diff options
authorMichael Levin <>2009-10-03 11:31:45 +0000
committerTim Angus <>2013-01-03 00:15:04 +0000
commit2255df1a3c71da137340032336efda142beb91c4 (patch)
parentf57b67c8dc0afac9e23aa19d580bad1c06fcbf80 (diff)
Updated help file.
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/ui/help.txt b/ui/help.txt
index 17eb9e02..9ccd3853 100644
--- a/ui/help.txt
+++ b/ui/help.txt
@@ -9,15 +9,13 @@
"We can also be reached on Freenode IRC:\n"
- "Release Notes r90"
+ "Release Notes r137"
- "* Help menu (you're looking at it!)\n"
- "* UI health cross icon shows regen speed\n"
- "* Human UI health cross glows from medkit\n"
- "* Human item list is wider and won't hide items\n"
- "* Regular Basilik benefits from booster regen\n"
- "* Lucifer Cannon overcharge can be heard by others\n"
- "* You are awarded credits for de-creeping buildables\n"
+ "* Charge bar for pounce/trample/Luci\n"
+ "* Squad member marking (Options -> Misc)\n"
+ "* Gassed humans have a cloud around head\n"
+ "* Hive attacks humans that hurt it\n"
+ "* Build timer slices are 5 seconds each\n"
"Alien Healing"
@@ -25,8 +23,8 @@
"rate is slower away from creep. To counter this, healing near Boosters "
"and Basilisks is greatly accelerated. Watch the health cross icon on your "
"HUD to see what your healing rate is. If the icon glows, you are on "
- "creep. If you are near a booster or basilisk, you will see multiple "
- "crosses."
+ "creep. If you are near a booster or basilisk, you will see two "
+ "(2X healing) or four (3X healing) barbs around the cross."
@@ -80,7 +78,23 @@
"increased damage output. To protect against small Aliens getting inside "
"the base, build Tesla Generators at Stage 3. Tesla Generators no longer "
"require the Defense Computer to function. Instead, the Defense Computer "
- "will automatically repair Human buildables."
+ "will automatically repair Human buildables. Tesla Generators can fire "
+ "over turrets."
+ }
+ "Mark Deconstruction"
+ {
+ "The deconstruction method has changed. Buildables are no longer instantly "
+ "deconstructed. Instead, a deconstruct mark appears on the health bar. "
+ "Go ahead and build a new buildable somewhere else and the old one will "
+ "be removed automatically. Buildables that are about to be removed by "
+ "constructing the selected buildable glow red."
+ }
+ "Squad Marking"
+ {
+ "Want to keep track of certain teammates? Mark them as members of your "
+ "squad. Bind a key to 'Toggle Squad Mark' (Options -> Misc), walk up to "
+ "the target player and press that key. A triangle will appear above them "
+ "marking them as a squad member."
"Lag Correction"
@@ -97,8 +111,8 @@
"Contributing developers:\n\n"
"Asa ''Norfenstein'' Kravets\n"
"Tony J. White\n"
- "Ben Millwood (''benmachine'')\n"
"Michael ''Risujin'' Levin\n"
+ "Ben Millwood (''benmachine'')\n"
"Chris ''Lakitu7'' Schwarz\n"
"Roman ''Kevlarman'' Tetelman\n"