path: root/src/ui
diff options
authorTim Angus <>2010-12-10 21:51:14 +0000
committerTim Angus <>2013-01-03 00:17:48 +0000
commit1ae8c55f4750424e85f564cbf2b00f016d1c1f11 (patch)
tree8d062fd6db51a89c24fdaa683972eaf5b367a0e1 /src/ui
parent367880a7cc9dc865184e1c6d3e4825c1880c68af (diff)
* (bug #4541) Rewrite Item_Text_Wrap (again), to improve performance
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ui')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/src/ui/ui_shared.c b/src/ui/ui_shared.c
index b03313be..5666ed60 100644
--- a/src/ui/ui_shared.c
+++ b/src/ui/ui_shared.c
@@ -1977,67 +1977,81 @@ static ID_INLINE fontInfo_t *UI_FontForScale( float scale )
return &DC->Assets.textFont;
-float UI_Text_Width( const char *text, float scale, int limit )
+float UI_Char_Width( const char **text, float scale, int *characters )
- int count;
- float out;
glyphInfo_t *glyph;
float useScale;
- const char *s = text;
+ const char *s;
fontInfo_t *font = UI_FontForScale( scale );
int emoticonLen;
qboolean emoticonEscaped;
float emoticonW;
int emoticonWidth;
- int emoticons = 0;
- float indentWidth = 0.0f;
useScale = scale * font->glyphScale;
emoticonW = UI_EmoticonWidth( font, scale );
- out = 0;
- if( text )
+ if( text && *text && characters )
- count = 0;
- indentWidth = UI_Parse_Indent( &s );
+ s = *text;
+ glyph = &font->glyphs[ (int)*s ];
- while( s && *s && ( limit == 0 || count < limit ) )
+ if( Q_IsColorString( s ) )
- glyph = &font->glyphs[( int )*s];
+ *text = s + 2;
+ return 0.0f;
+ }
- if( Q_IsColorString( s ) )
- {
- s += 2;
- continue;
- }
+ if( *s == INDENT_MARKER )
+ {
+ (*characters)++;
+ *text = s + 1;
- if( *s == INDENT_MARKER )
- {
- s++;
- count++;
- continue;
- }
+ return 0.0f;
+ }
- if( UI_Text_IsEmoticon( s, &emoticonEscaped, &emoticonLen,
- NULL, &emoticonWidth ) )
+ if( UI_Text_IsEmoticon( s, &emoticonEscaped, &emoticonLen,
+ NULL, &emoticonWidth ) )
+ {
+ if( emoticonEscaped )
+ s++;
+ else
- if( emoticonEscaped )
- s++;
- else
- {
- s += emoticonLen;
- count += emoticonLen;
- emoticons += emoticonWidth;
- continue;
- }
+ *characters += emoticonLen;
+ *text = s + emoticonLen;
+ return emoticonWidth * emoticonW;
- out += ( glyph->xSkip * DC->aspectScale );
- s++;
- count++;
+ (*characters)++;
+ *text = s + 1;
+ return glyph->xSkip * DC->aspectScale * useScale;
+ }
+ return 0.0f;
+float UI_Text_Width( const char *text, float scale, int limit )
+ int count;
+ float out;
+ const char *s = text;
+ float indentWidth = 0.0f;
+ out = 0.0f;
+ if( text )
+ {
+ count = 0;
+ indentWidth = UI_Parse_Indent( &s );
+ while( *s && ( limit == 0 || count < limit ) )
+ out += UI_Char_Width( &s, scale, &count );
- return ( out * useScale ) + ( emoticons * emoticonW ) + indentWidth;
+ return out + indentWidth;
float UI_Text_Height( const char *text, float scale, int limit )
@@ -4319,60 +4333,45 @@ const char *Item_Text_Wrap( const char *text, float scale, float width )
static char out[ 8192 ] = "";
char *paint = out;
char c[ 3 ] = "";
- const char *p = text;
- const char *eol;
- const char *q = NULL;
- unsigned int testLength;
- unsigned int i;
+ const char *p;
+ const char *eos;
float indentWidth = 0.0f;
- float testWidth;
- if( strlen( text ) >= sizeof( out ) )
+ if( !text )
+ return NULL;
+ p = text;
+ eos = p + strlen( p );
+ if( ( eos - p ) >= sizeof( out ) )
return NULL;
*paint = '\0';
while( *p )
- int pLength = strlen( p );
- eol = p;
- q = p + 1;
- testLength = 0;
- testWidth = width - indentWidth;
+ float textWidth = 0.0f;
+ const char *eol = p;
+ const char *q = p;
+ int count = 0;
+ float testWidth = width - indentWidth;
SkipColorCodes( &q, c );
- while( testLength == 0 || UI_Text_Width( p, scale, testLength ) < testWidth )
+ while( q && textWidth < testWidth )
- int emoticonLen;
- qboolean emoticonEscaped;
qboolean previousCharIsSpace = qfalse;
// Remaining string is too short to wrap
- if( testLength >= pLength )
+ if( q >= eos )
- eol = p + pLength;
+ eol = eos;
- // Point q at the end of the current testLength
- for( q = p, i = 0; i < testLength; i++ )
- {
- SkipColorCodes( &q, c );
- previousCharIsSpace = isspace( *q );
- q++;
- }
- if( UI_Text_IsEmoticon( q, &emoticonEscaped, &emoticonLen, NULL, NULL ) )
- {
- testLength += emoticonLen;
- continue;
- }
- if( testLength > 0 && *q == INDENT_MARKER )
+ if( q > p && *q == INDENT_MARKER )
- indentWidth = UI_Text_Width( p, scale, testLength );
+ indentWidth = textWidth;
eol = p;
@@ -4389,22 +4388,25 @@ const char *Item_Text_Wrap( const char *text, float scale, float width )
if( !previousCharIsSpace && isspace( *q ) )
eol = q;
- testLength++;
+ textWidth += UI_Char_Width( &q, scale, &count );
// No split has taken place, so just split mid-word
if( eol == p )
eol = q;
- paint = out + strlen( out );
+ // Note that usage of strcat and strlen is deliberately being
+ // avoided here as it becomes surprisingly expensive on larger
+ // blocks of text
// Copy text
strncpy( paint, p, eol - p );
+ paint += ( eol - p );
+ *paint = '\0';
- paint[ eol - p ] = '\0';
p = eol;
- if( out[ strlen( out ) - 1 ] == '\n' )
+ if( paint - out > 0 && *( paint - 1 ) == '\n' )
// The line is deliberately broken, clear the color and
// any current indent
@@ -4414,20 +4416,31 @@ const char *Item_Text_Wrap( const char *text, float scale, float width )
// Add a \n if it's not there already
- Q_strcat( out, sizeof( out ), "\n" );
+ *paint++ = '\n';
+ *paint = '\0';
// Insert a pixel indent on the next line
if( indentWidth > 0.0f )
- Q_strcat( out, sizeof( out ), va( "%f%c", indentWidth, INDENT_MARKER ) );
+ {
+ char *indentMarkerText = va( "%f%c", indentWidth, INDENT_MARKER );
+ int indentMarkerTextLength = strlen( indentMarkerText );
+ strncpy( paint, indentMarkerText, indentMarkerTextLength );
+ paint += indentMarkerTextLength;
+ *paint = '\0';
+ }
// Skip leading whitespace on next line and save the
// last color code
SkipWhiteSpace( &p, c );
- Q_strcat( out, sizeof( out ), c );
- paint = out + strlen( out );
+ if( c[ 0 ] )
+ {
+ *paint++ = c[ 0 ];
+ *paint++ = c[ 1 ];
+ *paint = '\0';
+ }
return out;