path: root/src/botlib/be_aas_move.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/botlib/be_aas_move.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1102 deletions
diff --git a/src/botlib/be_aas_move.c b/src/botlib/be_aas_move.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bbac80d9..00000000
--- a/src/botlib/be_aas_move.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1102 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
-Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Tim Angus
-This file is part of Tremulous.
-Tremulous is free software; you can redistribute it
-and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
-or (at your option) any later version.
-Tremulous is distributed in the hope that it will be
-useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with Tremulous; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- * name: be_aas_move.c
- *
- * desc: AAS
- *
- * $Archive: /MissionPack/code/botlib/be_aas_move.c $
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-#include "../qcommon/q_shared.h"
-#include "l_memory.h"
-#include "l_script.h"
-#include "l_precomp.h"
-#include "l_struct.h"
-#include "l_libvar.h"
-#include "aasfile.h"
-#include "botlib.h"
-#include "be_aas.h"
-#include "be_aas_funcs.h"
-#include "be_aas_def.h"
-extern botlib_import_t botimport;
-aas_settings_t aassettings;
-//#define AAS_MOVE_DEBUG
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-int AAS_DropToFloor(vec3_t origin, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs)
- vec3_t end;
- bsp_trace_t trace;
- VectorCopy(origin, end);
- end[2] -= 100;
- trace = AAS_Trace(origin, mins, maxs, end, 0, CONTENTS_SOLID);
- if (trace.startsolid) return qfalse;
- VectorCopy(trace.endpos, origin);
- return qtrue;
-} //end of the function AAS_DropToFloor
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-void AAS_InitSettings(void)
- aassettings.phys_gravitydirection[0] = 0;
- aassettings.phys_gravitydirection[1] = 0;
- aassettings.phys_gravitydirection[2] = -1;
- aassettings.phys_friction = LibVarValue("phys_friction", "6");
- aassettings.phys_stopspeed = LibVarValue("phys_stopspeed", "100");
- aassettings.phys_gravity = LibVarValue("phys_gravity", "800");
- aassettings.phys_waterfriction = LibVarValue("phys_waterfriction", "1");
- aassettings.phys_watergravity = LibVarValue("phys_watergravity", "400");
- aassettings.phys_maxvelocity = LibVarValue("phys_maxvelocity", "320");
- aassettings.phys_maxwalkvelocity = LibVarValue("phys_maxwalkvelocity", "320");
- aassettings.phys_maxcrouchvelocity = LibVarValue("phys_maxcrouchvelocity", "100");
- aassettings.phys_maxswimvelocity = LibVarValue("phys_maxswimvelocity", "150");
- aassettings.phys_walkaccelerate = LibVarValue("phys_walkaccelerate", "10");
- aassettings.phys_airaccelerate = LibVarValue("phys_airaccelerate", "1");
- aassettings.phys_swimaccelerate = LibVarValue("phys_swimaccelerate", "4");
- aassettings.phys_maxstep = LibVarValue("phys_maxstep", "19");
- aassettings.phys_maxsteepness = LibVarValue("phys_maxsteepness", "0.7");
- aassettings.phys_maxwaterjump = LibVarValue("phys_maxwaterjump", "18");
- aassettings.phys_maxbarrier = LibVarValue("phys_maxbarrier", "33");
- aassettings.phys_jumpvel = LibVarValue("phys_jumpvel", "270");
- aassettings.phys_falldelta5 = LibVarValue("phys_falldelta5", "40");
- aassettings.phys_falldelta10 = LibVarValue("phys_falldelta10", "60");
- aassettings.rs_waterjump = LibVarValue("rs_waterjump", "400");
- aassettings.rs_teleport = LibVarValue("rs_teleport", "50");
- aassettings.rs_barrierjump = LibVarValue("rs_barrierjump", "100");
- aassettings.rs_startcrouch = LibVarValue("rs_startcrouch", "300");
- aassettings.rs_startgrapple = LibVarValue("rs_startgrapple", "500");
- aassettings.rs_startwalkoffledge = LibVarValue("rs_startwalkoffledge", "70");
- aassettings.rs_startjump = LibVarValue("rs_startjump", "300");
- aassettings.rs_rocketjump = LibVarValue("rs_rocketjump", "500");
- aassettings.rs_bfgjump = LibVarValue("rs_bfgjump", "500");
- aassettings.rs_jumppad = LibVarValue("rs_jumppad", "250");
- aassettings.rs_aircontrolledjumppad = LibVarValue("rs_aircontrolledjumppad", "300");
- aassettings.rs_funcbob = LibVarValue("rs_funcbob", "300");
- aassettings.rs_startelevator = LibVarValue("rs_startelevator", "50");
- aassettings.rs_falldamage5 = LibVarValue("rs_falldamage5", "300");
- aassettings.rs_falldamage10 = LibVarValue("rs_falldamage10", "500");
- aassettings.rs_maxfallheight = LibVarValue("rs_maxfallheight", "0");
- aassettings.rs_maxjumpfallheight = LibVarValue("rs_maxjumpfallheight", "450");
-} //end of the function AAS_InitSettings
-// returns qtrue if the bot is against a ladder
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-int AAS_AgainstLadder(vec3_t origin)
- int areanum, i, facenum, side;
- vec3_t org;
- aas_plane_t *plane;
- aas_face_t *face;
- aas_area_t *area;
- VectorCopy(origin, org);
- areanum = AAS_PointAreaNum(org);
- if (!areanum)
- {
- org[0] += 1;
- areanum = AAS_PointAreaNum(org);
- if (!areanum)
- {
- org[1] += 1;
- areanum = AAS_PointAreaNum(org);
- if (!areanum)
- {
- org[0] -= 2;
- areanum = AAS_PointAreaNum(org);
- if (!areanum)
- {
- org[1] -= 2;
- areanum = AAS_PointAreaNum(org);
- } //end if
- } //end if
- } //end if
- } //end if
- //if in solid... wrrr shouldn't happen
- if (!areanum) return qfalse;
- //if not in a ladder area
- if (!(aasworld.areasettings[areanum].areaflags & AREA_LADDER)) return qfalse;
- //if a crouch only area
- if (!(aasworld.areasettings[areanum].presencetype & PRESENCE_NORMAL)) return qfalse;
- //
- area = &aasworld.areas[areanum];
- for (i = 0; i < area->numfaces; i++)
- {
- facenum = aasworld.faceindex[area->firstface + i];
- side = facenum < 0;
- face = &aasworld.faces[abs(facenum)];
- //if the face isn't a ladder face
- if (!(face->faceflags & FACE_LADDER)) continue;
- //get the plane the face is in
- plane = &aasworld.planes[face->planenum ^ side];
- //if the origin is pretty close to the plane
- if (abs(DotProduct(plane->normal, origin) - plane->dist) < 3)
- {
- if (AAS_PointInsideFace(abs(facenum), origin, 0.1f)) return qtrue;
- } //end if
- } //end for
- return qfalse;
-} //end of the function AAS_AgainstLadder
-// returns qtrue if the bot is on the ground
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-int AAS_OnGround(vec3_t origin, int presencetype, int passent)
- aas_trace_t trace;
- vec3_t end, up = {0, 0, 1};
- aas_plane_t *plane;
- VectorCopy(origin, end);
- end[2] -= 10;
- trace = AAS_TraceClientBBox(origin, end, presencetype, passent);
- //if in solid
- if (trace.startsolid) return qfalse;
- //if nothing hit at all
- if (trace.fraction >= 1.0) return qfalse;
- //if too far from the hit plane
- if (origin[2] - trace.endpos[2] > 10) return qfalse;
- //check if the plane isn't too steep
- plane = AAS_PlaneFromNum(trace.planenum);
- if (DotProduct(plane->normal, up) < aassettings.phys_maxsteepness) return qfalse;
- //the bot is on the ground
- return qtrue;
-} //end of the function AAS_OnGround
-// returns qtrue if a bot at the given position is swimming
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-int AAS_Swimming(vec3_t origin)
- vec3_t testorg;
- VectorCopy(origin, testorg);
- testorg[2] -= 2;
- if (AAS_PointContents(testorg) & (CONTENTS_LAVA|CONTENTS_SLIME|CONTENTS_WATER)) return qtrue;
- return qfalse;
-} //end of the function AAS_Swimming
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-static vec3_t VEC_UP = {0, -1, 0};
-static vec3_t MOVEDIR_UP = {0, 0, 1};
-static vec3_t VEC_DOWN = {0, -2, 0};
-static vec3_t MOVEDIR_DOWN = {0, 0, -1};
-void AAS_SetMovedir(vec3_t angles, vec3_t movedir)
- if (VectorCompare(angles, VEC_UP))
- {
- VectorCopy(MOVEDIR_UP, movedir);
- } //end if
- else if (VectorCompare(angles, VEC_DOWN))
- {
- VectorCopy(MOVEDIR_DOWN, movedir);
- } //end else if
- else
- {
- AngleVectors(angles, movedir, NULL, NULL);
- } //end else
-} //end of the function AAS_SetMovedir
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-void AAS_JumpReachRunStart(aas_reachability_t *reach, vec3_t runstart)
- vec3_t hordir, start, cmdmove;
- aas_clientmove_t move;
- //
- hordir[0] = reach->start[0] - reach->end[0];
- hordir[1] = reach->start[1] - reach->end[1];
- hordir[2] = 0;
- VectorNormalize(hordir);
- //start point
- VectorCopy(reach->start, start);
- start[2] += 1;
- //get command movement
- VectorScale(hordir, 400, cmdmove);
- //
- AAS_PredictClientMovement(&move, -1, start, PRESENCE_NORMAL, qtrue,
- vec3_origin, cmdmove, 1, 2, 0.1f,
- VectorCopy(move.endpos, runstart);
- //don't enter slime or lava and don't fall from too high
- {
- VectorCopy(start, runstart);
- } //end if
-} //end of the function AAS_JumpReachRunStart
-// returns the Z velocity when rocket jumping at the origin
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-float AAS_WeaponJumpZVelocity(vec3_t origin, float radiusdamage)
- vec3_t kvel, v, start, end, forward, right, viewangles, dir;
- float mass, knockback, points;
- vec3_t rocketoffset = {8, 8, -8};
- vec3_t botmins = {-16, -16, -24};
- vec3_t botmaxs = {16, 16, 32};
- bsp_trace_t bsptrace;
- //look down (90 degrees)
- viewangles[PITCH] = 90;
- viewangles[YAW] = 0;
- viewangles[ROLL] = 0;
- //get the start point shooting from
- VectorCopy(origin, start);
- start[2] += 8; //view offset Z
- AngleVectors(viewangles, forward, right, NULL);
- start[0] += forward[0] * rocketoffset[0] + right[0] * rocketoffset[1];
- start[1] += forward[1] * rocketoffset[0] + right[1] * rocketoffset[1];
- start[2] += forward[2] * rocketoffset[0] + right[2] * rocketoffset[1] + rocketoffset[2];
- //end point of the trace
- VectorMA(start, 500, forward, end);
- //trace a line to get the impact point
- bsptrace = AAS_Trace(start, NULL, NULL, end, 1, CONTENTS_SOLID);
- //calculate the damage the bot will get from the rocket impact
- VectorAdd(botmins, botmaxs, v);
- VectorMA(origin, 0.5, v, v);
- VectorSubtract(bsptrace.endpos, v, v);
- //
- points = radiusdamage - 0.5 * VectorLength(v);
- if (points < 0) points = 0;
- //the owner of the rocket gets half the damage
- points *= 0.5;
- //mass of the bot (p_client.c: PutClientInServer)
- mass = 200;
- //knockback is the same as the damage points
- knockback = points;
- //direction of the damage (from trace.endpos to bot origin)
- VectorSubtract(origin, bsptrace.endpos, dir);
- VectorNormalize(dir);
- //damage velocity
- VectorScale(dir, 1600.0 * (float)knockback / mass, kvel); //the rocket jump hack...
- //rocket impact velocity + jump velocity
- return kvel[2] + aassettings.phys_jumpvel;
-} //end of the function AAS_WeaponJumpZVelocity
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-float AAS_RocketJumpZVelocity(vec3_t origin)
- //rocket radius damage is 120 (p_weapon.c: Weapon_RocketLauncher_Fire)
- return AAS_WeaponJumpZVelocity(origin, 120);
-} //end of the function AAS_RocketJumpZVelocity
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-float AAS_BFGJumpZVelocity(vec3_t origin)
- //bfg radius damage is 1000 (p_weapon.c: weapon_bfg_fire)
- return AAS_WeaponJumpZVelocity(origin, 120);
-} //end of the function AAS_BFGJumpZVelocity
-// applies ground friction to the given velocity
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-void AAS_Accelerate(vec3_t velocity, float frametime, vec3_t wishdir, float wishspeed, float accel)
- // q2 style
- int i;
- float addspeed, accelspeed, currentspeed;
- currentspeed = DotProduct(velocity, wishdir);
- addspeed = wishspeed - currentspeed;
- if (addspeed <= 0) {
- return;
- }
- accelspeed = accel*frametime*wishspeed;
- if (accelspeed > addspeed) {
- accelspeed = addspeed;
- }
- for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
- velocity[i] += accelspeed*wishdir[i];
- }
-} //end of the function AAS_Accelerate
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-void AAS_AirControl(vec3_t start, vec3_t end, vec3_t velocity, vec3_t cmdmove)
- vec3_t dir;
- VectorSubtract(end, start, dir);
-} //end of the function AAS_AirControl
-// applies ground friction to the given velocity
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-void AAS_ApplyFriction(vec3_t vel, float friction, float stopspeed,
- float frametime)
- float speed, control, newspeed;
- //horizontal speed
- speed = sqrt(vel[0] * vel[0] + vel[1] * vel[1]);
- if (speed)
- {
- control = speed < stopspeed ? stopspeed : speed;
- newspeed = speed - frametime * control * friction;
- if (newspeed < 0) newspeed = 0;
- newspeed /= speed;
- vel[0] *= newspeed;
- vel[1] *= newspeed;
- } //end if
-} //end of the function AAS_ApplyFriction
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-int AAS_ClipToBBox(aas_trace_t *trace, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int presencetype, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs)
- int i, j, side;
- float front, back, frac, planedist;
- vec3_t bboxmins, bboxmaxs, absmins, absmaxs, dir, mid;
- AAS_PresenceTypeBoundingBox(presencetype, bboxmins, bboxmaxs);
- VectorSubtract(mins, bboxmaxs, absmins);
- VectorSubtract(maxs, bboxmins, absmaxs);
- //
- VectorCopy(end, trace->endpos);
- trace->fraction = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- if (start[i] < absmins[i] && end[i] < absmins[i]) return qfalse;
- if (start[i] > absmaxs[i] && end[i] > absmaxs[i]) return qfalse;
- } //end for
- //check bounding box collision
- VectorSubtract(end, start, dir);
- frac = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- //get plane to test collision with for the current axis direction
- if (dir[i] > 0) planedist = absmins[i];
- else planedist = absmaxs[i];
- //calculate collision fraction
- front = start[i] - planedist;
- back = end[i] - planedist;
- frac = front / (front-back);
- //check if between bounding planes of next axis
- side = i + 1;
- if (side > 2) side = 0;
- mid[side] = start[side] + dir[side] * frac;
- if (mid[side] > absmins[side] && mid[side] < absmaxs[side])
- {
- //check if between bounding planes of next axis
- side++;
- if (side > 2) side = 0;
- mid[side] = start[side] + dir[side] * frac;
- if (mid[side] > absmins[side] && mid[side] < absmaxs[side])
- {
- mid[i] = planedist;
- break;
- } //end if
- } //end if
- } //end for
- //if there was a collision
- if (i != 3)
- {
- trace->startsolid = qfalse;
- trace->fraction = frac;
- trace->ent = 0;
- trace->planenum = 0;
- trace->area = 0;
- trace->lastarea = 0;
- //trace endpos
- for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) trace->endpos[j] = start[j] + dir[j] * frac;
- return qtrue;
- } //end if
- return qfalse;
-} //end of the function AAS_ClipToBBox
-// predicts the movement
-// assumes regular bounding box sizes
-// NOTE: out of water jumping is not included
-// NOTE: grappling hook is not included
-// Parameter: origin : origin to start with
-// presencetype : presence type to start with
-// velocity : velocity to start with
-// cmdmove : client command movement
-// cmdframes : number of frame cmdmove is valid
-// maxframes : maximum number of predicted frames
-// frametime : duration of one predicted frame
-// stopevent : events that stop the prediction
-// stopareanum : stop as soon as entered this area
-// Returns: aas_clientmove_t
-// Changes Globals: -
-int AAS_ClientMovementPrediction(struct aas_clientmove_s *move,
- int entnum, vec3_t origin,
- int presencetype, int onground,
- vec3_t velocity, vec3_t cmdmove,
- int cmdframes,
- int maxframes, float frametime,
- int stopevent, int stopareanum,
- vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, int visualize)
- float phys_friction, phys_stopspeed, phys_gravity, phys_waterfriction;
- float phys_watergravity;
- float phys_walkaccelerate, phys_airaccelerate, phys_swimaccelerate;
- float phys_maxwalkvelocity, phys_maxcrouchvelocity, phys_maxswimvelocity;
- float phys_maxstep, phys_maxsteepness, phys_jumpvel, friction;
- float gravity, delta, maxvel, wishspeed, accelerate;
- //float velchange, newvel;
- int n, i, j, pc, step, swimming, ax, crouch, event, jump_frame, areanum;
- int areas[20], numareas;
- vec3_t points[20];
- vec3_t org, end, feet, start, stepend, lastorg, wishdir;
- vec3_t frame_test_vel, old_frame_test_vel, left_test_vel;
- vec3_t up = {0, 0, 1};
- aas_plane_t *plane, *plane2;
- aas_trace_t trace, steptrace;
- if (frametime <= 0) frametime = 0.1f;
- //
- phys_friction = aassettings.phys_friction;
- phys_stopspeed = aassettings.phys_stopspeed;
- phys_gravity = aassettings.phys_gravity;
- phys_waterfriction = aassettings.phys_waterfriction;
- phys_watergravity = aassettings.phys_watergravity;
- phys_maxwalkvelocity = aassettings.phys_maxwalkvelocity;// * frametime;
- phys_maxcrouchvelocity = aassettings.phys_maxcrouchvelocity;// * frametime;
- phys_maxswimvelocity = aassettings.phys_maxswimvelocity;// * frametime;
- phys_walkaccelerate = aassettings.phys_walkaccelerate;
- phys_airaccelerate = aassettings.phys_airaccelerate;
- phys_swimaccelerate = aassettings.phys_swimaccelerate;
- phys_maxstep = aassettings.phys_maxstep;
- phys_maxsteepness = aassettings.phys_maxsteepness;
- phys_jumpvel = aassettings.phys_jumpvel * frametime;
- //
- Com_Memset(move, 0, sizeof(aas_clientmove_t));
- Com_Memset(&trace, 0, sizeof(aas_trace_t));
- //start at the current origin
- VectorCopy(origin, org);
- org[2] += 0.25;
- //velocity to test for the first frame
- VectorScale(velocity, frametime, frame_test_vel);
- //
- jump_frame = -1;
- //predict a maximum of 'maxframes' ahead
- for (n = 0; n < maxframes; n++)
- {
- swimming = AAS_Swimming(org);
- //get gravity depending on swimming or not
- gravity = swimming ? phys_watergravity : phys_gravity;
- //apply gravity at the START of the frame
- frame_test_vel[2] = frame_test_vel[2] - (gravity * 0.1 * frametime);
- //if on the ground or swimming
- if (onground || swimming)
- {
- friction = swimming ? phys_friction : phys_waterfriction;
- //apply friction
- VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, frame_test_vel);
- AAS_ApplyFriction(frame_test_vel, friction, phys_stopspeed, frametime);
- VectorScale(frame_test_vel, frametime, frame_test_vel);
- } //end if
- crouch = qfalse;
- //apply command movement
- if (n < cmdframes)
- {
- ax = 0;
- maxvel = phys_maxwalkvelocity;
- accelerate = phys_airaccelerate;
- VectorCopy(cmdmove, wishdir);
- if (onground)
- {
- if (cmdmove[2] < -300)
- {
- crouch = qtrue;
- maxvel = phys_maxcrouchvelocity;
- } //end if
- //if not swimming and upmove is positive then jump
- if (!swimming && cmdmove[2] > 1)
- {
- //jump velocity minus the gravity for one frame + 5 for safety
- frame_test_vel[2] = phys_jumpvel - (gravity * 0.1 * frametime) + 5;
- jump_frame = n;
- //jumping so air accelerate
- accelerate = phys_airaccelerate;
- } //end if
- else
- {
- accelerate = phys_walkaccelerate;
- } //end else
- ax = 2;
- } //end if
- if (swimming)
- {
- maxvel = phys_maxswimvelocity;
- accelerate = phys_swimaccelerate;
- ax = 3;
- } //end if
- else
- {
- wishdir[2] = 0;
- } //end else
- //
- wishspeed = VectorNormalize(wishdir);
- if (wishspeed > maxvel) wishspeed = maxvel;
- VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, frame_test_vel);
- AAS_Accelerate(frame_test_vel, frametime, wishdir, wishspeed, accelerate);
- VectorScale(frame_test_vel, frametime, frame_test_vel);
- /*
- for (i = 0; i < ax; i++)
- {
- velchange = (cmdmove[i] * frametime) - frame_test_vel[i];
- if (velchange > phys_maxacceleration) velchange = phys_maxacceleration;
- else if (velchange < -phys_maxacceleration) velchange = -phys_maxacceleration;
- newvel = frame_test_vel[i] + velchange;
- //
- if (frame_test_vel[i] <= maxvel && newvel > maxvel) frame_test_vel[i] = maxvel;
- else if (frame_test_vel[i] >= -maxvel && newvel < -maxvel) frame_test_vel[i] = -maxvel;
- else frame_test_vel[i] = newvel;
- } //end for
- */
- } //end if
- if (crouch)
- {
- presencetype = PRESENCE_CROUCH;
- } //end if
- else if (presencetype == PRESENCE_CROUCH)
- {
- if (AAS_PointPresenceType(org) & PRESENCE_NORMAL)
- {
- presencetype = PRESENCE_NORMAL;
- } //end if
- } //end else
- //save the current origin
- VectorCopy(org, lastorg);
- //move linear during one frame
- VectorCopy(frame_test_vel, left_test_vel);
- j = 0;
- do
- {
- VectorAdd(org, left_test_vel, end);
- //trace a bounding box
- trace = AAS_TraceClientBBox(org, end, presencetype, entnum);
- //
-//#ifdef AAS_MOVE_DEBUG
- if (visualize)
- {
- if (trace.startsolid) botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "PredictMovement: start solid\n");
- AAS_DebugLine(org, trace.endpos, LINECOLOR_RED);
- } //end if
-//#endif //AAS_MOVE_DEBUG
- //
- {
- numareas = AAS_TraceAreas(org, trace.endpos, areas, points, 20);
- for (i = 0; i < numareas; i++)
- {
- if (stopevent & SE_ENTERAREA)
- {
- if (areas[i] == stopareanum)
- {
- VectorCopy(points[i], move->endpos);
- VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
- move->endarea = areas[i];
- move->trace = trace;
- move->stopevent = SE_ENTERAREA;
- move->presencetype = presencetype;
- move->endcontents = 0;
- move->time = n * frametime;
- move->frames = n;
- return qtrue;
- } //end if
- } //end if
- //NOTE: if not the first frame
- if ((stopevent & SE_TOUCHJUMPPAD) && n)
- {
- if (aasworld.areasettings[areas[i]].contents & AREACONTENTS_JUMPPAD)
- {
- VectorCopy(points[i], move->endpos);
- VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
- move->endarea = areas[i];
- move->trace = trace;
- move->stopevent = SE_TOUCHJUMPPAD;
- move->presencetype = presencetype;
- move->endcontents = 0;
- move->time = n * frametime;
- move->frames = n;
- return qtrue;
- } //end if
- } //end if
- if (stopevent & SE_TOUCHTELEPORTER)
- {
- if (aasworld.areasettings[areas[i]].contents & AREACONTENTS_TELEPORTER)
- {
- VectorCopy(points[i], move->endpos);
- move->endarea = areas[i];
- VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
- move->trace = trace;
- move->stopevent = SE_TOUCHTELEPORTER;
- move->presencetype = presencetype;
- move->endcontents = 0;
- move->time = n * frametime;
- move->frames = n;
- return qtrue;
- } //end if
- } //end if
- if (stopevent & SE_TOUCHCLUSTERPORTAL)
- {
- if (aasworld.areasettings[areas[i]].contents & AREACONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL)
- {
- VectorCopy(points[i], move->endpos);
- move->endarea = areas[i];
- VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
- move->trace = trace;
- move->stopevent = SE_TOUCHCLUSTERPORTAL;
- move->presencetype = presencetype;
- move->endcontents = 0;
- move->time = n * frametime;
- move->frames = n;
- return qtrue;
- } //end if
- } //end if
- } //end for
- } //end if
- //
- if (stopevent & SE_HITBOUNDINGBOX)
- {
- if (AAS_ClipToBBox(&trace, org, trace.endpos, presencetype, mins, maxs))
- {
- VectorCopy(trace.endpos, move->endpos);
- move->endarea = AAS_PointAreaNum(move->endpos);
- VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
- move->trace = trace;
- move->stopevent = SE_HITBOUNDINGBOX;
- move->presencetype = presencetype;
- move->endcontents = 0;
- move->time = n * frametime;
- move->frames = n;
- return qtrue;
- } //end if
- } //end if
- //move the entity to the trace end point
- VectorCopy(trace.endpos, org);
- //if there was a collision
- if (trace.fraction < 1.0)
- {
- //get the plane the bounding box collided with
- plane = AAS_PlaneFromNum(trace.planenum);
- //
- if (stopevent & SE_HITGROUNDAREA)
- {
- if (DotProduct(plane->normal, up) > phys_maxsteepness)
- {
- VectorCopy(org, start);
- start[2] += 0.5;
- if (AAS_PointAreaNum(start) == stopareanum)
- {
- VectorCopy(start, move->endpos);
- move->endarea = stopareanum;
- VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
- move->trace = trace;
- move->stopevent = SE_HITGROUNDAREA;
- move->presencetype = presencetype;
- move->endcontents = 0;
- move->time = n * frametime;
- move->frames = n;
- return qtrue;
- } //end if
- } //end if
- } //end if
- //assume there's no step
- step = qfalse;
- //if it is a vertical plane and the bot didn't jump recently
- if (plane->normal[2] == 0 && (jump_frame < 0 || n - jump_frame > 2))
- {
- //check for a step
- VectorMA(org, -0.25, plane->normal, start);
- VectorCopy(start, stepend);
- start[2] += phys_maxstep;
- steptrace = AAS_TraceClientBBox(start, stepend, presencetype, entnum);
- //
- if (!steptrace.startsolid)
- {
- plane2 = AAS_PlaneFromNum(steptrace.planenum);
- if (DotProduct(plane2->normal, up) > phys_maxsteepness)
- {
- VectorSubtract(end, steptrace.endpos, left_test_vel);
- left_test_vel[2] = 0;
- frame_test_vel[2] = 0;
-//#ifdef AAS_MOVE_DEBUG
- if (visualize)
- {
- if (steptrace.endpos[2] - org[2] > 0.125)
- {
- VectorCopy(org, start);
- start[2] = steptrace.endpos[2];
- AAS_DebugLine(org, start, LINECOLOR_BLUE);
- } //end if
- } //end if
-//#endif //AAS_MOVE_DEBUG
- org[2] = steptrace.endpos[2];
- step = qtrue;
- } //end if
- } //end if
- } //end if
- //
- if (!step)
- {
- //velocity left to test for this frame is the projection
- //of the current test velocity into the hit plane
- VectorMA(left_test_vel, -DotProduct(left_test_vel, plane->normal),
- plane->normal, left_test_vel);
- //store the old velocity for landing check
- VectorCopy(frame_test_vel, old_frame_test_vel);
- //test velocity for the next frame is the projection
- //of the velocity of the current frame into the hit plane
- VectorMA(frame_test_vel, -DotProduct(frame_test_vel, plane->normal),
- plane->normal, frame_test_vel);
- //check for a landing on an almost horizontal floor
- if (DotProduct(plane->normal, up) > phys_maxsteepness)
- {
- onground = qtrue;
- } //end if
- if (stopevent & SE_HITGROUNDDAMAGE)
- {
- delta = 0;
- if (old_frame_test_vel[2] < 0 &&
- frame_test_vel[2] > old_frame_test_vel[2] &&
- !onground)
- {
- delta = old_frame_test_vel[2];
- } //end if
- else if (onground)
- {
- delta = frame_test_vel[2] - old_frame_test_vel[2];
- } //end else
- if (delta)
- {
- delta = delta * 10;
- delta = delta * delta * 0.0001;
- if (swimming) delta = 0;
- // never take falling damage if completely underwater
- /*
- if (ent->waterlevel == 3) return;
- if (ent->waterlevel == 2) delta *= 0.25;
- if (ent->waterlevel == 1) delta *= 0.5;
- */
- if (delta > 40)
- {
- VectorCopy(org, move->endpos);
- move->endarea = AAS_PointAreaNum(org);
- VectorCopy(frame_test_vel, move->velocity);
- move->trace = trace;
- move->stopevent = SE_HITGROUNDDAMAGE;
- move->presencetype = presencetype;
- move->endcontents = 0;
- move->time = n * frametime;
- move->frames = n;
- return qtrue;
- } //end if
- } //end if
- } //end if
- } //end if
- } //end if
- //extra check to prevent endless loop
- if (++j > 20) return qfalse;
- //while there is a plane hit
- } while(trace.fraction < 1.0);
- //if going down
- if (frame_test_vel[2] <= 10)
- {
- //check for a liquid at the feet of the bot
- VectorCopy(org, feet);
- feet[2] -= 22;
- pc = AAS_PointContents(feet);
- //get event from pc
- event = SE_NONE;
- if (pc & CONTENTS_LAVA) event |= SE_ENTERLAVA;
- if (pc & CONTENTS_SLIME) event |= SE_ENTERSLIME;
- if (pc & CONTENTS_WATER) event |= SE_ENTERWATER;
- //
- areanum = AAS_PointAreaNum(org);
- if (aasworld.areasettings[areanum].contents & AREACONTENTS_LAVA)
- event |= SE_ENTERLAVA;
- if (aasworld.areasettings[areanum].contents & AREACONTENTS_SLIME)
- event |= SE_ENTERSLIME;
- if (aasworld.areasettings[areanum].contents & AREACONTENTS_WATER)
- event |= SE_ENTERWATER;
- //if in lava or slime
- if (event & stopevent)
- {
- VectorCopy(org, move->endpos);
- move->endarea = areanum;
- VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
- move->stopevent = event & stopevent;
- move->presencetype = presencetype;
- move->endcontents = pc;
- move->time = n * frametime;
- move->frames = n;
- return qtrue;
- } //end if
- } //end if
- //
- onground = AAS_OnGround(org, presencetype, entnum);
- //if onground and on the ground for at least one whole frame
- if (onground)
- {
- if (stopevent & SE_HITGROUND)
- {
- VectorCopy(org, move->endpos);
- move->endarea = AAS_PointAreaNum(org);
- VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
- move->trace = trace;
- move->stopevent = SE_HITGROUND;
- move->presencetype = presencetype;
- move->endcontents = 0;
- move->time = n * frametime;
- move->frames = n;
- return qtrue;
- } //end if
- } //end if
- else if (stopevent & SE_LEAVEGROUND)
- {
- VectorCopy(org, move->endpos);
- move->endarea = AAS_PointAreaNum(org);
- VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
- move->trace = trace;
- move->stopevent = SE_LEAVEGROUND;
- move->presencetype = presencetype;
- move->endcontents = 0;
- move->time = n * frametime;
- move->frames = n;
- return qtrue;
- } //end else if
- else if (stopevent & SE_GAP)
- {
- aas_trace_t gaptrace;
- VectorCopy(org, start);
- VectorCopy(start, end);
- end[2] -= 48 + aassettings.phys_maxbarrier;
- gaptrace = AAS_TraceClientBBox(start, end, PRESENCE_CROUCH, -1);
- //if solid is found the bot cannot walk any further and will not fall into a gap
- if (!gaptrace.startsolid)
- {
- //if it is a gap (lower than one step height)
- if (gaptrace.endpos[2] < org[2] - aassettings.phys_maxstep - 1)
- {
- if (!(AAS_PointContents(end) & CONTENTS_WATER))
- {
- VectorCopy(lastorg, move->endpos);
- move->endarea = AAS_PointAreaNum(lastorg);
- VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
- move->trace = trace;
- move->stopevent = SE_GAP;
- move->presencetype = presencetype;
- move->endcontents = 0;
- move->time = n * frametime;
- move->frames = n;
- return qtrue;
- } //end if
- } //end if
- } //end if
- } //end else if
- } //end for
- //
- VectorCopy(org, move->endpos);
- move->endarea = AAS_PointAreaNum(org);
- VectorScale(frame_test_vel, 1/frametime, move->velocity);
- move->stopevent = SE_NONE;
- move->presencetype = presencetype;
- move->endcontents = 0;
- move->time = n * frametime;
- move->frames = n;
- //
- return qtrue;
-} //end of the function AAS_ClientMovementPrediction
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-int AAS_PredictClientMovement(struct aas_clientmove_s *move,
- int entnum, vec3_t origin,
- int presencetype, int onground,
- vec3_t velocity, vec3_t cmdmove,
- int cmdframes,
- int maxframes, float frametime,
- int stopevent, int stopareanum, int visualize)
- vec3_t mins, maxs;
- return AAS_ClientMovementPrediction(move, entnum, origin, presencetype, onground,
- velocity, cmdmove, cmdframes, maxframes,
- frametime, stopevent, stopareanum,
- mins, maxs, visualize);
-} //end of the function AAS_PredictClientMovement
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-int AAS_ClientMovementHitBBox(struct aas_clientmove_s *move,
- int entnum, vec3_t origin,
- int presencetype, int onground,
- vec3_t velocity, vec3_t cmdmove,
- int cmdframes,
- int maxframes, float frametime,
- vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, int visualize)
- return AAS_ClientMovementPrediction(move, entnum, origin, presencetype, onground,
- velocity, cmdmove, cmdframes, maxframes,
- frametime, SE_HITBOUNDINGBOX, 0,
- mins, maxs, visualize);
-} //end of the function AAS_ClientMovementHitBBox
-// Parameter: -
-// Returns: -
-// Changes Globals: -
-void AAS_TestMovementPrediction(int entnum, vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir)
- vec3_t velocity, cmdmove;
- aas_clientmove_t move;
- VectorClear(velocity);
- if (!AAS_Swimming(origin)) dir[2] = 0;
- VectorNormalize(dir);
- VectorScale(dir, 400, cmdmove);
- cmdmove[2] = 224;
- AAS_ClearShownDebugLines();
- AAS_PredictClientMovement(&move, entnum, origin, PRESENCE_NORMAL, qtrue,
- velocity, cmdmove, 13, 13, 0.1f, SE_HITGROUND, 0, qtrue);//SE_LEAVEGROUND);
- if (move.stopevent & SE_LEAVEGROUND)
- {
- botimport.Print(PRT_MESSAGE, "leave ground\n");
- } //end if
-} //end of the function TestMovementPrediction
-// calculates the horizontal velocity needed to perform a jump from start
-// to end
-// Parameter: zvel : z velocity for jump
-// start : start position of jump
-// end : end position of jump
-// *speed : returned speed for jump
-// Returns: qfalse if too high or too far from start to end
-// Changes Globals: -
-int AAS_HorizontalVelocityForJump(float zvel, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, float *velocity)
- float phys_gravity, phys_maxvelocity;
- float maxjump, height2fall, t, top;
- vec3_t dir;
- phys_gravity = aassettings.phys_gravity;
- phys_maxvelocity = aassettings.phys_maxvelocity;
- //maximum height a player can jump with the given initial z velocity
- maxjump = 0.5 * phys_gravity * (zvel / phys_gravity) * (zvel / phys_gravity);
- //top of the parabolic jump
- top = start[2] + maxjump;
- //height the bot will fall from the top
- height2fall = top - end[2];
- //if the goal is to high to jump to
- if (height2fall < 0)
- {
- *velocity = phys_maxvelocity;
- return 0;
- } //end if
- //time a player takes to fall the height
- t = sqrt(height2fall / (0.5 * phys_gravity));
- //direction from start to end
- VectorSubtract(end, start, dir);
- //
- if ( (t + zvel / phys_gravity) == 0.0f ) {
- *velocity = phys_maxvelocity;
- return 0;
- }
- //calculate horizontal speed
- *velocity = sqrt(dir[0]*dir[0] + dir[1]*dir[1]) / (t + zvel / phys_gravity);
- //the horizontal speed must be lower than the max speed
- if (*velocity > phys_maxvelocity)
- {
- *velocity = phys_maxvelocity;
- return 0;
- } //end if
- return 1;
-} //end of the function AAS_HorizontalVelocityForJump