path: root/src/game
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authorPaweł Redman <>2020-04-01 00:02:13 +0200
committerPaweł Redman <>2020-04-01 00:02:13 +0200
commit6309be1a9c63e1ad9eb2c48ac52be173f9183dbb (patch)
tree3fffd0397f6de0648346e20b7648aab6dfd94fb3 /src/game
parentfc1917ad290a2c7e672302d3372b75fbbcfaf3df (diff)
Building anarchy
Diffstat (limited to 'src/game')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 220 deletions
diff --git a/src/game/g_buildable.c b/src/game/g_buildable.c
index 9fd6f1e..d5c6ad6 100644
--- a/src/game/g_buildable.c
+++ b/src/game/g_buildable.c
@@ -3362,231 +3362,15 @@ Checks to see if a buildable can be built
itemBuildError_t G_CanBuild( gentity_t *ent, buildable_t buildable, int distance, vec3_t origin )
vec3_t angles;
- vec3_t entity_origin, normal;
- vec3_t mins, maxs, nbmins, nbmaxs;
- vec3_t nbVect;
- trace_t tr1, tr2, tr3;
- int i;
- itemBuildError_t reason = IBE_NONE;
- gentity_t *tempent;
- float minNormal;
- qboolean invert;
- int contents;
+ vec3_t entity_origin;
+ vec3_t mins, maxs;
+ trace_t tr1;
playerState_t *ps = &ent->client->ps;
- gentity_t *tmp;
- itemBuildError_t tempReason;
- // Stop all buildables from interacting with traces
- G_SetBuildableLinkState( qfalse );
BG_FindBBoxForBuildable( buildable, mins, maxs );
BG_PositionBuildableRelativeToPlayer( ps, mins, maxs, trap_Trace, entity_origin, angles, &tr1 );
- trap_Trace( &tr2, entity_origin, mins, maxs, entity_origin, ent->s.number, MASK_PLAYERSOLID );
- trap_Trace( &tr3, ps->origin, NULL, NULL, entity_origin, ent->s.number, MASK_PLAYERSOLID );
VectorCopy( entity_origin, origin );
- VectorCopy( tr1.plane.normal, normal );
- minNormal = BG_FindMinNormalForBuildable( buildable );
- invert = BG_FindInvertNormalForBuildable( buildable );
- //can we build at this angle?
- if( !( normal[ 2 ] >= minNormal || ( invert && normal[ 2 ] <= -minNormal ) ) )
- reason = IBE_NORMAL;
- if( tr1.entityNum != ENTITYNUM_WORLD )
- reason = IBE_NORMAL;
- contents = trap_PointContents( entity_origin, -1 );
- //check if we are near a nobuild marker, if so, can't build here...
- for( i = 0; i < MAX_GENTITIES; i++ )
- {
- tmp = &g_entities[ i ];
- if( !tmp->noBuild.isNB )
- continue;
- nbVect[0] = tmp->noBuild.Area;
- nbVect[1] = tmp->noBuild.Area;
- nbVect[2] = tmp->noBuild.Height;
- VectorSubtract( origin, nbVect, nbmins );
- VectorAdd( origin, nbVect, nbmaxs );
- if( trap_EntityContact( nbmins, nbmaxs, tmp ) )
- reason = IBE_PERMISSION;
- }
- if( ent->client->ps.stats[ STAT_PTEAM ] == PTE_ALIENS )
- {
- //alien criteria
- if( buildable == BA_A_HOVEL )
- {
- vec3_t builderMins, builderMaxs;
- //this assumes the adv builder is the biggest thing that'll use the hovel
- BG_FindBBoxForClass( PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0_UPG, builderMins, builderMaxs, NULL, NULL, NULL );
- if( APropHovel_Blocked( origin, angles, normal, ent ) )
- reason = IBE_HOVELEXIT;
- }
- //check there is creep near by for building on
- if( BG_FindCreepTestForBuildable( buildable ) )
- {
- if( !G_IsCreepHere( entity_origin ) )
- reason = IBE_NOCREEP;
- }
- //check permission to build here
- if( tr1.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOALIENBUILD || tr1.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOBUILD ||
- reason = IBE_PERMISSION;
- //look for an Overmind
- for ( i = 1, tempent = g_entities + i; i < level.num_entities; i++, tempent++ )
- {
- if( tempent->s.eType != ET_BUILDABLE )
- continue;
- if( tempent->s.modelindex == BA_A_OVERMIND && tempent->spawned &&
- tempent->health > 0 )
- break;
- }
- //if none found...
- if( i >= level.num_entities && buildable != BA_A_OVERMIND )
- reason = IBE_NOOVERMIND;
- //can we only have one of these?
- if( BG_FindUniqueTestForBuildable( buildable ) )
- {
- for ( i = 1, tempent = g_entities + i; i < level.num_entities; i++, tempent++ )
- {
- if( tempent->s.eType != ET_BUILDABLE )
- continue;
- if( tempent->s.modelindex == buildable && !tempent->deconstruct )
- {
- switch( buildable )
- {
- reason = IBE_OVERMIND;
- break;
- case BA_A_HOVEL:
- reason = IBE_HOVEL;
- break;
- default:
- Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "No reason for denying build of %d\n", buildable );
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if( ent->client->ps.stats[ STAT_PTEAM ] == PTE_HUMANS )
- {
- //human criteria
- if( !G_IsPowered( entity_origin ) )
- {
- //tell player to build a repeater to provide power
- if( buildable != BA_H_REACTOR && buildable != BA_H_REPEATER )
- reason = IBE_REPEATER;
- }
- //this buildable requires a DCC
- if( BG_FindDCCTestForBuildable( buildable ) && !G_IsDCCBuilt( ) )
- reason = IBE_NODCC;
- //check that there is a parent reactor when building a repeater
- if( buildable == BA_H_REPEATER )
- {
- for ( i = 1, tempent = g_entities + i; i < level.num_entities; i++, tempent++ )
- {
- if( tempent->s.eType != ET_BUILDABLE )
- continue;
- if( tempent->s.modelindex == BA_H_REACTOR )
- break;
- }
- if( i >= level.num_entities )
- {
- //no reactor present
- //check for other nearby repeaters
- for ( i = 1, tempent = g_entities + i; i < level.num_entities; i++, tempent++ )
- {
- if( tempent->s.eType != ET_BUILDABLE )
- continue;
- if( tempent->s.modelindex == BA_H_REPEATER &&
- Distance( tempent->s.origin, entity_origin ) < REPEATER_BASESIZE )
- {
- reason = IBE_RPTWARN2;
- break;
- }
- }
- if( reason == IBE_NONE )
- reason = IBE_RPTWARN;
- }
- else if( G_IsPowered( entity_origin ) )
- reason = IBE_RPTWARN2;
- }
- //check permission to build here
- if( tr1.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOHUMANBUILD || tr1.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOBUILD ||
- reason = IBE_PERMISSION;
- //can we only build one of these?
- if( BG_FindUniqueTestForBuildable( buildable ) )
- {
- for ( i = 1, tempent = g_entities + i; i < level.num_entities; i++, tempent++ )
- {
- if( tempent->s.eType != ET_BUILDABLE )
- continue;
- if( tempent->s.modelindex == BA_H_REACTOR && !tempent->deconstruct )
- {
- reason = IBE_REACTOR;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if( ( tempReason = G_SufficientBPAvailable( buildable, origin ) ) != IBE_NONE )
- reason = tempReason;
- // Relink buildables
- G_SetBuildableLinkState( qtrue );
- //check there is enough room to spawn from (presuming this is a spawn)
- if( reason == IBE_NONE )
- {
- G_SetBuildableMarkedLinkState( qfalse );
- if( G_CheckSpawnPoint( ENTITYNUM_NONE, origin, normal, buildable, NULL ) != NULL )
- reason = IBE_NORMAL;
- G_SetBuildableMarkedLinkState( qtrue );
- }
- //this item does not fit here
- if( reason == IBE_NONE && ( tr2.fraction < 1.0 || tr3.fraction < 1.0 ) )
- return IBE_NOROOM;
- if( reason != IBE_NONE )
- level.numBuildablesForRemoval = 0;
- return reason;
+ return IBE_NONE;