path: root/src/cgame/cg_draw.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cgame/cg_draw.c')
1 files changed, 3813 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cgame/cg_draw.c b/src/cgame/cg_draw.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fde56f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cgame/cg_draw.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3813 @@
+Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
+Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Darklegion Development
+This file is part of Tremulous.
+Tremulous is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Tremulous is distributed in the hope that it will be
+useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Tremulous; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+// cg_draw.c -- draw all of the graphical elements during
+// active (after loading) gameplay
+#include "cg_local.h"
+#include "../ui/ui_shared.h"
+menuDef_t *menuScoreboard = NULL;
+static void CG_AlignText( rectDef_t *rect, const char *text, float scale,
+ float w, float h,
+ int align, int valign,
+ float *x, float *y )
+ float tx, ty;
+ if( scale > 0.0f )
+ {
+ w = UI_Text_Width( text, scale );
+ h = UI_Text_Height( text, scale );
+ }
+ switch( align )
+ {
+ default:
+ case ALIGN_LEFT:
+ tx = 0.0f;
+ break;
+ tx = rect->w - w;
+ break;
+ tx = ( rect->w - w ) / 2.0f;
+ break;
+ case ALIGN_NONE:
+ tx = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch( valign )
+ {
+ default:
+ ty = rect->h;
+ break;
+ case VALIGN_TOP:
+ ty = h;
+ break;
+ ty = h + ( ( rect->h - h ) / 2.0f );
+ break;
+ ty = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( x )
+ *x = rect->x + tx;
+ if( y )
+ *y = rect->y + ty;
+Draws large numbers for status bar
+static void CG_DrawFieldPadded( int x, int y, int width, int cw, int ch, int value )
+ char num[ 16 ], *ptr;
+ int l, orgL;
+ int frame;
+ int charWidth, charHeight;
+ if( !( charWidth = cw ) )
+ charWidth = CHAR_WIDTH;
+ if( !( charHeight = ch ) )
+ charHeight = CHAR_HEIGHT;
+ if( width < 1 )
+ return;
+ // draw number string
+ if( width > 4 )
+ width = 4;
+ switch( width )
+ {
+ case 1:
+ value = value > 9 ? 9 : value;
+ value = value < 0 ? 0 : value;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ value = value > 99 ? 99 : value;
+ value = value < -9 ? -9 : value;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ value = value > 999 ? 999 : value;
+ value = value < -99 ? -99 : value;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ value = value > 9999 ? 9999 : value;
+ value = value < -999 ? -999 : value;
+ break;
+ }
+ Com_sprintf( num, sizeof( num ), "%d", value );
+ l = strlen( num );
+ if( l > width )
+ l = width;
+ orgL = l;
+ x += ( 2.0f * cgDC.aspectScale );
+ ptr = num;
+ while( *ptr && l )
+ {
+ if( width > orgL )
+ {
+ CG_DrawPic( x,y, charWidth, charHeight,[ 0 ] );
+ width--;
+ x += charWidth;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( *ptr == '-' )
+ frame = STAT_MINUS;
+ else
+ frame = *ptr - '0';
+ CG_DrawPic( x,y, charWidth, charHeight,[ frame ] );
+ x += charWidth;
+ ptr++;
+ l--;
+ }
+Draws large numbers for status bar
+void CG_DrawField( float x, float y, int width, float cw, float ch, int value )
+ char num[ 16 ], *ptr;
+ int l;
+ int frame;
+ float charWidth, charHeight;
+ if( !( charWidth = cw ) )
+ charWidth = CHAR_WIDTH;
+ if( !( charHeight = ch ) )
+ charHeight = CHAR_HEIGHT;
+ if( width < 1 )
+ return;
+ // draw number string
+ if( width > 4 )
+ width = 4;
+ switch( width )
+ {
+ case 1:
+ value = value > 9 ? 9 : value;
+ value = value < 0 ? 0 : value;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ value = value > 99 ? 99 : value;
+ value = value < -9 ? -9 : value;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ value = value > 999 ? 999 : value;
+ value = value < -99 ? -99 : value;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ value = value > 9999 ? 9999 : value;
+ value = value < -999 ? -999 : value;
+ break;
+ }
+ Com_sprintf( num, sizeof( num ), "%d", value );
+ l = strlen( num );
+ if( l > width )
+ l = width;
+ x += ( 2.0f * cgDC.aspectScale ) + charWidth * ( width - l );
+ ptr = num;
+ while( *ptr && l )
+ {
+ if( *ptr == '-' )
+ frame = STAT_MINUS;
+ else
+ frame = *ptr -'0';
+ CG_DrawPic( x,y, charWidth, charHeight,[ frame ] );
+ x += charWidth;
+ ptr++;
+ l--;
+ }
+static void CG_DrawProgressBar( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color, float scale,
+ int align, int textalign, int textStyle,
+ float borderSize, float progress )
+ float rimWidth;
+ float doneWidth, leftWidth;
+ float tx, ty;
+ char textBuffer[ 8 ];
+ if( borderSize >= 0.0f )
+ rimWidth = borderSize;
+ else
+ {
+ rimWidth = rect->h / 20.0f;
+ if( rimWidth < 0.6f )
+ rimWidth = 0.6f;
+ }
+ if( progress < 0.0f )
+ progress = 0.0f;
+ else if( progress > 1.0f )
+ progress = 1.0f;
+ doneWidth = ( rect->w - 2 * rimWidth ) * progress;
+ leftWidth = ( rect->w - 2 * rimWidth ) - doneWidth;
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ //draw rim and bar
+ if( align == ALIGN_RIGHT )
+ {
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rimWidth, rect->h, );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x + rimWidth, rect->y,
+ leftWidth, rimWidth, );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x + rimWidth, rect->y + rect->h - rimWidth,
+ leftWidth, rimWidth, );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x + rimWidth + leftWidth, rect->y,
+ rimWidth + doneWidth, rect->h, );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rimWidth + doneWidth, rect->h, );
+ CG_DrawPic( rimWidth + rect->x + doneWidth, rect->y,
+ leftWidth, rimWidth, );
+ CG_DrawPic( rimWidth + rect->x + doneWidth, rect->y + rect->h - rimWidth,
+ leftWidth, rimWidth, );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x + rect->w - rimWidth, rect->y, rimWidth, rect->h, );
+ }
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ //draw text
+ if( scale > 0.0 )
+ {
+ Com_sprintf( textBuffer, sizeof( textBuffer ), "%d%%", (int)( progress * 100 ) );
+ CG_AlignText( rect, textBuffer, scale, 0.0f, 0.0f, textalign, VALIGN_CENTER, &tx, &ty );
+ UI_Text_Paint( tx, ty, scale, color, textBuffer, 0, 0, textStyle );
+ }
+//=============== TA: was cg_newdraw.c
+#define NO_CREDITS_TIME 2000
+static void CG_DrawPlayerCreditsValue( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color, qboolean padding )
+ int value;
+ playerState_t *ps;
+ centity_t *cent;
+ cent = &cg_entities[ cg.snap->ps.clientNum ];
+ ps = &cg.snap->ps;
+ //if the build timer pie is showing don't show this
+ if( ( cent->currentState.weapon == WP_ABUILD ||
+ cent->currentState.weapon == WP_ABUILD2 ) && ps->stats[ STAT_MISC ] )
+ return;
+ value = ps->persistant[ PERS_CREDIT ];
+ if( value > -1 )
+ {
+ if( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_ALIENS )
+ {
+ if( !BG_AlienCanEvolve( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_CLASS ],
+ value, cgs.alienStage ) &&
+ cg.time - cg.lastEvolveAttempt <= NO_CREDITS_TIME &&
+ ( ( cg.time - cg.lastEvolveAttempt ) / 300 ) & 1 )
+ {
+ color[ 3 ] = 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ if( padding )
+ CG_DrawFieldPadded( rect->x, rect->y, 4, rect->w / 4, rect->h, value );
+ else
+ CG_DrawField( rect->x, rect->y, 1, rect->w, rect->h, value );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ }
+static void CG_DrawPlayerCreditsFraction( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color, qhandle_t shader )
+ float fraction;
+ float height;
+ if( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] != TEAM_ALIENS )
+ return;
+ fraction = ((float)(cg.predictedPlayerState.persistant[ PERS_CREDIT ] %
+ CG_AdjustFrom640( &rect->x, &rect->y, &rect->w, &rect->h );
+ height = rect->h * fraction;
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ trap_R_DrawStretchPic( rect->x, rect->y - height + rect->h, rect->w,
+ height, 0.0f, 1.0f - fraction, 1.0f, 1.0f, shader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawPlayerStamina( int ownerDraw, rectDef_t *rect,
+ vec4_t backColor, vec4_t foreColor,
+ qhandle_t shader )
+ playerState_t *ps = &cg.snap->ps;
+ float stamina = ps->stats[ STAT_STAMINA ];
+ float maxStaminaBy3 = (float)STAMINA_MAX / 3.0f;
+ float progress;
+ vec4_t color;
+ switch( ownerDraw )
+ {
+ progress = ( stamina - 2 * (int)maxStaminaBy3 ) / maxStaminaBy3;
+ break;
+ progress = ( stamina - (int)maxStaminaBy3 ) / maxStaminaBy3;
+ break;
+ progress = stamina / maxStaminaBy3;
+ break;
+ progress = ( stamina + STAMINA_MAX ) / STAMINA_MAX;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ if( progress > 1.0f )
+ progress = 1.0f;
+ else if( progress < 0.0f )
+ progress = 0.0f;
+ Vector4Lerp( progress, backColor, foreColor, color );
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, shader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawPlayerStaminaBolt( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t backColor,
+ vec4_t foreColor, qhandle_t shader )
+ float stamina = cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_STAMINA ];
+ vec4_t color;
+ if( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_STATE ] & SS_SPEEDBOOST )
+ {
+ if( stamina >= 0 )
+ Vector4Lerp( ( sin( cg.time / 150.0f ) + 1 ) / 2,
+ backColor, foreColor, color );
+ else
+ Vector4Lerp( ( sin( cg.time / 2000.0f ) + 1 ) / 2,
+ backColor, foreColor, color );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( stamina < 0 )
+ Vector4Copy( backColor, color );
+ else
+ Vector4Copy( foreColor, color );
+ }
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, shader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawPlayerClipsRing( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t backColor,
+ vec4_t foreColor, qhandle_t shader )
+ playerState_t *ps = &cg.snap->ps;
+ centity_t *cent;
+ float buildTime = ps->stats[ STAT_MISC ];
+ float progress;
+ float maxDelay;
+ weapon_t weapon;
+ vec4_t color;
+ cent = &cg_entities[ cg.snap->ps.clientNum ];
+ weapon = BG_GetPlayerWeapon( ps );
+ switch( weapon )
+ {
+ case WP_ABUILD:
+ case WP_ABUILD2:
+ case WP_HBUILD:
+ if( buildTime > MAXIMUM_BUILD_TIME )
+ progress = ( MAXIMUM_BUILD_TIME - buildTime ) / MAXIMUM_BUILD_TIME;
+ Vector4Lerp( progress, backColor, foreColor, color );
+ break;
+ default:
+ if( ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_RELOADING )
+ {
+ maxDelay = (float)BG_Weapon( cent->currentState.weapon )->reloadTime;
+ progress = ( maxDelay - (float)ps->weaponTime ) / maxDelay;
+ Vector4Lerp( progress, backColor, foreColor, color );
+ }
+ else
+ Com_Memcpy( color, foreColor, sizeof( color ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, shader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawPlayerBuildTimerRing( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t backColor,
+ vec4_t foreColor, qhandle_t shader )
+ playerState_t *ps = &cg.snap->ps;
+ centity_t *cent;
+ float buildTime = ps->stats[ STAT_MISC ];
+ float progress;
+ vec4_t color;
+ cent = &cg_entities[ cg.snap->ps.clientNum ];
+ if( buildTime > MAXIMUM_BUILD_TIME )
+ progress = ( MAXIMUM_BUILD_TIME - buildTime ) / MAXIMUM_BUILD_TIME;
+ Vector4Lerp( progress, backColor, foreColor, color );
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, shader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawPlayerBoosted( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t backColor,
+ vec4_t foreColor, qhandle_t shader )
+ if( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] & SS_BOOSTED )
+ trap_R_SetColor( foreColor );
+ else
+ trap_R_SetColor( backColor );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, shader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawPlayerBoosterBolt( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t backColor,
+ vec4_t foreColor, qhandle_t shader )
+ vec4_t color;
+ // Flash bolts when the boost is almost out
+ if( ( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] & SS_BOOSTED ) &&
+ ( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] & SS_BOOSTEDWARNING ) )
+ Vector4Lerp( ( sin( cg.time / 100.0f ) + 1 ) / 2,
+ backColor, foreColor, color );
+ else
+ Vector4Copy( foreColor, color );
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, shader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawPlayerPoisonBarbs( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color, qhandle_t shader )
+ qboolean vertical;
+ float x = rect->x, y = rect->y;
+ float width = rect->w, height = rect->h;
+ float diff;
+ int iconsize, numBarbs, maxBarbs;
+ maxBarbs = BG_Weapon( cg.snap->ps.weapon )->maxAmmo;
+ numBarbs = cg.snap->ps.ammo;
+ if( maxBarbs <= 0 || numBarbs <= 0 )
+ return;
+ // adjust these first to ensure the aspect ratio of the barb image is
+ // preserved
+ CG_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &width, &height );
+ if( height > width )
+ {
+ vertical = qtrue;
+ iconsize = width;
+ if( maxBarbs != 1 ) // avoid division by zero
+ diff = ( height - iconsize ) / (float)( maxBarbs - 1 );
+ else
+ diff = 0; // doesn't matter, won't be used
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vertical = qfalse;
+ iconsize = height;
+ if( maxBarbs != 1 )
+ diff = ( width - iconsize ) / (float)( maxBarbs - 1 );
+ else
+ diff = 0;
+ }
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ for( ; numBarbs > 0; numBarbs-- )
+ {
+ trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, iconsize, iconsize, 0, 0, 1, 1, shader );
+ if( vertical )
+ y += diff;
+ else
+ x += diff;
+ }
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawPlayerWallclimbing( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t backColor, vec4_t foreColor, qhandle_t shader )
+ if( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] & SS_WALLCLIMBING )
+ trap_R_SetColor( foreColor );
+ else
+ trap_R_SetColor( backColor );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, shader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawPlayerAmmoValue( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color )
+ int value;
+ int valueMarked = -1;
+ qboolean bp = qfalse;
+ switch( BG_PrimaryWeapon( cg.snap->ps.stats ) )
+ {
+ case WP_NONE:
+ case WP_BLASTER:
+ return;
+ case WP_ABUILD:
+ case WP_ABUILD2:
+ case WP_HBUILD:
+ value = cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_BP ];
+ valueMarked = cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_MARKEDBP ];
+ bp = qtrue;
+ break;
+ default:
+ value = cg.snap->ps.ammo;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( value > 999 )
+ value = 999;
+ if( valueMarked > 999 )
+ valueMarked = 999;
+ if( value > -1 )
+ {
+ float tx, ty;
+ char *text;
+ float scale;
+ int len;
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ if( !bp )
+ {
+ CG_DrawField( rect->x - 5, rect->y, 4, rect->w / 4, rect->h, value );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( valueMarked > 0 )
+ text = va( "%d+(%d)", value, valueMarked );
+ else
+ text = va( "%d", value );
+ len = strlen( text );
+ if( len <= 4 )
+ scale = 0.50;
+ else if( len <= 6 )
+ scale = 0.43;
+ else if( len == 7 )
+ scale = 0.36;
+ else if( len == 8 )
+ scale = 0.33;
+ else
+ scale = 0.31;
+ CG_AlignText( rect, text, scale, 0.0f, 0.0f, ALIGN_RIGHT, VALIGN_CENTER, &tx, &ty );
+ UI_Text_Paint( tx + 1, ty, scale, color, text, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ }
+static void CG_DrawAlienSense( rectDef_t *rect )
+ if( BG_ClassHasAbility( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_CLASS ], SCA_ALIENSENSE ) )
+ CG_AlienSense( rect );
+static void CG_DrawHumanScanner( rectDef_t *rect, qhandle_t shader, vec4_t color )
+ if( BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( UP_HELMET_MK2, cg.snap->ps.stats ) )
+ CG_Scanner( rect, shader, color );
+static void CG_DrawUsableBuildable( rectDef_t *rect, qhandle_t shader, vec4_t color )
+ vec3_t view, point;
+ trace_t trace;
+ entityState_t *es;
+ AngleVectors( cg.refdefViewAngles, view, NULL, NULL );
+ VectorMA( cg.refdef.vieworg, 64, view, point );
+ CG_Trace( &trace, cg.refdef.vieworg, NULL, NULL,
+ point, cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum, MASK_SHOT );
+ es = &cg_entities[ trace.entityNum ].currentState;
+ if( es->eType == ET_BUILDABLE && BG_Buildable( es->modelindex, NULL )->usable &&
+ cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == BG_Buildable( es->modelindex, NULL )->team )
+ {
+ //hack to prevent showing the usable buildable when you aren't carrying an energy weapon
+ if( ( es->modelindex == BA_H_REACTOR || es->modelindex == BA_H_REPEATER ) &&
+ ( !BG_Weapon( cg.snap->ps.weapon )->usesEnergy ||
+ BG_Weapon( cg.snap->ps.weapon )->infiniteAmmo ) )
+ {
+ cg.nearUsableBuildable = BA_NONE;
+ return;
+ }
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, shader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ cg.nearUsableBuildable = es->modelindex;
+ }
+ else
+ cg.nearUsableBuildable = BA_NONE;
+#define BUILD_DELAY_TIME 2000
+static void CG_DrawPlayerBuildTimer( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color )
+ int index;
+ playerState_t *ps;
+ ps = &cg.snap->ps;
+ if( ps->stats[ STAT_MISC ] <= 0 )
+ return;
+ switch( BG_PrimaryWeapon( ps->stats ) )
+ {
+ case WP_ABUILD:
+ case WP_ABUILD2:
+ case WP_HBUILD:
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ index = 8 * ( ps->stats[ STAT_MISC ] - 1 ) / MAXIMUM_BUILD_TIME;
+ if( index > 7 )
+ index = 7;
+ else if( index < 0 )
+ index = 0;
+ if( cg.time - cg.lastBuildAttempt <= BUILD_DELAY_TIME &&
+ ( ( cg.time - cg.lastBuildAttempt ) / 300 ) % 2 )
+ {
+ color[ 0 ] = 1.0f;
+ color[ 1 ] = color[ 2 ] = 0.0f;
+ color[ 3 ] = 1.0f;
+ }
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h,
+[ index ] );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawPlayerClipsValue( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color )
+ int value;
+ playerState_t *ps = &cg.snap->ps;
+ switch( BG_PrimaryWeapon( ps->stats ) )
+ {
+ case WP_NONE:
+ case WP_BLASTER:
+ case WP_ABUILD:
+ case WP_ABUILD2:
+ case WP_HBUILD:
+ return;
+ default:
+ value = ps->clips;
+ if( value > -1 )
+ {
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawField( rect->x, rect->y, 4, rect->w / 4, rect->h, value );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+static void CG_DrawPlayerHealthValue( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color )
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawField( rect->x, rect->y, 4, rect->w / 4, rect->h,
+ cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_HEALTH ] );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawPlayerHealthCross( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t ref_color )
+ qhandle_t shader;
+ vec4_t color;
+ float ref_alpha;
+ // Pick the current icon
+ shader =;
+ if( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] & SS_HEALING_3X )
+ shader =;
+ else if( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] & SS_HEALING_2X )
+ {
+ if( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_ALIENS )
+ shader =;
+ else
+ shader =;
+ }
+ else if( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] & SS_POISONED )
+ shader =;
+ // Pick the alpha value
+ Vector4Copy( ref_color, color );
+ if( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS &&
+ cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_HEALTH ] < 10 )
+ {
+ color[ 0 ] = 1.0f;
+ color[ 1 ] = color[ 2 ] = 0.0f;
+ }
+ ref_alpha = ref_color[ 3 ];
+ if( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] & SS_HEALING_ACTIVE )
+ ref_alpha = 1.0f;
+ // Don't fade from nothing
+ if( !cg.lastHealthCross )
+ cg.lastHealthCross = shader;
+ // Fade the icon during transition
+ if( cg.lastHealthCross != shader )
+ {
+ cg.healthCrossFade += cg.frametime / 500.0f;
+ if( cg.healthCrossFade > 1.0f )
+ {
+ cg.healthCrossFade = 0.0f;
+ cg.lastHealthCross = shader;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Fading between two icons
+ color[ 3 ] = ref_alpha * cg.healthCrossFade;
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, shader );
+ color[ 3 ] = ref_alpha * ( 1.0f - cg.healthCrossFade );
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, cg.lastHealthCross );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Not fading, draw a single icon
+ color[ 3 ] = ref_alpha;
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, shader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static float CG_ChargeProgress( void )
+ float progress;
+ int min = 0, max = 0;
+ if( cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_ALEVEL3 )
+ {
+ }
+ else if( cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_ALEVEL3_UPG )
+ {
+ }
+ else if( cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_ALEVEL4 )
+ {
+ if( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_STATE ] & SS_CHARGING )
+ {
+ min = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else if( cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_LUCIFER_CANNON )
+ {
+ }
+ if( max - min <= 0.0f )
+ return 0.0f;
+ progress = ( (float)cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_MISC ] - min ) /
+ ( max - min );
+ if( progress > 1.0f )
+ return 1.0f;
+ if( progress < 0.0f )
+ return 0.0f;
+ return progress;
+#define CHARGE_BAR_FADE_RATE 0.002f
+static void CG_DrawPlayerChargeBarBG( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t ref_color,
+ qhandle_t shader )
+ vec4_t color;
+ if( !cg_drawChargeBar.integer || cg.chargeMeterAlpha <= 0.0f )
+ return;
+ color[ 0 ] = ref_color[ 0 ];
+ color[ 1 ] = ref_color[ 1 ];
+ color[ 2 ] = ref_color[ 2 ];
+ color[ 3 ] = ref_color[ 3 ] * cg.chargeMeterAlpha;
+ // Draw meter background
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, shader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+// FIXME: This should come from the element info
+static void CG_DrawPlayerChargeBar( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t ref_color,
+ qhandle_t shader )
+ vec4_t color;
+ float x, y, width, height, cap_size, progress;
+ if( !cg_drawChargeBar.integer )
+ return;
+ // Get progress proportion and pump fade
+ progress = CG_ChargeProgress();
+ if( progress <= 0.0f )
+ {
+ cg.chargeMeterAlpha -= CHARGE_BAR_FADE_RATE * cg.frametime;
+ if( cg.chargeMeterAlpha <= 0.0f )
+ {
+ cg.chargeMeterAlpha = 0.0f;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cg.chargeMeterValue = progress;
+ cg.chargeMeterAlpha += CHARGE_BAR_FADE_RATE * cg.frametime;
+ if( cg.chargeMeterAlpha > 1.0f )
+ cg.chargeMeterAlpha = 1.0f;
+ }
+ color[ 0 ] = ref_color[ 0 ];
+ color[ 1 ] = ref_color[ 1 ];
+ color[ 2 ] = ref_color[ 2 ];
+ color[ 3 ] = ref_color[ 3 ] * cg.chargeMeterAlpha;
+ // Flash red for Lucifer Cannon warning
+ if( cg.snap->ps.weapon == WP_LUCIFER_CANNON &&
+ cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_MISC ] >= LCANNON_CHARGE_TIME_WARN &&
+ ( cg.time & 128 ) )
+ {
+ color[ 0 ] = 1.0f;
+ color[ 1 ] = 0.0f;
+ color[ 2 ] = 0.0f;
+ }
+ x = rect->x;
+ y = rect->y;
+ // Horizontal charge bar
+ if( rect->w >= rect->h )
+ {
+ width = ( rect->w - CHARGE_BAR_CAP_SIZE * 2 ) * cg.chargeMeterValue;
+ height = rect->h;
+ CG_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &width, &height );
+ cap_size = CHARGE_BAR_CAP_SIZE * cgs.screenXScale;
+ // Draw the meter
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, cap_size, height, 0, 0, 1, 1, shader );
+ trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x + width + cap_size, y, cap_size, height,
+ 1, 0, 0, 1, shader );
+ trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x + cap_size, y, width, height, 1, 0, 1, 1, shader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ }
+ // Vertical charge bar
+ else
+ {
+ y += rect->h;
+ width = rect->w;
+ height = ( rect->h - CHARGE_BAR_CAP_SIZE * 2 ) * cg.chargeMeterValue;
+ CG_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &width, &height );
+ cap_size = CHARGE_BAR_CAP_SIZE * cgs.screenYScale;
+ // Draw the meter
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y - cap_size, width, cap_size,
+ 0, 1, 1, 0, shader );
+ trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y - height - cap_size * 2, width,
+ cap_size, 0, 0, 1, 1, shader );
+ trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y - height - cap_size, width, height,
+ 0, 1, 1, 1, shader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ }
+static void CG_DrawProgressLabel( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y, vec4_t color,
+ float scale, int textalign, int textvalign,
+ const char *s, float fraction )
+ vec4_t white = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
+ float tx, ty;
+ CG_AlignText( rect, s, scale, 0.0f, 0.0f, textalign, textvalign, &tx, &ty );
+ if( fraction < 1.0f )
+ UI_Text_Paint( text_x + tx, text_y + ty, scale, white,
+ else
+ UI_Text_Paint( text_x + tx, text_y + ty, scale, color,
+static void CG_DrawMediaProgress( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color, float scale,
+ int align, int textalign, int textStyle,
+ float borderSize )
+ CG_DrawProgressBar( rect, color, scale, align, textalign, textStyle,
+ borderSize, cg.mediaFraction );
+static void CG_DrawMediaProgressLabel( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
+ vec4_t color, float scale, int textalign, int textvalign )
+ CG_DrawProgressLabel( rect, text_x, text_y, color, scale, textalign, textvalign,
+ "Map and Textures", cg.mediaFraction );
+static void CG_DrawBuildablesProgress( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color,
+ float scale, int align, int textalign,
+ int textStyle, float borderSize )
+ CG_DrawProgressBar( rect, color, scale, align, textalign, textStyle,
+ borderSize, cg.buildablesFraction );
+static void CG_DrawBuildablesProgressLabel( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
+ vec4_t color, float scale, int textalign, int textvalign )
+ CG_DrawProgressLabel( rect, text_x, text_y, color, scale, textalign, textvalign,
+ "Buildable Models", cg.buildablesFraction );
+static void CG_DrawCharModelProgress( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color,
+ float scale, int align, int textalign,
+ int textStyle, float borderSize )
+ CG_DrawProgressBar( rect, color, scale, align, textalign, textStyle,
+ borderSize, cg.charModelFraction );
+static void CG_DrawCharModelProgressLabel( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
+ vec4_t color, float scale, int textalign, int textvalign )
+ CG_DrawProgressLabel( rect, text_x, text_y, color, scale, textalign, textvalign,
+ "Character Models", cg.charModelFraction );
+static void CG_DrawOverallProgress( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color, float scale,
+ int align, int textalign, int textStyle,
+ float borderSize )
+ float total;
+ total = cg.charModelFraction + cg.buildablesFraction + cg.mediaFraction;
+ total /= 3.0f;
+ CG_DrawProgressBar( rect, color, scale, align, textalign, textStyle,
+ borderSize, total );
+static void CG_DrawLevelShot( rectDef_t *rect )
+ const char *s;
+ const char *info;
+ qhandle_t levelshot;
+ qhandle_t detail;
+ info = CG_ConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO );
+ s = Info_ValueForKey( info, "mapname" );
+ levelshot = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( va( "levelshots/%s.tga", s ) );
+ if( !levelshot )
+ levelshot = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/2d/load_screen" );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, levelshot );
+ // blend a detail texture over it
+ detail = trap_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/misc/detail" );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, detail );
+static void CG_DrawLevelName( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
+ vec4_t color, float scale,
+ int textalign, int textvalign, int textStyle )
+ const char *s;
+ s = CG_ConfigString( CS_MESSAGE );
+ UI_DrawTextBlock( rect, text_x, text_y, color, scale, textalign, textvalign, textStyle, s );
+static void CG_DrawMOTD( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
+ vec4_t color, float scale,
+ int textalign, int textvalign, int textStyle )
+ const char *s;
+ char parsed[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
+ s = CG_ConfigString( CS_MOTD );
+ Q_ParseNewlines( parsed, s, sizeof( parsed ) );
+ UI_DrawTextBlock( rect, text_x, text_y, color, scale, textalign, textvalign, textStyle, parsed );
+static void CG_DrawHostname( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
+ vec4_t color, float scale,
+ int textalign, int textvalign, int textStyle )
+ char buffer[ 1024 ];
+ const char *info;
+ info = CG_ConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO );
+ UI_EscapeEmoticons( buffer, Info_ValueForKey( info, "sv_hostname" ), sizeof( buffer ) );
+ Q_CleanStr( buffer );
+ UI_DrawTextBlock( rect, text_x, text_y, color, scale, textalign, textvalign, textStyle, buffer );
+static void CG_DrawDemoPlayback( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color, qhandle_t shader )
+ if( !cg_drawDemoState.integer )
+ return;
+ if( trap_GetDemoState( ) != DS_PLAYBACK )
+ return;
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, shader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawDemoRecording( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color, qhandle_t shader )
+ if( !cg_drawDemoState.integer )
+ return;
+ if( trap_GetDemoState( ) != DS_RECORDING )
+ return;
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, shader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+void CG_UpdateMediaFraction( float newFract )
+ cg.mediaFraction = newFract;
+ trap_UpdateScreen( );
+Draw all the status / pacifier stuff during level loading
+void CG_DrawLoadingScreen( void )
+ menuDef_t *menu = Menus_FindByName( "Loading" );
+ Menu_Update( menu );
+ Menu_Paint( menu, qtrue );
+float CG_GetValue( int ownerDraw )
+ centity_t *cent;
+ playerState_t *ps;
+ weapon_t weapon;
+ cent = &cg_entities[ cg.snap->ps.clientNum ];
+ ps = &cg.snap->ps;
+ weapon = BG_GetPlayerWeapon( ps );
+ switch( ownerDraw )
+ {
+ if( weapon )
+ return ps->ammo;
+ break;
+ if( weapon )
+ return ps->clips;
+ break;
+ return ps->stats[ STAT_HEALTH ];
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return -1;
+const char *CG_GetKillerText( )
+ const char *s = "";
+ if( cg.killerName[ 0 ] )
+ s = va( "Fragged by %s", cg.killerName );
+ return s;
+static void CG_DrawKiller( rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color,
+ qhandle_t shader, int textStyle )
+ // fragged by ... line
+ if( cg.killerName[ 0 ] )
+ {
+ int x = rect->x + rect->w / 2;
+ UI_Text_Paint( x - UI_Text_Width( CG_GetKillerText( ), scale ) / 2,
+ rect->y + rect->h, scale, color, CG_GetKillerText( ), 0, 0, textStyle );
+ }
+static void CG_DrawTeamSpectators( rectDef_t *rect, float scale, int textvalign, vec4_t color, qhandle_t shader )
+ float y;
+ char *text = cg.spectatorList;
+ float textWidth = UI_Text_Width( text, scale );
+ CG_AlignText( rect, text, scale, 0.0f, 0.0f, ALIGN_LEFT, textvalign, NULL, &y );
+ if( textWidth > rect->w )
+ {
+ // The text is too wide to fit, so scroll it
+ int now = trap_Milliseconds( );
+ int delta = now - cg.spectatorTime;
+ CG_SetClipRegion( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h );
+ UI_Text_Paint( rect->x - cg.spectatorOffset, y, scale, color, text, 0, 0, 0 );
+ UI_Text_Paint( rect->x + textWidth - cg.spectatorOffset, y, scale, color, text, 0, 0, 0 );
+ CG_ClearClipRegion( );
+ cg.spectatorOffset += ( delta / 1000.0f ) * SPECTATORS_PIXELS_PER_SECOND;
+ while( cg.spectatorOffset > textWidth )
+ cg.spectatorOffset -= textWidth;
+ cg.spectatorTime = now;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UI_Text_Paint( rect->x, y, scale, color, text, 0, 0, 0 );
+ }
+#define FOLLOWING_STRING "following "
+#define CHASING_STRING "chasing "
+static void CG_DrawFollow( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
+ vec4_t color, float scale, int textalign, int textvalign, int textStyle )
+ float tx, ty;
+ if( cg.snap && cg.snap->ps.pm_flags & PMF_FOLLOW )
+ {
+ char buffer[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
+ if( !cg.chaseFollow )
+ strcpy( buffer, FOLLOWING_STRING );
+ else
+ strcpy( buffer, CHASING_STRING );
+ strcat( buffer, cgs.clientinfo[ cg.snap->ps.clientNum ].name );
+ CG_AlignText( rect, buffer, scale, 0, 0, textalign, textvalign, &tx, &ty );
+ UI_Text_Paint( text_x + tx, text_y + ty, scale, color, buffer, 0, 0,
+ textStyle );
+ }
+static void CG_DrawTeamLabel( rectDef_t *rect, team_t team, float text_x, float text_y,
+ vec4_t color, float scale, int textalign, int textvalign, int textStyle )
+ char *t;
+ char stage[ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ];
+ char *s;
+ float tx, ty;
+ stage[ 0 ] = '\0';
+ switch( team )
+ {
+ t = "Aliens";
+ if( cg.intermissionStarted )
+ Com_sprintf( stage, MAX_TOKEN_CHARS, "(Stage %d)", cgs.alienStage + 1 );
+ break;
+ t = "Humans";
+ if( cg.intermissionStarted )
+ Com_sprintf( stage, MAX_TOKEN_CHARS, "(Stage %d)", cgs.humanStage + 1 );
+ break;
+ default:
+ t = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ switch( textalign )
+ {
+ default:
+ case ALIGN_LEFT:
+ s = va( "%s %s", t, stage );
+ break;
+ s = va( "%s %s", stage, t );
+ break;
+ }
+ CG_AlignText( rect, s, scale, 0.0f, 0.0f, textalign, textvalign, &tx, &ty );
+ UI_Text_Paint( text_x + tx, text_y + ty, scale, color, s, 0, 0, textStyle );
+static const char *CG_SpawnReport( qboolean eggs )
+ const char *s;
+ s = ( cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_SPAWNS ] + cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_SPAWNS_IMPLANTED ] == 1 ? "" : "s" );
+ if( cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_SPAWNS_IMPLANTED ] )
+ return va( "%d(+%d) %s%s left",
+ cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_SPAWNS ],
+ cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_SPAWNS_IMPLANTED ],
+ ( eggs ? "egg" : "telenode" ),
+ s );
+ else
+ return va( "%d %s%s left",
+ cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_SPAWNS ],
+ ( eggs ? "egg" : "telenode" ),
+ s );
+static void CG_DrawStageReport( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
+ vec4_t color, float scale, int textalign, int textvalign, int textStyle )
+ char s[ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ];
+ float tx, ty;
+ if( cg.intermissionStarted )
+ return;
+ if( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_NONE )
+ return;
+ if( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_ALIENS )
+ {
+ int kills = ceil( (float)(cgs.alienNextStageThreshold - cgs.alienCredits) / ALIEN_CREDITS_PER_KILL );
+ if( kills < 0 )
+ kills = 0;
+ if( cgs.alienNextStageThreshold < 0 )
+ Com_sprintf( s, MAX_TOKEN_CHARS, "Stage %d, %s", cgs.alienStage + 1, CG_SpawnReport( qtrue ) );
+ else if( kills == 1 )
+ Com_sprintf( s, MAX_TOKEN_CHARS, "Stage %d, 1 frag for next stage, %s",
+ cgs.alienStage + 1, CG_SpawnReport( qtrue ) );
+ else
+ Com_sprintf( s, MAX_TOKEN_CHARS, "Stage %d, %d frags for next stage, %s",
+ cgs.alienStage + 1, kills, CG_SpawnReport( qtrue ) );
+ }
+ else if( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS )
+ {
+ int credits = cgs.humanNextStageThreshold - cgs.humanCredits;
+ if( credits < 0 )
+ credits = 0;
+ if( cgs.humanNextStageThreshold < 0 )
+ Com_sprintf( s, MAX_TOKEN_CHARS, "Stage %d, %s", cgs.humanStage + 1, CG_SpawnReport( qfalse ) );
+ else if( credits == 1 )
+ Com_sprintf( s, MAX_TOKEN_CHARS, "Stage %d, 1 credit for next stage, %s",
+ cgs.humanStage + 1, CG_SpawnReport( qfalse ) );
+ else
+ Com_sprintf( s, MAX_TOKEN_CHARS, "Stage %d, %d credits for next stage, %s",
+ cgs.humanStage + 1, credits, CG_SpawnReport( qfalse ) );
+ }
+ CG_AlignText( rect, s, scale, 0.0f, 0.0f, textalign, textvalign, &tx, &ty );
+ UI_Text_Paint( text_x + tx, text_y + ty, scale, color, s, 0, 0, textStyle );
+#define FPS_FRAMES 20
+#define FPS_STRING "fps"
+static void CG_DrawFPS( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
+ float scale, vec4_t color,
+ int textalign, int textvalign, int textStyle,
+ qboolean scalableText )
+ char *s;
+ float tx, ty;
+ float w, h, totalWidth;
+ int strLength;
+ static int previousTimes[ FPS_FRAMES ];
+ static int index;
+ int i, total;
+ int fps;
+ static int previous;
+ int t, frameTime;
+ if( !cg_drawFPS.integer )
+ return;
+ // don't use serverTime, because that will be drifting to
+ // correct for internet lag changes, timescales, timedemos, etc
+ t = trap_Milliseconds( );
+ frameTime = t - previous;
+ previous = t;
+ previousTimes[ index % FPS_FRAMES ] = frameTime;
+ index++;
+ if( index > FPS_FRAMES )
+ {
+ // average multiple frames together to smooth changes out a bit
+ total = 0;
+ for( i = 0 ; i < FPS_FRAMES ; i++ )
+ total += previousTimes[ i ];
+ if( !total )
+ total = 1;
+ fps = 1000 * FPS_FRAMES / total;
+ s = va( "%d", fps );
+ w = UI_Text_Width( "0", scale );
+ h = UI_Text_Height( "0", scale );
+ strLength = CG_DrawStrlen( s );
+ totalWidth = UI_Text_Width( FPS_STRING, scale ) + w * strLength;
+ CG_AlignText( rect, s, 0.0f, totalWidth, h, textalign, textvalign, &tx, &ty );
+ if( scalableText )
+ {
+ for( i = 0; i < strLength; i++ )
+ {
+ char c[ 2 ];
+ c[ 0 ] = s[ i ];
+ c[ 1 ] = '\0';
+ UI_Text_Paint( text_x + tx + i * w, text_y + ty, scale, color, c, 0, 0, textStyle );
+ }
+ UI_Text_Paint( text_x + tx + i * w, text_y + ty, scale, color, FPS_STRING, 0, 0, textStyle );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawField( rect->x, rect->y, 3, rect->w / 3, rect->h, fps );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ }
+ }
+static void CG_DrawTimerMins( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color )
+ int mins, seconds;
+ int msec;
+ if( !cg_drawTimer.integer )
+ return;
+ msec = cg.time - cgs.levelStartTime;
+ seconds = msec / 1000;
+ mins = seconds / 60;
+ seconds -= mins * 60;
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawField( rect->x, rect->y, 3, rect->w / 3, rect->h, mins );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawTimerSecs( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color )
+ int mins, seconds;
+ int msec;
+ if( !cg_drawTimer.integer )
+ return;
+ msec = cg.time - cgs.levelStartTime;
+ seconds = msec / 1000;
+ mins = seconds / 60;
+ seconds -= mins * 60;
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawFieldPadded( rect->x, rect->y, 2, rect->w / 2, rect->h, seconds );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawTimer( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
+ float scale, vec4_t color,
+ int textalign, int textvalign, int textStyle )
+ char *s;
+ float tx, ty;
+ int i, strLength;
+ float w, h, totalWidth;
+ int mins, seconds, tens;
+ int msec;
+ if( !cg_drawTimer.integer )
+ return;
+ msec = cg.time - cgs.levelStartTime;
+ seconds = msec / 1000;
+ mins = seconds / 60;
+ seconds -= mins * 60;
+ tens = seconds / 10;
+ seconds -= tens * 10;
+ s = va( "%d:%d%d", mins, tens, seconds );
+ w = UI_Text_Width( "0", scale );
+ h = UI_Text_Height( "0", scale );
+ strLength = CG_DrawStrlen( s );
+ totalWidth = w * strLength;
+ CG_AlignText( rect, s, 0.0f, totalWidth, h, textalign, textvalign, &tx, &ty );
+ for( i = 0; i < strLength; i++ )
+ {
+ char c[ 2 ];
+ c[ 0 ] = s[ i ];
+ c[ 1 ] = '\0';
+ UI_Text_Paint( text_x + tx + i * w, text_y + ty, scale, color, c, 0, 0, textStyle );
+ }
+typedef enum
+} teamOverlayMode_t;
+typedef enum
+} teamOverlaySort_t;
+static int QDECL SortScore( const void *a, const void *b )
+ int na = *(int *)a;
+ int nb = *(int *)b;
+ return( cgs.clientinfo[ nb ].score - cgs.clientinfo[ na ].score );
+static int QDECL SortWeaponClass( const void *a, const void *b )
+ int out;
+ clientInfo_t *ca = cgs.clientinfo + *(int *)a;
+ clientInfo_t *cb = cgs.clientinfo + *(int *)b;
+ out = cb->curWeaponClass - ca->curWeaponClass;
+ // We want grangers on top. ckits are already on top without the special case.
+ if( ca->team == TEAM_ALIENS )
+ {
+ if( ca->curWeaponClass == PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0_UPG ||
+ cb->curWeaponClass == PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0_UPG ||
+ ca->curWeaponClass == PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0 ||
+ cb->curWeaponClass == PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0 )
+ {
+ out = -out;
+ }
+ }
+ return( out );
+static void CG_DrawTeamOverlay( rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color )
+ char *s;
+ int i;
+ float x = rect->x;
+ float y;
+ clientInfo_t *ci, *pci;
+ vec4_t tcolor;
+ float iconSize = rect->h / 8.0f;
+ float leftMargin = 4.0f;
+ float iconTopMargin = 2.0f;
+ float midSep = 2.0f;
+ float backgroundWidth = rect->w;
+ float fontScale = 0.30f;
+ float vPad = 0.0f;
+ float nameWidth = 0.5f * rect->w;
+ char name[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 2 ];
+ int maxDisplayCount = 0;
+ int displayCount = 0;
+ float nameMaxX, nameMaxXCp;
+ float maxX = rect->x + rect->w;
+ float maxXCp = maxX;
+ weapon_t curWeapon = WP_NONE;
+ teamOverlayMode_t mode = cg_drawTeamOverlay.integer;
+ teamOverlaySort_t sort = cg_teamOverlaySortMode.integer;
+ int displayClients[ MAX_CLIENTS ];
+ if( cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_SPECTATOR )
+ return;
+ if( mode == TEAMOVERLAY_OFF || !cg_teamOverlayMaxPlayers.integer )
+ return;
+ if( !cgs.teaminfoReceievedTime )
+ return;
+ if( cg.showScores ||
+ cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION )
+ return;
+ pci = cgs.clientinfo + cg.snap->ps.clientNum;
+ {
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ )
+ {
+ ci = cgs.clientinfo + i;
+ if( ci->infoValid && pci != ci && ci->team == pci->team )
+ {
+ if( mode == TEAMOVERLAY_ALL )
+ displayClients[ maxDisplayCount++ ] = i;
+ else
+ {
+ if( ci->curWeaponClass == PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0 ||
+ ci->curWeaponClass == PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0_UPG ||
+ ci->curWeaponClass == PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL1 ||
+ ci->curWeaponClass == PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL1_UPG ||
+ ci->curWeaponClass == WP_HBUILD )
+ {
+ displayClients[ maxDisplayCount++ ] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // find nearby
+ {
+ for( i = 0; i < cg.snap->numEntities; i++ )
+ {
+ centity_t *cent = &cg_entities[ cg.snap->entities[ i ].number ];
+ vec3_t relOrigin = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
+ int team = cent->currentState.misc & 0x00FF;
+ if( cent->currentState.eType != ET_PLAYER ||
+ team != pci->team ||
+ cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DEAD )
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ VectorSubtract( cent->lerpOrigin, cg.predictedPlayerState.origin, relOrigin );
+ if( VectorLength( relOrigin ) < HELMET_RANGE )
+ displayClients[ maxDisplayCount++ ] = cg.snap->entities[ i ].number;
+ }
+ }
+ // Sort
+ {
+ qsort( displayClients, maxDisplayCount,
+ sizeof( displayClients[ 0 ] ), SortScore );
+ }
+ {
+ qsort( displayClients, maxDisplayCount,
+ sizeof( displayClients[ 0 ] ), SortWeaponClass );
+ }
+ if( maxDisplayCount > cg_teamOverlayMaxPlayers.integer )
+ maxDisplayCount = cg_teamOverlayMaxPlayers.integer;
+ iconSize *= scale;
+ leftMargin *= scale;
+ iconTopMargin *= scale;
+ midSep *= scale;
+ backgroundWidth *= scale;
+ fontScale *= scale;
+ nameWidth *= scale;
+ vPad = ( rect->h - ( (float) maxDisplayCount * iconSize ) ) / 2.0f;
+ y = rect->y + vPad;
+ tcolor[ 0 ] = 1.0f;
+ tcolor[ 1 ] = 1.0f;
+ tcolor[ 2 ] = 1.0f;
+ tcolor[ 3 ] = color[ 3 ];
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS && displayCount < maxDisplayCount; i++ )
+ {
+ ci = cgs.clientinfo + displayClients[ i ];
+ if( !ci->infoValid || pci == ci || ci->team != pci->team )
+ continue;
+ Com_sprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "%s^7", ci->name );
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( x, y, backgroundWidth,
+ iconSize, );
+ trap_R_SetColor( tcolor );
+ if( ci->health <= 0 || !ci->curWeaponClass )
+ s = "";
+ else
+ {
+ if( ci->team == TEAM_HUMANS )
+ curWeapon = ci->curWeaponClass;
+ else if( ci->team == TEAM_ALIENS )
+ curWeapon = BG_Class( ci->curWeaponClass )->startWeapon;
+ CG_DrawPic( x + leftMargin, y, iconSize, iconSize,
+ cg_weapons[ curWeapon ].weaponIcon );
+ if( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS )
+ {
+ if( ci->upgrade != UP_NONE )
+ {
+ CG_DrawPic( x + iconSize + leftMargin, y, iconSize,
+ iconSize, cg_upgrades[ ci->upgrade ].upgradeIcon );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( curWeapon == WP_ABUILD2 || curWeapon == WP_ALEVEL1_UPG ||
+ curWeapon == WP_ALEVEL2_UPG || curWeapon == WP_ALEVEL3_UPG )
+ {
+ CG_DrawPic( x + iconSize + leftMargin, y, iconSize,
+ iconSize, );
+ }
+ }
+ s = va( " [^%c%3d^7] ^7%s",
+ CG_GetColorCharForHealth( displayClients[ i ] ),
+ ci->health,
+ CG_ConfigString( CS_LOCATIONS + ci->location ) );
+ }
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ nameMaxX = nameMaxXCp = x + 2.0f * iconSize +
+ leftMargin + midSep + nameWidth;
+ UI_Text_Paint_Limit( &nameMaxXCp, x + 2.0f * iconSize + leftMargin + midSep,
+ y + iconSize - iconTopMargin, fontScale, tcolor, name,
+ 0, 0 );
+ maxXCp = maxX;
+ UI_Text_Paint_Limit( &maxXCp, nameMaxX, y + iconSize - iconTopMargin,
+ fontScale, tcolor, s, 0, 0 );
+ y += iconSize;
+ displayCount++;
+ }
+static void CG_DrawClock( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
+ float scale, vec4_t color,
+ int textalign, int textvalign, int textStyle )
+ char *s;
+ float tx, ty;
+ int i, strLength;
+ float w, h, totalWidth;
+ qtime_t qt;
+ int t;
+ if( !cg_drawClock.integer )
+ return;
+ t = trap_RealTime( &qt );
+ if( cg_drawClock.integer == 2 )
+ {
+ s = va( "%02d%s%02d", qt.tm_hour, ( qt.tm_sec % 2 ) ? ":" : " ",
+ qt.tm_min );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char *pm = "am";
+ int h = qt.tm_hour;
+ if( h == 0 )
+ h = 12;
+ else if( h == 12 )
+ pm = "pm";
+ else if( h > 12 )
+ {
+ h -= 12;
+ pm = "pm";
+ }
+ s = va( "%d%s%02d%s", h, ( qt.tm_sec % 2 ) ? ":" : " ", qt.tm_min, pm );
+ }
+ w = UI_Text_Width( "0", scale );
+ h = UI_Text_Height( "0", scale );
+ strLength = CG_DrawStrlen( s );
+ totalWidth = w * strLength;
+ CG_AlignText( rect, s, 0.0f, totalWidth, h, textalign, textvalign, &tx, &ty );
+ for( i = 0; i < strLength; i++ )
+ {
+ char c[ 2 ];
+ c[ 0 ] = s[ i ];
+ c[ 1 ] = '\0';
+ UI_Text_Paint( text_x + tx + i * w, text_y + ty, scale, color, c, 0, 0, textStyle );
+ }
+static void CG_DrawSnapshot( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
+ float scale, vec4_t color,
+ int textalign, int textvalign, int textStyle )
+ char *s;
+ float tx, ty;
+ if( !cg_drawSnapshot.integer )
+ return;
+ s = va( "time:%d snap:%d cmd:%d", cg.snap->serverTime,
+ cg.latestSnapshotNum, cgs.serverCommandSequence );
+ CG_AlignText( rect, s, scale, 0.0f, 0.0f, textalign, textvalign, &tx, &ty );
+ UI_Text_Paint( text_x + tx, text_y + ty, scale, color, s, 0, 0, textStyle );
+#define LAG_SAMPLES 128
+typedef struct
+ int frameSamples[ LAG_SAMPLES ];
+ int frameCount;
+ int snapshotFlags[ LAG_SAMPLES ];
+ int snapshotSamples[ LAG_SAMPLES ];
+ int snapshotCount;
+} lagometer_t;
+lagometer_t lagometer;
+Adds the current interpolate / extrapolate bar for this frame
+void CG_AddLagometerFrameInfo( void )
+ int offset;
+ offset = cg.time - cg.latestSnapshotTime;
+ lagometer.frameSamples[ lagometer.frameCount & ( LAG_SAMPLES - 1 ) ] = offset;
+ lagometer.frameCount++;
+Each time a snapshot is received, log its ping time and
+the number of snapshots that were dropped before it.
+Pass NULL for a dropped packet.
+#define PING_FRAMES 40
+void CG_AddLagometerSnapshotInfo( snapshot_t *snap )
+ static int previousPings[ PING_FRAMES ];
+ static int index;
+ int i;
+ // dropped packet
+ if( !snap )
+ {
+ lagometer.snapshotSamples[ lagometer.snapshotCount & ( LAG_SAMPLES - 1 ) ] = -1;
+ lagometer.snapshotCount++;
+ return;
+ }
+ // add this snapshot's info
+ lagometer.snapshotSamples[ lagometer.snapshotCount & ( LAG_SAMPLES - 1 ) ] = snap->ping;
+ lagometer.snapshotFlags[ lagometer.snapshotCount & ( LAG_SAMPLES - 1 ) ] = snap->snapFlags;
+ lagometer.snapshotCount++;
+ = 0;
+ if( cg.snap )
+ {
+ previousPings[ index++ ] = cg.snap->ping;
+ index = index % PING_FRAMES;
+ for( i = 0; i < PING_FRAMES; i++ )
+ {
+ += previousPings[ i ];
+ }
+ }
+Should we draw something differnet for long lag vs no packets?
+static void CG_DrawDisconnect( void )
+ float x, y;
+ int cmdNum;
+ usercmd_t cmd;
+ const char *s;
+ int w;
+ vec4_t color = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
+ // draw the phone jack if we are completely past our buffers
+ cmdNum = trap_GetCurrentCmdNumber( ) - CMD_BACKUP + 1;
+ trap_GetUserCmd( cmdNum, &cmd );
+ // special check for map_restart
+ if( cmd.serverTime <= cg.snap->ps.commandTime || cmd.serverTime > cg.time )
+ return;
+ // also add text in center of screen
+ s = "Connection Interrupted";
+ w = UI_Text_Width( s, 0.7f );
+ UI_Text_Paint( 320 - w / 2, 100, 0.7f, color, s, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED );
+ // blink the icon
+ if( ( cg.time >> 9 ) & 1 )
+ return;
+ x = 640 - 48;
+ y = 480 - 48;
+ CG_DrawPic( x, y, 48, 48, trap_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/2d/net.tga" ) );
+static void CG_DrawLagometer( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
+ float scale, vec4_t textColor )
+ int a, x, y, i;
+ float v;
+ float ax, ay, aw, ah, mid, range;
+ int color;
+ vec4_t adjustedColor;
+ float vscale;
+ char *ping;
+ if( cg.snap->ps.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION )
+ return;
+ if( !cg_lagometer.integer )
+ return;
+ if( cg.demoPlayback )
+ return;
+ Vector4Copy( textColor, adjustedColor );
+ adjustedColor[ 3 ] = 0.25f;
+ trap_R_SetColor( adjustedColor );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ //
+ // draw the graph
+ //
+ ax = x = rect->x;
+ ay = y = rect->y;
+ aw = rect->w;
+ ah = rect->h;
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ CG_AdjustFrom640( &ax, &ay, &aw, &ah );
+ color = -1;
+ range = ah / 3;
+ mid = ay + range;
+ vscale = range / MAX_LAGOMETER_RANGE;
+ // draw the frame interpoalte / extrapolate graph
+ for( a = 0 ; a < aw ; a++ )
+ {
+ i = ( lagometer.frameCount - 1 - a ) & ( LAG_SAMPLES - 1 );
+ v = lagometer.frameSamples[ i ];
+ v *= vscale;
+ if( v > 0 )
+ {
+ if( color != 1 )
+ {
+ color = 1;
+ trap_R_SetColor( g_color_table[ ColorIndex( COLOR_YELLOW ) ] );
+ }
+ if( v > range )
+ v = range;
+ trap_R_DrawStretchPic( ax + aw - a, mid - v, 1, v, 0, 0, 0, 0, );
+ }
+ else if( v < 0 )
+ {
+ if( color != 2 )
+ {
+ color = 2;
+ trap_R_SetColor( g_color_table[ ColorIndex( COLOR_BLUE ) ] );
+ }
+ v = -v;
+ if( v > range )
+ v = range;
+ trap_R_DrawStretchPic( ax + aw - a, mid, 1, v, 0, 0, 0, 0, );
+ }
+ }
+ // draw the snapshot latency / drop graph
+ range = ah / 2;
+ vscale = range / MAX_LAGOMETER_PING;
+ for( a = 0 ; a < aw ; a++ )
+ {
+ i = ( lagometer.snapshotCount - 1 - a ) & ( LAG_SAMPLES - 1 );
+ v = lagometer.snapshotSamples[ i ];
+ if( v > 0 )
+ {
+ if( lagometer.snapshotFlags[ i ] & SNAPFLAG_RATE_DELAYED )
+ {
+ if( color != 5 )
+ {
+ color = 5; // YELLOW for rate delay
+ trap_R_SetColor( g_color_table[ ColorIndex( COLOR_YELLOW ) ] );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( color != 3 )
+ {
+ color = 3;
+ trap_R_SetColor( g_color_table[ ColorIndex( COLOR_GREEN ) ] );
+ }
+ }
+ v = v * vscale;
+ if( v > range )
+ v = range;
+ trap_R_DrawStretchPic( ax + aw - a, ay + ah - v, 1, v, 0, 0, 0, 0, );
+ }
+ else if( v < 0 )
+ {
+ if( color != 4 )
+ {
+ color = 4; // RED for dropped snapshots
+ trap_R_SetColor( g_color_table[ ColorIndex( COLOR_RED ) ] );
+ }
+ trap_R_DrawStretchPic( ax + aw - a, ay + ah - range, 1, range, 0, 0, 0, 0, );
+ }
+ }
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ if( cg_nopredict.integer || cg_synchronousClients.integer )
+ ping = "snc";
+ else
+ ping = va( "%d", );
+ ax = rect->x + ( rect->w / 2.0f ) -
+ ( UI_Text_Width( ping, scale ) / 2.0f ) + text_x;
+ ay = rect->y + ( rect->h / 2.0f ) +
+ ( UI_Text_Height( ping, scale ) / 2.0f ) + text_y;
+ Vector4Copy( textColor, adjustedColor );
+ adjustedColor[ 3 ] = 0.5f;
+ UI_Text_Paint( ax, ay, scale, adjustedColor, ping, 0, 0,
+ CG_DrawDisconnect( );
+float speedSamples[ SPEEDOMETER_NUM_SAMPLES ];
+// array indices
+int oldestSpeedSample = 0;
+int maxSpeedSample = 0;
+append a speed to the sample history
+void CG_AddSpeed( void )
+ float speed;
+ vec3_t vel;
+ VectorCopy( cg.snap->ps.velocity, vel );
+ if( cg_drawSpeed.integer & SPEEDOMETER_IGNORE_Z )
+ vel[ 2 ] = 0;
+ speed = VectorLength( vel );
+ if( speed > speedSamples[ maxSpeedSample ] )
+ {
+ maxSpeedSample = oldestSpeedSample;
+ speedSamples[ oldestSpeedSample++ ] = speed;
+ oldestSpeedSample %= SPEEDOMETER_NUM_SAMPLES;
+ return;
+ }
+ speedSamples[ oldestSpeedSample ] = speed;
+ if( maxSpeedSample == oldestSpeedSample++ )
+ {
+ // if old max was overwritten find a new one
+ int i;
+ for( maxSpeedSample = 0, i = 1; i < SPEEDOMETER_NUM_SAMPLES; i++ )
+ {
+ if( speedSamples[ i ] > speedSamples[ maxSpeedSample ] )
+ maxSpeedSample = i;
+ }
+ }
+ oldestSpeedSample %= SPEEDOMETER_NUM_SAMPLES;
+#define SPEED_MED 1000.f
+#define SPEED_FAST 1600.f
+static void CG_DrawSpeedGraph( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t foreColor,
+ vec4_t backColor )
+ int i;
+ float val, max, top;
+ // colour of graph is interpolated between these values
+ const vec3_t slow = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
+ const vec3_t medium = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
+ const vec3_t fast = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+ vec4_t color;
+ max = speedSamples[ maxSpeedSample ];
+ trap_R_SetColor( backColor );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, );
+ Vector4Copy( foreColor, color );
+ for( i = 1; i < SPEEDOMETER_NUM_SAMPLES; i++ )
+ {
+ val = speedSamples[ ( oldestSpeedSample + i ) % SPEEDOMETER_NUM_SAMPLES ];
+ if( val < SPEED_MED )
+ VectorLerp( val / SPEED_MED, slow, medium, color );
+ else if( val < SPEED_FAST )
+ VectorLerp( ( val - SPEED_MED ) / ( SPEED_FAST - SPEED_MED ),
+ medium, fast, color );
+ else
+ VectorCopy( fast, color );
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ top = rect->y + ( 1 - val / max ) * rect->h;
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x + ( i / (float)SPEEDOMETER_NUM_SAMPLES ) * rect->w, top,
+ rect->w / (float)SPEEDOMETER_NUM_SAMPLES, val * rect->h / max,
+ );
+ }
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawSpeedText( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
+ float scale, vec4_t foreColor )
+ char speedstr[ 16 ];
+ float val;
+ vec4_t color;
+ VectorCopy( foreColor, color );
+ color[ 3 ] = 1;
+ if( cg.predictedPlayerState.clientNum == cg.clientNum )
+ {
+ vec3_t vel;
+ VectorCopy( cg.predictedPlayerState.velocity, vel );
+ if( cg_drawSpeed.integer & SPEEDOMETER_IGNORE_Z )
+ vel[ 2 ] = 0;
+ val = VectorLength( vel );
+ }
+ else if( oldestSpeedSample == 0 )
+ val = speedSamples[ SPEEDOMETER_NUM_SAMPLES - 1 ];
+ else
+ val = speedSamples[ oldestSpeedSample - 1 ];
+ Com_sprintf( speedstr, sizeof( speedstr ), "%d", (int)val );
+ UI_Text_Paint(
+ rect->x + ( rect->w - UI_Text_Width( speedstr, scale ) ) / 2.0f,
+ rect->y + ( rect->h + UI_Text_Height( speedstr, scale ) ) / 2.0f,
+ scale, color, speedstr, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL );
+static void CG_DrawSpeed( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
+ float scale, vec4_t foreColor, vec4_t backColor )
+ if( cg_drawSpeed.integer & SPEEDOMETER_DRAW_GRAPH )
+ CG_DrawSpeedGraph( rect, foreColor, backColor );
+ if( cg_drawSpeed.integer & SPEEDOMETER_DRAW_TEXT )
+ CG_DrawSpeedText( rect, text_x, text_y, scale, foreColor );
+static void CG_DrawConsole( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y, vec4_t color,
+ float scale, int textalign, int textvalign, int textStyle )
+ UI_DrawTextBlock( rect, text_x, text_y, color, scale, textalign, textvalign, textStyle, cg.consoleText );
+static void CG_DrawTutorial( rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y, vec4_t color,
+ float scale, int textalign, int textvalign, int textStyle )
+ if( !cg_tutorial.integer && !cg_modTutorial.integer )
+ return;
+ UI_DrawTextBlock( rect, text_x, text_y, color, scale, textalign, textvalign, textStyle, CG_TutorialText( ) );
+void CG_DrawWeaponIcon( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color )
+ int maxAmmo;
+ centity_t *cent;
+ playerState_t *ps;
+ weapon_t weapon;
+ cent = &cg_entities[ cg.snap->ps.clientNum ];
+ ps = &cg.snap->ps;
+ weapon = BG_GetPlayerWeapon( ps );
+ maxAmmo = BG_Weapon( weapon )->maxAmmo;
+ // don't display if dead
+ if( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_HEALTH ] <= 0 )
+ return;
+ if( weapon <= WP_NONE || weapon >= WP_NUM_WEAPONS )
+ {
+ CG_Error( "CG_DrawWeaponIcon: weapon out of range: %d\n", weapon );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( !cg_weapons[ weapon ].registered )
+ {
+ Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: CG_DrawWeaponIcon: weapon %d (%s) "
+ "is not registered\n", weapon, BG_Weapon( weapon )->name );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( ps->clips == 0 && !BG_Weapon( weapon )->infiniteAmmo )
+ {
+ float ammoPercent = (float)ps->ammo / (float)maxAmmo;
+ if( ammoPercent < 0.33f )
+ {
+ color[ 0 ] = 1.0f;
+ color[ 1 ] = color[ 2 ] = 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ if( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_ALIENS &&
+ !BG_AlienCanEvolve( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_CLASS ],
+ ps->persistant[ PERS_CREDIT ], cgs.alienStage ) )
+ {
+ if( cg.time - cg.lastEvolveAttempt <= NO_CREDITS_TIME )
+ {
+ if( ( ( cg.time - cg.lastEvolveAttempt ) / 300 ) % 2 )
+ color[ 3 ] = 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h,
+ cg_weapons[ weapon ].weaponIcon );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawCrosshair( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color )
+ float w, h;
+ qhandle_t hShader;
+ float x, y;
+ weaponInfo_t *wi;
+ weapon_t weapon;
+ weapon = BG_GetPlayerWeapon( &cg.snap->ps );
+ if( cg_drawCrosshair.integer == CROSSHAIR_ALWAYSOFF )
+ return;
+ if( cg_drawCrosshair.integer == CROSSHAIR_RANGEDONLY &&
+ !BG_Weapon( weapon )->longRanged )
+ return;
+ if( cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_SPECSTATE ] != SPECTATOR_NOT )
+ return;
+ if( cg.renderingThirdPerson )
+ return;
+ if( cg.snap->ps.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION )
+ return;
+ wi = &cg_weapons[ weapon ];
+ w = h = wi->crossHairSize * cg_crosshairSize.value;
+ w *= cgDC.aspectScale;
+ //FIXME: this still ignores the width/height of the rect, but at least it's
+ //neater than cg_crosshairX/cg_crosshairY
+ x = rect->x + ( rect->w / 2 ) - ( w / 2 );
+ y = rect->y + ( rect->h / 2 ) - ( h / 2 );
+ hShader = wi->crossHair;
+ //aiming at a friendly player/buildable, dim the crosshair
+ if( cg.time == cg.crosshairClientTime || cg.crosshairBuildable >= 0 )
+ {
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+ color[i] *= .5f;
+ }
+ if( hShader != 0 )
+ {
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( x, y, w, h, hShader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ }
+static void CG_ScanForCrosshairEntity( void )
+ trace_t trace;
+ vec3_t start, end;
+ int content;
+ team_t team;
+ VectorCopy( cg.refdef.vieworg, start );
+ VectorMA( start, 131072, cg.refdef.viewaxis[ 0 ], end );
+ CG_Trace( &trace, start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end,
+ cg.snap->ps.clientNum, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_BODY );
+ // if the player is in fog, don't show it
+ content = trap_CM_PointContents( trace.endpos, 0 );
+ if( content & CONTENTS_FOG )
+ return;
+ if( trace.entityNum >= MAX_CLIENTS )
+ {
+ entityState_t *s = &cg_entities[ trace.entityNum ].currentState;
+ if( s->eType == ET_BUILDABLE && BG_Buildable( s->modelindex, NULL )->team ==
+ cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] )
+ cg.crosshairBuildable = trace.entityNum;
+ else
+ cg.crosshairBuildable = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ team = cgs.clientinfo[ trace.entityNum ].team;
+ if( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] != TEAM_NONE )
+ {
+ //only display team names of those on the same team as this player
+ if( team != cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] )
+ return;
+ }
+ // update the fade timer
+ cg.crosshairClientNum = trace.entityNum;
+ cg.crosshairClientTime = cg.time;
+static void CG_DrawLocation( rectDef_t *rect, float scale, int textalign, vec4_t color )
+ const char *location;
+ centity_t *locent;
+ float maxX;
+ float tx = rect->x, ty = rect->y;
+ if( cg.intermissionStarted )
+ return;
+ maxX = rect->x + rect->w;
+ locent = CG_GetPlayerLocation( );
+ if( locent )
+ location = CG_ConfigString( CS_LOCATIONS + locent->currentState.generic1 );
+ else
+ location = CG_ConfigString( CS_LOCATIONS );
+ // need to skip horiz. align if it's too long, but valign must be run either way
+ if( UI_Text_Width( location, scale ) < rect->w )
+ {
+ CG_AlignText( rect, location, scale, 0.0f, 0.0f, textalign, VALIGN_CENTER, &tx, &ty );
+ UI_Text_Paint( tx, ty, scale, color, location, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CG_AlignText( rect, location, scale, 0.0f, 0.0f, ALIGN_NONE, VALIGN_CENTER, &tx, &ty );
+ UI_Text_Paint_Limit( &maxX, tx, ty, scale, color, location, 0, 0 );
+ }
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_DrawCrosshairNames( rectDef_t *rect, float scale, int textStyle )
+ float *color;
+ char *name;
+ float w, x;
+ if( !cg_drawCrosshairNames.integer )
+ return;
+ if( cg.renderingThirdPerson )
+ return;
+ // scan the known entities to see if the crosshair is sighted on one
+ CG_ScanForCrosshairEntity( );
+ // draw the name of the player being looked at
+ color = CG_FadeColor( cg.crosshairClientTime, CROSSHAIR_CLIENT_TIMEOUT );
+ if( !color )
+ {
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ return;
+ }
+ // add health from overlay info to the crosshair client name
+ name = cgs.clientinfo[ cg.crosshairClientNum ].name;
+ if( cg_teamOverlayUserinfo.integer &&
+ cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] != TEAM_NONE &&
+ cgs.teaminfoReceievedTime &&
+ cgs.clientinfo[ cg.crosshairClientNum ].health > 0 )
+ {
+ name = va( "%s ^7[^%c%d^7]", name,
+ CG_GetColorCharForHealth( cg.crosshairClientNum ),
+ cgs.clientinfo[ cg.crosshairClientNum ].health );
+ }
+ w = UI_Text_Width( name, scale );
+ x = rect->x + rect->w / 2.0f;
+ UI_Text_Paint( x - w / 2.0f, rect->y + rect->h, scale, color, name, 0, 0, textStyle );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+Draw an owner drawn item
+void CG_OwnerDraw( float x, float y, float w, float h, float text_x,
+ float text_y, int ownerDraw, int ownerDrawFlags,
+ int align, int textalign, int textvalign, float borderSize,
+ float scale, vec4_t foreColor, vec4_t backColor,
+ qhandle_t shader, int textStyle )
+ rectDef_t rect;
+ rect.x = x;
+ rect.y = y;
+ rect.w = w;
+ rect.h = h;
+ switch( ownerDraw )
+ {
+ CG_DrawPlayerCreditsValue( &rect, foreColor, qtrue );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerCreditsFraction( &rect, foreColor, shader );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerCreditsValue( &rect, foreColor, qfalse );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerStamina( ownerDraw, &rect, backColor, foreColor, shader );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerStaminaBolt( &rect, backColor, foreColor, shader );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerAmmoValue( &rect, foreColor );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerClipsValue( &rect, foreColor );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerBuildTimer( &rect, foreColor );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerHealthValue( &rect, foreColor );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerHealthCross( &rect, foreColor );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerChargeBarBG( &rect, foreColor, shader );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerChargeBar( &rect, foreColor, shader );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerClipsRing( &rect, backColor, foreColor, shader );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerBuildTimerRing( &rect, backColor, foreColor, shader );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerWallclimbing( &rect, backColor, foreColor, shader );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerBoosted( &rect, backColor, foreColor, shader );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerBoosterBolt( &rect, backColor, foreColor, shader );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawPlayerPoisonBarbs( &rect, foreColor, shader );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawAlienSense( &rect );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawHumanScanner( &rect, shader, foreColor );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawUsableBuildable( &rect, shader, foreColor );
+ break;
+ case CG_KILLER:
+ CG_DrawKiller( &rect, scale, foreColor, shader, textStyle );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawItemSelect( &rect, foreColor );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawWeaponIcon( &rect, foreColor );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawItemSelectText( &rect, scale, textStyle );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawTeamSpectators( &rect, scale, textvalign, foreColor, shader );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawLocation( &rect, scale, textalign, foreColor );
+ break;
+ case CG_FOLLOW:
+ CG_DrawFollow( &rect, text_x, text_y, foreColor, scale,
+ textalign, textvalign, textStyle );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawCrosshairNames( &rect, scale, textStyle );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawCrosshair( &rect, foreColor );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawStageReport( &rect, text_x, text_y, foreColor, scale, textalign, textvalign, textStyle );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawTeamLabel( &rect, TEAM_ALIENS, text_x, text_y, foreColor, scale, textalign, textvalign, textStyle );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawTeamLabel( &rect, TEAM_HUMANS, text_x, text_y, foreColor, scale, textalign, textvalign, textStyle );
+ break;
+ //loading screen
+ CG_DrawLevelShot( &rect );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawMediaProgress( &rect, foreColor, scale, align, textalign, textStyle,
+ borderSize );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawMediaProgressLabel( &rect, text_x, text_y, foreColor, scale, textalign, textvalign );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawBuildablesProgress( &rect, foreColor, scale, align, textalign,
+ textStyle, borderSize );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawBuildablesProgressLabel( &rect, text_x, text_y, foreColor, scale, textalign, textvalign );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawCharModelProgress( &rect, foreColor, scale, align, textalign,
+ textStyle, borderSize );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawCharModelProgressLabel( &rect, text_x, text_y, foreColor, scale, textalign, textvalign );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawOverallProgress( &rect, foreColor, scale, align, textalign, textStyle,
+ borderSize );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawLevelName( &rect, text_x, text_y, foreColor, scale, textalign, textvalign, textStyle );
+ break;
+ case CG_LOAD_MOTD:
+ CG_DrawMOTD( &rect, text_x, text_y, foreColor, scale, textalign, textvalign, textStyle );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawHostname( &rect, text_x, text_y, foreColor, scale, textalign, textvalign, textStyle );
+ break;
+ case CG_FPS:
+ CG_DrawFPS( &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, foreColor, textalign, textvalign, textStyle, qtrue );
+ break;
+ case CG_FPS_FIXED:
+ CG_DrawFPS( &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, foreColor, textalign, textvalign, textStyle, qfalse );
+ break;
+ case CG_TIMER:
+ CG_DrawTimer( &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, foreColor, textalign, textvalign, textStyle );
+ break;
+ case CG_CLOCK:
+ CG_DrawClock( &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, foreColor, textalign, textvalign, textStyle );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawTimerMins( &rect, foreColor );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawTimerSecs( &rect, foreColor );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawSnapshot( &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, foreColor, textalign, textvalign, textStyle );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawLagometer( &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, foreColor );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawTeamOverlay( &rect, scale, foreColor );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawSpeed( &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, foreColor, backColor );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawDemoPlayback( &rect, foreColor, shader );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawDemoRecording( &rect, foreColor, shader );
+ break;
+ case CG_CONSOLE:
+ CG_DrawConsole( &rect, text_x, text_y, foreColor, scale, textalign, textvalign, textStyle );
+ break;
+ CG_DrawTutorial( &rect, text_x, text_y, foreColor, scale, textalign, textvalign, textStyle );
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void CG_MouseEvent( int x, int y )
+ int n;
+ if( ( cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_NORMAL ||
+ cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_SPECTATOR ) &&
+ cg.showScores == qfalse )
+ {
+ trap_Key_SetCatcher( 0 );
+ return;
+ }
+ cgs.cursorX += x;
+ if( cgs.cursorX < 0 )
+ cgs.cursorX = 0;
+ else if( cgs.cursorX > 640 )
+ cgs.cursorX = 640;
+ cgs.cursorY += y;
+ if( cgs.cursorY < 0 )
+ cgs.cursorY = 0;
+ else if( cgs.cursorY > 480 )
+ cgs.cursorY = 480;
+ n = Display_CursorType( cgs.cursorX, cgs.cursorY );
+ cgs.activeCursor = 0;
+ if( n == CURSOR_ARROW )
+ cgs.activeCursor =;
+ else if( n == CURSOR_SIZER )
+ cgs.activeCursor =;
+ if( cgs.capturedItem )
+ Display_MouseMove( cgs.capturedItem, x, y );
+ else
+ Display_MouseMove( NULL, cgs.cursorX, cgs.cursorY );
+void CG_HideTeamMenu( void )
+ Menus_CloseByName( "teamMenu" );
+ Menus_CloseByName( "getMenu" );
+void CG_ShowTeamMenu( void )
+ Menus_ActivateByName( "teamMenu" );
+type 0 - no event handling
+ 1 - team menu
+ 2 - hud editor
+void CG_EventHandling( int type )
+ cgs.eventHandling = type;
+ if( type == CGAME_EVENT_NONE )
+ CG_HideTeamMenu( );
+void CG_KeyEvent( int key, qboolean down )
+ if( !down )
+ return;
+ if( cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_NORMAL ||
+ ( cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_SPECTATOR &&
+ cg.showScores == qfalse ) )
+ {
+ CG_EventHandling( CGAME_EVENT_NONE );
+ trap_Key_SetCatcher( 0 );
+ return;
+ }
+ Display_HandleKey( key, down, cgs.cursorX, cgs.cursorY );
+ if( cgs.capturedItem )
+ cgs.capturedItem = NULL;
+ else
+ {
+ if( key == K_MOUSE2 && down )
+ cgs.capturedItem = Display_CaptureItem( cgs.cursorX, cgs.cursorY );
+ }
+int CG_ClientNumFromName( const char *p )
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < cgs.maxclients; i++ )
+ {
+ if( cgs.clientinfo[ i ].infoValid &&
+ Q_stricmp( cgs.clientinfo[ i ].name, p ) == 0 )
+ return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+void CG_RunMenuScript( char **args )
+static void CG_DrawLighting( void )
+ centity_t *cent;
+ cent = &cg_entities[ cg.snap->ps.clientNum ];
+ //fade to black if stamina is low
+ if( ( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_STAMINA ] < STAMINA_BLACKOUT_LEVEL ) &&
+ ( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS ) )
+ {
+ vec4_t black = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ black[ 3 ] = 1.0 - ( (float)( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_STAMINA ] + 1000 ) / 200.0f );
+ trap_R_SetColor( black );
+ CG_DrawPic( 0, 0, 640, 480, );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+ }
+Called for important messages that should stay in the center of the screen
+for a few moments
+void CG_CenterPrint( const char *str, int y, int charWidth )
+ char *s;
+ char newlineParsed[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
+ const char *wrapped;
+ static int maxWidth = (int)( ( 2.0f / 3.0f ) * (float)SCREEN_WIDTH );
+ Q_ParseNewlines( newlineParsed, str, sizeof( newlineParsed ) );
+ wrapped = Item_Text_Wrap( newlineParsed, 0.5f, maxWidth );
+ Q_strncpyz( cg.centerPrint, wrapped, sizeof( cg.centerPrint ) );
+ cg.centerPrintTime = cg.time;
+ cg.centerPrintY = y;
+ cg.centerPrintCharWidth = charWidth;
+ // count the number of lines for centering
+ cg.centerPrintLines = 1;
+ s = cg.centerPrint;
+ while( *s )
+ {
+ if( *s == '\n' )
+ cg.centerPrintLines++;
+ s++;
+ }
+static void CG_DrawCenterString( void )
+ char *start;
+ int l;
+ int x, y, w;
+ int h;
+ float *color;
+ if( !cg.centerPrintTime )
+ return;
+ color = CG_FadeColor( cg.centerPrintTime, 1000 * cg_centertime.value );
+ if( !color )
+ return;
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ start = cg.centerPrint;
+ y = cg.centerPrintY - cg.centerPrintLines * BIGCHAR_HEIGHT / 2;
+ while( 1 )
+ {
+ char linebuffer[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
+ for( l = 0; l < sizeof(linebuffer) - 1; l++ )
+ {
+ if( !start[ l ] || start[ l ] == '\n' )
+ break;
+ linebuffer[ l ] = start[ l ];
+ }
+ linebuffer[ l ] = 0;
+ w = UI_Text_Width( linebuffer, 0.5 );
+ h = UI_Text_Height( linebuffer, 0.5 );
+ x = ( SCREEN_WIDTH - w ) / 2;
+ UI_Text_Paint( x, y + h, 0.5, color, linebuffer, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE );
+ y += h + 6;
+ while( *start && ( *start != '\n' ) )
+ start++;
+ if( !*start )
+ break;
+ start++;
+ }
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+//FIXME: both vote notes are hardcoded, change to ownerdrawn?
+static void CG_DrawVote( team_t team )
+ char *s;
+ int sec;
+ int offset = 0;
+ vec4_t white = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
+ char yeskey[ 32 ] = "", nokey[ 32 ] = "";
+ if( !cgs.voteTime[ team ] )
+ return;
+ // play a talk beep whenever it is modified
+ if( cgs.voteModified[ team ] )
+ {
+ cgs.voteModified[ team ] = qfalse;
+ trap_S_StartLocalSound(, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND );
+ }
+ sec = ( VOTE_TIME - ( cg.time - cgs.voteTime[ team ] ) ) / 1000;
+ if( sec < 0 )
+ sec = 0;
+ if( cg_tutorial.integer )
+ {
+ Com_sprintf( yeskey, sizeof( yeskey ), "[%s]",
+ CG_KeyBinding( va( "%svote yes", team == TEAM_NONE ? "" : "team" ) ) );
+ Com_sprintf( nokey, sizeof( nokey ), "[%s]",
+ CG_KeyBinding( va( "%svote no", team == TEAM_NONE ? "" : "team" ) ) );
+ }
+ if( team != TEAM_NONE )
+ offset = 80;
+ s = va( "%sVOTE(%i): %s",
+ team == TEAM_NONE ? "" : "TEAM", sec, cgs.voteString[ team ] );
+ UI_Text_Paint( 8, 300 + offset, 0.3f, white, s, 0, 0,
+ s = va( " Called by: \"%s\"", cgs.voteCaller[ team ] );
+ UI_Text_Paint( 8, 320 + offset, 0.3f, white, s, 0, 0,
+ s = va( " %sYes:%i %sNo:%i",
+ yeskey, cgs.voteYes[ team ], nokey, cgs.voteNo[ team ] );
+ UI_Text_Paint( 8, 340 + offset, 0.3f, white, s, 0, 0,
+static qboolean CG_DrawScoreboard( void )
+ static qboolean firstTime = qtrue;
+ float fade, *fadeColor;
+ if( menuScoreboard )
+ menuScoreboard->window.flags &= ~WINDOW_FORCED;
+ if( cg_paused.integer )
+ {
+ cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0;
+ firstTime = qtrue;
+ return qfalse;
+ }
+ if( cg.showScores ||
+ cg.predictedPlayerState.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION )
+ {
+ fade = 1.0;
+ fadeColor = colorWhite;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cg.deferredPlayerLoading = 0;
+ cg.killerName[ 0 ] = 0;
+ firstTime = qtrue;
+ return qfalse;
+ }
+ if( menuScoreboard == NULL )
+ menuScoreboard = Menus_FindByName( "teamscore_menu" );
+ if( menuScoreboard )
+ {
+ if( firstTime )
+ {
+ cg.spectatorTime = trap_Milliseconds();
+ CG_SetScoreSelection( menuScoreboard );
+ firstTime = qfalse;
+ }
+ Menu_Update( menuScoreboard );
+ Menu_Paint( menuScoreboard, qtrue );
+ }
+ return qtrue;
+static void CG_DrawIntermission( void )
+ menuDef_t *menu = Menus_FindByName( "default_hud" );
+ Menu_Update( menu );
+ Menu_Paint( menu, qtrue );
+ cg.scoreFadeTime = cg.time;
+ cg.scoreBoardShowing = CG_DrawScoreboard( );
+static qboolean CG_DrawQueue( void )
+ float w;
+ vec4_t color;
+ int position;
+ char *ordinal, buffer[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
+ if( !( cg.snap->ps.pm_flags & PMF_QUEUED ) )
+ return qfalse;
+ color[ 0 ] = 1;
+ color[ 1 ] = 1;
+ color[ 2 ] = 1;
+ color[ 3 ] = 1;
+ position = cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_QUEUEPOS ] + 1;
+ if( position < 1 )
+ return qfalse;
+ switch( position % 100 )
+ {
+ case 11:
+ case 12:
+ case 13:
+ ordinal = "th";
+ break;
+ default:
+ switch( position % 10 )
+ {
+ case 1: ordinal = "st"; break;
+ case 2: ordinal = "nd"; break;
+ case 3: ordinal = "rd"; break;
+ default: ordinal = "th"; break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ Com_sprintf( buffer, MAX_STRING_CHARS, "You are %d%s in the spawn queue",
+ position, ordinal );
+ w = UI_Text_Width( buffer, 0.7f );
+ UI_Text_Paint( 320 - w / 2, 360, 0.7f, color, buffer, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED );
+ if( cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_SPAWNS ] == 0 )
+ Com_sprintf( buffer, MAX_STRING_CHARS, "There are no spawns remaining" );
+ else if( cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_SPAWNS ] == 1 )
+ Com_sprintf( buffer, MAX_STRING_CHARS, "There is 1 spawn remaining" );
+ else
+ Com_sprintf( buffer, MAX_STRING_CHARS, "There are %d spawns remaining",
+ cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_SPAWNS ] );
+ w = UI_Text_Width( buffer, 0.7f );
+ UI_Text_Paint( 320 - w / 2, 400, 0.7f, color, buffer, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED );
+ return qtrue;
+static void CG_DrawWarmup( void )
+ int sec = 0;
+ int w;
+ int h;
+ float size = 0.5f;
+ char text[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] = "Warmup Time:";
+ if( !cg.warmupTime )
+ return;
+ sec = ( cg.warmupTime - cg.time ) / 1000;
+ if( sec < 0 )
+ return;
+ w = UI_Text_Width( text, size );
+ h = UI_Text_Height( text, size );
+ UI_Text_Paint( 320 - w / 2, 200, size, colorWhite, text, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED );
+ Com_sprintf( text, sizeof( text ), "%s", sec ? va( "%d", sec ) : "FIGHT!" );
+ w = UI_Text_Width( text, size );
+ UI_Text_Paint( 320 - w / 2, 200 + 1.5f * h, size, colorWhite, text, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED );
+void CG_DrawFuel( void )
+ int i;
+ float x, y, w, h, scale, fuel;
+ vec4_t color;
+ char text[20];
+ qboolean active;
+ if( !BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( UP_JETPACK, cg.predictedPlayerState.stats ) )
+ return;
+ active = BG_UpgradeIsActive( UP_JETPACK, cg.predictedPlayerState.stats ) ||
+ cg.predictedPlayerEntity.jetPackJumpTime + 100 > cg.time;
+ fuel = (float)cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_FUEL ] / JETPACK_FUEL_FULL;
+ fuel = ceil( fuel * 100 );
+ Com_sprintf( text, sizeof(text), "%.0f%%", fuel );
+ scale = cg_fuelInfoScale.value;
+ w = UI_Text_Width( text, scale );
+ h = UI_Text_Height( text, scale );
+ x = 320.0f - w / 2.0f + cg_fuelInfoX.value;
+ y = 240.0f - h / 2.0f + cg_fuelInfoY.value;
+ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+ color[ i ] = ( active ? 1 : 0.5 );
+ color[ 3 ] = 1.0f;
+ UI_Text_Paint( x, y, scale, color, text, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE );
+void CG_DrawSplash( void )
+ float t, x, y, w, h, ar;
+ vec4_t color;
+ int i;
+ static qboolean first = qtrue;
+ if( first )
+ {
+ cg.splashTime = cg.time;
+ first = qfalse;
+ }
+ if( cg.splashTime + 4000 < cg.time )
+ return;
+ t = (float)( cg.time - cg.splashTime ) / 1000;
+ ar = ( 4.0f / 3.0f ) / ( (float)cgs.glconfig.vidWidth / cgs.glconfig.vidHeight );
+ h = 40;
+ w = h * ar;
+ x = 320 - w/2;
+ y = 240 - h/2;
+ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+ color[ i ] = 1.0f;
+ if( t > 1.0f )
+ {
+ float tw, th, ts;
+ if( t < 2.0f )
+ color[ 3 ] = t - 1.0f;
+ else if ( t > 3.5f )
+ color[ 3 ] = ( 3.5f - t ) * 2;
+ else
+ color[ 3 ] = 1;
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ ts = 0.33f;
+ tw = UI_Text_Width( MODVER_TITLE, ts );
+ th = UI_Text_Height( MODVER_TITLE, ts );
+ UI_Text_Paint( x + w/2 - tw/2, y + h + th, ts, color, MODVER_TITLE, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE );
+ }
+ color[ 3 ] = ( t > 3.0f ) ? 4.0f - t : 1.0f;
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ CG_DrawPic( x, y, w, h,[ cg.time / 25 % 15 ] );
+ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+ color[ i ] = 0.7f;
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ x += w;
+ if( t < 1.0f )
+ x += ( 1.0f - t ) * 400.0f * ar;
+ w *= 251.0f / 181.0f;
+ CG_DrawPic( x, y, w, h, );
+ w = h * ar;
+ x = 320 - w/2;
+ if( t < 1.0f )
+ x -= ( 1.0f - t ) * 400.0f * ar;
+ w *= 512.0f / 181.0f;
+ x -= w;
+ CG_DrawPic( x, y, w, h, );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+static void CG_Draw2D( void )
+ menuDef_t *menu = NULL;
+ // if we are taking a levelshot for the menu, don't draw anything
+ if( cg.levelShot )
+ return;
+ // fading to black if stamina runs out
+ // (only 2D that can't be disabled)
+ CG_DrawLighting( );
+ if( cg_draw2D.integer == 0 )
+ return;
+ if( cg.snap->ps.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION )
+ {
+ CG_DrawIntermission( );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_SPECSTATE ] == SPECTATOR_NOT &&
+ cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_HEALTH ] > 0 )
+ {
+ menu = Menus_FindByName( BG_ClassConfig(
+ cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_CLASS ] )->hudName );
+ CG_DrawBuildableStatus( );
+ CG_Cuboid_DrawInfo( );
+ CG_DrawFuel( );
+ }
+ if( !menu )
+ {
+ menu = Menus_FindByName( "default_hud" );
+ if( !menu ) // still couldn't find it
+ CG_Error( "Default HUD could not be found" );
+ }
+ Menu_Update( menu );
+ Menu_Paint( menu, qtrue );
+ CG_DrawVote( TEAM_NONE );
+ CG_DrawVote( cg.predictedPlayerState.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] );
+ CG_DrawWarmup( );
+ CG_DrawQueue( );
+ // don't draw center string if scoreboard is up
+ cg.scoreBoardShowing = CG_DrawScoreboard( );
+ if( !cg.scoreBoardShowing )
+ CG_DrawCenterString( );
+ CG_DrawSplash( );
+static void CG_ScalePainBlendTCs( float* s1, float *t1, float *s2, float *t2 )
+ *s1 -= 0.5f;
+ *t1 -= 0.5f;
+ *s2 -= 0.5f;
+ *t2 -= 0.5f;
+ *s1 *= cg_painBlendZoom.value;
+ *t1 *= cg_painBlendZoom.value;
+ *s2 *= cg_painBlendZoom.value;
+ *t2 *= cg_painBlendZoom.value;
+ *s1 += 0.5f;
+ *t1 += 0.5f;
+ *s2 += 0.5f;
+ *t2 += 0.5f;
+#define PAINBLEND_BORDER 0.15f
+static void CG_PainBlend( void )
+ vec4_t color;
+ int damage;
+ float damageAsFracOfMax;
+ qhandle_t shader =;
+ float x, y, w, h;
+ float s1, t1, s2, t2;
+ if( cg.snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_SPECSTATE ] != SPECTATOR_NOT || cg.intermissionStarted )
+ return;
+ damage = cg.lastHealth - cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_HEALTH ];
+ if( damage < 0 )
+ damage = 0;
+ damageAsFracOfMax = (float)damage / cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_MAX_HEALTH ];
+ cg.lastHealth = cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_HEALTH ];
+ cg.painBlendValue += damageAsFracOfMax * cg_painBlendScale.value;
+ if( cg.painBlendValue > 0.0f )
+ {
+ cg.painBlendValue -= ( cg.frametime / 1000.0f ) *
+ cg_painBlendDownRate.value;
+ }
+ if( cg.painBlendValue > 1.0f )
+ cg.painBlendValue = 1.0f;
+ else if( cg.painBlendValue <= 0.0f )
+ {
+ cg.painBlendValue = 0.0f;
+ return;
+ }
+ if( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_ALIENS )
+ VectorSet( color, 0.43f, 0.8f, 0.37f );
+ else if( cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS )
+ VectorSet( color, 0.8f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
+ if( cg.painBlendValue > cg.painBlendTarget )
+ {
+ cg.painBlendTarget += ( cg.frametime / 1000.0f ) *
+ cg_painBlendUpRate.value;
+ }
+ else if( cg.painBlendValue < cg.painBlendTarget )
+ cg.painBlendTarget = cg.painBlendValue;
+ if( cg.painBlendTarget > cg_painBlendMax.value )
+ cg.painBlendTarget = cg_painBlendMax.value;
+ color[ 3 ] = cg.painBlendTarget;
+ trap_R_SetColor( color );
+ //left
+ x = 0.0f; y = 0.0f;
+ w = PAINBLEND_BORDER * 640.0f; h = 480.0f;
+ CG_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h );
+ s1 = 0.0f; t1 = 0.0f;
+ s2 = PAINBLEND_BORDER; t2 = 1.0f;
+ CG_ScalePainBlendTCs( &s1, &t1, &s2, &t2 );
+ trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, w, h, s1, t1, s2, t2, shader );
+ //right
+ x = 640.0f - ( PAINBLEND_BORDER * 640.0f ); y = 0.0f;
+ w = PAINBLEND_BORDER * 640.0f; h = 480.0f;
+ CG_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h );
+ s1 = 1.0f - PAINBLEND_BORDER; t1 = 0.0f;
+ s2 = 1.0f; t2 =1.0f;
+ CG_ScalePainBlendTCs( &s1, &t1, &s2, &t2 );
+ trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, w, h, s1, t1, s2, t2, shader );
+ //top
+ x = PAINBLEND_BORDER * 640.0f; y = 0.0f;
+ w = 640.0f - ( 2 * PAINBLEND_BORDER * 640.0f ); h = PAINBLEND_BORDER * 480.0f;
+ CG_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h );
+ s1 = PAINBLEND_BORDER; t1 = 0.0f;
+ CG_ScalePainBlendTCs( &s1, &t1, &s2, &t2 );
+ trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, w, h, s1, t1, s2, t2, shader );
+ //bottom
+ x = PAINBLEND_BORDER * 640.0f; y = 480.0f - ( PAINBLEND_BORDER * 480.0f );
+ w = 640.0f - ( 2 * PAINBLEND_BORDER * 640.0f ); h = PAINBLEND_BORDER * 480.0f;
+ CG_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h );
+ s2 = 1.0f - PAINBLEND_BORDER; t2 = 1.0f;
+ CG_ScalePainBlendTCs( &s1, &t1, &s2, &t2 );
+ trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, w, h, s1, t1, s2, t2, shader );
+ trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
+void CG_ResetPainBlend( void )
+ cg.painBlendValue = 0.0f;
+ cg.painBlendTarget = 0.0f;
+ cg.lastHealth = cg.snap->ps.stats[ STAT_HEALTH ];
+Perform all drawing needed to completely fill the screen
+void CG_DrawActive( stereoFrame_t stereoView )
+ float separation;
+ vec3_t baseOrg;
+ // optionally draw the info screen instead
+ if( !cg.snap )
+ return;
+ switch ( stereoView )
+ {
+ separation = 0;
+ break;
+ separation = -cg_stereoSeparation.value / 2;
+ break;
+ separation = cg_stereoSeparation.value / 2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ separation = 0;
+ CG_Error( "CG_DrawActive: Undefined stereoView" );
+ }
+ // clear around the rendered view if sized down
+ CG_TileClear( );
+ // offset vieworg appropriately if we're doing stereo separation
+ VectorCopy( cg.refdef.vieworg, baseOrg );
+ if( separation != 0 )
+ VectorMA( cg.refdef.vieworg, -separation, cg.refdef.viewaxis[ 1 ],
+ cg.refdef.vieworg );
+ // draw 3D view
+ trap_R_RenderScene( &cg.refdef );
+ // restore original viewpoint if running stereo
+ if( separation != 0 )
+ VectorCopy( baseOrg, cg.refdef.vieworg );
+ // first person blend blobs, done after AnglesToAxis
+ if( !cg.renderingThirdPerson )
+ CG_PainBlend( );
+ // draw status bar and other floating elements
+ CG_Draw2D( );