box restrictions
* Buying a weapon with a number greater than 15 while having a Construction Kit will not give you zero ammo
* Human viewheight shrunk to prevent flamer and new Lucifer Cannon shots from exploding inside the ceiling because on account of the muzzle box -- better aligned with the model now too. This should prevent the flamer from burning people in vents.
* Some BG functions made more efficient; BG_GetPlayerWeapon should be used to get a Human's weapon because it may be switching
* Adv. Dragoon barbs regenerate 10 seconds after being shot, not at regular intervals
* Build weapons should no longer need to be in a block in bg_public.h
* Tremulous doesn't use multiple weapons but the G_GiveClientMaxAmmo function will properly restore regular ammunition when a energy weapon is selected
* MN_H_NOENERGYAMMOHERE obsolete; Changed some text to acknowledge that energy ammo is now available at armoury
* Particles can set 'physicsRadius #' to use a fixed bounding box for collisions
* Various HUD elements will immediately update to the new weapon when switching weapons
Flamer changes:
* Bounding box shrunk slightly
* Client-side particles now used a static bounding box that matches the server projectile