diff options
authorTim Angus <>2007-09-28 15:55:56 +0000
committerTim Angus <>2007-09-28 15:55:56 +0000
commite70ee201cdc44b35801930e4c176dd17317484cf (patch)
parent91fba4721971938e9e1cb443f0dcb167a9f3c175 (diff)
* Remove infopanes stuff, and just store the strings statically
* (bug 3079) Display the number of kills required in the class information pane
6 files changed, 495 insertions, 909 deletions
diff --git a/src/game/bg_misc.c b/src/game/bg_misc.c
index c4d374ae..8a4e7a8c 100644
--- a/src/game/bg_misc.c
+++ b/src/game/bg_misc.c
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
BA_A_SPAWN, //int buildNum;
"eggpod", //char *buildName;
"Egg", //char *humanName;
+ "The most basic alien structure. It allows aliens to spawn "
+ "and protect the Overmind. Without any of these, the Overmind "
+ "is left nearly defenseless and defeat is imminent.",
"team_alien_spawn", //char *entityName;
{ "models/buildables/eggpod/eggpod.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
1.0f, //float modelScale;
@@ -74,6 +77,8 @@ buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
BA_A_BARRICADE, //int buildNum;
"barricade", //char *buildName;
"Barricade", //char *humanName;
+ "Used to obstruct corridors and doorways, hindering humans from "
+ "threatening the spawns and Overmind.",
"team_alien_barricade",//char *entityName;
{ "models/buildables/barricade/barricade.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
1.0f, //float modelScale;
@@ -110,6 +115,11 @@ buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
BA_A_BOOSTER, //int buildNum;
"booster", //char *buildName;
"Booster", //char *humanName;
+ "Provides any alien with a poison ability on all its "
+ "attacks. In addition to the default attack damage, the victim loses "
+ "health over time unless they heal themselves with a medkit."
+ "The booster also increases the rate of health regeneration for "
+ "any nearby aliens.",
"team_alien_booster", //char *entityName;
{ "models/buildables/booster/booster.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
1.0f, //float modelScale;
@@ -146,6 +156,9 @@ buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
BA_A_ACIDTUBE, //int buildNum;
"acid_tube", //char *buildName;
"Acid Tube", //char *humanName;
+ "Ejects lethal poisonous acid at an approaching human. These "
+ "are highly effective when used in conjunction with a trapper "
+ "to hold the victim in place.",
"team_alien_acid_tube",//char *entityName;
{ "models/buildables/acid_tube/acid_tube.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
1.0f, //float modelScale;
@@ -182,6 +195,8 @@ buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
BA_A_HIVE, //int buildNum;
"hive", //char *buildName;
"Hive", //char *humanName;
+ "Houses millions of tiny insectoid aliens. When a human "
+ "approaches this structure, the insectoids attack.",
"team_alien_hive", //char *entityName;
{ "models/buildables/acid_tube/acid_tube.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
1.0f, //float modelScale;
@@ -218,6 +233,9 @@ buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
BA_A_TRAPPER, //int buildNum;
"trapper", //char *buildName;
"Trapper", //char *humanName;
+ "Fires a blob of adhesive spit at any non-alien in its line of "
+ "sight. This hinders their movement, making them an easy target "
+ "for other defensive structures or aliens.",
"team_alien_trapper", //char *entityName;
{ "models/buildables/trapper/trapper.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
1.0f, //float modelScale;
@@ -254,6 +272,9 @@ buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
BA_A_OVERMIND, //int buildNum;
"overmind", //char *buildName;
"Overmind", //char *humanName;
+ "A collective consciousness that controls all the alien structures "
+ "in its vicinity. It must be protected at all costs, since its "
+ "death will render alien structures defenseless.",
"team_alien_overmind", //char *entityName;
{ "models/buildables/overmind/overmind.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
1.0f, //float modelScale;
@@ -290,6 +311,9 @@ buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
BA_A_HOVEL, //int buildNum;
"hovel", //char *buildName;
"Hovel", //char *humanName;
+ "An armoured shell used by the builder class to hide in, while "
+ "the alien base is under attack. It may be entered or "
+ "exited at any time.",
"team_alien_hovel", //char *entityName;
{ "models/buildables/hovel/hovel.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
1.0f, //float modelScale;
@@ -326,6 +350,9 @@ buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
BA_H_SPAWN, //int buildNum;
"telenode", //char *buildName;
"Telenode", //char *humanName;
+ "The most basic human structure. It provides a means for humans "
+ "to enter the battle arena. Without any of these the humans "
+ "cannot spawn and defeat is imminent.",
"team_human_spawn", //char *entityName;
{ "models/buildables/telenode/telenode.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
1.0f, //float modelScale;
@@ -362,6 +389,9 @@ buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
BA_H_MEDISTAT, //int buildNum;
"medistat", //char *buildName;
"Medistation", //char *humanName;
+ "A structure providing an automated healing energy that restores "
+ "the health of any human that stands inside it. It may only be used "
+ "by one person at a time.",
"team_human_medistat", //char *entityName;
{ "models/buildables/medistat/medistat.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
1.0f, //float modelScale;
@@ -398,6 +428,9 @@ buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
BA_H_MGTURRET, //int buildNum;
"mgturret", //char *buildName;
"Machinegun Turret", //char *humanName;
+ "Automated base defense that is effective against fast moving targets, "
+ "but does not cause much damage on its own and should always be "
+ "backed up by physical support.",
"team_human_mgturret", //char *entityName;
{ "models/buildables/mgturret/turret_base.md3",
@@ -436,6 +469,9 @@ buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
BA_H_TESLAGEN, //int buildNum;
"tesla", //char *buildName;
"Tesla Generator", //char *humanName;
+ "A structure equipped with a strong electrical attack that always "
+ "hits its target. It is useful against larger aliens "
+ "and for consolidating basic defense.",
"team_human_tesla", //char *entityName;
{ "models/buildables/tesla/tesla.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
1.0f, //float modelScale;
@@ -472,6 +508,9 @@ buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
BA_H_DCC, //int buildNum;
"dcc", //char *buildName;
"Defence Computer", //char *humanName;
+ "A structure coordinating the action of base defense so that "
+ "defense is distributed evenly among the enemy. This structure "
+ "is required for building the Tesla Generator.",
"team_human_dcc", //char *entityName;
{ "models/buildables/dcc/dcc.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
1.0f, //float modelScale;
@@ -508,6 +547,9 @@ buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
BA_H_ARMOURY, //int buildNum;
"arm", //char *buildName;
"Armoury", //char *humanName;
+ "An essential part of the human base, providing a means "
+ "to upgrade the basic human. A range of upgrades and weapons are "
+ "available from the armoury, each with a price.",
"team_human_armoury", //char *entityName;
{ "models/buildables/arm/arm.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
1.0f, //float modelScale;
@@ -544,6 +586,9 @@ buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
BA_H_REACTOR, //int buildNum;
"reactor", //char *buildName;
"Reactor", //char *humanName;
+ "All structures except the telenode rely on a reactor to operate."
+ "The reactor provides power for all the human structures either "
+ "directly or via repeaters. There can only be a single reactor.",
"team_human_reactor", //char *entityName;
{ "models/buildables/reactor/reactor.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
1.0f, //float modelScale;
@@ -580,6 +625,9 @@ buildableAttributes_t bg_buildableList[ ] =
BA_H_REPEATER, //int buildNum;
"repeater", //char *buildName;
"Repeater", //char *humanName;
+ "A power distributor that transmits power from the reactor "
+ "to remote locations, so that bases may be built far "
+ "from the reactor.",
"team_human_repeater", //char *entityName;
{ "models/buildables/repeater/repeater.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
1.0f, //float modelScale;
@@ -697,6 +745,25 @@ char *BG_FindHumanNameForBuildable( int bclass )
+char *BG_FindInfoForBuildable( int bclass )
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < bg_numBuildables; i++ )
+ {
+ if( bg_buildableList[ i ].buildNum == bclass )
+ return bg_buildableList[ i ].info;
+ }
+ //wimp out
+ return 0;
@@ -1495,6 +1562,7 @@ classAttributes_t bg_classList[ ] =
PCL_NONE, //int classnum;
"spectator", //char *className;
"Spectator", //char *humanName;
+ "",
"", //char *modelname;
1.0f, //float modelScale;
"", //char *skinname;
@@ -1533,6 +1601,7 @@ classAttributes_t bg_classList[ ] =
PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0, //int classnum;
"builder", //char *className;
"Builder", //char *humanName;
+ "Responsible for building and maintaining all the alien structures.",
"builder", //char *modelname;
1.0f, //float modelScale;
"default", //char *skinname;
@@ -1571,6 +1640,9 @@ classAttributes_t bg_classList[ ] =
PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0_UPG, //int classnum;
"builderupg", //char *classname;
"Advanced Builder", //char *humanname;
+ "Similar to the base Granger, except that in addition to "
+ "being able to build structures it has a melee attack "
+ "and the ability to crawl on walls.",
"builder", //char *modelname;
1.0f, //float modelScale;
"advanced", //char *skinname;
@@ -1609,6 +1681,7 @@ classAttributes_t bg_classList[ ] =
PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL0, //int classnum;
"level0", //char *classname;
"Soldier", //char *humanname;
+ "Has a lethal bite and the ability to crawl on walls and ceilings.",
"jumper", //char *modelname;
0.2f, //float modelScale;
"default", //char *skinname;
@@ -1648,6 +1721,8 @@ classAttributes_t bg_classList[ ] =
PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL1, //int classnum;
"level1", //char *classname;
"Hydra", //char *humanname;
+ "Able to crawl on walls and ceilings. Its melee attack is most "
+ "effective when combined with the ability to grab its foe.",
"spitter", //char *modelname;
0.6f, //float modelScale;
"default", //char *skinname;
@@ -1687,6 +1762,9 @@ classAttributes_t bg_classList[ ] =
PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL1_UPG, //int classnum;
"level1upg", //char *classname;
"Hydra Upgrade", //char *humanname;
+ "In addition to the basic Basilisk abilities, the Advanced "
+ "Basilisk sprays a poisonous gas which disorientaits any "
+ "nearby humans.",
"spitter", //char *modelname;
0.7f, //float modelScale;
"blue", //char *skinname;
@@ -1726,6 +1804,8 @@ classAttributes_t bg_classList[ ] =
PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL2, //int classnum;
"level2", //char *classname;
"Chimera", //char *humanname;
+ "Has a melee attack and the ability to jump off walls. This "
+ "allows the Marauder to gather great speed in enclosed areas.",
"tarantula", //char *modelname;
0.75f, //float modelScale;
"default", //char *skinname;
@@ -1765,6 +1845,8 @@ classAttributes_t bg_classList[ ] =
PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL2_UPG, //int classnum;
"level2upg", //char *classname;
"Chimera Upgrade", //char *humanname;
+ "The Advanced Marauder has all the abilities of the base Marauder "
+ "including an area effect electric shock attack.",
"tarantula", //char *modelname;
0.9f, //float modelScale;
"red", //char *skinname;
@@ -1804,6 +1886,9 @@ classAttributes_t bg_classList[ ] =
PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL3, //int classnum;
"level3", //char *classname;
"Dragoon", //char *humanname;
+ "Possesses a melee attack and the pounce ability, which may "
+ "be used as an attack, or a means to reach a remote "
+ "location inaccessible from the ground.",
"prowl", //char *modelname;
1.0f, //float modelScale;
"default", //char *skinname;
@@ -1843,6 +1928,9 @@ classAttributes_t bg_classList[ ] =
PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL3_UPG, //int classnum;
"level3upg", //char *classname;
"Dragoon Upgrade", //char *humanname;
+ "In addition to the basic Dragoon abilities, the Dragoon "
+ "Upgrade has 3 barbs which may be used to attack humans "
+ "from a distance.",
"prowl", //char *modelname;
1.0f, //float modelScale;
"default", //char *skinname;
@@ -1882,6 +1970,9 @@ classAttributes_t bg_classList[ ] =
PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL4, //int classnum;
"level4", //char *classname;
"Big Mofo", //char *humanname;
+ "Provides a healing aura in which nearby aliens regenerate health "
+ "faster than usual. As well as a melee attack, this class can charge "
+ "at enemy humans and structures, inflicting great damage.",
"mofo", //char *modelname;
1.0f, //float modelScale;
"default", //char *skinname;
@@ -1921,6 +2012,7 @@ classAttributes_t bg_classList[ ] =
PCL_HUMAN, //int classnum;
"human_base", //char *classname;
"Human", //char *humanname;
+ "",
"sarge", //char *modelname;
1.0f, //float modelScale;
"default", //char *skinname;
@@ -1959,7 +2051,8 @@ classAttributes_t bg_classList[ ] =
PCL_HUMAN_BSUIT, //int classnum;
"human_bsuit", //char *classname;
- "bsuit", //char *humanname;
+ "Battlesuit", //char *humanname;
+ "",
"keel", //char *modelname;
1.0f, //float modelScale;
"default", //char *skinname;
@@ -2066,6 +2159,26 @@ char *BG_FindHumanNameForClassNum( int pclass )
+char *BG_FindInfoForClassNum( int pclass )
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < bg_numPclasses; i++ )
+ {
+ if( bg_classList[ i ].classNum == pclass )
+ return bg_classList[ i ].info;
+ }
+ Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: fallthrough in BG_FindInfoForClassNum\n" );
+ //wimp out
+ return 0;
@@ -3040,6 +3153,7 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
0, //int slots;
"blaster", //char *weaponName;
"Blaster", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3065,6 +3179,8 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"rifle", //char *weaponName;
"Rifle", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "Basic weapon. Cased projectile weapon, with a slow clip based "
+ "reload system.",
RIFLE_CLIPSIZE, //int maxAmmo;
RIFLE_MAXCLIPS, //int maxClips;
qfalse, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3090,6 +3206,9 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"shotgun", //char *weaponName;
"Shotgun", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "Close range weapon that is useful against larger foes. "
+ "It has a slow repeat rate, but can be devastatingly "
+ "effective.",
SHOTGUN_SHELLS, //int maxAmmo;
SHOTGUN_MAXCLIPS, //int maxClips;
qfalse, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3115,6 +3234,9 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"flamer", //char *weaponName;
"Flame Thrower", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "Sprays fire at its target. It is powered by compressed "
+ "gas. The relatively low rate of fire means this weapon is most "
+ "effective against static targets.",
FLAMER_GAS, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qfalse, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3140,6 +3262,9 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"chaingun", //char *weaponName;
"Chaingun", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "Belt drive, cased projectile weapon. It has a high repeat "
+ "rate but a wide firing angle and is therefore relatively "
+ "inaccurate.",
CHAINGUN_BULLETS, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qfalse, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3165,6 +3290,9 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"mdriver", //char *weaponName;
"Mass Driver", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "A portable particle accelerator which causes minor nuclear "
+ "reactions at the point of impact. It has a very large "
+ "payload, but fires slowly.",
MDRIVER_CLIPSIZE, //int maxAmmo;
MDRIVER_MAXCLIPS, //int maxClips;
qfalse, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3190,6 +3318,8 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"prifle", //char *weaponName;
"Pulse Rifle", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "An energy weapon that fires pulses of concentrated energy "
+ "at a fast rate. It requires re-energising every 50 pulses.",
PRIFLE_CLIPS, //int maxAmmo;
PRIFLE_MAXCLIPS, //int maxClips;
qfalse, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3215,6 +3345,9 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"lcannon", //char *weaponName;
"Lucifer Cannon", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "Similar to the pulse rifle, but more powerful. Additionally, "
+ "it has a secondary attack where energy can be charged "
+ "up to shoot a devastating ball of energy.",
LCANNON_AMMO, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qfalse, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3240,6 +3373,8 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"lgun", //char *weaponName;
"Las Gun", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "Slightly more powerful than the basic rifle, but "
+ "instead of bullets it fires small packets of energy.",
LASGUN_AMMO, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qfalse, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3265,6 +3400,9 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"psaw", //char *weaponName;
"Pain Saw", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "Similar to a chainsaw, but instead of a chain it has an "
+ "electric arc capable of dealing a great deal of damage at "
+ "close range.",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3290,6 +3428,7 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_NONE, //int slots;
"grenade", //char *weaponName;
"Grenade", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "",
1, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qfalse, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3315,6 +3454,8 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"ckit", //char *weaponName;
"Construction Kit", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "Used for building all basic structures. This includes "
+ "spawns, power and basic defense.",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3340,6 +3481,8 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"ackit", //char *weaponName;
"Adv Construction Kit",//char *weaponHumanName;
+ "Used for building advanced structures. This includes "
+ "combat computers and advanced defense.",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3365,6 +3508,7 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"abuild", //char *weaponName;
"Alien build weapon", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3390,6 +3534,7 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"abuildupg", //char *weaponName;
"Alien build weapon2",//char *weaponHumanName;
+ "",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3415,6 +3560,7 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"level0", //char *weaponName;
"Bite", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3440,6 +3586,7 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"level1", //char *weaponName;
"Claws", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3465,6 +3612,7 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"level1upg", //char *weaponName;
"Claws Upgrade", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3490,6 +3638,7 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"level2", //char *weaponName;
"Bite", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3515,6 +3664,7 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"level2upg", //char *weaponName;
"Zap", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3540,6 +3690,7 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"level3", //char *weaponName;
"Pounce", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3565,6 +3716,7 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"level3upg", //char *weaponName;
"Pounce (upgrade)", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "",
3, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3590,6 +3742,7 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"level4", //char *weaponName;
"Charge", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3615,6 +3768,7 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"lockblob", //char *weaponName;
"Lock Blob", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3640,6 +3794,7 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"hive", //char *weaponName;
"Hive", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3665,6 +3820,7 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"mgturret", //char *weaponName;
"Machinegun Turret", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3690,6 +3846,7 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"teslagen", //char *weaponName;
"Tesla Generator", //char *weaponHumanName;
+ "",
0, //int maxAmmo;
0, //int maxClips;
qtrue, //int infiniteAmmo;
@@ -3834,6 +3991,25 @@ char *BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( int weapon )
+char *BG_FindInfoForWeapon( int weapon )
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < bg_numWeapons; i++ )
+ {
+ if( bg_weapons[ i ].weaponNum == weapon )
+ return bg_weapons[ i ].info;
+ }
+ //wimp out
+ return 0;
@@ -4161,6 +4337,8 @@ upgradeAttributes_t bg_upgrades[ ] =
"larmour", //char *upgradeName;
"Light Armour", //char *upgradeHumanName;
+ "Protective armour that helps to defend against light alien melee "
+ "attacks.",
qtrue, //qboolean purchasable
qfalse, //qboolean usable
@@ -4173,6 +4351,9 @@ upgradeAttributes_t bg_upgrades[ ] =
SLOT_HEAD, //int slots;
"helmet", //char *upgradeName;
"Helmet", //char *upgradeHumanName;
+ "In addition to protecting your head, the helmet provides a "
+ "scanner indicating the presence of any non-human lifeforms in your "
+ "immediate vicinity.",
qtrue, //qboolean purchasable
qfalse, //qboolean usable
@@ -4185,6 +4366,7 @@ upgradeAttributes_t bg_upgrades[ ] =
SLOT_NONE, //int slots;
"medkit", //char *upgradeName;
"Medkit", //char *upgradeHumanName;
+ "",
qfalse, //qboolean purchasable
qtrue, //qboolean usable
@@ -4197,6 +4379,8 @@ upgradeAttributes_t bg_upgrades[ ] =
SLOT_BACKPACK, //int slots;
"battpack", //char *upgradeName;
"Battery Pack", //char *upgradeHumanName;
+ "Back-mounted battery pack that permits storage of one and a half "
+ "times the normal energy capacity for energy weapons.",
qtrue, //qboolean purchasable
qfalse, //qboolean usable
@@ -4209,6 +4393,9 @@ upgradeAttributes_t bg_upgrades[ ] =
SLOT_BACKPACK, //int slots;
"jetpack", //char *upgradeName;
"Jet Pack", //char *upgradeHumanName;
+ "Back-mounted jet pack that enables the user to fly to remote "
+ "locations. It is very useful against alien spawns in hard "
+ "to reach spots.",
qtrue, //qboolean purchasable
qtrue, //qboolean usable
@@ -4221,6 +4408,9 @@ upgradeAttributes_t bg_upgrades[ ] =
"bsuit", //char *upgradeName;
"Battlesuit", //char *upgradeHumanName;
+ "A full body armour that is highly effective at repelling alien attacks. "
+ "It allows the user to enter hostile situations with a greater degree "
+ "of confidence.",
qtrue, //qboolean purchasable
qfalse, //qboolean usable
@@ -4233,6 +4423,8 @@ upgradeAttributes_t bg_upgrades[ ] =
SLOT_NONE, //int slots;
"gren", //char *upgradeName;
"Grenade", //char *upgradeHumanName;
+ "A small incendinary device ideal for damaging tightly packed "
+ "alien structures. Has a five second timer.",
qtrue, //qboolean purchasable
qtrue, //qboolean usable
@@ -4245,6 +4437,7 @@ upgradeAttributes_t bg_upgrades[ ] =
SLOT_NONE, //int slots;
"ammo", //char *upgradeName;
"Ammunition", //char *upgradeHumanName;
+ "Ammunition for the currently held weapon.",
qtrue, //qboolean purchasable
qfalse, //qboolean usable
@@ -4376,6 +4569,25 @@ char *BG_FindHumanNameForUpgrade( int upgrade )
+char *BG_FindInfoForUpgrade( int upgrade )
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < bg_numUpgrades; i++ )
+ {
+ if( bg_upgrades[ i ].upgradeNum == upgrade )
+ return bg_upgrades[ i ].info;
+ }
+ //wimp out
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/game/bg_public.h b/src/game/bg_public.h
index a48669d6..9be0d73b 100644
--- a/src/game/bg_public.h
+++ b/src/game/bg_public.h
@@ -879,6 +879,7 @@ typedef struct
char *className;
char *humanName;
+ char *info;
char *modelName;
float modelScale;
@@ -963,6 +964,7 @@ typedef struct
char *buildName;
char *humanName;
+ char *info;
char *entityName;
char *models[ MAX_BUILDABLE_MODELS ];
@@ -1032,6 +1034,7 @@ typedef struct
char *weaponName;
char *weaponHumanName;
+ char *info;
int maxAmmo;
int maxClips;
@@ -1070,6 +1073,7 @@ typedef struct
char *upgradeName;
char *upgradeHumanName;
+ char *info;
char *icon;
@@ -1104,6 +1108,7 @@ int BG_FindBuildNumForEntityName( char *name );
char *BG_FindNameForBuildable( int bclass );
char *BG_FindHumanNameForBuildable( int bclass );
char *BG_FindEntityNameForBuildable( int bclass );
+char *BG_FindInfoForBuildable( int bclass );
char *BG_FindModelsForBuildable( int bclass, int modelNum );
float BG_FindModelScaleForBuildable( int bclass );
void BG_FindBBoxForBuildable( int bclass, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs );
@@ -1138,6 +1143,7 @@ void BG_InitBuildableOverrides( void );
int BG_FindClassNumForName( char *name );
char *BG_FindNameForClassNum( int pclass );
char *BG_FindHumanNameForClassNum( int pclass );
+char *BG_FindInfoForClassNum( int pclass );
char *BG_FindModelNameForClass( int pclass );
float BG_FindModelScaleForClass( int pclass );
char *BG_FindSkinNameForClass( int pclass );
@@ -1175,6 +1181,7 @@ int BG_FindSlotsForWeapon( int weapon );
char *BG_FindNameForWeapon( int weapon );
int BG_FindWeaponNumForName( char *name );
char *BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( int weapon );
+char *BG_FindInfoForWeapon( int weapon );
char *BG_FindModelsForWeapon( int weapon, int modelNum );
char *BG_FindIconForWeapon( int weapon );
char *BG_FindCrosshairForWeapon( int weapon );
@@ -1202,6 +1209,7 @@ int BG_FindSlotsForUpgrade( int upgrade );
char *BG_FindNameForUpgrade( int upgrade );
int BG_FindUpgradeNumForName( char *name );
char *BG_FindHumanNameForUpgrade( int upgrade );
+char *BG_FindInfoForUpgrade( int upgrade );
char *BG_FindIconForUpgrade( int upgrade );
qboolean BG_FindPurchasableForUpgrade( int upgrade );
qboolean BG_FindUsableForUpgrade( int upgrade );
diff --git a/src/ui/ui_local.h b/src/ui/ui_local.h
index ad7d38b3..ff8367ba 100644
--- a/src/ui/ui_local.h
+++ b/src/ui/ui_local.h
@@ -744,44 +744,29 @@ typedef struct {
const char *modDescr;
} modInfo_t;
-#define MAX_INFOPANE_TEXT 4096
-#define MAX_INFOPANES 128
typedef enum
-} tremIPSide_t;
-typedef struct
- qhandle_t graphic;
- tremIPSide_t side;
- int offset;
- int width, height;
-} tremIPGraphic_t;
+} infoType_t;
typedef struct
- const char *name;
- char text[ MAX_INFOPANE_TEXT ];
- int align;
- tremIPGraphic_t graphics[ MAX_INFOPANE_GRAPHICS ];
- int numGraphics;
-} tremInfoPane_t;
-typedef struct
- const char *text;
- const char *cmd;
- tremInfoPane_t *infopane;
-} tremMenuItem_t;
+ const char *text;
+ const char *cmd;
+ infoType_t type;
+ union
+ {
+ const char *text;
+ buildable_t buildable;
+ pClass_t pclass;
+ weapon_t weapon;
+ upgrade_t upgrade;
+ } v;
+} menuItem_t;
typedef struct {
displayContextDef_t uiDC;
@@ -848,40 +833,37 @@ typedef struct {
int movieIndex;
int previewMovie;
- tremInfoPane_t tremInfoPanes[ MAX_INFOPANES ];
- int tremInfoPaneCount;
- tremMenuItem_t tremTeamList[ 4 ];
- int tremTeamCount;
- int tremTeamIndex;
+ menuItem_t tremTeamList[ 4 ];
+ int tremTeamCount;
+ int tremTeamIndex;
- tremMenuItem_t tremAlienClassList[ 3 ];
- int tremAlienClassCount;
- int tremAlienClassIndex;
+ menuItem_t alienClassList[ 3 ];
+ int alienClassCount;
+ int alienClassIndex;
- tremMenuItem_t tremHumanItemList[ 3 ];
- int tremHumanItemCount;
- int tremHumanItemIndex;
+ menuItem_t humanItemList[ 3 ];
+ int humanItemCount;
+ int humanItemIndex;
- tremMenuItem_t tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ 32 ];
- int tremHumanArmouryBuyCount;
- int tremHumanArmouryBuyIndex;
+ menuItem_t humanArmouryBuyList[ 32 ];
+ int humanArmouryBuyCount;
+ int humanArmouryBuyIndex;
- tremMenuItem_t tremHumanArmourySellList[ 32 ];
- int tremHumanArmourySellCount;
- int tremHumanArmourySellIndex;
+ menuItem_t humanArmourySellList[ 32 ];
+ int humanArmourySellCount;
+ int humanArmourySellIndex;
- tremMenuItem_t tremAlienUpgradeList[ 16 ];
- int tremAlienUpgradeCount;
- int tremAlienUpgradeIndex;
+ menuItem_t alienUpgradeList[ 16 ];
+ int alienUpgradeCount;
+ int alienUpgradeIndex;
- tremMenuItem_t tremAlienBuildList[ 32 ];
- int tremAlienBuildCount;
- int tremAlienBuildIndex;
+ menuItem_t alienBuildList[ 32 ];
+ int alienBuildCount;
+ int alienBuildIndex;
- tremMenuItem_t tremHumanBuildList[ 32 ];
- int tremHumanBuildCount;
- int tremHumanBuildIndex;
+ menuItem_t humanBuildList[ 32 ];
+ int humanBuildCount;
+ int humanBuildIndex;
serverStatus_t serverStatus;
diff --git a/src/ui/ui_main.c b/src/ui/ui_main.c
index bdc2466c..f3a17f1e 100644
--- a/src/ui/ui_main.c
+++ b/src/ui/ui_main.c
@@ -999,203 +999,6 @@ void UI_ParseMenu(const char *menuFile) {
-tremInfoPane_t *UI_FindInfoPaneByName( const char *name )
- int i;
- for( i = 0; i < uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount; i++ )
- {
- if( !Q_stricmp( uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].name, name ) )
- return &uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ];
- }
- //create a dummy infopane demanding the user write the infopane
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].name = String_Alloc( name );
- strncpy( uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].text, "Not implemented.\n\nui/infopanes.def\n", MAX_INFOPANE_TEXT );
- Q_strcat( uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].text, MAX_INFOPANE_TEXT, String_Alloc( name ) );
- uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount++;
- return &uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ];
-qboolean UI_LoadInfoPane( int handle )
- pc_token_t token;
- qboolean valid = qfalse;
- while( 1 )
- {
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_Parse_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "name" ) )
- {
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_Parse_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].name = String_Alloc( token.string );
- valid = qtrue;
- }
- else if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "graphic" ) )
- {
- int *graphic;
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_Parse_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- graphic = &uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].numGraphics;
- if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "top" ) )
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].side = INFOPANE_TOP;
- else if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "bottom" ) )
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].side = INFOPANE_BOTTOM;
- else if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "left" ) )
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].side = INFOPANE_LEFT;
- else if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "right" ) )
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].side = INFOPANE_RIGHT;
- else
- break;
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_Parse_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "center" ) )
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].offset = -1;
- else
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].offset = token.intvalue;
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_Parse_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].graphic =
- trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( token.string );
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_Parse_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].width = token.intvalue;
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_Parse_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].height = token.intvalue;
- //increment graphics
- (*graphic)++;
- if( *graphic == MAX_INFOPANE_GRAPHICS )
- break;
- }
- else if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "text" ) )
- {
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_Parse_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- Q_strcat( uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].text, MAX_INFOPANE_TEXT, token.string );
- }
- else if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "align" ) )
- {
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_Parse_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "left" ) )
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].align = ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT;
- else if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "right" ) )
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].align = ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT;
- else if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "center" ) )
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].align = ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER;
- }
- else if( token.string[ 0 ] == '}' )
- {
- //reached the end, break
- break;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- if( valid )
- {
- uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount++;
- return qtrue;
- }
- else
- {
- return qfalse;
- }
-void UI_LoadInfoPanes( const char *file )
- pc_token_t token;
- int handle;
- int count;
- uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount = count = 0;
- handle = trap_Parse_LoadSource( file );
- if( !handle )
- {
- trap_Error( va( S_COLOR_YELLOW "infopane file not found: %s\n", file ) );
- return;
- }
- while( 1 )
- {
- if( !trap_Parse_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- if( token.string[ 0 ] == 0 )
- break;
- if( token.string[ 0 ] == '{' )
- {
- if( UI_LoadInfoPane( handle ) )
- count++;
- if( count == MAX_INFOPANES )
- break;
- }
- }
- trap_Parse_FreeSource( handle );
qboolean Load_Menu(int handle) {
pc_token_t token;
@@ -1405,81 +1208,26 @@ static void UI_DrawPreviewCinematic(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color)
-#define GRAPHIC_BWIDTH 8.0f
-static void UI_DrawInfoPane( tremInfoPane_t *pane, rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
+static void UI_DrawInfoPane( menuItem_t *item, rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle )
- int i;
float maxLeft = 0, maxTop = 0;
float maxRight = 0, maxBottom = 0;
float x = rect->x - text_x, y = rect->y - text_y, w, h;
- float xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0;
menuDef_t dummyParent;
itemDef_t textItem;
+ int value = 0;
+ char *string = "";
+ int class, credits;
+ char ui_currentClass[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
- //iterate through graphics
- for( i = 0; i < pane->numGraphics; i++ )
- {
- float width = pane->graphics[ i ].width;
- float height = pane->graphics[ i ].height;
- qhandle_t graphic = pane->graphics[ i ].graphic;
- if( pane->graphics[ i ].side == INFOPANE_TOP || pane->graphics[ i ].side == INFOPANE_BOTTOM )
- {
- //set horizontal offset of graphic
- if( pane->graphics[ i ].offset < 0 )
- xoffset = ( rect->w / 2 ) - ( pane->graphics[ i ].width / 2 );
- else
- xoffset = pane->graphics[ i ].offset + GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- }
- else if( pane->graphics[ i ].side == INFOPANE_LEFT || pane->graphics[ i ].side == INFOPANE_RIGHT )
- {
- //set vertical offset of graphic
- if( pane->graphics[ i ].offset < 0 )
- yoffset = ( rect->h / 2 ) - ( pane->graphics[ i ].height / 2 );
- else
- yoffset = pane->graphics[ i ].offset + GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- }
- if( pane->graphics[ i ].side == INFOPANE_LEFT )
- {
- //set the horizontal offset of the text
- if( pane->graphics[ i ].width > maxLeft )
- maxLeft = pane->graphics[ i ].width + GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- xoffset = GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- }
- else if( pane->graphics[ i ].side == INFOPANE_RIGHT )
- {
- if( pane->graphics[ i ].width > maxRight )
- maxRight = pane->graphics[ i ].width + GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- xoffset = rect->w - width - GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- }
- else if( pane->graphics[ i ].side == INFOPANE_TOP )
- {
- //set the vertical offset of the text
- if( pane->graphics[ i ].height > maxTop )
- maxTop = pane->graphics[ i ].height + GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- yoffset = GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- }
- else if( pane->graphics[ i ].side == INFOPANE_BOTTOM )
- {
- if( pane->graphics[ i ].height > maxBottom )
- maxBottom = pane->graphics[ i ].height + GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- yoffset = rect->h - height - GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- }
- //draw the graphic
- UI_DrawHandlePic( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, width, height, graphic );
- }
+ trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "ui_currentClass", ui_currentClass, MAX_STRING_CHARS );
+ sscanf( ui_currentClass, "%d %d", &class, &credits );
//offset the text
x = rect->x + maxLeft;
@@ -1487,31 +1235,93 @@ static void UI_DrawInfoPane( tremInfoPane_t *pane, rectDef_t *rect, float text_x
w = rect->w - ( maxLeft + maxRight + 16 + ( 2 * text_x ) ); //16 to ensure text within frame
h = rect->h - ( maxTop + maxBottom );
- textItem.text = pane->text;
- textItem.parent = &dummyParent;
- memcpy( textItem.window.foreColor, color, sizeof( vec4_t ) );
- textItem.window.flags = 0;
- switch( pane->align )
+ switch( item->type )
- textItem.window.rect.x = x;
+ textItem.text = item->v.text;
- textItem.window.rect.x = x + w;
+ value = BG_ClassCanEvolveFromTo( class, item->v.pclass, credits, 0 );
+ if( value < 1 )
+ {
+ textItem.text = va( "%s\n\n%s",
+ BG_FindHumanNameForClassNum( item->v.pclass ),
+ BG_FindInfoForClassNum( item->v.pclass ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ textItem.text = va( "%s\n\n%s\n\nKills: %d",
+ BG_FindHumanNameForClassNum( item->v.pclass ),
+ BG_FindInfoForClassNum( item->v.pclass ),
+ value );
+ }
- textItem.window.rect.x = x + ( w / 2 );
+ value = BG_FindPriceForWeapon( item->v.weapon );
+ if( value == 0 )
+ {
+ textItem.text = va( "%s\n\n%s\n\nCredits: Free",
+ BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( item->v.weapon ),
+ BG_FindInfoForWeapon( item->v.weapon ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ textItem.text = va( "%s\n\n%s\n\nCredits: %d",
+ BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( item->v.weapon ),
+ BG_FindInfoForWeapon( item->v.weapon ),
+ value );
+ }
- default:
- textItem.window.rect.x = x;
+ value = BG_FindPriceForUpgrade( item->v.upgrade );
+ if( value == 0 )
+ {
+ textItem.text = va( "%s\n\n%s\n\nCredits: Free",
+ BG_FindHumanNameForUpgrade( item->v.upgrade ),
+ BG_FindInfoForUpgrade( item->v.upgrade ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ textItem.text = va( "%s\n\n%s\n\nCredits: %d",
+ BG_FindHumanNameForUpgrade( item->v.upgrade ),
+ BG_FindInfoForUpgrade( item->v.upgrade ),
+ value );
+ }
+ break;
+ value = BG_FindBuildPointsForBuildable( item->v.buildable );
+ switch( BG_FindTeamForBuildable( item->v.buildable ) )
+ {
+ case BIT_ALIENS: string = "Sentience"; break;
+ case BIT_HUMANS: string = "Power"; break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ if( value == 0 )
+ {
+ textItem.text = va( "%s\n\n%s",
+ BG_FindHumanNameForBuildable( item->v.buildable ),
+ BG_FindInfoForBuildable( item->v.buildable ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ textItem.text = va( "%s\n\n%s\n\n%s: %d",
+ BG_FindHumanNameForBuildable( item->v.buildable ),
+ BG_FindInfoForBuildable( item->v.buildable ),
+ string, value );
+ }
+ textItem.parent = &dummyParent;
+ memcpy( textItem.window.foreColor, color, sizeof( vec4_t ) );
+ textItem.window.flags = 0;
+ textItem.window.rect.x = x;
textItem.window.rect.y = y;
textItem.window.rect.w = w;
textItem.window.rect.h = h;
@@ -1520,7 +1330,7 @@ static void UI_DrawInfoPane( tremInfoPane_t *pane, rectDef_t *rect, float text_x
textItem.textRect.y = 0;
textItem.textRect.w = 0;
textItem.textRect.h = 0;
- textItem.textalignment = pane->align;
+ textItem.textalignment = ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT;
textItem.textalignx = text_x;
textItem.textaligny = text_y;
textItem.textscale = scale;
@@ -2346,7 +2156,6 @@ static void UI_OwnerDraw( float x, float y, float w, float h,
float scale, vec4_t color, qhandle_t shader, int textStyle )
rectDef_t rect;
- tremInfoPane_t *pane = NULL;
rect.x = x + text_x;
rect.y = y + text_y;
@@ -2356,43 +2165,43 @@ static void UI_OwnerDraw( float x, float y, float w, float h,
switch( ownerDraw )
- if( ( pane = uiInfo.tremTeamList[ uiInfo.tremTeamIndex ].infopane ) )
- UI_DrawInfoPane( pane, &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
+ UI_DrawInfoPane( &uiInfo.tremTeamList[ uiInfo.tremTeamIndex ],
+ &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
- if( ( pane = uiInfo.tremAlienClassList[ uiInfo.tremAlienClassIndex ].infopane ) )
- UI_DrawInfoPane( pane, &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
+ UI_DrawInfoPane( &uiInfo.alienClassList[ uiInfo.alienClassIndex ],
+ &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
- if( ( pane = uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeList[ uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeIndex ].infopane ) )
- UI_DrawInfoPane( pane, &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
+ UI_DrawInfoPane( &uiInfo.alienUpgradeList[ uiInfo.alienUpgradeIndex ],
+ &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
- if( ( pane = uiInfo.tremHumanItemList[ uiInfo.tremHumanItemIndex ].infopane ) )
- UI_DrawInfoPane( pane, &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
+ UI_DrawInfoPane( &uiInfo.humanItemList[ uiInfo.humanItemIndex ],
+ &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
- if( ( pane = uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyIndex ].infopane ) )
- UI_DrawInfoPane( pane, &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
+ UI_DrawInfoPane( &uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyList[ uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyIndex ],
+ &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
- if( ( pane = uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellIndex ].infopane ) )
- UI_DrawInfoPane( pane, &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
+ UI_DrawInfoPane( &uiInfo.humanArmourySellList[ uiInfo.humanArmourySellIndex ],
+ &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
- if( ( pane = uiInfo.tremAlienBuildList[ uiInfo.tremAlienBuildIndex ].infopane ) )
- UI_DrawInfoPane( pane, &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
+ UI_DrawInfoPane( &uiInfo.alienBuildList[ uiInfo.alienBuildIndex ],
+ &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
- if( ( pane = uiInfo.tremHumanBuildList[ uiInfo.tremHumanBuildIndex ].infopane ) )
- UI_DrawInfoPane( pane, &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
+ UI_DrawInfoPane( &uiInfo.humanBuildList[ uiInfo.humanBuildIndex ],
+ &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
@@ -3171,28 +2980,43 @@ static stage_t UI_GetCurrentHumanStage( void )
-static void UI_LoadTremTeams( void )
+static void UI_LoadTeams( void )
uiInfo.tremTeamCount = 4;
uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 0 ].text = String_Alloc( "Aliens" );
uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 0 ].cmd = String_Alloc( "cmd team aliens\n" );
- uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 0 ].infopane = UI_FindInfoPaneByName( "alienteam" );
+ uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 0 ].type = INFOTYPE_TEXT;
+ uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 0 ].v.text =
+ "The Alien Team\n\n"
+ "The Aliens' strengths are in movement and the ability to "
+ "quickly construct new bases quickly. They possess a range "
+ "of abilities including basic melee attacks, movement-"
+ "crippling poisons and more.";
uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 1 ].text = String_Alloc( "Humans" );
uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 1 ].cmd = String_Alloc( "cmd team humans\n" );
- uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 1 ].infopane = UI_FindInfoPaneByName( "humanteam" );
+ uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 1 ].type = INFOTYPE_TEXT;
+ uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 1 ].v.text =
+ "The Human Team\n\n"
+ "The humans are the masters of technology. Although their "
+ "bases take long to construct, their automated defense "
+ "ensures they stay built. A wide range of upgrades and "
+ "weapons are available to the humans, each contributing "
+ "to eradicate the alien threat.";
uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 2 ].text = String_Alloc( "Spectate" );
uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 2 ].cmd = String_Alloc( "cmd team spectate\n" );
- uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 2 ].infopane = UI_FindInfoPaneByName( "spectateteam" );
+ uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 2 ].type = INFOTYPE_TEXT;
+ uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 2 ].v.text = "Watch the game without playing.";
uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 3 ].text = String_Alloc( "Auto select" );
uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 3 ].cmd = String_Alloc( "cmd team auto\n" );
- uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 3 ].infopane = UI_FindInfoPaneByName( "autoteam" );
+ uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 3 ].type = INFOTYPE_TEXT;
+ uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 3 ].v.text = "Join the team with the least players.";
@@ -3202,24 +3026,24 @@ UI_AddClass
static void UI_AddClass( pClass_t class )
- uiInfo.tremAlienClassList[ uiInfo.tremAlienClassCount ].text =
+ uiInfo.alienClassList[ uiInfo.alienClassCount ].text =
String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForClassNum( class ) );
- uiInfo.tremAlienClassList[ uiInfo.tremAlienClassCount ].cmd =
+ uiInfo.alienClassList[ uiInfo.alienClassCount ].cmd =
String_Alloc( va( "cmd class %s\n", BG_FindNameForClassNum( class ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremAlienClassList[ uiInfo.tremAlienClassCount ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sclass", BG_FindNameForClassNum( class ) ) );
+ uiInfo.alienClassList[ uiInfo.alienClassCount ].type = INFOTYPE_CLASS;
+ uiInfo.alienClassList[ uiInfo.alienClassCount ].v.pclass = class;
- uiInfo.tremAlienClassCount++;
+ uiInfo.alienClassCount++;
-static void UI_LoadTremAlienClasses( void )
+static void UI_LoadAlienClasses( void )
- uiInfo.tremAlienClassCount = 0;
+ uiInfo.alienClassCount = 0;
if( BG_ClassIsAllowed( PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL0 ) )
@@ -3238,24 +3062,24 @@ UI_AddItem
static void UI_AddItem( weapon_t weapon )
- uiInfo.tremHumanItemList[ uiInfo.tremHumanItemCount ].text =
+ uiInfo.humanItemList[ uiInfo.humanItemCount ].text =
String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( weapon ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanItemList[ uiInfo.tremHumanItemCount ].cmd =
+ uiInfo.humanItemList[ uiInfo.humanItemCount ].cmd =
String_Alloc( va( "cmd class %s\n", BG_FindNameForWeapon( weapon ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanItemList[ uiInfo.tremHumanItemCount ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sitem", BG_FindNameForWeapon( weapon ) ) );
+ uiInfo.humanItemList[ uiInfo.humanItemCount ].type = INFOTYPE_WEAPON;
+ uiInfo.humanItemList[ uiInfo.humanItemCount ].v.weapon = weapon;
- uiInfo.tremHumanItemCount++;
+ uiInfo.humanItemCount++;
-static void UI_LoadTremHumanItems( void )
+static void UI_LoadHumanItems( void )
- uiInfo.tremHumanItemCount = 0;
+ uiInfo.humanItemCount = 0;
if( BG_WeaponIsAllowed( WP_MACHINEGUN ) )
@@ -3329,10 +3153,10 @@ static void UI_ParseCarriageList( int *weapons, int *upgrades )
-static void UI_LoadTremHumanArmouryBuys( void )
+static void UI_LoadHumanArmouryBuys( void )
int i, j = 0;
stage_t stage = UI_GetCurrentHumanStage( );
@@ -3353,7 +3177,7 @@ static void UI_LoadTremHumanArmouryBuys( void )
slots |= BG_FindSlotsForUpgrade( i );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyCount = 0;
+ uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyCount = 0;
for( i = WP_NONE + 1; i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS; i++ )
@@ -3364,16 +3188,16 @@ static void UI_LoadTremHumanArmouryBuys( void )
!( BG_FindSlotsForWeapon( i ) & slots ) &&
!( weapons & ( 1 << i ) ) )
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ j ].text =
+ uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyList[ j ].text =
String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( i ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ j ].cmd =
+ uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyList[ j ].cmd =
String_Alloc( va( "cmd buy %s retrigger\n", BG_FindNameForWeapon( i ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ j ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sitem", BG_FindNameForWeapon( i ) ) );
+ uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyList[ j ].type = INFOTYPE_WEAPON;
+ uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyList[ j ].v.weapon = i;
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyCount++;
+ uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyCount++;
@@ -3386,46 +3210,46 @@ static void UI_LoadTremHumanArmouryBuys( void )
!( BG_FindSlotsForUpgrade( i ) & slots ) &&
!( upgrades & ( 1 << i ) ) )
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ j ].text =
+ uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyList[ j ].text =
String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForUpgrade( i ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ j ].cmd =
+ uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyList[ j ].cmd =
String_Alloc( va( "cmd buy %s retrigger\n", BG_FindNameForUpgrade( i ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ j ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sitem", BG_FindNameForUpgrade( i ) ) );
+ uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyList[ j ].type = INFOTYPE_UPGRADE;
+ uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyList[ j ].v.upgrade = i;
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyCount++;
+ uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyCount++;
-static void UI_LoadTremHumanArmourySells( void )
+static void UI_LoadHumanArmourySells( void )
int weapons, upgrades;
int i, j = 0;
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellCount = 0;
+ uiInfo.humanArmourySellCount = 0;
UI_ParseCarriageList( &weapons, &upgrades );
for( i = WP_NONE + 1; i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS; i++ )
if( weapons & ( 1 << i ) )
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ j ].text = String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( i ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ j ].cmd =
+ uiInfo.humanArmourySellList[ j ].text = String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( i ) );
+ uiInfo.humanArmourySellList[ j ].cmd =
String_Alloc( va( "cmd sell %s retrigger\n", BG_FindNameForWeapon( i ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ j ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sitem", BG_FindNameForWeapon( i ) ) );
+ uiInfo.humanArmourySellList[ j ].type = INFOTYPE_WEAPON;
+ uiInfo.humanArmourySellList[ j ].v.weapon = i;
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellCount++;
+ uiInfo.humanArmourySellCount++;
@@ -3433,25 +3257,25 @@ static void UI_LoadTremHumanArmourySells( void )
if( upgrades & ( 1 << i ) )
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ j ].text = String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForUpgrade( i ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ j ].cmd =
+ uiInfo.humanArmourySellList[ j ].text = String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForUpgrade( i ) );
+ uiInfo.humanArmourySellList[ j ].cmd =
String_Alloc( va( "cmd sell %s retrigger\n", BG_FindNameForUpgrade( i ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ j ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sitem", BG_FindNameForUpgrade( i ) ) );
+ uiInfo.humanArmourySellList[ j ].type = INFOTYPE_UPGRADE;
+ uiInfo.humanArmourySellList[ j ].v.upgrade = i;
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellCount++;
+ uiInfo.humanArmourySellCount++;
-static void UI_LoadTremAlienUpgrades( void )
+static void UI_LoadAlienUpgrades( void )
int i, j = 0;
int class, credits;
@@ -3461,7 +3285,7 @@ static void UI_LoadTremAlienUpgrades( void )
trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "ui_currentClass", ui_currentClass, MAX_STRING_CHARS );
sscanf( ui_currentClass, "%d %d", &class, &credits );
- uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeCount = 0;
+ uiInfo.alienUpgradeCount = 0;
for( i = PCL_NONE + 1; i < PCL_NUM_CLASSES; i++ )
@@ -3469,25 +3293,25 @@ static void UI_LoadTremAlienUpgrades( void )
BG_FindStagesForClass( i, stage ) &&
BG_ClassIsAllowed( i ) )
- uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeList[ j ].text = String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForClassNum( i ) );
- uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeList[ j ].cmd =
+ uiInfo.alienUpgradeList[ j ].text = String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForClassNum( i ) );
+ uiInfo.alienUpgradeList[ j ].cmd =
String_Alloc( va( "cmd class %s\n", BG_FindNameForClassNum( i ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeList[ j ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sclass", BG_FindNameForClassNum( i ) ) );
+ uiInfo.alienUpgradeList[ j ].type = INFOTYPE_CLASS;
+ uiInfo.alienUpgradeList[ j ].v.pclass = i;
- uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeCount++;
+ uiInfo.alienUpgradeCount++;
-static void UI_LoadTremAlienBuilds( void )
+static void UI_LoadAlienBuilds( void )
int weapons;
int i, j = 0;
@@ -3496,7 +3320,7 @@ static void UI_LoadTremAlienBuilds( void )
UI_ParseCarriageList( &weapons, NULL );
stage = UI_GetCurrentAlienStage( );
- uiInfo.tremAlienBuildCount = 0;
+ uiInfo.alienBuildCount = 0;
for( i = BA_NONE +1; i < BA_NUM_BUILDABLES; i++ )
@@ -3505,26 +3329,26 @@ static void UI_LoadTremAlienBuilds( void )
BG_FindStagesForBuildable( i, stage ) &&
BG_BuildableIsAllowed( i ) )
- uiInfo.tremAlienBuildList[ j ].text =
+ uiInfo.alienBuildList[ j ].text =
String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForBuildable( i ) );
- uiInfo.tremAlienBuildList[ j ].cmd =
+ uiInfo.alienBuildList[ j ].cmd =
String_Alloc( va( "cmd build %s\n", BG_FindNameForBuildable( i ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremAlienBuildList[ j ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sbuild", BG_FindNameForBuildable( i ) ) );
+ uiInfo.alienBuildList[ j ].type = INFOTYPE_BUILDABLE;
+ uiInfo.alienBuildList[ j ].v.buildable = i;
- uiInfo.tremAlienBuildCount++;
+ uiInfo.alienBuildCount++;
-static void UI_LoadTremHumanBuilds( void )
+static void UI_LoadHumanBuilds( void )
int weapons;
int i, j = 0;
@@ -3533,7 +3357,7 @@ static void UI_LoadTremHumanBuilds( void )
UI_ParseCarriageList( &weapons, NULL );
stage = UI_GetCurrentHumanStage( );
- uiInfo.tremHumanBuildCount = 0;
+ uiInfo.humanBuildCount = 0;
for( i = BA_NONE +1; i < BA_NUM_BUILDABLES; i++ )
@@ -3542,16 +3366,16 @@ static void UI_LoadTremHumanBuilds( void )
BG_FindStagesForBuildable( i, stage ) &&
BG_BuildableIsAllowed( i ) )
- uiInfo.tremHumanBuildList[ j ].text =
+ uiInfo.humanBuildList[ j ].text =
String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForBuildable( i ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanBuildList[ j ].cmd =
+ uiInfo.humanBuildList[ j ].cmd =
String_Alloc( va( "cmd build %s\n", BG_FindNameForBuildable( i ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanBuildList[ j ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sbuild", BG_FindNameForBuildable( i ) ) );
+ uiInfo.humanBuildList[ j ].type = INFOTYPE_BUILDABLE;
+ uiInfo.humanBuildList[ j ].v.buildable = i;
- uiInfo.tremHumanBuildCount++;
+ uiInfo.humanBuildCount++;
@@ -3998,65 +3822,65 @@ static void UI_RunMenuScript(char **args) {
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "LoadTeams" ) == 0 )
- UI_LoadTremTeams( );
+ UI_LoadTeams( );
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "JoinTeam" ) == 0 )
if( ( cmd = uiInfo.tremTeamList[ uiInfo.tremTeamIndex ].cmd ) )
trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, cmd );
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "LoadHumanItems" ) == 0 )
- UI_LoadTremHumanItems( );
+ UI_LoadHumanItems( );
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "SpawnWithHumanItem" ) == 0 )
- if( ( cmd = uiInfo.tremHumanItemList[ uiInfo.tremHumanItemIndex ].cmd ) )
+ if( ( cmd = uiInfo.humanItemList[ uiInfo.humanItemIndex ].cmd ) )
trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, cmd );
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "LoadAlienClasses" ) == 0 )
- UI_LoadTremAlienClasses( );
+ UI_LoadAlienClasses( );
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "SpawnAsAlienClass" ) == 0 )
- if( ( cmd = uiInfo.tremAlienClassList[ uiInfo.tremAlienClassIndex ].cmd ) )
+ if( ( cmd = uiInfo.alienClassList[ uiInfo.alienClassIndex ].cmd ) )
trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, cmd );
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "LoadHumanArmouryBuys" ) == 0 )
- UI_LoadTremHumanArmouryBuys( );
+ UI_LoadHumanArmouryBuys( );
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "BuyFromArmoury" ) == 0 )
- if( ( cmd = uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyIndex ].cmd ) )
+ if( ( cmd = uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyList[ uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyIndex ].cmd ) )
trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, cmd );
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "LoadHumanArmourySells" ) == 0 )
- UI_LoadTremHumanArmourySells( );
+ UI_LoadHumanArmourySells( );
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "SellToArmoury" ) == 0 )
- if( ( cmd = uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellIndex ].cmd ) )
+ if( ( cmd = uiInfo.humanArmourySellList[ uiInfo.humanArmourySellIndex ].cmd ) )
trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, cmd );
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "LoadAlienUpgrades" ) == 0 )
- UI_LoadTremAlienUpgrades( );
+ UI_LoadAlienUpgrades( );
//disallow the menu if it would be empty
- if( uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeCount <= 0 )
+ if( uiInfo.alienUpgradeCount <= 0 )
Menus_CloseAll( );
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "UpgradeToNewClass" ) == 0 )
- if( ( cmd = uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeList[ uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeIndex ].cmd ) )
+ if( ( cmd = uiInfo.alienUpgradeList[ uiInfo.alienUpgradeIndex ].cmd ) )
trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, cmd );
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "LoadAlienBuilds" ) == 0 )
- UI_LoadTremAlienBuilds( );
+ UI_LoadAlienBuilds( );
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "BuildAlienBuildable" ) == 0 )
- if( ( cmd = uiInfo.tremAlienBuildList[ uiInfo.tremAlienBuildIndex ].cmd ) )
+ if( ( cmd = uiInfo.alienBuildList[ uiInfo.alienBuildIndex ].cmd ) )
trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, cmd );
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "LoadHumanBuilds" ) == 0 )
- UI_LoadTremHumanBuilds( );
+ UI_LoadHumanBuilds( );
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "BuildHumanBuildable" ) == 0 )
- if( ( cmd = uiInfo.tremHumanBuildList[ uiInfo.tremHumanBuildIndex ].cmd ) )
+ if( ( cmd = uiInfo.humanBuildList[ uiInfo.humanBuildIndex ].cmd ) )
trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, cmd );
else if( Q_stricmp( name, "PTRCRestore" ) == 0 )
@@ -5070,19 +4894,19 @@ static int UI_FeederCount(float feederID) {
else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMTEAMS )
return uiInfo.tremTeamCount;
else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMHUMANITEMS )
- return uiInfo.tremHumanItemCount;
+ return uiInfo.humanItemCount;
- return uiInfo.tremAlienClassCount;
+ return uiInfo.alienClassCount;
- return uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyCount;
+ return uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyCount;
- return uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellCount;
+ return uiInfo.humanArmourySellCount;
- return uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeCount;
+ return uiInfo.alienUpgradeCount;
else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMALIENBUILD )
- return uiInfo.tremAlienBuildCount;
+ return uiInfo.alienBuildCount;
else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMHUMANBUILD )
- return uiInfo.tremHumanBuildCount;
+ return uiInfo.humanBuildCount;
return 0;
@@ -5270,38 +5094,38 @@ static const char *UI_FeederItemText(float feederID, int index, int column, qhan
else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMHUMANITEMS )
- if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.tremHumanItemCount )
- return uiInfo.tremHumanItemList[ index ].text;
+ if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.humanItemCount )
+ return uiInfo.humanItemList[ index ].text;
- if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.tremAlienClassCount )
- return uiInfo.tremAlienClassList[ index ].text;
+ if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.alienClassCount )
+ return uiInfo.alienClassList[ index ].text;
- if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyCount )
- return uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ index ].text;
+ if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyCount )
+ return uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyList[ index ].text;
- if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellCount )
- return uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ index ].text;
+ if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.humanArmourySellCount )
+ return uiInfo.humanArmourySellList[ index ].text;
- if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeCount )
- return uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeList[ index ].text;
+ if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.alienUpgradeCount )
+ return uiInfo.alienUpgradeList[ index ].text;
else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMALIENBUILD )
- if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.tremAlienBuildCount )
- return uiInfo.tremAlienBuildList[ index ].text;
+ if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.alienBuildCount )
+ return uiInfo.alienBuildList[ index ].text;
else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMHUMANBUILD )
- if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.tremHumanBuildCount )
- return uiInfo.tremHumanBuildList[ index ].text;
+ if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.humanBuildCount )
+ return uiInfo.humanBuildList[ index ].text;
return "";
@@ -5422,19 +5246,19 @@ static void UI_FeederSelection(float feederID, int index) {
else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMTEAMS )
uiInfo.tremTeamIndex = index;
else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMHUMANITEMS )
- uiInfo.tremHumanItemIndex = index;
+ uiInfo.humanItemIndex = index;
- uiInfo.tremAlienClassIndex = index;
+ uiInfo.alienClassIndex = index;
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyIndex = index;
+ uiInfo.humanArmouryBuyIndex = index;
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellIndex = index;
+ uiInfo.humanArmourySellIndex = index;
- uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeIndex = index;
+ uiInfo.alienUpgradeIndex = index;
else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMALIENBUILD )
- uiInfo.tremAlienBuildIndex = index;
+ uiInfo.alienBuildIndex = index;
else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMHUMANBUILD )
- uiInfo.tremHumanBuildIndex = index;
+ uiInfo.humanBuildIndex = index;
static void UI_Pause(qboolean b) {
@@ -5593,26 +5417,6 @@ void _UI_Init( qboolean inGameLoad ) {
UI_LoadMenus("ui/ingame.txt", qfalse);
UI_LoadMenus("ui/tremulous.txt", qfalse);
- UI_LoadInfoPanes( "ui/infopanes.def" );
- if( uiInfo.uiDC.debug )
- {
- int i, j;
- for( i = 0; i < uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount; i++ )
- {
- Com_Printf( "name: %s\n", uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].name );
- Com_Printf( "text: %s\n", uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].text );
- for( j = 0; j < uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].numGraphics; j++ )
- Com_Printf( "graphic %d: %d %d %d %d\n", j, uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].graphics[ j ].side,
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].graphics[ j ].offset,
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].graphics[ j ].width,
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].graphics[ j ].height );
- }
- }
diff --git a/ui/ b/ui/
deleted file mode 100755
index d6171992..00000000
--- a/ui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-gcc -E infopanes.def.h | grep "^[^#].*" > infopanes.def
diff --git a/ui/infopanes.def.h b/ui/infopanes.def.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d7e6610f..00000000
--- a/ui/infopanes.def.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-#include "/home/tma/tremulous/src/game/tremulous.h"
-#define CREDITS(X) text "Credits: " text X
-#define HUMAN_BCOST(X) text "Power: " text X
-#define ALIEN_BCOST(X) text "Sentience: " text X
-//team menu
- name alienteam
- text "The Alien Team\n\n"
- text "The Aliens' strengths are in movement "
- text "and the ability to quickly construct new bases quickly. They possess a "
- text "range of abilities including basic melee attacks, movement-"
- text "crippling poisons and more."
- align left
- name humanteam
- text "The Human Team\n\n"
- text "The humans are the masters of technology. Although their bases take "
- text "long to construct, their automated defense ensures they stay built. "
- text "A wide range of upgrades and weapons are available to the humans, each "
- text "contributing to eradicate the alien threat."
- align left
- name spectateteam
- text "Watch the game without playing."
- name autoteam
- text "Join the team with the least players."
-//human items
- name rifleitem
- text "Rifle\n\n"
- text "Basic weapon. Cased projectile weapon, with a slow clip based "
- text "reload system.\n\n"
- text "Credits: Free"
- name ckititem
- text "Construction kit\n\n"
- text "Used for building all basic structures. This includes "
- text "spawns, power and basic defense.\n\n"
- text "Credits: Free"
- name ackititem
- text "Advanced Construction kit\n\n"
- text "Used for building advanced structures. This includes "
- text "combat computers and advanced defense.\n\n"
- text "Credits: Free"
- name shotgunitem
- text "Shotgun\n\n"
- text "Close range weapon that is useful against larger foes. "
- text "It has a slow repeat rate, but can be devastatingly "
- text "effective.\n\n"
- name chaingunitem
- text "Chain Gun\n\n"
- text "Belt drive, cased projectile weapon. It has a high "
- text "repeat rate but a wide firing angle and is therefore relatively "
- text "inaccurate.\n\n"
- name flameritem
- text "Flamethrower\n\n"
- text "Sprays fire at its target. It is powered by compressed "
- text "gas. The relatively low rate of fire means this weapon is most "
- text "effective against static targets.\n\n"
- name mdriveritem
- text "Mass Driver\n\n"
- text "A portable particle accelerator which causes minor "
- text "nuclear reactions at the point of impact. It has a very large "
- text "payload, but fires slowly.\n\n"
- name prifleitem
- text "Pulse Rifle\n\n"
- text "An energy weapon that fires pulses of concentrated energy at a fast "
- text "rate. It requires re-energising every 50 pulses.\n\n"
- name lcannonitem
- text "Lucifer Cannon\n\n"
- text "Similar to the pulse rifle, but more powerful. "
- text "Additionally, it has a secondary attack where energy can be charged "
- text "up to shoot a devastating ball of energy.\n\n"
- name lgunitem
- text "Las Gun\n\n"
- text "Slightly more powerful than the basic rifle, but "
- text "instead of bullets it fires small packets of energy.\n\n"
- name psawitem
- text "Pain Saw\n\n"
- text "Similar to a chainsaw, but instead of a chain "
- text "it has an electric arc capable of dealing a great deal of damage at "
- text "close range.\n\n"
- name grenitem
- text "Grenade\n\n"
- text "A small incendinary device ideal for damaging tightly packed "
- text "alien structures. Has a five second timer.\n\n"
- name larmouritem
- text "Light Armour\n\n"
- text "Protective armour that helps to defend against light alien melee "
- text "attacks.\n\n"
- name helmetitem
- text "Helmet\n\n"
- text "In addition to protecting your head, the helmet provides a "
- text "scanner indicating the presence of any non-human lifeforms in your "
- text "immediate vicinity.\n\n"
- name battpackitem
- text "Battery Pack\n\n"
- text "Back-mounted battery pack that permits storage of one and a half "
- text "times the normal energy capacity for energy weapons.\n\n"
- name jetpackitem
- text "Jet Pack\n\n"
- text "Back-mounted jet pack that enables the user to fly to remote "
- text "locations. It is very useful against alien spawns in hard to reach "
- text "spots.\n\n"
- name bsuititem
- text "Battle Suit\n\n"
- text "A full body armour that is highly effective at repelling alien attacks. "
- text "It allows the user to enter hostile situations with a greater degree "
- text "of confidence.\n\n"
- name ammoitem
- text "Ammunition\n\n"
- text "Ammunition for the currently held weapon.\n\n"
- text "Credits: Free"
-//human structures
- name telenodebuild
- text "Telenode\n\n"
- text "The most basic human structure. It provides a means for "
- text "humans to enter the battle arena. Without any of these the humans "
- text "cannot spawn and defeat is imminent.\n\n"
- name mgturretbuild
- text "Machine Gun Turret\n\n"
- text "Automated base defense that is effective against fast moving targets, but "
- text "does not cause much damage on its own and should "
- text "always be backed up by physical support.\n\n"
- name armbuild
- text "Armoury\n\n"
- text "An essential part of the human base, providing a means "
- text "to upgrade the basic human. A range of upgrades and weapons are "
- text "available from the armoury, each with a price.\n\n"
- name medistatbuild
- text "Medistation\n\n"
- text "A structure providing an automated healing energy that restores "
- text "the health of any human that stands inside it. It may only be used "
- text "by one person at a time.\n\n"
- name reactorbuild
- text "Reactor\n\n"
- text "All structures except the telenode rely on a reactor to operate."
- text "The reactor provides power for all the human structures either "
- text "directly or via repeaters. There can only be a single reactor.\n\n"
- name dccbuild
- text "Defense Computer\n\n"
- text "A structure coordinating the action of base defense so that "
- text "defense is distributed evenly among the enemy. "
- text "This structure is required for building the Tesla Generator.\n\n"
- name teslabuild
- text "Tesla Generator\n\n"
- text "A structure equipped with a strong electrical attack that always "
- text "hits its target. It is useful against larger aliens "
- text "and for consolidating basic defense.\n\n"
- name repeaterbuild
- text "Repeater\n\n"
- text "A power distributor that transmits power from the reactor "
- text "to remote locations, so that bases may be built far from the reactor.\n\n"
-//alien structures
- name eggpodbuild
- text "Egg\n\n"
- text "The most basic alien structure. It allows aliens to spawn "
- text "and protect the Overmind. Without any of these, the Overmind is left "
- text "nearly defenseless and defeat is imminent.\n\n"
- name overmindbuild
- text "Overmind\n\n"
- text "A collective consciousness that controls all the "
- text "alien structures in its vicinity. It must be protected at all costs, "
- text "since its death will render alien structures defenseless."
- name barricadebuild
- text "Barricade\n\n"
- text "Used to obstruct corridors and doorways, "
- text "hindering humans from threatening the spawns and Overmind.\n\n"
- name acid_tubebuild
- text "Acid Tube\n\n"
- text "Ejects lethal poisonous "
- text "acid at an approaching human. These are highly effective when used in "
- text "conjunction with a trapper to hold the victim in place.\n\n"
- name hivebuild
- text "Hive\n\n"
- text "Houses millions of tiny "
- text "insectoid aliens. When a human approaches this structure, the "
- text "insectoids attack.\n\n"
- name trapperbuild
- text "Trapper\n\n"
- text "Fires a blob of adhesive spit at any non-alien in its "
- text "line of sight. This hinders their movement, making them an easy target "
- text "for other defensive structures or aliens.\n\n"
- name boosterbuild
- text "Booster\n\n"
- text "Provides any alien with a poison ability on all its "
- text "attacks. In addition to the default attack damage, the victim loses "
- text "health over time unless they heal themselves with a medkit."
- text "The booster also increases the rate of health regeneration for "
- text "any nearby aliens.\n\n"
- name hovelbuild
- text "Hovel\n\n"
- text "An armoured shell used by the builder class to "
- text "hide in, while the alien base is under attack. It may be entered or "
- text "exited at any time."
-//alien classes
- name builderclass
- text "Granger\n\n"
- text "Responsible for building and maintaining all "
- text "the alien structures."
- name builderupgclass
- text "Advanced Granger\n\n"
- text "Similar to the base Granger, "
- text "except that in addition to being able to build structures it has a "
- text "melee attack and the ability to crawl on walls."
- name level0class
- text "Dretch\n\n"
- text "Has a lethal bite and the ability to crawl "
- text "on walls and ceilings."
- name level1class
- text "Basilisk\n\n"
- text "Able to crawl on walls and ceilings. "
- text "Its melee attack is most effective when combined with the ability to "
- text "grab its foe."
- name level1upgclass
- text "Advanced Basilisk\n\n"
- text "In addition to the basic Basilisk abilities, the Advanced "
- text "Basilisk sprays a poisonous gas which disorientaits any "
- text "nearby humans."
- name level2class
- text "Marauder\n\n"
- text "Has a melee attack and the ability to jump off walls."
- text "This allows the Marauder to gather great speed in enclosed areas."
- name level2upgclass
- text "Advanced Marauder\n\n"
- text "The Advanced Marauder has all the abilities of the base Marauder "
- text "including an area effect electric shock attack."
- name level3class
- text "Dragoon\n\n"
- text "Possesses a melee attack and the pounce ability, which may "
- text "be used as an attack, or a means to reach a remote location inaccessible "
- text "from the ground."
- name level3upgclass
- text "Advanced Dragoon\n\n"
- text "In addition to the basic Dragoon abilities, the Dragoon Upgrade has "
- text "3 barbs which may be used to attack humans from a distance."
- name level4class
- text "Tyrant\n\n"
- text "Provides a healing aura in which nearby aliens regenerate health "
- text "faster than usual. As well as a melee attack, this class can charge "
- text "at enemy humans and structures, inflicting great damage."
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