path: root/
diff options
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1 files changed, 600 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
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index 0000000..4f84cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import sklearn.decomposition
+from colour import (SpectralDistribution, STANDARD_OBSERVER_CMFS,
+ ILLUMINANT_SDS, sd_to_XYZ, XYZ_to_xy)
+from colour.plotting import plot_chromaticity_diagram_CIE1931
+def load_Otsu2018_spectra(path, every_nth=1):
+ """
+ Loads a set of measured reflectances from Otsu et al.'s csv file.
+ TODO: This function can't determine the spectral shape.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ path : str
+ File path.
+ every_nth : int
+ Load only every n-th spectrum. The original files are huge, so this can
+ be useful for testing.
+ """
+ data = np.genfromtxt(path, delimiter=',', skip_header=1)
+ # The first column is the id and is redundant
+ data = data[:, 1:]
+ spectra = []
+ for i in range(data.shape[0]):
+ if i % every_nth != 0:
+ continue
+ values = data[i, :]
+ spectra.append(values)
+ return np.array(spectra)
+class Colours:
+ """
+ Represents multiple colours: their reflectances, XYZ tristimulus values
+ and xy coordinates. The cmfs and the illuminant are taken from the parent
+ Clustering.
+ This class also supports partitioning, or creating two smaller instances
+ of Colours, split along a horizontal or a vertical axis on the xy plane.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, clustering, reflectances):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ==========
+ clustering : Clustering
+ The parent clustering. This determines what cmfs and illuminant
+ are used in colourimetric calculations.
+ reflectances : ndarray (n,m)
+ Reflectances of the ``n`` colours to be stored in this class.
+ The shape must match ``Clustering.shape`` with ``m`` points for
+ each colour.
+ """
+ self.reflectances = reflectances
+ self.XYZ = np.empty((reflectances.shape[0], 3))
+ self.xy = np.empty((reflectances.shape[0], 2))
+ for i in range(len(self)):
+ sd = SpectralDistribution(reflectances[i, :], clustering.wl)
+ XYZ = sd_to_XYZ(sd, illuminant=clustering.illuminant) / 100
+ self.XYZ[i, :] = XYZ
+ self.xy[i, :] = XYZ_to_xy(XYZ)
+ def __len__(self):
+ """
+ Counts the number of colours in this object.
+ """
+ return self.reflectances.shape[0]
+ def partition(self, x_or_y, axis):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ==========
+ x_or_y : int
+ Whether to split according to X or Y coordinates.
+ axis : float
+ The coordinate that defines where the split happens.
+ Returns
+ =======
+ lesser : Colours
+ The left or lower part.
+ greater : Colours
+ The right or upper part.
+ """
+ mask = self.xy[:, x_or_y] <= axis
+ lesser = object.__new__(Colours)
+ greater = object.__new__(Colours)
+ lesser.reflectances = self.reflectances[mask, :]
+ greater.reflectances = self.reflectances[np.logical_not(mask), :]
+ lesser.XYZ = self.XYZ[mask, :]
+ greater.XYZ = self.XYZ[np.logical_not(mask), :]
+ lesser.xy = self.xy[mask, :]
+ greater.xy = self.xy[np.logical_not(mask), :]
+ return lesser, greater
+class ClusteringError(Exception):
+ """
+ Exception used for various errors originating from code in this file.
+ """
+ pass
+class Node:
+ """
+ Represents a node in the clustering tree.
+ """
+ _counter = 1
+ def __init__(self, clustering, colours):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ==========
+ clustering : Clustering
+ The parent clustering. This determines what cmfs and illuminant
+ are used in colourimetric calculations.
+ colours : Colours
+ The colours that belong in this node.
+ """
+ self.clustering = clustering
+ self.colours = colours
+ self.children = None
+ self._cached_reconstruction_error = None
+ self.PCA_done = False
+ # This is just for __str__ and plots
+ self.number = Node._counter
+ Node._counter += 1
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'Node #%d' % (self.number)
+ @property
+ def leaf(self):
+ """
+ Is this node a leaf? Tree leaves don't have any children and store
+ instances of ``Colours``.
+ """
+ return self.children is None
+ def split(self, children, split_x_or_y, split_i):
+ """
+ Turns a leaf into a node with the given children.
+ Parameters
+ ==========
+ children : tuple
+ Two instances of ``Node`` in a tuple.
+ split_x_or_y : int
+ Split's ``x_or_y``.
+ split_axis : float
+ Split's ``axis``.
+ """
+ if not self.leaf:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'Node.split called for a node that is not a leaf')
+ self.children = children
+ self.split_x_or_y = split_x_or_y
+ self.split_axis = self.colours.xy[split_i, split_x_or_y]
+ self.colours = None
+ self._cached_reconstruction_error = None
+ def _leaves_generator(self):
+ if self.leaf:
+ yield self
+ else:
+ for child in self.children:
+ yield from child.leaves
+ @property
+ def leaves(self):
+ """
+ Returns a generator of all leaves connected to this node.
+ """
+ return self._leaves_generator()
+ #
+ # PCA and reconstruction
+ #
+ def PCA(self):
+ """
+ Performs the principal component analysis on colours in this node.
+ """
+ if not self.leaf:
+ raise RuntimeError('Node.PCA called for a node that is not a leaf')
+ pca = sklearn.decomposition.PCA(3)
+ self.basis_functions = pca.components_
+ self.mean = pca.mean_
+ # TODO: better names
+ M = np.empty((3, 3))
+ for i in range(3):
+ R = self.basis_functions[i, :]
+ M[:, i] = self.clustering.fast_sd_to_XYZ(R)
+ self.M_inverse = np.linalg.inv(M)
+ self.XYZ_mu = self.clustering.fast_sd_to_XYZ(self.mean)
+ self.PCA_done = True
+ def reconstruct(self, XYZ):
+ """
+ Reconstructs a reflectance using data stored in this node.
+ Parameters
+ ==========
+ XYZ : ndarray, (3,)
+ *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values to recover the spectral distribution
+ from.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ SpectralDistribution
+ Recovered spectral distribution.
+ """
+ weights =, XYZ - self.XYZ_mu)
+ reflectance =, self.basis_functions) + self.mean
+ return SpectralDistribution(reflectance, self.clustering.wl)
+ def reconstruction_error(self):
+ """
+ For every colour in this node, its spectrum is reconstructed (using
+ PCA data in this node) and compared with its true, measured spectrum.
+ The errors are then summed up and returned.
+ Returns
+ =======
+ error : float
+ The sum reconstruction errors for this node.
+ """
+ if self._cached_reconstruction_error:
+ return self._cached_reconstruction_error
+ if not self.PCA_done: # FIXME
+ self.PCA()
+ error = 0
+ for i in range(len(self.colours)):
+ sd = self.colours.reflectances[i, :]
+ XYZ = self.colours.XYZ[i, :]
+ recovered_sd = self.reconstruct(XYZ)
+ error += np.sum((sd - recovered_sd.values) ** 2)
+ self._cached_reconstruction_error = error
+ return error
+ def total_reconstruction_error(self):
+ """
+ Computes the reconstruction error for an entire subtree, starting at
+ this node.
+ Returns
+ =======
+ error : float
+ The total reconstruction error of the subtree.
+ """
+ if self.leaf:
+ return self.reconstruction_error()
+ else:
+ return sum([child.total_reconstruction_error()
+ for child in self.children])
+ def partition(self, x_or_y, i):
+ """
+ Splits this node into two and returns them. This operation does not
+ affect the node it's used on. ``Node.split`` has to be called (with
+ data returned from this method) to actually alter the tree.
+ Parameters
+ ==========
+ x_or_y : int
+ Whether to split according to X or Y coordinates.
+ i : int
+ The index of the colour whose coordinates determine where the
+ split happens. Cannot be ``len(Node.colours)`` or greater.
+ Returns
+ =======
+ lesser : Node
+ The left or lower part.
+ greater : Node
+ The right or upper part.
+ """
+ axis = self.colours.xy[i, x_or_y]
+ partition = self.colours.partition(x_or_y, axis)
+ if len(partition[0]) <= 5 or len(partition[1]) <= 5:
+ raise ClusteringError('partition created parts that are too small')
+ lesser = Node(self.clustering, partition[0])
+ greater = Node(self.clustering, partition[1])
+ return lesser, greater
+ def split_quality(self, x_or_y, i):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ==========
+ x_or_y : int
+ Whether to split according to X or Y coordinates.
+ i : int
+ Index of the colour whose coordinates determine where the
+ split happens. Cannot be ``len(Node.colours)`` or greater.
+ Returns
+ =======
+ error : float
+ Sum of reconstruction errors of the two nodes created from
+ splitting.
+ lesser, greater : tuple
+ Subnodes created from splitting.
+ """
+ lesser, greater = self.partition(x_or_y, i)
+ lesser.PCA()
+ greater.PCA()
+ error = lesser.reconstruction_error() + greater.reconstruction_error()
+ return error, (lesser, greater)
+ #
+ # Plotting
+ #
+ def _plot_colours(self, number):
+ if not self.leaf:
+ for child in self.children:
+ child._plot_colours(number)
+ return
+ symbols = ['+', '^', '*', '>', 'o', 'v', 'x', '<']
+ plt.plot(*self.colours.xy.T,
+ "k" + symbols[number[0] % len(symbols)],
+ label=str(self))
+ number[0] += 1
+ def visualise(self):
+ """
+ Plots the subtree on a xy chromaticity diagram. Does not call
+ ````.
+ """
+ plot_chromaticity_diagram_CIE1931(standalone=False)
+ self._plot_colours([0])
+ plt.legend()
+class Clustering:
+ """
+ Represents the process of clustering and optimisation. Instances store
+ shared data such as cmfs and the illuminant.
+ Operations involving the entire tree, such as optimisation and
+ reconstruction, are implemented here.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ sds,
+ shape,
+ cmfs=STANDARD_OBSERVER_CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'],
+ illuminant=ILLUMINANT_SDS['D65']):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ sds : ndarray (n,m)
+ Reflectances of the ``n`` reference colours to be used for
+ optimisation.
+ shape : SpectralShape
+ Spectral shape of ``sds``.
+ cmfs : XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions, optional
+ Standard observer colour matching functions.
+ illuminant : SpectralDistribution, optional
+ Illuminant spectral distribution.
+ """
+ self.sds = sds
+ self.shape = shape
+ self.wl = shape.range()
+ self.dw = self.wl[1] - self.wl[0]
+ self.cmfs = cmfs.copy().align(shape)
+ self.illuminant = illuminant.copy().align(shape)
+ self.xy_w = XYZ_to_xy(sd_to_XYZ(illuminant, cmfs=cmfs))
+ # The normalising constant used in sd_to_XYZ.
+ self.k = 1 / (np.sum(self.cmfs.values[:, 1]
+ * self.illuminant.values) * self.dw)
+ colours = Colours(self, sds)
+ self.root = Node(self, colours)
+ def fast_sd_to_XYZ(self, R):
+ """
+ Compute the XYZ tristimulus values of a given reflectance. Faster for
+ humans, by using cmfs and the illuminant stored in the ''Clustering'',
+ thus avoiding unnecessary repetition. Faster for computers, by using
+ a very simple and direct method.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ R : ndarray
+ Reflectance with shape matching the one used to construct this
+ ``Clustering``.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ ndarray (3,)
+ XYZ tristimulus values, normalised to 1.
+ """
+ E = self.illuminant.values * R
+ return self.k *, self.cmfs.values) * self.dw
+ def reconstruct(self, XYZ):
+ """
+ Finds the appropriate node and reconstructs the reflectance for the
+ given XYZ tristimulus values.
+ Parameters
+ ==========
+ XYZ : ndarray, (3,)
+ *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values to recover the spectral distribution
+ from.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ SpectralDistribution
+ Recovered spectral distribution.
+ """
+ xy = XYZ_to_xy(XYZ)
+ def search(node):
+ if node.leaf:
+ return node
+ if xy[node.split_x_or_y] >= node.split_axis:
+ return search(node.children[0])
+ else:
+ return search(node.children[1])
+ node = search(self.root)
+ return node.reconstruct(XYZ)
+ def find_best_split(self):
+ """
+ Check every possible split in the entire tree to find the one that will
+ reduce the error the most.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ best_split : (Node, int, int)
+ Tuple representing the best split found. It contains the ``Node``
+ that should be split, the split direction (``x_or_y``) and
+ the colour index (``i``).
+ best_partition : (Node, Node)
+ Subnodes to be used as children for the leaf.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ ClusteringError
+ If the tree has already been split too finely, further splits will
+ not be possible and this exception will be raised.
+ """
+ best_new_error = None
+ total_error = self.root.total_reconstruction_error()
+ for leaf in self.root.leaves:
+ total_error_minus_leaf = total_error - leaf.reconstruction_error()
+ for x_or_y in [0, 1]:
+ for i in range(len(leaf.colours)):
+ try:
+ split_error, partition = leaf.split_quality(x_or_y, i)
+ except ClusteringError:
+ continue
+ new_error = total_error_minus_leaf + split_error
+ if best_new_error is None or new_error < best_new_error:
+ best_new_error = new_error
+ best_split = (leaf, x_or_y, i)
+ best_partition = partition
+ print('%10s %s %4d %g'
+ % (leaf, ['x', 'y'][x_or_y], i, new_error))
+ if best_new_error is None:
+ raise ClusteringError('no more splits were possible')
+ return best_split, best_partition
+ def do_best_splits(self, repeats):
+ """
+ Find the best split and perform it, and repeat the operation the
+ specified amount of times.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ repeats : int
+ Number of splits.
+ """
+ for repeat in range(repeats):
+ try:
+ (leaf, x_or_y, i), partition = self.find_best_split()
+ except ClusteringError:
+ print('WARNING: only %d splits were possible' % repeat)
+ break
+ print('==== Splitting %s, x_or_y=%d, i=%d ===='
+ % (leaf, x_or_y, i))
+ leaf.split(partition, x_or_y, i)
+ def write_python_dataset(self, path):
+ """
+ Write the clustering into a Python dataset compatible with Colour's
+ ``colour.recovery.otsu2018`` code.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ path : string
+ File path.
+ """
+ with open(path, 'w') as fd:
+ fd.write('# Autogenerated, do not modify\n\n')
+ fd.write('from numpy import array\n')
+ fd.write('from colour import SpectralShape\n\n\n')
+ fd.write('OTSU_2018_SPECTRAL_SHAPE = SpectralShape%s\n\n\n'
+ % self.shape)
+ # Basis functions
+ fd.write('OTSU_2018_BASIS_FUNCTIONS = [\n')
+ for i, leaf in enumerate(self.root.leaves):
+ leaf._i = i # For use when writing the selection function
+ for line in (repr(leaf.basis_functions) + ',').splitlines():
+ fd.write(' %s\n' % line)
+ fd.write(']\n\n\n')
+ # Means
+ fd.write('OTSU_2018_MEANS = [\n')
+ for leaf in self.root.leaves:
+ for line in (repr(leaf.mean) + ',').splitlines():
+ fd.write(' %s\n' % line)
+ fd.write(']\n\n\n')
+ # Cluster selection function
+ fd.write('def select_cluster_Otsu2018(xy):\n')
+ fd.write(' x, y = xy\n\n')
+ def write_if(node, indent):
+ if node.leaf:
+ fd.write(' ' * indent)
+ fd.write('return %d # %s\n' % (node._i, node))
+ return
+ fd.write(' ' * indent)
+ fd.write('if %s <= %s:\n' % (['x', 'y'][node.split_x_or_y],
+ repr(node.split_axis)))
+ write_if(node.children[0], indent + 1)
+ fd.write(' ' * indent)
+ fd.write('else:\n')
+ write_if(node.children[1], indent + 1)
+ write_if(self.root, 1)