path: root/src/game/g_weapon.c
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authorMichael Levin <>2009-10-03 11:17:25 +0000
committerTim Angus <>2013-01-03 00:14:50 +0000
commit6916f8fb5d3a19bf0bdfb84948b19445954306d9 (patch)
tree464c47a1e3655dae4cd2c6d307ece5d8ba2fef6b /src/game/g_weapon.c
parent2765a1c4a871cd9d34e5b6fce1e3c419a8e4dd6a (diff)
* I'm sick of entering \give 9999 every time I need to test something. Whenever cheats are enabled, players spawn with half-full credits.
* Reactor used to deal more damage to each Alien when multiple Aliens attacked it, fixed to ONE radius damage call. Extensive visual modifications to Mass Driver: * Added a short, briefly-displayed pseudo-trail * Impact system modified to have a large impact sprite and otherwise be more consistent with Lasgun * Added several files for the trail and shader * Firing code modified to generate visually correct trails and impact positions * Added a new event for Mass Driver trails, doubles as impact event to save bandwidth The Mass Driver trail extends from the gun rather than the muzzle to be more visually realistic. Shooting it from the muzzle prevents you from even seeing the trail and in 3rd person looks very wrong. The downside to the shifted origin is that the impact positions (multiple hits only) are not aligned with the beam. Had to add a good bit of complicated, mathy code to generate impact events in visually accurate locations. Looks damn good though.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/game/g_weapon.c')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/src/game/g_weapon.c b/src/game/g_weapon.c
index 7217bb1b..22d4dd74 100644
--- a/src/game/g_weapon.c
+++ b/src/game/g_weapon.c
@@ -438,19 +438,23 @@ MASS DRIVER
+#define MDRIVER_MAX_HITS 16
void massDriverFire( gentity_t *ent )
trace_t tr;
- vec3_t end;
- gentity_t *tent, *traceEnt;
- int i, skipent;
+ vec3_t hitPoints[ MDRIVER_MAX_HITS ], hitNormals[ MDRIVER_MAX_HITS ],
+ origin, originToEnd, muzzleToOrigin, end;
+ gentity_t *traceEnts[ MDRIVER_MAX_HITS ], *traceEnt, *tent;
+ float length_offset;
+ int i, hits = 0, skipent;
- VectorMA( muzzle, 8192 * 16, forward, end );
+ // loop through all entities hit by a line trace
G_UnlaggedOn( muzzle, 8192 * 16 );
+ VectorMA( muzzle, 8192 * 16, forward, end );
VectorCopy( muzzle, tr.endpos );
skipent = ent->s.number;
- for( i = 0; i < 64 && skipent != ENTITYNUM_NONE; i++ )
+ for( i = 0; i < MDRIVER_MAX_HITS && skipent != ENTITYNUM_NONE; i++ )
trap_Trace( &tr, tr.endpos, NULL, NULL, end, skipent, MASK_SHOT );
if( tr.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT )
@@ -473,24 +477,71 @@ void massDriverFire( gentity_t *ent )
!g_friendlyBuildableFire.integer )
- // snap the endpos to integers, but nudged towards the line
- SnapVectorTowards( tr.endpos, muzzle );
+ // save the hit entity, position, and normal
+ VectorCopy( tr.endpos, hitPoints[ hits ] );
+ VectorCopy( tr.plane.normal, hitNormals[ hits ] );
+ SnapVectorTowards( hitPoints[ hits ], muzzle );
+ traceEnts[ hits++ ] = traceEnt;
+ }
+ if( !hits )
+ return;
+ // originate trail line from the gun tip, not the head!
+ VectorCopy( muzzle, origin );
+ VectorMA( origin, -8, up, origin );
+ VectorMA( origin, 6, right, origin );
+ VectorMA( origin, 48, forward, origin );
+ // save the final position
+ VectorCopy( tr.endpos, end );
+ VectorSubtract( end, origin, originToEnd );
+ VectorNormalize( originToEnd );
+ // origin is further in front than muzzle, need to adjust length
+ VectorSubtract( origin, muzzle, muzzleToOrigin );
+ length_offset = VectorLength( muzzleToOrigin );
+ // now that the trace is finished, we know where we stopped and can generate
+ // visually correct impact locations
+ for( i = 0; i < hits; i++ )
+ {
+ vec3_t muzzleToPos;
+ float length;
+ // restore saved values
+ VectorCopy( hitPoints[ i ], tr.endpos );
+ VectorCopy( hitNormals[ i ], tr.plane.normal );
+ traceEnt = traceEnts[ i ];
+ // compute the visually correct impact point
+ VectorSubtract( tr.endpos, muzzle, muzzleToPos );
+ length = VectorLength( muzzleToPos ) - length_offset;
+ VectorMA( origin, length, originToEnd, tr.endpos );
// send impact
if( traceEnt->takedamage && traceEnt->client )
BloodSpurt( ent, traceEnt, &tr );
- else
+ else if( i < hits - 1 )
tent = G_TempEntity( tr.endpos, EV_MISSILE_MISS );
tent->s.eventParm = DirToByte( tr.plane.normal );
tent->s.weapon = ent->s.weapon;
- tent->s.generic1 = ent->s.generic1; //weaponMode
+ tent->s.generic1 = ent->s.generic1; // weaponMode
if( traceEnt->takedamage )
G_Damage( traceEnt, ent, ent, forward, tr.endpos,
+ // create an event entity for the trail, doubles as an impact event
+ SnapVectorTowards( end, muzzle );
+ tent = G_TempEntity( end, EV_MASS_DRIVER );
+ tent->s.eventParm = DirToByte( tr.plane.normal );
+ tent->s.weapon = ent->s.weapon;
+ tent->s.generic1 = ent->s.generic1; // weaponMode
+ VectorCopy( origin, tent->s.origin2 );
G_UnlaggedOff( );