path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 69f7744..140be84 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -36,24 +36,32 @@ function gnuplot_conf {
echo "set title \"Population over time\n$TS\""
echo "set ylabel 'Players'"
echo -n "plot '$DATA' "
- echo -n "using 1:2 title 'Mean player count', "
- echo "'' using 1:9 title 'Peak player count'"
+ echo -n "using 1:2 title 'Mean player count', "
+ echo "'' using 1:11 title 'Peak player count'"
elif [ "$SELECT" == "ping" ]; then
echo "set title \"Mean ping over time\n$TS\""
- echo "set key off"
- echo "set ylabel \"Mean ping [ms]\""
- echo -n "plot '$DATA' using 1:3 axes x1y1"
+ echo "set ylabel \"Ping [ms]\""
+ echo "set yrange [0:240]"
+ echo "set ytics 20"
+ echo "set bars 0.5"
+ echo -n "plot '$DATA' "
+ echo -n "using 1:3:5 title 'Standard deviation' "
+ echo -n "with yerrorbars pt 0 lc rgb '#C0C0C0',"
+ echo -n "'' using 1:3:4 title 'Standard deviation of the mean' "
+ echo -n "with yerrorbars pt 0 lc rgb 'red',"
+ echo -n "'' using 1:3 title 'Mean ping' "
+ echo -n "with points pt 2 lc rgb 'blue'"
elif [ "$SELECT" == "ping-distrib" ]; then
echo "set title \"Ping distribution over time\n$TS\""
echo "set ylabel 'Fraction of players'"
echo "set yrange [0:1]"
echo "set ytics 0.1"
echo -n "plot '$DATA'"
- echo -n "using 1:4 title 'Above 60ms', "
- echo -n "'' using 1:5 title 'Above 110ms', "
- echo -n "'' using 1:6 title 'Above 160ms', "
- echo -n "'' using 1:7 title 'Above 210ms', "
- echo "'' using 1:8 title 'Above 260ms'"
+ echo -n "using 1:6 title 'Above 60ms', "
+ echo -n "'' using 1:7 title 'Above 110ms', "
+ echo -n "'' using 1:8 title 'Above 160ms', "
+ echo -n "'' using 1:9 title 'Above 210ms', "
+ echo "'' using 1:10 title 'Above 260ms'"
echo "SELECT is wrong" 1>&2