state differences are acceptable
+ errorcode = CG_IsUnacceptableError( &cg.predictedPlayerState,
+ &cg.savedPmoveStates[ i ] );
+ if( errorcode )
+ {
+ if( cg_showmiss.integer )
+ CG_Printf("errorcode %d at %d\n", errorcode, cg.time);
+ break;
+ }
+ // this one is almost exact, so we'll copy it in as the starting point
+ * = cg.savedPmoveStates[ i ];
+ // advance the head
+ cg.stateHead = ( i + 1 ) % NUM_SAVED_STATES;
+ // set the next command to predict
+ predictCmd = cg.lastPredictedCommand + 1;
+ // a saved state matched, so flag it
+ error = qfalse;
+ break;
+ }
+ // if no saved states matched
+ if( error )
+ {
+ // do a full predict
+ cg.lastPredictedCommand = 0;
+ cg.stateTail = cg.stateHead;
+ predictCmd = current - CMD_BACKUP + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // keep track of the server time of the last snapshot so we
+ // know when we're starting from a new one in future calls
+ cg.lastServerTime = cg.physicsTime;
+ stateIndex = cg.stateHead;
+ }
+ // run cmds
+ moved = qfalse;
+ for( cmdNum = current - CMD_BACKUP + 1; cmdNum <= current; cmdNum++ )
+ {
+ // get the command
+ trap_GetUserCmd( cmdNum, &cg_pmove.cmd );
+ if( cg_pmove.pmove_fixed )
+ PM_UpdateViewAngles(, &cg_pmove.cmd );
+ // don't do anything if the time is before the snapshot player time
+ if( cg_pmove.cmd.serverTime <= cg.predictedPlayerState.commandTime )
+ continue;
+ // don't do anything if the command was from a previous map_restart
+ if( cg_pmove.cmd.serverTime > latestCmd.serverTime )
+ continue;
+ // check for a prediction error from last frame
+ // on a lan, this will often be the exact value
+ // from the snapshot, but on a wan we will have
+ // to predict several commands to get to the point
+ // we want to compare
+ if( cg.predictedPlayerState.commandTime == oldPlayerState.commandTime )
+ {
+ vec3_t delta;
+ float len;
+ if( cg.thisFrameTeleport )
+ {
+ // a teleport will not cause an error decay
+ VectorClear( cg.predictedError );
+ if( cg_showmiss.integer )
+ CG_Printf( "PredictionTeleport\n" );
+ cg.thisFrameTeleport = qfalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vec3_t adjusted;
+ CG_AdjustPositionForMover( cg.predictedPlayerState.origin,
+ cg.predictedPlayerState.groundEntityNum, cg.physicsTime, cg.oldTime, adjusted );
+ if( cg_showmiss.integer )
+ {
+ if( !VectorCompare( oldPlayerState.origin, adjusted ) )
+ CG_Printf("prediction error\n");
+ }
+ VectorSubtract( oldPlayerState.origin, adjusted, delta );
+ len = VectorLength( delta );
+ if( len > 0.1 )
+ {
+ if( cg_showmiss.integer )
+ CG_Printf( "Prediction miss: %f\n", len );
+ if( cg_errorDecay.integer )
+ {
+ int t;
+ float f;
+ t = cg.time - cg.predictedErrorTime;
+ f = ( cg_errorDecay.value - t ) / cg_errorDecay.value;
+ if( f < 0 )
+ f = 0;
+ if( f > 0 && cg_showmiss.integer )
+ CG_Printf( "Double prediction decay: %f\n", f );
+ VectorScale( cg.predictedError, f, cg.predictedError );
+ }
+ else
+ VectorClear( cg.predictedError );
+ VectorAdd( delta, cg.predictedError, cg.predictedError );
+ cg.predictedErrorTime = cg.oldTime;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // don't predict gauntlet firing, which is only supposed to happen
+ // when it actually inflicts damage
+ for( i = WP_NONE + 1; i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS; i++ )
+ cg_pmove.autoWeaponHit[ i ] = qfalse;
+ if( cg_pmove.pmove_fixed )
+ cg_pmove.cmd.serverTime = ( ( cg_pmove.cmd.serverTime + pmove_msec.integer - 1 ) /
+ pmove_msec.integer ) * pmove_msec.integer;
+ if( !cg_optimizePrediction.integer )
+ {
+ Pmove( &cg_pmove );
+ }
+ else if( cg_optimizePrediction.integer && ( cmdNum >= predictCmd ||
+ ( stateIndex + 1 ) % NUM_SAVED_STATES == cg.stateHead ) )
+ {
+ Pmove( &cg_pmove );
+ // record the last predicted command
+ cg.lastPredictedCommand = cmdNum;
+ // if we haven't run out of space in the saved states queue
+ if( ( stateIndex + 1 ) % NUM_SAVED_STATES != cg.stateHead )
+ {
+ // save the state for the false case ( of cmdNum >= predictCmd )
+ // in later calls to this function
+ cg.savedPmoveStates[ stateIndex ] = *;
+ stateIndex = ( stateIndex + 1 ) % NUM_SAVED_STATES;
+ cg.stateTail = stateIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ * = cg.savedPmoveStates[ stateIndex ];
+ stateIndex = ( stateIndex + 1 ) % NUM_SAVED_STATES;
+ }
+ moved = qtrue;
+ // add push trigger movement effects
+ CG_TouchTriggerPrediction( );
+ // check for predictable events that changed from previous predictions
+ //CG_CheckChangedPredictableEvents(&cg.predictedPlayerState);
+ }
+ // adjust for the movement of the groundentity
+ CG_AdjustPositionForMover( cg.predictedPlayerState.origin,
+ cg.predictedPlayerState.groundEntityNum,
+ cg.physicsTime, cg.time, cg.predictedPlayerState.origin );
+ // fire events and other transition triggered things
+ CG_TransitionPlayerState( &cg.predictedPlayerState, &oldPlayerState );