path: root/src/rend2/tr_glsl.c
diff options
authorJames Canete <>2012-12-04 01:56:52 +0000
committerTim Angus <>2013-01-12 21:24:53 +0000
commit8cb69adad0915fc5de6dc87db1ae28aba44d350e (patch)
tree7db5db21b83edf73c901c4e6eae884037407adde /src/rend2/tr_glsl.c
parent815a7ae53be78f1f7108dbf086b2928d3017bbe4 (diff)
#5808 - Include and use .glsl in source (rend2)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rend2/tr_glsl.c')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 990 deletions
diff --git a/src/rend2/tr_glsl.c b/src/rend2/tr_glsl.c
index 779d1c49..941d75a9 100644
--- a/src/rend2/tr_glsl.c
+++ b/src/rend2/tr_glsl.c
@@ -24,858 +24,34 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
void GLSL_BindNullProgram(void);
-// FIXME: Do something that isn't this messy
-static const char *fallbackGenericShader_vp =
-"attribute vec4 attr_Position;\r\nattribute vec3 attr_Normal;\r\n\r\n#if def"
-"ined(USE_VERTEX_ANIMATION)\r\nattribute vec4 attr_Position2;\r\nattribute v"
-"ec3 attr_Normal2;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nattribute vec4 attr_Color;\r\nattribute "
-"vec4 attr_TexCoord0;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHTMAP) || defined(USE_TCGEN)"
-"\r\nattribute vec4 attr_TexCoord1;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nuniform vec4 u_Diffus"
-"eTexMatrix;\r\nuniform vec4 u_DiffuseTexOffTurb;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_T"
-"CGEN) || defined(USE_RGBAGEN)\r\nuniform vec3 u_ViewOrigin;\r\n#endif\r\n"
-"\r\n#if defined(USE_TCGEN)\r\nuniform int u_TCGen0;\r\nuniform vec3 u_"
-"TCGen0Vector0;\r\nuniform vec3 u_TCGen0Vector1;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defi"
-"ned(USE_FOG)\r\nuniform vec4 u_FogDistance;\r\nuniform vec4 u_FogDepth;"
-"\r\nuniform float u_FogEyeT;\r\nuniform vec4 u_FogColorMask;\r\n#endif\r"
-"\n\r\n#if defined(USE_DEFORM_VERTEXES)\r\nuniform int u_DeformGen;\r\nun"
-"iform float u_DeformParams[5];\r\nuniform float u_Time;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n"
-"uniform mat4 u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;\r\nuniform vec4 u_BaseColor;"
-"\r\nuniform vec4 u_VertColor;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_RGBAGEN)\r\nuniform "
-"int u_ColorGen;\r\nuniform int u_AlphaGen;\r\nuniform vec3 u_Ambien"
-"tLight;\r\nuniform vec3 u_DirectedLight;\r\nuniform vec4 u_LightOrigin;"
-"\r\nuniform float u_PortalRange;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_VERTEX_A"
-"NIMATION)\r\nuniform float u_VertexLerp;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nvarying vec2 v"
-"ar_DiffuseTex;\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHTMAP)\r\nvarying vec2 var_LightTex;"
-"\r\n#endif\r\nvarying vec4 var_Color;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_DEFORM_VERTE"
-"XES)\r\nvec3 DeformPosition(const vec3 pos, const vec3 normal, const vec2 s"
-"t)\r\n{\r\n\tfloat base = u_DeformParams[0];\r\n\tfloat amplitude = u_"
-"DeformParams[1];\r\n\tfloat phase = u_DeformParams[2];\r\n\tfloat frequ"
-"ency = u_DeformParams[3];\r\n\tfloat spread = u_DeformParams[4];\r\n\r\n"
-"\tif (u_DeformGen == DGEN_BULGE)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tphase *= M_PI * 0.25 * st.x;"
-"\r\n\t}\r\n\telse // if (u_DeformGen <= DGEN_WAVE_INVERSE_SAWTOOTH)\r\n\t{"
-"\r\n\t\tphase += dot(, vec3(spread));\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tfloat value = "
-"phase + (u_Time * frequency);\r\n\tfloat func;\r\n\r\n\tif (u_DeformGen == "
-"DGEN_WAVE_SIN)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = sin(value * 2.0 * M_PI);\r\n\t}\r\n\tel"
-"se if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_SQUARE)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = sign(sin(value"
-" * 2.0 * M_PI));\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_TRIANGLE)\r"
-"\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = abs(fract(value + 0.75) - 0.5) * 4.0 - 1.0;\r\n\t}\r\n"
-"\telse if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_SAWTOOTH)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = fract(va"
-"lue);\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_INVERSE_SAWTOOTH)\r\n\t"
-"{\r\n\t\tfunc = (1.0 - fract(value));\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if (u_DeformGen == D"
-"GEN_BULGE)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = sin(value);\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\treturn pos + no"
-"rmal * (base + func * amplitude);\r\n}\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_TCG"
-"EN)\r\nvec2 GenTexCoords(int TCGen, vec3 position, vec3 normal, vec3 TCGenV"
-"ector0, vec3 TCGenVector1)\r\n{\r\n\tvec2 tex =;\r\n\r\n"
-"\tif (TCGen == TCGEN_LIGHTMAP)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\ttex =;\r\n\t"
-"}\r\n\telse if (TCGen == TCGEN_ENVIRONMENT_MAPPED)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tvec3 viewe"
-"r = normalize(u_ViewOrigin - position);\r\n\t\ttex = -reflect(viewer, norma"
-"l).yz * vec2(0.5, -0.5) + 0.5;\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if (TCGen == TCGEN_VECTOR)"
-"\r\n\t{\r\n\t\ttex = vec2(dot(position, TCGenVector0), dot(position, TCGenV"
-"ector1));\r\n\t}\r\n\t\r\n\treturn tex;\r\n}\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(U"
-"SE_TCMOD)\r\nvec2 ModTexCoords(vec2 st, vec3 position, vec4 texMatrix, vec4"
-" offTurb)\r\n{\r\n\tfloat amplitude = offTurb.z;\r\n\tfloat phase = offTurb"
-".w;\r\n\tvec2 st2 = vec2(dot(st, texMatrix.xz), dot(st, texMatrix.yw)) + of"
-"fTurb.xy;\r\n\r\n\tvec3 offsetPos = position / 1024.0;\r\n\toffsetPos.x += "
-"offsetPos.z;\r\n\t\r\n\tvec2 texOffset = sin((offsetPos.xy + vec2(phase)) *"
-" 2.0 * M_PI);\r\n\t\r\n\treturn st2 + texOffset * amplitude;\t\r\n}\r\n#end"
-"if\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_RGBAGEN)\r\nvec4 CalcColor(vec3 position, vec3 no"
-"rmal)\r\n{\r\n\tvec4 color = u_VertColor * attr_Color + u_BaseColor;\r\n\t"
-"\r\n\tif (u_ColorGen == CGEN_LIGHTING_DIFFUSE)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfloat incoming"
-" = clamp(dot(normal,, 0.0, 1.0);\r\n\r\n\t\tcolor.rgb = "
-"clamp(u_DirectedLight * incoming + u_AmbientLight, 0.0, 1.0);\r\n\t}\r\n\t"
-"\r\n\tvec3 toView = u_ViewOrigin - position;\r\n\tvec3 viewer = normalize(u"
-"_ViewOrigin - position);\r\n\r\n\tif (u_AlphaGen == AGEN_LIGHTING_SPECULAR)"
-"\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tvec3 lightDir = normalize(vec3(-960.0, -1980.0, 96.0) - posi"
-";\r\n\t\tvec3 halfangle = normalize(lightDir + viewer);\r\n\t\t\r"
-"\n\t\tcolor.a = pow(max(dot(normal, halfangle), 0.0), 8.0);\r\n\t}\r\n\tels"
-"e if (u_AlphaGen == AGEN_PORTAL)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfloat alpha = length(toView)"
-" / u_PortalRange;\r\n\r\n\t\tcolor.a = clamp(alpha, 0.0, 1.0);\r\n\t}\r\n\t"
-"else if (u_AlphaGen == AGEN_FRESNEL)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tcolor.a = 0.10 + 0.90 * "
-"pow(1.0 - dot(normal, viewer), 5);\r\n\t}\r\n\t\r\n\treturn color;\r\n}\r\n"
-"#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_FOG)\r\nfloat CalcFog(vec4 position)\r\n{\r\n"
-"\tfloat s = dot(position, u_FogDistance) * 8.0;\r\n\tfloat t = dot(position"
-", u_FogDepth);\r\n\r\n\tif (t < 1.0)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tt = step(step(0.0, -u_Fo"
-"gEyeT), t);\r\n\t}\r\n\telse\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tt /= t - min(u_FogEyeT, 0.0);\r"
-"\n\t}\r\n\r\n\treturn s * t;\r\n}\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n#if "
-"defined(USE_VERTEX_ANIMATION)\r\n\tvec4 position = mix(attr_Position, attr_"
-"Position2, u_VertexLerp);\r\n\tvec3 normal = normalize(mix(attr_Normal, att"
-"r_Normal2, u_VertexLerp));\r\n#else\r\n\tvec4 position = attr_Position;\r\n"
-"\tvec3 normal = attr_Normal;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_DEFORM_VERTEX"
-"ES)\r\n\ = DeformPosition(, normal, attr_TexCoord0"
-".st);\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\tgl_Position = u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * positi"
-"on;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_TCGEN)\r\n\tvec2 tex = GenTexCoords(u_TCGen0, po"
-", normal, u_TCGen0Vector0, u_TCGen0Vector1);\r\n#else\r\n\tvec2 t"
-"ex =;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_TCMOD)\r\n\tvar_Di"
-"ffuseTex = ModTexCoords(tex,, u_DiffuseTexMatrix, u_DiffuseTex"
-"OffTurb);\r\n#else\r\n var_DiffuseTex = tex;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if define"
-"d(USE_LIGHTMAP)\r\n\tvar_LightTex =;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if"
-" defined(USE_RGBAGEN)\r\n\tvar_Color = CalcColor(, normal);\r\n"
-"#else\r\n\tvar_Color = u_VertColor * attr_Color + u_BaseColor;\r\n#endif\r"
-"\n\r\n#if defined(USE_FOG)\r\n\tvar_Color *= vec4(1.0) - u_FogColorMask * s"
-"qrt(clamp(CalcFog(position), 0.0, 1.0));\r\n#endif\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackGenericShader_fp =
-"uniform sampler2D u_DiffuseMap;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHTMAP)\r\nuniform"
-" sampler2D u_LightMap;\r\n\r\nuniform int u_Texture1Env;\r\n#endif\r"
-"\n\r\nvarying vec2 var_DiffuseTex;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHTMAP)\r"
-"\nvarying vec2 var_LightTex;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nvarying vec4 var_Co"
-"lor;\r\n\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tvec4 color = texture2D(u_DiffuseMap,"
-" var_DiffuseTex);\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHTMAP)\r\n\tvec4 color2 = texture2D"
-"(u_LightMap, var_LightTex);\r\n #if defined(RGBE_LIGHTMAP)\r\n\tcolor2.rgb"
-" *= exp2(color2.a * 255.0 - 128.0);\r\n\tcolor2.a = 1.0;\r\n #endif\r\n\r"
-"\n\tif (u_Texture1Env == TEXENV_MODULATE)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tcolor *= color2;\r"
-"\n\t}\r\n\telse if (u_Texture1Env == TEXENV_ADD)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tcolor += col"
-"or2;\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if (u_Texture1Env == TEXENV_REPLACE)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tco"
-"lor = color2;\r\n\t}\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\tgl_FragColor = color * var_Color;\r"
-static const char *fallbackTextureColorShader_vp =
-"#version 120\r\n\r\nattribute vec4 attr_Position;\r\nattribute vec4 attr_Te"
-"xCoord0;\r\n\r\nuniform mat4 u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;\r\n\r\nvarying "
-"vec2 var_Tex1;\r\n\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tgl_Position = u_ModelView"
-"ProjectionMatrix * attr_Position;\r\n\tvar_Tex1 =;\r\n}\r"
-static const char *fallbackTextureColorShader_fp =
-"#version 120\r\n\r\nuniform sampler2D u_DiffuseMap;\r\nuniform vec4 u_"
-"Color;\r\n\r\nvarying vec2 var_Tex1;\r\n\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r"
-"\n\tgl_FragColor = texture2D(u_DiffuseMap, var_Tex1) * u_Color;\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackFogPassShader_vp =
-"attribute vec4 attr_Position;\r\nattribute vec3 attr_Normal;\r\nattribute"
-" vec4 attr_TexCoord0;\r\n\r\n//#if defined(USE_VERTEX_ANIMATION)\r\nattrib"
-"ute vec4 attr_Position2;\r\nattribute vec3 attr_Normal2;\r\n//#endif\r\n"
-"\r\nuniform vec4 u_FogDistance;\r\nuniform vec4 u_FogDepth;\r\nunifor"
-"m float u_FogEyeT;\r\n\r\n//#if defined(USE_DEFORM_VERTEXES)\r\nuniform i"
-"nt u_DeformGen;\r\nuniform float u_DeformParams[5];\r\n//#endif\r\n\r"
-"\nuniform float u_Time;\r\nuniform mat4 u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;\r"
-"\n\r\n//#if defined(USE_VERTEX_ANIMATION)\r\nuniform float u_VertexLerp;"
-"\r\n//#endif\r\n\r\nvarying float var_Scale;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_DEFOR"
-"M_VERTEXES)\r\nvec3 DeformPosition(const vec3 pos, const vec3 normal, const"
-" vec2 st)\r\n{\r\n\tif (u_DeformGen == 0)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\treturn pos;\r\n\t}"
-"\r\n\r\n\tfloat base = u_DeformParams[0];\r\n\tfloat amplitude = u_Def"
-"ormParams[1];\r\n\tfloat phase = u_DeformParams[2];\r\n\tfloat frequenc"
-"y = u_DeformParams[3];\r\n\tfloat spread = u_DeformParams[4];\r\n\r\n\ti"
-"f (u_DeformGen == DGEN_BULGE)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tphase *= M_PI * 0.25 * st.x;\r"
-"\n\t}\r\n\telse // if (u_DeformGen <= DGEN_WAVE_INVERSE_SAWTOOTH)\r\n\t{\r"
-"\n\t\tphase += dot(, vec3(spread));\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tfloat value = ph"
-"ase + (u_Time * frequency);\r\n\tfloat func;\r\n\r\n\tif (u_DeformGen == DG"
-"EN_WAVE_SIN)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = sin(value * 2.0 * M_PI);\r\n\t}\r\n\telse"
-" if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_SQUARE)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = sign(sin(value *"
-" 2.0 * M_PI));\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_TRIANGLE)\r\n"
-"\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = abs(fract(value + 0.75) - 0.5) * 4.0 - 1.0;\r\n\t}\r\n\te"
-"lse if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_SAWTOOTH)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = fract(value"
-");\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_INVERSE_SAWTOOTH)\r\n\t{\r"
-"\n\t\tfunc = (1.0 - fract(value));\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if (u_DeformGen == DGEN"
-"_BULGE)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = sin(value);\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\treturn pos + norma"
-"l * (base + func * amplitude);\r\n}\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nfloat CalcFog(vec4 pos"
-"ition)\r\n{\r\n\tfloat s = dot(position, u_FogDistance) * 8.0;\r\n\tfloat t"
-" = dot(position, u_FogDepth);\r\n\r\n\tif (t < 1.0)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tt = step("
-"step(0.0, -u_FogEyeT), t);\r\n\t}\r\n\telse\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tt /= t - min(u_Fo"
-"gEyeT, 0.0);\r\n\t}\r\n\t\r\n\treturn s * t;\r\n}\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r"
-"\n#if defined(USE_VERTEX_ANIMATION)\r\n\tvec4 position = mix(attr_Position,"
-" attr_Position2, u_VertexLerp);\r\n\tvec3 normal = normalize(mix(attr_Norma"
-"l, attr_Normal2, u_VertexLerp));\r\n#else\r\n\tvec4 position = attr_Positio"
-"n;\r\n\tvec3 normal = attr_Normal;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_DEFORM_"
-"VERTEXES)\r\n\ = DeformPosition(, normal, attr_Tex"
-";\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\tgl_Position = u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * "
-"position;\r\n\r\n\tvar_Scale = CalcFog(position);\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackFogPassShader_fp =
-"uniform vec4 u_Color;\r\n\r\nvarying float var_Scale;\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r"
-"\n{\r\n\tgl_FragColor = u_Color;\r\n\tgl_FragColor.a *= sqrt(clamp(var_Scal"
-"e, 0.0, 1.0));\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackDlightShader_vp =
-"attribute vec4 attr_Position;\r\nattribute vec4 attr_TexCoord0;\r\nattribut"
-"e vec3 attr_Normal;\r\n\r\nuniform vec4 u_DlightInfo;\r\n\r\n#if defined("
-"USE_DEFORM_VERTEXES)\r\nuniform int u_DeformGen;\r\nuniform float u_Def"
-"ormParams[5];\r\nuniform float u_Time;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nuniform vec4 u_C"
-"olor;\r\nuniform mat4 u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;\r\n\r\nvarying vec2 "
-"var_Tex1;\r\nvarying vec4 var_Color;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_DEFORM_VERTEX"
-"ES)\r\nvec3 DeformPosition(const vec3 pos, const vec3 normal, const vec2 st"
-")\r\n{\r\n\tif (u_DeformGen == 0)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\treturn pos;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n"
-"\tfloat base = u_DeformParams[0];\r\n\tfloat amplitude = u_DeformParam"
-"s[1];\r\n\tfloat phase = u_DeformParams[2];\r\n\tfloat frequency = u_De"
-"formParams[3];\r\n\tfloat spread = u_DeformParams[4];\r\n\r\n\tif (u_Def"
-"ormGen == DGEN_BULGE)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tphase *= M_PI * 0.25 * st.x;\r\n\t}\r\n"
-"\telse // if (u_DeformGen <= DGEN_WAVE_INVERSE_SAWTOOTH)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tphas"
-"e += dot(, vec3(spread));\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tfloat value = phase + (u_T"
-"ime * frequency);\r\n\tfloat func;\r\n\r\n\tif (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_SI"
-"N)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = sin(value * 2.0 * M_PI);\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if (u_Def"
-"ormGen == DGEN_WAVE_SQUARE)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = sign(sin(value * 2.0 * M_P"
-"I));\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_TRIANGLE)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\t"
-"func = abs(fract(value + 0.75) - 0.5) * 4.0 - 1.0;\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if (u_D"
-"eformGen == DGEN_WAVE_SAWTOOTH)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = fract(value);\r\n\t}\r"
-"\n\telse if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_INVERSE_SAWTOOTH)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc "
-"= (1.0 - fract(value));\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_BULGE)\r\n"
-"\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = sin(value);\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\treturn pos + normal * (base +"
-" func * amplitude);\r\n}\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tvec4 positi"
-"on = attr_Position;\r\n\tvec3 normal = attr_Normal;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_"
-"DEFORM_VERTEXES)\r\n\ = DeformPosition(, normal, a"
-";\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\tgl_Position = u_ModelViewProjectionMa"
-"trix * position;\r\n\t\t\r\n\tvec3 dist = -;"
-"\t\r\n\r\n\tvar_Tex1 = dist.xy * u_DlightInfo.a + vec2(0.5);\r\n\tfloat dli"
-"ghtmod = step(0.0, dot(dist, normal));\r\n\tdlightmod *= clamp(2.0 * (1.0 -"
-" abs(dist.z) * u_DlightInfo.a), 0.0, 1.0);\r\n\t\r\n\tvar_Color = u_Color *"
-" dlightmod;\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackDlightShader_fp =
-"uniform sampler2D u_DiffuseMap;\r\n\r\nvarying vec2 var_Tex1;\r\nvaryi"
-"ng vec4 var_Color;\r\n\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tvec4 color = textu"
-"re2D(u_DiffuseMap, var_Tex1);\r\n\r\n\tgl_FragColor = color * var_Color;\r"
-static const char *fallbackLightallShader_vp =
-"attribute vec4 attr_TexCoord0;\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHTMAP)\r\nattribute ve"
-"c4 attr_TexCoord1;\r\n#endif\r\nattribute vec4 attr_Color;\r\n\r\nattribute"
-" vec4 attr_Position;\r\nattribute vec3 attr_Normal;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_"
-"VERT_TANGENT_SPACE)\r\nattribute vec3 attr_Tangent;\r\nattribute vec3 attr_"
-"Bitangent;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_VERTEX_ANIMATION)\r\nattribute "
-"vec4 attr_Position2;\r\nattribute vec3 attr_Normal2;\r\n #if defined(USE_V"
-"ERT_TANGENT_SPACE)\r\nattribute vec3 attr_Tangent2;\r\nattribute vec3 attr_"
-"Bitangent2;\r\n #endif\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHT) && !defined"
-"(USE_LIGHT_VECTOR)\r\nattribute vec3 attr_LightDirection;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n"
-"#if defined(USE_TCGEN) || defined(USE_NORMALMAP) || defined(USE_LIGHT) && !"
-"defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\nuniform vec3 u_ViewOrigin;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#i"
-"f defined(USE_TCGEN)\r\nuniform int u_TCGen0;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defin"
-"ed(USE_TCMOD)\r\nuniform vec4 u_DiffuseTexMatrix;\r\nuniform vec4 u_Dif"
-"fuseTexOffTurb;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nuniform mat4 u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix"
-";\r\nuniform vec4 u_BaseColor;\r\nuniform vec4 u_VertColor;\r\n\r\n#if "
-"defined(USE_MODELMATRIX)\r\nuniform mat4 u_ModelMatrix;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n"
-"#if defined(USE_VERTEX_ANIMATION)\r\nuniform float u_VertexLerp;\r\n#endif"
-"\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHT_VECTOR)\r\nuniform vec4 u_LightOrigin;\r\n "
-" #if defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\nuniform vec3 u_DirectedLight;\r\nuniform "
-"vec3 u_AmbientLight;\r\nuniform float u_LightRadius;\r\n #endif\r\n#end"
-"if\r\n\r\nvarying vec2 var_DiffuseTex;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHTMAP)\r"
-"\nvarying vec2 var_LightTex;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_NORMALMAP) "
-"|| defined(USE_LIGHT) && !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\nvarying vec3 var_Sam"
-"pleToView;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nvarying vec4 var_Color;\r\n\r\n#if defined(US"
-"E_NORMALMAP) && !defined(USE_VERT_TANGENT_SPACE)\r\nvarying vec3 var_Posi"
-"tion;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\r\n#if !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\nvarying vec3 v"
-"ar_Normal;\r\n #if defined(USE_VERT_TANGENT_SPACE)\r\nvarying vec3 var_T"
-"angent;\r\nvarying vec3 var_Bitangent;\r\n #endif\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if d"
-"efined(USE_LIGHT_VERTEX) && !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\nvarying vec3 var_"
-"VertLight;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHT) && !defined(USE_DELUXEMA"
-"P) && !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\nvarying vec3 var_WorldLight;\r\n#endif"
-"\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHT_VECTOR) && !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT) && define"
-"d(USE_SHADOWMAP)\r\nvarying vec4 var_ScreenPos;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defi"
-"ned(USE_TCMOD)\r\nvec2 ModTexCoords(vec2 st, vec3 position, vec4 texMatrix,"
-" vec4 offTurb)\r\n{\r\n\tfloat amplitude = offTurb.z;\r\n\tfloat phase = of"
-"fTurb.w;\r\n\tvec2 st2 = vec2(dot(st, texMatrix.xz), dot(st, texMatrix.yw))"
-" + offTurb.xy;\r\n\r\n\tvec3 offsetPos = position / 1024.0;\r\n\toffsetPos."
-"x += offsetPos.z;\r\n\t\r\n\tvec2 texOffset = sin((offsetPos.xy + vec2(phas"
-"e)) * 2.0 * M_PI);\r\n\t\r\n\treturn st2 + texOffset * amplitude;\t\r\n}\r"
-"\n#endif\r\n\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n#if defined(USE_VERTEX_ANIMATION)\r"
-"\n\tvec4 position = mix(attr_Position, attr_Position2, u_VertexLerp);\r\n"
-"\tvec3 normal = normalize(mix(attr_Normal, attr_Normal2, u_VertexL"
-"erp));\r\n #if defined(USE_VERT_TANGENT_SPACE)\r\n\tvec3 tangent = norma"
-"lize(mix(attr_Tangent, attr_Tangent2, u_VertexLerp));\r\n\tvec3 bitange"
-"nt = normalize(mix(attr_Bitangent, attr_Bitangent2, u_VertexLerp));\r\n #e"
-"ndif\r\n#else\r\n\tvec4 position = attr_Position;\r\n\tvec3 normal = at"
-"tr_Normal;\r\n #if defined(USE_VERT_TANGENT_SPACE)\r\n\tvec3 tangent = a"
-"ttr_Tangent;\r\n\tvec3 bitangent = attr_Bitangent;\r\n #endif\r\n#endif\r"
-"\n\r\n\tgl_Position = u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * position;\r\n\r\n#if de"
-"fined(USE_LIGHT_VECTOR) && !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT) && defined(USE_SHADOWMA"
-"P)\r\n\tvar_ScreenPos = gl_Position + vec2(1.0, 0.0).xxyx * gl_Position.w;"
-"\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if (defined(USE_LIGHTMAP) || defined(USE_LIGHT_VERTEX)) "
-"&& !defined(USE_DELUXEMAP) && !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\n\tvec3 worldLight"
-" = attr_LightDirection;\r\n#endif\r\n\t\r\n#if defined(USE_MODELMATRIX)\r\n"
-"\tposition = u_ModelMatrix * position;\r\n\tnormal = (u_ModelMatrix * v"
-"ec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz;\r\n #if defined(USE_VERT_TANGENT_SPACE)\r\n\ttangen"
-"t = (u_ModelMatrix * vec4(tangent, 0.0)).xyz;\r\n\tbitangent = (u_ModelMa"
-"trix * vec4(bitangent, 0.0)).xyz;\r\n #endif\r\n\r\n #if defined(USE_LIGH"
-"TMAP) && !defined(USE_DELUXEMAP) && !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\n\tworldLigh"
-"t = (u_ModelMatrix * vec4(worldLight, 0.0)).xyz;\r\n #endif\r\n#endif\r\n"
-"\r\n#if defined(USE_NORMALMAP) && !defined(USE_VERT_TANGENT_SPACE)\r\n\tvar"
-"_Position =;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_TCGEN) || define"
-"d(USE_NORMALMAP) || defined(USE_LIGHT) && !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\n\tvec"
-"3 SampleToView = u_ViewOrigin -;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined("
-"USE_NORMALMAP) || defined(USE_LIGHT) && !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\n\tvar_S"
-"ampleToView = SampleToView;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\tvec2 tex;\r\n\r\n#if defined"
-"(USE_TCGEN)\r\n\tif (u_TCGen0 == TCGEN_ENVIRONMENT_MAPPED)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tte"
-"x = -reflect(normalize(SampleToView), normal).yz * vec2(0.5, -0.5) + 0.5;\r"
-"\n\t}\r\n\telse\r\n#endif\r\n\t{\r\n\t\ttex =;\r\n\t}\r\n"
-"\r\n#if defined(USE_TCMOD)\r\n\tvar_DiffuseTex = ModTexCoords(tex, position"
-".xyz, u_DiffuseTexMatrix, u_DiffuseTexOffTurb);\r\n#else\r\n\tvar_DiffuseTe"
-"x = tex;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHTMAP)\r\n\tvar_LightTex = att"
-";\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\n\tvar_Norm"
-"al = normal;\r\n #if defined(USE_VERT_TANGENT_SPACE)\r\n\tvar_Tangent = ta"
-"ngent;\r\n\tvar_Bitangent = bitangent;\r\n #endif\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if def"
-"ined(USE_LIGHT) && !defined(USE_DELUXEMAP)\r\n #if defined(USE_LIGHT_VECTO"
-"R)\r\n\tvec3 worldLight = - ( * u_LightOrigin"
-".w);\r\n #endif\r\n #if !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\n\tvar_WorldLight = wo"
-"rldLight;\r\n #endif\r\n#endif\r\n\t\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHT_VERTEX) && !"
-"defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\n\tvar_VertLight = u_VertColor.rgb * attr_Color.r"
-"gb;\r\n\tvar_Color.rgb = vec3(1.0);\r\n\tvar_Color.a = u_VertColor.a * attr"
-"_Color.a + u_BaseColor.a;\r\n#else\r\n\tvar_Color = u_VertColor * attr_Colo"
-"r + u_BaseColor;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHT_VECTOR) && defined("
-"USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\n #if defined(USE_INVSQRLIGHT)\r\n\tfloat intensity = 1."
-"0 / dot(worldLight, worldLight);\r\n #else\r\n\tfloat intensity = clamp((1"
-".0 - dot(worldLight, worldLight) / (u_LightRadius * u_LightRadius)) * 1.07,"
-" 0.0, 1.0);\r\n #endif\r\n\tfloat NL = clamp(dot(normal, normalize(worldLi"
-"ght)), 0.0, 1.0);\r\n\r\n\tvar_Color.rgb *= u_DirectedLight * intensity * N"
-"L + u_AmbientLight;\r\n#endif\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackLightallShader_fp =
-"uniform sampler2D u_DiffuseMap;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHTMAP)\r\nuniform"
-" sampler2D u_LightMap;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_NORMALMAP)\r\nunifo"
-"rm sampler2D u_NormalMap;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_DELUXEMAP)\r\nun"
-"iform sampler2D u_DeluxeMap;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_SPECULARMAP)"
-"\r\nuniform sampler2D u_SpecularMap;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_SHADO"
-"WMAP)\r\nuniform sampler2D u_ShadowMap;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nuniform vec3 "
-"u_ViewOrigin;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_TCGEN)\r\nuniform int u_TCGen0;\r\n"
-"#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHT_VECTOR)\r\nuniform vec3 u_Directed"
-"Light;\r\nuniform vec3 u_AmbientLight;\r\nuniform float u_LightRad"
-"ius;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHT)\r\nuniform vec2 u_Materia"
-"lInfo;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nvarying vec2 var_DiffuseTex;\r\n#if defined(US"
-"E_LIGHTMAP)\r\nvarying vec2 var_LightTex;\r\n#endif\r\nvarying vec4 "
-" var_Color;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_NORMALMAP) && !defined(USE_VERT_TANGEN"
-"T_SPACE)\r\nvarying vec3 var_Position;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nvarying vec3 "
-" var_SampleToView;\r\n\r\n#if !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\nvarying vec3 "
-" var_Normal;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_VERT_TANGENT_SPACE)\r\nvar"
-"ying vec3 var_Tangent;\r\nvarying vec3 var_Bitangent;\r\n#endif\r"
-"\n\r\nvarying vec3 var_VertLight;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHT) && !de"
-"fined(USE_DELUXEMAP)\r\nvarying vec3 var_WorldLight;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n"
-"#if defined(USE_LIGHT_VECTOR) && !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT) && defined(USE_SH"
-"ADOWMAP)\r\nvarying vec4 var_ScreenPos;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#define EPSILON "
-"0.00000001\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_PARALLAXMAP)\r\nfloat SampleHeight(sample"
-"r2D normalMap, vec2 t)\r\n{\r\n #if defined(SWIZZLE_NORMALMAP)\r\n\treturn"
-" texture2D(normalMap, t).r;\r\n #else\r\n\treturn texture2D(normalMap, t)."
-"a;\r\n #endif\r\n}\r\n\r\nfloat RayIntersectDisplaceMap(vec2 dp, vec2 ds, "
-"sampler2D normalMap)\r\n{\r\n\tconst int linearSearchSteps = 16;\r\n\tconst"
-" int binarySearchSteps = 6;\r\n\r\n\tfloat depthStep = 1.0 / float(linearSe"
-"archSteps);\r\n\r\n\t// current size of search window\r\n\tfloat size = dep"
-"thStep;\r\n\r\n\t// current depth position\r\n\tfloat depth = 0.0;\r\n\r\n"
-"\t// best match found (starts with last position 1.0)\r\n\tfloat bestDepth "
-"= 1.0;\r\n\r\n\t// search front to back for first point inside object\r\n\t"
-"for(int i = 0; i < linearSearchSteps - 1; ++i)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tdepth += size;"
-"\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tfloat t = 1.0 - SampleHeight(normalMap, dp + ds * depth);\r"
-"\n\t\t\r\n\t\tif(bestDepth > 0.996)\t\t// if no depth found yet\r\n\t\t\tif"
-"(depth >= t)\r\n\t\t\t\tbestDepth = depth;\t// store best depth\r\n\t}\r\n"
-"\r\n\tdepth = bestDepth;\r\n\t\r\n\t// recurse around first point (depth) f"
-"or closest match\r\n\tfor(int i = 0; i < binarySearchSteps; ++i)\r\n\t{\r\n"
-"\t\tsize *= 0.5;\r\n\r\n\t\tfloat t = 1.0 - SampleHeight(normalMap, dp + ds"
-" * depth);\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tif(depth >= t)\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\tbestDepth = dept"
-"h;\r\n\t\t\tdepth -= 2.0 * size;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\tdepth += size;\r\n\t}"
-"\r\n\r\n\treturn bestDepth;\r\n}\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nfloat CalcDiffuse(vec3 N,"
-" vec3 L, vec3 E, float NE, float NL, float fzero, float shininess)\r\n{\r\n"
-" #if defined(USE_OREN_NAYAR) || defined(USE_TRIACE_OREN_NAYAR)\r\n\tfloat "
-"gamma = dot(E, L) - NE * NL;\r\n\tfloat B = 2.22222 + 0.1 * shininess;\r\n"
-"\t\t\r\n\t#if defined(USE_OREN_NAYAR)\r\n\tfloat A = 1.0 - 1.0 / (2.0 + 0.3"
-"3 * shininess);\r\n\tgamma = clamp(gamma, 0.0, 1.0);\r\n\t#endif\r\n\t\r\n"
-"\t#if defined(USE_TRIACE_OREN_NAYAR)\r\n\tfloat A = 1.0 - 1.0 / (2.0 + 0.65"
-" * shininess);\r\n\r\n\tif (gamma >= 0.0)\r\n\t#endif\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tB *= ma"
-"x(max(NL, NE), EPSILON);\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\treturn (A + gamma / B) * (1.0 - fz"
-"ero);\r\n #else\r\n\treturn 1.0 - fzero;\r\n #endif\r\n}\r\n\r\n#if defin"
-"ed(USE_SPECULARMAP)\r\nfloat CalcSpecular(float NH, float NL, float NE, flo"
-"at EH, float fzero, float shininess)\r\n{\r\n #if defined(USE_BLINN) || de"
-"fined(USE_TRIACE) || defined(USE_TORRANCE_SPARROW)\r\n\tfloat blinn = pow(N"
-"H, shininess);\r\n #endif\r\n\r\n #if defined(USE_BLINN)\r\n\treturn blin"
-"n;\r\n #endif\r\n\r\n #if defined(USE_COOK_TORRANCE) || defined (USE_TRIA"
-"CE) || defined (USE_TORRANCE_SPARROW)\r\n\tfloat fresnel = fzero + (1.0 - f"
-"zero) * pow(1.0 - EH, 5);\r\n #endif\r\n\r\n #if defined(USE_COOK_TORRANC"
-"E) || defined(USE_TORRANCE_SPARROW)\r\n\tfloat geo = 2.0 * NH * min(NE, NL)"
-";\r\n\tgeo /= max(EH, geo);\r\n #endif \r\n\r\n #if defined(USE_COOK_TOR"
-"RANCE)\r\n\tfloat m_sq = 2.0 / max(shininess, EPSILON);\r\n\tfloat NH_sq = "
-"NH * NH;\r\n\tfloat m_NH_sq = m_sq * NH_sq;\r\n\tfloat beckmann = exp((NH_s"
-"q - 1.0) / max(m_NH_sq, EPSILON)) / max(4.0 * m_NH_sq * NH_sq, EPSILON);\r"
-"\n\r\n\treturn fresnel * geo * beckmann / max(NE, EPSILON);\r\n #endif\r\n"
-"\r\n #if defined(USE_TRIACE)\r\n\tfloat scale = 0.1248582 * shininess + 0."
-"2691817;\r\n\r\n\treturn fresnel * scale * blinn / max(max(NL, NE), EPSILON"
-");\r\n #endif\r\n \r\n #if defined(USE_TORRANCE_SPARROW)\r\n\tfloat scal"
-"e = 0.125 * shininess + 1.0;\r\n\r\n\treturn fresnel * geo * scale * blinn "
-"/ max(NE, EPSILON);\r\n #endif\r\n}\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n#"
-"if !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT) && (defined(USE_LIGHT) || defined(USE_NORMALMAP"
-"))\r\n\tvec3 surfNormal = normalize(var_Normal);\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#if defin"
-"ed(USE_DELUXEMAP)\r\n\tvec3 worldLight = 2.0 * texture2D(u_DeluxeMap, var_L"
-"ightTex).xyz - vec3(1.0);\r\n\t//worldLight += var_WorldLight * 0.0001;\r\n"
-"#elif defined(USE_LIGHT)\r\n\tvec3 worldLight = var_WorldLight;\r\n#endif\r"
-"\n\r\n#if defined(USE_LIGHTMAP)\r\n\tvec4 lightSample = texture2D(u_LightMa"
-"p, var_LightTex).rgba;\r\n #if defined(RGBE_LIGHTMAP)\r\n\tlightSample.rgb"
-" *= exp2(lightSample.a * 255.0 - 128.0);\r\n #endif\r\n\tvec3 directedLigh"
-"t = lightSample.rgb;\r\n#elif defined(USE_LIGHT_VECTOR) && !defined(USE_FAS"
-"T_LIGHT)\r\n #if defined(USE_INVSQRLIGHT)\r\n\tfloat intensity = 1.0 / dot"
-"(worldLight, worldLight);\r\n #else\r\n\tfloat intensity = clamp((1.0 - do"
-"t(worldLight, worldLight) / (u_LightRadius * u_LightRadius)) * 1.07, 0.0, 1"
-".0);\r\n #endif\r\n\r\n\tvec3 directedLight = u_DirectedLight * intensity;"
-"\r\n\tvec3 ambientLight = u_AmbientLight;\r\n\r\n #if defined(USE_SHADOWM"
-"AP)\r\n\t//vec2 shadowTex = gl_FragCoord.xy * r_FBufScale;\r\n\tvec2 shadow"
-"Tex = var_ScreenPos.xy / var_ScreenPos.w;\r\n\tdirectedLight *= texture2D(u"
-"_ShadowMap, shadowTex).r;\r\n #endif\r\n#elif defined(USE_LIGHT_VERTEX) &&"
-" !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\n\tvec3 directedLight = var_VertLight;\r\n#endi"
-"f\r\n\t\r\n#if defined(USE_TCGEN) || defined(USE_NORMALMAP) || (defined(USE"
-"_LIGHT) && !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT))\r\n\tvec3 SampleToView = normalize(var"
-"_SampleToView);\r\n#endif\r\n\tvec2 tex = var_DiffuseTex;\r\n\r\n\tfloat am"
-"bientDiff = 1.0;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_NORMALMAP)\r\n #if defined(USE_VER"
-"T_TANGENT_SPACE)\r\n vec3 tangent = var_Tangent;\r\n\tvec3 bitangent ="
-" var_Bitangent;\r\n #else\r\n\tvec3 q0 = dFdx(var_Position);\r\n\tvec3 q1"
-" = dFdy(var_Position);\r\n\tvec2 st0 = dFdx(tex);\r\n\tvec2 st1 = dFdy(tex"
-");\r\n\tfloat dir = sign(st1.t * st0.s - st0.t * st1.s);\r\n\r\n\tvec3 ta"
-"ngent = normalize( q0 * st1.t - q1 * st0.t) * dir;\r\n\tvec3 bitangent = -n"
-"ormalize( q0 * st1.s - q1 * st0.s) * dir;\r\n #endif\r\n\r\n\tmat3 tangent"
-"ToWorld = mat3(tangent, bitangent, var_Normal);\r\n\r\n #if defined(USE_PA"
-"RALLAXMAP)\r\n\tvec3 offsetDir = normalize(SampleToView * tangentToWorld);"
-"\r\n #if 0\r\n float height = SampleHeight(u_NormalMap, tex);\r\n\tfl"
-"oat pdist = 0.05 * height - (0.05 / 2.0);\r\n #else\r\n\toffsetDir.xy *="
-" -0.05 / offsetDir.z;\r\n\tfloat pdist = RayIntersectDisplaceMap(tex, offse"
-"tDir.xy, u_NormalMap);\r\n #endif\t\r\n\ttex += offsetDir.xy * pdist;\r"
-"\n #endif\r\n #if defined(SWIZZLE_NORMALMAP)\r\n\tvec3 normal = 2.0 * tex"
-"ture2D(u_NormalMap, tex).agb - 1.0;\r\n #else\r\n\tvec3 normal = 2.0 * tex"
-"ture2D(u_NormalMap, tex).rgb - 1.0;\r\n #endif\r\n\tnormal.z = sqrt(clamp("
-"1.0 - dot(normal.xy, normal.xy), 0.0, 1.0));\r\n\tvec3 worldNormal = tangen"
-"tToWorld * normal;\r\n #if defined(r_normalAmbient)\r\n\tambientDiff = 0.7"
-"81341 * normal.z + 0.218659;\r\n #endif\r\n#elif defined(USE_LIGHT) && !de"
-"fined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\n\tvec3 worldNormal = surfNormal;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n"
-"#if (defined(USE_LIGHT) && !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)) || (defined(USE_TCGEN)"
-" && defined(USE_NORMALMAP))\r\n\tworldNormal = normalize(worldNormal);\r\n#"
-"endif\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_TCGEN) && defined(USE_NORMALMAP)\r\n\tif (u_TC"
-"Gen0 == TCGEN_ENVIRONMENT_MAPPED)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\ttex = -reflect(normalize(Sa"
-"mpleToView), worldNormal).yz * vec2(0.5, -0.5) + 0.5;\r\n\t}\r\n#endif\r\n"
-"\r\n\tvec4 diffuse = texture2D(u_DiffuseMap, tex);\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_L"
-"IGHT) && defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)\r\n #if defined(USE_LIGHTMAP)\r\n\tdiffus"
-"e.rgb *= directedLight;\r\n #endif\r\n#elif defined(USE_LIGHT)\r\n\tworldL"
-"ight = normalize(worldLight);\r\n\r\n #if defined(USE_LIGHTMAP) || defined"
-"(USE_LIGHT_VERTEX)\r\n\t#if defined(r_normalAmbient)\r\n\tvec3 ambientLight"
-" = directedLight * r_normalAmbient;\r\n\tdirectedLight -= ambientLight;\r\n"
-" #else\r\n\tvec3 ambientLight = vec3(0.0);\r\n #endif\r\n\tdirectedLi"
-"ght /= max(dot(surfNormal, worldLight), 0.004);\r\n #endif\r\n\r\n\tfloat "
-"NL = clamp(dot(worldNormal, worldLight), 0.0, 1.0);\r\n\tfloat surfNL = "
-"clamp(dot(surfNormal, worldLight), 0.0, 1.0);\r\n\tNL = min(NL, surfNL *"
-" 2.0);\r\n\tfloat NE = clamp(dot(worldNormal, SampleToView), 0.0, 1.0);\r"
-"\n\t\r\n\tfloat fzero = u_MaterialInfo.x;\r\n\tfloat shininess = u_Material"
-"Info.y;\r\n #if defined(USE_SPECULARMAP)\r\n\tvec4 specular = texture2D(u_"
-"SpecularMap, tex);\r\n\t//specular.rgb = clamp(specular.rgb - diffuse.rgb, "
-"0.0, 1.0);\r\n\tshininess *= specular.a;\r\n #endif\r\n\tfloat directedDif"
-"f = NL * CalcDiffuse(worldNormal, worldLight, SampleToView, NE, NL, fzero, "
-"shininess);\r\n\tdiffuse.rgb *= directedLight * directedDiff + ambientDiff "
-"* ambientLight;\r\n \r\n #if defined(USE_SPECULARMAP)\r\n\tvec3 halfAngle"
-" = normalize(worldLight + SampleToView);\r\n\r\n\tfloat EH = clamp(dot(Samp"
-"leToView, halfAngle), 0.0, 1.0);\r\n\tfloat NH = clamp(dot(worldNormal, ha"
-"lfAngle), 0.0, 1.0);\r\n\r\n\tfloat directedSpec = NL * CalcSpecular(NH, NL"
-", NE, EH, fzero, shininess);\r\n \r\n #if defined(r_normalAmbient)\r\n"
-"\tvec3 ambientHalf = normalize(surfNormal + SampleToView);\r\n\tfloat ambie"
-"ntSpec = max(dot(ambientHalf, worldNormal) + 0.5, 0.0);\r\n\tambientSpec *="
-" ambientSpec * 0.44;\r\n\tambientSpec = pow(ambientSpec, shininess) * fzero"
-";\r\n\tspecular.rgb *= directedSpec * directedLight + ambientSpec * ambient"
-"Light;\r\n #else\r\n\tspecular.rgb *= directedSpec * directedLight;\r\n "
-" #endif\r\n #endif\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\tgl_FragColor = diffuse;\r\n\r\n#if"
-" defined(USE_SPECULARMAP) && defined(USE_LIGHT) && !defined(USE_FAST_LIGHT)"
-"\r\n\tgl_FragColor.rgb += specular.rgb;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\tgl_FragColor *= "
-static const char *fallbackShadowfillShader_vp =
-"attribute vec4 attr_Position;\r\nattribute vec3 attr_Normal;\r\nattribute"
-" vec4 attr_TexCoord0;\r\n\r\n//#if defined(USE_VERTEX_ANIMATION)\r\nattrib"
-"ute vec4 attr_Position2;\r\nattribute vec3 attr_Normal2;\r\n//#endif\r\n"
-"\r\n//#if defined(USE_DEFORM_VERTEXES)\r\nuniform int u_DeformGen;\r\nu"
-"niform float u_DeformParams[5];\r\n//#endif\r\n\r\nuniform float u_Tim"
-"e;\r\nuniform mat4 u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;\r\n\r\nuniform mat4 u_"
-"ModelMatrix;\r\n\r\n//#if defined(USE_VERTEX_ANIMATION)\r\nuniform float "
-"u_VertexLerp;\r\n//#endif\r\n\r\nvarying vec3 var_Position;\r\n\r\nvec3 "
-"DeformPosition(const vec3 pos, const vec3 normal, const vec2 st)\r\n{\r\n\t"
-"if (u_DeformGen == 0)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\treturn pos;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tfloat base "
-"= u_DeformParams[0];\r\n\tfloat amplitude = u_DeformParams[1];\r\n\tfl"
-"oat phase = u_DeformParams[2];\r\n\tfloat frequency = u_DeformParams[3]"
-";\r\n\tfloat spread = u_DeformParams[4];\r\n\r\n\tif (u_DeformGen == DGE"
-"N_BULGE)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tphase *= M_PI * 0.25 * st.x;\r\n\t}\r\n\telse // if "
-"(u_DeformGen <= DGEN_WAVE_INVERSE_SAWTOOTH)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tphase += dot(pos."
-"xyz, vec3(spread));\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tfloat value = phase + (u_Time * frequen"
-"cy);\r\n\tfloat func;\r\n\r\n\tif (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_SIN)\r\n\t{\r\n"
-"\t\tfunc = sin(value * 2.0 * M_PI);\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if (u_DeformGen == DGE"
-"N_WAVE_SQUARE)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = sign(sin(value * 2.0 * M_PI));\r\n\t}\r"
-"\n\telse if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_TRIANGLE)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = abs(fr"
-"act(value + 0.75) - 0.5) * 4.0 - 1.0;\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if (u_DeformGen == D"
-"GEN_WAVE_SAWTOOTH)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = fract(value);\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if ("
-"u_DeformGen == DGEN_WAVE_INVERSE_SAWTOOTH)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfunc = (1.0 - frac"
-"t(value));\r\n\t}\r\n\telse if (u_DeformGen == DGEN_BULGE)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfu"
-"nc = sin(value);\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\treturn pos + normal * (base + func * ampli"
-"tude);\r\n}\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tvec4 position = mix(attr_Position,"
-" attr_Position2, u_VertexLerp);\r\n\tvec3 normal = normalize(mix(attr_Norma"
-"l, attr_Normal2, u_VertexLerp));\r\n\r\n\ = DeformPosition(pos"
-", normal,;\r\n\r\n\tgl_Position = u_ModelViewPr"
-"ojectionMatrix * position;\r\n\t\r\n\tvar_Position = (u_ModelMatrix * posi"
-static const char *fallbackShadowfillShader_fp =
-"uniform vec4 u_LightOrigin;\r\nuniform float u_LightRadius;\r\n\r\nvarying"
-" vec3 var_Position;\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n#if defined(USE_DEPTH)\r\n"
-"\tfloat depth = length( - var_Position) / u_LightRadius;\r"
-"\n #if 0\r\n\t// 32 bit precision\r\n\tconst vec4 bitSh = vec4( 256 * 256 *"
-" 256, 256 * 256, 256, 1);\r\n\tconst vec4 bitMsk = vec4"
-"( 0, 1.0 / 256.0, 1.0 / 256.0, 1.0 / 256.0);\r\n\t\r\n\tvec4 c"
-"omp;\r\n\tcomp = depth * bitSh;\r\n\ = fract(;\r\n\tcomp "
-"-= comp.xxyz * bitMsk;\r\n\tgl_FragColor = comp;\r\n #endif\r\n\r\n #if 1\r"
-"\n\t// 24 bit precision\r\n\tconst vec3 bitSh = vec3( 256 * 256, 25"
-"6, 1);\r\n\tconst vec3 bitMsk = vec3( 0, 1.0 / 256.0, 1.0 "
-"/ 256.0);\r\n\t\r\n\tvec3 comp;\r\n\tcomp = depth * bitSh;\r\n\tcomp.xy = f"
-"ract(comp.xy);\r\n\tcomp -= comp.xxy * bitMsk;\r\n\tgl_FragColor = vec4(com"
-"p, 1.0);\r\n #endif\r\n\r\n #if 0\r\n\t// 8 bit precision\r\n\tgl_FragColor"
-" = vec4(depth, depth, depth, 1);\r\n #endif\r\n#else\r\n\tgl_FragColor = ve"
-"c4(0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n#endif\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackPshadowShader_vp =
-"attribute vec4 attr_Position;\r\nattribute vec3 attr_Normal;\r\n\r\nuniform"
-" mat4 u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;\r\nvarying vec3 var_Position;\r\nvar"
-"ying vec3 var_Normal;\r\n\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tvec4 position = a"
-"ttr_Position;\r\n\r\n\tgl_Position = u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * position"
-";\r\n\r\n\tvar_Position =;\r\n\tvar_Normal = attr_Normal;"
-static const char *fallbackPshadowShader_fp =
-"uniform sampler2D u_ShadowMap;\r\n\r\nuniform vec3 u_LightForward;\r\n"
-"uniform vec3 u_LightUp;\r\nuniform vec3 u_LightRight;\r\nuniform "
-"vec4 u_LightOrigin;\r\nuniform float u_LightRadius;\r\nvarying vec"
-"3 var_Position;\r\nvarying vec3 var_Normal;\r\n\r\nfloat sampleDi"
-"stMap(sampler2D texMap, vec2 uv, float scale)\r\n{\r\n\tvec3 distv = textur"
-"e2D(texMap, uv).xyz;\r\n\treturn dot(distv, vec3(1.0 / (256.0 * 256.0), 1.0"
-" / 256.0, 1.0)) * scale;\r\n}\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tvec3 lightToPos "
-"= var_Position -;\r\n\tvec2 st = vec2(-dot(u_LightRight, "
-"lightToPos), dot(u_LightUp, lightToPos));\r\n\t\r\n\tfloat fade = length(st"
-");\r\n\t\r\n#if defined(USE_DISCARD)\r\n\tif (fade >= 1.0)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tdi"
-"scard;\r\n\t}\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\tfade = clamp(8.0 - fade * 8.0, 0.0, 1.0);"
-"\r\n\t\r\n\tst = st * 0.5 + vec2(0.5);\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_SOLID_PSHADOW"
-"S)\r\n\tfloat intensity = max(sign(u_LightRadius - length(lightToPos)), 0.0"
-");\r\n#else\r\n\tfloat intensity = clamp((1.0 - dot(lightToPos, lightToPos)"
-" / (u_LightRadius * u_LightRadius)) * 2.0, 0.0, 1.0);\r\n#endif\r\n\t\r\n\t"
-"float lightDist = length(lightToPos);\r\n\tfloat dist;\r\n\r\n#if defined(U"
-"SE_DISCARD)\r\n\tif (dot(u_LightForward, lightToPos) <= 0.0)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\t"
-"discard;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tif (dot(var_Normal, lightToPos) > 0.0)\r\n\t{\r\n"
-"\t\tdiscard;\r\n\t}\r\n#else\r\n\tintensity *= max(sign(dot(u_LightForward,"
-" lightToPos)), 0.0);\r\n\tintensity *= max(sign(-dot(var_Normal, lightToPos"
-")), 0.0);\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\tintensity *= fade;\r\n#if defined(USE_PCF)\r\n"
-"\tfloat part;\r\n\t\r\n\tdist = sampleDistMap(u_ShadowMap, st + vec2(-1.0/5"
-"12.0, -1.0/512.0), u_LightRadius);\r\n\tpart = max(sign(lightDist - dist),"
-" 0.0);\r\n\r\n\tdist = sampleDistMap(u_ShadowMap, st + vec2( 1.0/512.0, -1."
-"0/512.0), u_LightRadius);\r\n\tpart += max(sign(lightDist - dist), 0.0);\r"
-"\n\r\n\tdist = sampleDistMap(u_ShadowMap, st + vec2(-1.0/512.0, 1.0/512.0)"
-", u_LightRadius);\r\n\tpart += max(sign(lightDist - dist), 0.0);\r\n\r\n\td"
-"ist = sampleDistMap(u_ShadowMap, st + vec2( 1.0/512.0, 1.0/512.0), u_Light"
-"Radius);\r\n\tpart += max(sign(lightDist - dist), 0.0);\r\n\r\n #if define"
-"d(USE_DISCARD)\r\n\tif (part <= 0.0)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tdiscard;\r\n\t}\r\n #en"
-"dif\r\n\r\n\tintensity *= part * 0.25;\r\n#else\r\n\tdist = sampleDistMap(u"
-"_ShadowMap, st, u_LightRadius);\r\n\r\n #if defined(USE_DISCARD)\r\n\tif ("
-"lightDist - dist <= 0.0)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tdiscard;\r\n\t}\r\n #endif\r\n\t\t"
-"\t\r\n\tintensity *= max(sign(lightDist - dist), 0.0);\r\n#endif\r\n\t\t\r"
-"\n\tgl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(0);\r\n\tgl_FragColor.a = clamp(intensity, 0.0,"
-" 0.75);\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackDown4xShader_vp =
-"attribute vec4 attr_Position;\r\nattribute vec4 attr_TexCoord0;\r\n\r\nunif"
-"orm mat4 u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;\r\n\r\nvarying vec2 var_TexCoords"
-";\r\n\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tgl_Position = u_ModelViewProjectionMatri"
-"x * attr_Position;\r\n\tvar_TexCoords =;\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackDown4xShader_fp =
-"uniform sampler2D u_TextureMap;\r\n\r\nuniform vec2 u_InvTexRes;\r\nva"
-"rying vec2 var_TexCoords;\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tvec4 color;\r\n"
-"\tvec2 tc;\r\n\t\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2(-1.5, -1.5); "
-" color = texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRe"
-"s * vec2(-0.5, -1.5); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_"
-"TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( 0.5, -1.5); color += texture2D(u_TextureMa"
-"p, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( 1.5, -1.5); color +="
-" texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * v"
-"ec2(-1.5, -0.5); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoo"
-"rds + u_InvTexRes * vec2(-0.5, -0.5); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);"
-"\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( 0.5, -0.5); color += texture"
-"2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( 1.5, -0"
-".5); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_"
-"InvTexRes * vec2(-1.5, 0.5); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc"
-" = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2(-0.5, 0.5); color += texture2D(u_Tex"
-"tureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( 0.5, 0.5); col"
-"or += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * "
-"vec2( 1.5, 0.5); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\r\n\ttc = var_T"
-"exCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2(-1.5, 1.5); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap"
-", tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2(-0.5, 1.5); color += "
-"texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( "
-"0.5, 1.5); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords "
-"+ u_InvTexRes * vec2( 1.5, 1.5); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r"
-"\n\t\r\n\tcolor *= 0.0625;\r\n\t\r\n\tgl_FragColor = color;\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackBokehShader_vp =
-"attribute vec4 attr_Position;\r\nattribute vec4 attr_TexCoord0;\r\n\r\nunif"
-"orm mat4 u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;\r\n\r\nvarying vec2 var_TexCoords"
-";\r\n\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tgl_Position = u_ModelViewProjectionMatri"
-"x * attr_Position;\r\n\tvar_TexCoords =;\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackBokehShader_fp =
-"uniform sampler2D u_TextureMap;\r\n\r\nuniform vec4 u_Color;\r\n\r\nun"
-"iform vec2 u_InvTexRes;\r\nvarying vec2 var_TexCoords;\r\n\r\nvoi"
-"d main()\r\n{\r\n\tvec4 color;\r\n\tvec2 tc;\r\n\r\n#if 0\r\n\tfloat c[7] ="
-" float[7](1.0, 0.9659258263, 0.8660254038, 0.7071067812, 0.5, 0.2588190451,"
-" 0.0);\r\n\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( c[0], c[6]); co"
-"lor = texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes *"
-" vec2( c[1], c[5]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_"
-"TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( c[2], c[4]); color += texture2D(u_Textur"
-"eMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( c[3], c[3]); co"
-"lor += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes *"
-" vec2( c[4], c[2]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_"
-"TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( c[5], c[1]); color += texture2D(u_Textur"
-"eMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( c[6], c[0]); co"
-"lor += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexR"
-"es * vec2( c[1], -c[5]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = "
-"var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( c[2], -c[4]); color += texture2D(u_Te"
-"xtureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( c[3], -c[3]);"
-" color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexR"
-"es * vec2( c[4], -c[2]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = "
-"var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( c[5], -c[1]); color += texture2D(u_Te"
-"xtureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( c[6], -c[0]);"
-" color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_Inv"
-"TexRes * vec2( -c[0], c[6]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\tt"
-"c = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( -c[1], c[5]); color += texture2D("
-"u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( -c[2], c["
-"4]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_Inv"
-"TexRes * vec2( -c[3], c[3]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\tt"
-"c = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( -c[4], c[2]); color += texture2D("
-"u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( -c[5], c["
-"1]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u"
-"_InvTexRes * vec2( -c[1], -c[5]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r"
-"\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( -c[2], -c[4]); color += textu"
-"re2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( -c[3]"
-", -c[3]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + "
-"u_InvTexRes * vec2( -c[4], -c[2]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r"
-"\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( -c[5], -c[1]); color += textu"
-"re2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\t\r\n\tgl_FragColor = color * 0.04166667 * u_Co"
-"lor;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\tfloat c[5] = float[5](1.0, 0.9238795325, 0.70710678"
-"12, 0.3826834324, 0.0);\r\n\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( "
-"c[0], c[4]); color = texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoord"
-"s + u_InvTexRes * vec2( c[1], c[3]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc"
-");\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( c[2], c[2]); color += t"
-"exture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( "
-"c[3], c[1]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoord"
-"s + u_InvTexRes * vec2( c[4], c[0]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc"
-");\r\n\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( c[1], -c[3]); color "
-"+= texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec"
-"2( c[2], -c[2]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexC"
-"oords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( c[3], -c[1]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap"
-", tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( c[4], -c[0]); color "
-"+= texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes *"
-" vec2( -c[0], c[4]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_"
-"TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( -c[1], c[3]); color += texture2D(u_Textur"
-"eMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( -c[2], c[2]); co"
-"lor += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes *"
-" vec2( -c[3], c[1]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\r\n\ttc = "
-"var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( -c[1], -c[3]); color += texture2D(u_Te"
-"xtureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * vec2( -c[2], -c[2]);"
-" color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\ttc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexR"
-"es * vec2( -c[3], -c[1]); color += texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc);\r\n\t\r\n"
-"\tgl_FragColor = color * 0.0625 * u_Color;\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackToneMapShader_vp =
-"attribute vec4 attr_Position;\r\nattribute vec4 attr_TexCoord0;\r\n\r\nunif"
-"orm mat4 u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;\r\n\r\nvarying vec2 var_TexCoords"
-";\r\n\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tgl_Position = u_ModelViewProjectionMatri"
-"x * attr_Position;\r\n\tvar_TexCoords =;\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackToneMapShader_fp =
-"uniform sampler2D u_TextureMap;\r\nuniform sampler2D u_LevelsMap;\r\n\r\nun"
-"iform vec4 u_Color;\r\n\r\nuniform vec2 u_AutoExposureMinMax;\r\n"
-"uniform vec3 u_ToneMinAvgMaxLinear;\r\n\r\nvarying vec2 var_TexCo"
-"ords;\r\n\r\nconst vec3 LUMINANCE_VECTOR = vec3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);"
-" //vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114);\r\n\r\nvec3 FilmicTonemap(vec3 x)\r\n{\r\n\tc"
-"onst float SS = 0.22; // Shoulder Strength\r\n\tconst float LS = 0.30; //"
-" Linear Strength\r\n\tconst float LA = 0.10; // Linear Angle\r\n\tconst fl"
-"oat TS = 0.20; // Toe Strength\r\n\tconst float TAN = 0.01; // Toe Angle N"
-"umerator\r\n\tconst float TAD = 0.30; // Toe Angle Denominator\r\n\t\r\n\tv"
-"ec3 SSxx = SS * x * x;\r\n\tvec3 LSx = LS * x;\r\n\tvec3 LALSx = LSx * LA;"
-"\r\n\t\r\n\treturn ((SSxx + LALSx + TS * TAN) / (SSxx + LSx + TS * TAD)) - "
-"TAN / TAD;\r\n\r\n\t//return ((x*(SS*x+LA*LS)+TS*TAN)/(x*(SS*x+LS)+TS*TAD))"
-" - TAN/TAD;\r\n\r\n}\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tvec4 color = texture2D(u_"
-"TextureMap, var_TexCoords) * u_Color;\r\n\tvec3 minAvgMax = texture2D(u_Lev"
-"elsMap, var_TexCoords).rgb;\r\n\tvec3 logMinAvgMaxLum = clamp(minAvgMax * 2"
-"0.0 - 10.0, -u_AutoExposureMinMax.y, -u_AutoExposureMinMax.x);\r\n\t\t\r\n"
-"\tfloat avgLum = exp2(logMinAvgMaxLum.y);\r\n\t//float maxLum = exp2(logMin"
-"AvgMaxLum.z);\r\n\r\n\tcolor.rgb *= u_ToneMinAvgMaxLinear.y / avgLum;\r\n\t"
-"color.rgb = max(vec3(0.0), color.rgb - vec3(u_ToneMinAvgMaxLinear.x));\r\n"
-"\r\n\tvec3 fWhite = 1.0 / FilmicTonemap(vec3(u_ToneMinAvgMaxLinear.z - u_To"
-"neMinAvgMaxLinear.x));\r\n\tcolor.rgb = FilmicTonemap(color.rgb) * fWhite;"
-"\r\n\t\r\n\tgl_FragColor = clamp(color, 0.0, 1.0);\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackCalcLevels4xShader_vp =
-"attribute vec4 attr_Position;\r\nattribute vec4 attr_TexCoord0;\r\n\r\nunif"
-"orm mat4 u_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;\r\n\r\nvarying vec2 var_TexCoords"
-";\r\n\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tgl_Position = u_ModelViewProjectionMatri"
-"x * attr_Position;\r\n\tvar_TexCoords =;\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackCalcLevels4xShader_fp =
-"uniform sampler2D u_TextureMap;\r\n\r\nuniform vec4 u_Color;\r\n\r\nun"
-"iform vec2 u_InvTexRes;\r\nvarying vec2 var_TexCoords;\r\n\r\ncon"
-"st vec3 LUMINANCE_VECTOR = vec3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721); //vec3(0.299, 0"
-".587, 0.114);\r\n\r\nvec3 GetValues(vec2 offset, vec3 current)\r\n{\r\n\tve"
-"c3 minAvgMax;\r\n\tvec2 tc = var_TexCoords + u_InvTexRes * offset; minAvgMa"
-"x = texture2D(u_TextureMap, tc).rgb;\r\n\r\n#ifdef FIRST_PASS\r\n\tfloat lu"
-"mi = max(dot(LUMINANCE_VECTOR, minAvgMax), 0.000001);\r\n\tfloat loglumi = "
-"clamp(log2(lumi), -10.0, 10.0);\r\n\tminAvgMax = vec3(loglumi * 0.05 + 0.5)"
-";\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\treturn vec3(min(current.x, minAvgMax.x), current.y + m"
-"inAvgMax.y, max(current.z, minAvgMax.z));\r\n}\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n"
-"\tvec3 current = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);\r\n\r\n#ifdef FIRST_PASS\r\n\tcurrent"
-" = GetValues(vec2( 0.0, 0.0), current);\r\n#else\r\n\tcurrent = GetValues("
-"vec2(-1.5, -1.5), current);\r\n\tcurrent = GetValues(vec2(-0.5, -1.5), curr"
-"ent);\r\n\tcurrent = GetValues(vec2( 0.5, -1.5), current);\r\n\tcurrent = G"
-"etValues(vec2( 1.5, -1.5), current);\r\n\t\r\n\tcurrent = GetValues(vec2(-1"
-".5, -0.5), current);\r\n\tcurrent = GetValues(vec2(-0.5, -0.5), current);\r"
-"\n\tcurrent = GetValues(vec2( 0.5, -0.5), current);\r\n\tcurrent = GetValue"
-"s(vec2( 1.5, -0.5), current);\r\n\t\r\n\tcurrent = GetValues(vec2(-1.5, 0."
-"5), current);\r\n\tcurrent = GetValues(vec2(-0.5, 0.5), current);\r\n\tcur"
-"rent = GetValues(vec2( 0.5, 0.5), current);\r\n\tcurrent = GetValues(vec2("
-" 1.5, 0.5), current);\r\n\r\n\tcurrent = GetValues(vec2(-1.5, 1.5), curre"
-"nt);\r\n\tcurrent = GetValues(vec2(-0.5, 1.5), current);\r\n\tcurrent = Ge"
-"tValues(vec2( 0.5, 1.5), current);\r\n\tcurrent = GetValues(vec2( 1.5, 1."
-"5), current);\r\n\r\n\tcurrent.y *= 0.0625;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\tgl_FragColor"
-" = vec4(current, 1.0f);\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackShadowmaskShader_vp =
-"attribute vec4 attr_Position;\r\nattribute vec4 attr_TexCoord0;\r\n\r\nunif"
-"orm vec3 u_ViewForward;\r\nuniform vec3 u_ViewLeft;\r\nuniform vec3 u"
-"_ViewUp;\r\nuniform vec4 u_ViewInfo; // zfar / znear\r\n\r\nvarying vec2 "
-" var_ScreenTex;\r\nvarying vec3 var_ViewDir;\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n"
-"\tgl_Position = attr_Position;\r\n\t//vec2 screenCoords = gl_Position.xy / "
-"gl_Position.w;\r\n\t//var_ScreenTex = screenCoords * 0.5 + 0.5;\r\n\tvar_Sc"
-"reenTex = attr_TexCoord0.xy;\r\n\tvec2 screenCoords = attr_TexCoord0.xy * 2"
-".0 - 1.0;\r\n\tvar_ViewDir = u_ViewForward + u_ViewLeft * -screenCoords.x +"
-" u_ViewUp * screenCoords.y;\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackShadowmaskShader_fp =
-"uniform sampler2D u_ScreenDepthMap;\r\n\r\nuniform sampler2D u_ShadowMap;\r"
-"\n#if defined(USE_SHADOW_CASCADE)\r\nuniform sampler2D u_ShadowMap2;\r\nuni"
-"form sampler2D u_ShadowMap3;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nuniform mat4 u_ShadowMvp"
-";\r\n#if defined(USE_SHADOW_CASCADE)\r\nuniform mat4 u_ShadowMvp2;\r\n"
-"uniform mat4 u_ShadowMvp3;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\nuniform vec3 u_ViewOrigi"
-"n;\r\nuniform vec4 u_ViewInfo; // zfar / znear, zfar\r\n\r\nvarying vec2 "
-" var_ScreenTex;\r\nvarying vec3 var_ViewDir;\r\n\r\n// Input: It uses te"
-"xture coords as the random number seed.\r\n// Output: Random number: [0,1),"
-" that is between 0.0 and 0.999999... inclusive.\r\n// Author: Michael Pohor"
-"eski\r\n// Copyright: Copyleft 2012 :-)\r\n// Source: http://stackoverflow."
-"\r\n\r\nfloat random( const vec2 p )\r\n{\r\n // We need irrationals for p"
-"seudo randomness.\r\n // Most (all?) known transcendental numbers will (ge"
-"nerally) work.\r\n const vec2 r = vec2(\r\n 23.1406926327792690, // e^"
-"pi (Gelfond's constant)\r\n 2.6651441426902251); // 2^sqrt(2) (Gelfond-"
-"Schneider constant)\r\n //return fract( cos( mod( 123456789., 1e-7 + 256. "
-"* dot(p,r) ) ) );\r\n return mod( 123456789., 1e-7 + 256. * dot(p,r) ); "
-"\r\n}\r\n\r\nfloat PCF(const sampler2D shadowmap, const vec2 st, const floa"
-"t dist)\r\n{\r\n\tfloat mult;\r\n\tfloat scale = 2.0 / r_shadowMapSize;\r\n"
-"\t\t\r\n#if defined(USE_SHADOW_FILTER)\r\n\tfloat r = random(var_ScreenTex."
-"xy);\r\n\tfloat sinr = sin(r) * scale;\r\n\tfloat cosr = cos(r) * scale;\r"
-"\n\tmat2 rmat = mat2(cosr, sinr, -sinr, cosr);\r\n\r\n\tmult = step(dist, "
-"texture2D(shadowmap, st + rmat * vec2(-0.7055767, 0.196515)).r);\r\n\tmult "
-"+= step(dist, texture2D(shadowmap, st + rmat * vec2(0.3524343, -0.7791386))"
-".r);\r\n\tmult += step(dist, texture2D(shadowmap, st + rmat * vec2(0.239105"
-"6, 0.9189604)).r);\r\n #if defined(USE_SHADOW_FILTER2)\r\n\tmult += step(d"
-"ist, texture2D(shadowmap, st + rmat * vec2(-0.07580382, -0.09224417)).r);\r"
-"\n\tmult += step(dist, texture2D(shadowmap, st + rmat * vec2(0.5784913, -0."
-"002528916)).r);\r\n\tmult += step(dist, texture2D(shadowmap, st + rmat * ve"
-"c2(0.192888, 0.4064181)).r);\r\n\tmult += step(dist, texture2D(shadowmap, s"
-"t + rmat * vec2(-0.6335801, -0.5247476)).r);\r\n\tmult += step(dist, textur"
-"e2D(shadowmap, st + rmat * vec2(-0.5579782, 0.7491854)).r);\r\n\tmult += st"
-"ep(dist, texture2D(shadowmap, st + rmat * vec2(0.7320465, 0.6317794)).r);\r"
-"\n\r\n\tmult *= 0.11111;\r\n #else\r\n mult *= 0.33333;\r\n #endif\r\n"
-"#else\r\n\tmult = step(dist, texture2D(shadowmap, st).r);\r\n#endif\r\n\t\t"
-"\r\n\treturn mult;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfloat getLinearDepth(sampler2D depthMap, vec"
-"2 tex, float zFarDivZNear)\r\n{\r\n\t\tfloat sampleZDivW = texture2D(depthM"
-"ap, tex).r;\r\n\t\treturn 1.0 / mix(zFarDivZNear, 1.0, sampleZDivW);\r\n}\r"
-"\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tfloat result;\r\n\t\r\n\tfloat depth = getLinea"
-"rDepth(u_ScreenDepthMap, var_ScreenTex, u_ViewInfo.x);\r\n\tfloat sampleZ ="
-" u_ViewInfo.y * depth;\r\n\r\n\tvec4 biasPos = vec4(u_ViewOrigin + var_View"
-"Dir * depth * 0.99, 1.0);\r\n\t\r\n\tvec4 shadowpos = u_ShadowMvp * biasPos"
-";\r\n\t\r\n#if defined(USE_SHADOW_CASCADE)\r\n\tconst float fadeTo = 0.5;\r"
-"\n\tresult = fadeTo;\r\n#else\r\n\tresult = 0.0;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\tif (all"
-"(lessThanEqual(abs(, vec3(abs(shadowpos.w)))))\r\n\t{\r\n\t\t"
-" = / shadowpos.w * 0.5 + 0.5;\r\n\t\tresult = PC"
-"F(u_ShadowMap, shadowpos.xy, shadowpos.z);\r\n\t}\r\n#if defined(USE_SHADOW"
-"_CASCADE)\r\n\telse\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tshadowpos = u_ShadowMvp2 * biasPos;\r\n\r"
-"\n\t\tif (all(lessThanEqual(abs(, vec3(abs(shadowpos.w)))))\r"
-"\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\ = / shadowpos.w * 0.5 + 0.5;\r"
-"\n\t\t\tresult = PCF(u_ShadowMap2, shadowpos.xy, shadowpos.z);\r\n\t\t}\r\n"
-"\t\telse\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\tshadowpos = u_ShadowMvp3 * biasPos;\r\n\r\n\t\t"
-"\tif (all(lessThanEqual(abs(, vec3(abs(shadowpos.w)))))\r\n\t"
-"\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\ = / shadowpos.w * 0.5 + 0.5;\r"
-"\n\t\t\t\tresult = PCF(u_ShadowMap3, shadowpos.xy, shadowpos.z);\r\n\r\n\t"
-"\t\t\tfloat fade = clamp(sampleZ / r_shadowCascadeZFar * 10.0 - 9.0, 0.0, 1"
-".0);\r\n\t\t\t\tresult = mix(result, fadeTo, fade);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n"
-"\t}\r\n#endif\r\n\t\t\r\n\tgl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(result), 1.0);\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackSsaoShader_vp =
-"attribute vec4 attr_Position;\r\nattribute vec4 attr_TexCoord0;\r\n\r\nvary"
-"ing vec2 var_ScreenTex;\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tgl_Position = attr_P"
-"osition;\r\n\tvar_ScreenTex = attr_TexCoord0.xy;\r\n\t//vec2 screenCoords ="
-" gl_Position.xy / gl_Position.w;\r\n\t//var_ScreenTex = screenCoords * 0.5 "
-"+ 0.5;\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackSsaoShader_fp =
-"uniform sampler2D u_ScreenDepthMap;\r\n\r\nuniform vec4 u_ViewInfo; // zf"
-"ar / znear, zfar\r\n\r\nvarying vec2 var_ScreenTex;\r\n\r\nvec2 poissonDi"
-"sc[9] = vec2[9](\r\nvec2(-0.7055767, 0.196515), vec2(0.3524343, -0.77913"
-"86),\r\nvec2(0.2391056, 0.9189604), vec2(-0.07580382, -0.09224417),\r\nv"
-"ec2(0.5784913, -0.002528916), vec2(0.192888, 0.4064181),\r\nvec2(-0.6335801"
-", -0.5247476), vec2(-0.5579782, 0.7491854),\r\nvec2(0.7320465, 0.6317794)"
-"\r\n);\r\n\r\n// Input: It uses texture coords as the random number seed.\r"
-"\n// Output: Random number: [0,1), that is between 0.0 and 0.999999... incl"
-"usive.\r\n// Author: Michael Pohoreski\r\n// Copyright: Copyleft 2012 :-)\r"
-"\n// Source:"
-"ndom-number-inside-a-pixel-shader\r\n\r\nfloat random( const vec2 p )\r\n{"
-"\r\n // We need irrationals for pseudo randomness.\r\n // Most (all?) kno"
-"wn transcendental numbers will (generally) work.\r\n const vec2 r = vec2("
-"\r\n 23.1406926327792690, // e^pi (Gelfond's constant)\r\n 2.665144"
-"1426902251); // 2^sqrt(2) (Gelfond-Schneider constant)\r\n //return fract("
-" cos( mod( 123456789., 1e-7 + 256. * dot(p,r) ) ) );\r\n return mod( 12345"
-"6789., 1e-7 + 256. * dot(p,r) ); \r\n}\r\n\r\nmat2 randomRotation( const v"
-"ec2 p )\r\n{\r\n\tfloat r = random(p);\r\n\tfloat sinr = sin(r);\r\n\tfloat"
-" cosr = cos(r);\r\n\treturn mat2(cosr, sinr, -sinr, cosr);\r\n}\r\n\r\nfloa"
-"t getLinearDepth(sampler2D depthMap, const vec2 tex, const float zFarDivZNe"
-"ar)\r\n{\r\n\t\tfloat sampleZDivW = texture2D(depthMap, tex).r;\r\n\t\tretu"
-"rn 1.0 / mix(zFarDivZNear, 1.0, sampleZDivW);\r\n}\r\n\r\nfloat ambientOccl"
-"usion(sampler2D depthMap, const vec2 tex, const float zFarDivZNear, const f"
-"loat zFar)\r\n{\r\n\tfloat result = 0;\r\n\r\n\tfloat sampleZ = zFar * getL"
-"inearDepth(depthMap, tex, zFarDivZNear);\r\n\r\n\tvec2 expectedSlope = vec2"
-"(dFdx(sampleZ), dFdy(sampleZ)) / vec2(dFdx(tex.x), dFdy(tex.y));\r\n\t\r\n"
-"\tif (length(expectedSlope) > 5000.0)\r\n\t\treturn 1.0;\r\n\t\r\n\tvec2 of"
-"fsetScale = vec2(3.0 / sampleZ);\r\n\t\r\n\tmat2 rmat = randomRotation(tex)"
-";\r\n\t\t\r\n\tint i;\r\n\tfor (i = 0; i < 3; i++)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tvec2 offse"
-"t = rmat * poissonDisc[i] * offsetScale;\r\n\t\tfloat sampleZ2 = zFar * get"
-"LinearDepth(depthMap, tex + offset, zFarDivZNear);\r\n\r\n\t\tif (abs(sampl"
-"eZ - sampleZ2) > 20.0)\r\n\t\t\tresult += 1.0;\r\n\t\telse\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t"
-"\tfloat expectedZ = sampleZ + dot(expectedSlope, offset);\r\n\t\t\tresult +"
-"= step(expectedZ - 1.0, sampleZ2);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n\t\r\n\tresult *= 0.3"
-"3333;\r\n\t\r\n\treturn result;\r\n}\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tfloat res"
-"ult = ambientOcclusion(u_ScreenDepthMap, var_ScreenTex, u_ViewInfo.x, u_Vie"
-"wInfo.y);\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\tgl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(result), 1.0);\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackDepthBlurShader_vp =
-"attribute vec4 attr_Position;\r\nattribute vec4 attr_TexCoord0;\r\n\r\nvary"
-"ing vec2 var_ScreenTex;\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\r\n\tgl_Position = attr_P"
-"osition;\r\n\tvar_ScreenTex = attr_TexCoord0.xy;\r\n\t//vec2 screenCoords ="
-" gl_Position.xy / gl_Position.w;\r\n\t//var_ScreenTex = screenCoords * 0.5 "
-"+ 0.5;\r\n}\r\n";
-static const char *fallbackDepthBlurShader_fp =
-"uniform sampler2D u_ScreenImageMap;\r\nuniform sampler2D u_ScreenDepthMap;"
-"\r\n\r\nuniform vec4 u_ViewInfo; // zfar / znear, zfar\r\nvarying vec2 "
-"var_ScreenTex;\r\n\r\n//float gauss[5] = float[5](0.30, 0.23, 0.097, 0.024,"
-" 0.0033);\r\nfloat gauss[4] = float[4](0.40, 0.24, 0.054, 0.0044);\r\n//flo"
-"at gauss[3] = float[3](0.60, 0.19, 0.0066);\r\n#define GAUSS_SIZE 4\r\n\r\n"
-"float getLinearDepth(sampler2D depthMap, const vec2 tex, const float zFarDi"
-"vZNear)\r\n{\r\n\t\tfloat sampleZDivW = texture2D(depthMap, tex).r;\r\n\t\t"
-"return 1.0 / mix(zFarDivZNear, 1.0, sampleZDivW);\r\n}\r\n\r\nvec4 depthGau"
-"ssian1D(sampler2D imageMap, sampler2D depthMap, vec2 tex, float zFarDivZNea"
-"r, float zFar)\r\n{\r\n\tfloat scale = 1.0 / 256.0;\r\n\r\n#if defined(USE_"
-"HORIZONTAL_BLUR)\r\n vec2 direction = vec2(1.0, 0.0) * scale;\r\n#else /"
-"/ if defined(USE_VERTICAL_BLUR)\r\n\tvec2 direction = vec2(0.0, 1.0) * scal"
-"e;\r\n#endif\r\n\t\r\n\tfloat depthCenter = zFar * getLinearDepth(depthMap,"
-" tex, zFarDivZNear);\r\n\tvec2 centerSlope = vec2(dFdx(depthCenter), dFdy(d"
-"epthCenter)) / vec2(dFdx(tex.x), dFdy(tex.y));\r\n\t\t\r\n\tvec4 result = t"
-"exture2D(imageMap, tex) * gauss[0];\r\n\tfloat total = gauss[0];\r\n\r\n\ti"
-"nt i, j;\r\n\tfor (i = 0; i < 2; i++)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tfor (j = 1; j < GAUSS_S"
-"IZE; j++)\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\tvec2 offset = direction * j;\r\n\t\t\tfloat dep"
-"thSample = zFar * getLinearDepth(depthMap, tex + offset, zFarDivZNear);\r\n"
-"\t\t\tfloat depthExpected = depthCenter + dot(centerSlope, offset);\r\n\t\t"
-"\tif(abs(depthSample - depthExpected) < 5.0)\r\n\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\tresult +"
-"= texture2D(imageMap, tex + offset) * gauss[j];\r\n\t\t\t\ttotal += gauss[j"
-"];\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tdirection = -direction;\r\n\t}\t\r\n"
-"\t\t\r\n\treturn result / total;\r\n}\r\n\r\nvoid main()\r\n{\t\t\r\n\tgl_F"
-"ragColor = depthGaussian1D(u_ScreenImageMap, u_ScreenDepthMap, var_ScreenTe"
-"x, u_ViewInfo.x, u_ViewInfo.y);\r\n}\r\n";
+extern const char *fallbackShader_bokeh_vp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_bokeh_fp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_calclevels4x_vp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_calclevels4x_fp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_depthblur_vp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_depthblur_fp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_dlight_vp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_dlight_fp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_down4x_vp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_down4x_fp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_fogpass_vp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_fogpass_fp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_generic_vp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_generic_fp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_lightall_vp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_lightall_fp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_pshadow_vp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_pshadow_fp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_shadowfill_vp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_shadowfill_fp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_shadowmask_vp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_shadowmask_fp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_ssao_vp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_ssao_fp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_texturecolor_vp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_texturecolor_fp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_tonemap_vp;
+extern const char *fallbackShader_tonemap_fp;
static void GLSL_PrintInfoLog(GLhandleARB object, qboolean developerOnly)
@@ -1101,80 +277,8 @@ static int GLSL_CompileGPUShader(GLhandleARB program, GLhandleARB *prevShader, c
return 1;
-static void GLSL_DumpText(const char *shaderText, int size, const char *name, GLenum shaderType)
- int i, l, inc;
- ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "static const char *fallback%sShader_%s =\n\"", name, shaderType == GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB ? "vp" : "fp");
- l = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
- {
- switch (shaderText[i])
- {
- case '\a':
- case '\b':
- case '\f':
- case '\n':
- case '\r':
- case '\t':
- case '\v':
- case '"':
- case '\\':
- inc = 2;
- break;
- default:
- inc = 1;
- break;
- }
- l += inc;
- if (l >= 76)
- {
- ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "\"\n\"");
- l = inc;
- }
- switch (shaderText[i])
- {
- case '\a':
- ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "\\a");
- break;
- case '\b':
- ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "\\b");
- break;
- case '\f':
- ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "\\f");
- break;
- case '\n':
- ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "\\n");
- break;
- case '\r':
- ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "\\r");
- break;
- case '\t':
- ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "\\t");
- break;
- case '\v':
- ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "\\v");
- break;
- case '"':
- ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "\\\"");
- break;
- case '\\':
- ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "\\\\");
- break;
- default:
- ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "%c", shaderText[i]);
- break;
- }
- }
- ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "\";\n\n");
static int GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText(const char *name, const char *fallback,
- GLenum shaderType, char *dest, int destSize, qboolean dump)
+ GLenum shaderType, char *dest, int destSize)
char filename[MAX_QPATH];
GLcharARB *buffer = NULL;
@@ -1212,9 +316,6 @@ static int GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText(const char *name, const char *fallback,
shaderText = buffer;
- if (dump)
- GLSL_DumpText(shaderText, size, name, shaderType);
if (size > destSize)
result = 0;
@@ -1414,7 +515,7 @@ static int GLSL_InitGPUShader(shaderProgram_t * program, const char *name,
postHeader = &vpCode[0];
- if (!GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText(name, fallback_vp, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB, postHeader, size, qfalse))
+ if (!GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText(name, fallback_vp, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB, postHeader, size))
return 0;
@@ -1433,7 +534,7 @@ static int GLSL_InitGPUShader(shaderProgram_t * program, const char *name,
postHeader = &fpCode[0];
- if (!GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText(name, fallback_fp, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB, postHeader, size, qfalse))
+ if (!GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText(name, fallback_fp, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB, postHeader, size))
return 0;
@@ -1765,7 +866,7 @@ void GLSL_InitGPUShaders(void)
if (r_hdr->integer && !(glRefConfig.textureFloat && glRefConfig.halfFloatPixel))
Q_strcat(extradefines, 1024, "#define RGBE_LIGHTMAP\n");
- if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.genericShader[i], "generic", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackGenericShader_vp, fallbackGenericShader_fp, GENERIC_UNIFORM_COUNT))
+ if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.genericShader[i], "generic", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackShader_generic_vp, fallbackShader_generic_fp, GENERIC_UNIFORM_COUNT))
ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Could not load generic shader!\n");
@@ -1839,7 +940,7 @@ void GLSL_InitGPUShaders(void)
- if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.textureColorShader, "texturecolor", attribs, qtrue, NULL, qfalse, fallbackTextureColorShader_vp, fallbackTextureColorShader_fp, TEXTURECOLOR_UNIFORM_COUNT))
+ if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.textureColorShader, "texturecolor", attribs, qtrue, NULL, qfalse, fallbackShader_texturecolor_vp, fallbackShader_texturecolor_fp, TEXTURECOLOR_UNIFORM_COUNT))
ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Could not load texturecolor shader!\n");
@@ -1869,7 +970,7 @@ void GLSL_InitGPUShaders(void)
Q_strcat(extradefines, 1024, "#define USE_VERTEX_ANIMATION\n");
- if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.fogShader[i], "fogpass", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackFogPassShader_vp, fallbackFogPassShader_fp, FOGPASS_UNIFORM_COUNT))
+ if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.fogShader[i], "fogpass", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackShader_fogpass_vp, fallbackShader_fogpass_fp, FOGPASS_UNIFORM_COUNT))
ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Could not load fogpass shader!\n");
@@ -1901,7 +1002,7 @@ void GLSL_InitGPUShaders(void)
Q_strcat(extradefines, 1024, "#define USE_DEFORM_VERTEXES\n");
- if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.dlightShader[i], "dlight", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackDlightShader_vp, fallbackDlightShader_fp, DLIGHT_UNIFORM_COUNT))
+ if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.dlightShader[i], "dlight", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackShader_dlight_vp, fallbackShader_dlight_fp, DLIGHT_UNIFORM_COUNT))
ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Could not load dlight shader!\n");
@@ -2064,7 +1165,7 @@ void GLSL_InitGPUShaders(void)
- if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.lightallShader[i], "lightall", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackLightallShader_vp, fallbackLightallShader_fp, GENERIC_UNIFORM_COUNT))
+ if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.lightallShader[i], "lightall", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackShader_lightall_vp, fallbackShader_lightall_fp, GENERIC_UNIFORM_COUNT))
ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Could not load lightall shader!\n");
@@ -2117,7 +1218,7 @@ void GLSL_InitGPUShaders(void)
extradefines[0] = '\0';
- if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.shadowmapShader, "shadowfill", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackShadowfillShader_vp, fallbackShadowfillShader_fp, GENERIC_UNIFORM_COUNT))
+ if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.shadowmapShader, "shadowfill", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackShader_shadowfill_vp, fallbackShader_shadowfill_fp, GENERIC_UNIFORM_COUNT))
ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Could not load shadowfill shader!\n");
@@ -2142,7 +1243,7 @@ void GLSL_InitGPUShaders(void)
Q_strcat(extradefines, 1024, "#define USE_PCF\n#define USE_DISCARD\n");
- if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.pshadowShader, "pshadow", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackPshadowShader_vp, fallbackPshadowShader_fp, PSHADOW_UNIFORM_COUNT))
+ if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.pshadowShader, "pshadow", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackShader_pshadow_vp, fallbackShader_pshadow_fp, PSHADOW_UNIFORM_COUNT))
ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Could not load pshadow shader!\n");
@@ -2168,7 +1269,7 @@ void GLSL_InitGPUShaders(void)
extradefines[0] = '\0';
- if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.down4xShader, "down4x", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackDown4xShader_vp, fallbackDown4xShader_fp, TEXTURECOLOR_UNIFORM_COUNT))
+ if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.down4xShader, "down4x", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackShader_down4x_vp, fallbackShader_down4x_fp, TEXTURECOLOR_UNIFORM_COUNT))
ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Could not load down4x shader!\n");
@@ -2192,7 +1293,7 @@ void GLSL_InitGPUShaders(void)
extradefines[0] = '\0';
- if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.bokehShader, "bokeh", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackBokehShader_vp, fallbackBokehShader_fp, TEXTURECOLOR_UNIFORM_COUNT))
+ if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.bokehShader, "bokeh", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackShader_bokeh_vp, fallbackShader_bokeh_fp, TEXTURECOLOR_UNIFORM_COUNT))
ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Could not load bokeh shader!\n");
@@ -2217,7 +1318,7 @@ void GLSL_InitGPUShaders(void)
extradefines[0] = '\0';
- if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.tonemapShader, "tonemap", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackToneMapShader_vp, fallbackToneMapShader_fp, TEXTURECOLOR_UNIFORM_COUNT))
+ if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.tonemapShader, "tonemap", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackShader_tonemap_vp, fallbackShader_tonemap_fp, TEXTURECOLOR_UNIFORM_COUNT))
ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Could not load tonemap shader!\n");
@@ -2250,7 +1351,7 @@ void GLSL_InitGPUShaders(void)
if (!i)
Q_strcat(extradefines, 1024, "#define FIRST_PASS\n");
- if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.calclevels4xShader[i], "calclevels4x", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackCalcLevels4xShader_vp, fallbackCalcLevels4xShader_fp, TEXTURECOLOR_UNIFORM_COUNT))
+ if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.calclevels4xShader[i], "calclevels4x", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackShader_calclevels4x_vp, fallbackShader_calclevels4x_fp, TEXTURECOLOR_UNIFORM_COUNT))
ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Could not load calclevels4x shader!\n");
@@ -2288,7 +1389,7 @@ void GLSL_InitGPUShaders(void)
Q_strcat(extradefines, 1024, va("#define r_shadowCascadeZFar %f\n", r_shadowCascadeZFar->value));
- if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.shadowmaskShader, "shadowmask", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackShadowmaskShader_vp, fallbackShadowmaskShader_fp, SHADOWMASK_UNIFORM_COUNT))
+ if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.shadowmaskShader, "shadowmask", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackShader_shadowmask_vp, fallbackShader_shadowmask_fp, SHADOWMASK_UNIFORM_COUNT))
ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Could not load shadowmask shader!\n");
@@ -2324,7 +1425,7 @@ void GLSL_InitGPUShaders(void)
extradefines[0] = '\0';
- if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.ssaoShader, "ssao", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackSsaoShader_vp, fallbackSsaoShader_fp, SSAO_UNIFORM_COUNT))
+ if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.ssaoShader, "ssao", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackShader_ssao_vp, fallbackShader_ssao_fp, SSAO_UNIFORM_COUNT))
ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Could not load ssao shader!\n");
@@ -2355,7 +1456,7 @@ void GLSL_InitGPUShaders(void)
Q_strcat(extradefines, 1024, "#define USE_HORIZONTAL_BLUR\n");
- if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.depthBlurShader[i], "depthBlur", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackDepthBlurShader_vp, fallbackDepthBlurShader_fp, DEPTHBLUR_UNIFORM_COUNT))
+ if (!GLSL_InitGPUShader(&tr.depthBlurShader[i], "depthBlur", attribs, qtrue, extradefines, qtrue, fallbackShader_depthblur_vp, fallbackShader_depthblur_fp, DEPTHBLUR_UNIFORM_COUNT))
ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Could not load depthBlur shader!\n");
@@ -2383,52 +1484,6 @@ void GLSL_InitGPUShaders(void)
ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "loaded %i GLSL shaders (%i gen %i light %i etc) in %5.2f seconds\n",
numGenShaders + numLightShaders + numEtcShaders, numGenShaders, numLightShaders,
numEtcShaders, (endTime - startTime) / 1000.0);
- if (0)
- {
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Generic", NULL, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Generic", NULL, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("TextureColor", NULL, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("TextureColor", NULL, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("FogPass", NULL, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("FogPass", NULL, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Dlight", NULL, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Dlight", NULL, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Lightall", NULL, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Lightall", NULL, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Shadowfill", NULL, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Shadowfill", NULL, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Pshadow", NULL, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Pshadow", NULL, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Down4x", NULL, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Down4x", NULL, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Bokeh", NULL, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Bokeh", NULL, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("ToneMap", NULL, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("ToneMap", NULL, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("CalcLevels4x", NULL, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("CalcLevels4x", NULL, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Shadowmask", NULL, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Shadowmask", NULL, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Ssao", NULL, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("Ssao", NULL, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("DepthBlur", NULL, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- GLSL_LoadGPUShaderText("DepthBlur", NULL, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB, NULL, 0, qtrue);
- }
void GLSL_ShutdownGPUShaders(void)