path: root/src/game/g_client.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-04-15don't deny connection with the "localhost" IPA/dev/humancontroller
2017-04-15fix the game module truncating the last digit of each maximally long IP(v4) a.../dev/humancontroller
2017-04-15multi-protocol: rename powerups to misc in the playerState_t and entityState_.../dev/humancontroller
2017-04-15multi-protocol: change the playerState_t and entityState_t structs to the ver...Jeff Kent
2017-04-15do not treat a clipmask of 0 as MASK_DEADSOLID in some cases/dev/humancontroller
2017-04-15import the cQVM game modulePaweł Redman
2017-04-15import the Slacker's QVM code baseSlackerLinux85