path: root/src/game/bg_pmove.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/game/bg_pmove.c')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/game/bg_pmove.c b/src/game/bg_pmove.c
index 3b53dc9..d5719a5 100644
--- a/src/game/bg_pmove.c
+++ b/src/game/bg_pmove.c
@@ -672,6 +672,9 @@ static qboolean PM_CheckWallJump( void )
float upFraction = 1.5f;
trace_t trace;
+ if( pm->waterlevel )
+ return qfalse;
if( !( BG_Class( pm->ps->stats[ STAT_CLASS ] )->abilities & SCA_WALLJUMPER ) )
return qfalse;
@@ -935,27 +938,45 @@ static qboolean PM_CheckWaterJump( void )
vec3_t spot;
int cont;
vec3_t flatforward;
+ vec3_t mins, maxs;
+ float a, r;
if( pm->ps->pm_time )
return qfalse;
- // check for water jump
- if( pm->waterlevel != 2 )
+ if( pm->cmd.upmove < 10 )
+ // not holding jump
return qfalse;
+ // check for water jump
+ //if( pm->waterlevel != 2 )
+ // return qfalse;
flatforward[ 0 ] = pml.forward[ 0 ];
flatforward[ 1 ] = pml.forward[ 1 ];
flatforward[ 2 ] = 0;
VectorNormalize( flatforward );
- VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, 30, flatforward, spot );
- spot[ 2 ] += 4;
+ BG_ClassBoundingBox( pm->ps->stats[ STAT_CLASS ], mins, maxs, NULL, NULL, NULL );
+ // bbox bottom
+ spot[ 0 ] = pm->ps->origin[ 0 ];
+ spot[ 1 ] = pm->ps->origin[ 1 ];
+ spot[ 2 ] = pm->ps->origin[ 2 ] + mins[ 2 ];
+ // project the flatforward vector onto the bbox (just a bit longer, so we'll actually hit a wall)
+ // then add it to spot
+ #define fmod(a,n) ((a)-(n)*floor((a)/(n)))
+ a = pm->ps->viewangles[ YAW ] / ( 180.0f / M_PI );
+ r = ( maxs[ 0 ] + 1 ) * 1.0f / cos( fmod( a+0.25f*M_PI, 0.5f*M_PI ) - 0.25f*M_PI );
+ VectorMA( spot, r, flatforward, spot );
cont = pm->pointcontents( spot, pm->ps->clientNum );
if( !( cont & CONTENTS_SOLID ) )
return qfalse;
- spot[ 2 ] += 16;
+ spot[ 2 ] = pm->ps->origin[ 2 ] + maxs[ 2 ];
cont = pm->pointcontents( spot, pm->ps->clientNum );
if( cont )
@@ -2409,32 +2430,35 @@ static void PM_SetWaterLevel( void )
int cont;
int sample1;
int sample2;
+ vec3_t mins;
// get waterlevel, accounting for ducking
pm->waterlevel = 0;
pm->watertype = 0;
+ BG_ClassBoundingBox( pm->ps->stats[ STAT_CLASS ], mins, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
point[ 0 ] = pm->ps->origin[ 0 ];
point[ 1 ] = pm->ps->origin[ 1 ];
- point[ 2 ] = pm->ps->origin[ 2 ] + MINS_Z + 1;
+ point[ 2 ] = pm->ps->origin[ 2 ] + mins[2] + 1;
cont = pm->pointcontents( point, pm->ps->clientNum );
if( cont & MASK_WATER )
- sample2 = pm->ps->viewheight - MINS_Z;
+ sample2 = pm->ps->viewheight - mins[2];
sample1 = sample2 / 2;
pm->watertype = cont;
pm->waterlevel = 1;
- point[ 2 ] = pm->ps->origin[ 2 ] + MINS_Z + sample1;
+ point[ 2 ] = pm->ps->origin[ 2 ] + mins[2] + sample1;
cont = pm->pointcontents( point, pm->ps->clientNum );
if( cont & MASK_WATER )
pm->waterlevel = 2;
- point[ 2 ] = pm->ps->origin[ 2 ] + MINS_Z + sample2;
+ point[ 2 ] = pm->ps->origin[ 2 ] + mins[2] + sample2;
cont = pm->pointcontents( point, pm->ps->clientNum );
if( cont & MASK_WATER )