path: root/
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b028e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+import numpy as np, scipy.optimize as optimize
+from colour import *
+from colour.difference import delta_E_CIE1976
+from colour.colorimetry import *
+from colour.plotting import *
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+D65_xy = ILLUMINANTS["CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer"]["D65"]
+D65 = SpectralDistribution(ILLUMINANT_SDS["D65"])
+# The same wavelength grid is used throughout
+wvl = np.arange(360, 830, 5)
+wvlp = (wvl - 360) / (830 - 360)
+# This is the model of spectral reflectivity described in the article.
+def model(wvlp, ccp):
+ yy = ccp[0] * wvlp**2 + ccp[1] * wvlp + ccp[2]
+ return 1 / 2 + yy / (2 * np.sqrt(1 + yy ** 2))
+# Create a SpectralDistribution using given coefficients
+def model_sd(ccp, primed=True):
+ # FIXME: don't hardcode the wavelength grid; there should be a way
+ # of creating a SpectralDistribution from the function alone
+ grid = wvlp if primed else wvl
+ return SpectralDistribution(model(grid, ccp), wvl, name="Model")
+# The goal is to minimize the color difference between a given distrbution
+# and the one computed from the model above.
+def error_function(ccp, target, ill_sd, ill_xy):
+ # One thing they didn't mention in the text is that their polynomial
+ # is nondimensionalized (mapped from 360--800 nm to 0--1).
+ sd = model_sd(ccp)
+ Lab = XYZ_to_Lab(sd_to_XYZ(sd, illuminant=ill_sd) / 100, ill_xy)
+ return delta_E_CIE1976(target, Lab)
+# Finds the parameters for Jakob and Hanika's model
+def jakob_hanika(target_XYZ, ill_sd, ill_xy, ccp0=(0, 0, 0), verbose=True, try_hard=True):
+ def do_optimize(XYZ, ccp0):
+ Lab = XYZ_to_Lab(XYZ, ill_xy)
+ opt = optimize.minimize(
+ error_function, ccp0, (Lab, ill_sd, ill_xy),
+ method="Nelder-Mead", options={"disp": verbose}
+ )
+ if verbose:
+ print(opt)
+ return opt
+ # A special case that's hard to solve numerically
+ if np.allclose(target_XYZ, [0, 0, 0]):
+ return np.array([0, 0, -1e+9]), 0 # FIXME: dtype?
+ if verbose:
+ print("Trying the target directly, XYZ=%s" % target_XYZ)
+ opt = do_optimize(target_XYZ, ccp0)
+ if < 0.1 or not try_hard:
+ return opt.x,
+ good_XYZ = (1/3, 1/3, 1/3)
+ good_ccp = (2.1276356, -1.07293026, -0.29583292) # FIXME: valid only for D65
+ divisions = 3
+ while divisions < 10:
+ if verbose:
+ print("Trying with %d divisions" % divisions)
+ keep_divisions = False
+ ref_XYZ = good_XYZ
+ ref_ccp = good_ccp
+ ccp0 = ref_ccp
+ for i in range(1, divisions):
+ intermediate_XYZ = ref_XYZ + (target_XYZ - ref_XYZ) * i / (divisions - 1)
+ if verbose:
+ print("Intermediate step %d/%d, XYZ=%s with ccp0=%s" %
+ (i + 1, divisions, intermediate_XYZ, ccp0))
+ opt = do_optimize(intermediate_XYZ, ccp0)
+ if > 0.1:
+ if verbose:
+ print("WARNING: intermediate optimization failed")
+ break
+ else:
+ good_XYZ = intermediate_XYZ
+ good_ccp = opt.x
+ keep_divisions = True
+ ccp0 = opt.x
+ else:
+ return opt.x,
+ if not keep_divisions:
+ divisions += 2
+ raise Exception("optimization failed for target_XYZ=%s, ccp0=%s" \
+ % (target_XYZ, ccp0))
+# Makes a comparison plot with SDs and swatches
+def plot_comparison(target, matched_sd, label, error, ill_sd, show=True):
+ if type(target) is SpectralDistribution:
+ target_XYZ = sd_to_XYZ(target, illuminant=ill_sd) / 100
+ else:
+ target_XYZ = target
+ target_RGB = np.clip(XYZ_to_sRGB(target_XYZ), 0, 1)
+ target_swatch = ColourSwatch(label, target_RGB)
+ matched_XYZ = sd_to_XYZ(matched_sd, illuminant=ill_sd) / 100
+ matched_RGB = np.clip(XYZ_to_sRGB(matched_XYZ), 0, 1)
+ matched_swatch = ColourSwatch("Model", matched_RGB)
+ axes = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
+ plt.title(label)
+ if type(target) is SpectralDistribution:
+ plot_multi_sds([target, matched_sd], axes=axes, standalone=False)
+ else:
+ plot_single_sd(matched_sd, axes=axes, standalone=False)
+ axes = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
+ plt.title("ΔE = %g" % error)
+ plot_multi_colour_swatches([target_swatch, matched_swatch],
+ standalone=show, axes=axes)