path: root/src/game/g_combat.c
diff options
authorMikko Tiusanen <>2014-05-04 01:18:52 +0300
committerMikko Tiusanen <>2014-05-04 01:18:52 +0300
commit01beb9919b95479d8be040bec74abc5cc67a5e43 (patch)
tree65f0b79e793848491832756a4c3a32b23668fab3 /src/game/g_combat.c
parent191d731da136b7ee959a17e63111c9146219a768 (diff)
Initial import.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/game/g_combat.c')
1 files changed, 1771 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/game/g_combat.c b/src/game/g_combat.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fb7474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/game/g_combat.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1771 @@
+Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
+Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Darklegion Development
+This file is part of Tremulous.
+Tremulous is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Tremulous is distributed in the hope that it will be
+useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Tremulous; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+#include "g_local.h"
+damageRegion_t g_damageRegions[ PCL_NUM_CLASSES ][ MAX_DAMAGE_REGIONS ];
+int g_numDamageRegions[ PCL_NUM_CLASSES ];
+damageRegion_t g_armourRegions[ UP_NUM_UPGRADES ][ MAX_DAMAGE_REGIONS ];
+int g_numArmourRegions[ UP_NUM_UPGRADES ];
+Adds score to the client
+void AddScore( gentity_t *ent, int score )
+ if( !ent->client )
+ return;
+ // make alien and human scores equivalent
+ if ( ent->client->pers.teamSelection == TEAM_ALIENS )
+ {
+ score = rint( ((float)score) / 2.0f );
+ }
+ // scale values down to fit the scoreboard better
+ score = rint( ((float)score) / 50.0f );
+ ent->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_SCORE ] += score;
+ CalculateRanks( );
+void LookAtKiller( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker )
+ if ( attacker && attacker != self )
+ self->client->ps.stats[ STAT_VIEWLOCK ] = attacker - g_entities;
+ else if( inflictor && inflictor != self )
+ self->client->ps.stats[ STAT_VIEWLOCK ] = inflictor - g_entities;
+ else
+ self->client->ps.stats[ STAT_VIEWLOCK ] = self - g_entities;
+// these are just for logging, the client prints its own messages
+char *modNames[ ] =
+ "MOD_MD2",
+ /*
+ ==================
+Function to compute additional reward bonus for the attacker if this killed
+entity was a player near one of his/her defensive structures.
+Returns a factor for multiplying the reward.
+float G_CamperRewardBonus( gentity_t *self )
+ int maxCounted = 10;
+ float bonusMax = 2.0f; // Must positive!
+ float bonus1 = 1.0f; // Must positive!
+ int maxDistance = 0;
+ float multiplier = 0.0;
+ float mod = 1.0;
+ vec3_t temp_v;
+ gentity_t *ent;
+ int i;
+ int team = self->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ];
+ int defences = 0;
+ int distance = 0;
+ float value = 0.0f;
+ // exclude builders:
+ switch( BG_GetPlayerWeapon( &self->client->ps ) )
+ {
+ case WP_ABUILD:
+ case WP_ABUILD2:
+ case WP_HBUILD: return 1.0f;
+ default: ;
+ }
+ if( team == TEAM_ALIENS ) {
+ bonusMax = g_alienAnticampBonusMax.value;
+ bonus1 = g_alienAnticampBonus1.value;
+ maxDistance = g_alienAnticampRange.integer;
+ } else if( team == TEAM_HUMANS ) {
+ bonusMax = g_humanAnticampBonusMax.value;
+ bonus1 = g_humanAnticampBonus1.value;
+ maxDistance = g_humanAnticampRange.integer;
+ }
+ if( bonusMax <= 0.01f )
+ return 1.0f;
+ // Ensures that the denominator is positive:
+ bonus1 = MAX(bonus1, bonusMax / (maxCounted - 1));
+ // Ensures that the numerator is non-negative:
+ bonus1 = MIN(bonus1, bonusMax);
+ mod = (bonusMax - bonus1) / (bonus1 - bonusMax / maxCounted);
+ multiplier = bonus1 * (1 + mod);
+ // Look for buildables,
+ for( i = MAX_CLIENTS, ent = g_entities + i; i < level.num_entities; i++, ent++ )
+ {
+ if( ( ent->s.eType != ET_BUILDABLE ) ||
+ ( !ent->spawned ) ||
+ ( ent->health <= 0 ) )
+ continue;
+ // and filter the defensive ones in the victim's team:
+ switch (ent->s.modelindex) {
+ case BA_A_HIVE:
+ case BA_A_ACIDTUBE: if (team == TEAM_ALIENS) break; else continue;
+ case BA_H_MGTURRET2:
+ case BA_H_SHIELD:
+ case BA_H_MGTURRET: if (team == TEAM_HUMANS) break; else continue;
+ default: continue;
+ }
+ VectorSubtract( self->client->ps.origin, ent->s.origin, temp_v );
+ distance = VectorLength( temp_v );
+ if( distance < maxDistance )
+ if (++defences >= maxCounted)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (defences > 0)
+ {
+ value = 1.0f + multiplier * (defences / (defences + mod));
+ value = MAX(value, 0.0f);
+ // G_LogPrintf( "Anti-camper bonus for killing %s near %d defences: %d%%\n",
+ // self->client->pers.netname, defences, (int)(value * 100.0f) );
+ return value;
+ }
+ else
+ return 1.0f;
+/* Instantly reward the current attacker */
+float G_InstantRewardAttacker( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *target, float damage )
+ float value;
+ int maxHealth;
+ if( damage <= 0.f ) return 0.0f;
+ if( !self->client ) return 0.0f;
+ if( !target->client ) return 0.0f;
+ if( OnSameTeam( self, target ) ) return 0.0f;
+ if( target->s.eType == ET_BUILDABLE ) return 0.0f;
+ maxHealth = target->client->ps.stats[ STAT_MAX_HEALTH ];
+ // Only give credits for attacking players for now
+ value = damage / maxHealth;
+ if (value > 1.0f) value = 1.0f;
+ value *= G_CamperRewardBonus( target );
+ value *= BG_GetValueOfPlayer( &target->client->ps );
+ if( target->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_ALIENS) {
+ value *= g_InstantRewardMultiplierA.value;
+ } else if( target->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS ) {
+ value *= g_InstantRewardMultiplierH.value;
+ } else value = 0;
+ if( value > 0 )
+ G_AddCreditToClient( self->client, value, qtrue );
+ return value;
+Function to distribute rewards to entities that killed this one.
+Returns the total damage dealt.
+float G_RewardAttackers( gentity_t *self )
+ float value, totalDamage = 0;
+ int team, i, maxHealth = 0;
+ int alienCredits = 0, humanCredits = 0;
+ gentity_t *player;
+ // Total up all the damage done by non-teammates
+ for( i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++ )
+ {
+ player = g_entities + i;
+ if( !OnSameTeam( self, player ) ||
+ self->buildableTeam != player->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] )
+ totalDamage += (float)self->credits[ i ];
+ }
+ if( totalDamage <= 0.0f )
+ return 0.0f;
+ // Only give credits for killing players and buildables
+ if( self->client )
+ {
+ value = BG_GetValueOfPlayer( &self->client->ps );
+ value *= G_CamperRewardBonus( self );
+ team = self->client->pers.teamSelection;
+ maxHealth = self->client->ps.stats[ STAT_MAX_HEALTH ];
+ // trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va( "print \"^5You recieved%3i extra evos/credits.\n\"", value ) );
+ }
+ else if( self->s.eType == ET_BUILDABLE )
+ {
+ value = BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->value;
+ // only give partial credits for a buildable not yet completed
+ if( !self->spawned )
+ {
+ value *= (float)( level.time - self->buildTime ) /
+ BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->buildTime;
+ }
+ team = self->buildableTeam;
+ maxHealth = BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->health;
+ }
+ else
+ return totalDamage;
+ // Give credits and empty the array
+ for( i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++ )
+ {
+ int stageValue = value * self->credits[ i ] / totalDamage;
+ player = g_entities + i;
+ if( player->client->pers.teamSelection != team )
+ {
+ if( totalDamage < maxHealth )
+ stageValue *= totalDamage / maxHealth;
+ if( !self->credits[ i ] || player->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == team )
+ continue;
+ AddScore( player, stageValue );
+ // killing buildables earns score, but not credits
+ if( self->s.eType != ET_BUILDABLE )
+ {
+ // add to stage counters
+ if( player->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_ALIENS ) {
+ G_AddCreditToClient( player->client, g_KillRewardMultiplierH.value*stageValue, qtrue );
+ alienCredits += stageValue;
+ } else if( player->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS ) {
+ G_AddCreditToClient( player->client, g_KillRewardMultiplierA.value*stageValue, qtrue );
+ humanCredits += stageValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self->credits[ i ] = 0;
+ }
+ if( alienCredits )
+ {
+ trap_Cvar_Set( "g_alienCredits",
+ va( "%d", g_alienCredits.integer + alienCredits ) );
+ trap_Cvar_Update( &g_alienCredits );
+ }
+ if( humanCredits )
+ {
+ trap_Cvar_Set( "g_humanCredits",
+ va( "%d", g_humanCredits.integer + humanCredits ) );
+ trap_Cvar_Update( &g_humanCredits );
+ }
+ return totalDamage;
+Kills that are considered "accidental" and do not result in credit penalty.
+qboolean accidental_kill( gentity_t *self, int meansOfDeath )
+ // Trampling/crushing is only possible when the victim is a granger,
+ // and that's considered an accident.
+ return meansOfDeath == MOD_LEVEL4_TRAMPLE ||
+ meansOfDeath == MOD_LEVEL4_CRUSH;
+void player_die( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker, int damage, int meansOfDeath )
+ gentity_t *ent;
+ int anim;
+ int killer;
+ int i;
+ char *killerName, *obit;
+ int killerhealth = attacker->health;
+ if( self->client->ps.pm_type == PM_DEAD )
+ return;
+ if( level.intermissiontime )
+ return;
+ self->client->ps.pm_type = PM_DEAD;
+ self->suicideTime = 0;
+ if( attacker )
+ {
+ killer = attacker->s.number;
+ if( attacker->client )
+ killerName = attacker->client->pers.netname;
+ else
+ killerName = "<world>";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ killerName = "<world>";
+ }
+ if( meansOfDeath < 0 || meansOfDeath >= sizeof( modNames ) / sizeof( modNames[0] ) )
+ // fall back on the number
+ obit = va( "%d", meansOfDeath );
+ else
+ obit = modNames[ meansOfDeath ];
+ G_LogPrintf( "Die: %d %d %s: %s" S_COLOR_WHITE " killed %s\n",
+ killer,
+ self - g_entities,
+ obit,
+ killerName,
+ self->client->pers.netname );
+ // deactivate all upgrades
+ for( i = UP_NONE + 1; i < UP_NUM_UPGRADES; i++ )
+ BG_DeactivateUpgrade( i, self->client->ps.stats );
+ if( meansOfDeath == MOD_SLAP )
+ {
+ trap_SendServerCommand( -1,
+ va( "print \"%s^7 felt %s^7's authority\n\"",
+ self->client->pers.netname, killerName ) );
+ goto finish_dying;
+ }
+ // broadcast the death event to everyone
+ ent = G_TempEntity( self->r.currentOrigin, EV_OBITUARY );
+ ent->s.eventParm = meansOfDeath;
+ ent->s.otherEntityNum = self->s.number;
+ ent->s.otherEntityNum2 = killer;
+ ent->r.svFlags = SVF_BROADCAST; // send to everyone
+ self->enemy = attacker;
+ self->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_KILLED ]++;
+ if( attacker && attacker->client )
+ {
+ attacker->client->lastkilled_client = self->s.number;
+ if( killerhealth <= 0)
+ {
+ killerhealth = 0;
+ }
+ if( g_devmapKillerHP.integer )
+ {
+ trap_SendServerCommand( self-g_entities, va( "print \"^5Your killer, %s,^5 had %3i HP.\n\"", killerName, killerhealth ) );
+ }
+ if( ( attacker == self || OnSameTeam( self, attacker ) ) && meansOfDeath != MOD_HSPAWN && !accidental_kill( self, meansOfDeath ) )
+ {
+ //punish team kills and suicides
+ if( attacker->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_ALIENS )
+ {
+ G_AddCreditToClient( attacker->client, -ALIEN_TK_SUICIDE_PENALTY, qtrue );
+ AddScore( attacker, -ALIEN_TK_SUICIDE_PENALTY );
+ }
+ else if( attacker->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS )
+ {
+ G_AddCreditToClient( attacker->client, -HUMAN_TK_SUICIDE_PENALTY, qtrue );
+ AddScore( attacker, -HUMAN_TK_SUICIDE_PENALTY );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( attacker->s.eType != ET_BUILDABLE )
+ {
+ if( self->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_ALIENS )
+ AddScore( self, -ALIEN_TK_SUICIDE_PENALTY );
+ else if( self->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS )
+ AddScore( self, -HUMAN_TK_SUICIDE_PENALTY );
+ }
+ // give credits for killing this player
+ G_RewardAttackers( self );
+ //Show info about reward
+ // valueb *= G_CamperRewardBonus( self );
+// valueb = G_CamperRewardBonus( self );
+// trap_SendServerCommand( attacker-g_entities, va( "print \"^5You recieved +%d%% extra evos/credits for attacking.\n\"", (int)((valueb)) ));
+// trap_SendServerCommand( attacker-g_entities, va( "print \"^5You recieved extra %3i evos/credits for attacking.\n\"" ,valueb ) );
+// if( valueb > 1300000000 )
+// trap_SendServerCommand( attacker-g_entities, va( "print \"^5You recieved extra evos/credits for attacking.\n\"" ) );
+ ScoreboardMessage( self ); // show scores
+ // send updated scores to any clients that are following this one,
+ // or they would get stale scoreboards
+ for( i = 0 ; i < level.maxclients ; i++ )
+ {
+ gclient_t *client;
+ client = &level.clients[ i ];
+ if( client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED )
+ continue;
+ if( client->sess.spectatorState == SPECTATOR_NOT )
+ continue;
+ if( client->sess.spectatorClient == self->s.number )
+ ScoreboardMessage( g_entities + i );
+ }
+ finish_dying: // from MOD_SLAP
+ VectorCopy( self->s.origin, self->client->pers.lastDeathLocation );
+ self->takedamage = qfalse; // can still be gibbed
+ self->s.weapon = WP_NONE;
+ self->r.contents = CONTENTS_CORPSE;
+ self->s.angles[ PITCH ] = 0;
+ self->s.angles[ ROLL ] = 0;
+ self->s.angles[ YAW ] = self->s.apos.trBase[ YAW ];
+ LookAtKiller( self, inflictor, attacker );
+ VectorCopy( self->s.angles, self->client->ps.viewangles );
+ self->s.loopSound = 0;
+ self->r.maxs[ 2 ] = -8;
+ // don't allow respawn until the death anim is done
+ // g_forcerespawn may force spawning at some later time
+ self->client->respawnTime = level.time + 1700;
+ // clear misc
+ memset( self->client->ps.misc, 0, sizeof( self->client->ps.misc ) );
+ {
+ // normal death
+ static int i;
+ if( !( self->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] & PS_NONSEGMODEL ) )
+ {
+ switch( i )
+ {
+ case 0:
+ anim = BOTH_DEATH1;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ anim = BOTH_DEATH2;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ default:
+ anim = BOTH_DEATH3;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch( i )
+ {
+ case 0:
+ anim = NSPA_DEATH1;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ anim = NSPA_DEATH2;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ default:
+ anim = NSPA_DEATH3;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ self->client->ps.legsAnim =
+ ( ( self->client->ps.legsAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | anim;
+ if( !( self->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] & PS_NONSEGMODEL ) )
+ {
+ self->client->ps.torsoAnim =
+ ( ( self->client->ps.torsoAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | anim;
+ }
+ // use own entityid if killed by non-client to prevent uint8_t overflow
+ G_AddEvent( self, EV_DEATH1 + i,
+ ( killer < MAX_CLIENTS ) ? killer : self - g_entities );
+ // globally cycle through the different death animations
+ i = ( i + 1 ) % 3;
+ }
+ trap_LinkEntity( self );
+static int G_ParseDmgScript( damageRegion_t *regions, char *buf )
+ char *token;
+ float angleSpan, heightSpan;
+ int count;
+ for( count = 0; ; count++ )
+ {
+ token = COM_Parse( &buf );
+ if( !token[ 0 ] )
+ break;
+ if( strcmp( token, "{" ) )
+ {
+ COM_ParseError( "Missing {" );
+ break;
+ }
+ if( count >= MAX_DAMAGE_REGIONS )
+ {
+ COM_ParseError( "Max damage regions exceeded" );
+ break;
+ }
+ // defaults
+ regions[ count ].name[ 0 ] = '\0';
+ regions[ count ].minHeight = 0.0f;
+ regions[ count ].maxHeight = 1.0f;
+ regions[ count ].minAngle = 0.0f;
+ regions[ count ].maxAngle = 360.0f;
+ regions[ count ].modifier = 1.0f;
+ regions[ count ].crouch = qfalse;
+ while( 1 )
+ {
+ token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qtrue );
+ if( !token[ 0 ] )
+ {
+ COM_ParseError( "Unexpected end of file" );
+ break;
+ }
+ if( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else if( !strcmp( token, "name" ) )
+ {
+ token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qfalse );
+ if( token[ 0 ] )
+ Q_strncpyz( regions[ count ].name, token,
+ sizeof( regions[ count ].name ) );
+ }
+ else if( !strcmp( token, "minHeight" ) )
+ {
+ token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qfalse );
+ if( !token[ 0 ] )
+ strcpy( token, "0" );
+ regions[ count ].minHeight = atof( token );
+ }
+ else if( !strcmp( token, "maxHeight" ) )
+ {
+ token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qfalse );
+ if( !token[ 0 ] )
+ strcpy( token, "100" );
+ regions[ count ].maxHeight = atof( token );
+ }
+ else if( !strcmp( token, "minAngle" ) )
+ {
+ token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qfalse );
+ if( !token[ 0 ] )
+ strcpy( token, "0" );
+ regions[ count ].minAngle = atoi( token );
+ }
+ else if( !strcmp( token, "maxAngle" ) )
+ {
+ token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qfalse );
+ if( !token[ 0 ] )
+ strcpy( token, "360" );
+ regions[ count ].maxAngle = atoi( token );
+ }
+ else if( !strcmp( token, "modifier" ) )
+ {
+ token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qfalse );
+ if( !token[ 0 ] )
+ strcpy( token, "1.0" );
+ regions[ count ].modifier = atof( token );
+ }
+ else if( !strcmp( token, "crouch" ) )
+ {
+ regions[ count ].crouch = qtrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ COM_ParseWarning("Unknown token \"%s\"", token);
+ }
+ }
+ // Angle portion covered
+ angleSpan = regions[ count ].maxAngle - regions[ count ].minAngle;
+ if( angleSpan < 0.0f )
+ angleSpan += 360.0f;
+ angleSpan /= 360.0f;
+ // Height portion covered
+ heightSpan = regions[ count ].maxHeight - regions[ count ].minHeight;
+ if( heightSpan < 0.0f )
+ heightSpan = -heightSpan;
+ if( heightSpan > 1.0f )
+ heightSpan = 1.0f;
+ regions[ count ].area = angleSpan * heightSpan;
+ if( !regions[ count ].area )
+ regions[ count ].area = 0.00001f;
+ }
+ return count;
+static float GetRegionDamageModifier( gentity_t *targ, int class, int piece )
+ damageRegion_t *regions, *overlap;
+ float modifier = 0.0f, areaSum = 0.0f;
+ int j, i;
+ qboolean crouch;
+ crouch = targ->client->ps.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED;
+ overlap = &g_damageRegions[ class ][ piece ];
+ if( g_debugDamage.integer > 2 )
+ G_Printf( "GetRegionDamageModifier():\n"
+ ". bodyRegion = [%d %d %f %f] (%s)\n"
+ ". modifier = %f\n",
+ overlap->minAngle, overlap->maxAngle,
+ overlap->minHeight, overlap->maxHeight,
+ overlap->name, overlap->modifier );
+ // Find the armour layer modifier, assuming that none of the armour regions
+ // overlap and that any areas that are not covered have a modifier of 1.0
+ for( j = UP_NONE + 1; j < UP_NUM_UPGRADES; j++ )
+ {
+ if( !BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( j, targ->client->ps.stats ) ||
+ !g_numArmourRegions[ j ] )
+ continue;
+ regions = g_armourRegions[ j ];
+ for( i = 0; i < g_numArmourRegions[ j ]; i++ )
+ {
+ float overlapMaxA, regionMinA, regionMaxA, angleSpan, heightSpan, area;
+ if( regions[ i ].crouch != crouch )
+ continue;
+ // Convert overlap angle to 0 to max
+ overlapMaxA = overlap->maxAngle - overlap->minAngle;
+ if( overlapMaxA < 0.0f )
+ overlapMaxA += 360.0f;
+ // Convert region angles to match overlap
+ regionMinA = regions[ i ].minAngle - overlap->minAngle;
+ if( regionMinA < 0.0f )
+ regionMinA += 360.0f;
+ regionMaxA = regions[ i ].maxAngle - overlap->minAngle;
+ if( regionMaxA < 0.0f )
+ regionMaxA += 360.0f;
+ // Overlapping Angle portion
+ if( regionMinA <= regionMaxA )
+ {
+ angleSpan = 0.0f;
+ if( regionMinA < overlapMaxA )
+ {
+ if( regionMaxA > overlapMaxA )
+ regionMaxA = overlapMaxA;
+ angleSpan = regionMaxA - regionMinA;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( regionMaxA > overlapMaxA )
+ regionMaxA = overlapMaxA;
+ angleSpan = regionMaxA;
+ if( regionMinA < overlapMaxA )
+ angleSpan += overlapMaxA - regionMinA;
+ }
+ angleSpan /= 360.0f;
+ // Overlapping height portion
+ heightSpan = MIN( overlap->maxHeight, regions[ i ].maxHeight ) -
+ MAX( overlap->minHeight, regions[ i ].minHeight );
+ if( heightSpan < 0.0f )
+ heightSpan = 0.0f;
+ if( heightSpan > 1.0f )
+ heightSpan = 1.0f;
+ if( g_debugDamage.integer > 2 )
+ G_Printf( ". armourRegion = [%d %d %f %f] (%s)\n"
+ ". . modifier = %f\n"
+ ". . angleSpan = %f\n"
+ ". . heightSpan = %f\n",
+ regions[ i ].minAngle, regions[ i ].maxAngle,
+ regions[ i ].minHeight, regions[ i ].maxHeight,
+ regions[ i ].name, regions[ i ].modifier,
+ angleSpan, heightSpan );
+ areaSum += area = angleSpan * heightSpan;
+ modifier += regions[ i ].modifier * area;
+ }
+ }
+ if( g_debugDamage.integer > 2 )
+ G_Printf( ". areaSum = %f\n"
+ ". armourModifier = %f\n", areaSum, modifier );
+ return overlap->modifier * ( overlap->area + modifier - areaSum );
+static float GetNonLocDamageModifier( gentity_t *targ, int class )
+ float modifier = 0.0f, area = 0.0f, scale = 0.0f;
+ int i;
+ qboolean crouch;
+ // For every body region, use stretch-armor formula to apply armour modifier
+ // for any overlapping area that armour shares with the body region
+ crouch = targ->client->ps.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED;
+ for( i = 0; i < g_numDamageRegions[ class ]; i++ )
+ {
+ damageRegion_t *region;
+ region = &g_damageRegions[ class ][ i ];
+ if( region->crouch != crouch )
+ continue;
+ modifier += GetRegionDamageModifier( targ, class, i );
+ scale += region->modifier * region->area;
+ area += region->area;
+ }
+ modifier = !scale ? 1.0f : 1.0f + ( modifier / scale - 1.0f ) * area;
+ if( g_debugDamage.integer > 1 )
+ G_Printf( "GetNonLocDamageModifier() modifier:%f, area:%f, scale:%f\n",
+ modifier, area, scale );
+ return modifier;
+Returns the damage region given an angle and a height proportion
+static float GetPointDamageModifier( gentity_t *targ, damageRegion_t *regions,
+ int len, float angle, float height )
+ float modifier = 1.0f;
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
+ {
+ if( regions[ i ].crouch != ( targ->client->ps.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) )
+ continue;
+ // Angle must be within range
+ if( ( regions[ i ].minAngle <= regions[ i ].maxAngle &&
+ ( angle < regions[ i ].minAngle ||
+ angle > regions[ i ].maxAngle ) ) ||
+ ( regions[ i ].minAngle > regions[ i ].maxAngle &&
+ angle > regions[ i ].maxAngle && angle < regions[ i ].minAngle ) )
+ continue;
+ // Height must be within range
+ if( height < regions[ i ].minHeight || height > regions[ i ].maxHeight )
+ continue;
+ modifier *= regions[ i ].modifier;
+ }
+// if( g_debugDamage.integer )
+if( g_debugDamage.integer )
+ G_Printf( "GetDamageRegionModifier(angle = %f, height = %f): %f\n",
+ angle, height, modifier );
+ return modifier;
+static float G_CalcDamageModifier( vec3_t point, gentity_t *targ, gentity_t *attacker, int class, int dflags )
+ vec3_t targOrigin, bulletPath, bulletAngle, pMINUSfloor, floor, normal;
+ float clientHeight, hitRelative, hitRatio, modifier;
+ int hitRotation, i;
+ if( point == NULL )
+ return 1.0f;
+ // Don't need to calculate angles and height for non-locational damage
+ if( dflags & DAMAGE_NO_LOCDAMAGE )
+ {
+ const int mod = targ->client->lasthurt_mod;
+ // basi - flamer protection
+ if( ( ( mod == MOD_FLAMER ) || ( mod == MOD_FLAMER_SPLASH ) ) &&
+ ( ( class == PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL1 ) || ( class == PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL1_UPG ) ) )
+ return 0.1f;
+ return GetNonLocDamageModifier( targ, class );
+ }
+ // Get the point location relative to the floor under the target
+ if( g_unlagged.integer && targ->client && targ->client->unlaggedCalc.used )
+ VectorCopy( targ->client->unlaggedCalc.origin, targOrigin );
+ else
+ VectorCopy( targ->r.currentOrigin, targOrigin );
+ BG_GetClientNormal( &targ->client->ps, normal );
+ VectorMA( targOrigin, targ->r.mins[ 2 ], normal, floor );
+ VectorSubtract( point, floor, pMINUSfloor );
+ // Get the proportion of the target height where the hit landed
+ clientHeight = targ->r.maxs[ 2 ] - targ->r.mins[ 2 ];
+ if( !clientHeight )
+ clientHeight = 1.0f;
+ hitRelative = DotProduct( normal, pMINUSfloor ) / VectorLength( normal );
+ if( hitRelative < 0.0f )
+ hitRelative = 0.0f;
+ if( hitRelative > clientHeight )
+ hitRelative = clientHeight;
+ hitRatio = hitRelative / clientHeight;
+ // Get the yaw of the attack relative to the target's view yaw
+ VectorSubtract( point, targOrigin, bulletPath );
+ vectoangles( bulletPath, bulletAngle );
+ hitRotation = AngleNormalize360( targ->client->ps.viewangles[ YAW ] -
+ bulletAngle[ YAW ] );
+ // Get modifiers from the target's damage regions
+ modifier = GetPointDamageModifier( targ, g_damageRegions[ class ],
+ g_numDamageRegions[ class ],
+ hitRotation, hitRatio );
+ for( i = UP_NONE + 1; i < UP_NUM_UPGRADES; i++ )
+ {
+ if( BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( i, targ->client->ps.stats ) )
+ {
+ modifier *= GetPointDamageModifier( targ, g_armourRegions[ i ],
+ g_numArmourRegions[ i ],
+ hitRotation, hitRatio );
+ }
+ }
+ return modifier;
+void G_InitDamageLocations( void )
+ char *modelName;
+ char filename[ MAX_QPATH ];
+ int i;
+ int len;
+ fileHandle_t fileHandle;
+ char buffer[ MAX_DAMAGE_REGION_TEXT ];
+ for( i = PCL_NONE + 1; i < PCL_NUM_CLASSES; i++ )
+ {
+ modelName = BG_ClassConfig( i )->modelName;
+ Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ),
+ "models/players/%s/locdamage.cfg", modelName );
+ len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, &fileHandle, FS_READ );
+ if ( !fileHandle )
+ {
+ G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "file not found: %s\n", filename );
+ continue;
+ }
+ {
+ G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "file too large: %s is %i, max allowed is %i",
+ filename, len, MAX_DAMAGE_REGION_TEXT );
+ trap_FS_FCloseFile( fileHandle );
+ continue;
+ }
+ COM_BeginParseSession( filename );
+ trap_FS_Read( buffer, len, fileHandle );
+ buffer[len] = 0;
+ trap_FS_FCloseFile( fileHandle );
+ g_numDamageRegions[ i ] = G_ParseDmgScript( g_damageRegions[ i ], buffer );
+ }
+ for( i = UP_NONE + 1; i < UP_NUM_UPGRADES; i++ )
+ {
+ modelName = BG_Upgrade( i )->name;
+ Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "armour/%s.armour", modelName );
+ len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, &fileHandle, FS_READ );
+ //no file - no parsage
+ if ( !fileHandle )
+ continue;
+ {
+ G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "file too large: %s is %i, max allowed is %i",
+ filename, len, MAX_DAMAGE_REGION_TEXT );
+ trap_FS_FCloseFile( fileHandle );
+ continue;
+ }
+ COM_BeginParseSession( filename );
+ trap_FS_Read( buffer, len, fileHandle );
+ buffer[len] = 0;
+ trap_FS_FCloseFile( fileHandle );
+ g_numArmourRegions[ i ] = G_ParseDmgScript( g_armourRegions[ i ], buffer );
+ }
+targ entity that is being damaged
+inflictor entity that is causing the damage
+attacker entity that caused the inflictor to damage targ
+ example: targ=monster, inflictor=rocket, attacker=player
+dir direction of the attack for knockback
+point point at which the damage is being inflicted, used for headshots
+damage amount of damage being inflicted
+knockback force to be applied against targ as a result of the damage
+inflictor, attacker, dir, and point can be NULL for environmental effects
+dflags these flags are used to control how T_Damage works
+ DAMAGE_RADIUS damage was indirect (from a nearby explosion)
+ DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR armor does not protect from this damage
+ DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK do not affect velocity, just view angles
+ DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION kills godmode, armor, everything
+// team is the team that is immune to this damage
+void G_SelectiveDamage( gentity_t *targ, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker,
+ vec3_t dir, vec3_t point, int damage, int dflags, int mod, int team )
+ if( targ->client && ( team != targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] ) )
+ G_Damage( targ, inflictor, attacker, dir, point, damage, dflags, mod );
+void G_Damage( gentity_t *targ, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker,
+ vec3_t dir, vec3_t point, int damage, int dflags, int mod )
+ gclient_t *client;
+ int take;
+ int asave = 0;
+ int knockback;
+ int poisonTime = 0;
+ int client_z, min_z;
+ // Can't deal damage sometimes
+ if( !targ->takedamage || targ->health <= 0 || level.intermissionQueued )
+ return;
+ if( !inflictor )
+ inflictor = &g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_WORLD ];
+ if( !attacker )
+ attacker = &g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_WORLD ];
+ // shootable doors / buttons don't actually have any health
+ if( targ->s.eType == ET_MOVER )
+ {
+ if( targ->use && ( targ->moverState == MOVER_POS1 ||
+ targ->moverState == ROTATOR_POS1 ) )
+ targ->use( targ, inflictor, attacker );
+ return;
+ }
+ client = targ->client;
+ if( client && client->noclip )
+ return;
+ if( !dir )
+ else
+ VectorNormalize( dir );
+ knockback = damage;
+ if( inflictor->s.weapon != WP_NONE )
+ {
+ knockback = (int)( (float)knockback *
+ BG_Weapon( inflictor->s.weapon )->knockbackScale );
+ }
+ if( targ->client )
+ {
+ knockback = (int)( (float)knockback *
+ BG_Class( targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_CLASS ] )->knockbackScale );
+ }
+ // Too much knockback from falling really far makes you "bounce" and
+ // looks silly. However, none at all also looks bad. Cap it.
+ if( mod == MOD_FALLING && knockback > 50 )
+ knockback = 50;
+ if( knockback > 200 )
+ knockback = 200;
+ if( targ->flags & FL_NO_KNOCKBACK )
+ knockback = 0;
+ if( dflags & DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK )
+ knockback = 0;
+ // figure momentum add, even if the damage won't be taken
+ if( knockback && targ->client )
+ {
+ vec3_t kvel;
+ float mass;
+ mass = 200;
+ VectorScale( dir, g_knockback.value * (float)knockback / mass, kvel );
+ VectorAdd( targ->client->ps.velocity, kvel, targ->client->ps.velocity );
+ // set the timer so that the other client can't cancel
+ // out the movement immediately
+ if( !targ->client->ps.pm_time )
+ {
+ int t;
+ t = knockback * 2;
+ if( t < 50 )
+ t = 50;
+ if( t > 200 )
+ t = 200;
+ targ->client->ps.pm_time = t;
+ targ->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;
+ }
+ }
+ // don't do friendly fire on movement attacks
+ if( ( mod == MOD_LEVEL4_TRAMPLE || mod == MOD_LEVEL3_POUNCE ||
+ mod == MOD_LEVEL4_CRUSH ) &&
+ targ->s.eType == ET_BUILDABLE && targ->buildableTeam == TEAM_ALIENS )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // check for completely getting out of the damage
+ if( !( dflags & DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION ) )
+ {
+ // if TF_NO_FRIENDLY_FIRE is set, don't do damage to the target
+ // if the attacker was on the same team
+ if( targ != attacker && OnSameTeam( targ, attacker ) )
+ {
+ // // don't do friendly fire on movement attacks
+ // if( mod == MOD_LEVEL4_TRAMPLE || mod == MOD_LEVEL3_POUNCE ||
+ // mod == MOD_LEVEL4_CRUSH )
+ // return;
+ // if dretchpunt is enabled and this is a dretch, do dretchpunt instead of damage
+ if( g_dretchPunt.integer &&
+ ( targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_CLASS ] == PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL0 ||
+ targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_CLASS ] == PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL0_UPG ) )
+ {
+ vec3_t dir, push;
+ VectorSubtract( targ->r.currentOrigin, attacker->r.currentOrigin, dir );
+ VectorNormalizeFast( dir );
+ VectorScale( dir, ( damage * 10.0f ), push );
+ push[2] = 64.0f;
+ VectorAdd( targ->client->ps.velocity, push, targ->client->ps.velocity );
+ return;
+ }
+ // check if friendly fire has been disabled
+ if( !g_friendlyFire.integer )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // kill grangers instantly when hit by a rant's movement attack
+ if( ( mod == MOD_LEVEL4_TRAMPLE || mod == MOD_LEVEL4_CRUSH ) &&
+ ( targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_CLASS ] == PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0 ||
+ targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_CLASS ] == PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0_UPG ) )
+ damage = 5;
+ // don't do friendly fire on movement attacks
+ else if( mod == MOD_LEVEL4_TRAMPLE || mod == MOD_LEVEL3_POUNCE ||
+ mod == MOD_LEVEL4_CRUSH )
+ return;
+ }
+ if( targ->s.eType == ET_BUILDABLE && attacker->client &&
+ mod != MOD_DECONSTRUCT && mod != MOD_SUICIDE &&
+ mod != MOD_REPLACE && mod != MOD_NOCREEP )
+ {
+ if( targ->buildableTeam == attacker->client->pers.teamSelection &&
+ !g_friendlyBuildableFire.integer )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // base is under attack warning if DCC'd
+ if( targ->buildableTeam == TEAM_HUMANS && ( targ->dcc ) &&
+ level.time > level.humanBaseAttackTimer )
+ {
+ level.humanBaseAttackTimer = level.time + DC_ATTACK_PERIOD;
+ G_BroadcastEvent( EV_DCC_ATTACK, 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ // check for godmode
+ if ( targ->flags & FL_GODMODE )
+ return;
+ }
+ // add to the attacker's hit counter
+ if( attacker->client && targ != attacker && targ->health > 0
+ && targ->s.eType != ET_MISSILE
+ && targ->s.eType != ET_GENERAL )
+ {
+ if( OnSameTeam( targ, attacker ) )
+ attacker->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_HITS ]--;
+ else
+ attacker->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_HITS ]++;
+ }
+ take = damage;
+ // add to the damage inflicted on a player this frame
+ // the total will be turned into screen blends and view angle kicks
+ // at the end of the frame
+ if( client )
+ {
+ if( attacker )
+ client->ps.persistant[ PERS_ATTACKER ] = attacker->s.number;
+ else
+ client->ps.persistant[ PERS_ATTACKER ] = ENTITYNUM_WORLD;
+ client->damage_armor += asave;
+ client->damage_blood += take;
+ client->damage_knockback += knockback;
+ if( dir )
+ {
+ VectorCopy ( dir, client->damage_from );
+ client->damage_fromWorld = qfalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VectorCopy ( targ->r.currentOrigin, client->damage_from );
+ client->damage_fromWorld = qtrue;
+ }
+ // set the last client who damaged the target
+ targ->client->lasthurt_client = attacker->s.number;
+ targ->client->lasthurt_mod = mod;
+ take = (int)( take * G_CalcDamageModifier( point, targ, attacker,
+ client->ps.stats[ STAT_CLASS ],
+ dflags ) + 0.5f );
+ // check possible poisoning
+ if( ( attacker->client ) &&
+ ( targ->client->poisonImmunityTime < level.time ) &&
+ ( targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS ) )
+ {
+ //if boosted poison every attack
+ if( ( attacker->client->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] & SS_BOOSTED )
+ && mod != MOD_POISON
+ && mod != MOD_LEVEL2_ZAP
+ && mod != MOD_LEVEL5_ZAP
+ && mod != MOD_LEVEL1_PCLOUD
+ && mod != MOD_HSPAWN
+ && mod != MOD_ASPAWN )
+ poisonTime = level.time + ALIEN_POISON_TIME;
+ // no more zap poisen
+ else if( mod == MOD_LEVEL1_CLAW && ( mod != MOD_LEVEL2_ZAP || mod != MOD_LEVEL5_ZAP || mod != MOD_FLAMES ))
+ {
+ if( attacker->client->ps.weapon == WP_ALEVEL1_UPG )
+ poisonTime = level.time + g_basiPoisonTime.integer * 1000;
+ else
+ poisonTime = level.time + g_basiUpgPoisonTime.integer * 1000;
+ }
+ if( poisonTime > 0 )
+ {
+ targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] |= SS_POISONED;
+if( poisonTime > targ->client->poisonExpiryTime ) {
+ targ->client->poisonExpiryTime = poisonTime;
+ targ->client->lastPoisonClient = attacker;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( take < 1 )
+ take = 1;
+ if( g_debugDamage.integer )
+ {
+ G_Printf( "%i: client:%i health:%i damage:%i armor:%i\n", level.time, targ->s.number,
+ targ->health, take, asave );
+ }
+ // do the damage
+ if( take )
+ {
+ targ->health = targ->health - take;
+ if( targ->client )
+ targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_HEALTH ] = targ->health;
+ //turn off cloak if it is already activated and if the target is damaged
+ if( targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS )
+ {
+ if( targ->client->cloakActivated )
+ {
+ if( !( targ->client->cloakReady ) )
+ targ->client->ps.eFlags &= ~EF_MOVER_STOP;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ targ->lastDamageTime = level.time;
+ targ->nextRegenTime = level.time + ALIEN_REGEN_DAMAGE_TIME;
+ // add to the attackers "account" on the target
+ if( attacker->client && attacker != targ ) {
+ G_InstantRewardAttacker(attacker,targ,take);
+ targ->credits[ attacker->client->ps.clientNum ] += take;
+ }
+ if( targ->health <= 0 )
+ {
+ if( client )
+ targ->flags |= FL_NO_KNOCKBACK;
+ if( targ->health < -999 )
+ targ->health = -999;
+ targ->enemy = attacker;
+ targ->die( targ, inflictor, attacker, take, mod );
+ return;
+ }
+ else if( targ->pain )
+ targ->pain( targ, attacker, take );
+Returns qtrue if the inflictor can directly damage the target. Used for
+explosions and melee attacks.
+qboolean CanDamage( gentity_t *targ, vec3_t origin )
+ vec3_t dest;
+ trace_t tr;
+ vec3_t midpoint;
+ // use the midpoint of the bounds instead of the origin, because
+ // bmodels may have their origin is 0,0,0
+ VectorAdd( targ->r.absmin, targ->r.absmax, midpoint );
+ VectorScale( midpoint, 0.5, midpoint );
+ VectorCopy( midpoint, dest );
+ trap_Trace( &tr, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, ENTITYNUM_NONE, MASK_SOLID );
+ if( tr.fraction == 1.0 || tr.entityNum == targ->s.number )
+ return qtrue;
+ // this should probably check in the plane of projection,
+ // rather than in world coordinate, and also include Z
+ VectorCopy( midpoint, dest );
+ dest[ 0 ] += 15.0;
+ dest[ 1 ] += 15.0;
+ trap_Trace( &tr, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, ENTITYNUM_NONE, MASK_SOLID );
+ if( tr.fraction == 1.0 )
+ return qtrue;
+ VectorCopy( midpoint, dest );
+ dest[ 0 ] += 15.0;
+ dest[ 1 ] -= 15.0;
+ trap_Trace( &tr, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, ENTITYNUM_NONE, MASK_SOLID );
+ if( tr.fraction == 1.0 )
+ return qtrue;
+ VectorCopy( midpoint, dest );
+ dest[ 0 ] -= 15.0;
+ dest[ 1 ] += 15.0;
+ trap_Trace( &tr, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, ENTITYNUM_NONE, MASK_SOLID );
+ if( tr.fraction == 1.0 )
+ return qtrue;
+ VectorCopy( midpoint, dest );
+ dest[ 0 ] -= 15.0;
+ dest[ 1 ] -= 15.0;
+ trap_Trace( &tr, origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, dest, ENTITYNUM_NONE, MASK_SOLID );
+ if( tr.fraction == 1.0 )
+ return qtrue;
+ return qfalse;
+qboolean G_SelectiveRadiusDamage( vec3_t origin, gentity_t *attacker, float damage,
+ float radius, gentity_t *ignore, int mod, int team )
+ float points, dist;
+ gentity_t *ent;
+ int entityList[ MAX_GENTITIES ];
+ int numListedEntities;
+ vec3_t mins, maxs;
+ vec3_t v;
+ vec3_t dir;
+ int i, e;
+ qboolean hitClient = qfalse;
+ if( radius < 1 )
+ radius = 1;
+ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+ {
+ mins[ i ] = origin[ i ] - radius;
+ maxs[ i ] = origin[ i ] + radius;
+ }
+ numListedEntities = trap_EntitiesInBox( mins, maxs, entityList, MAX_GENTITIES );
+ for( e = 0; e < numListedEntities; e++ )
+ {
+ ent = &g_entities[ entityList[ e ] ];
+ if( ent == ignore )
+ continue;
+ if( !ent->takedamage )
+ continue;
+ if( ent->flags & FL_NOTARGET )
+ continue;
+ // find the distance from the edge of the bounding box
+ for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
+ {
+ if( origin[ i ] < ent->r.absmin[ i ] )
+ v[ i ] = ent->r.absmin[ i ] - origin[ i ];
+ else if( origin[ i ] > ent->r.absmax[ i ] )
+ v[ i ] = origin[ i ] - ent->r.absmax[ i ];
+ else
+ v[ i ] = 0;
+ }
+ dist = VectorLength( v );
+ if( dist >= radius )
+ continue;
+ points = damage * ( 1.0 - dist / radius );
+ if( CanDamage( ent, origin ) && ent->client &&
+ ent->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] != team )
+ {
+ VectorSubtract( ent->r.currentOrigin, origin, dir );
+ // push the center of mass higher than the origin so players
+ // get knocked into the air more
+ dir[ 2 ] += 24;
+ hitClient = qtrue;
+ G_Damage( ent, NULL, attacker, dir, origin,
+ }
+ }
+ return hitClient;
+void G_Knockback( gentity_t *targ, vec3_t dir, int knockback )
+ if( knockback && targ->client )
+ {
+ vec3_t kvel;
+ float mass;
+ mass = 200;
+ // Halve knockback for bsuits
+ if( targ->client &&
+ targ->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS &&
+ BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( UP_BATTLESUIT, targ->client->ps.stats ) )
+ mass += 400;
+ // Halve knockback for crouching players
+ if(targ->client->ps.pm_flags&PMF_DUCKED) knockback /= 2;
+ VectorScale( dir, g_knockback.value * (float)knockback / mass, kvel );
+ VectorAdd( targ->client->ps.velocity, kvel, targ->client->ps.velocity );
+ // set the timer so that the other client can't cancel
+ // out the movement immediately
+ if( !targ->client->ps.pm_time )
+ {
+ int t;
+ t = knockback * 2;
+ if( t < 50 )
+ t = 50;
+ if( t > 200 )
+ t = 200;
+ targ->client->ps.pm_time = t;
+ targ->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;
+ }
+ }
+qboolean G_RadiusDamage( vec3_t origin, gentity_t *attacker, float damage,
+ float radius, gentity_t *ignore, int mod )
+ float points, dist;
+ gentity_t *ent;
+ int entityList[ MAX_GENTITIES ];
+ int numListedEntities;
+ vec3_t mins, maxs;
+ vec3_t v;
+ vec3_t dir;
+ int i, e;
+ qboolean hitClient = qfalse;
+ if( radius < 1 )
+ radius = 1;
+ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+ {
+ mins[ i ] = origin[ i ] - radius;
+ maxs[ i ] = origin[ i ] + radius;
+ }
+ numListedEntities = trap_EntitiesInBox( mins, maxs, entityList, MAX_GENTITIES );
+ for( e = 0; e < numListedEntities; e++ )
+ {
+ ent = &g_entities[ entityList[ e ] ];
+ if( ent == ignore )
+ continue;
+ if( !ent->takedamage )
+ continue;
+ // find the distance from the edge of the bounding box
+ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+ {
+ if( origin[ i ] < ent->r.absmin[ i ] )
+ v[ i ] = ent->r.absmin[ i ] - origin[ i ];
+ else if( origin[ i ] > ent->r.absmax[ i ] )
+ v[ i ] = origin[ i ] - ent->r.absmax[ i ];
+ else
+ v[ i ] = 0;
+ }
+ dist = VectorLength( v );
+ if( dist >= radius )
+ continue;
+ points = damage * ( 1.0 - dist / radius );
+ if( CanDamage( ent, origin ) )
+ {
+ VectorSubtract( ent->r.currentOrigin, origin, dir );
+ // push the center of mass higher than the origin so players
+ // get knocked into the air more
+ dir[ 2 ] += 24;
+ hitClient = qtrue;
+ G_Damage( ent, NULL, attacker, dir, origin,
+ }
+ }
+ return hitClient;
+Log deconstruct/destroy events
+void G_LogDestruction( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *actor, int mod )
+ buildFate_t fate;
+ switch( mod )
+ {
+ break;
+ fate = BF_REPLACE;
+ break;
+ fate = ( actor->client ) ? BF_UNPOWER : BF_AUTO;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if( actor->client )
+ {
+ if( actor->client->pers.teamSelection ==
+ BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->team )
+ {
+ fate = BF_TEAMKILL;
+ }
+ else
+ fate = BF_DESTROY;
+ }
+ else
+ fate = BF_AUTO;
+ break;
+ }
+ G_BuildLogAuto( actor, self, fate );
+ // don't log when marked structures are removed
+ if( mod == MOD_REPLACE )
+ return;
+ G_LogPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "Deconstruct: %d %d %s %s: %s %s by %s\n",
+ actor - g_entities,
+ self - g_entities,
+ BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->name,
+ modNames[ mod ],
+ BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->humanName,
+ mod == MOD_DECONSTRUCT ? "deconstructed" : "destroyed",
+ actor->client ? actor->client->pers.netname : "<world>" );
+ // No-power deaths for humans come after some minutes and it's confusing
+ // when the messages appear attributed to the deconner. Just don't print them.
+ if( mod == MOD_NOCREEP && actor->client &&
+ actor->client->pers.teamSelection == TEAM_HUMANS )
+ return;
+ if( actor->client && actor->client->pers.teamSelection ==
+ BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->team )
+ {
+ G_TeamCommand( actor->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ],
+ va( "print \"^3[%s] ^5%s ^5%s ^5by ^7%s\n\"",
+ BG_Buildable( self->s.modelindex )->humanName,
+ mod == MOD_DECONSTRUCT ? "deconstructed" : "destroyed",
+ actor->client->pers.netname ) );
+ }