path: root/src/cgame/cg_particles.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cgame/cg_particles.c')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 362 deletions
diff --git a/src/cgame/cg_particles.c b/src/cgame/cg_particles.c
index b6a52d90..a6ef99e5 100644
--- a/src/cgame/cg_particles.c
+++ b/src/cgame/cg_particles.c
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ static int numBaseParticles = 0;
static particleSystem_t particleSystems[ MAX_PARTICLE_SYSTEMS ];
static particleEjector_t particleEjectors[ MAX_PARTICLE_EJECTORS ];
static particle_t particles[ MAX_PARTICLES ];
-static particle_t sortParticles[ MAX_PARTICLES ];
+static particle_t *sortedParticles[ MAX_PARTICLES ];
+static particle_t *radixBuffer[ MAX_PARTICLES ];
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ CG_DestroyParticle
Destroy an individual particle
-static void CG_DestroyParticle( particle_t *p )
+static void CG_DestroyParticle( particle_t *p, vec3_t impactNormal )
//this particle has an onDeath particle system attached
if( p->class->onDeathSystemName[ 0 ] != '\0' )
@@ -96,13 +97,19 @@ static void CG_DestroyParticle( particle_t *p )
if( CG_IsParticleSystemValid( &ps ) )
- CG_SetParticleSystemOrigin( ps, p->origin );
- CG_SetParticleSystemNormal( ps, p->velocity );
- CG_AttachParticleSystemToOrigin( ps );
+ if( impactNormal )
+ CG_SetParticleSystemNormal( ps, impactNormal );
+ CG_SetAttachmentPoint( &ps->attachment, p->origin );
+ CG_AttachToPoint( &ps->attachment );
p->valid = qfalse;
+ //this gives other systems a couple of
+ //frames to realise the particle is gone
+ p->frameWhenInvalidated = cg.clientFrame;
@@ -118,14 +125,14 @@ static particle_t *CG_SpawnNewParticle( baseParticle_t *bp, particleEjector_t *p
particle_t *p = NULL;
particleEjector_t *pe = parent;
particleSystem_t *ps = parent->parent;
- vec3_t forward;
- centity_t *cent = &cg_entities[ ps->attachment.centNum ];
+ vec3_t attachmentPoint, attachmentVelocity;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++ )
p = &particles[ i ];
- if( !p->valid )
+ //FIXME: the + 1 may be unnecessary
+ if( !p->valid && cg.clientFrame > p->frameWhenInvalidated + 1 )
memset( p, 0, sizeof( particle_t ) );
@@ -148,59 +155,10 @@ static particle_t *CG_SpawnNewParticle( baseParticle_t *bp, particleEjector_t *p
p->rotation.initial = CG_RandomiseValue( bp->rotation.initial, bp->rotation.initialRandFrac );
p-> = CG_RandomiseValue( bp->, bp->rotation.finalRandFrac );
- switch( ps->attachType )
- {
- case PSA_STATIC:
- if( !ps->attachment.staticValid )
- return NULL;
- VectorCopy( ps->attachment.origin, p->origin );
- break;
- case PSA_TAG:
- if( !ps->attachment.tagValid )
- return NULL;
- AxisCopy( axisDefault, ps-> );
- CG_PositionRotatedEntityOnTag( &ps->, &ps->attachment.parent,
- ps->attachment.model, ps->attachment.tagName );
- VectorCopy( ps->, p->origin );
- break;
- if( !ps->attachment.centValid )
- return NULL;
- VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, p->origin );
- break;
- if( !ps->attachment.particleValid )
- return NULL;
- //find a particle which has ps as a child
- for( j = 0; j < MAX_PARTICLES; j++ )
- {
- particle_t *parentParticle = &particles[ j ];
- if( parentParticle->valid && parentParticle->childSystem == ps )
- {
- VectorCopy( parentParticle->origin, p->origin );
- break;
- }
- }
- if( j == MAX_PARTICLES )
- {
- //didn't find the parent, so it's probably died already
- //prevent further (expensive) attempts at particle creation
- ps->attachment.particleValid = qfalse;
- return NULL;
- }
- break;
- }
+ if( !CG_AttachmentPoint( &ps->attachment, attachmentPoint ) )
+ return NULL;
+ VectorCopy( attachmentPoint, p->origin );
VectorAdd( p->origin, bp->displacement, p->origin );
for( j = 0; j <= 2; j++ )
@@ -209,52 +167,32 @@ static particle_t *CG_SpawnNewParticle( baseParticle_t *bp, particleEjector_t *p
switch( bp->velMoveType )
if( bp->velMoveValues.dirType == PMD_POINT )
VectorSubtract( bp->velMoveValues.point, p->origin, p->velocity );
else if( bp->velMoveValues.dirType == PMD_LINEAR )
VectorCopy( bp->velMoveValues.dir, p->velocity );
case PMT_TAG:
- if( !ps->attachment.tagValid )
- return NULL;
- if( bp->velMoveValues.dirType == PMD_POINT )
- VectorSubtract( ps->, p->origin, p->velocity );
- else if( bp->velMoveValues.dirType == PMD_LINEAR )
- VectorCopy( ps->[ 0 ], p->velocity );
- break;
- if( !ps->attachment.centValid )
- return NULL;
if( bp->velMoveValues.dirType == PMD_POINT )
- VectorSubtract( cent->lerpOrigin, p->origin, p->velocity );
+ VectorSubtract( attachmentPoint, p->origin, p->velocity );
else if( bp->velMoveValues.dirType == PMD_LINEAR )
- AngleVectors( cent->lerpAngles, forward, NULL, NULL );
- VectorCopy( forward, p->velocity );
+ if( !CG_AttachmentDir( &ps->attachment, p->velocity ) )
+ return NULL;
- if( !ps->attachment.normalValid )
+ if( !ps->normalValid )
return NULL;
- VectorCopy( ps->attachment.normal, p->velocity );
+ VectorCopy( ps->normal, p->velocity );
//normal displacement
VectorNormalize( p->velocity );
VectorMA( p->origin, bp->normalDisplacement, p->velocity, p->origin );
@@ -264,11 +202,11 @@ static particle_t *CG_SpawnNewParticle( baseParticle_t *bp, particleEjector_t *p
CG_RandomiseValue( bp->velMoveValues.mag, bp->velMoveValues.magRandFrac ),
p->velocity );
- if( ps->attachment.centValid )
+ if( CG_AttachmentVelocity( &ps->attachment, attachmentVelocity ) )
VectorMA( p->velocity,
- CG_RandomiseValue( bp->velMoveValues.parentVelFrac, bp->velMoveValues.parentVelFracRandFrac ),
- cent->currentState.pos.trDelta, p->velocity );
+ CG_RandomiseValue( bp->velMoveValues.parentVelFrac,
+ bp->velMoveValues.parentVelFracRandFrac ), attachmentVelocity, p->velocity );
p->lastEvalTime = cg.time;
@@ -278,15 +216,12 @@ static particle_t *CG_SpawnNewParticle( baseParticle_t *bp, particleEjector_t *p
//this particle has a child particle system attached
if( bp->childSystemName[ 0 ] != '\0' )
- particleSystem_t *ps;
- ps = CG_SpawnNewParticleSystem( bp->childSystemHandle );
+ particleSystem_t *ps = CG_SpawnNewParticleSystem( bp->childSystemHandle );
if( CG_IsParticleSystemValid( &ps ) )
- CG_SetParticleSystemParentParticle( ps, p );
- CG_SetParticleSystemNormal( ps, p->velocity );
- CG_AttachParticleSystemToParticle( ps );
+ CG_SetAttachmentParticle( &ps->attachment, p );
+ CG_AttachToParticle( &ps->attachment );
@@ -324,7 +259,7 @@ static void CG_SpawnNewParticles( void )
if( pe->valid )
//a non attached particle system can't make particles
- if( !ps->attached )
+ if( !CG_Attached( &ps->attachment ) )
bpe = particleEjectors[ i ].class;
@@ -528,60 +463,13 @@ qhandle_t CG_RegisterParticleSystem( char *name )
- CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: failed to load particle system %s\n", name );
+ CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: failed to register particle system %s\n", name );
return 0;
-atof with an allowance for negative values
-static float atof_neg( char *token, qboolean allowNegative )
- float value;
- value = atof( token );
- if( !allowNegative && value < 0.0f )
- {
- CG_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: negative value %f is now allowed here, "
- "replaced with 1.0f\n", value );
- value = 1.0f;
- }
- return value;
-atoi with an allowance for negative values
-static int atoi_neg( char *token, qboolean allowNegative )
- int value;
- value = atoi( token );
- if( !allowNegative && value < 0 )
- {
- CG_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: negative value %d is now allowed here, "
- "replaced with 1\n", value );
- value = 1;
- }
- return value;
Parse a value and its random variance
@@ -1275,7 +1163,8 @@ static qboolean CG_ParseParticleSystem( baseParticleSystem_t *bps, char **text_p
else if( numBaseParticleEjectors == MAX_BASEPARTICLE_EJECTORS )
- CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: maximum number of particle ejectors (%d) reached\n", MAX_BASEPARTICLE_EJECTORS );
+ CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: maximum number of particle ejectors (%d) reached\n",
return qfalse;
@@ -1347,11 +1236,8 @@ static qboolean CG_ParseParticleFile( const char *fileName )
token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
- if( !token )
- break;
if( !Q_stricmp( token, "" ) )
- return qfalse;
+ break;
if( !Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) )
@@ -1380,7 +1266,8 @@ static qboolean CG_ParseParticleFile( const char *fileName )
if( numBaseParticleSystems == MAX_BASEPARTICLE_SYSTEMS )
- CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: maximum number of particle systems (%d) reached\n", MAX_BASEPARTICLE_EJECTORS );
+ CG_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: maximum number of particle systems (%d) reached\n",
return qfalse;
@@ -1518,167 +1405,9 @@ void CG_LoadParticleSystems( void )
-Attach a particle system to a centity_t
-void CG_AttachParticleSystemToCent( particleSystem_t *ps )
- if( ps == NULL || !ps->valid )
- {
- CG_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: tried to modify a NULL particle system\n" );
- return;
- }
- ps->attachType = PSA_CENT_ORIGIN;
- ps->attached = qtrue;
-Set a particle system attachment means
-void CG_SetParticleSystemCent( particleSystem_t *ps, centity_t *cent )
- if( ps == NULL || !ps->valid )
- {
- CG_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: tried to modify a NULL particle system\n" );
- return;
- }
- ps->attachment.centValid = qtrue;
- ps->attachment.centNum = cent->currentState.number;
-Attach a particle system to a model tag
-void CG_AttachParticleSystemToTag( particleSystem_t *ps )
- if( ps == NULL || !ps->valid )
- {
- CG_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: tried to modify a NULL particle system\n" );
- return;
- }
- ps->attachType = PSA_TAG;
- ps->attached = qtrue;
-Set a particle system attachment means
-void CG_SetParticleSystemTag( particleSystem_t *ps, refEntity_t parent,
- qhandle_t model, char *tagName )
- if( ps == NULL || !ps->valid )
- {
- CG_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: tried to modify a NULL particle system\n" );
- return;
- }
- ps->attachment.tagValid = qtrue;
- ps->attachment.parent = parent;
- ps->attachment.model = model;
- strncpy( ps->attachment.tagName, tagName, MAX_STRING_CHARS );
-Attach a particle system to a point in space
-void CG_AttachParticleSystemToOrigin( particleSystem_t *ps )
- if( ps == NULL || !ps->valid )
- {
- CG_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: tried to modify a NULL particle system\n" );
- return;
- }
- ps->attachType = PSA_STATIC;
- ps->attached = qtrue;
-Set a particle system attachment means
-void CG_SetParticleSystemOrigin( particleSystem_t *ps, vec3_t origin )
- if( ps == NULL || !ps->valid )
- {
- CG_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: tried to modify a NULL particle system\n" );
- return;
- }
- ps->attachment.staticValid = qtrue;
- VectorCopy( origin, ps->attachment.origin );
-Attach a particle system to a particle
-void CG_AttachParticleSystemToParticle( particleSystem_t *ps )
- if( ps == NULL || !ps->valid )
- {
- CG_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: tried to modify a NULL particle system\n" );
- return;
- }
- ps->attachType = PSA_PARTICLE;
- ps->attached = qtrue;
-Set a particle system attachment means
-void CG_SetParticleSystemParentParticle( particleSystem_t *ps, particle_t *p )
- if( ps == NULL || !ps->valid )
- {
- CG_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: tried to modify a NULL particle system\n" );
- return;
- }
- ps->attachment.particleValid = qtrue;
- p->childSystem = ps;
-Set a particle system attachment means
void CG_SetParticleSystemNormal( particleSystem_t *ps, vec3_t normal )
@@ -1689,9 +1418,9 @@ void CG_SetParticleSystemNormal( particleSystem_t *ps, vec3_t normal )
- ps->attachment.normalValid = qtrue;
- VectorCopy( normal, ps->attachment.normal );
- VectorNormalize( ps->attachment.normal );
+ ps->normalValid = qtrue;
+ VectorCopy( normal, ps->normal );
+ VectorNormalize( ps->normal );
@@ -1807,6 +1536,7 @@ static void CG_GarbageCollectParticleSystems( void )
int i, j, count;
particleSystem_t *ps;
particleEjector_t *pe;
+ int centNum;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLE_SYSTEMS; i++ )
@@ -1830,9 +1560,10 @@ static void CG_GarbageCollectParticleSystems( void )
//check systems where the parent cent has left the PVS
//( local player entity is always valid )
- if( ps->attachment.centValid && ps->attachment.centNum != cg.snap->ps.clientNum )
+ if( ( centNum = CG_AttachmentCentNum( &ps->attachment ) ) >= 0 &&
+ centNum != cg.snap->ps.clientNum )
- if( !cg_entities[ ps->attachment.centNum ].valid )
+ if( !cg_entities[ centNum ].valid )
ps->lazyRemove = qtrue;
@@ -1874,16 +1605,14 @@ static void CG_EvaluateParticlePhysics( particle_t *p )
particleSystem_t *ps = p->parent->parent;
baseParticle_t *bp = p->class;
- vec3_t acceleration, forward, newOrigin;
+ vec3_t acceleration, newOrigin;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
float deltaTime, bounce, radius, dot;
trace_t trace;
- centity_t *cent;
switch( bp->accMoveType )
if( bp->accMoveValues.dirType == PMD_POINT )
VectorSubtract( bp->accMoveValues.point, p->origin, acceleration );
else if( bp->accMoveValues.dirType == PMD_LINEAR )
@@ -1892,40 +1621,28 @@ static void CG_EvaluateParticlePhysics( particle_t *p )
case PMT_TAG:
- if( !ps->attachment.tagValid )
- return;
- if( bp->accMoveValues.dirType == PMD_POINT )
- VectorSubtract( ps->, p->origin, acceleration );
- else if( bp->accMoveValues.dirType == PMD_LINEAR )
- VectorCopy( ps->[ 0 ], acceleration );
- break;
+ if( bp->accMoveValues.dirType == PMD_POINT )
+ {
+ vec3_t point;
- if( !ps->attachment.centValid )
- return;
- cent = &cg_entities[ ps->attachment.centNum ];
+ if( !CG_AttachmentPoint( &ps->attachment, point ) )
+ return;
- if( bp->accMoveValues.dirType == PMD_POINT )
- VectorSubtract( cent->lerpOrigin, p->origin, acceleration );
+ VectorSubtract( point, p->origin, acceleration );
+ }
else if( bp->accMoveValues.dirType == PMD_LINEAR )
- AngleVectors( cent->lerpAngles, forward, NULL, NULL );
- VectorCopy( forward, acceleration );
+ if( !CG_AttachmentDir( &ps->attachment, acceleration ) )
+ return;
- if( !ps->attachment.normalValid )
+ if( !ps->normalValid )
- VectorCopy( ps->attachment.normal, acceleration );
+ VectorCopy( ps->normal, acceleration );
@@ -1974,10 +1691,8 @@ static void CG_EvaluateParticlePhysics( particle_t *p )
VectorMA( p->origin, deltaTime, p->velocity, newOrigin );
p->lastEvalTime = cg.time;
- if( !ps->attachment.centValid )
- CG_Trace( &trace, p->origin, mins, maxs, newOrigin, -1, CONTENTS_SOLID );
- else
- CG_Trace( &trace, p->origin, mins, maxs, newOrigin, ps->attachment.centNum, CONTENTS_SOLID );
+ CG_Trace( &trace, p->origin, mins, maxs, newOrigin,
+ CG_AttachmentCentNum( &ps->attachment ), CONTENTS_SOLID );
//not hit anything or not a collider
if( trace.fraction == 1.0f || bounce == 0.0f )
@@ -1988,9 +1703,14 @@ static void CG_EvaluateParticlePhysics( particle_t *p )
//remove particles that get into a CONTENTS_NODROP brush
if( ( trap_CM_PointContents( trace.endpos, 0 ) & CONTENTS_NODROP ) ||
- ( bp->cullOnStartSolid && trace.startsolid ) || bp->bounceCull )
+ ( bp->cullOnStartSolid && trace.startsolid ) )
- CG_DestroyParticle( p );
+ CG_DestroyParticle( p, NULL );
+ return;
+ }
+ else if( bp->bounceCull )
+ {
+ CG_DestroyParticle( p, trace.plane.normal );
@@ -2011,7 +1731,7 @@ static void CG_EvaluateParticlePhysics( particle_t *p )
-static void CG_Radix( int bits, int size, particle_t *source, particle_t *dest )
+static void CG_Radix( int bits, int size, particle_t **source, particle_t **dest )
int count[ 256 ];
int index[ 256 ];
@@ -2020,7 +1740,7 @@ static void CG_Radix( int bits, int size, particle_t *source, particle_t *dest )
memset( count, 0, sizeof( count ) );
for( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
- count[ GETKEY( source[ i ].sortKey, bits ) ]++;
+ count[ GETKEY( source[ i ]->sortKey, bits ) ]++;
index[ 0 ] = 0;
@@ -2028,7 +1748,7 @@ static void CG_Radix( int bits, int size, particle_t *source, particle_t *dest )
index[ i ] = index[ i - 1 ] + count[ i - 1 ];
for( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
- dest[ index[ GETKEY( source[ i ].sortKey, bits ) ]++ ] = source[ i ];
+ dest[ index[ GETKEY( source[ i ]->sortKey, bits ) ]++ ] = source[ i ];
@@ -2038,7 +1758,7 @@ CG_RadixSort
Radix sort with 4 byte size buckets
-static void CG_RadixSort( particle_t *source, particle_t *temp, int size )
+static void CG_RadixSort( particle_t **source, particle_t **temp, int size )
CG_Radix( 0, size, source, temp );
CG_Radix( 8, size, temp, source );
@@ -2059,19 +1779,22 @@ static void CG_CompactAndSortParticles( void )
int numParticles;
vec3_t delta;
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++ )
+ sortedParticles[ i ] = &particles[ i ];
for( i = MAX_PARTICLES - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
- if( particles[ i ].valid )
+ if( sortedParticles[ i ]->valid )
- while( particles[ j ].valid )
+ //find the first hole
+ while( sortedParticles[ j ]->valid )
//no more holes
if( j >= i )
- particles[ j ] = particles[ i ];
- memset( &particles[ i ], 0, sizeof( particles[ 0 ] ) );
+ sortedParticles[ j ] = sortedParticles[ i ];
@@ -2080,18 +1803,19 @@ static void CG_CompactAndSortParticles( void )
//set sort keys
for( i = 0; i < numParticles; i++ )
- VectorSubtract( particles[ i ].origin, cg.refdef.vieworg, delta );
- particles[ i ].sortKey = (int)DotProduct( delta, delta );
+ VectorSubtract( sortedParticles[ i ]->origin, cg.refdef.vieworg, delta );
+ sortedParticles[ i ]->sortKey = (int)DotProduct( delta, delta );
- CG_RadixSort( particles, sortParticles, numParticles );
+ CG_RadixSort( sortedParticles, radixBuffer, numParticles );
+ //FIXME: wtf?
//reverse order of particles array
for( i = 0; i < numParticles; i++ )
- sortParticles[ i ] = particles[ numParticles - i - 1 ];
+ radixBuffer[ i ] = sortedParticles[ numParticles - i - 1 ];
for( i = 0; i < numParticles; i++ )
- particles[ i ] = sortParticles[ i ];
+ sortedParticles[ i ] = radixBuffer[ i ];
@@ -2198,7 +1922,7 @@ void CG_AddParticles( void )
for( i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++ )
- p = &particles[ i ];
+ p = sortedParticles[ i ];
if( p->valid )
@@ -2209,7 +1933,7 @@ void CG_AddParticles( void )
CG_RenderParticle( p );
- CG_DestroyParticle( p );
+ CG_DestroyParticle( p, NULL );
@@ -2258,11 +1982,63 @@ void CG_ParticleSystemEntity( centity_t *cent )
if( CG_IsParticleSystemValid( &cent->entityPS ) )
- CG_SetParticleSystemOrigin( cent->entityPS, cent->lerpOrigin );
- CG_SetParticleSystemCent( cent->entityPS, cent );
- CG_AttachParticleSystemToOrigin( cent->entityPS );
+ CG_SetAttachmentPoint( &cent->entityPS->attachment, cent->lerpOrigin );
+ CG_SetAttachmentCent( &cent->entityPS->attachment, cent );
+ CG_AttachToPoint( &cent->entityPS->attachment );
cent->entityPSMissing = qtrue;
+static particleSystem_t *testPS;
+static qhandle_t testPSHandle;
+Destroy the test a particle system
+void CG_DestroyTestPS_f( void )
+ if( CG_IsParticleSystemValid( &testPS ) )
+ CG_DestroyParticleSystem( &testPS );
+Test a particle system
+void CG_TestPS_f( void )
+ vec3_t origin;
+ vec3_t up = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
+ char psName[ MAX_QPATH ];
+ if( trap_Argc( ) < 2 )
+ return;
+ Q_strncpyz( psName, CG_Argv( 1 ), MAX_QPATH );
+ testPSHandle = CG_RegisterParticleSystem( psName );
+ if( testPSHandle )
+ {
+ CG_DestroyTestPS_f( );
+ testPS = CG_SpawnNewParticleSystem( testPSHandle );
+ VectorMA( cg.refdef.vieworg, 100, cg.refdef.viewaxis[ 0 ], origin );
+ if( CG_IsParticleSystemValid( &testPS ) )
+ {
+ CG_SetAttachmentPoint( &testPS->attachment, origin );
+ CG_SetParticleSystemNormal( testPS, up );
+ CG_AttachToPoint( &testPS->attachment );
+ }
+ }