path: root/src/ui
diff options
authorTim Angus <>2005-12-10 03:18:22 +0000
committerTim Angus <>2005-12-10 03:18:22 +0000
commitef5d1d446e3c078b81882c2eda6525aee7ccfa1e (patch)
tree16c1e9460317f2ca507f8e1888216816d05f251c /src/ui
parent3b447421efc76ba76fbdae62f893fc6916af5433 (diff)
* Moved existing src directory out the way whilst I merge ioq3
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ui')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 17287 deletions
diff --git a/src/ui/keycodes.h b/src/ui/keycodes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cfa82223..00000000
--- a/src/ui/keycodes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
- * Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Tim Angus
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the OSML - Open Source Modification License v1.0 as
- * described in the file COPYING which is distributed with this source
- * code.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- */
-#ifndef __KEYCODES_H__
-#define __KEYCODES_H__
-// these are the key numbers that should be passed to KeyEvent
-// normal keys should be passed as lowercased ascii
-typedef enum {
- K_TAB = 9,
- K_ENTER = 13,
- K_ESCAPE = 27,
- K_SPACE = 32,
- K_BACKSPACE = 127,
- K_COMMAND = 128,
- K_ALT,
- K_INS,
- K_DEL,
- K_END,
- K_F1,
- K_F2,
- K_F3,
- K_F4,
- K_F5,
- K_F6,
- K_F7,
- K_F8,
- K_F9,
- K_F10,
- K_F11,
- K_F12,
- K_F13,
- K_F14,
- K_F15,
- K_KP_5,
- K_JOY1,
- K_JOY2,
- K_JOY3,
- K_JOY4,
- K_JOY5,
- K_JOY6,
- K_JOY7,
- K_JOY8,
- K_JOY9,
- K_JOY10,
- K_JOY11,
- K_JOY12,
- K_JOY13,
- K_JOY14,
- K_JOY15,
- K_JOY16,
- K_JOY17,
- K_JOY18,
- K_JOY19,
- K_JOY20,
- K_JOY21,
- K_JOY22,
- K_JOY23,
- K_JOY24,
- K_JOY25,
- K_JOY26,
- K_JOY27,
- K_JOY28,
- K_JOY29,
- K_JOY30,
- K_JOY31,
- K_JOY32,
- K_AUX1,
- K_AUX2,
- K_AUX3,
- K_AUX4,
- K_AUX5,
- K_AUX6,
- K_AUX7,
- K_AUX8,
- K_AUX9,
- K_AUX10,
- K_AUX11,
- K_AUX12,
- K_AUX13,
- K_AUX14,
- K_AUX15,
- K_AUX16,
- K_LAST_KEY // this had better be <256!
-} keyNum_t;
-// The menu code needs to get both key and char events, but
-// to avoid duplicating the paths, the char events are just
-// distinguished by or'ing in K_CHAR_FLAG (ugly)
-#define K_CHAR_FLAG 1024
diff --git a/src/ui/ui_atoms.c b/src/ui/ui_atoms.c
deleted file mode 100644
index dc6496b7..00000000
--- a/src/ui/ui_atoms.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,517 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
- * Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Tim Angus
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the OSML - Open Source Modification License v1.0 as
- * described in the file COPYING which is distributed with this source
- * code.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- */
- User interface building blocks and support functions.
-#include "ui_local.h"
-qboolean m_entersound; // after a frame, so caching won't disrupt the sound
-void QDECL Com_Error( int level, const char *error, ... ) {
- va_list argptr;
- char text[1024];
- va_start (argptr, error);
- vsprintf (text, error, argptr);
- va_end (argptr);
- trap_Error( va("%s", text) );
-void QDECL Com_Printf( const char *msg, ... ) {
- va_list argptr;
- char text[1024];
- va_start (argptr, msg);
- vsprintf (text, msg, argptr);
- va_end (argptr);
- trap_Print( va("%s", text) );
-qboolean newUI = qfalse;
-float UI_ClampCvar( float min, float max, float value )
- if ( value < min ) return min;
- if ( value > max ) return max;
- return value;
-void UI_StartDemoLoop( void ) {
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, "d1\n" );
-char *UI_Argv( int arg ) {
- static char buffer[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
- trap_Argv( arg, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) );
- return buffer;
-char *UI_Cvar_VariableString( const char *var_name ) {
- static char buffer[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
- trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( var_name, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) );
- return buffer;
-void UI_SetBestScores(postGameInfo_t *newInfo, qboolean postGame) {
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreAccuracy", va("%i%%", newInfo->accuracy));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreImpressives", va("%i", newInfo->impressives));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreExcellents", va("%i", newInfo->excellents));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreDefends", va("%i", newInfo->defends));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreAssists", va("%i", newInfo->assists));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreGauntlets", va("%i", newInfo->gauntlets));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreScore", va("%i", newInfo->score));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scorePerfect", va("%i", newInfo->perfects));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreTeam", va("%i to %i", newInfo->redScore, newInfo->blueScore));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreBase", va("%i", newInfo->baseScore));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreTimeBonus", va("%i", newInfo->timeBonus));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreSkillBonus", va("%i", newInfo->skillBonus));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreShutoutBonus", va("%i", newInfo->shutoutBonus));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreTime", va("%02i:%02i", newInfo->time / 60, newInfo->time % 60));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreCaptures", va("%i", newInfo->captures));
- if (postGame) {
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreAccuracy2", va("%i%%", newInfo->accuracy));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreImpressives2", va("%i", newInfo->impressives));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreExcellents2", va("%i", newInfo->excellents));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreDefends2", va("%i", newInfo->defends));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreAssists2", va("%i", newInfo->assists));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreGauntlets2", va("%i", newInfo->gauntlets));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreScore2", va("%i", newInfo->score));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scorePerfect2", va("%i", newInfo->perfects));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreTeam2", va("%i to %i", newInfo->redScore, newInfo->blueScore));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreBase2", va("%i", newInfo->baseScore));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreTimeBonus2", va("%i", newInfo->timeBonus));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreSkillBonus2", va("%i", newInfo->skillBonus));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreShutoutBonus2", va("%i", newInfo->shutoutBonus));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreTime2", va("%02i:%02i", newInfo->time / 60, newInfo->time % 60));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreCaptures2", va("%i", newInfo->captures));
- }
-void UI_LoadBestScores(const char *map, int game) {
- char fileName[MAX_QPATH];
- fileHandle_t f;
- postGameInfo_t newInfo;
- memset(&newInfo, 0, sizeof(postGameInfo_t));
- Com_sprintf(fileName, MAX_QPATH, "games/", map, game);
- if (trap_FS_FOpenFile(fileName, &f, FS_READ) >= 0) {
- int size = 0;
- trap_FS_Read(&size, sizeof(int), f);
- if (size == sizeof(postGameInfo_t)) {
- trap_FS_Read(&newInfo, sizeof(postGameInfo_t), f);
- }
- trap_FS_FCloseFile(f);
- }
- UI_SetBestScores(&newInfo, qfalse);
- Com_sprintf(fileName, MAX_QPATH, "demos/%s_%d.dm_%d", map, game, (int)trap_Cvar_VariableValue("protocol"));
- uiInfo.demoAvailable = qfalse;
- if (trap_FS_FOpenFile(fileName, &f, FS_READ) >= 0) {
- uiInfo.demoAvailable = qtrue;
- trap_FS_FCloseFile(f);
- }
-void UI_ClearScores( void ) {
- char gameList[4096];
- char *gameFile;
- int i, len, count, size;
- fileHandle_t f;
- postGameInfo_t newInfo;
- count = trap_FS_GetFileList( "games", "game", gameList, sizeof(gameList) );
- size = sizeof(postGameInfo_t);
- memset(&newInfo, 0, size);
- if (count > 0) {
- gameFile = gameList;
- for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
- len = strlen(gameFile);
- if (trap_FS_FOpenFile(va("games/%s",gameFile), &f, FS_WRITE) >= 0) {
- trap_FS_Write(&size, sizeof(int), f);
- trap_FS_Write(&newInfo, size, f);
- trap_FS_FCloseFile(f);
- }
- gameFile += len + 1;
- }
- }
- UI_SetBestScores(&newInfo, qfalse);
-static void UI_Cache_f( void ) {
- Display_CacheAll();
-static void UI_CalcPostGameStats( void ) {
- char map[MAX_QPATH];
- char fileName[MAX_QPATH];
- char info[MAX_INFO_STRING];
- fileHandle_t f;
- int size, game, time, adjustedTime;
- postGameInfo_t oldInfo;
- postGameInfo_t newInfo;
- qboolean newHigh = qfalse;
- trap_GetConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO, info, sizeof(info) );
- Q_strncpyz( map, Info_ValueForKey( info, "mapname" ), sizeof(map) );
- game = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "g_gametype"));
- // compose file name
- Com_sprintf(fileName, MAX_QPATH, "games/", map, game);
- // see if we have one already
- memset(&oldInfo, 0, sizeof(postGameInfo_t));
- if (trap_FS_FOpenFile(fileName, &f, FS_READ) >= 0) {
- // if so load it
- size = 0;
- trap_FS_Read(&size, sizeof(int), f);
- if (size == sizeof(postGameInfo_t)) {
- trap_FS_Read(&oldInfo, sizeof(postGameInfo_t), f);
- }
- trap_FS_FCloseFile(f);
- }
- newInfo.accuracy = atoi(UI_Argv(3));
- newInfo.impressives = atoi(UI_Argv(4));
- newInfo.excellents = atoi(UI_Argv(5));
- newInfo.defends = atoi(UI_Argv(6));
- newInfo.assists = atoi(UI_Argv(7));
- newInfo.gauntlets = atoi(UI_Argv(8));
- newInfo.baseScore = atoi(UI_Argv(9));
- newInfo.perfects = atoi(UI_Argv(10));
- newInfo.redScore = atoi(UI_Argv(11));
- newInfo.blueScore = atoi(UI_Argv(12));
- time = atoi(UI_Argv(13));
- newInfo.captures = atoi(UI_Argv(14));
- newInfo.time = (time - trap_Cvar_VariableValue("ui_matchStartTime")) / 1000;
- adjustedTime = uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].timeToBeat[game];
- if (newInfo.time < adjustedTime) {
- newInfo.timeBonus = (adjustedTime - newInfo.time) * 10;
- } else {
- newInfo.timeBonus = 0;
- }
- if (newInfo.redScore > newInfo.blueScore && newInfo.blueScore <= 0) {
- newInfo.shutoutBonus = 100;
- } else {
- newInfo.shutoutBonus = 0;
- }
- newInfo.skillBonus = trap_Cvar_VariableValue("g_spSkill");
- if (newInfo.skillBonus <= 0) {
- newInfo.skillBonus = 1;
- }
- newInfo.score = newInfo.baseScore + newInfo.shutoutBonus + newInfo.timeBonus;
- newInfo.score *= newInfo.skillBonus;
- // see if the score is higher for this one
- newHigh = (newInfo.redScore > newInfo.blueScore && newInfo.score > oldInfo.score);
- if (newHigh) {
- // if so write out the new one
- uiInfo.newHighScoreTime = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime + 20000;
- if (trap_FS_FOpenFile(fileName, &f, FS_WRITE) >= 0) {
- size = sizeof(postGameInfo_t);
- trap_FS_Write(&size, sizeof(int), f);
- trap_FS_Write(&newInfo, sizeof(postGameInfo_t), f);
- trap_FS_FCloseFile(f);
- }
- }
- if (newInfo.time < oldInfo.time) {
- uiInfo.newBestTime = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime + 20000;
- }
- // put back all the ui overrides
- trap_Cvar_Set("capturelimit", UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_saveCaptureLimit"));
- trap_Cvar_Set("fraglimit", UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_saveFragLimit"));
- trap_Cvar_Set("cg_drawTimer", UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_drawTimer"));
- trap_Cvar_Set("g_doWarmup", UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_doWarmup"));
- trap_Cvar_Set("g_Warmup", UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_Warmup"));
- trap_Cvar_Set("sv_pure", UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_pure"));
- trap_Cvar_Set("g_friendlyFire", UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_friendlyFire"));
- UI_SetBestScores(&newInfo, qtrue);
- UI_ShowPostGame(newHigh);
-qboolean UI_ConsoleCommand( int realTime )
- char *cmd;
- char *arg1;
- uiInfo.uiDC.frameTime = realTime - uiInfo.uiDC.realTime;
- uiInfo.uiDC.realTime = realTime;
- cmd = UI_Argv( 0 );
- // ensure minimum menu data is available
- //Menu_Cache();
- if ( Q_stricmp (cmd, "ui_test") == 0 ) {
- UI_ShowPostGame(qtrue);
- }
- if ( Q_stricmp (cmd, "ui_report") == 0 ) {
- UI_Report();
- return qtrue;
- }
- if ( Q_stricmp (cmd, "ui_load") == 0 ) {
- UI_Load();
- return qtrue;
- }
- if ( Q_stricmp (cmd, "remapShader") == 0 ) {
- if (trap_Argc() == 4) {
- char shader1[MAX_QPATH];
- char shader2[MAX_QPATH];
- Q_strncpyz(shader1, UI_Argv(1), sizeof(shader1));
- Q_strncpyz(shader2, UI_Argv(2), sizeof(shader2));
- trap_R_RemapShader(shader1, shader2, UI_Argv(3));
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- if ( Q_stricmp (cmd, "postgame") == 0 ) {
- UI_CalcPostGameStats();
- return qtrue;
- }
- if ( Q_stricmp (cmd, "ui_cache") == 0 ) {
- UI_Cache_f();
- return qtrue;
- }
- if ( Q_stricmp (cmd, "ui_teamOrders") == 0 ) {
- //UI_TeamOrdersMenu_f();
- return qtrue;
- }
- if( Q_stricmp ( cmd, "menu" ) == 0 )
- {
- arg1 = UI_Argv( 1 );
- if( Menu_Count( ) > 0 )
- {
- trap_Key_SetCatcher( KEYCATCH_UI );
- Menus_ActivateByName( arg1 );
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- if( Q_stricmp ( cmd, "closemenus" ) == 0 )
- {
- if( Menu_Count( ) > 0 )
- {
- trap_Key_SetCatcher( trap_Key_GetCatcher( ) & ~KEYCATCH_UI );
- trap_Key_ClearStates( );
- trap_Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "0" );
- Menus_CloseAll( );
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- if ( Q_stricmp (cmd, "ui_cdkey") == 0 ) {
- //UI_CDKeyMenu_f();
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-void UI_Shutdown( void ) {
-Adjusted for resolution and screen aspect ratio
-void UI_AdjustFrom640( float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h ) {
- // expect valid pointers
-#if 0
- *x = *x * uiInfo.uiDC.scale + uiInfo.uiDC.bias;
- *y *= uiInfo.uiDC.scale;
- *w *= uiInfo.uiDC.scale;
- *h *= uiInfo.uiDC.scale;
- *x *= uiInfo.uiDC.xscale;
- *y *= uiInfo.uiDC.yscale;
- *w *= uiInfo.uiDC.xscale;
- *h *= uiInfo.uiDC.yscale;
-void UI_DrawNamedPic( float x, float y, float width, float height, const char *picname ) {
- qhandle_t hShader;
- hShader = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( picname );
- UI_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &width, &height );
- trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 1, 1, hShader );
-void UI_DrawHandlePic( float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t hShader ) {
- float s0;
- float s1;
- float t0;
- float t1;
- if( w < 0 ) { // flip about vertical
- w = -w;
- s0 = 1;
- s1 = 0;
- }
- else {
- s0 = 0;
- s1 = 1;
- }
- if( h < 0 ) { // flip about horizontal
- h = -h;
- t0 = 1;
- t1 = 0;
- }
- else {
- t0 = 0;
- t1 = 1;
- }
- UI_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h );
- trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, w, h, s0, t0, s1, t1, hShader );
-Coordinates are 640*480 virtual values
-void UI_FillRect( float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color ) {
- trap_R_SetColor( color );
- UI_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &width, &height );
- trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, width, height, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader );
- trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
-void UI_DrawSides(float x, float y, float w, float h) {
- UI_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h );
- trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, 1, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader );
- trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x + w - 1, y, 1, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader );
-void UI_DrawTopBottom(float x, float y, float w, float h) {
- UI_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h );
- trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, w, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader );
- trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y + h - 1, w, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader );
-Coordinates are 640*480 virtual values
-void UI_DrawRect( float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color ) {
- trap_R_SetColor( color );
- UI_DrawTopBottom(x, y, width, height);
- UI_DrawSides(x, y, width, height);
- trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
-void UI_SetColor( const float *rgba ) {
- trap_R_SetColor( rgba );
-void UI_UpdateScreen( void ) {
- trap_UpdateScreen();
-void UI_DrawTextBox (int x, int y, int width, int lines)
- UI_FillRect( x + BIGCHAR_WIDTH/2, y + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT/2, ( width + 1 ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH, ( lines + 1 ) * BIGCHAR_HEIGHT, colorBlack );
- UI_DrawRect( x + BIGCHAR_WIDTH/2, y + BIGCHAR_HEIGHT/2, ( width + 1 ) * BIGCHAR_WIDTH, ( lines + 1 ) * BIGCHAR_HEIGHT, colorWhite );
-qboolean UI_CursorInRect (int x, int y, int width, int height)
- if (uiInfo.uiDC.cursorx < x ||
- uiInfo.uiDC.cursory < y ||
- uiInfo.uiDC.cursorx > x+width ||
- uiInfo.uiDC.cursory > y+height)
- return qfalse;
- return qtrue;
diff --git a/src/ui/ui_gameinfo.c b/src/ui/ui_gameinfo.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 49d0cdb0..00000000
--- a/src/ui/ui_gameinfo.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
- * Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Tim Angus
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the OSML - Open Source Modification License v1.0 as
- * described in the file COPYING which is distributed with this source
- * code.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- */
-// gameinfo.c
-#include "ui_local.h"
-// arena and bot info
-int ui_numBots;
-static char *ui_botInfos[MAX_BOTS];
-static int ui_numArenas;
-static char *ui_arenaInfos[MAX_ARENAS];
-int UI_ParseInfos( char *buf, int max, char *infos[] ) {
- char *token;
- int count;
- char key[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
- char info[MAX_INFO_STRING];
- count = 0;
- while ( 1 ) {
- token = COM_Parse( &buf );
- if ( !token[0] ) {
- break;
- }
- if ( strcmp( token, "{" ) ) {
- Com_Printf( "Missing { in info file\n" );
- break;
- }
- if ( count == max ) {
- Com_Printf( "Max infos exceeded\n" );
- break;
- }
- info[0] = '\0';
- while ( 1 ) {
- token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qtrue );
- if ( !token[0] ) {
- Com_Printf( "Unexpected end of info file\n" );
- break;
- }
- if ( !strcmp( token, "}" ) ) {
- break;
- }
- Q_strncpyz( key, token, sizeof( key ) );
- token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qfalse );
- if ( !token[0] ) {
- strcpy( token, "<NULL>" );
- }
- Info_SetValueForKey( info, key, token );
- }
- //NOTE: extra space for arena number
- infos[count] = UI_Alloc(strlen(info) + strlen("\\num\\") + strlen(va("%d", MAX_ARENAS)) + 1);
- if (infos[count]) {
- strcpy(infos[count], info);
- count++;
- }
- }
- return count;
-static void UI_LoadArenasFromFile( char *filename ) {
- int len;
- fileHandle_t f;
- char buf[MAX_ARENAS_TEXT];
- len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, &f, FS_READ );
- if ( !f ) {
- trap_Print( va( S_COLOR_RED "file not found: %s\n", filename ) );
- return;
- }
- if ( len >= MAX_ARENAS_TEXT ) {
- trap_Print( va( S_COLOR_RED "file too large: %s is %i, max allowed is %i", filename, len, MAX_ARENAS_TEXT ) );
- trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );
- return;
- }
- trap_FS_Read( buf, len, f );
- buf[len] = 0;
- trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );
- ui_numArenas += UI_ParseInfos( buf, MAX_ARENAS - ui_numArenas, &ui_arenaInfos[ui_numArenas] );
-void UI_LoadArenas( void ) {
- int numdirs;
- char filename[128];
- char dirlist[1024];
- char* dirptr;
- int i, n;
- int dirlen;
- char *type;
- ui_numArenas = 0;
- uiInfo.mapCount = 0;
-/* trap_Cvar_Register( &arenasFile, "g_arenasFile", "", CVAR_INIT|CVAR_ROM );
- if( *arenasFile.string ) {
- UI_LoadArenasFromFile(arenasFile.string);
- }
- else {
- UI_LoadArenasFromFile("scripts/arenas.txt");
- }*/
- // get all arenas from .arena files
- numdirs = trap_FS_GetFileList("scripts", ".arena", dirlist, 1024 );
- dirptr = dirlist;
- for (i = 0; i < numdirs; i++, dirptr += dirlen+1) {
- dirlen = strlen(dirptr);
- strcpy(filename, "scripts/");
- strcat(filename, dirptr);
- UI_LoadArenasFromFile(filename);
- }
- trap_Print( va( "%i arenas parsed\n", ui_numArenas ) );
- if (UI_OutOfMemory()) {
- trap_Print(S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: not anough memory in pool to load all arenas\n");
- }
- for( n = 0; n < ui_numArenas; n++ )
- {
- // determine type
- type = Info_ValueForKey( ui_arenaInfos[ n ], "type" );
- // if no type specified, it will be treated as "ffa"
- if( *type && strstr( type, "tremulous" ) )
- uiInfo.mapList[ uiInfo.mapCount ].typeBits |= ( 1 << 0 );
- else
- continue; //not a trem map
- uiInfo.mapList[uiInfo.mapCount].cinematic = -1;
- uiInfo.mapList[uiInfo.mapCount].mapLoadName = String_Alloc(Info_ValueForKey(ui_arenaInfos[n], "map"));
- uiInfo.mapList[uiInfo.mapCount].mapName = String_Alloc(Info_ValueForKey(ui_arenaInfos[n], "longname"));
- uiInfo.mapList[uiInfo.mapCount].levelShot = -1;
- uiInfo.mapList[uiInfo.mapCount].imageName = String_Alloc(va("levelshots/%s", uiInfo.mapList[uiInfo.mapCount].mapLoadName));
- uiInfo.mapCount++;
- if( uiInfo.mapCount >= MAX_MAPS )
- break;
- }
-static void UI_LoadBotsFromFile( char *filename ) {
- int len;
- fileHandle_t f;
- char buf[MAX_BOTS_TEXT];
- len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, &f, FS_READ );
- if ( !f ) {
- trap_Print( va( S_COLOR_RED "file not found: %s\n", filename ) );
- return;
- }
- if ( len >= MAX_BOTS_TEXT ) {
- trap_Print( va( S_COLOR_RED "file too large: %s is %i, max allowed is %i", filename, len, MAX_BOTS_TEXT ) );
- trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );
- return;
- }
- trap_FS_Read( buf, len, f );
- buf[len] = 0;
- trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );
- COM_Compress(buf);
- ui_numBots += UI_ParseInfos( buf, MAX_BOTS - ui_numBots, &ui_botInfos[ui_numBots] );
-void UI_LoadBots( void ) {
- vmCvar_t botsFile;
- int numdirs;
- char filename[128];
- char dirlist[1024];
- char* dirptr;
- int i;
- int dirlen;
- ui_numBots = 0;
- trap_Cvar_Register( &botsFile, "g_botsFile", "", CVAR_INIT|CVAR_ROM );
- if( *botsFile.string ) {
- UI_LoadBotsFromFile(botsFile.string);
- }
- else {
- UI_LoadBotsFromFile("scripts/bots.txt");
- }
- // get all bots from .bot files
- numdirs = trap_FS_GetFileList("scripts", ".bot", dirlist, 1024 );
- dirptr = dirlist;
- for (i = 0; i < numdirs; i++, dirptr += dirlen+1) {
- dirlen = strlen(dirptr);
- strcpy(filename, "scripts/");
- strcat(filename, dirptr);
- UI_LoadBotsFromFile(filename);
- }
- trap_Print( va( "%i bots parsed\n", ui_numBots ) );
-char *UI_GetBotInfoByNumber( int num ) {
- if( num < 0 || num >= ui_numBots ) {
- trap_Print( va( S_COLOR_RED "Invalid bot number: %i\n", num ) );
- return NULL;
- }
- return ui_botInfos[num];
-char *UI_GetBotInfoByName( const char *name ) {
- int n;
- char *value;
- for ( n = 0; n < ui_numBots ; n++ ) {
- value = Info_ValueForKey( ui_botInfos[n], "name" );
- if ( !Q_stricmp( value, name ) ) {
- return ui_botInfos[n];
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-int UI_GetNumBots() {
- return ui_numBots;
-char *UI_GetBotNameByNumber( int num ) {
- char *info = UI_GetBotInfoByNumber(num);
- if (info) {
- return Info_ValueForKey( info, "name" );
- }
- return "Sarge";
diff --git a/src/ui/ui_local.h b/src/ui/ui_local.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cdcfc57f..00000000
--- a/src/ui/ui_local.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1208 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
- * Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Tim Angus
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the OSML - Open Source Modification License v1.0 as
- * described in the file COPYING which is distributed with this source
- * code.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- */
-#ifndef __UI_LOCAL_H__
-#define __UI_LOCAL_H__
-#include "../game/q_shared.h"
-#include "../cgame/tr_types.h"
-#include "ui_public.h"
-#include "keycodes.h"
-#include "../game/bg_public.h"
-#include "ui_shared.h"
-// global display context
-extern vmCvar_t ui_ffa_fraglimit;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_ffa_timelimit;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_tourney_fraglimit;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_tourney_timelimit;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_team_fraglimit;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_team_timelimit;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_team_friendly;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_ctf_capturelimit;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_ctf_timelimit;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_ctf_friendly;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_arenasFile;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_botsFile;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_spScores1;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_spScores2;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_spScores3;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_spScores4;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_spScores5;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_spAwards;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_spVideos;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_spSkill;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_spSelection;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_browserMaster;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_browserGameType;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_browserSortKey;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_browserShowFull;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_browserShowEmpty;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_brassTime;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_drawCrosshair;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_drawCrosshairNames;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_marks;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_server1;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_server2;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_server3;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_server4;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_server5;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_server6;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_server7;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_server8;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_server9;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_server10;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_server11;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_server12;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_server13;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_server14;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_server15;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_server16;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_cdkey;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_cdkeychecked;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_captureLimit;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_fragLimit;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_gameType;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_netGameType;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_actualNetGameType;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_joinGameType;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_netSource;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_serverFilterType;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_dedicated;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_opponentName;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_menuFiles;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_currentTier;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_currentMap;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_currentNetMap;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_mapIndex;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_currentOpponent;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_selectedPlayer;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_selectedPlayerName;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_lastServerRefresh_0;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_lastServerRefresh_1;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_lastServerRefresh_2;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_lastServerRefresh_3;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_singlePlayerActive;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_scoreAccuracy;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_scoreImpressives;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_scoreExcellents;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_scoreDefends;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_scoreAssists;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_scoreGauntlets;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_scoreScore;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_scorePerfect;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_scoreTeam;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_scoreBase;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_scoreTimeBonus;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_scoreSkillBonus;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_scoreShutoutBonus;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_scoreTime;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_smallFont;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_bigFont;
-extern vmCvar_t ui_serverStatusTimeOut;
-//TA: bank values
-extern vmCvar_t ui_bank;
-// ui_qmenu.c
-#define SLIDER_RANGE 10
-#define MAX_EDIT_LINE 256
-#define MAX_MENUDEPTH 8
-#define MAX_MENUITEMS 96
-#define MTYPE_NULL 0
-#define MTYPE_SLIDER 1
-#define MTYPE_ACTION 2
-#define MTYPE_FIELD 4
-#define MTYPE_BITMAP 6
-#define MTYPE_TEXT 7
-#define MTYPE_PTEXT 9
-#define MTYPE_BTEXT 10
-#define QMF_BLINK 0x00000001
-#define QMF_SMALLFONT 0x00000002
-#define QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY 0x00000004
-#define QMF_CENTER_JUSTIFY 0x00000008
-#define QMF_RIGHT_JUSTIFY 0x00000010
-#define QMF_NUMBERSONLY 0x00000020 // edit field is only numbers
-#define QMF_HIGHLIGHT 0x00000040
-#define QMF_HIGHLIGHT_IF_FOCUS 0x00000080 // steady focus
-#define QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS 0x00000100 // pulse if focus
-#define QMF_HASMOUSEFOCUS 0x00000200
-#define QMF_NOONOFFTEXT 0x00000400
-#define QMF_MOUSEONLY 0x00000800 // only mouse input allowed
-#define QMF_HIDDEN 0x00001000 // skips drawing
-#define QMF_GRAYED 0x00002000 // grays and disables
-#define QMF_INACTIVE 0x00004000 // disables any input
-#define QMF_NODEFAULTINIT 0x00008000 // skip default initialization
-#define QMF_OWNERDRAW 0x00010000
-#define QMF_PULSE 0x00020000
-#define QMF_LOWERCASE 0x00040000 // edit field is all lower case
-#define QMF_UPPERCASE 0x00080000 // edit field is all upper case
-#define QMF_SILENT 0x00100000
-// callback notifications
-#define QM_GOTFOCUS 1
-#define QM_LOSTFOCUS 2
-#define QM_ACTIVATED 3
-typedef struct _tag_menuframework
- int cursor;
- int cursor_prev;
- int nitems;
- void *items[MAX_MENUITEMS];
- void (*draw) (void);
- sfxHandle_t (*key) (int key);
- qboolean wrapAround;
- qboolean fullscreen;
- qboolean showlogo;
-} menuframework_s;
-typedef struct
- int type;
- const char *name;
- int id;
- int x, y;
- int left;
- int top;
- int right;
- int bottom;
- menuframework_s *parent;
- int menuPosition;
- unsigned flags;
- void (*callback)( void *self, int event );
- void (*statusbar)( void *self );
- void (*ownerdraw)( void *self );
-} menucommon_s;
-typedef struct {
- int cursor;
- int scroll;
- int widthInChars;
- char buffer[MAX_EDIT_LINE];
- int maxchars;
-} mfield_t;
-typedef struct
- menucommon_s generic;
- mfield_t field;
-} menufield_s;
-typedef struct
- menucommon_s generic;
- float minvalue;
- float maxvalue;
- float curvalue;
- float range;
-} menuslider_s;
-typedef struct
- menucommon_s generic;
- int oldvalue;
- int curvalue;
- int numitems;
- int top;
- const char **itemnames;
- int width;
- int height;
- int columns;
- int seperation;
-} menulist_s;
-typedef struct
- menucommon_s generic;
-} menuaction_s;
-typedef struct
- menucommon_s generic;
- int curvalue;
-} menuradiobutton_s;
-typedef struct
- menucommon_s generic;
- char* focuspic;
- char* errorpic;
- qhandle_t shader;
- qhandle_t focusshader;
- int width;
- int height;
- float* focuscolor;
-} menubitmap_s;
-typedef struct
- menucommon_s generic;
- char* string;
- int style;
- float* color;
-} menutext_s;
-extern void Menu_Cache( void );
-extern void Menu_Focus( menucommon_s *m );
-extern void Menu_AddItem( menuframework_s *menu, void *item );
-extern void Menu_AdjustCursor( menuframework_s *menu, int dir );
-extern void Menu_Draw( menuframework_s *menu );
-extern void *Menu_ItemAtCursor( menuframework_s *m );
-extern sfxHandle_t Menu_ActivateItem( menuframework_s *s, menucommon_s* item );
-extern void Menu_SetCursor( menuframework_s *s, int cursor );
-extern void Menu_SetCursorToItem( menuframework_s *m, void* ptr );
-extern sfxHandle_t Menu_DefaultKey( menuframework_s *s, int key );
-extern void Bitmap_Init( menubitmap_s *b );
-extern void Bitmap_Draw( menubitmap_s *b );
-extern void ScrollList_Draw( menulist_s *l );
-extern sfxHandle_t ScrollList_Key( menulist_s *l, int key );
-extern sfxHandle_t menu_in_sound;
-extern sfxHandle_t menu_move_sound;
-extern sfxHandle_t menu_out_sound;
-extern sfxHandle_t menu_buzz_sound;
-extern sfxHandle_t menu_null_sound;
-extern sfxHandle_t weaponChangeSound;
-extern vec4_t menu_text_color;
-extern vec4_t menu_grayed_color;
-extern vec4_t menu_dark_color;
-extern vec4_t menu_highlight_color;
-extern vec4_t menu_red_color;
-extern vec4_t menu_black_color;
-extern vec4_t menu_dim_color;
-extern vec4_t color_black;
-extern vec4_t color_white;
-extern vec4_t color_yellow;
-extern vec4_t color_blue;
-extern vec4_t color_orange;
-extern vec4_t color_red;
-extern vec4_t color_dim;
-extern vec4_t name_color;
-extern vec4_t list_color;
-extern vec4_t listbar_color;
-extern vec4_t text_color_disabled;
-extern vec4_t text_color_normal;
-extern vec4_t text_color_highlight;
-extern char *ui_medalNames[];
-extern char *ui_medalPicNames[];
-extern char *ui_medalSounds[];
-// ui_mfield.c
-extern void MField_Clear( mfield_t *edit );
-extern void MField_KeyDownEvent( mfield_t *edit, int key );
-extern void MField_CharEvent( mfield_t *edit, int ch );
-extern void MField_Draw( mfield_t *edit, int x, int y, int style, vec4_t color );
-extern void MenuField_Init( menufield_s* m );
-extern void MenuField_Draw( menufield_s *f );
-extern sfxHandle_t MenuField_Key( menufield_s* m, int* key );
-// ui_main.c
-void UI_Report( void );
-void UI_Load( void );
-void UI_LoadMenus(const char *menuFile, qboolean reset);
-void _UI_SetActiveMenu( uiMenuCommand_t menu );
-int UI_AdjustTimeByGame(int time);
-void UI_ShowPostGame(qboolean newHigh);
-void UI_ClearScores( void );
-void UI_LoadArenas(void);
-// ui_menu.c
-extern void MainMenu_Cache( void );
-extern void UI_MainMenu(void);
-extern void UI_RegisterCvars( void );
-extern void UI_UpdateCvars( void );
-// ui_credits.c
-extern void UI_CreditMenu( void );
-// ui_ingame.c
-extern void InGame_Cache( void );
-extern void UI_InGameMenu(void);
-// ui_confirm.c
-extern void ConfirmMenu_Cache( void );
-extern void UI_ConfirmMenu( const char *question, void (*draw)( void ), void (*action)( qboolean result ) );
-// ui_setup.c
-extern void UI_SetupMenu_Cache( void );
-extern void UI_SetupMenu(void);
-// ui_team.c
-extern void UI_TeamMainMenu( void );
-extern void TeamMain_Cache( void );
-// ui_connect.c
-extern void UI_DrawConnectScreen( qboolean overlay );
-// ui_controls2.c
-extern void UI_ControlsMenu( void );
-extern void Controls_Cache( void );
-// ui_demo2.c
-extern void UI_DemosMenu( void );
-extern void Demos_Cache( void );
-// ui_cinematics.c
-extern void UI_CinematicsMenu( void );
-extern void UI_CinematicsMenu_f( void );
-extern void UI_CinematicsMenu_Cache( void );
-// ui_mods.c
-extern void UI_ModsMenu( void );
-extern void UI_ModsMenu_Cache( void );
-// ui_cdkey.c
-extern void UI_CDKeyMenu( void );
-extern void UI_CDKeyMenu_Cache( void );
-extern void UI_CDKeyMenu_f( void );
-// ui_playermodel.c
-extern void UI_PlayerModelMenu( void );
-extern void PlayerModel_Cache( void );
-// ui_playersettings.c
-extern void UI_PlayerSettingsMenu( void );
-extern void PlayerSettings_Cache( void );
-// ui_preferences.c
-extern void UI_PreferencesMenu( void );
-extern void Preferences_Cache( void );
-// ui_specifyleague.c
-extern void UI_SpecifyLeagueMenu( void );
-extern void SpecifyLeague_Cache( void );
-// ui_specifyserver.c
-extern void UI_SpecifyServerMenu( void );
-extern void SpecifyServer_Cache( void );
-// ui_servers2.c
-extern void UI_ArenaServersMenu( void );
-extern void ArenaServers_Cache( void );
-// ui_startserver.c
-extern void UI_StartServerMenu( qboolean multiplayer );
-extern void StartServer_Cache( void );
-extern void ServerOptions_Cache( void );
-extern void UI_BotSelectMenu( char *bot );
-extern void UI_BotSelectMenu_Cache( void );
-// ui_serverinfo.c
-extern void UI_ServerInfoMenu( void );
-extern void ServerInfo_Cache( void );
-// ui_video.c
-extern void UI_GraphicsOptionsMenu( void );
-extern void GraphicsOptions_Cache( void );
-extern void DriverInfo_Cache( void );
-// ui_players.c
-//FIXME ripped from cg_local.h
-typedef struct {
- int oldFrame;
- int oldFrameTime; // time when ->oldFrame was exactly on
- int frame;
- int frameTime; // time when ->frame will be exactly on
- float backlerp;
- float yawAngle;
- qboolean yawing;
- float pitchAngle;
- qboolean pitching;
- int animationNumber; // may include ANIM_TOGGLEBIT
- animation_t *animation;
- int animationTime; // time when the first frame of the animation will be exact
-} lerpFrame_t;
-typedef struct {
- // model info
- qhandle_t legsModel;
- qhandle_t legsSkin;
- lerpFrame_t legs;
- qhandle_t torsoModel;
- qhandle_t torsoSkin;
- lerpFrame_t torso;
- qhandle_t headModel;
- qhandle_t headSkin;
- animation_t animations[MAX_PLAYER_TOTALANIMATIONS];
- qhandle_t weaponModel;
- qhandle_t barrelModel;
- qhandle_t flashModel;
- vec3_t flashDlightColor;
- int muzzleFlashTime;
- // currently in use drawing parms
- vec3_t viewAngles;
- vec3_t moveAngles;
- weapon_t currentWeapon;
- int legsAnim;
- int torsoAnim;
- // animation vars
- weapon_t weapon;
- weapon_t lastWeapon;
- weapon_t pendingWeapon;
- int weaponTimer;
- int pendingLegsAnim;
- int torsoAnimationTimer;
- int pendingTorsoAnim;
- int legsAnimationTimer;
- qboolean chat;
- qboolean newModel;
- qboolean barrelSpinning;
- float barrelAngle;
- int barrelTime;
- int realWeapon;
-} playerInfo_t;
-void UI_DrawPlayer( float x, float y, float w, float h, playerInfo_t *pi, int time );
-void UI_PlayerInfo_SetModel( playerInfo_t *pi, const char *model, const char *headmodel, char *teamName );
-void UI_PlayerInfo_SetInfo( playerInfo_t *pi, int legsAnim, int torsoAnim, vec3_t viewAngles, vec3_t moveAngles, weapon_t weaponNum, qboolean chat );
-qboolean UI_RegisterClientModelname( playerInfo_t *pi, const char *modelSkinName , const char *headName, const char *teamName);
-// ui_atoms.c
-// this is only used in the old ui, the new ui has it's own version
-typedef struct {
- int frametime;
- int realtime;
- int cursorx;
- int cursory;
- glconfig_t glconfig;
- qboolean debug;
- qhandle_t whiteShader;
- qhandle_t menuBackShader;
- qhandle_t menuBackShader2;
- qhandle_t menuBackNoLogoShader;
- qhandle_t charset;
- qhandle_t charsetProp;
- qhandle_t charsetPropGlow;
- qhandle_t charsetPropB;
- qhandle_t cursor;
- qhandle_t rb_on;
- qhandle_t rb_off;
- float scale;
- float bias;
- qboolean demoversion;
- qboolean firstdraw;
-} uiStatic_t;
-// new ui stuff
-#define UI_NUMFX 7
-#define MAX_HEADS 64
-#define MAX_ALIASES 64
-#define MAX_HEADNAME 32
-#define MAX_TEAMS 64
-#define MAX_GAMETYPES 16
-#define MAX_MAPS 128
-#define MAX_SPMAPS 16
-#define UI_FONT_THRESHOLD 0.1
-#define TEAM_MEMBERS 5
-#define GAMES_ALL 0
-#define GAMES_FFA 1
-#define GAMES_TOURNEY 3
-#define GAMES_CTF 4
-#define MAPS_PER_TIER 3
-#define MAX_TIERS 16
-#define MAX_MODS 64
-#define MAX_DEMOS 256
-#define MAX_MOVIES 256
-typedef struct {
- const char *name;
- const char *imageName;
- qhandle_t headImage;
- const char *base;
- qboolean active;
- int reference;
-} characterInfo;
-typedef struct {
- const char *name;
- const char *ai;
- const char *action;
-} aliasInfo;
-typedef struct {
- const char *teamName;
- const char *imageName;
- const char *teamMembers[TEAM_MEMBERS];
- qhandle_t teamIcon;
- qhandle_t teamIcon_Metal;
- qhandle_t teamIcon_Name;
- int cinematic;
-} teamInfo;
-typedef struct {
- const char *gameType;
- int gtEnum;
-} gameTypeInfo;
-typedef struct {
- const char *mapName;
- const char *mapLoadName;
- const char *imageName;
- const char *opponentName;
- int teamMembers;
- int typeBits;
- int cinematic;
- int timeToBeat[MAX_GAMETYPES];
- qhandle_t levelShot;
- qboolean active;
-} mapInfo;
-typedef struct {
- const char *tierName;
- const char *maps[MAPS_PER_TIER];
- int gameTypes[MAPS_PER_TIER];
- qhandle_t mapHandles[MAPS_PER_TIER];
-} tierInfo;
-typedef struct serverFilter_s {
- const char *description;
- const char *basedir;
-} serverFilter_t;
-typedef struct {
- char adrstr[MAX_ADDRESSLENGTH];
- int start;
-} pinglist_t;
-typedef struct serverStatus_s {
- pinglist_t pingList[MAX_PINGREQUESTS];
- int numqueriedservers;
- int currentping;
- int nextpingtime;
- int maxservers;
- int refreshtime;
- int numServers;
- int sortKey;
- int sortDir;
- int lastCount;
- qboolean refreshActive;
- int currentServer;
- int displayServers[MAX_DISPLAY_SERVERS];
- int numDisplayServers;
- int numPlayersOnServers;
- int nextDisplayRefresh;
- int nextSortTime;
- qhandle_t currentServerPreview;
- int currentServerCinematic;
- int motdLen;
- int motdWidth;
- int motdPaintX;
- int motdPaintX2;
- int motdOffset;
- int motdTime;
- char motd[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
-} serverStatus_t;
-typedef struct {
- char adrstr[MAX_ADDRESSLENGTH];
- int startTime;
- int serverNum;
- qboolean valid;
-} pendingServer_t;
-typedef struct {
- int num;
- pendingServer_t server[MAX_SERVERSTATUSREQUESTS];
-} pendingServerStatus_t;
-typedef struct {
- char address[MAX_ADDRESSLENGTH];
- char *lines[MAX_SERVERSTATUS_LINES][4];
- char pings[MAX_CLIENTS * 3];
- int numLines;
-} serverStatusInfo_t;
-typedef struct {
- const char *modName;
- const char *modDescr;
-} modInfo_t;
-//TA: tremulous menus
-#define MAX_INFOPANE_TEXT 4096
-#define MAX_INFOPANES 128
-typedef enum
-} tremIPSide_t;
-typedef struct
- qhandle_t graphic;
- tremIPSide_t side;
- int offset;
- int width, height;
-} tremIPGraphic_t;
-typedef struct
- const char *name;
- char text[ MAX_INFOPANE_TEXT ];
- int align;
- tremIPGraphic_t graphics[ MAX_INFOPANE_GRAPHICS ];
- int numGraphics;
-} tremInfoPane_t;
-typedef struct
- const char *text;
- const char *cmd;
- tremInfoPane_t *infopane;
-} tremMenuItem_t;
-//TA: tremulous menus
-typedef struct {
- displayContextDef_t uiDC;
- int newHighScoreTime;
- int newBestTime;
- int showPostGameTime;
- qboolean newHighScore;
- qboolean demoAvailable;
- qboolean soundHighScore;
- int characterCount;
- int botIndex;
- characterInfo characterList[MAX_HEADS];
- int aliasCount;
- aliasInfo aliasList[MAX_ALIASES];
- int teamCount;
- teamInfo teamList[MAX_TEAMS];
- int numGameTypes;
- gameTypeInfo gameTypes[MAX_GAMETYPES];
- int numJoinGameTypes;
- gameTypeInfo joinGameTypes[MAX_GAMETYPES];
- int redBlue;
- int playerCount;
- int myTeamCount;
- int teamIndex;
- int playerRefresh;
- int playerIndex;
- int playerNumber;
- qboolean teamLeader;
- char playerNames[MAX_CLIENTS][MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
- int teamClientNums[MAX_CLIENTS];
- int mapCount;
- mapInfo mapList[MAX_MAPS];
- int tierCount;
- tierInfo tierList[MAX_TIERS];
- int skillIndex;
- modInfo_t modList[MAX_MODS];
- int modCount;
- int modIndex;
- const char *demoList[MAX_DEMOS];
- int demoCount;
- int demoIndex;
- const char *movieList[MAX_MOVIES];
- int movieCount;
- int movieIndex;
- int previewMovie;
- tremInfoPane_t tremInfoPanes[ MAX_INFOPANES ];
- int tremInfoPaneCount;
-//TA: tremulous menus
- tremMenuItem_t tremTeamList[ 4 ];
- int tremTeamCount;
- int tremTeamIndex;
- tremMenuItem_t tremAlienClassList[ 3 ];
- int tremAlienClassCount;
- int tremAlienClassIndex;
- tremMenuItem_t tremHumanItemList[ 3 ];
- int tremHumanItemCount;
- int tremHumanItemIndex;
- tremMenuItem_t tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ 32 ];
- int tremHumanArmouryBuyCount;
- int tremHumanArmouryBuyIndex;
- tremMenuItem_t tremHumanArmourySellList[ 32 ];
- int tremHumanArmourySellCount;
- int tremHumanArmourySellIndex;
- tremMenuItem_t tremAlienUpgradeList[ 16 ];
- int tremAlienUpgradeCount;
- int tremAlienUpgradeIndex;
- tremMenuItem_t tremAlienBuildList[ 32 ];
- int tremAlienBuildCount;
- int tremAlienBuildIndex;
- tremMenuItem_t tremHumanBuildList[ 32 ];
- int tremHumanBuildCount;
- int tremHumanBuildIndex;
-//TA: tremulous menus
- serverStatus_t serverStatus;
- // for the showing the status of a server
- char serverStatusAddress[MAX_ADDRESSLENGTH];
- serverStatusInfo_t serverStatusInfo;
- int nextServerStatusRefresh;
- // to retrieve the status of server to find a player
- pendingServerStatus_t pendingServerStatus;
- char findPlayerName[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
- int currentFoundPlayerServer;
- int numFoundPlayerServers;
- int nextFindPlayerRefresh;
- int currentCrosshair;
- int startPostGameTime;
- sfxHandle_t newHighScoreSound;
- int q3HeadCount;
- char q3HeadNames[MAX_PLAYERMODELS][64];
- qhandle_t q3HeadIcons[MAX_PLAYERMODELS];
- int q3SelectedHead;
- int effectsColor;
- qboolean inGameLoad;
-} uiInfo_t;
-extern uiInfo_t uiInfo;
-extern void UI_Init( void );
-extern void UI_Shutdown( void );
-extern void UI_KeyEvent( int key );
-extern void UI_MouseEvent( int dx, int dy );
-extern void UI_Refresh( int realtime );
-extern qboolean UI_ConsoleCommand( int realTime );
-extern float UI_ClampCvar( float min, float max, float value );
-extern void UI_DrawNamedPic( float x, float y, float width, float height, const char *picname );
-extern void UI_DrawHandlePic( float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t hShader );
-extern void UI_FillRect( float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color );
-extern void UI_DrawRect( float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color );
-extern void UI_DrawTopBottom(float x, float y, float w, float h);
-extern void UI_DrawSides(float x, float y, float w, float h);
-extern void UI_UpdateScreen( void );
-extern void UI_SetColor( const float *rgba );
-extern void UI_LerpColor(vec4_t a, vec4_t b, vec4_t c, float t);
-extern void UI_DrawBannerString( int x, int y, const char* str, int style, vec4_t color );
-extern float UI_ProportionalSizeScale( int style );
-extern void UI_DrawProportionalString( int x, int y, const char* str, int style, vec4_t color );
-extern int UI_ProportionalStringWidth( const char* str );
-extern void UI_DrawString( int x, int y, const char* str, int style, vec4_t color );
-extern void UI_DrawChar( int x, int y, int ch, int style, vec4_t color );
-extern qboolean UI_CursorInRect (int x, int y, int width, int height);
-extern void UI_AdjustFrom640( float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h );
-extern void UI_DrawTextBox (int x, int y, int width, int lines);
-extern qboolean UI_IsFullscreen( void );
-extern void UI_SetActiveMenu( uiMenuCommand_t menu );
-extern void UI_PushMenu ( menuframework_s *menu );
-extern void UI_PopMenu (void);
-extern void UI_ForceMenuOff (void);
-extern char *UI_Argv( int arg );
-extern char *UI_Cvar_VariableString( const char *var_name );
-extern void UI_Refresh( int time );
-extern void UI_KeyEvent( int key );
-extern void UI_StartDemoLoop( void );
-extern qboolean m_entersound;
-void UI_LoadBestScores(const char *map, int game);
-extern uiStatic_t uis;
-// ui_spLevel.c
-void UI_SPLevelMenu_Cache( void );
-void UI_SPLevelMenu( void );
-void UI_SPLevelMenu_f( void );
-void UI_SPLevelMenu_ReInit( void );
-// ui_spArena.c
-void UI_SPArena_Start( const char *arenaInfo );
-// ui_spPostgame.c
-void UI_SPPostgameMenu_Cache( void );
-void UI_SPPostgameMenu_f( void );
-// ui_spSkill.c
-void UI_SPSkillMenu( const char *arenaInfo );
-void UI_SPSkillMenu_Cache( void );
-// ui_syscalls.c
-void trap_Print( const char *string );
-void trap_Error( const char *string );
-int trap_Milliseconds( void );
-void trap_Cvar_Register( vmCvar_t *vmCvar, const char *varName, const char *defaultValue, int flags );
-void trap_Cvar_Update( vmCvar_t *vmCvar );
-void trap_Cvar_Set( const char *var_name, const char *value );
-float trap_Cvar_VariableValue( const char *var_name );
-void trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( const char *var_name, char *buffer, int bufsize );
-void trap_Cvar_SetValue( const char *var_name, float value );
-void trap_Cvar_Reset( const char *name );
-void trap_Cvar_Create( const char *var_name, const char *var_value, int flags );
-void trap_Cvar_InfoStringBuffer( int bit, char *buffer, int bufsize );
-int trap_Argc( void );
-void trap_Argv( int n, char *buffer, int bufferLength );
-void trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( int exec_when, const char *text ); // don't use EXEC_NOW!
-int trap_FS_FOpenFile( const char *qpath, fileHandle_t *f, fsMode_t mode );
-void trap_FS_Read( void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f );
-void trap_FS_Write( const void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f );
-void trap_FS_FCloseFile( fileHandle_t f );
-int trap_FS_GetFileList( const char *path, const char *extension, char *listbuf, int bufsize );
-int trap_FS_Seek( fileHandle_t f, long offset, int origin ); // fsOrigin_t
-qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterModel( const char *name );
-qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterSkin( const char *name );
-qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( const char *name );
-void trap_R_ClearScene( void );
-void trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( const refEntity_t *re );
-void trap_R_AddPolyToScene( qhandle_t hShader , int numVerts, const polyVert_t *verts );
-void trap_R_AddLightToScene( const vec3_t org, float intensity, float r, float g, float b );
-void trap_R_RenderScene( const refdef_t *fd );
-void trap_R_SetColor( const float *rgba );
-void trap_R_DrawStretchPic( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, qhandle_t hShader );
-void trap_R_ModelBounds( clipHandle_t model, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs );
-void trap_UpdateScreen( void );
-int trap_CM_LerpTag( orientation_t *tag, clipHandle_t mod, int startFrame, int endFrame, float frac, const char *tagName );
-void trap_S_StartLocalSound( sfxHandle_t sfx, int channelNum );
-sfxHandle_t trap_S_RegisterSound( const char *sample, qboolean compressed );
-void trap_Key_KeynumToStringBuf( int keynum, char *buf, int buflen );
-void trap_Key_GetBindingBuf( int keynum, char *buf, int buflen );
-void trap_Key_SetBinding( int keynum, const char *binding );
-qboolean trap_Key_IsDown( int keynum );
-qboolean trap_Key_GetOverstrikeMode( void );
-void trap_Key_SetOverstrikeMode( qboolean state );
-void trap_Key_ClearStates( void );
-int trap_Key_GetCatcher( void );
-void trap_Key_SetCatcher( int catcher );
-void trap_GetClipboardData( char *buf, int bufsize );
-void trap_GetClientState( uiClientState_t *state );
-void trap_GetGlconfig( glconfig_t *glconfig );
-int trap_GetConfigString( int index, char* buff, int buffsize );
-int trap_LAN_GetServerCount( int source );
-void trap_LAN_GetServerAddressString( int source, int n, char *buf, int buflen );
-void trap_LAN_GetServerInfo( int source, int n, char *buf, int buflen );
-int trap_LAN_GetServerPing( int source, int n );
-int trap_LAN_GetPingQueueCount( void );
-void trap_LAN_ClearPing( int n );
-void trap_LAN_GetPing( int n, char *buf, int buflen, int *pingtime );
-void trap_LAN_GetPingInfo( int n, char *buf, int buflen );
-void trap_LAN_LoadCachedServers( void );
-void trap_LAN_SaveCachedServers( void );
-void trap_LAN_MarkServerVisible(int source, int n, qboolean visible);
-int trap_LAN_ServerIsVisible( int source, int n);
-qboolean trap_LAN_UpdateVisiblePings( int source );
-int trap_LAN_AddServer(int source, const char *name, const char *addr);
-void trap_LAN_RemoveServer(int source, const char *addr);
-void trap_LAN_ResetPings(int n);
-int trap_LAN_ServerStatus( const char *serverAddress, char *serverStatus, int maxLen );
-int trap_LAN_CompareServers( int source, int sortKey, int sortDir, int s1, int s2 );
-int trap_MemoryRemaining( void );
-void trap_GetCDKey( char *buf, int buflen );
-void trap_SetCDKey( char *buf );
-void trap_R_RegisterFont(const char *pFontname, int pointSize, fontInfo_t *font);
-void trap_S_StopBackgroundTrack( void );
-void trap_S_StartBackgroundTrack( const char *intro, const char *loop);
-int trap_CIN_PlayCinematic( const char *arg0, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height, int bits);
-e_status trap_CIN_StopCinematic(int handle);
-e_status trap_CIN_RunCinematic (int handle);
-void trap_CIN_DrawCinematic (int handle);
-void trap_CIN_SetExtents (int handle, int x, int y, int w, int h);
-int trap_RealTime(qtime_t *qtime);
-void trap_R_RemapShader( const char *oldShader, const char *newShader, const char *timeOffset );
-qboolean trap_VerifyCDKey( const char *key, const char *chksum);
-void trap_SetPbClStatus( int status );
-// ui_addbots.c
-void UI_AddBots_Cache( void );
-void UI_AddBotsMenu( void );
-// ui_removebots.c
-void UI_RemoveBots_Cache( void );
-void UI_RemoveBotsMenu( void );
-// ui_teamorders.c
-extern void UI_TeamOrdersMenu( void );
-extern void UI_TeamOrdersMenu_f( void );
-extern void UI_TeamOrdersMenu_Cache( void );
-// ui_loadconfig.c
-void UI_LoadConfig_Cache( void );
-void UI_LoadConfigMenu( void );
-// ui_saveconfig.c
-void UI_SaveConfigMenu_Cache( void );
-void UI_SaveConfigMenu( void );
-// ui_display.c
-void UI_DisplayOptionsMenu_Cache( void );
-void UI_DisplayOptionsMenu( void );
-// ui_sound.c
-void UI_SoundOptionsMenu_Cache( void );
-void UI_SoundOptionsMenu( void );
-// ui_network.c
-void UI_NetworkOptionsMenu_Cache( void );
-void UI_NetworkOptionsMenu( void );
-// ui_gameinfo.c
-typedef enum {
-} awardType_t;
-const char *UI_GetArenaInfoByNumber( int num );
-const char *UI_GetArenaInfoByMap( const char *map );
-const char *UI_GetSpecialArenaInfo( const char *tag );
-int UI_GetNumArenas( void );
-int UI_GetNumSPArenas( void );
-int UI_GetNumSPTiers( void );
-char *UI_GetBotInfoByNumber( int num );
-char *UI_GetBotInfoByName( const char *name );
-int UI_GetNumBots( void );
-void UI_LoadBots( void );
-char *UI_GetBotNameByNumber( int num );
-void UI_GetBestScore( int level, int *score, int *skill );
-void UI_SetBestScore( int level, int score );
-int UI_TierCompleted( int levelWon );
-qboolean UI_ShowTierVideo( int tier );
-qboolean UI_CanShowTierVideo( int tier );
-int UI_GetCurrentGame( void );
-void UI_NewGame( void );
-void UI_LogAwardData( int award, int data );
-int UI_GetAwardLevel( int award );
-void UI_SPUnlock_f( void );
-void UI_SPUnlockMedals_f( void );
-void UI_InitGameinfo( void );
-// ui_login.c
-void Login_Cache( void );
-void UI_LoginMenu( void );
-// ui_signup.c
-void Signup_Cache( void );
-void UI_SignupMenu( void );
-// ui_rankstatus.c
-void RankStatus_Cache( void );
-void UI_RankStatusMenu( void );
-// new ui
-#define ASSET_BACKGROUND "uiBackground"
-// for tracking sp game info in Team Arena
-typedef struct postGameInfo_s {
- int score;
- int redScore;
- int blueScore;
- int perfects;
- int accuracy;
- int impressives;
- int excellents;
- int defends;
- int assists;
- int gauntlets;
- int captures;
- int time;
- int timeBonus;
- int shutoutBonus;
- int skillBonus;
- int baseScore;
-} postGameInfo_t;
diff --git a/src/ui/ui_main.c b/src/ui/ui_main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 80a5bdb4..00000000
--- a/src/ui/ui_main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6553 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
- * Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Tim Angus
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the OSML - Open Source Modification License v1.0 as
- * described in the file COPYING which is distributed with this source
- * code.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- */
-// use this to get a demo build without an explicit demo build, i.e. to get the demo ui files to build
-#include "ui_local.h"
-uiInfo_t uiInfo;
-static const char *MonthAbbrev[] = {
- "Jan","Feb","Mar",
- "Apr","May","Jun",
- "Jul","Aug","Sep",
- "Oct","Nov","Dec"
-static const char *skillLevels[] = {
- "I Can Win",
- "Bring It On",
- "Hurt Me Plenty",
- "Hardcore",
- "Nightmare"
-static const int numSkillLevels = sizeof(skillLevels) / sizeof(const char*);
-static const char *netSources[] = {
- "Local",
- "Mplayer",
- "Internet",
- "Favorites"
-static const int numNetSources = sizeof(netSources) / sizeof(const char*);
-static const serverFilter_t serverFilters[] = {
- {"All", "" },
- {"Quake 3 Arena", "" },
- {"Team Arena", "missionpack" },
- {"Rocket Arena", "arena" },
- {"Alliance", "alliance20" },
- {"Weapons Factory Arena", "wfa" },
- {"OSP", "osp" },
-static const char *teamArenaGameTypes[] = {
- "FFA",
- "SP",
- "TEAM DM",
- "CTF",
- "1FCTF",
-static int const numTeamArenaGameTypes = sizeof(teamArenaGameTypes) / sizeof(const char*);
-static const char *teamArenaGameNames[] = {
- "Free For All",
- "Tournament",
- "Single Player",
- "Team Deathmatch",
- "Capture the Flag",
- "One Flag CTF",
- "Overload",
- "Harvester",
- "Team Tournament",
-static int const numTeamArenaGameNames = sizeof(teamArenaGameNames) / sizeof(const char*);
-static const int numServerFilters = sizeof(serverFilters) / sizeof(serverFilter_t);
-static const char *sortKeys[] = {
- "Server Name",
- "Map Name",
- "Open Player Spots",
- "Game Type",
- "Ping Time"
-static const int numSortKeys = sizeof(sortKeys) / sizeof(const char*);
-static char* netnames[] = {
- "???",
- "UDP",
- "IPX",
-static int gamecodetoui[] = {4,2,3,0,5,1,6};
-static void UI_StartServerRefresh(qboolean full);
-static void UI_StopServerRefresh( void );
-static void UI_DoServerRefresh( void );
-static void UI_FeederSelection(float feederID, int index);
-static void UI_BuildServerDisplayList(qboolean force);
-static void UI_BuildServerStatus(qboolean force);
-static void UI_BuildFindPlayerList(qboolean force);
-static int QDECL UI_ServersQsortCompare( const void *arg1, const void *arg2 );
-static int UI_MapCountByGameType(qboolean singlePlayer);
-static int UI_HeadCountByTeam( void );
-static const char *UI_SelectedMap(int index, int *actual);
-static const char *UI_SelectedHead(int index, int *actual);
-static int UI_GetIndexFromSelection(int actual);
-int ProcessNewUI( int command, int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6 );
-This is the only way control passes into the module.
-This must be the very first function compiled into the .qvm file
-vmCvar_t ui_new;
-vmCvar_t ui_debug;
-vmCvar_t ui_initialized;
-vmCvar_t ui_teamArenaFirstRun;
-void _UI_Init( qboolean );
-void _UI_Shutdown( void );
-void _UI_KeyEvent( int key, qboolean down );
-void _UI_MouseEvent( int dx, int dy );
-void _UI_Refresh( int realtime );
-qboolean _UI_IsFullscreen( void );
-long vmMain( long command, long arg0, long arg1, long arg2, long arg3,
- long arg4, long arg5, long arg6, long arg7,
- long arg8, long arg9, long arg10, long arg11 ) {
- switch ( command ) {
- return UI_API_VERSION;
- case UI_INIT:
- _UI_Init(arg0);
- return 0;
- _UI_Shutdown();
- return 0;
- case UI_KEY_EVENT:
- _UI_KeyEvent( arg0, arg1 );
- return 0;
- _UI_MouseEvent( arg0, arg1 );
- return 0;
- case UI_REFRESH:
- _UI_Refresh( arg0 );
- return 0;
- return _UI_IsFullscreen();
- _UI_SetActiveMenu( arg0 );
- return 0;
- return UI_ConsoleCommand(arg0);
- UI_DrawConnectScreen( arg0 );
- return 0;
- case UI_HASUNIQUECDKEY: // mod authors need to observe this
- return qfalse; // bk010117 - change this to qfalse for mods!
- }
- return -1;
-void AssetCache( void ) {
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.gradientBar = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ASSET_GRADIENTBAR );
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.scrollBar = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ASSET_SCROLLBAR );
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.scrollBarArrowDown = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWDOWN );
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.scrollBarArrowUp = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWUP );
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.scrollBarArrowLeft = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWLEFT );
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.scrollBarArrowRight = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWRIGHT );
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.scrollBarThumb = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ASSET_SCROLL_THUMB );
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.sliderBar = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ASSET_SLIDER_BAR );
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.sliderThumb = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ASSET_SLIDER_THUMB );
-void _UI_DrawSides(float x, float y, float w, float h, float size) {
- UI_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h );
- size *= uiInfo.uiDC.xscale;
- trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, size, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader );
- trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x + w - size, y, size, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader );
-void _UI_DrawTopBottom(float x, float y, float w, float h, float size) {
- UI_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h );
- size *= uiInfo.uiDC.yscale;
- trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, w, size, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader );
- trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y + h - size, w, size, 0, 0, 0, 0, uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader );
-Coordinates are 640*480 virtual values
-void _UI_DrawRect( float x, float y, float width, float height, float size, const float *color ) {
- trap_R_SetColor( color );
- _UI_DrawTopBottom(x, y, width, height, size);
- _UI_DrawSides(x, y, width, height, size);
- trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
-int Text_Width(const char *text, float scale, int limit) {
- int count,len;
- float out;
- glyphInfo_t *glyph;
- float useScale;
- const char *s = text;
- fontInfo_t *font = &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.textFont;
- if (scale <= ui_smallFont.value) {
- font = &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.smallFont;
- } else if (scale >= ui_bigFont.value) {
- font = &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.bigFont;
- }
- useScale = scale * font->glyphScale;
- out = 0;
- if (text) {
- len = strlen(text);
- if (limit > 0 && len > limit) {
- len = limit;
- }
- count = 0;
- while (s && *s && count < len) {
- if ( Q_IsColorString(s) ) {
- s += 2;
- continue;
- } else {
- glyph = &font->glyphs[(int)*s];
- out += glyph->xSkip;
- s++;
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- return out * useScale;
-int Text_Height(const char *text, float scale, int limit) {
- int len, count;
- float max;
- glyphInfo_t *glyph;
- float useScale;
- const char *s = text; // bk001206 - unsigned
- fontInfo_t *font = &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.textFont;
- if (scale <= ui_smallFont.value) {
- font = &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.smallFont;
- } else if (scale >= ui_bigFont.value) {
- font = &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.bigFont;
- }
- useScale = scale * font->glyphScale;
- max = 0;
- if (text) {
- len = strlen(text);
- if (limit > 0 && len > limit) {
- len = limit;
- }
- count = 0;
- while (s && *s && count < len) {
- if ( Q_IsColorString(s) ) {
- s += 2;
- continue;
- } else {
- glyph = &font->glyphs[(int)*s];
- if (max < glyph->height) {
- max = glyph->height;
- }
- s++;
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- return max * useScale;
-void Text_PaintChar(float x, float y, float width, float height, float scale, float s, float t, float s2, float t2, qhandle_t hShader) {
- float w, h;
- w = width * scale;
- h = height * scale;
- UI_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h );
- trap_R_DrawStretchPic( x, y, w, h, s, t, s2, t2, hShader );
-void Text_Paint(float x, float y, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, float adjust, int limit, int style) {
- int len, count;
- vec4_t newColor;
- glyphInfo_t *glyph;
- float useScale;
- fontInfo_t *font = &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.textFont;
- if (scale <= ui_smallFont.value) {
- font = &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.smallFont;
- } else if (scale >= ui_bigFont.value) {
- font = &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.bigFont;
- }
- useScale = scale * font->glyphScale;
- if (text) {
- const char *s = text; // bk001206 - unsigned
- trap_R_SetColor( color );
- memcpy(&newColor[0], &color[0], sizeof(vec4_t));
- len = strlen(text);
- if (limit > 0 && len > limit) {
- len = limit;
- }
- count = 0;
- while (s && *s && count < len) {
- glyph = &font->glyphs[(int)*s];
- //int yadj = Assets.textFont.glyphs[text[i]].bottom + Assets.textFont.glyphs[text[i]].top;
- //float yadj = scale * (Assets.textFont.glyphs[text[i]].imageHeight - Assets.textFont.glyphs[text[i]].height);
- if ( Q_IsColorString( s ) ) {
- memcpy( newColor, g_color_table[ColorIndex(*(s+1))], sizeof( newColor ) );
- newColor[3] = color[3];
- trap_R_SetColor( newColor );
- s += 2;
- continue;
- } else {
- float yadj = useScale * glyph->top;
- int ofs = style == ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED ? 1 : 2;
- colorBlack[3] = newColor[3];
- trap_R_SetColor( colorBlack );
- Text_PaintChar(x + ofs, y - yadj + ofs,
- glyph->imageWidth,
- glyph->imageHeight,
- useScale,
- glyph->s,
- glyph->t,
- glyph->s2,
- glyph->t2,
- glyph->glyph);
- trap_R_SetColor( newColor );
- colorBlack[3] = 1.0;
- }
- else if( style == ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NEON )
- {
- vec4_t glow, outer, inner, white;
- glow[ 0 ] = newColor[ 0 ] * 0.5;
- glow[ 1 ] = newColor[ 1 ] * 0.5;
- glow[ 2 ] = newColor[ 2 ] * 0.5;
- glow[ 3 ] = newColor[ 3 ] * 0.2;
- outer[ 0 ] = newColor[ 0 ];
- outer[ 1 ] = newColor[ 1 ];
- outer[ 2 ] = newColor[ 2 ];
- outer[ 3 ] = newColor[ 3 ];
- inner[ 0 ] = newColor[ 0 ] * 1.5 > 1.0f ? 1.0f : newColor[ 0 ] * 1.5;
- inner[ 1 ] = newColor[ 1 ] * 1.5 > 1.0f ? 1.0f : newColor[ 1 ] * 1.5;
- inner[ 2 ] = newColor[ 2 ] * 1.5 > 1.0f ? 1.0f : newColor[ 2 ] * 1.5;
- inner[ 3 ] = newColor[ 3 ];
- white[ 0 ] = white[ 1 ] = white[ 2 ] = white[ 3 ] = 1.0f;
- trap_R_SetColor( glow );
- Text_PaintChar( x - 1.5, y - yadj - 1.5,
- glyph->imageWidth + 3,
- glyph->imageHeight + 3,
- useScale,
- glyph->s,
- glyph->t,
- glyph->s2,
- glyph->t2,
- glyph->glyph );
- trap_R_SetColor( outer );
- Text_PaintChar( x - 1, y - yadj - 1,
- glyph->imageWidth + 2,
- glyph->imageHeight + 2,
- useScale,
- glyph->s,
- glyph->t,
- glyph->s2,
- glyph->t2,
- glyph->glyph );
- trap_R_SetColor( inner );
- Text_PaintChar( x - 0.5, y - yadj - 0.5,
- glyph->imageWidth + 1,
- glyph->imageHeight + 1,
- useScale,
- glyph->s,
- glyph->t,
- glyph->s2,
- glyph->t2,
- glyph->glyph );
- trap_R_SetColor( white );
- }
- Text_PaintChar(x, y - yadj,
- glyph->imageWidth,
- glyph->imageHeight,
- useScale,
- glyph->s,
- glyph->t,
- glyph->s2,
- glyph->t2,
- glyph->glyph);
- x += (glyph->xSkip * useScale) + adjust;
- s++;
- count++;
- }
- }
- trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
- }
-void Text_PaintWithCursor(float x, float y, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, int cursorPos, char cursor, int limit, int style) {
- int len, count;
- vec4_t newColor;
- glyphInfo_t *glyph, *glyph2;
- float yadj;
- float useScale;
- fontInfo_t *font = &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.textFont;
- if (scale <= ui_smallFont.value) {
- font = &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.smallFont;
- } else if (scale >= ui_bigFont.value) {
- font = &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.bigFont;
- }
- useScale = scale * font->glyphScale;
- if (text) {
- const char *s = text; // bk001206 - unsigned
- trap_R_SetColor( color );
- memcpy(&newColor[0], &color[0], sizeof(vec4_t));
- len = strlen(text);
- if (limit > 0 && len > limit) {
- len = limit;
- }
- count = 0;
- glyph2 = &font->glyphs[ (int) cursor]; // bk001206 - possible signed char
- while (s && *s && count < len) {
- glyph = &font->glyphs[(int)*s];
- if ( Q_IsColorString( s ) ) {
- memcpy( newColor, g_color_table[ColorIndex(*(s+1))], sizeof( newColor ) );
- newColor[3] = color[3];
- trap_R_SetColor( newColor );
- s += 2;
- continue;
- } else {
- yadj = useScale * glyph->top;
- int ofs = style == ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED ? 1 : 2;
- colorBlack[3] = newColor[3];
- trap_R_SetColor( colorBlack );
- Text_PaintChar(x + ofs, y - yadj + ofs,
- glyph->imageWidth,
- glyph->imageHeight,
- useScale,
- glyph->s,
- glyph->t,
- glyph->s2,
- glyph->t2,
- glyph->glyph);
- colorBlack[3] = 1.0;
- trap_R_SetColor( newColor );
- }
- else if( style == ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NEON )
- {
- vec4_t glow, outer, inner, white;
- glow[ 0 ] = newColor[ 0 ] * 0.5;
- glow[ 1 ] = newColor[ 1 ] * 0.5;
- glow[ 2 ] = newColor[ 2 ] * 0.5;
- glow[ 3 ] = newColor[ 3 ] * 0.2;
- outer[ 0 ] = newColor[ 0 ];
- outer[ 1 ] = newColor[ 1 ];
- outer[ 2 ] = newColor[ 2 ];
- outer[ 3 ] = newColor[ 3 ];
- inner[ 0 ] = newColor[ 0 ] * 1.5 > 1.0f ? 1.0f : newColor[ 0 ] * 1.5;
- inner[ 1 ] = newColor[ 1 ] * 1.5 > 1.0f ? 1.0f : newColor[ 1 ] * 1.5;
- inner[ 2 ] = newColor[ 2 ] * 1.5 > 1.0f ? 1.0f : newColor[ 2 ] * 1.5;
- inner[ 3 ] = newColor[ 3 ];
- white[ 0 ] = white[ 1 ] = white[ 2 ] = white[ 3 ] = 1.0f;
- trap_R_SetColor( glow );
- Text_PaintChar( x - 1.5, y - yadj - 1.5,
- glyph->imageWidth + 3,
- glyph->imageHeight + 3,
- useScale,
- glyph->s,
- glyph->t,
- glyph->s2,
- glyph->t2,
- glyph->glyph );
- trap_R_SetColor( outer );
- Text_PaintChar( x - 1, y - yadj - 1,
- glyph->imageWidth + 2,
- glyph->imageHeight + 2,
- useScale,
- glyph->s,
- glyph->t,
- glyph->s2,
- glyph->t2,
- glyph->glyph );
- trap_R_SetColor( inner );
- Text_PaintChar( x - 0.5, y - yadj - 0.5,
- glyph->imageWidth + 1,
- glyph->imageHeight + 1,
- useScale,
- glyph->s,
- glyph->t,
- glyph->s2,
- glyph->t2,
- glyph->glyph );
- trap_R_SetColor( white );
- }
- Text_PaintChar(x, y - yadj,
- glyph->imageWidth,
- glyph->imageHeight,
- useScale,
- glyph->s,
- glyph->t,
- glyph->s2,
- glyph->t2,
- glyph->glyph);
- // CG_DrawPic(x, y - yadj, scale * uiDC.Assets.textFont.glyphs[text[i]].imageWidth, scale * uiDC.Assets.textFont.glyphs[text[i]].imageHeight, uiDC.Assets.textFont.glyphs[text[i]].glyph);
- yadj = useScale * glyph2->top;
- if (count == cursorPos && !((uiInfo.uiDC.realTime/BLINK_DIVISOR) & 1)) {
- Text_PaintChar(x, y - yadj,
- glyph2->imageWidth,
- glyph2->imageHeight,
- useScale,
- glyph2->s,
- glyph2->t,
- glyph2->s2,
- glyph2->t2,
- glyph2->glyph);
- }
- x += (glyph->xSkip * useScale);
- s++;
- count++;
- }
- }
- // need to paint cursor at end of text
- if (cursorPos == len && !((uiInfo.uiDC.realTime/BLINK_DIVISOR) & 1)) {
- yadj = useScale * glyph2->top;
- Text_PaintChar(x, y - yadj,
- glyph2->imageWidth,
- glyph2->imageHeight,
- useScale,
- glyph2->s,
- glyph2->t,
- glyph2->s2,
- glyph2->t2,
- glyph2->glyph);
- }
- trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
- }
-static void Text_Paint_Limit(float *maxX, float x, float y, float scale, vec4_t color, const char* text, float adjust, int limit) {
- int len, count;
- vec4_t newColor;
- glyphInfo_t *glyph;
- if (text) {
- const char *s = text; // bk001206 - unsigned
- float max = *maxX;
- float useScale;
- fontInfo_t *font = &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.textFont;
- if (scale <= ui_smallFont.value) {
- font = &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.smallFont;
- } else if (scale > ui_bigFont.value) {
- font = &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.bigFont;
- }
- useScale = scale * font->glyphScale;
- trap_R_SetColor( color );
- len = strlen(text);
- if (limit > 0 && len > limit) {
- len = limit;
- }
- count = 0;
- while (s && *s && count < len) {
- glyph = &font->glyphs[(int)*s];
- if ( Q_IsColorString( s ) ) {
- memcpy( newColor, g_color_table[ColorIndex(*(s+1))], sizeof( newColor ) );
- newColor[3] = color[3];
- trap_R_SetColor( newColor );
- s += 2;
- continue;
- } else {
- float yadj = useScale * glyph->top;
- if (Text_Width(s, useScale, 1) + x > max) {
- *maxX = 0;
- break;
- }
- Text_PaintChar(x, y - yadj,
- glyph->imageWidth,
- glyph->imageHeight,
- useScale,
- glyph->s,
- glyph->t,
- glyph->s2,
- glyph->t2,
- glyph->glyph);
- x += (glyph->xSkip * useScale) + adjust;
- *maxX = x;
- count++;
- s++;
- }
- }
- trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
- }
-void UI_ShowPostGame(qboolean newHigh) {
- trap_Cvar_Set ("cg_cameraOrbit", "0");
- trap_Cvar_Set("cg_thirdPerson", "0");
- trap_Cvar_Set( "sv_killserver", "1" );
- uiInfo.soundHighScore = newHigh;
-void UI_DrawCenteredPic(qhandle_t image, int w, int h) {
- int x, y;
- x = (SCREEN_WIDTH - w) / 2;
- y = (SCREEN_HEIGHT - h) / 2;
- UI_DrawHandlePic(x, y, w, h, image);
-int frameCount = 0;
-int startTime;
-#define UI_FPS_FRAMES 4
-void _UI_Refresh( int realtime )
- static int index;
- static int previousTimes[UI_FPS_FRAMES];
- //if ( !( trap_Key_GetCatcher() & KEYCATCH_UI ) ) {
- // return;
- //}
- uiInfo.uiDC.frameTime = realtime - uiInfo.uiDC.realTime;
- uiInfo.uiDC.realTime = realtime;
- previousTimes[index % UI_FPS_FRAMES] = uiInfo.uiDC.frameTime;
- index++;
- if ( index > UI_FPS_FRAMES ) {
- int i, total;
- // average multiple frames together to smooth changes out a bit
- total = 0;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < UI_FPS_FRAMES ; i++ ) {
- total += previousTimes[i];
- }
- if ( !total ) {
- total = 1;
- }
- uiInfo.uiDC.FPS = 1000 * UI_FPS_FRAMES / total;
- }
- UI_UpdateCvars();
- if (Menu_Count() > 0) {
- // paint all the menus
- Menu_PaintAll();
- // refresh server browser list
- UI_DoServerRefresh();
- // refresh server status
- UI_BuildServerStatus(qfalse);
- // refresh find player list
- UI_BuildFindPlayerList(qfalse);
- }
- // draw cursor
- UI_SetColor( NULL );
- //TA: don't draw the cursor whilst loading
- if( Menu_Count( ) > 0 && !trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "ui_loading" ) )
- UI_DrawHandlePic( uiInfo.uiDC.cursorx-16, uiInfo.uiDC.cursory-16, 32, 32, uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.cursor);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- if (uiInfo.uiDC.debug)
- {
- // cursor coordinates
- //UI_DrawString( 0, 0, va("(%d,%d)",uis.cursorx,uis.cursory), UI_LEFT|UI_SMALLFONT, colorRed );
- }
-void _UI_Shutdown( void ) {
- trap_LAN_SaveCachedServers();
-char *defaultMenu = NULL;
-char *GetMenuBuffer(const char *filename) {
- int len;
- fileHandle_t f;
- static char buf[MAX_MENUFILE];
- len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, &f, FS_READ );
- if ( !f ) {
- trap_Print( va( S_COLOR_RED "menu file not found: %s, using default\n", filename ) );
- return defaultMenu;
- }
- if ( len >= MAX_MENUFILE ) {
- trap_Print( va( S_COLOR_RED "menu file too large: %s is %i, max allowed is %i", filename, len, MAX_MENUFILE ) );
- trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );
- return defaultMenu;
- }
- trap_FS_Read( buf, len, f );
- buf[len] = 0;
- trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );
- //COM_Compress(buf);
- return buf;
-qboolean Asset_Parse(int handle) {
- pc_token_t token;
- const char *tempStr;
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token))
- return qfalse;
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "{") != 0) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- while ( 1 ) {
- memset(&token, 0, sizeof(pc_token_t));
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token))
- return qfalse;
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "}") == 0) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- // font
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "font") == 0) {
- int pointSize;
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &tempStr) || !PC_Int_Parse(handle,&pointSize)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- trap_R_RegisterFont(tempStr, pointSize, &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.textFont);
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.fontRegistered = qtrue;
- continue;
- }
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "smallFont") == 0) {
- int pointSize;
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &tempStr) || !PC_Int_Parse(handle,&pointSize)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- trap_R_RegisterFont(tempStr, pointSize, &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.smallFont);
- continue;
- }
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "bigFont") == 0) {
- int pointSize;
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &tempStr) || !PC_Int_Parse(handle,&pointSize)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- trap_R_RegisterFont(tempStr, pointSize, &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.bigFont);
- continue;
- }
- // gradientbar
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "gradientbar") == 0) {
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &tempStr)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.gradientBar = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(tempStr);
- continue;
- }
- // enterMenuSound
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "menuEnterSound") == 0) {
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &tempStr)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.menuEnterSound = trap_S_RegisterSound( tempStr, qfalse );
- continue;
- }
- // exitMenuSound
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "menuExitSound") == 0) {
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &tempStr)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.menuExitSound = trap_S_RegisterSound( tempStr, qfalse );
- continue;
- }
- // itemFocusSound
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "itemFocusSound") == 0) {
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &tempStr)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.itemFocusSound = trap_S_RegisterSound( tempStr, qfalse );
- continue;
- }
- // menuBuzzSound
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "menuBuzzSound") == 0) {
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &tempStr)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.menuBuzzSound = trap_S_RegisterSound( tempStr, qfalse );
- continue;
- }
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "cursor") == 0) {
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.cursorStr)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.cursor = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.cursorStr);
- continue;
- }
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "fadeClamp") == 0) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.fadeClamp)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "fadeCycle") == 0) {
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.fadeCycle)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "fadeAmount") == 0) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.fadeAmount)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "shadowX") == 0) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.shadowX)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "shadowY") == 0) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.shadowY)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "shadowColor") == 0) {
- if (!PC_Color_Parse(handle, &uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.shadowColor)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.shadowFadeClamp = uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.shadowColor[3];
- continue;
- }
- }
- return qfalse;
-void Font_Report( void ) {
- int i;
- Com_Printf("Font Info\n");
- Com_Printf("=========\n");
- for ( i = 32; i < 96; i++) {
- Com_Printf("Glyph handle %i: %i\n", i, uiInfo.uiDC.Assets.textFont.glyphs[i].glyph);
- }
-void UI_Report( void ) {
- String_Report();
- //Font_Report();
-void UI_ParseMenu(const char *menuFile) {
- int handle;
- pc_token_t token;
- /*Com_Printf("Parsing menu file:%s\n", menuFile);*/
- handle = trap_PC_LoadSource(menuFile);
- if (!handle) {
- return;
- }
- while ( 1 ) {
- memset(&token, 0, sizeof(pc_token_t));
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken( handle, &token )) {
- break;
- }
- //if ( Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) ) {
- // Com_Printf( "Missing { in menu file\n" );
- // break;
- //}
- //if ( menuCount == MAX_MENUS ) {
- // Com_Printf( "Too many menus!\n" );
- // break;
- //}
- if ( token.string[0] == '}' ) {
- break;
- }
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "assetGlobalDef") == 0) {
- if (Asset_Parse(handle)) {
- continue;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "menudef") == 0) {
- // start a new menu
- Menu_New(handle);
- }
- }
- trap_PC_FreeSource(handle);
-tremInfoPane_t *UI_FindInfoPaneByName( const char *name )
- int i;
- for( i = 0; i < uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount; i++ )
- {
- if( !Q_stricmp( uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].name, name ) )
- return &uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ];
- }
- //create a dummy infopane demanding the user write the infopane
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].name = String_Alloc( name );
- strncpy( uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].text, "Not implemented.\n\nui/infopanes.def\n", MAX_INFOPANE_TEXT );
- Q_strcat( uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].text, MAX_INFOPANE_TEXT, String_Alloc( name ) );
- uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount++;
- return &uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ];
-qboolean UI_LoadInfoPane( int handle )
- pc_token_t token;
- qboolean valid = qfalse;
- while( 1 )
- {
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_PC_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "name" ) )
- {
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_PC_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].name = String_Alloc( token.string );
- valid = qtrue;
- }
- else if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "graphic" ) )
- {
- int *graphic;
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_PC_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- graphic = &uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].numGraphics;
- if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "top" ) )
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].side = INFOPANE_TOP;
- else if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "bottom" ) )
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].side = INFOPANE_BOTTOM;
- else if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "left" ) )
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].side = INFOPANE_LEFT;
- else if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "right" ) )
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].side = INFOPANE_RIGHT;
- else
- break;
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_PC_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "center" ) )
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].offset = -1;
- else
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].offset = token.intvalue;
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_PC_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].graphic =
- trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( token.string );
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_PC_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].width = token.intvalue;
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_PC_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].graphics[ *graphic ].height = token.intvalue;
- //increment graphics
- (*graphic)++;
- if( *graphic == MAX_INFOPANE_GRAPHICS )
- break;
- }
- else if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "text" ) )
- {
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_PC_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- Q_strcat( uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].text, MAX_INFOPANE_TEXT, token.string );
- }
- else if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "align" ) )
- {
- memset( &token, 0, sizeof( pc_token_t ) );
- if( !trap_PC_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "left" ) )
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].align = ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT;
- else if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "right" ) )
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].align = ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT;
- else if( !Q_stricmp( token.string, "center" ) )
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount ].align = ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER;
- }
- else if( token.string[ 0 ] == '}' )
- {
- //reached the end, break
- break;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- if( valid )
- {
- uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount++;
- return qtrue;
- }
- else
- {
- return qfalse;
- }
-void UI_LoadInfoPanes( const char *file )
- pc_token_t token;
- int handle;
- int count;
- uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount = count = 0;
- handle = trap_PC_LoadSource( file );
- if( !handle )
- {
- trap_Error( va( S_COLOR_YELLOW "infopane file not found: %s\n", file ) );
- return;
- }
- while( 1 )
- {
- if( !trap_PC_ReadToken( handle, &token ) )
- break;
- if( token.string[ 0 ] == 0 )
- break;
- if( token.string[ 0 ] == '{' )
- {
- if( UI_LoadInfoPane( handle ) )
- count++;
- if( count == MAX_INFOPANES )
- break;
- }
- }
- trap_PC_FreeSource( handle );
-qboolean Load_Menu(int handle) {
- pc_token_t token;
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token))
- return qfalse;
- if (token.string[0] != '{') {
- return qfalse;
- }
- while ( 1 ) {
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token))
- return qfalse;
- if ( token.string[0] == 0 ) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- if ( token.string[0] == '}' ) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- UI_ParseMenu(token.string);
- }
- return qfalse;
-void UI_LoadMenus(const char *menuFile, qboolean reset) {
- pc_token_t token;
- int handle;
- int start;
- start = trap_Milliseconds();
- handle = trap_PC_LoadSource( menuFile );
- if (!handle) {
- trap_Error( va( S_COLOR_YELLOW "menu file not found: %s, using default\n", menuFile ) );
- handle = trap_PC_LoadSource( "ui/menus.txt" );
- if (!handle) {
- trap_Error( va( S_COLOR_RED "default menu file not found: ui/menus.txt, unable to continue!\n", menuFile ) );
- }
- }
- ui_new.integer = 1;
- if (reset) {
- Menu_Reset();
- }
- while ( 1 ) {
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token))
- break;
- if( token.string[0] == 0 || token.string[0] == '}') {
- break;
- }
- if ( token.string[0] == '}' ) {
- break;
- }
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "loadmenu") == 0) {
- if (Load_Menu(handle)) {
- continue;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- Com_Printf("UI menu load time = %d milli seconds\n", trap_Milliseconds() - start);
- trap_PC_FreeSource( handle );
-void UI_Load( void ) {
- char lastName[1024];
- menuDef_t *menu = Menu_GetFocused();
- char *menuSet = UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_menuFiles");
- if (menu && menu-> {
- strcpy(lastName, menu->;
- }
- if (menuSet == NULL || menuSet[0] == '\0') {
- menuSet = "ui/menus.txt";
- }
- String_Init();
-/* UI_ParseGameInfo("gameinfo.txt");
- UI_LoadArenas();*/
- UI_LoadMenus(menuSet, qtrue);
- Menus_CloseAll();
- Menus_ActivateByName(lastName);
-static const char *handicapValues[] = {"None","95","90","85","80","75","70","65","60","55","50","45","40","35","30","25","20","15","10","5",NULL};
-static void UI_DrawHandicap(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- int i, h;
- h = Com_Clamp( 5, 100, trap_Cvar_VariableValue("handicap") );
- i = 20 - h / 5;
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, handicapValues[i], 0, 0, textStyle);
-static void UI_DrawClanName(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_teamName"), 0, 0, textStyle);
-static void UI_SetCapFragLimits(qboolean uiVars) {
- int cap = 5;
- int frag = 10;
- if (uiVars) {
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_captureLimit", va("%d", cap));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_fragLimit", va("%d", frag));
- } else {
- trap_Cvar_Set("capturelimit", va("%d", cap));
- trap_Cvar_Set("fraglimit", va("%d", frag));
- }
-// ui_gameType assumes gametype 0 is -1 ALL and will not show
-static void UI_DrawGameType(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, uiInfo.gameTypes[ui_gameType.integer].gameType, 0, 0, textStyle);
-static void UI_DrawNetGameType(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- if (ui_netGameType.integer < 0 || ui_netGameType.integer > uiInfo.numGameTypes) {
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_netGameType", "0");
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_actualNetGameType", "0");
- }
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, uiInfo.gameTypes[ui_netGameType.integer].gameType , 0, 0, textStyle);
-static void UI_DrawJoinGameType(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- if (ui_joinGameType.integer < 0 || ui_joinGameType.integer > uiInfo.numJoinGameTypes) {
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_joinGameType", "0");
- }
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, uiInfo.joinGameTypes[ui_joinGameType.integer].gameType , 0, 0, textStyle);
-static int UI_TeamIndexFromName(const char *name) {
- int i;
- if (name && *name) {
- for (i = 0; i < uiInfo.teamCount; i++) {
- if (Q_stricmp(name, uiInfo.teamList[i].teamName) == 0) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static void UI_DrawClanLogo(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color) {
- int i;
- i = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_teamName"));
- if (i >= 0 && i < uiInfo.teamCount) {
- trap_R_SetColor( color );
- if (uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon == -1) {
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName);
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Metal = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("%s_metal",uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName));
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Name = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("%s_name", uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName));
- }
- UI_DrawHandlePic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon);
- trap_R_SetColor(NULL);
- }
-static void UI_DrawClanCinematic(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color) {
- int i;
- i = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_teamName"));
- if (i >= 0 && i < uiInfo.teamCount) {
- if (uiInfo.teamList[i].cinematic >= -2) {
- if (uiInfo.teamList[i].cinematic == -1) {
- uiInfo.teamList[i].cinematic = trap_CIN_PlayCinematic(va("%s.roq", uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName), 0, 0, 0, 0, (CIN_loop | CIN_silent) );
- }
- if (uiInfo.teamList[i].cinematic >= 0) {
- trap_CIN_RunCinematic(uiInfo.teamList[i].cinematic);
- trap_CIN_SetExtents(uiInfo.teamList[i].cinematic, rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h);
- trap_CIN_DrawCinematic(uiInfo.teamList[i].cinematic);
- } else {
- trap_R_SetColor( color );
- UI_DrawHandlePic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Metal);
- trap_R_SetColor(NULL);
- uiInfo.teamList[i].cinematic = -2;
- }
- } else {
- trap_R_SetColor( color );
- UI_DrawHandlePic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon);
- trap_R_SetColor(NULL);
- }
- }
-static void UI_DrawPreviewCinematic(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color) {
- if (uiInfo.previewMovie > -2) {
- uiInfo.previewMovie = trap_CIN_PlayCinematic(va("%s.roq", uiInfo.movieList[uiInfo.movieIndex]), 0, 0, 0, 0, (CIN_loop | CIN_silent) );
- if (uiInfo.previewMovie >= 0) {
- trap_CIN_RunCinematic(uiInfo.previewMovie);
- trap_CIN_SetExtents(uiInfo.previewMovie, rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h);
- trap_CIN_DrawCinematic(uiInfo.previewMovie);
- } else {
- uiInfo.previewMovie = -2;
- }
- }
-#define GRAPHIC_BWIDTH 8.0f
-static void UI_DrawInfoPane( tremInfoPane_t *pane, rectDef_t *rect, float text_x, float text_y,
- float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle )
- int i;
- float maxLeft = 0, maxTop = 0;
- float maxRight = 0, maxBottom = 0;
- float x = rect->x - text_x, y = rect->y - text_y, w, h;
- float xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0;
- menuDef_t dummyParent;
- itemDef_t textItem;
- //iterate through graphics
- for( i = 0; i < pane->numGraphics; i++ )
- {
- float width = pane->graphics[ i ].width;
- float height = pane->graphics[ i ].height;
- qhandle_t graphic = pane->graphics[ i ].graphic;
- if( pane->graphics[ i ].side == INFOPANE_TOP || pane->graphics[ i ].side == INFOPANE_BOTTOM )
- {
- //set horizontal offset of graphic
- if( pane->graphics[ i ].offset < 0 )
- xoffset = ( rect->w / 2 ) - ( pane->graphics[ i ].width / 2 );
- else
- xoffset = pane->graphics[ i ].offset + GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- }
- else if( pane->graphics[ i ].side == INFOPANE_LEFT || pane->graphics[ i ].side == INFOPANE_RIGHT )
- {
- //set vertical offset of graphic
- if( pane->graphics[ i ].offset < 0 )
- yoffset = ( rect->h / 2 ) - ( pane->graphics[ i ].height / 2 );
- else
- yoffset = pane->graphics[ i ].offset + GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- }
- if( pane->graphics[ i ].side == INFOPANE_LEFT )
- {
- //set the horizontal offset of the text
- if( pane->graphics[ i ].width > maxLeft )
- maxLeft = pane->graphics[ i ].width + GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- xoffset = GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- }
- else if( pane->graphics[ i ].side == INFOPANE_RIGHT )
- {
- if( pane->graphics[ i ].width > maxRight )
- maxRight = pane->graphics[ i ].width + GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- xoffset = rect->w - width - GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- }
- else if( pane->graphics[ i ].side == INFOPANE_TOP )
- {
- //set the vertical offset of the text
- if( pane->graphics[ i ].height > maxTop )
- maxTop = pane->graphics[ i ].height + GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- yoffset = GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- }
- else if( pane->graphics[ i ].side == INFOPANE_BOTTOM )
- {
- if( pane->graphics[ i ].height > maxBottom )
- maxBottom = pane->graphics[ i ].height + GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- yoffset = rect->h - height - GRAPHIC_BWIDTH;
- }
- //draw the graphic
- UI_DrawHandlePic( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, width, height, graphic );
- }
- //offset the text
- x = rect->x + maxLeft;
- y = rect->y + maxTop;
- w = rect->w - ( maxLeft + maxRight + 16 + ( 2 * text_x ) ); //16 to ensure text within frame
- h = rect->h - ( maxTop + maxBottom );
- textItem.text = pane->text;
- textItem.parent = &dummyParent;
- memcpy( textItem.window.foreColor, color, sizeof( vec4_t ) );
- textItem.window.flags = 0;
- switch( pane->align )
- {
- textItem.window.rect.x = x;
- break;
- textItem.window.rect.x = x + w;
- break;
- textItem.window.rect.x = x + ( w / 2 );
- break;
- default:
- textItem.window.rect.x = x;
- break;
- }
- textItem.window.rect.y = y;
- textItem.window.rect.w = w;
- textItem.window.rect.h = h;
- textItem.window.borderSize = 0;
- textItem.textRect.x = 0;
- textItem.textRect.y = 0;
- textItem.textRect.w = 0;
- textItem.textRect.h = 0;
- textItem.textalignment = pane->align;
- textItem.textalignx = text_x;
- textItem.textaligny = text_y;
- textItem.textscale = scale;
- textItem.textStyle = textStyle;
- textItem.enableCvar = NULL;
- textItem.cvarTest = NULL;
- //hack to utilise existing autowrap code
- Item_Text_AutoWrapped_Paint( &textItem );
-static void UI_DrawSkill(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- int i;
- i = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "g_spSkill" );
- if (i < 1 || i > numSkillLevels) {
- i = 1;
- }
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, skillLevels[i-1],0, 0, textStyle);
-static void UI_DrawTeamName(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, qboolean blue, int textStyle) {
- int i;
- i = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString((blue) ? "ui_blueTeam" : "ui_redTeam"));
- if (i >= 0 && i < uiInfo.teamCount) {
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, va("%s: %s", (blue) ? "Blue" : "Red", uiInfo.teamList[i].teamName),0, 0, textStyle);
- }
-static void UI_DrawTeamMember(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, qboolean blue, int num, int textStyle) {
- // 0 - None
- // 1 - Human
- // 2..NumCharacters - Bot
- int value = trap_Cvar_VariableValue(va(blue ? "ui_blueteam%i" : "ui_redteam%i", num));
- const char *text;
- if (value <= 0) {
- text = "Closed";
- } else if (value == 1) {
- text = "Human";
- } else {
- value -= 2;
- if( value >= UI_GetNumBots( ) )
- value = 0;
- text = UI_GetBotNameByNumber(value);
- }
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, text, 0, 0, textStyle);
-static void UI_DrawMapPreview(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, qboolean net) {
- int map = (net) ? ui_currentNetMap.integer : ui_currentMap.integer;
- if (map < 0 || map > uiInfo.mapCount) {
- if (net) {
- ui_currentNetMap.integer = 0;
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_currentNetMap", "0");
- } else {
- ui_currentMap.integer = 0;
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_currentMap", "0");
- }
- map = 0;
- }
- if (uiInfo.mapList[map].levelShot == -1) {
- uiInfo.mapList[map].levelShot = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(uiInfo.mapList[map].imageName);
- }
- if (uiInfo.mapList[map].levelShot > 0) {
- UI_DrawHandlePic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, uiInfo.mapList[map].levelShot);
- } else {
- UI_DrawHandlePic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("gfx/2d/load_screen"));
- }
-static void UI_DrawMapTimeToBeat(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- int minutes, seconds, time;
- if (ui_currentMap.integer < 0 || ui_currentMap.integer > uiInfo.mapCount) {
- ui_currentMap.integer = 0;
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_currentMap", "0");
- }
- time = uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].timeToBeat[uiInfo.gameTypes[ui_gameType.integer].gtEnum];
- minutes = time / 60;
- seconds = time % 60;
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, va("%02i:%02i", minutes, seconds), 0, 0, textStyle);
-static void UI_DrawMapCinematic(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, qboolean net) {
- int map = (net) ? ui_currentNetMap.integer : ui_currentMap.integer;
- if (map < 0 || map > uiInfo.mapCount) {
- if (net) {
- ui_currentNetMap.integer = 0;
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_currentNetMap", "0");
- } else {
- ui_currentMap.integer = 0;
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_currentMap", "0");
- }
- map = 0;
- }
- if (uiInfo.mapList[map].cinematic >= -1) {
- if (uiInfo.mapList[map].cinematic == -1) {
- uiInfo.mapList[map].cinematic = trap_CIN_PlayCinematic(va("%s.roq", uiInfo.mapList[map].mapLoadName), 0, 0, 0, 0, (CIN_loop | CIN_silent) );
- }
- if (uiInfo.mapList[map].cinematic >= 0) {
- trap_CIN_RunCinematic(uiInfo.mapList[map].cinematic);
- trap_CIN_SetExtents(uiInfo.mapList[map].cinematic, rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h);
- trap_CIN_DrawCinematic(uiInfo.mapList[map].cinematic);
- } else {
- uiInfo.mapList[map].cinematic = -2;
- }
- } else {
- UI_DrawMapPreview(rect, scale, color, net);
- }
-static qboolean updateModel = qtrue;
-static qboolean q3Model = qfalse;
-static void UI_DrawPlayerModel(rectDef_t *rect) {
- static playerInfo_t info;
- char model[MAX_QPATH];
- char team[256];
- char head[256];
- vec3_t viewangles;
- vec3_t moveangles;
- if (trap_Cvar_VariableValue("ui_Q3Model")) {
- strcpy(model, UI_Cvar_VariableString("model"));
- strcpy(head, UI_Cvar_VariableString("headmodel"));
- if (!q3Model) {
- q3Model = qtrue;
- updateModel = qtrue;
- }
- team[0] = '\0';
- } else {
- strcpy(team, UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_teamName"));
- strcpy(model, UI_Cvar_VariableString("team_model"));
- strcpy(head, UI_Cvar_VariableString("team_headmodel"));
- if (q3Model) {
- q3Model = qfalse;
- updateModel = qtrue;
- }
- }
- if (updateModel) {
- memset( &info, 0, sizeof(playerInfo_t) );
- viewangles[YAW] = 180 - 10;
- viewangles[PITCH] = 0;
- viewangles[ROLL] = 0;
- VectorClear( moveangles );
- UI_PlayerInfo_SetModel( &info, model, head, team);
- UI_PlayerInfo_SetInfo( &info, LEGS_IDLE, TORSO_STAND, viewangles, vec3_origin, WP_MACHINEGUN, qfalse );
-// UI_RegisterClientModelname( &info, model, head, team);
- updateModel = qfalse;
- }
- UI_DrawPlayer( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, &info, uiInfo.uiDC.realTime / 2);
-static void UI_DrawNetSource(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- if (ui_netSource.integer < 0 || ui_netSource.integer > numNetSources) {
- ui_netSource.integer = 0;
- }
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, va("Source: %s", netSources[ui_netSource.integer]), 0, 0, textStyle);
-static void UI_DrawNetMapPreview(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color) {
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServerPreview > 0) {
- UI_DrawHandlePic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServerPreview);
- } else {
- UI_DrawHandlePic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip("gfx/2d/load_screen"));
- }
-static void UI_DrawNetMapCinematic(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color) {
- if (ui_currentNetMap.integer < 0 || ui_currentNetMap.integer > uiInfo.mapCount) {
- ui_currentNetMap.integer = 0;
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_currentNetMap", "0");
- }
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServerCinematic >= 0) {
- trap_CIN_RunCinematic(uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServerCinematic);
- trap_CIN_SetExtents(uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServerCinematic, rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h);
- trap_CIN_DrawCinematic(uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServerCinematic);
- } else {
- UI_DrawNetMapPreview(rect, scale, color);
- }
-static void UI_DrawNetFilter(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- if (ui_serverFilterType.integer < 0 || ui_serverFilterType.integer > numServerFilters) {
- ui_serverFilterType.integer = 0;
- }
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, va("Filter: %s", serverFilters[ui_serverFilterType.integer].description), 0, 0, textStyle);
-static void UI_DrawTier(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- int i;
- i = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "ui_currentTier" );
- if (i < 0 || i >= uiInfo.tierCount) {
- i = 0;
- }
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, va("Tier: %s", uiInfo.tierList[i].tierName),0, 0, textStyle);
-static void UI_DrawTierMap(rectDef_t *rect, int index) {
- int i;
- i = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "ui_currentTier" );
- if (i < 0 || i >= uiInfo.tierCount) {
- i = 0;
- }
- if (uiInfo.tierList[i].mapHandles[index] == -1) {
- uiInfo.tierList[i].mapHandles[index] = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("levelshots/%s", uiInfo.tierList[i].maps[index]));
- }
- UI_DrawHandlePic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, uiInfo.tierList[i].mapHandles[index]);
-static const char *UI_EnglishMapName(const char *map) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < uiInfo.mapCount; i++) {
- if (Q_stricmp(map, uiInfo.mapList[i].mapLoadName) == 0) {
- return uiInfo.mapList[i].mapName;
- }
- }
- return "";
-static void UI_DrawTierMapName(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- int i, j;
- i = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "ui_currentTier" );
- if (i < 0 || i >= uiInfo.tierCount) {
- i = 0;
- }
- j = trap_Cvar_VariableValue("ui_currentMap");
- if (j < 0 || j > MAPS_PER_TIER) {
- j = 0;
- }
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, UI_EnglishMapName(uiInfo.tierList[i].maps[j]), 0, 0, textStyle);
-static void UI_DrawTierGameType(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- int i, j;
- i = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "ui_currentTier" );
- if (i < 0 || i >= uiInfo.tierCount) {
- i = 0;
- }
- j = trap_Cvar_VariableValue("ui_currentMap");
- if (j < 0 || j > MAPS_PER_TIER) {
- j = 0;
- }
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, uiInfo.gameTypes[uiInfo.tierList[i].gameTypes[j]].gameType , 0, 0, textStyle);
-static const char *UI_AIFromName(const char *name) {
- int j;
- for (j = 0; j < uiInfo.aliasCount; j++) {
- if (Q_stricmp(uiInfo.aliasList[j].name, name) == 0) {
- return uiInfo.aliasList[j].ai;
- }
- }
- return "James";
-static qboolean updateOpponentModel = qtrue;
-static void UI_DrawOpponent(rectDef_t *rect) {
- static playerInfo_t info2;
- char model[MAX_QPATH];
- char headmodel[MAX_QPATH];
- char team[256];
- vec3_t viewangles;
- vec3_t moveangles;
- if (updateOpponentModel) {
- strcpy(model, UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_opponentModel"));
- strcpy(headmodel, UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_opponentModel"));
- team[0] = '\0';
- memset( &info2, 0, sizeof(playerInfo_t) );
- viewangles[YAW] = 180 - 10;
- viewangles[PITCH] = 0;
- viewangles[ROLL] = 0;
- VectorClear( moveangles );
- UI_PlayerInfo_SetModel( &info2, model, headmodel, "");
- UI_PlayerInfo_SetInfo( &info2, LEGS_IDLE, TORSO_STAND, viewangles, vec3_origin, WP_MACHINEGUN, qfalse );
- UI_RegisterClientModelname( &info2, model, headmodel, team);
- updateOpponentModel = qfalse;
- }
- UI_DrawPlayer( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, &info2, uiInfo.uiDC.realTime / 2);
-static void UI_NextOpponent( void ) {
- int i = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_opponentName"));
- int j = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_teamName"));
- i++;
- if (i >= uiInfo.teamCount) {
- i = 0;
- }
- if (i == j) {
- i++;
- if ( i >= uiInfo.teamCount) {
- i = 0;
- }
- }
- trap_Cvar_Set( "ui_opponentName", uiInfo.teamList[i].teamName );
-static void UI_PriorOpponent( void ) {
- int i = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_opponentName"));
- int j = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_teamName"));
- i--;
- if (i < 0) {
- i = uiInfo.teamCount - 1;
- }
- if (i == j) {
- i--;
- if ( i < 0) {
- i = uiInfo.teamCount - 1;
- }
- }
- trap_Cvar_Set( "ui_opponentName", uiInfo.teamList[i].teamName );
-static void UI_DrawPlayerLogo(rectDef_t *rect, vec3_t color) {
- int i = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_teamName"));
- if (uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon == -1) {
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName);
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Metal = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("%s_metal",uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName));
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Name = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("%s_name", uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName));
- }
- trap_R_SetColor( color );
- UI_DrawHandlePic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon );
- trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
-static void UI_DrawPlayerLogoMetal(rectDef_t *rect, vec3_t color) {
- int i = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_teamName"));
- if (uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon == -1) {
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName);
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Metal = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("%s_metal",uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName));
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Name = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("%s_name", uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName));
- }
- trap_R_SetColor( color );
- UI_DrawHandlePic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Metal );
- trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
-static void UI_DrawPlayerLogoName(rectDef_t *rect, vec3_t color) {
- int i = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_teamName"));
- if (uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon == -1) {
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName);
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Metal = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("%s_metal",uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName));
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Name = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("%s_name", uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName));
- }
- trap_R_SetColor( color );
- UI_DrawHandlePic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Name );
- trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
-static void UI_DrawOpponentLogo(rectDef_t *rect, vec3_t color) {
- int i = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_opponentName"));
- if (uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon == -1) {
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName);
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Metal = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("%s_metal",uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName));
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Name = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("%s_name", uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName));
- }
- trap_R_SetColor( color );
- UI_DrawHandlePic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon );
- trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
-static void UI_DrawOpponentLogoMetal(rectDef_t *rect, vec3_t color) {
- int i = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_opponentName"));
- if (uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon == -1) {
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName);
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Metal = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("%s_metal",uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName));
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Name = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("%s_name", uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName));
- }
- trap_R_SetColor( color );
- UI_DrawHandlePic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Metal );
- trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
-static void UI_DrawOpponentLogoName(rectDef_t *rect, vec3_t color) {
- int i = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_opponentName"));
- if (uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon == -1) {
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName);
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Metal = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("%s_metal",uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName));
- uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Name = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("%s_name", uiInfo.teamList[i].imageName));
- }
- trap_R_SetColor( color );
- UI_DrawHandlePic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, uiInfo.teamList[i].teamIcon_Name );
- trap_R_SetColor( NULL );
-static void UI_DrawAllMapsSelection(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle, qboolean net) {
- int map = (net) ? ui_currentNetMap.integer : ui_currentMap.integer;
- if (map >= 0 && map < uiInfo.mapCount) {
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, uiInfo.mapList[map].mapName, 0, 0, textStyle);
- }
-static void UI_DrawOpponentName(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_opponentName"), 0, 0, textStyle);
-static int UI_OwnerDrawWidth(int ownerDraw, float scale) {
- int i, h, value;
- const char *text;
- const char *s = NULL;
- switch( ownerDraw )
- {
- h = Com_Clamp( 5, 100, trap_Cvar_VariableValue("handicap") );
- i = 20 - h / 5;
- s = handicapValues[i];
- break;
- s = UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_teamName");
- break;
- s = uiInfo.gameTypes[ui_gameType.integer].gameType;
- break;
- case UI_SKILL:
- i = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "g_spSkill" );
- if (i < 1 || i > numSkillLevels) {
- i = 1;
- }
- s = skillLevels[i-1];
- break;
- i = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_blueTeam"));
- if (i >= 0 && i < uiInfo.teamCount) {
- s = va("%s: %s", "Blue", uiInfo.teamList[i].teamName);
- }
- break;
- i = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_redTeam"));
- if (i >= 0 && i < uiInfo.teamCount) {
- s = va("%s: %s", "Red", uiInfo.teamList[i].teamName);
- }
- break;
- case UI_BLUETEAM1:
- case UI_BLUETEAM2:
- case UI_BLUETEAM3:
- case UI_BLUETEAM4:
- case UI_BLUETEAM5:
- value = trap_Cvar_VariableValue(va("ui_blueteam%i", ownerDraw-UI_BLUETEAM1 + 1));
- if (value <= 0) {
- text = "Closed";
- } else if (value == 1) {
- text = "Human";
- } else {
- value -= 2;
- if (value >= uiInfo.aliasCount) {
- value = 0;
- }
- text = uiInfo.aliasList[value].name;
- }
- s = va("%i. %s", ownerDraw-UI_BLUETEAM1 + 1, text);
- break;
- case UI_REDTEAM1:
- case UI_REDTEAM2:
- case UI_REDTEAM3:
- case UI_REDTEAM4:
- case UI_REDTEAM5:
- value = trap_Cvar_VariableValue(va("ui_redteam%i", ownerDraw-UI_REDTEAM1 + 1));
- if (value <= 0) {
- text = "Closed";
- } else if (value == 1) {
- text = "Human";
- } else {
- value -= 2;
- if (value >= uiInfo.aliasCount) {
- value = 0;
- }
- text = uiInfo.aliasList[value].name;
- }
- s = va("%i. %s", ownerDraw-UI_REDTEAM1 + 1, text);
- break;
- if (ui_netSource.integer < 0 || ui_netSource.integer > uiInfo.numJoinGameTypes) {
- ui_netSource.integer = 0;
- }
- s = va("Source: %s", netSources[ui_netSource.integer]);
- break;
- if (ui_serverFilterType.integer < 0 || ui_serverFilterType.integer > numServerFilters) {
- ui_serverFilterType.integer = 0;
- }
- s = va("Filter: %s", serverFilters[ui_serverFilterType.integer].description );
- break;
- case UI_TIER:
- break;
- break;
- break;
- break;
- break;
- if (Display_KeyBindPending()) {
- s = "Waiting for new key... Press ESCAPE to cancel";
- } else {
- s = "Press ENTER or CLICK to change, Press BACKSPACE to clear";
- }
- break;
- s = UI_Cvar_VariableString(va("ui_lastServerRefresh_%i", ui_netSource.integer));
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (s) {
- return Text_Width(s, scale, 0);
- }
- return 0;
-static void UI_DrawBotName(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- int value = uiInfo.botIndex;
- const char *text = "";
- if( value >= UI_GetNumBots( ) )
- value = 0;
- text = UI_GetBotNameByNumber( value );
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, text, 0, 0, textStyle);
-static void UI_DrawBotSkill(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- if (uiInfo.skillIndex >= 0 && uiInfo.skillIndex < numSkillLevels) {
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, skillLevels[uiInfo.skillIndex], 0, 0, textStyle);
- }
-static void UI_DrawRedBlue(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, (uiInfo.redBlue == 0) ? "Red" : "Blue", 0, 0, textStyle);
-static void UI_BuildPlayerList( void ) {
- uiClientState_t cs;
- int n, count, team, team2, playerTeamNumber;
- char info[MAX_INFO_STRING];
- trap_GetClientState( &cs );
- trap_GetConfigString( CS_PLAYERS + cs.clientNum, info, MAX_INFO_STRING );
- uiInfo.playerNumber = cs.clientNum;
- uiInfo.teamLeader = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "tl"));
- team = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "t"));
- trap_GetConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO, info, sizeof(info) );
- count = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "sv_maxclients" ) );
- uiInfo.playerCount = 0;
- uiInfo.myTeamCount = 0;
- playerTeamNumber = 0;
- for( n = 0; n < count; n++ ) {
- trap_GetConfigString( CS_PLAYERS + n, info, MAX_INFO_STRING );
- if (info[0]) {
- Q_strncpyz( uiInfo.playerNames[uiInfo.playerCount], Info_ValueForKey( info, "n" ), MAX_NAME_LENGTH );
- Q_CleanStr( uiInfo.playerNames[uiInfo.playerCount] );
- uiInfo.playerCount++;
- team2 = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "t"));
- if (team2 == team) {
- Q_strncpyz( uiInfo.teamNames[uiInfo.myTeamCount], Info_ValueForKey( info, "n" ), MAX_NAME_LENGTH );
- Q_CleanStr( uiInfo.teamNames[uiInfo.myTeamCount] );
- uiInfo.teamClientNums[uiInfo.myTeamCount] = n;
- if (uiInfo.playerNumber == n) {
- playerTeamNumber = uiInfo.myTeamCount;
- }
- uiInfo.myTeamCount++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!uiInfo.teamLeader) {
- trap_Cvar_Set("cg_selectedPlayer", va("%d", playerTeamNumber));
- }
- n = trap_Cvar_VariableValue("cg_selectedPlayer");
- if (n < 0 || n > uiInfo.myTeamCount) {
- n = 0;
- }
- if (n < uiInfo.myTeamCount) {
- trap_Cvar_Set("cg_selectedPlayerName", uiInfo.teamNames[n]);
- }
-static void UI_DrawSelectedPlayer(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- if (uiInfo.uiDC.realTime > uiInfo.playerRefresh) {
- uiInfo.playerRefresh = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime + 3000;
- UI_BuildPlayerList();
- }
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, (uiInfo.teamLeader) ? UI_Cvar_VariableString("cg_selectedPlayerName") : UI_Cvar_VariableString("name") , 0, 0, textStyle);
-static void UI_DrawServerRefreshDate(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.refreshActive) {
- vec4_t lowLight, newColor;
- lowLight[0] = 0.8 * color[0];
- lowLight[1] = 0.8 * color[1];
- lowLight[2] = 0.8 * color[2];
- lowLight[3] = 0.8 * color[3];
- LerpColor(color,lowLight,newColor,0.5+0.5*sin(uiInfo.uiDC.realTime / PULSE_DIVISOR));
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, newColor, va("Getting info for %d servers (ESC to cancel)", trap_LAN_GetServerCount(ui_netSource.integer)), 0, 0, textStyle);
- } else {
- char buff[64];
- Q_strncpyz(buff, UI_Cvar_VariableString(va("ui_lastServerRefresh_%i", ui_netSource.integer)), 64);
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, va("Refresh Time: %s", buff), 0, 0, textStyle);
- }
-static void UI_DrawServerMOTD(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color) {
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.motdLen) {
- float maxX;
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.motdWidth == -1) {
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdWidth = 0;
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX = rect->x + 1;
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX2 = -1;
- }
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.motdOffset > uiInfo.serverStatus.motdLen) {
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdOffset = 0;
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX = rect->x + 1;
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX2 = -1;
- }
- if (uiInfo.uiDC.realTime > uiInfo.serverStatus.motdTime) {
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdTime = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime + 10;
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX <= rect->x + 2) {
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.motdOffset < uiInfo.serverStatus.motdLen) {
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX += Text_Width(&uiInfo.serverStatus.motd[uiInfo.serverStatus.motdOffset], scale, 1) - 1;
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdOffset++;
- } else {
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdOffset = 0;
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX2 >= 0) {
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX = uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX2;
- } else {
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX = rect->x + rect->w - 2;
- }
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX2 = -1;
- }
- } else {
- //serverStatus.motdPaintX--;
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX -= 2;
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX2 >= 0) {
- //serverStatus.motdPaintX2--;
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX2 -= 2;
- }
- }
- }
- maxX = rect->x + rect->w - 2;
- Text_Paint_Limit(&maxX, uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX, rect->y + rect->h - 3, scale, color, &uiInfo.serverStatus.motd[uiInfo.serverStatus.motdOffset], 0, 0);
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX2 >= 0) {
- float maxX2 = rect->x + rect->w - 2;
- Text_Paint_Limit(&maxX2, uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX2, rect->y + rect->h - 3, scale, color, uiInfo.serverStatus.motd, 0, uiInfo.serverStatus.motdOffset);
- }
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.motdOffset && maxX > 0) {
- // if we have an offset ( we are skipping the first part of the string ) and we fit the string
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX2 == -1) {
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX2 = rect->x + rect->w - 2;
- }
- } else {
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdPaintX2 = -1;
- }
- }
-static void UI_DrawKeyBindStatus(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
-// int ofs = 0; TTimo: unused
- if (Display_KeyBindPending()) {
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, "Waiting for new key... Press ESCAPE to cancel", 0, 0, textStyle);
- } else {
- Text_Paint(rect->x, rect->y, scale, color, "Press ENTER or CLICK to change, Press BACKSPACE to clear", 0, 0, textStyle);
- }
-static void UI_DrawGLInfo(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle) {
- char * eptr;
- char buff[1024];
- const char *lines[64];
- int y, numLines, i;
- Text_Paint(rect->x + 2, rect->y, scale, color, va("VENDOR: %s", uiInfo.uiDC.glconfig.vendor_string), 0, 30, textStyle);
- Text_Paint(rect->x + 2, rect->y + 15, scale, color, va("VERSION: %s: %s", uiInfo.uiDC.glconfig.version_string,uiInfo.uiDC.glconfig.renderer_string), 0, 30, textStyle);
- Text_Paint(rect->x + 2, rect->y + 30, scale, color, va ("PIXELFORMAT: color(%d-bits) Z(%d-bits) stencil(%d-bits)", uiInfo.uiDC.glconfig.colorBits, uiInfo.uiDC.glconfig.depthBits, uiInfo.uiDC.glconfig.stencilBits), 0, 30, textStyle);
- // build null terminated extension strings
- // TTimo:
- // in TA this was not directly crashing, but displaying a nasty broken shader right in the middle
- // brought down the string size to 1024, there's not much that can be shown on the screen anyway
- Q_strncpyz(buff, uiInfo.uiDC.glconfig.extensions_string, 1024);
- eptr = buff;
- y = rect->y + 45;
- numLines = 0;
- while ( y < rect->y + rect->h && *eptr )
- {
- while ( *eptr && *eptr == ' ' )
- *eptr++ = '\0';
- // track start of valid string
- if (*eptr && *eptr != ' ') {
- lines[numLines++] = eptr;
- }
- while ( *eptr && *eptr != ' ' )
- eptr++;
- }
- i = 0;
- while (i < numLines) {
- Text_Paint(rect->x + 2, y, scale, color, lines[i++], 0, 20, textStyle);
- if (i < numLines) {
- Text_Paint(rect->x + rect->w / 2, y, scale, color, lines[i++], 0, 20, textStyle);
- }
- y += 10;
- if (y > rect->y + rect->h - 11) {
- break;
- }
- }
-// FIXME: table drive
-static void UI_OwnerDraw( float x, float y, float w, float h,
- float text_x, float text_y, int ownerDraw,
- int ownerDrawFlags, int align, float special,
- float scale, vec4_t color, qhandle_t shader, int textStyle )
- rectDef_t rect;
- tremInfoPane_t *pane = NULL;
- rect.x = x + text_x;
- rect.y = y + text_y;
- rect.w = w;
- rect.h = h;
- switch( ownerDraw )
- {
- if( ( pane = uiInfo.tremTeamList[ uiInfo.tremTeamIndex ].infopane ) )
- UI_DrawInfoPane( pane, &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
- break;
- if( ( pane = uiInfo.tremAlienClassList[ uiInfo.tremAlienClassIndex ].infopane ) )
- UI_DrawInfoPane( pane, &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
- break;
- if( ( pane = uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeList[ uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeIndex ].infopane ) )
- UI_DrawInfoPane( pane, &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
- break;
- if( ( pane = uiInfo.tremHumanItemList[ uiInfo.tremHumanItemIndex ].infopane ) )
- UI_DrawInfoPane( pane, &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
- break;
- if( ( pane = uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyIndex ].infopane ) )
- UI_DrawInfoPane( pane, &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
- break;
- if( ( pane = uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellIndex ].infopane ) )
- UI_DrawInfoPane( pane, &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
- break;
- if( ( pane = uiInfo.tremAlienBuildList[ uiInfo.tremAlienBuildIndex ].infopane ) )
- UI_DrawInfoPane( pane, &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
- break;
- if( ( pane = uiInfo.tremHumanBuildList[ uiInfo.tremHumanBuildIndex ].infopane ) )
- UI_DrawInfoPane( pane, &rect, text_x, text_y, scale, color, textStyle );
- break;
- UI_DrawHandicap(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawPlayerModel(&rect);
- break;
- UI_DrawClanName(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawClanLogo(&rect, scale, color);
- break;
- UI_DrawClanCinematic(&rect, scale, color);
- break;
- UI_DrawPreviewCinematic(&rect, scale, color);
- break;
- UI_DrawGameType(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawNetGameType(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawJoinGameType(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawMapPreview(&rect, scale, color, qtrue);
- break;
- UI_DrawMapTimeToBeat(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawMapCinematic(&rect, scale, color, qfalse);
- break;
- UI_DrawMapCinematic(&rect, scale, color, qtrue);
- break;
- case UI_SKILL:
- UI_DrawSkill(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawTeamName(&rect, scale, color, qtrue, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawTeamName(&rect, scale, color, qfalse, textStyle);
- break;
- case UI_BLUETEAM1:
- case UI_BLUETEAM2:
- case UI_BLUETEAM3:
- case UI_BLUETEAM4:
- case UI_BLUETEAM5:
- UI_DrawTeamMember(&rect, scale, color, qtrue, ownerDraw - UI_BLUETEAM1 + 1, textStyle);
- break;
- case UI_REDTEAM1:
- case UI_REDTEAM2:
- case UI_REDTEAM3:
- case UI_REDTEAM4:
- case UI_REDTEAM5:
- UI_DrawTeamMember(&rect, scale, color, qfalse, ownerDraw - UI_REDTEAM1 + 1, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawNetSource(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawNetMapPreview(&rect, scale, color);
- break;
- UI_DrawNetMapCinematic(&rect, scale, color);
- break;
- UI_DrawNetFilter(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- case UI_TIER:
- UI_DrawTier(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawOpponent(&rect);
- break;
- case UI_TIERMAP1:
- UI_DrawTierMap(&rect, 0);
- break;
- case UI_TIERMAP2:
- UI_DrawTierMap(&rect, 1);
- break;
- case UI_TIERMAP3:
- UI_DrawTierMap(&rect, 2);
- break;
- UI_DrawPlayerLogo(&rect, color);
- break;
- UI_DrawPlayerLogoMetal(&rect, color);
- break;
- UI_DrawPlayerLogoName(&rect, color);
- break;
- UI_DrawOpponentLogo(&rect, color);
- break;
- UI_DrawOpponentLogoMetal(&rect, color);
- break;
- UI_DrawOpponentLogoName(&rect, color);
- break;
- UI_DrawTierMapName(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawTierGameType(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawAllMapsSelection(&rect, scale, color, textStyle, qtrue);
- break;
- UI_DrawAllMapsSelection(&rect, scale, color, textStyle, qfalse);
- break;
- UI_DrawOpponentName(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- case UI_BOTNAME:
- UI_DrawBotName(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawBotSkill(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- case UI_REDBLUE:
- UI_DrawRedBlue(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawSelectedPlayer(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawServerRefreshDate(&rect, scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawServerMOTD(&rect, scale, color);
- break;
- case UI_GLINFO:
- UI_DrawGLInfo(&rect,scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- UI_DrawKeyBindStatus(&rect,scale, color, textStyle);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-static qboolean UI_OwnerDrawVisible(int flags) {
- qboolean vis = qtrue;
- uiClientState_t cs;
- pTeam_t team;
- char info[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];
- trap_GetClientState( &cs );
- trap_GetConfigString( CS_PLAYERS + cs.clientNum, info, MAX_INFO_STRING );
- team = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "t" ) );
- while (flags) {
- {
- if( team == PTE_NONE )
- vis = qfalse;
- }
- if( flags & UI_SHOW_VOTEACTIVE )
- {
- if( !trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "ui_voteActive" ) )
- vis = qfalse;
- }
- if( flags & UI_SHOW_CANVOTE )
- {
- if( trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "ui_voteActive" ) )
- vis = qfalse;
- flags &= ~UI_SHOW_CANVOTE;
- }
- {
- if( team == PTE_ALIENS )
- {
- if( !trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "ui_alienTeamVoteActive" ) )
- vis = qfalse;
- }
- else if( team == PTE_HUMANS )
- {
- if( !trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "ui_humanTeamVoteActive" ) )
- vis = qfalse;
- }
- }
- if( flags & UI_SHOW_CANTEAMVOTE )
- {
- if( team == PTE_ALIENS )
- {
- if( trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "ui_alienTeamVoteActive" ) )
- vis = qfalse;
- }
- else if( team == PTE_HUMANS )
- {
- if( trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "ui_humanTeamVoteActive" ) )
- vis = qfalse;
- }
- }
- if (flags & UI_SHOW_LEADER) {
- // these need to show when this client can give orders to a player or a group
- if (!uiInfo.teamLeader) {
- vis = qfalse;
- } else {
- // if showing yourself
- if (ui_selectedPlayer.integer < uiInfo.myTeamCount && uiInfo.teamClientNums[ui_selectedPlayer.integer] == uiInfo.playerNumber) {
- vis = qfalse;
- }
- }
- flags &= ~UI_SHOW_LEADER;
- }
- if (flags & UI_SHOW_NOTLEADER) {
- // these need to show when this client is assigning their own status or they are NOT the leader
- if (uiInfo.teamLeader) {
- // if not showing yourself
- if (!(ui_selectedPlayer.integer < uiInfo.myTeamCount && uiInfo.teamClientNums[ui_selectedPlayer.integer] == uiInfo.playerNumber)) {
- vis = qfalse;
- }
- // these need to show when this client can give orders to a player or a group
- }
- flags &= ~UI_SHOW_NOTLEADER;
- }
- // this assumes you only put this type of display flag on something showing in the proper context
- if (ui_netSource.integer != AS_FAVORITES) {
- vis = qfalse;
- }
- }
- // this assumes you only put this type of display flag on something showing in the proper context
- if (ui_netSource.integer == AS_FAVORITES) {
- vis = qfalse;
- }
- }
- if (flags & UI_SHOW_NEWHIGHSCORE) {
- if (uiInfo.newHighScoreTime < uiInfo.uiDC.realTime) {
- vis = qfalse;
- } else {
- if (uiInfo.soundHighScore) {
- if (trap_Cvar_VariableValue("sv_killserver") == 0) {
- // wait on server to go down before playing sound
- trap_S_StartLocalSound(uiInfo.newHighScoreSound, CHAN_ANNOUNCER);
- uiInfo.soundHighScore = qfalse;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (flags & UI_SHOW_NEWBESTTIME) {
- if (uiInfo.newBestTime < uiInfo.uiDC.realTime) {
- vis = qfalse;
- }
- }
- if (flags & UI_SHOW_DEMOAVAILABLE) {
- if (!uiInfo.demoAvailable) {
- vis = qfalse;
- }
- } else {
- flags = 0;
- }
- }
- return vis;
-static qboolean UI_Handicap_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER) {
- int h;
- h = Com_Clamp( 5, 100, trap_Cvar_VariableValue("handicap") );
- if (key == K_MOUSE2) {
- h -= 5;
- } else {
- h += 5;
- }
- if (h > 100) {
- h = 5;
- } else if (h < 0) {
- h = 100;
- }
- trap_Cvar_Set( "handicap", va( "%i", h) );
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_ClanName_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER) {
- int i;
- i = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_teamName"));
- if (uiInfo.teamList[i].cinematic >= 0) {
- trap_CIN_StopCinematic(uiInfo.teamList[i].cinematic);
- uiInfo.teamList[i].cinematic = -1;
- }
- if (key == K_MOUSE2) {
- i--;
- } else {
- i++;
- }
- if (i >= uiInfo.teamCount) {
- i = 0;
- } else if (i < 0) {
- i = uiInfo.teamCount - 1;
- }
- trap_Cvar_Set( "ui_teamName", uiInfo.teamList[i].teamName);
- UI_HeadCountByTeam();
- UI_FeederSelection(FEEDER_HEADS, 0);
- updateModel = qtrue;
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_GameType_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key, qboolean resetMap) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER) {
- int oldCount = UI_MapCountByGameType(qtrue);
- // hard coded mess here
- if (key == K_MOUSE2) {
- ui_gameType.integer--;
- if (ui_gameType.integer == 2) {
- ui_gameType.integer = 1;
- } else if (ui_gameType.integer < 2) {
- ui_gameType.integer = uiInfo.numGameTypes - 1;
- }
- } else {
- ui_gameType.integer++;
- if (ui_gameType.integer >= uiInfo.numGameTypes) {
- ui_gameType.integer = 1;
- } else if (ui_gameType.integer == 2) {
- ui_gameType.integer = 3;
- }
- }
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_Q3Model", "0");
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_gameType", va("%d", ui_gameType.integer));
- UI_SetCapFragLimits(qtrue);
- UI_LoadBestScores(uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].mapLoadName, uiInfo.gameTypes[ui_gameType.integer].gtEnum);
- if (resetMap && oldCount != UI_MapCountByGameType(qtrue)) {
- trap_Cvar_Set( "ui_currentMap", "0");
- Menu_SetFeederSelection(NULL, FEEDER_MAPS, 0, NULL);
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_NetGameType_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE2) {
- ui_netGameType.integer--;
- } else {
- ui_netGameType.integer++;
- }
- if (ui_netGameType.integer < 0) {
- ui_netGameType.integer = uiInfo.numGameTypes - 1;
- } else if (ui_netGameType.integer >= uiInfo.numGameTypes) {
- ui_netGameType.integer = 0;
- }
- trap_Cvar_Set( "ui_netGameType", va("%d", ui_netGameType.integer));
- trap_Cvar_Set( "ui_actualnetGameType", va("%d", uiInfo.gameTypes[ui_netGameType.integer].gtEnum));
- trap_Cvar_Set( "ui_currentNetMap", "0");
- UI_MapCountByGameType(qfalse);
- Menu_SetFeederSelection(NULL, FEEDER_ALLMAPS, 0, NULL);
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_JoinGameType_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE2) {
- ui_joinGameType.integer--;
- } else {
- ui_joinGameType.integer++;
- }
- if (ui_joinGameType.integer < 0) {
- ui_joinGameType.integer = uiInfo.numJoinGameTypes - 1;
- } else if (ui_joinGameType.integer >= uiInfo.numJoinGameTypes) {
- ui_joinGameType.integer = 0;
- }
- trap_Cvar_Set( "ui_joinGameType", va("%d", ui_joinGameType.integer));
- UI_BuildServerDisplayList(qtrue);
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_Skill_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER) {
- int i = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "g_spSkill" );
- if (key == K_MOUSE2) {
- i--;
- } else {
- i++;
- }
- if (i < 1) {
- i = numSkillLevels;
- } else if (i > numSkillLevels) {
- i = 1;
- }
- trap_Cvar_Set("g_spSkill", va("%i", i));
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_TeamName_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key, qboolean blue) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER) {
- int i;
- i = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString((blue) ? "ui_blueTeam" : "ui_redTeam"));
- if (key == K_MOUSE2) {
- i--;
- } else {
- i++;
- }
- if (i >= uiInfo.teamCount) {
- i = 0;
- } else if (i < 0) {
- i = uiInfo.teamCount - 1;
- }
- trap_Cvar_Set( (blue) ? "ui_blueTeam" : "ui_redTeam", uiInfo.teamList[i].teamName);
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_TeamMember_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key, qboolean blue, int num) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER) {
- // 0 - None
- // 1 - Human
- // 2..NumCharacters - Bot
- char *cvar = va(blue ? "ui_blueteam%i" : "ui_redteam%i", num);
- int value = trap_Cvar_VariableValue(cvar);
- if (key == K_MOUSE2) {
- value--;
- } else {
- value++;
- }
- if( value >= UI_GetNumBots( ) + 2 )
- value = 0;
- else if( value < 0 )
- value = UI_GetNumBots( ) + 2 - 1;
- trap_Cvar_Set(cvar, va("%i", value));
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_NetSource_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE2) {
- ui_netSource.integer--;
- if (ui_netSource.integer == AS_MPLAYER)
- ui_netSource.integer--;
- } else {
- ui_netSource.integer++;
- if (ui_netSource.integer == AS_MPLAYER)
- ui_netSource.integer++;
- }
- if (ui_netSource.integer >= numNetSources) {
- ui_netSource.integer = 0;
- } else if (ui_netSource.integer < 0) {
- ui_netSource.integer = numNetSources - 1;
- }
- UI_BuildServerDisplayList(qtrue);
- if (ui_netSource.integer != AS_GLOBAL) {
- UI_StartServerRefresh(qtrue);
- }
- trap_Cvar_Set( "ui_netSource", va("%d", ui_netSource.integer));
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_NetFilter_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE2) {
- ui_serverFilterType.integer--;
- } else {
- ui_serverFilterType.integer++;
- }
- if (ui_serverFilterType.integer >= numServerFilters) {
- ui_serverFilterType.integer = 0;
- } else if (ui_serverFilterType.integer < 0) {
- ui_serverFilterType.integer = numServerFilters - 1;
- }
- UI_BuildServerDisplayList(qtrue);
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_OpponentName_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE2) {
- UI_PriorOpponent();
- } else {
- UI_NextOpponent();
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_BotName_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER) {
- int value = uiInfo.botIndex;
- if (key == K_MOUSE2) {
- value--;
- } else {
- value++;
- }
- if( value >= UI_GetNumBots( ) + 2 )
- value = 0;
- else if( value < 0 )
- value = UI_GetNumBots( ) + 2 - 1;
- uiInfo.botIndex = value;
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_BotSkill_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE2) {
- uiInfo.skillIndex--;
- } else {
- uiInfo.skillIndex++;
- }
- if (uiInfo.skillIndex >= numSkillLevels) {
- uiInfo.skillIndex = 0;
- } else if (uiInfo.skillIndex < 0) {
- uiInfo.skillIndex = numSkillLevels-1;
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_RedBlue_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER) {
- uiInfo.redBlue ^= 1;
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_SelectedPlayer_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER) {
- int selected;
- UI_BuildPlayerList();
- if (!uiInfo.teamLeader) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- selected = trap_Cvar_VariableValue("cg_selectedPlayer");
- if (key == K_MOUSE2) {
- selected--;
- } else {
- selected++;
- }
- if (selected > uiInfo.myTeamCount) {
- selected = 0;
- } else if (selected < 0) {
- selected = uiInfo.myTeamCount;
- }
- if (selected == uiInfo.myTeamCount) {
- trap_Cvar_Set( "cg_selectedPlayerName", "Everyone");
- } else {
- trap_Cvar_Set( "cg_selectedPlayerName", uiInfo.teamNames[selected]);
- }
- trap_Cvar_Set( "cg_selectedPlayer", va("%d", selected));
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_OwnerDrawHandleKey(int ownerDraw, int flags, float *special, int key) {
- switch (ownerDraw) {
- return UI_Handicap_HandleKey(flags, special, key);
- break;
- return UI_ClanName_HandleKey(flags, special, key);
- break;
- return UI_GameType_HandleKey(flags, special, key, qtrue);
- break;
- return UI_NetGameType_HandleKey(flags, special, key);
- break;
- return UI_JoinGameType_HandleKey(flags, special, key);
- break;
- case UI_SKILL:
- return UI_Skill_HandleKey(flags, special, key);
- break;
- return UI_TeamName_HandleKey(flags, special, key, qtrue);
- break;
- return UI_TeamName_HandleKey(flags, special, key, qfalse);
- break;
- case UI_BLUETEAM1:
- case UI_BLUETEAM2:
- case UI_BLUETEAM3:
- case UI_BLUETEAM4:
- case UI_BLUETEAM5:
- UI_TeamMember_HandleKey(flags, special, key, qtrue, ownerDraw - UI_BLUETEAM1 + 1);
- break;
- case UI_REDTEAM1:
- case UI_REDTEAM2:
- case UI_REDTEAM3:
- case UI_REDTEAM4:
- case UI_REDTEAM5:
- UI_TeamMember_HandleKey(flags, special, key, qfalse, ownerDraw - UI_REDTEAM1 + 1);
- break;
- UI_NetSource_HandleKey(flags, special, key);
- break;
- UI_NetFilter_HandleKey(flags, special, key);
- break;
- UI_OpponentName_HandleKey(flags, special, key);
- break;
- case UI_BOTNAME:
- return UI_BotName_HandleKey(flags, special, key);
- break;
- return UI_BotSkill_HandleKey(flags, special, key);
- break;
- case UI_REDBLUE:
- UI_RedBlue_HandleKey(flags, special, key);
- break;
- UI_SelectedPlayer_HandleKey(flags, special, key);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static float UI_GetValue(int ownerDraw) {
- return 0;
-static int QDECL UI_ServersQsortCompare( const void *arg1, const void *arg2 ) {
- return trap_LAN_CompareServers( ui_netSource.integer, uiInfo.serverStatus.sortKey, uiInfo.serverStatus.sortDir, *(int*)arg1, *(int*)arg2);
-void UI_ServersSort(int column, qboolean force) {
- if ( !force ) {
- if ( uiInfo.serverStatus.sortKey == column ) {
- return;
- }
- }
- uiInfo.serverStatus.sortKey = column;
- qsort( &uiInfo.serverStatus.displayServers[0], uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers, sizeof(int), UI_ServersQsortCompare);
-static stage_t UI_GetCurrentAlienStage( void )
- char buffer[ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ];
- stage_t stage, dummy;
- trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "ui_stages", buffer, sizeof( buffer ) );
- sscanf( buffer, "%d %d", (int *)&stage , (int *)&dummy );
- return stage;
-static stage_t UI_GetCurrentHumanStage( void )
- char buffer[ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ];
- stage_t stage, dummy;
- trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "ui_stages", buffer, sizeof( buffer ) );
- sscanf( buffer, "%d %d", (int *)&dummy, (int *)&stage );
- return stage;
-static void UI_LoadTremTeams( void )
- uiInfo.tremTeamCount = 4;
- uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 0 ].text = String_Alloc( "Aliens" );
- uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 0 ].cmd = String_Alloc( "cmd team aliens\n" );
- uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 0 ].infopane = UI_FindInfoPaneByName( "alienteam" );
- uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 1 ].text = String_Alloc( "Humans" );
- uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 1 ].cmd = String_Alloc( "cmd team humans\n" );
- uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 1 ].infopane = UI_FindInfoPaneByName( "humanteam" );
- uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 2 ].text = String_Alloc( "Spectate" );
- uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 2 ].cmd = String_Alloc( "cmd team spectate\n" );
- uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 2 ].infopane = UI_FindInfoPaneByName( "spectateteam" );
- uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 3 ].text = String_Alloc( "Auto select" );
- uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 3 ].cmd = String_Alloc( "cmd team auto\n" );
- uiInfo.tremTeamList[ 3 ].infopane = UI_FindInfoPaneByName( "autoteam" );
-qboolean UI_WeaponIsAllowed( weapon_t weapon )
- int i;
- weapon_t weapons[ WP_NUM_WEAPONS ];
- char cvar[ MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING ];
- trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "g_disabledEquipment",
- BG_ParseCSVEquipmentList( cvar, weapons, WP_NUM_WEAPONS, NULL, 0 );
- for( i = 0; i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS &&
- weapons[ i ] != WP_NONE; i++ )
- {
- if( weapons[ i ] == weapon )
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean UI_UpgradeIsAllowed( upgrade_t upgrade )
- int i;
- upgrade_t upgrades[ UP_NUM_UPGRADES ];
- char cvar[ MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING ];
- trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "g_disabledEquipment",
- BG_ParseCSVEquipmentList( cvar, NULL, 0, upgrades, UP_NUM_UPGRADES );
- for( i = 0; i < UP_NUM_UPGRADES &&
- upgrades[ i ] != UP_NONE; i++ )
- {
- if( upgrades[ i ] == upgrade )
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean UI_ClassIsAllowed( pClass_t class )
- int i;
- pClass_t classes[ PCL_NUM_CLASSES ];
- char cvar[ MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING ];
- trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "g_disabledClasses",
- BG_ParseCSVClassList( cvar, classes, PCL_NUM_CLASSES );
- for( i = 0; i < PCL_NUM_CLASSES &&
- classes[ i ] != PCL_NONE; i++ )
- {
- if( classes[ i ] == class )
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean UI_BuildableIsAllowed( buildable_t buildable )
- int i;
- buildable_t buildables[ BA_NUM_BUILDABLES ];
- char cvar[ MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING ];
- trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "g_disabledBuildables",
- BG_ParseCSVBuildableList( cvar, buildables, BA_NUM_BUILDABLES );
- for( i = 0; i < BA_NUM_BUILDABLES &&
- buildables[ i ] != BA_NONE; i++ )
- {
- if( buildables[ i ] == buildable )
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-static void UI_AddClass( pClass_t class )
- uiInfo.tremAlienClassList[ uiInfo.tremAlienClassCount ].text =
- String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForClassNum( class ) );
- uiInfo.tremAlienClassList[ uiInfo.tremAlienClassCount ].cmd =
- String_Alloc( va( "cmd class %s\n", BG_FindNameForClassNum( class ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremAlienClassList[ uiInfo.tremAlienClassCount ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sclass", BG_FindNameForClassNum( class ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremAlienClassCount++;
-static void UI_LoadTremAlienClasses( void )
- uiInfo.tremAlienClassCount = 0;
- if( UI_ClassIsAllowed( PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL0 ) )
- UI_AddClass( PCL_ALIEN_LEVEL0 );
- if( UI_ClassIsAllowed( PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0_UPG ) &&
- BG_FindStagesForClass( PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0_UPG, UI_GetCurrentAlienStage( ) ) )
- else if( UI_ClassIsAllowed( PCL_ALIEN_BUILDER0 ) )
-static void UI_AddItem( weapon_t weapon )
- uiInfo.tremHumanItemList[ uiInfo.tremHumanItemCount ].text =
- String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( weapon ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanItemList[ uiInfo.tremHumanItemCount ].cmd =
- String_Alloc( va( "cmd class %s\n", BG_FindNameForWeapon( weapon ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanItemList[ uiInfo.tremHumanItemCount ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sitem", BG_FindNameForWeapon( weapon ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanItemCount++;
-static void UI_LoadTremHumanItems( void )
- uiInfo.tremHumanItemCount = 0;
- if( UI_WeaponIsAllowed( WP_MACHINEGUN ) )
- if( UI_WeaponIsAllowed( WP_HBUILD2 ) &&
- BG_FindStagesForWeapon( WP_HBUILD2, UI_GetCurrentHumanStage( ) ) )
- UI_AddItem( WP_HBUILD2 );
- else if( UI_WeaponIsAllowed( WP_HBUILD ) )
- UI_AddItem( WP_HBUILD );
-static void UI_ParseCarriageList( int *weapons, int *upgrades )
- int i;
- char carriageCvar[ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ];
- char *iterator;
- char buffer[ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ];
- char *bufPointer;
- trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "ui_carriage", carriageCvar, sizeof( carriageCvar ) );
- iterator = carriageCvar;
- if( weapons )
- *weapons = 0;
- if( upgrades )
- *upgrades = 0;
- //simple parser to give rise to weapon/upgrade list
- while( iterator && iterator[ 0 ] != '$' )
- {
- bufPointer = buffer;
- if( iterator[ 0 ] == 'W' )
- {
- iterator++;
- while( iterator[ 0 ] != ' ' )
- *bufPointer++ = *iterator++;
- *bufPointer++ = '\n';
- i = atoi( buffer );
- if( weapons )
- *weapons |= ( 1 << i );
- }
- else if( iterator[ 0 ] == 'U' )
- {
- iterator++;
- while( iterator[ 0 ] != ' ' )
- *bufPointer++ = *iterator++;
- *bufPointer++ = '\n';
- i = atoi( buffer );
- if( upgrades )
- *upgrades |= ( 1 << i );
- }
- iterator++;
- }
-static void UI_LoadTremHumanArmouryBuys( void )
- int i, j = 0;
- stage_t stage = UI_GetCurrentHumanStage( );
- int weapons, upgrades;
- int slots = 0;
- UI_ParseCarriageList( &weapons, &upgrades );
- for( i = WP_NONE + 1; i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS; i++ )
- {
- if( weapons & ( 1 << i ) )
- slots |= BG_FindSlotsForWeapon( i );
- }
- for( i = UP_NONE + 1; i < UP_NUM_UPGRADES; i++ )
- {
- if( upgrades & ( 1 << i ) )
- slots |= BG_FindSlotsForUpgrade( i );
- }
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyCount = 0;
- for( i = WP_NONE + 1; i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS; i++ )
- {
- if( BG_FindTeamForWeapon( i ) == WUT_HUMANS &&
- BG_FindPurchasableForWeapon( i ) &&
- BG_FindStagesForWeapon( i, stage ) &&
- UI_WeaponIsAllowed( i ) &&
- !( BG_FindSlotsForWeapon( i ) & slots ) &&
- !( weapons & ( 1 << i ) ) )
- {
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ j ].text =
- String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( i ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ j ].cmd =
- String_Alloc( va( "cmd buy %s retrigger\n", BG_FindNameForWeapon( i ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ j ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sitem", BG_FindNameForWeapon( i ) ) );
- j++;
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyCount++;
- }
- }
- for( i = UP_NONE + 1; i < UP_NUM_UPGRADES; i++ )
- {
- if( BG_FindTeamForUpgrade( i ) == WUT_HUMANS &&
- BG_FindPurchasableForUpgrade( i ) &&
- BG_FindStagesForUpgrade( i, stage ) &&
- UI_UpgradeIsAllowed( i ) &&
- !( BG_FindSlotsForUpgrade( i ) & slots ) &&
- !( upgrades & ( 1 << i ) ) )
- {
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ j ].text =
- String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForUpgrade( i ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ j ].cmd =
- String_Alloc( va( "cmd buy %s retrigger\n", BG_FindNameForUpgrade( i ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ j ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sitem", BG_FindNameForUpgrade( i ) ) );
- j++;
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyCount++;
- }
- }
-static void UI_LoadTremHumanArmourySells( void )
- int weapons, upgrades;
- int i, j = 0;
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellCount = 0;
- UI_ParseCarriageList( &weapons, &upgrades );
- for( i = WP_NONE + 1; i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS; i++ )
- {
- if( weapons & ( 1 << i ) )
- {
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ j ].text = String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( i ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ j ].cmd =
- String_Alloc( va( "cmd sell %s retrigger\n", BG_FindNameForWeapon( i ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ j ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sitem", BG_FindNameForWeapon( i ) ) );
- j++;
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellCount++;
- }
- }
- for( i = UP_NONE + 1; i < UP_NUM_UPGRADES; i++ )
- {
- if( upgrades & ( 1 << i ) )
- {
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ j ].text = String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForUpgrade( i ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ j ].cmd =
- String_Alloc( va( "cmd sell %s retrigger\n", BG_FindNameForUpgrade( i ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ j ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sitem", BG_FindNameForUpgrade( i ) ) );
- j++;
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellCount++;
- }
- }
-static void UI_LoadTremAlienUpgrades( void )
- int i, j = 0;
- int class, credits;
- char ui_currentClass[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
- stage_t stage = UI_GetCurrentAlienStage( );
- trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "ui_currentClass", ui_currentClass, MAX_STRING_CHARS );
- sscanf( ui_currentClass, "%d %d", &class, &credits );
- uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeCount = 0;
- for( i = PCL_NONE + 1; i < PCL_NUM_CLASSES; i++ )
- {
- if( BG_ClassCanEvolveFromTo( class, i, credits, 0 ) >= 0 &&
- BG_FindStagesForClass( i, stage ) &&
- UI_ClassIsAllowed( i ) )
- {
- uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeList[ j ].text = String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForClassNum( i ) );
- uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeList[ j ].cmd =
- String_Alloc( va( "cmd class %s\n", BG_FindNameForClassNum( i ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeList[ j ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sclass", BG_FindNameForClassNum( i ) ) );
- j++;
- uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeCount++;
- }
- }
-static void UI_LoadTremAlienBuilds( void )
- int weapons;
- int i, j = 0;
- stage_t stage;
- UI_ParseCarriageList( &weapons, NULL );
- stage = UI_GetCurrentAlienStage( );
- uiInfo.tremAlienBuildCount = 0;
- for( i = BA_NONE +1; i < BA_NUM_BUILDABLES; i++ )
- {
- if( BG_FindTeamForBuildable( i ) == BIT_ALIENS &&
- BG_FindBuildWeaponForBuildable( i ) & weapons &&
- BG_FindStagesForBuildable( i, stage ) &&
- UI_BuildableIsAllowed( i ) )
- {
- uiInfo.tremAlienBuildList[ j ].text =
- String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForBuildable( i ) );
- uiInfo.tremAlienBuildList[ j ].cmd =
- String_Alloc( va( "cmd build %s\n", BG_FindNameForBuildable( i ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremAlienBuildList[ j ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sbuild", BG_FindNameForBuildable( i ) ) );
- j++;
- uiInfo.tremAlienBuildCount++;
- }
- }
-static void UI_LoadTremHumanBuilds( void )
- int weapons;
- int i, j = 0;
- stage_t stage;
- UI_ParseCarriageList( &weapons, NULL );
- stage = UI_GetCurrentHumanStage( );
- uiInfo.tremHumanBuildCount = 0;
- for( i = BA_NONE +1; i < BA_NUM_BUILDABLES; i++ )
- {
- if( BG_FindTeamForBuildable( i ) == BIT_HUMANS &&
- BG_FindBuildWeaponForBuildable( i ) & weapons &&
- BG_FindStagesForBuildable( i, stage ) &&
- UI_BuildableIsAllowed( i ) )
- {
- uiInfo.tremHumanBuildList[ j ].text =
- String_Alloc( BG_FindHumanNameForBuildable( i ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanBuildList[ j ].cmd =
- String_Alloc( va( "cmd build %s\n", BG_FindNameForBuildable( i ) ) );
- uiInfo.tremHumanBuildList[ j ].infopane =
- UI_FindInfoPaneByName( va( "%sbuild", BG_FindNameForBuildable( i ) ) );
- j++;
- uiInfo.tremHumanBuildCount++;
- }
- }
-static void UI_LoadMods( void ) {
- int numdirs;
- char dirlist[2048];
- char *dirptr;
- char *descptr;
- int i;
- int dirlen;
- uiInfo.modCount = 0;
- numdirs = trap_FS_GetFileList( "$modlist", "", dirlist, sizeof(dirlist) );
- dirptr = dirlist;
- for( i = 0; i < numdirs; i++ ) {
- dirlen = strlen( dirptr ) + 1;
- descptr = dirptr + dirlen;
- uiInfo.modList[uiInfo.modCount].modName = String_Alloc(dirptr);
- uiInfo.modList[uiInfo.modCount].modDescr = String_Alloc(descptr);
- dirptr += dirlen + strlen(descptr) + 1;
- uiInfo.modCount++;
- if (uiInfo.modCount >= MAX_MODS) {
- break;
- }
- }
-static void UI_LoadMovies( void ) {
- char movielist[4096];
- char *moviename;
- int i, len;
- uiInfo.movieCount = trap_FS_GetFileList( "video", "roq", movielist, 4096 );
- if (uiInfo.movieCount) {
- if (uiInfo.movieCount > MAX_MOVIES) {
- uiInfo.movieCount = MAX_MOVIES;
- }
- moviename = movielist;
- for ( i = 0; i < uiInfo.movieCount; i++ ) {
- len = strlen( moviename );
- if (!Q_stricmp(moviename + len - 4,".roq")) {
- moviename[len-4] = '\0';
- }
- Q_strupr(moviename);
- uiInfo.movieList[i] = String_Alloc(moviename);
- moviename += len + 1;
- }
- }
-static void UI_LoadDemos( void ) {
- char demolist[4096];
- char demoExt[32];
- char *demoname;
- int i, len;
- Com_sprintf(demoExt, sizeof(demoExt), "dm_%d", (int)trap_Cvar_VariableValue("protocol"));
- uiInfo.demoCount = trap_FS_GetFileList( "demos", demoExt, demolist, 4096 );
- Com_sprintf(demoExt, sizeof(demoExt), ".dm_%d", (int)trap_Cvar_VariableValue("protocol"));
- if (uiInfo.demoCount) {
- if (uiInfo.demoCount > MAX_DEMOS) {
- uiInfo.demoCount = MAX_DEMOS;
- }
- demoname = demolist;
- for ( i = 0; i < uiInfo.demoCount; i++ ) {
- len = strlen( demoname );
- if (!Q_stricmp(demoname + len - strlen(demoExt), demoExt)) {
- demoname[len-strlen(demoExt)] = '\0';
- }
- Q_strupr(demoname);
- uiInfo.demoList[i] = String_Alloc(demoname);
- demoname += len + 1;
- }
- }
-static qboolean UI_SetNextMap(int actual, int index) {
- int i;
- for (i = actual + 1; i < uiInfo.mapCount; i++) {
- if (uiInfo.mapList[i].active) {
- Menu_SetFeederSelection(NULL, FEEDER_MAPS, index + 1, "skirmish");
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- return qfalse;
-static void UI_StartSkirmish(qboolean next) {
- int i, k, g, delay, temp;
- float skill;
- char buff[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
- if (next) {
- int actual;
- int index = trap_Cvar_VariableValue("ui_mapIndex");
- UI_MapCountByGameType(qtrue);
- UI_SelectedMap(index, &actual);
- if (UI_SetNextMap(actual, index)) {
- } else {
- UI_GameType_HandleKey(0, NULL, K_MOUSE1, qfalse);
- UI_MapCountByGameType(qtrue);
- Menu_SetFeederSelection(NULL, FEEDER_MAPS, 0, "skirmish");
- }
- }
- g = uiInfo.gameTypes[ui_gameType.integer].gtEnum;
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "g_gametype", g );
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va( "wait ; wait ; map %s\n", uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].mapLoadName) );
- skill = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "g_spSkill" );
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_scoreMap", uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].mapName);
- k = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_opponentName"));
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_singlePlayerActive", "1");
- // set up sp overrides, will be replaced on postgame
- temp = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "capturelimit" );
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_saveCaptureLimit", va("%i", temp));
- temp = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "fraglimit" );
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_saveFragLimit", va("%i", temp));
- UI_SetCapFragLimits(qfalse);
- temp = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "cg_drawTimer" );
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_drawTimer", va("%i", temp));
- temp = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "g_doWarmup" );
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_doWarmup", va("%i", temp));
- temp = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "g_friendlyFire" );
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_friendlyFire", va("%i", temp));
- temp = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "sv_maxClients" );
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_maxClients", va("%i", temp));
- temp = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "g_warmup" );
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_Warmup", va("%i", temp));
- temp = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "sv_pure" );
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_pure", va("%i", temp));
- trap_Cvar_Set("cg_cameraOrbit", "0");
- trap_Cvar_Set("cg_thirdPerson", "0");
- trap_Cvar_Set("cg_drawTimer", "1");
- trap_Cvar_Set("g_doWarmup", "1");
- trap_Cvar_Set("g_warmup", "15");
- trap_Cvar_Set("sv_pure", "0");
- trap_Cvar_Set("g_friendlyFire", "0");
- trap_Cvar_Set("g_redTeam", UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_teamName"));
- trap_Cvar_Set("g_blueTeam", UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_opponentName"));
- if (trap_Cvar_VariableValue("ui_recordSPDemo")) {
- Com_sprintf(buff, MAX_STRING_CHARS, "%s_%i", uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].mapLoadName, g);
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_recordSPDemoName", buff);
- }
- delay = 500;
- {
- temp = uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].teamMembers * 2;
- trap_Cvar_Set("sv_maxClients", va("%d", temp));
- for (i =0; i < uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].teamMembers; i++) {
- Com_sprintf( buff, sizeof(buff), "addbot %s %f %s %i %s\n", UI_AIFromName(uiInfo.teamList[k].teamMembers[i]), skill, "", delay, uiInfo.teamList[k].teamMembers[i]);
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, buff );
- delay += 500;
- }
- k = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_teamName"));
- for (i =0; i < uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].teamMembers-1; i++) {
- Com_sprintf( buff, sizeof(buff), "addbot %s %f %s %i %s\n", UI_AIFromName(uiInfo.teamList[k].teamMembers[i]), skill, "", delay, uiInfo.teamList[k].teamMembers[i]);
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, buff );
- delay += 500;
- }
- }
-static void UI_Update(const char *name) {
- int val = trap_Cvar_VariableValue(name);
- if (Q_stricmp(name, "ui_SetName") == 0) {
- trap_Cvar_Set( "name", UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_Name"));
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "ui_setRate") == 0) {
- float rate = trap_Cvar_VariableValue("rate");
- if (rate >= 5000) {
- trap_Cvar_Set("cl_maxpackets", "30");
- trap_Cvar_Set("cl_packetdup", "1");
- } else if (rate >= 4000) {
- trap_Cvar_Set("cl_maxpackets", "15");
- trap_Cvar_Set("cl_packetdup", "2"); // favor less prediction errors when there's packet loss
- } else {
- trap_Cvar_Set("cl_maxpackets", "15");
- trap_Cvar_Set("cl_packetdup", "1"); // favor lower bandwidth
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "ui_GetName") == 0) {
- trap_Cvar_Set( "ui_Name", UI_Cvar_VariableString("name"));
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "r_colorbits") == 0) {
- switch (val) {
- case 0:
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_depthbits", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_stencilbits", 0 );
- break;
- case 16:
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_depthbits", 16 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_stencilbits", 0 );
- break;
- case 32:
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_depthbits", 24 );
- break;
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "r_lodbias") == 0) {
- switch (val) {
- case 0:
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_subdivisions", 4 );
- break;
- case 1:
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_subdivisions", 12 );
- break;
- case 2:
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_subdivisions", 20 );
- break;
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "ui_glCustom") == 0) {
- switch (val) {
- case 0: // high quality
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_fullScreen", 1 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_subdivisions", 4 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_vertexlight", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_lodbias", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_colorbits", 32 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_depthbits", 24 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_picmip", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_mode", 4 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_texturebits", 32 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_fastSky", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_inGameVideo", 1 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "cg_shadows", 1 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "cg_brassTime", 2500 );
- trap_Cvar_Set( "r_texturemode", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" );
- break;
- case 1: // normal
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_fullScreen", 1 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_subdivisions", 12 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_vertexlight", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_lodbias", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_colorbits", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_depthbits", 24 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_picmip", 1 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_mode", 3 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_texturebits", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_fastSky", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_inGameVideo", 1 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "cg_brassTime", 2500 );
- trap_Cvar_Set( "r_texturemode", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "cg_shadows", 0 );
- break;
- case 2: // fast
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_fullScreen", 1 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_subdivisions", 8 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_vertexlight", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_lodbias", 1 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_colorbits", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_depthbits", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_picmip", 1 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_mode", 3 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_texturebits", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "cg_shadows", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_fastSky", 1 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_inGameVideo", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "cg_brassTime", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_Set( "r_texturemode", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" );
- break;
- case 3: // fastest
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_fullScreen", 1 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_subdivisions", 20 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_vertexlight", 1 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_lodbias", 2 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_colorbits", 16 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_depthbits", 16 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_mode", 3 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_picmip", 2 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_texturebits", 16 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "cg_shadows", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "cg_brassTime", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_fastSky", 1 );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "r_inGameVideo", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_Set( "r_texturemode", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" );
- break;
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "ui_mousePitch") == 0) {
- if (val == 0) {
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "m_pitch", 0.022f );
- } else {
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "m_pitch", -0.022f );
- }
- }
-static void UI_RunMenuScript(char **args) {
- const char *name, *name2;
- char buff[1024];
- const char *cmd;
- if (String_Parse(args, &name)) {
- if (Q_stricmp(name, "StartServer") == 0) {
- int i, clients, oldclients;
- float skill;
- trap_Cvar_Set("cg_thirdPerson", "0");
- trap_Cvar_Set("cg_cameraOrbit", "0");
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_singlePlayerActive", "0");
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "dedicated", Com_Clamp( 0, 2, ui_dedicated.integer ) );
- trap_Cvar_SetValue( "g_gametype", Com_Clamp( 0, 8, uiInfo.gameTypes[ui_netGameType.integer].gtEnum ) );
- trap_Cvar_Set("g_redTeam", UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_teamName"));
- trap_Cvar_Set("g_blueTeam", UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_opponentName"));
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va( "wait ; wait ; map %s\n", uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentNetMap.integer].mapLoadName ) );
- skill = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "g_spSkill" );
- // set max clients based on spots
- oldclients = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "sv_maxClients" );
- clients = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < PLAYERS_PER_TEAM; i++) {
- int bot = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( va("ui_blueteam%i", i+1));
- if (bot >= 0) {
- clients++;
- }
- bot = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( va("ui_redteam%i", i+1));
- if (bot >= 0) {
- clients++;
- }
- }
- if (clients == 0) {
- clients = 8;
- }
- if (oldclients > clients) {
- clients = oldclients;
- }
- trap_Cvar_Set("sv_maxClients", va("%d",clients));
- for (i = 0; i < PLAYERS_PER_TEAM; i++) {
- int bot = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( va("ui_blueteam%i", i+1));
- if (bot > 1) {
- Com_sprintf( buff, sizeof(buff), "addbot %s %f \n", UI_GetBotNameByNumber(bot-2), skill);
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, buff );
- }
- bot = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( va("ui_redteam%i", i+1));
- if (bot > 1) {
- Com_sprintf( buff, sizeof(buff), "addbot %s %f \n", UI_GetBotNameByNumber(bot-2), skill);
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, buff );
- }
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "updateSPMenu") == 0) {
- UI_SetCapFragLimits(qtrue);
- UI_MapCountByGameType(qtrue);
- ui_mapIndex.integer = UI_GetIndexFromSelection(ui_currentMap.integer);
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_mapIndex", va("%d", ui_mapIndex.integer));
- Menu_SetFeederSelection(NULL, FEEDER_MAPS, ui_mapIndex.integer, "skirmish");
- UI_GameType_HandleKey(0, NULL, K_MOUSE1, qfalse);
- UI_GameType_HandleKey(0, NULL, K_MOUSE2, qfalse);
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "resetDefaults") == 0) {
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, "exec default.cfg\n");
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, "cvar_restart\n");
- Controls_SetDefaults();
- trap_Cvar_Set("com_introPlayed", "1" );
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, "vid_restart\n" );
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "getCDKey") == 0) {
- char out[17];
- trap_GetCDKey(buff, 17);
- trap_Cvar_Set("cdkey1", "");
- trap_Cvar_Set("cdkey2", "");
- trap_Cvar_Set("cdkey3", "");
- trap_Cvar_Set("cdkey4", "");
- if (strlen(buff) == CDKEY_LEN) {
- Q_strncpyz(out, buff, 5);
- trap_Cvar_Set("cdkey1", out);
- Q_strncpyz(out, buff + 4, 5);
- trap_Cvar_Set("cdkey2", out);
- Q_strncpyz(out, buff + 8, 5);
- trap_Cvar_Set("cdkey3", out);
- Q_strncpyz(out, buff + 12, 5);
- trap_Cvar_Set("cdkey4", out);
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "verifyCDKey") == 0) {
- buff[0] = '\0';
- Q_strcat(buff, 1024, UI_Cvar_VariableString("cdkey1"));
- Q_strcat(buff, 1024, UI_Cvar_VariableString("cdkey2"));
- Q_strcat(buff, 1024, UI_Cvar_VariableString("cdkey3"));
- Q_strcat(buff, 1024, UI_Cvar_VariableString("cdkey4"));
- trap_Cvar_Set("cdkey", buff);
- if (trap_VerifyCDKey(buff, UI_Cvar_VariableString("cdkeychecksum"))) {
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_cdkeyvalid", "CD Key Appears to be valid.");
- trap_SetCDKey(buff);
- } else {
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_cdkeyvalid", "CD Key does not appear to be valid.");
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "loadArenas") == 0) {
- UI_LoadArenas();
- UI_MapCountByGameType(qfalse);
- Menu_SetFeederSelection(NULL, FEEDER_ALLMAPS, 0, "createserver");
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "saveControls") == 0) {
- Controls_SetConfig(qtrue);
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "loadControls") == 0) {
- Controls_GetConfig();
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "clearError") == 0) {
- trap_Cvar_Set("com_errorMessage", "");
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "loadGameInfo") == 0) {
-/* UI_ParseGameInfo("gameinfo.txt");
- UI_LoadBestScores(uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].mapLoadName, uiInfo.gameTypes[ui_gameType.integer].gtEnum);*/
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "resetScores") == 0) {
- UI_ClearScores();
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "RefreshServers") == 0) {
- UI_StartServerRefresh(qtrue);
- UI_BuildServerDisplayList(qtrue);
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "RefreshFilter") == 0) {
- UI_StartServerRefresh(qfalse);
- UI_BuildServerDisplayList(qtrue);
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "RunSPDemo") == 0) {
- if (uiInfo.demoAvailable) {
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va("demo %s_%i\n", uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].mapLoadName, uiInfo.gameTypes[ui_gameType.integer].gtEnum));
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "LoadDemos") == 0) {
- UI_LoadDemos();
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "LoadMovies") == 0) {
- UI_LoadMovies();
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "LoadMods") == 0) {
- UI_LoadMods();
- }
-//TA: tremulous menus
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "LoadTeams" ) == 0 )
- UI_LoadTremTeams( );
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "JoinTeam" ) == 0 )
- {
- if( ( cmd = uiInfo.tremTeamList[ uiInfo.tremTeamIndex ].cmd ) )
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, cmd );
- }
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "LoadHumanItems" ) == 0 )
- UI_LoadTremHumanItems( );
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "SpawnWithHumanItem" ) == 0 )
- {
- if( ( cmd = uiInfo.tremHumanItemList[ uiInfo.tremHumanItemIndex ].cmd ) )
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, cmd );
- }
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "LoadAlienClasses" ) == 0 )
- UI_LoadTremAlienClasses( );
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "SpawnAsAlienClass" ) == 0 )
- {
- if( ( cmd = uiInfo.tremAlienClassList[ uiInfo.tremAlienClassIndex ].cmd ) )
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, cmd );
- }
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "LoadHumanArmouryBuys" ) == 0 )
- UI_LoadTremHumanArmouryBuys( );
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "BuyFromArmoury" ) == 0 )
- {
- if( ( cmd = uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyIndex ].cmd ) )
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, cmd );
- }
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "LoadHumanArmourySells" ) == 0 )
- UI_LoadTremHumanArmourySells( );
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "SellToArmoury" ) == 0 )
- {
- if( ( cmd = uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellIndex ].cmd ) )
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, cmd );
- }
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "LoadAlienUpgrades" ) == 0 )
- {
- UI_LoadTremAlienUpgrades( );
- //disallow the menu if it would be empty
- if( uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeCount <= 0 )
- Menus_CloseAll( );
- }
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "UpgradeToNewClass" ) == 0 )
- {
- if( ( cmd = uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeList[ uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeIndex ].cmd ) )
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, cmd );
- }
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "LoadAlienBuilds" ) == 0 )
- UI_LoadTremAlienBuilds( );
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "BuildAlienBuildable" ) == 0 )
- {
- if( ( cmd = uiInfo.tremAlienBuildList[ uiInfo.tremAlienBuildIndex ].cmd ) )
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, cmd );
- }
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "LoadHumanBuilds" ) == 0 )
- UI_LoadTremHumanBuilds( );
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "BuildHumanBuildable" ) == 0 )
- {
- if( ( cmd = uiInfo.tremHumanBuildList[ uiInfo.tremHumanBuildIndex ].cmd ) )
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, cmd );
- }
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "PTRCRestore" ) == 0 )
- {
- int len;
- char text[ 16 ];
- fileHandle_t f;
- char command[ 32 ];
- // load the file
- len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( "ptrc.cfg", &f, FS_READ );
- if( len > 0 && ( len < sizeof( text ) - 1 ) )
- {
- trap_FS_Read( text, len, f );
- text[ len ] = 0;
- trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );
- Com_sprintf( command, 32, "ptrcrestore %s", text );
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, command );
- }
- }
-//TA: tremulous menus
- else if (Q_stricmp(name, "playMovie") == 0) {
- if (uiInfo.previewMovie >= 0) {
- trap_CIN_StopCinematic(uiInfo.previewMovie);
- }
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va("cinematic %s.roq 2\n", uiInfo.movieList[uiInfo.movieIndex]));
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "RunMod") == 0) {
- trap_Cvar_Set( "fs_game", uiInfo.modList[uiInfo.modIndex].modName);
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, "vid_restart;" );
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "RunDemo") == 0) {
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va("demo %s\n", uiInfo.demoList[uiInfo.demoIndex]));
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "Quake3") == 0) {
- trap_Cvar_Set( "fs_game", "");
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, "vid_restart;" );
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "closeJoin") == 0) {
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.refreshActive) {
- UI_StopServerRefresh();
- uiInfo.serverStatus.nextDisplayRefresh = 0;
- uiInfo.nextServerStatusRefresh = 0;
- uiInfo.nextFindPlayerRefresh = 0;
- UI_BuildServerDisplayList(qtrue);
- } else {
- Menus_CloseByName("joinserver");
- Menus_OpenByName("main");
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "StopRefresh") == 0) {
- UI_StopServerRefresh();
- uiInfo.serverStatus.nextDisplayRefresh = 0;
- uiInfo.nextServerStatusRefresh = 0;
- uiInfo.nextFindPlayerRefresh = 0;
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "UpdateFilter") == 0) {
- if (ui_netSource.integer == AS_LOCAL) {
- UI_StartServerRefresh(qtrue);
- }
- UI_BuildServerDisplayList(qtrue);
- UI_FeederSelection(FEEDER_SERVERS, 0);
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "ServerStatus") == 0) {
- trap_LAN_GetServerAddressString(ui_netSource.integer, uiInfo.serverStatus.displayServers[uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServer], uiInfo.serverStatusAddress, sizeof(uiInfo.serverStatusAddress));
- UI_BuildServerStatus(qtrue);
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "FoundPlayerServerStatus") == 0) {
- Q_strncpyz(uiInfo.serverStatusAddress, uiInfo.foundPlayerServerAddresses[uiInfo.currentFoundPlayerServer], sizeof(uiInfo.serverStatusAddress));
- UI_BuildServerStatus(qtrue);
- Menu_SetFeederSelection(NULL, FEEDER_FINDPLAYER, 0, NULL);
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "FindPlayer") == 0) {
- UI_BuildFindPlayerList(qtrue);
- // clear the displayed server status info
- uiInfo.serverStatusInfo.numLines = 0;
- Menu_SetFeederSelection(NULL, FEEDER_FINDPLAYER, 0, NULL);
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "JoinServer") == 0) {
- trap_Cvar_Set("cg_thirdPerson", "0");
- trap_Cvar_Set("cg_cameraOrbit", "0");
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_singlePlayerActive", "0");
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServer >= 0 && uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServer < uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers) {
- trap_LAN_GetServerAddressString(ui_netSource.integer, uiInfo.serverStatus.displayServers[uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServer], buff, 1024);
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va( "connect %s\n", buff ) );
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "FoundPlayerJoinServer") == 0) {
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_singlePlayerActive", "0");
- if (uiInfo.currentFoundPlayerServer >= 0 && uiInfo.currentFoundPlayerServer < uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers) {
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va( "connect %s\n", uiInfo.foundPlayerServerAddresses[uiInfo.currentFoundPlayerServer] ) );
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "Quit") == 0) {
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_singlePlayerActive", "0");
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_NOW, "quit");
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "Controls") == 0) {
- trap_Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "1" );
- trap_Key_SetCatcher( KEYCATCH_UI );
- Menus_CloseAll();
- Menus_ActivateByName("setup_menu2");
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "Leave") == 0) {
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, "disconnect\n" );
- trap_Key_SetCatcher( KEYCATCH_UI );
- Menus_CloseAll();
- Menus_ActivateByName("main");
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "ServerSort") == 0) {
- int sortColumn;
- if (Int_Parse(args, &sortColumn)) {
- // if same column we're already sorting on then flip the direction
- if (sortColumn == uiInfo.serverStatus.sortKey) {
- uiInfo.serverStatus.sortDir = !uiInfo.serverStatus.sortDir;
- }
- // make sure we sort again
- UI_ServersSort(sortColumn, qtrue);
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "nextSkirmish") == 0) {
- UI_StartSkirmish(qtrue);
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "SkirmishStart") == 0) {
- UI_StartSkirmish(qfalse);
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "closeingame") == 0) {
- trap_Key_SetCatcher( trap_Key_GetCatcher() & ~KEYCATCH_UI );
- trap_Key_ClearStates();
- trap_Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "0" );
- Menus_CloseAll();
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "voteMap") == 0) {
- if (ui_currentNetMap.integer >=0 && ui_currentNetMap.integer < uiInfo.mapCount) {
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va("callvote map %s\n",uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentNetMap.integer].mapLoadName) );
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "voteKick") == 0) {
- if (uiInfo.playerIndex >= 0 && uiInfo.playerIndex < uiInfo.playerCount) {
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va("callvote kick %s\n",uiInfo.playerNames[uiInfo.playerIndex]) );
- }
- }
- else if( Q_stricmp( name, "voteTeamKick" ) == 0 )
- {
- if( uiInfo.playerIndex >= 0 && uiInfo.playerIndex < uiInfo.playerCount )
- {
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va( "callteamvote teamkick %s\n", uiInfo.playerNames[ uiInfo.teamIndex ] ) );
- }
- }
- else if (Q_stricmp(name, "voteGame") == 0) {
- if (ui_netGameType.integer >= 0 && ui_netGameType.integer < uiInfo.numGameTypes) {
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va("callvote g_gametype %i\n",uiInfo.gameTypes[ui_netGameType.integer].gtEnum) );
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "voteLeader") == 0) {
- if (uiInfo.teamIndex >= 0 && uiInfo.teamIndex < uiInfo.myTeamCount) {
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va("callteamvote leader %s\n",uiInfo.teamNames[uiInfo.teamIndex]) );
- }
- }
- else if (Q_stricmp(name, "addBot") == 0) {
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va("addbot %s %i %s\n", UI_GetBotNameByNumber(uiInfo.botIndex), uiInfo.skillIndex+1, (uiInfo.redBlue == 0) ? "Red" : "Blue") );
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "addFavorite") == 0) {
- if (ui_netSource.integer != AS_FAVORITES) {
- char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
- char addr[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
- int res;
- trap_LAN_GetServerInfo(ui_netSource.integer, uiInfo.serverStatus.displayServers[uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServer], buff, MAX_STRING_CHARS);
- name[0] = addr[0] = '\0';
- Q_strncpyz(name, Info_ValueForKey(buff, "hostname"), MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
- Q_strncpyz(addr, Info_ValueForKey(buff, "addr"), MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
- if (strlen(name) > 0 && strlen(addr) > 0) {
- res = trap_LAN_AddServer(AS_FAVORITES, name, addr);
- if (res == 0) {
- // server already in the list
- Com_Printf("Favorite already in list\n");
- }
- else if (res == -1) {
- // list full
- Com_Printf("Favorite list full\n");
- }
- else {
- // successfully added
- Com_Printf("Added favorite server %s\n", addr);
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "deleteFavorite") == 0) {
- if (ui_netSource.integer == AS_FAVORITES) {
- char addr[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
- trap_LAN_GetServerInfo(ui_netSource.integer, uiInfo.serverStatus.displayServers[uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServer], buff, MAX_STRING_CHARS);
- addr[0] = '\0';
- Q_strncpyz(addr, Info_ValueForKey(buff, "addr"), MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
- if (strlen(addr) > 0) {
- trap_LAN_RemoveServer(AS_FAVORITES, addr);
- }
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "createFavorite") == 0) {
- if (ui_netSource.integer == AS_FAVORITES) {
- char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
- char addr[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
- int res;
- name[0] = addr[0] = '\0';
- Q_strncpyz(name, UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_favoriteName"), MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
- Q_strncpyz(addr, UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_favoriteAddress"), MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
- if (strlen(name) > 0 && strlen(addr) > 0) {
- res = trap_LAN_AddServer(AS_FAVORITES, name, addr);
- if (res == 0) {
- // server already in the list
- Com_Printf("Favorite already in list\n");
- }
- else if (res == -1) {
- // list full
- Com_Printf("Favorite list full\n");
- }
- else {
- // successfully added
- Com_Printf("Added favorite server %s\n", addr);
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "orders") == 0) {
- const char *orders;
- if (String_Parse(args, &orders)) {
- int selectedPlayer = trap_Cvar_VariableValue("cg_selectedPlayer");
- if (selectedPlayer < uiInfo.myTeamCount) {
- strcpy(buff, orders);
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va(buff, uiInfo.teamClientNums[selectedPlayer]) );
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, "\n" );
- } else {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < uiInfo.myTeamCount; i++) {
- if (Q_stricmp(UI_Cvar_VariableString("name"), uiInfo.teamNames[i]) == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- strcpy(buff, orders);
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va(buff, uiInfo.teamNames[i]) );
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, "\n" );
- }
- }
- trap_Key_SetCatcher( trap_Key_GetCatcher() & ~KEYCATCH_UI );
- trap_Key_ClearStates();
- trap_Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "0" );
- Menus_CloseAll();
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "voiceOrdersTeam") == 0) {
- const char *orders;
- if (String_Parse(args, &orders)) {
- int selectedPlayer = trap_Cvar_VariableValue("cg_selectedPlayer");
- if (selectedPlayer == uiInfo.myTeamCount) {
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, orders );
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, "\n" );
- }
- trap_Key_SetCatcher( trap_Key_GetCatcher() & ~KEYCATCH_UI );
- trap_Key_ClearStates();
- trap_Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "0" );
- Menus_CloseAll();
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "voiceOrders") == 0) {
- const char *orders;
- if (String_Parse(args, &orders)) {
- int selectedPlayer = trap_Cvar_VariableValue("cg_selectedPlayer");
- if (selectedPlayer < uiInfo.myTeamCount) {
- strcpy(buff, orders);
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va(buff, uiInfo.teamClientNums[selectedPlayer]) );
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, "\n" );
- }
- trap_Key_SetCatcher( trap_Key_GetCatcher() & ~KEYCATCH_UI );
- trap_Key_ClearStates();
- trap_Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "0" );
- Menus_CloseAll();
- }
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "glCustom") == 0) {
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_glCustom", "4");
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "update") == 0) {
- if (String_Parse(args, &name2))
- UI_Update(name2);
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "setPbClStatus") == 0) {
- int stat;
- if ( Int_Parse( args, &stat ) )
- trap_SetPbClStatus( stat );
- }
- else {
- Com_Printf("unknown UI script %s\n", name);
- }
- }
-static void UI_GetTeamColor(vec4_t *color) {
-static int UI_MapCountByGameType(qboolean singlePlayer) {
- int i, c, game;
- c = 0;
- game = singlePlayer ? uiInfo.gameTypes[ui_gameType.integer].gtEnum : uiInfo.gameTypes[ui_netGameType.integer].gtEnum;
- for (i = 0; i < uiInfo.mapCount; i++) {
- uiInfo.mapList[i].active = qfalse;
- if ( uiInfo.mapList[i].typeBits & (1 << game)) {
- if (singlePlayer) {
- if (!(uiInfo.mapList[i].typeBits & (1 << 2))) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- c++;
- uiInfo.mapList[i].active = qtrue;
- }
- }
- return c;
-qboolean UI_hasSkinForBase(const char *base, const char *team) {
- char test[1024];
- Com_sprintf( test, sizeof( test ), "models/players/%s/%s/", base, team );
- if (trap_FS_FOpenFile(test, NULL, FS_READ)) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- Com_sprintf( test, sizeof( test ), "models/players/characters/%s/%s/", base, team );
- if (trap_FS_FOpenFile(test, NULL, FS_READ)) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static int UI_HeadCountByTeam( void ) {
- static int init = 0;
- int i, j, k, c, tIndex;
- c = 0;
- if (!init) {
- for (i = 0; i < uiInfo.characterCount; i++) {
- uiInfo.characterList[i].reference = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < uiInfo.teamCount; j++) {
- if (UI_hasSkinForBase(uiInfo.characterList[i].base, uiInfo.teamList[j].teamName)) {
- uiInfo.characterList[i].reference |= (1<<j);
- }
- }
- }
- init = 1;
- }
- tIndex = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_teamName"));
- // do names
- for (i = 0; i < uiInfo.characterCount; i++) {
- uiInfo.characterList[i].active = qfalse;
- for(j = 0; j < TEAM_MEMBERS; j++) {
- if (uiInfo.teamList[tIndex].teamMembers[j] != NULL) {
- if (uiInfo.characterList[i].reference&(1<<tIndex)) {// && Q_stricmp(uiInfo.teamList[tIndex].teamMembers[j], uiInfo.characterList[i].name)==0) {
- uiInfo.characterList[i].active = qtrue;
- c++;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // and then aliases
- for(j = 0; j < TEAM_MEMBERS; j++) {
- for(k = 0; k < uiInfo.aliasCount; k++) {
- if (uiInfo.aliasList[k].name != NULL) {
- if (Q_stricmp(uiInfo.teamList[tIndex].teamMembers[j], uiInfo.aliasList[k].name)==0) {
- for (i = 0; i < uiInfo.characterCount; i++) {
- if (uiInfo.characterList[i].headImage != -1 && uiInfo.characterList[i].reference&(1<<tIndex) && Q_stricmp(uiInfo.aliasList[k].ai, uiInfo.characterList[i].name)==0) {
- if (uiInfo.characterList[i].active == qfalse) {
- uiInfo.characterList[i].active = qtrue;
- c++;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return c;
-static void UI_InsertServerIntoDisplayList(int num, int position) {
- int i;
- if (position < 0 || position > uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers ) {
- return;
- }
- //
- uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers++;
- for (i = uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers; i > position; i--) {
- uiInfo.serverStatus.displayServers[i] = uiInfo.serverStatus.displayServers[i-1];
- }
- uiInfo.serverStatus.displayServers[position] = num;
-static void UI_RemoveServerFromDisplayList(int num) {
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers; i++) {
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.displayServers[i] == num) {
- uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers--;
- for (j = i; j < uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers; j++) {
- uiInfo.serverStatus.displayServers[j] = uiInfo.serverStatus.displayServers[j+1];
- }
- return;
- }
- }
-static void UI_BinaryServerInsertion(int num) {
- int mid, offset, res, len;
- // use binary search to insert server
- len = uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers;
- mid = len;
- offset = 0;
- res = 0;
- while(mid > 0) {
- mid = len >> 1;
- //
- res = trap_LAN_CompareServers( ui_netSource.integer, uiInfo.serverStatus.sortKey,
- uiInfo.serverStatus.sortDir, num, uiInfo.serverStatus.displayServers[offset+mid]);
- // if equal
- if (res == 0) {
- UI_InsertServerIntoDisplayList(num, offset+mid);
- return;
- }
- // if larger
- else if (res == 1) {
- offset += mid;
- len -= mid;
- }
- // if smaller
- else {
- len -= mid;
- }
- }
- if (res == 1) {
- offset++;
- }
- UI_InsertServerIntoDisplayList(num, offset);
-static void UI_BuildServerDisplayList(qboolean force) {
- int i, count, clients, maxClients, ping, game, len, visible;
- char info[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
-// qboolean startRefresh = qtrue; TTimo: unused
- static int numinvisible;
- if (!(force || uiInfo.uiDC.realTime > uiInfo.serverStatus.nextDisplayRefresh)) {
- return;
- }
- // if we shouldn't reset
- if ( force == 2 ) {
- force = 0;
- }
- // do motd updates here too
- trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "cl_motdString", uiInfo.serverStatus.motd, sizeof(uiInfo.serverStatus.motd) );
- len = strlen(uiInfo.serverStatus.motd);
- if (len == 0) {
- strcpy(uiInfo.serverStatus.motd, "Welcome to Tremulous!");
- len = strlen(uiInfo.serverStatus.motd);
- }
- if (len != uiInfo.serverStatus.motdLen) {
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdLen = len;
- uiInfo.serverStatus.motdWidth = -1;
- }
- if (force) {
- numinvisible = 0;
- // clear number of displayed servers
- uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers = 0;
- uiInfo.serverStatus.numPlayersOnServers = 0;
- // set list box index to zero
- Menu_SetFeederSelection(NULL, FEEDER_SERVERS, 0, NULL);
- // mark all servers as visible so we store ping updates for them
- trap_LAN_MarkServerVisible(ui_netSource.integer, -1, qtrue);
- }
- // get the server count (comes from the master)
- count = trap_LAN_GetServerCount(ui_netSource.integer);
- if (count == -1 || (ui_netSource.integer == AS_LOCAL && count == 0) ) {
- // still waiting on a response from the master
- uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers = 0;
- uiInfo.serverStatus.numPlayersOnServers = 0;
- uiInfo.serverStatus.nextDisplayRefresh = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime + 500;
- return;
- }
- visible = qfalse;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- // if we already got info for this server
- if (!trap_LAN_ServerIsVisible(ui_netSource.integer, i)) {
- continue;
- }
- visible = qtrue;
- // get the ping for this server
- ping = trap_LAN_GetServerPing(ui_netSource.integer, i);
- if (ping > 0 || ui_netSource.integer == AS_FAVORITES) {
- trap_LAN_GetServerInfo(ui_netSource.integer, i, info, MAX_STRING_CHARS);
- clients = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "clients"));
- uiInfo.serverStatus.numPlayersOnServers += clients;
- if (ui_browserShowEmpty.integer == 0) {
- if (clients == 0) {
- trap_LAN_MarkServerVisible(ui_netSource.integer, i, qfalse);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (ui_browserShowFull.integer == 0) {
- maxClients = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "sv_maxclients"));
- if (clients == maxClients) {
- trap_LAN_MarkServerVisible(ui_netSource.integer, i, qfalse);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (uiInfo.joinGameTypes[ui_joinGameType.integer].gtEnum != -1) {
- game = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "gametype"));
- if (game != uiInfo.joinGameTypes[ui_joinGameType.integer].gtEnum) {
- trap_LAN_MarkServerVisible(ui_netSource.integer, i, qfalse);
- continue;
- }
- }
- //TA: only show tremulous servers
- if( Q_stricmp( Info_ValueForKey( info, "game" ), "tremulous" ) != 0 )
- {
- trap_LAN_MarkServerVisible( ui_netSource.integer, i, qfalse );
- continue;
- }
- // make sure we never add a favorite server twice
- if (ui_netSource.integer == AS_FAVORITES) {
- UI_RemoveServerFromDisplayList(i);
- }
- // insert the server into the list
- UI_BinaryServerInsertion(i);
- // done with this server
- if (ping > 0) {
- trap_LAN_MarkServerVisible(ui_netSource.integer, i, qfalse);
- numinvisible++;
- }
- }
- }
- uiInfo.serverStatus.refreshtime = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime;
- // if there were no servers visible for ping updates
- if (!visible) {
-// UI_StopServerRefresh();
-// uiInfo.serverStatus.nextDisplayRefresh = 0;
- }
-typedef struct
- char *name, *altName;
-} serverStatusCvar_t;
-serverStatusCvar_t serverStatusCvars[] = {
- {"sv_hostname", "Name"},
- {"Address", ""},
- {"gamename", "Game name"},
- {"g_gametype", "Game type"},
- {"mapname", "Map"},
- {"version", ""},
- {"protocol", ""},
- {"timelimit", ""},
- {"fraglimit", ""},
-static void UI_SortServerStatusInfo( serverStatusInfo_t *info ) {
- int i, j, index;
- char *tmp1, *tmp2;
- // FIXME: if "gamename" == "baseq3" or "missionpack" then
- // replace the gametype number by FFA, CTF etc.
- //
- index = 0;
- for (i = 0; serverStatusCvars[i].name; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < info->numLines; j++) {
- if ( !info->lines[j][1] || info->lines[j][1][0] ) {
- continue;
- }
- if ( !Q_stricmp(serverStatusCvars[i].name, info->lines[j][0]) ) {
- // swap lines
- tmp1 = info->lines[index][0];
- tmp2 = info->lines[index][3];
- info->lines[index][0] = info->lines[j][0];
- info->lines[index][3] = info->lines[j][3];
- info->lines[j][0] = tmp1;
- info->lines[j][3] = tmp2;
- //
- if ( strlen(serverStatusCvars[i].altName) ) {
- info->lines[index][0] = serverStatusCvars[i].altName;
- }
- index++;
- }
- }
- }
-static int UI_GetServerStatusInfo( const char *serverAddress, serverStatusInfo_t *info ) {
- char *p, *score, *ping, *name;
- int i, len;
- if (!info) {
- trap_LAN_ServerStatus( serverAddress, NULL, 0);
- return qfalse;
- }
- memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info));
- if ( trap_LAN_ServerStatus( serverAddress, info->text, sizeof(info->text)) ) {
- Q_strncpyz(info->address, serverAddress, sizeof(info->address));
- p = info->text;
- info->numLines = 0;
- info->lines[info->numLines][0] = "Address";
- info->lines[info->numLines][1] = "";
- info->lines[info->numLines][2] = "";
- info->lines[info->numLines][3] = info->address;
- info->numLines++;
- // get the cvars
- while (p && *p) {
- p = strchr(p, '\\');
- if (!p) break;
- *p++ = '\0';
- if (*p == '\\')
- break;
- info->lines[info->numLines][0] = p;
- info->lines[info->numLines][1] = "";
- info->lines[info->numLines][2] = "";
- p = strchr(p, '\\');
- if (!p) break;
- *p++ = '\0';
- info->lines[info->numLines][3] = p;
- info->numLines++;
- if (info->numLines >= MAX_SERVERSTATUS_LINES)
- break;
- }
- // get the player list
- if (info->numLines < MAX_SERVERSTATUS_LINES-3) {
- // empty line
- info->lines[info->numLines][0] = "";
- info->lines[info->numLines][1] = "";
- info->lines[info->numLines][2] = "";
- info->lines[info->numLines][3] = "";
- info->numLines++;
- // header
- info->lines[info->numLines][0] = "num";
- info->lines[info->numLines][1] = "score";
- info->lines[info->numLines][2] = "ping";
- info->lines[info->numLines][3] = "name";
- info->numLines++;
- // parse players
- i = 0;
- len = 0;
- while (p && *p) {
- if (*p == '\\')
- *p++ = '\0';
- if (!p)
- break;
- score = p;
- p = strchr(p, ' ');
- if (!p)
- break;
- *p++ = '\0';
- ping = p;
- p = strchr(p, ' ');
- if (!p)
- break;
- *p++ = '\0';
- name = p;
- Com_sprintf(&info->pings[len], sizeof(info->pings)-len, "%d", i);
- info->lines[info->numLines][0] = &info->pings[len];
- len += strlen(&info->pings[len]) + 1;
- info->lines[info->numLines][1] = score;
- info->lines[info->numLines][2] = ping;
- info->lines[info->numLines][3] = name;
- info->numLines++;
- if (info->numLines >= MAX_SERVERSTATUS_LINES)
- break;
- p = strchr(p, '\\');
- if (!p)
- break;
- *p++ = '\0';
- //
- i++;
- }
- }
- UI_SortServerStatusInfo( info );
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static char *stristr(char *str, char *charset) {
- int i;
- while(*str) {
- for (i = 0; charset[i] && str[i]; i++) {
- if (toupper(charset[i]) != toupper(str[i])) break;
- }
- if (!charset[i]) return str;
- str++;
- }
- return NULL;
-static void UI_BuildFindPlayerList(qboolean force) {
- static int numFound, numTimeOuts;
- int i, j, resend;
- serverStatusInfo_t info;
- char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+2];
- char infoString[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
- if (!force) {
- if (!uiInfo.nextFindPlayerRefresh || uiInfo.nextFindPlayerRefresh > uiInfo.uiDC.realTime) {
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- memset(&uiInfo.pendingServerStatus, 0, sizeof(uiInfo.pendingServerStatus));
- uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers = 0;
- uiInfo.currentFoundPlayerServer = 0;
- trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "ui_findPlayer", uiInfo.findPlayerName, sizeof(uiInfo.findPlayerName));
- Q_CleanStr(uiInfo.findPlayerName);
- // should have a string of some length
- if (!strlen(uiInfo.findPlayerName)) {
- uiInfo.nextFindPlayerRefresh = 0;
- return;
- }
- // set resend time
- resend = ui_serverStatusTimeOut.integer / 2 - 10;
- if (resend < 50) {
- resend = 50;
- }
- trap_Cvar_Set("cl_serverStatusResendTime", va("%d", resend));
- // reset all server status requests
- trap_LAN_ServerStatus( NULL, NULL, 0);
- //
- uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers = 1;
- Com_sprintf(uiInfo.foundPlayerServerNames[uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers-1],
- sizeof(uiInfo.foundPlayerServerNames[uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers-1]),
- "searching %d...", uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.num);
- numFound = 0;
- numTimeOuts++;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_SERVERSTATUSREQUESTS; i++) {
- // if this pending server is valid
- if (uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[i].valid) {
- // try to get the server status for this server
- if (UI_GetServerStatusInfo( uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[i].adrstr, &info ) ) {
- //
- numFound++;
- // parse through the server status lines
- for (j = 0; j < info.numLines; j++) {
- // should have ping info
- if ( !info.lines[j][2] || !info.lines[j][2][0] ) {
- continue;
- }
- // clean string first
- Q_strncpyz(name, info.lines[j][3], sizeof(name));
- Q_CleanStr(name);
- // if the player name is a substring
- if (stristr(name, uiInfo.findPlayerName)) {
- // add to found server list if we have space (always leave space for a line with the number found)
- if (uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers < MAX_FOUNDPLAYER_SERVERS-1) {
- //
- Q_strncpyz(uiInfo.foundPlayerServerAddresses[uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers-1],
- uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[i].adrstr,
- sizeof(uiInfo.foundPlayerServerAddresses[0]));
- Q_strncpyz(uiInfo.foundPlayerServerNames[uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers-1],
- uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[i].name,
- sizeof(uiInfo.foundPlayerServerNames[0]));
- uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers++;
- }
- else {
- // can't add any more so we're done
- uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.num = uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers;
- }
- }
- }
- Com_sprintf(uiInfo.foundPlayerServerNames[uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers-1],
- sizeof(uiInfo.foundPlayerServerNames[uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers-1]),
- "searching %d/%d...", uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.num, numFound);
- // retrieved the server status so reuse this spot
- uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[i].valid = qfalse;
- }
- }
- // if empty pending slot or timed out
- if (!uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[i].valid ||
- uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[i].startTime < uiInfo.uiDC.realTime - ui_serverStatusTimeOut.integer) {
- if (uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[i].valid) {
- numTimeOuts++;
- }
- // reset server status request for this address
- UI_GetServerStatusInfo( uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[i].adrstr, NULL );
- // reuse pending slot
- uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[i].valid = qfalse;
- // if we didn't try to get the status of all servers in the main browser yet
- if (uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.num < uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers) {
- uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[i].startTime = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime;
- trap_LAN_GetServerAddressString(ui_netSource.integer, uiInfo.serverStatus.displayServers[uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.num],
- uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[i].adrstr, sizeof(uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[i].adrstr));
- trap_LAN_GetServerInfo(ui_netSource.integer, uiInfo.serverStatus.displayServers[uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.num], infoString, sizeof(infoString));
- Q_strncpyz(uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[i].name, Info_ValueForKey(infoString, "hostname"), sizeof(uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[0].name));
- uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[i].valid = qtrue;
- uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.num++;
- Com_sprintf(uiInfo.foundPlayerServerNames[uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers-1],
- sizeof(uiInfo.foundPlayerServerNames[uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers-1]),
- "searching %d/%d...", uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.num, numFound);
- }
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_SERVERSTATUSREQUESTS; i++) {
- if (uiInfo.pendingServerStatus.server[i].valid) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // if still trying to retrieve server status info
- uiInfo.nextFindPlayerRefresh = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime + 25;
- }
- else {
- // add a line that shows the number of servers found
- if (!uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers) {
- Com_sprintf(uiInfo.foundPlayerServerNames[uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers-1], sizeof(uiInfo.foundPlayerServerAddresses[0]), "no servers found");
- }
- else {
- Com_sprintf(uiInfo.foundPlayerServerNames[uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers-1], sizeof(uiInfo.foundPlayerServerAddresses[0]),
- "%d server%s found with player %s", uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers-1,
- uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers == 2 ? "":"s", uiInfo.findPlayerName);
- }
- uiInfo.nextFindPlayerRefresh = 0;
- // show the server status info for the selected server
- UI_FeederSelection(FEEDER_FINDPLAYER, uiInfo.currentFoundPlayerServer);
- }
-static void UI_BuildServerStatus(qboolean force) {
- if (uiInfo.nextFindPlayerRefresh) {
- return;
- }
- if (!force) {
- if (!uiInfo.nextServerStatusRefresh || uiInfo.nextServerStatusRefresh > uiInfo.uiDC.realTime) {
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- Menu_SetFeederSelection(NULL, FEEDER_SERVERSTATUS, 0, NULL);
- uiInfo.serverStatusInfo.numLines = 0;
- // reset all server status requests
- trap_LAN_ServerStatus( NULL, NULL, 0);
- }
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServer < 0 || uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServer > uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers || uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers == 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (UI_GetServerStatusInfo( uiInfo.serverStatusAddress, &uiInfo.serverStatusInfo ) ) {
- uiInfo.nextServerStatusRefresh = 0;
- UI_GetServerStatusInfo( uiInfo.serverStatusAddress, NULL );
- }
- else {
- uiInfo.nextServerStatusRefresh = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime + 500;
- }
-static int UI_FeederCount(float feederID) {
- if (feederID == FEEDER_HEADS) {
- return UI_HeadCountByTeam();
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_Q3HEADS) {
- return uiInfo.q3HeadCount;
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_CINEMATICS) {
- return uiInfo.movieCount;
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_MAPS || feederID == FEEDER_ALLMAPS) {
- return UI_MapCountByGameType(feederID == FEEDER_MAPS ? qtrue : qfalse);
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_SERVERS) {
- return uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers;
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_SERVERSTATUS) {
- return uiInfo.serverStatusInfo.numLines;
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_FINDPLAYER) {
- return uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers;
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_PLAYER_LIST) {
- if (uiInfo.uiDC.realTime > uiInfo.playerRefresh) {
- uiInfo.playerRefresh = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime + 3000;
- UI_BuildPlayerList();
- }
- return uiInfo.playerCount;
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_TEAM_LIST) {
- if (uiInfo.uiDC.realTime > uiInfo.playerRefresh) {
- uiInfo.playerRefresh = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime + 3000;
- UI_BuildPlayerList();
- }
- return uiInfo.myTeamCount;
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_MODS) {
- return uiInfo.modCount;
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_DEMOS) {
- return uiInfo.demoCount;
- }
-//TA: tremulous menus
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMTEAMS )
- return uiInfo.tremTeamCount;
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMHUMANITEMS )
- return uiInfo.tremHumanItemCount;
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMALIENCLASSES )
- return uiInfo.tremAlienClassCount;
- return uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyCount;
- return uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellCount;
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMALIENUPGRADE )
- return uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeCount;
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMALIENBUILD )
- return uiInfo.tremAlienBuildCount;
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMHUMANBUILD )
- return uiInfo.tremHumanBuildCount;
-//TA: tremulous menus
- return 0;
-static const char *UI_SelectedMap(int index, int *actual) {
- int i, c;
- c = 0;
- *actual = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < uiInfo.mapCount; i++) {
- if (uiInfo.mapList[i].active) {
- if (c == index) {
- *actual = i;
- return uiInfo.mapList[i].mapName;
- } else {
- c++;
- }
- }
- }
- return "";
-static const char *UI_SelectedHead(int index, int *actual) {
- int i, c;
- c = 0;
- *actual = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < uiInfo.characterCount; i++) {
- if (uiInfo.characterList[i].active) {
- if (c == index) {
- *actual = i;
- return uiInfo.characterList[i].name;
- } else {
- c++;
- }
- }
- }
- return "";
-static int UI_GetIndexFromSelection(int actual) {
- int i, c;
- c = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < uiInfo.mapCount; i++) {
- if (uiInfo.mapList[i].active) {
- if (i == actual) {
- return c;
- }
- c++;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static void UI_UpdatePendingPings( void ) {
- trap_LAN_ResetPings(ui_netSource.integer);
- uiInfo.serverStatus.refreshActive = qtrue;
- uiInfo.serverStatus.refreshtime = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime + 1000;
-static const char *UI_FeederItemText(float feederID, int index, int column, qhandle_t *handle) {
- static char info[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
- static char hostname[1024];
- static char clientBuff[32];
- static int lastColumn = -1;
- static int lastTime = 0;
- *handle = -1;
- if (feederID == FEEDER_HEADS) {
- int actual;
- return UI_SelectedHead(index, &actual);
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_Q3HEADS) {
- if (index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.q3HeadCount) {
- return uiInfo.q3HeadNames[index];
- }
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_MAPS || feederID == FEEDER_ALLMAPS) {
- int actual;
- return UI_SelectedMap(index, &actual);
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_SERVERS) {
- if (index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers) {
- int ping, punkbuster;
- if (lastColumn != column || lastTime > uiInfo.uiDC.realTime + 5000) {
- trap_LAN_GetServerInfo(ui_netSource.integer, uiInfo.serverStatus.displayServers[index], info, MAX_STRING_CHARS);
- lastColumn = column;
- lastTime = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime;
- }
- /*return "bah";*/
- ping = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "ping"));
- if (ping == -1) {
- // if we ever see a ping that is out of date, do a server refresh
- // UI_UpdatePendingPings();
- }
- switch (column) {
- case SORT_HOST :
- if (ping <= 0) {
- return Info_ValueForKey(info, "addr");
- } else {
- if ( ui_netSource.integer == AS_LOCAL ) {
- Com_sprintf( hostname, sizeof(hostname), "%s [%s]",
- Info_ValueForKey(info, "hostname"),
- netnames[atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "nettype"))] );
- return hostname;
- }
- else {
- Com_sprintf( hostname, sizeof(hostname), "%s", Info_ValueForKey(info, "hostname"));
- return hostname;
- }
- }
- case SORT_MAP :
- return Info_ValueForKey(info, "mapname");
- Com_sprintf( clientBuff, sizeof(clientBuff), "%s (%s)", Info_ValueForKey(info, "clients"), Info_ValueForKey(info, "sv_maxclients"));
- return clientBuff;
- case SORT_PING :
- if (ping <= 0) {
- return "...";
- } else {
- return Info_ValueForKey(info, "ping");
- }
- punkbuster = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(info, "punkbuster"));
- if ( punkbuster ) {
- return "Yes";
- } else {
- return "No";
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_SERVERSTATUS) {
- if ( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.serverStatusInfo.numLines ) {
- if ( column >= 0 && column < 4 ) {
- return uiInfo.serverStatusInfo.lines[index][column];
- }
- }
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_FINDPLAYER) {
- if ( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers ) {
- //return uiInfo.foundPlayerServerAddresses[index];
- return uiInfo.foundPlayerServerNames[index];
- }
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_PLAYER_LIST) {
- if (index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.playerCount) {
- return uiInfo.playerNames[index];
- }
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_TEAM_LIST) {
- if (index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.myTeamCount) {
- return uiInfo.teamNames[index];
- }
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_MODS) {
- if (index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.modCount) {
- if (uiInfo.modList[index].modDescr && *uiInfo.modList[index].modDescr) {
- return uiInfo.modList[index].modDescr;
- } else {
- return uiInfo.modList[index].modName;
- }
- }
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_CINEMATICS) {
- if (index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.movieCount) {
- return uiInfo.movieList[index];
- }
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_DEMOS) {
- if (index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.demoCount) {
- return uiInfo.demoList[index];
- }
- }
-//TA: tremulous menus
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMTEAMS )
- {
- if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.tremTeamCount )
- return uiInfo.tremTeamList[ index ].text;
- }
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMHUMANITEMS )
- {
- if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.tremHumanItemCount )
- return uiInfo.tremHumanItemList[ index ].text;
- }
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMALIENCLASSES )
- {
- if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.tremAlienClassCount )
- return uiInfo.tremAlienClassList[ index ].text;
- }
- {
- if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyCount )
- return uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyList[ index ].text;
- }
- {
- if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellCount )
- return uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellList[ index ].text;
- }
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMALIENUPGRADE )
- {
- if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeCount )
- return uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeList[ index ].text;
- }
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMALIENBUILD )
- {
- if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.tremAlienBuildCount )
- return uiInfo.tremAlienBuildList[ index ].text;
- }
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMHUMANBUILD )
- {
- if( index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.tremHumanBuildCount )
- return uiInfo.tremHumanBuildList[ index ].text;
- }
-//TA: tremulous menus
- return "";
-static qhandle_t UI_FeederItemImage(float feederID, int index) {
- if (feederID == FEEDER_HEADS) {
- int actual;
- UI_SelectedHead(index, &actual);
- index = actual;
- if (index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.characterCount) {
- if (uiInfo.characterList[index].headImage == -1) {
- uiInfo.characterList[index].headImage = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(uiInfo.characterList[index].imageName);
- }
- return uiInfo.characterList[index].headImage;
- }
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_Q3HEADS) {
- if (index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.q3HeadCount) {
- return uiInfo.q3HeadIcons[index];
- }
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_ALLMAPS || feederID == FEEDER_MAPS) {
- int actual;
- UI_SelectedMap(index, &actual);
- index = actual;
- if (index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.mapCount) {
- if (uiInfo.mapList[index].levelShot == -1) {
- uiInfo.mapList[index].levelShot = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(uiInfo.mapList[index].imageName);
- }
- return uiInfo.mapList[index].levelShot;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static void UI_FeederSelection(float feederID, int index) {
- static char info[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
- if (feederID == FEEDER_HEADS) {
- int actual;
- UI_SelectedHead(index, &actual);
- index = actual;
- if (index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.characterCount) {
- trap_Cvar_Set( "team_model", va("%s", uiInfo.characterList[index].base));
- trap_Cvar_Set( "team_headmodel", va("*%s", uiInfo.characterList[index].name));
- updateModel = qtrue;
- }
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_Q3HEADS) {
- if (index >= 0 && index < uiInfo.q3HeadCount) {
- trap_Cvar_Set( "model", uiInfo.q3HeadNames[index]);
- trap_Cvar_Set( "headmodel", uiInfo.q3HeadNames[index]);
- updateModel = qtrue;
- }
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_MAPS || feederID == FEEDER_ALLMAPS) {
- int actual, map;
- map = (feederID == FEEDER_ALLMAPS) ? ui_currentNetMap.integer : ui_currentMap.integer;
- if (uiInfo.mapList[map].cinematic >= 0) {
- trap_CIN_StopCinematic(uiInfo.mapList[map].cinematic);
- uiInfo.mapList[map].cinematic = -1;
- }
- UI_SelectedMap(index, &actual);
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_mapIndex", va("%d", index));
- ui_mapIndex.integer = index;
- if (feederID == FEEDER_MAPS) {
- ui_currentMap.integer = actual;
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_currentMap", va("%d", actual));
- uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].cinematic = trap_CIN_PlayCinematic(va("%s.roq", uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].mapLoadName), 0, 0, 0, 0, (CIN_loop | CIN_silent) );
- UI_LoadBestScores(uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].mapLoadName, uiInfo.gameTypes[ui_gameType.integer].gtEnum);
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_opponentModel", uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].opponentName);
- updateOpponentModel = qtrue;
- } else {
- ui_currentNetMap.integer = actual;
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_currentNetMap", va("%d", actual));
- uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentNetMap.integer].cinematic = trap_CIN_PlayCinematic(va("%s.roq", uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentNetMap.integer].mapLoadName), 0, 0, 0, 0, (CIN_loop | CIN_silent) );
- }
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_SERVERS) {
- const char *mapName = NULL;
- uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServer = index;
- trap_LAN_GetServerInfo(ui_netSource.integer, uiInfo.serverStatus.displayServers[index], info, MAX_STRING_CHARS);
- uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServerPreview = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("levelshots/%s", Info_ValueForKey(info, "mapname")));
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServerCinematic >= 0) {
- trap_CIN_StopCinematic(uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServerCinematic);
- uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServerCinematic = -1;
- }
- mapName = Info_ValueForKey(info, "mapname");
- if (mapName && *mapName) {
- uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServerCinematic = trap_CIN_PlayCinematic(va("%s.roq", mapName), 0, 0, 0, 0, (CIN_loop | CIN_silent) );
- }
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_SERVERSTATUS) {
- //
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_FINDPLAYER) {
- uiInfo.currentFoundPlayerServer = index;
- //
- if ( index < uiInfo.numFoundPlayerServers-1) {
- // build a new server status for this server
- Q_strncpyz(uiInfo.serverStatusAddress, uiInfo.foundPlayerServerAddresses[uiInfo.currentFoundPlayerServer], sizeof(uiInfo.serverStatusAddress));
- Menu_SetFeederSelection(NULL, FEEDER_SERVERSTATUS, 0, NULL);
- UI_BuildServerStatus(qtrue);
- }
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_PLAYER_LIST) {
- uiInfo.playerIndex = index;
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_TEAM_LIST) {
- uiInfo.teamIndex = index;
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_MODS) {
- uiInfo.modIndex = index;
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_CINEMATICS) {
- uiInfo.movieIndex = index;
- if (uiInfo.previewMovie >= 0) {
- trap_CIN_StopCinematic(uiInfo.previewMovie);
- }
- uiInfo.previewMovie = -1;
- } else if (feederID == FEEDER_DEMOS) {
- uiInfo.demoIndex = index;
- }
-//TA: tremulous menus
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMTEAMS )
- uiInfo.tremTeamIndex = index;
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMHUMANITEMS )
- uiInfo.tremHumanItemIndex = index;
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMALIENCLASSES )
- uiInfo.tremAlienClassIndex = index;
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmouryBuyIndex = index;
- uiInfo.tremHumanArmourySellIndex = index;
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMALIENUPGRADE )
- uiInfo.tremAlienUpgradeIndex = index;
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMALIENBUILD )
- uiInfo.tremAlienBuildIndex = index;
- else if( feederID == FEEDER_TREMHUMANBUILD )
- uiInfo.tremHumanBuildIndex = index;
-//TA: tremulous menus
-static void UI_Pause(qboolean b) {
- if (b) {
- // pause the game and set the ui keycatcher
- trap_Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "1" );
- trap_Key_SetCatcher( KEYCATCH_UI );
- } else {
- // unpause the game and clear the ui keycatcher
- trap_Key_SetCatcher( trap_Key_GetCatcher() & ~KEYCATCH_UI );
- trap_Key_ClearStates();
- trap_Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "0" );
- }
-static int UI_PlayCinematic(const char *name, float x, float y, float w, float h) {
- return trap_CIN_PlayCinematic(name, x, y, w, h, (CIN_loop | CIN_silent));
-static void UI_StopCinematic(int handle) {
- if (handle >= 0) {
- trap_CIN_StopCinematic(handle);
- } else {
- handle = abs(handle);
- if (handle == UI_MAPCINEMATIC) {
- if (uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].cinematic >= 0) {
- trap_CIN_StopCinematic(uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].cinematic);
- uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].cinematic = -1;
- }
- } else if (handle == UI_NETMAPCINEMATIC) {
- if (uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServerCinematic >= 0) {
- trap_CIN_StopCinematic(uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServerCinematic);
- uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServerCinematic = -1;
- }
- } else if (handle == UI_CLANCINEMATIC) {
- int i = UI_TeamIndexFromName(UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_teamName"));
- if (i >= 0 && i < uiInfo.teamCount) {
- if (uiInfo.teamList[i].cinematic >= 0) {
- trap_CIN_StopCinematic(uiInfo.teamList[i].cinematic);
- uiInfo.teamList[i].cinematic = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-static void UI_DrawCinematic(int handle, float x, float y, float w, float h) {
- trap_CIN_SetExtents(handle, x, y, w, h);
- trap_CIN_DrawCinematic(handle);
-static void UI_RunCinematicFrame(int handle) {
- trap_CIN_RunCinematic(handle);
-static void UI_BuildQ3Model_List( void )
- int numdirs;
- int numfiles;
- char dirlist[2048];
- char filelist[2048];
- char skinname[64];
- char scratch[256];
- char* dirptr;
- char* fileptr;
- int i;
- int j, k, dirty;
- int dirlen;
- int filelen;
- uiInfo.q3HeadCount = 0;
- // iterate directory of all player models
- numdirs = trap_FS_GetFileList("models/players", "/", dirlist, 2048 );
- dirptr = dirlist;
- for (i=0; i<numdirs && uiInfo.q3HeadCount < MAX_PLAYERMODELS; i++,dirptr+=dirlen+1)
- {
- dirlen = strlen(dirptr);
- if (dirlen && dirptr[dirlen-1]=='/') dirptr[dirlen-1]='\0';
- if (!strcmp(dirptr,".") || !strcmp(dirptr,".."))
- continue;
- // iterate all skin files in directory
- numfiles = trap_FS_GetFileList( va("models/players/%s",dirptr), "tga", filelist, 2048 );
- fileptr = filelist;
- for (j=0; j<numfiles && uiInfo.q3HeadCount < MAX_PLAYERMODELS;j++,fileptr+=filelen+1)
- {
- filelen = strlen(fileptr);
- COM_StripExtension(fileptr,skinname);
- // look for icon_????
- if (Q_stricmpn(skinname, "icon_", 5) == 0 && !(Q_stricmp(skinname,"icon_blue") == 0 || Q_stricmp(skinname,"icon_red") == 0))
- {
- if (Q_stricmp(skinname, "icon_default") == 0) {
- Com_sprintf( scratch, sizeof(scratch), dirptr);
- } else {
- Com_sprintf( scratch, sizeof(scratch), "%s/%s",dirptr, skinname + 5);
- }
- dirty = 0;
- for(k=0;k<uiInfo.q3HeadCount;k++) {
- if (!Q_stricmp(scratch, uiInfo.q3HeadNames[uiInfo.q3HeadCount])) {
- dirty = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!dirty) {
- Com_sprintf( uiInfo.q3HeadNames[uiInfo.q3HeadCount], sizeof(uiInfo.q3HeadNames[uiInfo.q3HeadCount]), scratch);
- uiInfo.q3HeadIcons[uiInfo.q3HeadCount++] = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip(va("models/players/%s/%s",dirptr,skinname));
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void _UI_Init( qboolean inGameLoad ) {
- const char *menuSet;
- int start;
- BG_InitClassOverrides( );
- //uiInfo.inGameLoad = inGameLoad;
- UI_RegisterCvars();
- UI_InitMemory();
- // cache redundant calulations
- trap_GetGlconfig( &uiInfo.uiDC.glconfig );
- // for 640x480 virtualized screen
- uiInfo.uiDC.yscale = uiInfo.uiDC.glconfig.vidHeight * (1.0/480.0);
- uiInfo.uiDC.xscale = uiInfo.uiDC.glconfig.vidWidth * (1.0/640.0);
- if ( uiInfo.uiDC.glconfig.vidWidth * 480 > uiInfo.uiDC.glconfig.vidHeight * 640 ) {
- // wide screen
- uiInfo.uiDC.bias = 0.5 * ( uiInfo.uiDC.glconfig.vidWidth - ( uiInfo.uiDC.glconfig.vidHeight * (640.0/480.0) ) );
- }
- else {
- // no wide screen
- uiInfo.uiDC.bias = 0;
- }
- //UI_Load();
- uiInfo.uiDC.registerShaderNoMip = &trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip;
- uiInfo.uiDC.setColor = &UI_SetColor;
- uiInfo.uiDC.drawHandlePic = &UI_DrawHandlePic;
- uiInfo.uiDC.drawStretchPic = &trap_R_DrawStretchPic;
- uiInfo.uiDC.drawText = &Text_Paint;
- uiInfo.uiDC.textWidth = &Text_Width;
- uiInfo.uiDC.textHeight = &Text_Height;
- uiInfo.uiDC.registerModel = &trap_R_RegisterModel;
- uiInfo.uiDC.modelBounds = &trap_R_ModelBounds;
- uiInfo.uiDC.fillRect = &UI_FillRect;
- uiInfo.uiDC.drawRect = &_UI_DrawRect;
- uiInfo.uiDC.drawSides = &_UI_DrawSides;
- uiInfo.uiDC.drawTopBottom = &_UI_DrawTopBottom;
- uiInfo.uiDC.clearScene = &trap_R_ClearScene;
- uiInfo.uiDC.drawSides = &_UI_DrawSides;
- uiInfo.uiDC.addRefEntityToScene = &trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene;
- uiInfo.uiDC.renderScene = &trap_R_RenderScene;
- uiInfo.uiDC.registerFont = &trap_R_RegisterFont;
- uiInfo.uiDC.ownerDrawItem = &UI_OwnerDraw;
- uiInfo.uiDC.getValue = &UI_GetValue;
- uiInfo.uiDC.ownerDrawVisible = &UI_OwnerDrawVisible;
- uiInfo.uiDC.runScript = &UI_RunMenuScript;
- uiInfo.uiDC.getTeamColor = &UI_GetTeamColor;
- uiInfo.uiDC.setCVar = trap_Cvar_Set;
- uiInfo.uiDC.getCVarString = trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer;
- uiInfo.uiDC.getCVarValue = trap_Cvar_VariableValue;
- uiInfo.uiDC.drawTextWithCursor = &Text_PaintWithCursor;
- uiInfo.uiDC.setOverstrikeMode = &trap_Key_SetOverstrikeMode;
- uiInfo.uiDC.getOverstrikeMode = &trap_Key_GetOverstrikeMode;
- uiInfo.uiDC.startLocalSound = &trap_S_StartLocalSound;
- uiInfo.uiDC.ownerDrawHandleKey = &UI_OwnerDrawHandleKey;
- uiInfo.uiDC.feederCount = &UI_FeederCount;
- uiInfo.uiDC.feederItemImage = &UI_FeederItemImage;
- uiInfo.uiDC.feederItemText = &UI_FeederItemText;
- uiInfo.uiDC.feederSelection = &UI_FeederSelection;
- uiInfo.uiDC.setBinding = &trap_Key_SetBinding;
- uiInfo.uiDC.getBindingBuf = &trap_Key_GetBindingBuf;
- uiInfo.uiDC.keynumToStringBuf = &trap_Key_KeynumToStringBuf;
- uiInfo.uiDC.executeText = &trap_Cmd_ExecuteText;
- uiInfo.uiDC.Error = &Com_Error;
- uiInfo.uiDC.Print = &Com_Printf;
- uiInfo.uiDC.Pause = &UI_Pause;
- uiInfo.uiDC.ownerDrawWidth = &UI_OwnerDrawWidth;
- uiInfo.uiDC.registerSound = &trap_S_RegisterSound;
- uiInfo.uiDC.startBackgroundTrack = &trap_S_StartBackgroundTrack;
- uiInfo.uiDC.stopBackgroundTrack = &trap_S_StopBackgroundTrack;
- uiInfo.uiDC.playCinematic = &UI_PlayCinematic;
- uiInfo.uiDC.stopCinematic = &UI_StopCinematic;
- uiInfo.uiDC.drawCinematic = &UI_DrawCinematic;
- uiInfo.uiDC.runCinematicFrame = &UI_RunCinematicFrame;
- Init_Display(&uiInfo.uiDC);
- String_Init();
- uiInfo.uiDC.whiteShader = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "white" );
- AssetCache();
- start = trap_Milliseconds();
- uiInfo.teamCount = 0;
- uiInfo.characterCount = 0;
- uiInfo.aliasCount = 0;
-/* UI_ParseTeamInfo("teaminfo.txt");
- UI_LoadTeams();
- UI_ParseGameInfo("gameinfo.txt");*/
- menuSet = UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_menuFiles");
- if (menuSet == NULL || menuSet[0] == '\0') {
- menuSet = "ui/menus.txt";
- }
-#if 0
- if (uiInfo.inGameLoad) {
- UI_LoadMenus("ui/ingame.txt", qtrue);
- } else { // bk010222: left this: UI_LoadMenus(menuSet, qtrue);
- }
- UI_LoadMenus(menuSet, qtrue);
- UI_LoadMenus("ui/ingame.txt", qfalse);
- UI_LoadMenus("ui/tremulous.txt", qfalse);
- UI_LoadInfoPanes( "ui/infopanes.def" );
- if( uiInfo.uiDC.debug )
- {
- int i, j;
- for( i = 0; i < uiInfo.tremInfoPaneCount; i++ )
- {
- Com_Printf( "name: %s\n", uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].name );
- Com_Printf( "text: %s\n", uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].text );
- for( j = 0; j < uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].numGraphics; j++ )
- Com_Printf( "graphic %d: %d %d %d %d\n", j, uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].graphics[ j ].side,
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].graphics[ j ].offset,
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].graphics[ j ].width,
- uiInfo.tremInfoPanes[ i ].graphics[ j ].height );
- }
- }
- Menus_CloseAll();
- trap_LAN_LoadCachedServers();
- UI_LoadBestScores(uiInfo.mapList[ui_currentMap.integer].mapLoadName, uiInfo.gameTypes[ui_gameType.integer].gtEnum);
- UI_BuildQ3Model_List();
- /*UI_LoadBots();*/
- // sets defaults for ui temp cvars
- uiInfo.effectsColor = gamecodetoui[(int)trap_Cvar_VariableValue("color1")-1];
- uiInfo.currentCrosshair = (int)trap_Cvar_VariableValue("cg_drawCrosshair");
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_mousePitch", (trap_Cvar_VariableValue("m_pitch") >= 0) ? "0" : "1");
- uiInfo.serverStatus.currentServerCinematic = -1;
- uiInfo.previewMovie = -1;
- if (trap_Cvar_VariableValue("ui_TeamArenaFirstRun") == 0) {
- trap_Cvar_Set("s_volume", "0.8");
- trap_Cvar_Set("s_musicvolume", "0.5");
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_TeamArenaFirstRun", "1");
- }
- trap_Cvar_Register(NULL, "debug_protocol", "", 0 );
- trap_Cvar_Set("ui_actualNetGameType", va("%d", ui_netGameType.integer));
-void _UI_KeyEvent( int key, qboolean down ) {
- if (Menu_Count() > 0) {
- menuDef_t *menu = Menu_GetFocused();
- if (menu) {
- if (key == K_ESCAPE && down && !Menus_AnyFullScreenVisible()) {
- Menus_CloseAll();
- } else {
- Menu_HandleKey(menu, key, down );
- }
- } else {
- trap_Key_SetCatcher( trap_Key_GetCatcher() & ~KEYCATCH_UI );
- trap_Key_ClearStates();
- trap_Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "0" );
- }
- }
- //if ((s > 0) && (s != menu_null_sound)) {
- // trap_S_StartLocalSound( s, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND );
- //}
-void _UI_MouseEvent( int dx, int dy )
- // update mouse screen position
- uiInfo.uiDC.cursorx += dx;
- if (uiInfo.uiDC.cursorx < 0)
- uiInfo.uiDC.cursorx = 0;
- else if (uiInfo.uiDC.cursorx > SCREEN_WIDTH)
- uiInfo.uiDC.cursorx = SCREEN_WIDTH;
- uiInfo.uiDC.cursory += dy;
- if (uiInfo.uiDC.cursory < 0)
- uiInfo.uiDC.cursory = 0;
- else if (uiInfo.uiDC.cursory > SCREEN_HEIGHT)
- uiInfo.uiDC.cursory = SCREEN_HEIGHT;
- if (Menu_Count() > 0) {
- //menuDef_t *menu = Menu_GetFocused();
- //Menu_HandleMouseMove(menu, uiInfo.uiDC.cursorx, uiInfo.uiDC.cursory);
- Display_MouseMove(NULL, uiInfo.uiDC.cursorx, uiInfo.uiDC.cursory);
- }
-void UI_LoadNonIngame( void ) {
- const char *menuSet = UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_menuFiles");
- if (menuSet == NULL || menuSet[0] == '\0') {
- menuSet = "ui/menus.txt";
- }
- UI_LoadMenus(menuSet, qfalse);
- uiInfo.inGameLoad = qfalse;
-void _UI_SetActiveMenu( uiMenuCommand_t menu ) {
- char buf[256];
- // this should be the ONLY way the menu system is brought up
- // enusure minumum menu data is cached
- if (Menu_Count() > 0) {
- vec3_t v;
- v[0] = v[1] = v[2] = 0;
- switch ( menu ) {
- trap_Key_SetCatcher( trap_Key_GetCatcher() & ~KEYCATCH_UI );
- trap_Key_ClearStates();
- trap_Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "0" );
- Menus_CloseAll();
- return;
- //trap_Cvar_Set( "sv_killserver", "1" );
- trap_Key_SetCatcher( KEYCATCH_UI );
- //trap_S_StartLocalSound( trap_S_RegisterSound("sound/misc/menu_background.wav", qfalse) , CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND );
- //trap_S_StartBackgroundTrack("sound/misc/menu_background.wav", NULL);
- if (uiInfo.inGameLoad) {
- UI_LoadNonIngame();
- }
- Menus_CloseAll();
- Menus_ActivateByName("main");
- trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("com_errorMessage", buf, sizeof(buf));
- if (strlen(buf)) {
- if (!ui_singlePlayerActive.integer) {
- Menus_ActivateByName("error_popmenu");
- } else {
- trap_Cvar_Set("com_errorMessage", "");
- }
- }
-#define MIN_HUNKMEGS 100
- trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "com_hunkMegs", buf, sizeof( buf ) );
- if( strlen( buf ) && atoi( buf ) < MIN_HUNKMEGS )
- {
- trap_Cvar_Set( "com_hunkMegs", va( "%d", MIN_HUNKMEGS ) );
- trap_Cvar_Set( "com_errorMessage", "Your com_hunkMegs setting was too low. "
- "It has been changed to a suitable value, but you must restart Quake 3 "
- "for it to take effect." );
- Menus_ActivateByName( "error_popmenu" );
- }
- return;
- trap_Key_SetCatcher( KEYCATCH_UI );
- Menus_ActivateByName("team");
- return;
- // no cd check in TA
- //trap_Key_SetCatcher( KEYCATCH_UI );
- //Menus_ActivateByName("needcd");
- //UI_ConfirmMenu( "Insert the CD", NULL, NeedCDAction );
- return;
- // no cd check in TA
- //trap_Key_SetCatcher( KEYCATCH_UI );
- //Menus_ActivateByName("badcd");
- //UI_ConfirmMenu( "Bad CD Key", NULL, NeedCDKeyAction );
- return;
- //trap_Cvar_Set( "sv_killserver", "1" );
- trap_Key_SetCatcher( KEYCATCH_UI );
- if (uiInfo.inGameLoad) {
- UI_LoadNonIngame();
- }
- Menus_CloseAll();
- Menus_ActivateByName("endofgame");
- //UI_ConfirmMenu( "Bad CD Key", NULL, NeedCDKeyAction );
- return;
- trap_Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "1" );
- trap_Key_SetCatcher( KEYCATCH_UI );
- UI_BuildPlayerList();
- Menus_CloseAll();
- Menus_ActivateByName("ingame");
- return;
- }
- }
-qboolean _UI_IsFullscreen( void ) {
- return Menus_AnyFullScreenVisible();
-static connstate_t lastConnState;
-static char lastLoadingText[MAX_INFO_VALUE];
-static void UI_ReadableSize ( char *buf, int bufsize, int value )
- if (value > 1024*1024*1024 ) { // gigs
- Com_sprintf( buf, bufsize, "%d", value / (1024*1024*1024) );
- Com_sprintf( buf+strlen(buf), bufsize-strlen(buf), ".%02d GB",
- (value % (1024*1024*1024))*100 / (1024*1024*1024) );
- } else if (value > 1024*1024 ) { // megs
- Com_sprintf( buf, bufsize, "%d", value / (1024*1024) );
- Com_sprintf( buf+strlen(buf), bufsize-strlen(buf), ".%02d MB",
- (value % (1024*1024))*100 / (1024*1024) );
- } else if (value > 1024 ) { // kilos
- Com_sprintf( buf, bufsize, "%d KB", value / 1024 );
- } else { // bytes
- Com_sprintf( buf, bufsize, "%d bytes", value );
- }
-// Assumes time is in msec
-static void UI_PrintTime ( char *buf, int bufsize, int time ) {
- time /= 1000; // change to seconds
- if (time > 3600) { // in the hours range
- Com_sprintf( buf, bufsize, "%d hr %d min", time / 3600, (time % 3600) / 60 );
- } else if (time > 60) { // mins
- Com_sprintf( buf, bufsize, "%d min %d sec", time / 60, time % 60 );
- } else { // secs
- Com_sprintf( buf, bufsize, "%d sec", time );
- }
-void Text_PaintCenter(float x, float y, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, float adjust) {
- int len = Text_Width(text, scale, 0);
- Text_Paint(x - len / 2, y, scale, color, text, 0, 0, ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE);
-void Text_PaintCenter_AutoWrapped(float x, float y, float xmax, float ystep, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *str, float adjust) {
- int width;
- char *s1,*s2,*s3;
- char c_bcp;
- char buf[1024];
- if (!str || str[0]=='\0')
- return;
- Q_strncpyz(buf, str, sizeof(buf));
- s1 = s2 = s3 = buf;
- while (1) {
- do {
- s3++;
- } while (*s3!=' ' && *s3!='\0');
- c_bcp = *s3;
- *s3 = '\0';
- width = Text_Width(s1, scale, 0);
- *s3 = c_bcp;
- if (width > xmax) {
- if (s1==s2)
- {
- // fuck, don't have a clean cut, we'll overflow
- s2 = s3;
- }
- *s2 = '\0';
- Text_PaintCenter(x, y, scale, color, s1, adjust);
- y += ystep;
- if (c_bcp == '\0')
- {
- // that was the last word
- // we could start a new loop, but that wouldn't be much use
- // even if the word is too long, we would overflow it (see above)
- // so just print it now if needed
- s2++;
- if (*s2 != '\0') // if we are printing an overflowing line we have s2 == s3
- Text_PaintCenter(x, y, scale, color, s2, adjust);
- break;
- }
- s2++;
- s1 = s2;
- s3 = s2;
- }
- else
- {
- s2 = s3;
- if (c_bcp == '\0') // we reached the end
- {
- Text_PaintCenter(x, y, scale, color, s1, adjust);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-static void UI_DisplayDownloadInfo( const char *downloadName, float centerPoint, float yStart, float scale ) {
- static char dlText[] = "Downloading:";
- static char etaText[] = "Estimated time left:";
- static char xferText[] = "Transfer rate:";
- int downloadSize, downloadCount, downloadTime;
- char dlSizeBuf[64], totalSizeBuf[64], xferRateBuf[64], dlTimeBuf[64];
- int xferRate;
- int leftWidth;
- const char *s;
- downloadSize = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "cl_downloadSize" );
- downloadCount = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "cl_downloadCount" );
- downloadTime = trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "cl_downloadTime" );
- leftWidth = 320;
- UI_SetColor(colorWhite);
- Text_PaintCenter(centerPoint, yStart + 112, scale, colorWhite, dlText, 0);
- Text_PaintCenter(centerPoint, yStart + 192, scale, colorWhite, etaText, 0);
- Text_PaintCenter(centerPoint, yStart + 248, scale, colorWhite, xferText, 0);
- if (downloadSize > 0) {
- s = va( "%s (%d%%)", downloadName, downloadCount * 100 / downloadSize );
- } else {
- s = downloadName;
- }
- Text_PaintCenter(centerPoint, yStart+136, scale, colorWhite, s, 0);
- UI_ReadableSize( dlSizeBuf, sizeof dlSizeBuf, downloadCount );
- UI_ReadableSize( totalSizeBuf, sizeof totalSizeBuf, downloadSize );
- if (downloadCount < 4096 || !downloadTime) {
- Text_PaintCenter(leftWidth, yStart+216, scale, colorWhite, "estimating", 0);
- Text_PaintCenter(leftWidth, yStart+160, scale, colorWhite, va("(%s of %s copied)", dlSizeBuf, totalSizeBuf), 0);
- } else {
- if ((uiInfo.uiDC.realTime - downloadTime) / 1000) {
- xferRate = downloadCount / ((uiInfo.uiDC.realTime - downloadTime) / 1000);
- } else {
- xferRate = 0;
- }
- UI_ReadableSize( xferRateBuf, sizeof xferRateBuf, xferRate );
- // Extrapolate estimated completion time
- if (downloadSize && xferRate) {
- int n = downloadSize / xferRate; // estimated time for entire d/l in secs
- // We do it in K (/1024) because we'd overflow around 4MB
- UI_PrintTime ( dlTimeBuf, sizeof dlTimeBuf,
- (n - (((downloadCount/1024) * n) / (downloadSize/1024))) * 1000);
- Text_PaintCenter(leftWidth, yStart+216, scale, colorWhite, dlTimeBuf, 0);
- Text_PaintCenter(leftWidth, yStart+160, scale, colorWhite, va("(%s of %s copied)", dlSizeBuf, totalSizeBuf), 0);
- } else {
- Text_PaintCenter(leftWidth, yStart+216, scale, colorWhite, "estimating", 0);
- if (downloadSize) {
- Text_PaintCenter(leftWidth, yStart+160, scale, colorWhite, va("(%s of %s copied)", dlSizeBuf, totalSizeBuf), 0);
- } else {
- Text_PaintCenter(leftWidth, yStart+160, scale, colorWhite, va("(%s copied)", dlSizeBuf), 0);
- }
- }
- if (xferRate) {
- Text_PaintCenter(leftWidth, yStart+272, scale, colorWhite, va("%s/Sec", xferRateBuf), 0);
- }
- }
-This will also be overlaid on the cgame info screen during loading
-to prevent it from blinking away too rapidly on local or lan games.
-void UI_DrawConnectScreen( qboolean overlay ) {
- char *s;
- uiClientState_t cstate;
- char info[MAX_INFO_VALUE];
- char text[256];
- float centerPoint, yStart, scale;
- menuDef_t *menu = Menus_FindByName("Connect");
- if ( !overlay && menu ) {
- Menu_Paint(menu, qtrue);
- }
- if (!overlay) {
- centerPoint = 320;
- yStart = 130;
- scale = 0.5f;
- } else {
- centerPoint = 320;
- yStart = 32;
- scale = 0.6f;
- return;
- }
- // see what information we should display
- trap_GetClientState( &cstate );
- info[0] = '\0';
- if( trap_GetConfigString( CS_SERVERINFO, info, sizeof(info) ) ) {
- Text_PaintCenter(centerPoint, yStart, scale, colorWhite, va( "Loading %s", Info_ValueForKey( info, "mapname" )), 0);
- }
- if (!Q_stricmp(cstate.servername,"localhost")) {
- Text_PaintCenter(centerPoint, yStart + 48, scale, colorWhite, va("Starting up..."), ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE);
- } else {
- strcpy(text, va("Connecting to %s", cstate.servername));
- Text_PaintCenter(centerPoint, yStart + 48, scale, colorWhite,text , ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE);
- }
- // display global MOTD at bottom
- Text_PaintCenter(centerPoint, 600, scale, colorWhite, Info_ValueForKey( cstate.updateInfoString, "motd" ), 0);
- // print any server info (server full, bad version, etc)
- if ( cstate.connState < CA_CONNECTED ) {
- Text_PaintCenter_AutoWrapped(centerPoint, yStart + 176, 630, 20, scale, colorWhite, cstate.messageString, 0);
- }
- if ( lastConnState > cstate.connState ) {
- lastLoadingText[0] = '\0';
- }
- lastConnState = cstate.connState;
- switch ( cstate.connState ) {
- s = va("Awaiting connection...%i", cstate.connectPacketCount);
- break;
- s = va("Awaiting challenge...%i", cstate.connectPacketCount);
- break;
- case CA_CONNECTED: {
- char downloadName[MAX_INFO_VALUE];
- trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "cl_downloadName", downloadName, sizeof(downloadName) );
- if (*downloadName) {
- UI_DisplayDownloadInfo( downloadName, centerPoint, yStart, scale );
- return;
- }
- }
- s = "Awaiting gamestate...";
- break;
- case CA_LOADING:
- return;
- case CA_PRIMED:
- return;
- default:
- return;
- }
- if (Q_stricmp(cstate.servername,"localhost")) {
- Text_PaintCenter(centerPoint, yStart + 80, scale, colorWhite, s, 0);
- }
- // password required / connection rejected information goes here
-typedef struct {
- vmCvar_t *vmCvar;
- char *cvarName;
- char *defaultString;
- int cvarFlags;
-} cvarTable_t;
-vmCvar_t ui_ffa_fraglimit;
-vmCvar_t ui_ffa_timelimit;
-vmCvar_t ui_tourney_fraglimit;
-vmCvar_t ui_tourney_timelimit;
-vmCvar_t ui_team_fraglimit;
-vmCvar_t ui_team_timelimit;
-vmCvar_t ui_team_friendly;
-vmCvar_t ui_ctf_capturelimit;
-vmCvar_t ui_ctf_timelimit;
-vmCvar_t ui_ctf_friendly;
-vmCvar_t ui_arenasFile;
-vmCvar_t ui_botsFile;
-vmCvar_t ui_spScores1;
-vmCvar_t ui_spScores2;
-vmCvar_t ui_spScores3;
-vmCvar_t ui_spScores4;
-vmCvar_t ui_spScores5;
-vmCvar_t ui_spAwards;
-vmCvar_t ui_spVideos;
-vmCvar_t ui_spSkill;
-vmCvar_t ui_spSelection;
-vmCvar_t ui_browserMaster;
-vmCvar_t ui_browserGameType;
-vmCvar_t ui_browserSortKey;
-vmCvar_t ui_browserShowFull;
-vmCvar_t ui_browserShowEmpty;
-vmCvar_t ui_brassTime;
-vmCvar_t ui_drawCrosshair;
-vmCvar_t ui_drawCrosshairNames;
-vmCvar_t ui_marks;
-vmCvar_t ui_server1;
-vmCvar_t ui_server2;
-vmCvar_t ui_server3;
-vmCvar_t ui_server4;
-vmCvar_t ui_server5;
-vmCvar_t ui_server6;
-vmCvar_t ui_server7;
-vmCvar_t ui_server8;
-vmCvar_t ui_server9;
-vmCvar_t ui_server10;
-vmCvar_t ui_server11;
-vmCvar_t ui_server12;
-vmCvar_t ui_server13;
-vmCvar_t ui_server14;
-vmCvar_t ui_server15;
-vmCvar_t ui_server16;
-vmCvar_t ui_cdkeychecked;
-vmCvar_t ui_redteam;
-vmCvar_t ui_redteam1;
-vmCvar_t ui_redteam2;
-vmCvar_t ui_redteam3;
-vmCvar_t ui_redteam4;
-vmCvar_t ui_redteam5;
-vmCvar_t ui_blueteam;
-vmCvar_t ui_blueteam1;
-vmCvar_t ui_blueteam2;
-vmCvar_t ui_blueteam3;
-vmCvar_t ui_blueteam4;
-vmCvar_t ui_blueteam5;
-vmCvar_t ui_teamName;
-vmCvar_t ui_dedicated;
-vmCvar_t ui_gameType;
-vmCvar_t ui_netGameType;
-vmCvar_t ui_actualNetGameType;
-vmCvar_t ui_joinGameType;
-vmCvar_t ui_netSource;
-vmCvar_t ui_serverFilterType;
-vmCvar_t ui_opponentName;
-vmCvar_t ui_menuFiles;
-vmCvar_t ui_currentTier;
-vmCvar_t ui_currentMap;
-vmCvar_t ui_currentNetMap;
-vmCvar_t ui_mapIndex;
-vmCvar_t ui_currentOpponent;
-vmCvar_t ui_selectedPlayer;
-vmCvar_t ui_selectedPlayerName;
-vmCvar_t ui_lastServerRefresh_0;
-vmCvar_t ui_lastServerRefresh_1;
-vmCvar_t ui_lastServerRefresh_2;
-vmCvar_t ui_lastServerRefresh_3;
-vmCvar_t ui_singlePlayerActive;
-vmCvar_t ui_scoreAccuracy;
-vmCvar_t ui_scoreImpressives;
-vmCvar_t ui_scoreExcellents;
-vmCvar_t ui_scoreCaptures;
-vmCvar_t ui_scoreDefends;
-vmCvar_t ui_scoreAssists;
-vmCvar_t ui_scoreGauntlets;
-vmCvar_t ui_scoreScore;
-vmCvar_t ui_scorePerfect;
-vmCvar_t ui_scoreTeam;
-vmCvar_t ui_scoreBase;
-vmCvar_t ui_scoreTimeBonus;
-vmCvar_t ui_scoreSkillBonus;
-vmCvar_t ui_scoreShutoutBonus;
-vmCvar_t ui_scoreTime;
-vmCvar_t ui_captureLimit;
-vmCvar_t ui_fragLimit;
-vmCvar_t ui_smallFont;
-vmCvar_t ui_bigFont;
-vmCvar_t ui_findPlayer;
-vmCvar_t ui_Q3Model;
-vmCvar_t ui_hudFiles;
-vmCvar_t ui_recordSPDemo;
-vmCvar_t ui_realCaptureLimit;
-vmCvar_t ui_realWarmUp;
-vmCvar_t ui_serverStatusTimeOut;
-//TA: bank values
-vmCvar_t ui_bank;
-// bk001129 - made static to avoid aliasing
-static cvarTable_t cvarTable[] = {
- { &ui_ffa_fraglimit, "ui_ffa_fraglimit", "20", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_ffa_timelimit, "ui_ffa_timelimit", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_tourney_fraglimit, "ui_tourney_fraglimit", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_tourney_timelimit, "ui_tourney_timelimit", "15", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_team_fraglimit, "ui_team_fraglimit", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_team_timelimit, "ui_team_timelimit", "20", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_team_friendly, "ui_team_friendly", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_ctf_capturelimit, "ui_ctf_capturelimit", "8", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_ctf_timelimit, "ui_ctf_timelimit", "30", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_ctf_friendly, "ui_ctf_friendly", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_arenasFile, "g_arenasFile", "", CVAR_INIT|CVAR_ROM },
- { &ui_botsFile, "g_botsFile", "", CVAR_INIT|CVAR_ROM },
- { &ui_spScores1, "g_spScores1", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_ROM },
- { &ui_spScores2, "g_spScores2", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_ROM },
- { &ui_spScores3, "g_spScores3", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_ROM },
- { &ui_spScores4, "g_spScores4", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_ROM },
- { &ui_spScores5, "g_spScores5", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_ROM },
- { &ui_spAwards, "g_spAwards", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_ROM },
- { &ui_spVideos, "g_spVideos", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_ROM },
- { &ui_spSkill, "g_spSkill", "2", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_spSelection, "ui_spSelection", "", CVAR_ROM },
- { &ui_browserMaster, "ui_browserMaster", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_browserGameType, "ui_browserGameType", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_browserSortKey, "ui_browserSortKey", "4", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_browserShowFull, "ui_browserShowFull", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_browserShowEmpty, "ui_browserShowEmpty", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_brassTime, "cg_brassTime", "2500", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_drawCrosshair, "cg_drawCrosshair", "4", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_drawCrosshairNames, "cg_drawCrosshairNames", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_marks, "cg_marks", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_server1, "server1", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_server2, "server2", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_server3, "server3", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_server4, "server4", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_server5, "server5", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_server6, "server6", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_server7, "server7", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_server8, "server8", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_server9, "server9", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_server10, "server10", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_server11, "server11", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_server12, "server12", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_server13, "server13", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_server14, "server14", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_server15, "server15", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_server16, "server16", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_cdkeychecked, "ui_cdkeychecked", "0", CVAR_ROM },
- { &ui_new, "ui_new", "0", CVAR_TEMP },
- { &ui_debug, "ui_debug", "0", CVAR_TEMP },
- { &ui_initialized, "ui_initialized", "0", CVAR_TEMP },
- { &ui_teamName, "ui_teamName", "Pagans", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_opponentName, "ui_opponentName", "Stroggs", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_redteam, "ui_redteam", "Pagans", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_blueteam, "ui_blueteam", "Stroggs", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_dedicated, "ui_dedicated", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_gameType, "ui_gametype", "3", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_joinGameType, "ui_joinGametype", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_netGameType, "ui_netGametype", "3", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_actualNetGameType, "ui_actualNetGametype", "3", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_redteam1, "ui_redteam1", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_redteam2, "ui_redteam2", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_redteam3, "ui_redteam3", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_redteam4, "ui_redteam4", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_redteam5, "ui_redteam5", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_blueteam1, "ui_blueteam1", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_blueteam2, "ui_blueteam2", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_blueteam3, "ui_blueteam3", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_blueteam4, "ui_blueteam4", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_blueteam5, "ui_blueteam5", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_netSource, "ui_netSource", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_menuFiles, "ui_menuFiles", "ui/menus.txt", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_currentTier, "ui_currentTier", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_currentMap, "ui_currentMap", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_currentNetMap, "ui_currentNetMap", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_mapIndex, "ui_mapIndex", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_currentOpponent, "ui_currentOpponent", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE },
- { &ui_selectedPlayer, "cg_selectedPlayer", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_selectedPlayerName, "cg_selectedPlayerName", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_lastServerRefresh_0, "ui_lastServerRefresh_0", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_lastServerRefresh_1, "ui_lastServerRefresh_1", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_lastServerRefresh_2, "ui_lastServerRefresh_2", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_lastServerRefresh_3, "ui_lastServerRefresh_3", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_singlePlayerActive, "ui_singlePlayerActive", "0", 0},
- { &ui_scoreAccuracy, "ui_scoreAccuracy", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_scoreImpressives, "ui_scoreImpressives", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_scoreExcellents, "ui_scoreExcellents", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_scoreCaptures, "ui_scoreCaptures", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_scoreDefends, "ui_scoreDefends", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_scoreAssists, "ui_scoreAssists", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_scoreGauntlets, "ui_scoreGauntlets", "0",CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_scoreScore, "ui_scoreScore", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_scorePerfect, "ui_scorePerfect", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_scoreTeam, "ui_scoreTeam", "0 to 0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_scoreBase, "ui_scoreBase", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_scoreTime, "ui_scoreTime", "00:00", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_scoreTimeBonus, "ui_scoreTimeBonus", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_scoreSkillBonus, "ui_scoreSkillBonus", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_scoreShutoutBonus, "ui_scoreShutoutBonus", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_fragLimit, "ui_fragLimit", "10", 0},
- { &ui_captureLimit, "ui_captureLimit", "5", 0},
- { &ui_smallFont, "ui_smallFont", "0.2", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_bigFont, "ui_bigFont", "0.5", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_findPlayer, "ui_findPlayer", "Sarge", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_Q3Model, "ui_q3model", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_hudFiles, "cg_hudFiles", "ui/hud.txt", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_recordSPDemo, "ui_recordSPDemo", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_teamArenaFirstRun, "ui_teamArenaFirstRun", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_realWarmUp, "g_warmup", "20", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_realCaptureLimit, "capturelimit", "8", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NORESTART},
- { &ui_serverStatusTimeOut, "ui_serverStatusTimeOut", "7000", CVAR_ARCHIVE},
- { &ui_bank, "ui_bank", "0", 0 },
-// bk001129 - made static to avoid aliasing
-static int cvarTableSize = sizeof(cvarTable) / sizeof(cvarTable[0]);
-void UI_RegisterCvars( void ) {
- int i;
- cvarTable_t *cv;
- for ( i = 0, cv = cvarTable ; i < cvarTableSize ; i++, cv++ ) {
- trap_Cvar_Register( cv->vmCvar, cv->cvarName, cv->defaultString, cv->cvarFlags );
- }
-void UI_UpdateCvars( void ) {
- int i;
- cvarTable_t *cv;
- for ( i = 0, cv = cvarTable ; i < cvarTableSize ; i++, cv++ ) {
- trap_Cvar_Update( cv->vmCvar );
- }
-static void UI_StopServerRefresh( void )
- int count;
- if (!uiInfo.serverStatus.refreshActive) {
- // not currently refreshing
- return;
- }
- uiInfo.serverStatus.refreshActive = qfalse;
- Com_Printf("%d servers listed in browser with %d players.\n",
- uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers,
- uiInfo.serverStatus.numPlayersOnServers);
- count = trap_LAN_GetServerCount(ui_netSource.integer);
- if (count - uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers > 0) {
- Com_Printf("%d servers not listed due to packet loss or pings higher than %d\n",
- count - uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers,
- (int) trap_Cvar_VariableValue("cl_maxPing"));
- }
-static void UI_DoServerRefresh( void )
- qboolean wait = qfalse;
- if (!uiInfo.serverStatus.refreshActive) {
- return;
- }
- if (ui_netSource.integer != AS_FAVORITES) {
- if (ui_netSource.integer == AS_LOCAL) {
- if (!trap_LAN_GetServerCount(ui_netSource.integer)) {
- wait = qtrue;
- }
- } else {
- if (trap_LAN_GetServerCount(ui_netSource.integer) < 0) {
- wait = qtrue;
- }
- }
- }
- if (uiInfo.uiDC.realTime < uiInfo.serverStatus.refreshtime) {
- if (wait) {
- return;
- }
- }
- // if still trying to retrieve pings
- if (trap_LAN_UpdateVisiblePings(ui_netSource.integer)) {
- uiInfo.serverStatus.refreshtime = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime + 1000;
- } else if (!wait) {
- // get the last servers in the list
- UI_BuildServerDisplayList(2);
- // stop the refresh
- UI_StopServerRefresh();
- }
- //
- UI_BuildServerDisplayList(qfalse);
-static void UI_StartServerRefresh(qboolean full)
- int i;
- char *ptr;
- qtime_t q;
- trap_RealTime(&q);
- trap_Cvar_Set( va("ui_lastServerRefresh_%i", ui_netSource.integer), va("%s-%i, %i at %i:%i", MonthAbbrev[q.tm_mon],q.tm_mday, 1900+q.tm_year,q.tm_hour,q.tm_min));
- if (!full) {
- UI_UpdatePendingPings();
- return;
- }
- uiInfo.serverStatus.refreshActive = qtrue;
- uiInfo.serverStatus.nextDisplayRefresh = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime + 1000;
- // clear number of displayed servers
- uiInfo.serverStatus.numDisplayServers = 0;
- uiInfo.serverStatus.numPlayersOnServers = 0;
- // mark all servers as visible so we store ping updates for them
- trap_LAN_MarkServerVisible(ui_netSource.integer, -1, qtrue);
- // reset all the pings
- trap_LAN_ResetPings(ui_netSource.integer);
- //
- if( ui_netSource.integer == AS_LOCAL ) {
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_NOW, "localservers\n" );
- uiInfo.serverStatus.refreshtime = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime + 1000;
- return;
- }
- uiInfo.serverStatus.refreshtime = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime + 5000;
- if( ui_netSource.integer == AS_GLOBAL || ui_netSource.integer == AS_MPLAYER ) {
- if( ui_netSource.integer == AS_GLOBAL ) {
- i = 0;
- }
- else {
- i = 1;
- }
- ptr = UI_Cvar_VariableString("debug_protocol");
- if (strlen(ptr)) {
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_NOW, va( "globalservers %d %s full empty\n", i, ptr));
- }
- else {
- trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_NOW, va( "globalservers %d %d full empty\n", i, (int)trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "protocol" ) ) );
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/ui/ui_players.c b/src/ui/ui_players.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 71c4f5cc..00000000
--- a/src/ui/ui_players.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1362 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
- * Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Tim Angus
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the OSML - Open Source Modification License v1.0 as
- * described in the file COPYING which is distributed with this source
- * code.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- */
-// ui_players.c
-#include "ui_local.h"
-#define UI_TIMER_GESTURE 2300
-#define UI_TIMER_JUMP 1000
-#define UI_TIMER_LAND 130
-#define UI_TIMER_ATTACK 500
-#define JUMP_HEIGHT 56
-#define SWINGSPEED 0.3f
-#define SPIN_SPEED 0.9f
-#define COAST_TIME 1000
-static int dp_realtime;
-static float jumpHeight;
-sfxHandle_t weaponChangeSound;
-static void UI_PlayerInfo_SetWeapon( playerInfo_t *pi, weapon_t weaponNum )
- //TA: FIXME: this is probably useless for trem
-/* gitem_t * item;
- char path[MAX_QPATH];
- pi->currentWeapon = weaponNum;
- pi->realWeapon = weaponNum;
- pi->weaponModel = 0;
- pi->barrelModel = 0;
- pi->flashModel = 0;
- if ( weaponNum == WP_NONE ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( item->classname ) {
- pi->weaponModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( item->world_model[0] );
- }
- if( pi->weaponModel == 0 ) {
- if( weaponNum == WP_MACHINEGUN ) {
- weaponNum = WP_NONE;
- goto tryagain;
- }
- weaponNum = WP_MACHINEGUN;
- goto tryagain;
- }
- if ( weaponNum == WP_MACHINEGUN ) {
- strcpy( path, item->world_model[0] );
- COM_StripExtension( path, path );
- strcat( path, "_barrel.md3" );
- pi->barrelModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( path );
- }
- strcpy( path, item->world_model[0] );
- COM_StripExtension( path, path );
- strcat( path, "_flash.md3" );
- pi->flashModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( path );
- switch( weaponNum ) {
- MAKERGB( pi->flashDlightColor, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1 );
- break;
- MAKERGB( pi->flashDlightColor, 1, 1, 0 );
- break;
- case WP_SHOTGUN:
- MAKERGB( pi->flashDlightColor, 1, 1, 0 );
- break;
- MAKERGB( pi->flashDlightColor, 1, 0.7f, 0.5f );
- break;
- MAKERGB( pi->flashDlightColor, 1, 0.75f, 0 );
- break;
- MAKERGB( pi->flashDlightColor, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1 );
- break;
- case WP_RAILGUN:
- MAKERGB( pi->flashDlightColor, 1, 0.5f, 0 );
- break;
- case WP_BFG:
- MAKERGB( pi->flashDlightColor, 1, 0.7f, 1 );
- break;
- MAKERGB( pi->flashDlightColor, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1 );
- break;
- default:
- MAKERGB( pi->flashDlightColor, 1, 1, 1 );
- break;
- }*/
-static void UI_ForceLegsAnim( playerInfo_t *pi, int anim ) {
- pi->legsAnim = ( ( pi->legsAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | anim;
- if ( anim == LEGS_JUMP ) {
- pi->legsAnimationTimer = UI_TIMER_JUMP;
- }
-static void UI_SetLegsAnim( playerInfo_t *pi, int anim ) {
- if ( pi->pendingLegsAnim ) {
- anim = pi->pendingLegsAnim;
- pi->pendingLegsAnim = 0;
- }
- UI_ForceLegsAnim( pi, anim );
-static void UI_ForceTorsoAnim( playerInfo_t *pi, int anim ) {
- pi->torsoAnim = ( ( pi->torsoAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) | anim;
- if ( anim == TORSO_GESTURE ) {
- pi->torsoAnimationTimer = UI_TIMER_GESTURE;
- }
- if ( anim == TORSO_ATTACK || anim == TORSO_ATTACK2 ) {
- pi->torsoAnimationTimer = UI_TIMER_ATTACK;
- }
-static void UI_SetTorsoAnim( playerInfo_t *pi, int anim ) {
- if ( pi->pendingTorsoAnim ) {
- anim = pi->pendingTorsoAnim;
- pi->pendingTorsoAnim = 0;
- }
- UI_ForceTorsoAnim( pi, anim );
-static void UI_TorsoSequencing( playerInfo_t *pi ) {
- int currentAnim;
- currentAnim = pi->torsoAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT;
- if ( pi->weapon != pi->currentWeapon ) {
- if ( currentAnim != TORSO_DROP ) {
- pi->torsoAnimationTimer = UI_TIMER_WEAPON_SWITCH;
- UI_ForceTorsoAnim( pi, TORSO_DROP );
- }
- }
- if ( pi->torsoAnimationTimer > 0 ) {
- return;
- }
- if( currentAnim == TORSO_GESTURE ) {
- UI_SetTorsoAnim( pi, TORSO_STAND );
- return;
- }
- if( currentAnim == TORSO_ATTACK || currentAnim == TORSO_ATTACK2 ) {
- UI_SetTorsoAnim( pi, TORSO_STAND );
- return;
- }
- if ( currentAnim == TORSO_DROP ) {
- UI_PlayerInfo_SetWeapon( pi, pi->weapon );
- pi->torsoAnimationTimer = UI_TIMER_WEAPON_SWITCH;
- UI_ForceTorsoAnim( pi, TORSO_RAISE );
- return;
- }
- if ( currentAnim == TORSO_RAISE ) {
- UI_SetTorsoAnim( pi, TORSO_STAND );
- return;
- }
-static void UI_LegsSequencing( playerInfo_t *pi ) {
- int currentAnim;
- currentAnim = pi->legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT;
- if ( pi->legsAnimationTimer > 0 ) {
- if ( currentAnim == LEGS_JUMP ) {
- jumpHeight = JUMP_HEIGHT * sin( M_PI * ( UI_TIMER_JUMP - pi->legsAnimationTimer ) / UI_TIMER_JUMP );
- }
- return;
- }
- if ( currentAnim == LEGS_JUMP ) {
- UI_ForceLegsAnim( pi, LEGS_LAND );
- pi->legsAnimationTimer = UI_TIMER_LAND;
- jumpHeight = 0;
- return;
- }
- if ( currentAnim == LEGS_LAND ) {
- UI_SetLegsAnim( pi, LEGS_IDLE );
- return;
- }
-static void UI_PositionEntityOnTag( refEntity_t *entity, const refEntity_t *parent,
- clipHandle_t parentModel, char *tagName ) {
- int i;
- orientation_t lerped;
- // lerp the tag
- trap_CM_LerpTag( &lerped, parentModel, parent->oldframe, parent->frame,
- 1.0 - parent->backlerp, tagName );
- // FIXME: allow origin offsets along tag?
- VectorCopy( parent->origin, entity->origin );
- for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
- VectorMA( entity->origin, lerped.origin[i], parent->axis[i], entity->origin );
- }
- // cast away const because of compiler problems
- MatrixMultiply( lerped.axis, ((refEntity_t*)parent)->axis, entity->axis );
- entity->backlerp = parent->backlerp;
-static void UI_PositionRotatedEntityOnTag( refEntity_t *entity, const refEntity_t *parent,
- clipHandle_t parentModel, char *tagName ) {
- int i;
- orientation_t lerped;
- vec3_t tempAxis[3];
- // lerp the tag
- trap_CM_LerpTag( &lerped, parentModel, parent->oldframe, parent->frame,
- 1.0 - parent->backlerp, tagName );
- // FIXME: allow origin offsets along tag?
- VectorCopy( parent->origin, entity->origin );
- for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
- VectorMA( entity->origin, lerped.origin[i], parent->axis[i], entity->origin );
- }
- // cast away const because of compiler problems
- MatrixMultiply( entity->axis, ((refEntity_t *)parent)->axis, tempAxis );
- MatrixMultiply( lerped.axis, tempAxis, entity->axis );
-static void UI_SetLerpFrameAnimation( playerInfo_t *ci, lerpFrame_t *lf, int newAnimation ) {
- animation_t *anim;
- lf->animationNumber = newAnimation;
- newAnimation &= ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT;
- if ( newAnimation < 0 || newAnimation >= MAX_PLAYER_ANIMATIONS ) {
- trap_Error( va("Bad animation number: %i", newAnimation) );
- }
- anim = &ci->animations[ newAnimation ];
- lf->animation = anim;
- lf->animationTime = lf->frameTime + anim->initialLerp;
-static void UI_RunLerpFrame( playerInfo_t *ci, lerpFrame_t *lf, int newAnimation ) {
- int f;
- animation_t *anim;
- // see if the animation sequence is switching
- if ( newAnimation != lf->animationNumber || !lf->animation ) {
- UI_SetLerpFrameAnimation( ci, lf, newAnimation );
- }
- // if we have passed the current frame, move it to
- // oldFrame and calculate a new frame
- if ( dp_realtime >= lf->frameTime ) {
- lf->oldFrame = lf->frame;
- lf->oldFrameTime = lf->frameTime;
- // get the next frame based on the animation
- anim = lf->animation;
- if ( dp_realtime < lf->animationTime ) {
- lf->frameTime = lf->animationTime; // initial lerp
- } else {
- lf->frameTime = lf->oldFrameTime + anim->frameLerp;
- }
- f = ( lf->frameTime - lf->animationTime ) / anim->frameLerp;
- if ( f >= anim->numFrames ) {
- f -= anim->numFrames;
- if ( anim->loopFrames ) {
- f %= anim->loopFrames;
- f += anim->numFrames - anim->loopFrames;
- } else {
- f = anim->numFrames - 1;
- // the animation is stuck at the end, so it
- // can immediately transition to another sequence
- lf->frameTime = dp_realtime;
- }
- }
- lf->frame = anim->firstFrame + f;
- if ( dp_realtime > lf->frameTime ) {
- lf->frameTime = dp_realtime;
- }
- }
- if ( lf->frameTime > dp_realtime + 200 ) {
- lf->frameTime = dp_realtime;
- }
- if ( lf->oldFrameTime > dp_realtime ) {
- lf->oldFrameTime = dp_realtime;
- }
- // calculate current lerp value
- if ( lf->frameTime == lf->oldFrameTime ) {
- lf->backlerp = 0;
- } else {
- lf->backlerp = 1.0 - (float)( dp_realtime - lf->oldFrameTime ) / ( lf->frameTime - lf->oldFrameTime );
- }
-static void UI_PlayerAnimation( playerInfo_t *pi, int *legsOld, int *legs, float *legsBackLerp,
- int *torsoOld, int *torso, float *torsoBackLerp ) {
- // legs animation
- pi->legsAnimationTimer -= uiInfo.uiDC.frameTime;
- if ( pi->legsAnimationTimer < 0 ) {
- pi->legsAnimationTimer = 0;
- }
- UI_LegsSequencing( pi );
- if ( pi->legs.yawing && ( pi->legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) == LEGS_IDLE ) {
- UI_RunLerpFrame( pi, &pi->legs, LEGS_TURN );
- } else {
- UI_RunLerpFrame( pi, &pi->legs, pi->legsAnim );
- }
- *legsOld = pi->legs.oldFrame;
- *legs = pi->legs.frame;
- *legsBackLerp = pi->legs.backlerp;
- // torso animation
- pi->torsoAnimationTimer -= uiInfo.uiDC.frameTime;
- if ( pi->torsoAnimationTimer < 0 ) {
- pi->torsoAnimationTimer = 0;
- }
- UI_TorsoSequencing( pi );
- UI_RunLerpFrame( pi, &pi->torso, pi->torsoAnim );
- *torsoOld = pi->torso.oldFrame;
- *torso = pi->torso.frame;
- *torsoBackLerp = pi->torso.backlerp;
-static void UI_SwingAngles( float destination, float swingTolerance, float clampTolerance,
- float speed, float *angle, qboolean *swinging ) {
- float swing;
- float move;
- float scale;
- if ( !*swinging ) {
- // see if a swing should be started
- swing = AngleSubtract( *angle, destination );
- if ( swing > swingTolerance || swing < -swingTolerance ) {
- *swinging = qtrue;
- }
- }
- if ( !*swinging ) {
- return;
- }
- // modify the speed depending on the delta
- // so it doesn't seem so linear
- swing = AngleSubtract( destination, *angle );
- scale = fabs( swing );
- if ( scale < swingTolerance * 0.5 ) {
- scale = 0.5;
- } else if ( scale < swingTolerance ) {
- scale = 1.0;
- } else {
- scale = 2.0;
- }
- // swing towards the destination angle
- if ( swing >= 0 ) {
- move = uiInfo.uiDC.frameTime * scale * speed;
- if ( move >= swing ) {
- move = swing;
- *swinging = qfalse;
- }
- *angle = AngleMod( *angle + move );
- } else if ( swing < 0 ) {
- move = uiInfo.uiDC.frameTime * scale * -speed;
- if ( move <= swing ) {
- move = swing;
- *swinging = qfalse;
- }
- *angle = AngleMod( *angle + move );
- }
- // clamp to no more than tolerance
- swing = AngleSubtract( destination, *angle );
- if ( swing > clampTolerance ) {
- *angle = AngleMod( destination - (clampTolerance - 1) );
- } else if ( swing < -clampTolerance ) {
- *angle = AngleMod( destination + (clampTolerance - 1) );
- }
-static float UI_MovedirAdjustment( playerInfo_t *pi ) {
- vec3_t relativeAngles;
- vec3_t moveVector;
- VectorSubtract( pi->viewAngles, pi->moveAngles, relativeAngles );
- AngleVectors( relativeAngles, moveVector, NULL, NULL );
- if ( Q_fabs( moveVector[0] ) < 0.01 ) {
- moveVector[0] = 0.0;
- }
- if ( Q_fabs( moveVector[1] ) < 0.01 ) {
- moveVector[1] = 0.0;
- }
- if ( moveVector[1] == 0 && moveVector[0] > 0 ) {
- return 0;
- }
- if ( moveVector[1] < 0 && moveVector[0] > 0 ) {
- return 22;
- }
- if ( moveVector[1] < 0 && moveVector[0] == 0 ) {
- return 45;
- }
- if ( moveVector[1] < 0 && moveVector[0] < 0 ) {
- return -22;
- }
- if ( moveVector[1] == 0 && moveVector[0] < 0 ) {
- return 0;
- }
- if ( moveVector[1] > 0 && moveVector[0] < 0 ) {
- return 22;
- }
- if ( moveVector[1] > 0 && moveVector[0] == 0 ) {
- return -45;
- }
- return -22;
-static void UI_PlayerAngles( playerInfo_t *pi, vec3_t legs[3], vec3_t torso[3], vec3_t head[3] ) {
- vec3_t legsAngles, torsoAngles, headAngles;
- float dest;
- float adjust;
- VectorCopy( pi->viewAngles, headAngles );
- headAngles[YAW] = AngleMod( headAngles[YAW] );
- VectorClear( legsAngles );
- VectorClear( torsoAngles );
- // --------- yaw -------------
- // allow yaw to drift a bit
- if ( ( pi->legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) != LEGS_IDLE
- || ( pi->torsoAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT ) != TORSO_STAND ) {
- // if not standing still, always point all in the same direction
- pi->torso.yawing = qtrue; // always center
- pi->torso.pitching = qtrue; // always center
- pi->legs.yawing = qtrue; // always center
- }
- // adjust legs for movement dir
- adjust = UI_MovedirAdjustment( pi );
- legsAngles[YAW] = headAngles[YAW] + adjust;
- torsoAngles[YAW] = headAngles[YAW] + 0.25 * adjust;
- // torso
- UI_SwingAngles( torsoAngles[YAW], 25, 90, SWINGSPEED, &pi->torso.yawAngle, &pi->torso.yawing );
- UI_SwingAngles( legsAngles[YAW], 40, 90, SWINGSPEED, &pi->legs.yawAngle, &pi->legs.yawing );
- torsoAngles[YAW] = pi->torso.yawAngle;
- legsAngles[YAW] = pi->legs.yawAngle;
- // --------- pitch -------------
- // only show a fraction of the pitch angle in the torso
- if ( headAngles[PITCH] > 180 ) {
- dest = (-360 + headAngles[PITCH]) * 0.75;
- } else {
- dest = headAngles[PITCH] * 0.75;
- }
- UI_SwingAngles( dest, 15, 30, 0.1f, &pi->torso.pitchAngle, &pi->torso.pitching );
- torsoAngles[PITCH] = pi->torso.pitchAngle;
- // pull the angles back out of the hierarchial chain
- AnglesSubtract( headAngles, torsoAngles, headAngles );
- AnglesSubtract( torsoAngles, legsAngles, torsoAngles );
- AnglesToAxis( legsAngles, legs );
- AnglesToAxis( torsoAngles, torso );
- AnglesToAxis( headAngles, head );
-static void UI_PlayerFloatSprite( playerInfo_t *pi, vec3_t origin, qhandle_t shader ) {
- refEntity_t ent;
- memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) );
- VectorCopy( origin, ent.origin );
- ent.origin[2] += 48;
- ent.reType = RT_SPRITE;
- ent.customShader = shader;
- ent.radius = 10;
- ent.renderfx = 0;
- trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent );
-float UI_MachinegunSpinAngle( playerInfo_t *pi ) {
- int delta;
- float angle;
- float speed;
- int torsoAnim;
- delta = dp_realtime - pi->barrelTime;
- if ( pi->barrelSpinning ) {
- angle = pi->barrelAngle + delta * SPIN_SPEED;
- } else {
- if ( delta > COAST_TIME ) {
- delta = COAST_TIME;
- }
- speed = 0.5 * ( SPIN_SPEED + (float)( COAST_TIME - delta ) / COAST_TIME );
- angle = pi->barrelAngle + delta * speed;
- }
- torsoAnim = pi->torsoAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT;
- if( torsoAnim == TORSO_ATTACK2 ) {
- torsoAnim = TORSO_ATTACK;
- }
- if ( pi->barrelSpinning == !(torsoAnim == TORSO_ATTACK) ) {
- pi->barrelTime = dp_realtime;
- pi->barrelAngle = AngleMod( angle );
- pi->barrelSpinning = !!(torsoAnim == TORSO_ATTACK);
- }
- return angle;
-void UI_DrawPlayer( float x, float y, float w, float h, playerInfo_t *pi, int time ) {
- refdef_t refdef;
- refEntity_t legs;
- refEntity_t torso;
- refEntity_t head;
- refEntity_t gun;
- refEntity_t barrel;
- refEntity_t flash;
- vec3_t origin;
- int renderfx;
- vec3_t mins = {-16, -16, -24};
- vec3_t maxs = {16, 16, 32};
- float len;
- float xx;
- if ( !pi->legsModel || !pi->torsoModel || !pi->headModel || !pi->animations[0].numFrames ) {
- return;
- }
- // this allows the ui to cache the player model on the main menu
- if (w == 0 || h == 0) {
- return;
- }
- dp_realtime = time;
- if ( pi->pendingWeapon != -1 && dp_realtime > pi->weaponTimer ) {
- pi->weapon = pi->pendingWeapon;
- pi->lastWeapon = pi->pendingWeapon;
- pi->pendingWeapon = -1;
- pi->weaponTimer = 0;
- if( pi->currentWeapon != pi->weapon ) {
- trap_S_StartLocalSound( weaponChangeSound, CHAN_LOCAL );
- }
- }
- UI_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h );
- y -= jumpHeight;
- memset( &refdef, 0, sizeof( refdef ) );
- memset( &legs, 0, sizeof(legs) );
- memset( &torso, 0, sizeof(torso) );
- memset( &head, 0, sizeof(head) );
- refdef.rdflags = RDF_NOWORLDMODEL;
- AxisClear( refdef.viewaxis );
- refdef.x = x;
- refdef.y = y;
- refdef.width = w;
- refdef.height = h;
- refdef.fov_x = (int)((float)refdef.width / 640.0f * 90.0f);
- xx = refdef.width / tan( refdef.fov_x / 360 * M_PI );
- refdef.fov_y = atan2( refdef.height, xx );
- refdef.fov_y *= ( 360 / (float)M_PI );
- // calculate distance so the player nearly fills the box
- len = 0.7 * ( maxs[2] - mins[2] );
- origin[0] = len / tan( DEG2RAD(refdef.fov_x) * 0.5 );
- origin[1] = 0.5 * ( mins[1] + maxs[1] );
- origin[2] = -0.5 * ( mins[2] + maxs[2] );
- refdef.time = dp_realtime;
- trap_R_ClearScene();
- // get the rotation information
- UI_PlayerAngles( pi, legs.axis, torso.axis, head.axis );
- // get the animation state (after rotation, to allow feet shuffle)
- UI_PlayerAnimation( pi, &legs.oldframe, &legs.frame, &legs.backlerp,
- &torso.oldframe, &torso.frame, &torso.backlerp );
- //
- // add the legs
- //
- legs.hModel = pi->legsModel;
- legs.customSkin = pi->legsSkin;
- VectorCopy( origin, legs.origin );
- VectorCopy( origin, legs.lightingOrigin );
- legs.renderfx = renderfx;
- VectorCopy (legs.origin, legs.oldorigin);
- trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &legs );
- if (!legs.hModel) {
- return;
- }
- //
- // add the torso
- //
- torso.hModel = pi->torsoModel;
- if (!torso.hModel) {
- return;
- }
- torso.customSkin = pi->torsoSkin;
- VectorCopy( origin, torso.lightingOrigin );
- UI_PositionRotatedEntityOnTag( &torso, &legs, pi->legsModel, "tag_torso");
- torso.renderfx = renderfx;
- trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &torso );
- //
- // add the head
- //
- head.hModel = pi->headModel;
- if (!head.hModel) {
- return;
- }
- head.customSkin = pi->headSkin;
- VectorCopy( origin, head.lightingOrigin );
- UI_PositionRotatedEntityOnTag( &head, &torso, pi->torsoModel, "tag_head");
- head.renderfx = renderfx;
- trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &head );
- //
- // add the gun
- //
- if ( pi->currentWeapon != WP_NONE ) {
- memset( &gun, 0, sizeof(gun) );
- gun.hModel = pi->weaponModel;
- VectorCopy( origin, gun.lightingOrigin );
- UI_PositionEntityOnTag( &gun, &torso, pi->torsoModel, "tag_weapon");
- gun.renderfx = renderfx;
- trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &gun );
- }
- //
- // add the spinning barrel
- //
- if ( pi->realWeapon == WP_MACHINEGUN ) {
- vec3_t angles;
- memset( &barrel, 0, sizeof(barrel) );
- VectorCopy( origin, barrel.lightingOrigin );
- barrel.renderfx = renderfx;
- barrel.hModel = pi->barrelModel;
- angles[YAW] = 0;
- angles[PITCH] = 0;
- angles[ROLL] = UI_MachinegunSpinAngle( pi );
-/* if( pi->realWeapon == WP_GAUNTLET || pi->realWeapon == WP_BFG ) {
- angles[PITCH] = angles[ROLL];
- angles[ROLL] = 0;
- }*/
- AnglesToAxis( angles, barrel.axis );
- UI_PositionRotatedEntityOnTag( &barrel, &gun, pi->weaponModel, "tag_barrel");
- trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &barrel );
- }
- //
- // add muzzle flash
- //
- if ( dp_realtime <= pi->muzzleFlashTime ) {
- if ( pi->flashModel ) {
- memset( &flash, 0, sizeof(flash) );
- flash.hModel = pi->flashModel;
- VectorCopy( origin, flash.lightingOrigin );
- UI_PositionEntityOnTag( &flash, &gun, pi->weaponModel, "tag_flash");
- flash.renderfx = renderfx;
- trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &flash );
- }
- // make a dlight for the flash
- if ( pi->flashDlightColor[0] || pi->flashDlightColor[1] || pi->flashDlightColor[2] ) {
- trap_R_AddLightToScene( flash.origin, 200 + (rand()&31), pi->flashDlightColor[0],
- pi->flashDlightColor[1], pi->flashDlightColor[2] );
- }
- }
- //
- // add the chat icon
- //
- if ( pi->chat ) {
- UI_PlayerFloatSprite( pi, origin, trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "sprites/balloon3" ) );
- }
- //
- // add an accent light
- //
- origin[0] -= 100; // + = behind, - = in front
- origin[1] += 100; // + = left, - = right
- origin[2] += 100; // + = above, - = below
- trap_R_AddLightToScene( origin, 500, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
- origin[0] -= 100;
- origin[1] -= 100;
- origin[2] -= 100;
- trap_R_AddLightToScene( origin, 500, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
- trap_R_RenderScene( &refdef );
-static qboolean UI_FileExists(const char *filename) {
- int len;
- len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, NULL, FS_READ );
- if (len>0) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_FindClientHeadFile( char *filename, int length, const char *teamName, const char *headModelName, const char *headSkinName, const char *base, const char *ext ) {
- char *team, *headsFolder;
- int i;
- team = "default";
- if ( headModelName[0] == '*' ) {
- headsFolder = "heads/";
- headModelName++;
- }
- else {
- headsFolder = "";
- }
- while(1) {
- for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
- if ( i == 0 && teamName && *teamName ) {
- Com_sprintf( filename, length, "models/players/%s%s/%s/%s%s_%s.%s", headsFolder, headModelName, headSkinName, teamName, base, team, ext );
- }
- else {
- Com_sprintf( filename, length, "models/players/%s%s/%s/%s_%s.%s", headsFolder, headModelName, headSkinName, base, team, ext );
- }
- if ( UI_FileExists( filename ) ) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- if ( i == 0 && teamName && *teamName ) {
- Com_sprintf( filename, length, "models/players/%s%s/%s%s_%s.%s", headsFolder, headModelName, teamName, base, headSkinName, ext );
- }
- else {
- Com_sprintf( filename, length, "models/players/%s%s/%s_%s.%s", headsFolder, headModelName, base, headSkinName, ext );
- }
- if ( UI_FileExists( filename ) ) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- if ( !teamName || !*teamName ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // if tried the heads folder first
- if ( headsFolder[0] ) {
- break;
- }
- headsFolder = "heads/";
- }
- return qfalse;
-static qboolean UI_RegisterClientSkin( playerInfo_t *pi, const char *modelName, const char *skinName, const char *headModelName, const char *headSkinName , const char *teamName) {
- char filename[MAX_QPATH*2];
- if (teamName && *teamName) {
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/%s/", modelName, teamName, skinName );
- } else {
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/", modelName, skinName );
- }
- pi->legsSkin = trap_R_RegisterSkin( filename );
- if (!pi->legsSkin) {
- if (teamName && *teamName) {
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/characters/%s/%s/", modelName, teamName, skinName );
- } else {
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/characters/%s/", modelName, skinName );
- }
- pi->legsSkin = trap_R_RegisterSkin( filename );
- }
- if (teamName && *teamName) {
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/%s/", modelName, teamName, skinName );
- } else {
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/", modelName, skinName );
- }
- pi->torsoSkin = trap_R_RegisterSkin( filename );
- if (!pi->torsoSkin) {
- if (teamName && *teamName) {
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/characters/%s/%s/", modelName, teamName, skinName );
- } else {
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/characters/%s/", modelName, skinName );
- }
- pi->torsoSkin = trap_R_RegisterSkin( filename );
- }
- if ( UI_FindClientHeadFile( filename, sizeof(filename), teamName, headModelName, headSkinName, "head", "skin" ) ) {
- pi->headSkin = trap_R_RegisterSkin( filename );
- }
- if ( !pi->legsSkin || !pi->torsoSkin || !pi->headSkin ) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-static qboolean UI_ParseAnimationFile( const char *filename, animation_t *animations ) {
- char *text_p, *prev;
- int len;
- int i;
- char *token;
- float fps;
- int skip;
- char text[20000];
- fileHandle_t f;
- memset( animations, 0, sizeof( animation_t ) * MAX_PLAYER_ANIMATIONS );
- // load the file
- len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, &f, FS_READ );
- if ( len <= 0 ) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- if ( len >= ( sizeof( text ) - 1 ) ) {
- Com_Printf( "File %s too long\n", filename );
- trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );
- return qfalse;
- }
- trap_FS_Read( text, len, f );
- text[len] = 0;
- trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );
- COM_Compress(text);
- // parse the text
- text_p = text;
- skip = 0; // quite the compiler warning
- // read optional parameters
- while ( 1 ) {
- prev = text_p; // so we can unget
- token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
- if ( !token ) {
- break;
- }
- if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "footsteps" ) ) {
- token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
- if ( !token ) {
- break;
- }
- continue;
- } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "headoffset" ) ) {
- for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
- token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
- if ( !token ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- continue;
- } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sex" ) ) {
- token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
- if ( !token ) {
- break;
- }
- continue;
- }
- // if it is a number, start parsing animations
- if ( token[0] >= '0' && token[0] <= '9' ) {
- text_p = prev; // unget the token
- break;
- }
- Com_Printf( "unknown token '%s' is %s\n", token, filename );
- }
- // read information for each frame
- for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PLAYER_ANIMATIONS ; i++ ) {
- token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
- if ( !token ) {
- break;
- }
- animations[i].firstFrame = atoi( token );
- // leg only frames are adjusted to not count the upper body only frames
- if ( i == LEGS_WALKCR ) {
- skip = animations[LEGS_WALKCR].firstFrame - animations[TORSO_GESTURE].firstFrame;
- }
- if ( i >= LEGS_WALKCR ) {
- animations[i].firstFrame -= skip;
- }
- token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
- if ( !token ) {
- break;
- }
- animations[i].numFrames = atoi( token );
- token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
- if ( !token ) {
- break;
- }
- animations[i].loopFrames = atoi( token );
- token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
- if ( !token ) {
- break;
- }
- fps = atof( token );
- if ( fps == 0 ) {
- fps = 1;
- }
- animations[i].frameLerp = 1000 / fps;
- animations[i].initialLerp = 1000 / fps;
- }
- Com_Printf( "Error parsing animation file: %s", filename );
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean UI_RegisterClientModelname( playerInfo_t *pi, const char *modelSkinName, const char *headModelSkinName, const char *teamName ) {
- char modelName[MAX_QPATH];
- char skinName[MAX_QPATH];
- char headModelName[MAX_QPATH];
- char headSkinName[MAX_QPATH];
- char filename[MAX_QPATH];
- char *slash;
- pi->torsoModel = 0;
- pi->headModel = 0;
- if ( !modelSkinName[0] ) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- Q_strncpyz( modelName, modelSkinName, sizeof( modelName ) );
- slash = strchr( modelName, '/' );
- if ( !slash ) {
- // modelName did not include a skin name
- Q_strncpyz( skinName, "default", sizeof( skinName ) );
- } else {
- Q_strncpyz( skinName, slash + 1, sizeof( skinName ) );
- *slash = '\0';
- }
- Q_strncpyz( headModelName, headModelSkinName, sizeof( headModelName ) );
- slash = strchr( headModelName, '/' );
- if ( !slash ) {
- // modelName did not include a skin name
- Q_strncpyz( headSkinName, "default", sizeof( skinName ) );
- } else {
- Q_strncpyz( headSkinName, slash + 1, sizeof( skinName ) );
- *slash = '\0';
- }
- // load cmodels before models so filecache works
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/lower.md3", modelName );
- pi->legsModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( filename );
- if ( !pi->legsModel ) {
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/characters/%s/lower.md3", modelName );
- pi->legsModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( filename );
- if ( !pi->legsModel ) {
- Com_Printf( "Failed to load model file %s\n", filename );
- return qfalse;
- }
- }
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/upper.md3", modelName );
- pi->torsoModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( filename );
- if ( !pi->torsoModel ) {
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/characters/%s/upper.md3", modelName );
- pi->torsoModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( filename );
- if ( !pi->torsoModel ) {
- Com_Printf( "Failed to load model file %s\n", filename );
- return qfalse;
- }
- }
- if (headModelName && headModelName[0] == '*' ) {
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/heads/%s/%s.md3", &headModelName[1], &headModelName[1] );
- }
- else {
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/head.md3", headModelName );
- }
- pi->headModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( filename );
- if ( !pi->headModel && headModelName[0] != '*') {
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/heads/%s/%s.md3", headModelName, headModelName );
- pi->headModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( filename );
- }
- if (!pi->headModel) {
- Com_Printf( "Failed to load model file %s\n", filename );
- return qfalse;
- }
- // if any skins failed to load, fall back to default
- if ( !UI_RegisterClientSkin( pi, modelName, skinName, headModelName, headSkinName, teamName) ) {
- if ( !UI_RegisterClientSkin( pi, modelName, "default", headModelName, "default", teamName ) ) {
- Com_Printf( "Failed to load skin file: %s : %s\n", modelName, skinName );
- return qfalse;
- }
- }
- // load the animations
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/animation.cfg", modelName );
- if ( !UI_ParseAnimationFile( filename, pi->animations ) ) {
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/characters/%s/animation.cfg", modelName );
- if ( !UI_ParseAnimationFile( filename, pi->animations ) ) {
- Com_Printf( "Failed to load animation file %s\n", filename );
- return qfalse;
- }
- }
- return qtrue;
-void UI_PlayerInfo_SetModel( playerInfo_t *pi, const char *model, const char *headmodel, char *teamName ) {
- memset( pi, 0, sizeof(*pi) );
- UI_RegisterClientModelname( pi, model, headmodel, teamName );
- pi->weapon = WP_MACHINEGUN;
- pi->currentWeapon = pi->weapon;
- pi->lastWeapon = pi->weapon;
- pi->pendingWeapon = -1;
- pi->weaponTimer = 0;
- pi->chat = qfalse;
- pi->newModel = qtrue;
- UI_PlayerInfo_SetWeapon( pi, pi->weapon );
-void UI_PlayerInfo_SetInfo( playerInfo_t *pi, int legsAnim, int torsoAnim, vec3_t viewAngles, vec3_t moveAngles, weapon_t weaponNumber, qboolean chat ) {
- int currentAnim;
- weapon_t weaponNum;
- pi->chat = chat;
- // view angles
- VectorCopy( viewAngles, pi->viewAngles );
- // move angles
- VectorCopy( moveAngles, pi->moveAngles );
- if ( pi->newModel ) {
- pi->newModel = qfalse;
- jumpHeight = 0;
- pi->pendingLegsAnim = 0;
- UI_ForceLegsAnim( pi, legsAnim );
- pi->legs.yawAngle = viewAngles[YAW];
- pi->legs.yawing = qfalse;
- pi->pendingTorsoAnim = 0;
- UI_ForceTorsoAnim( pi, torsoAnim );
- pi->torso.yawAngle = viewAngles[YAW];
- pi->torso.yawing = qfalse;
- if ( weaponNumber != -1 ) {
- pi->weapon = weaponNumber;
- pi->currentWeapon = weaponNumber;
- pi->lastWeapon = weaponNumber;
- pi->pendingWeapon = -1;
- pi->weaponTimer = 0;
- UI_PlayerInfo_SetWeapon( pi, pi->weapon );
- }
- return;
- }
- // weapon
- if ( weaponNumber == -1 ) {
- pi->pendingWeapon = -1;
- pi->weaponTimer = 0;
- }
- else if ( weaponNumber != WP_NONE ) {
- pi->pendingWeapon = weaponNumber;
- pi->weaponTimer = dp_realtime + UI_TIMER_WEAPON_DELAY;
- }
- weaponNum = pi->lastWeapon;
- pi->weapon = weaponNum;
- if ( torsoAnim == BOTH_DEATH1 || legsAnim == BOTH_DEATH1 ) {
- torsoAnim = legsAnim = BOTH_DEATH1;
- pi->weapon = pi->currentWeapon = WP_NONE;
- UI_PlayerInfo_SetWeapon( pi, pi->weapon );
- jumpHeight = 0;
- pi->pendingLegsAnim = 0;
- UI_ForceLegsAnim( pi, legsAnim );
- pi->pendingTorsoAnim = 0;
- UI_ForceTorsoAnim( pi, torsoAnim );
- return;
- }
- // leg animation
- currentAnim = pi->legsAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT;
- if ( legsAnim != LEGS_JUMP && ( currentAnim == LEGS_JUMP || currentAnim == LEGS_LAND ) ) {
- pi->pendingLegsAnim = legsAnim;
- }
- else if ( legsAnim != currentAnim ) {
- jumpHeight = 0;
- pi->pendingLegsAnim = 0;
- UI_ForceLegsAnim( pi, legsAnim );
- }
- // torso animation
- if ( torsoAnim == TORSO_STAND || torsoAnim == TORSO_STAND2 ) {
- if ( weaponNum == WP_NONE ) {
- torsoAnim = TORSO_STAND2;
- }
- else {
- torsoAnim = TORSO_STAND;
- }
- }
- if ( torsoAnim == TORSO_ATTACK || torsoAnim == TORSO_ATTACK2 ) {
- if ( weaponNum == WP_NONE ) {
- torsoAnim = TORSO_ATTACK2;
- }
- else {
- torsoAnim = TORSO_ATTACK;
- }
- pi->muzzleFlashTime = dp_realtime + UI_TIMER_MUZZLE_FLASH;
- //FIXME play firing sound here
- }
- currentAnim = pi->torsoAnim & ~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT;
- if ( weaponNum != pi->currentWeapon || currentAnim == TORSO_RAISE || currentAnim == TORSO_DROP ) {
- pi->pendingTorsoAnim = torsoAnim;
- }
- else if ( ( currentAnim == TORSO_GESTURE || currentAnim == TORSO_ATTACK ) && ( torsoAnim != currentAnim ) ) {
- pi->pendingTorsoAnim = torsoAnim;
- }
- else if ( torsoAnim != currentAnim ) {
- pi->pendingTorsoAnim = 0;
- UI_ForceTorsoAnim( pi, torsoAnim );
- }
diff --git a/src/ui/ui_public.h b/src/ui/ui_public.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cf36d66..00000000
--- a/src/ui/ui_public.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
- * Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Tim Angus
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the OSML - Open Source Modification License v1.0 as
- * described in the file COPYING which is distributed with this source
- * code.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- */
-#ifndef __UI_PUBLIC_H__
-#define __UI_PUBLIC_H__
-#define UI_API_VERSION 6
-typedef struct {
- connstate_t connState;
- int connectPacketCount;
- int clientNum;
- char servername[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
- char updateInfoString[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
- char messageString[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
-} uiClientState_t;
-typedef enum {
- // 1.32
- UI_MEMSET = 100,
-} uiImport_t;
-typedef enum {
-} uiMenuCommand_t;
-typedef enum
-} serverSortField_t;
-typedef enum {
- UI_GETAPIVERSION = 0, // system reserved
-// void UI_Init( void );
-// void UI_Shutdown( void );
-// void UI_KeyEvent( int key );
-// void UI_MouseEvent( int dx, int dy );
-// void UI_Refresh( int time );
-// qboolean UI_IsFullscreen( void );
-// void UI_SetActiveMenu( uiMenuCommand_t menu );
-// qboolean UI_ConsoleCommand( int realTime );
-// void UI_DrawConnectScreen( qboolean overlay );
-// if !overlay, the background will be drawn, otherwise it will be
-// overlayed over whatever the cgame has drawn.
-// a GetClientState syscall will be made to get the current strings
-} uiExport_t;
diff --git a/src/ui/ui_shared.c b/src/ui/ui_shared.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 43c25ff8..00000000
--- a/src/ui/ui_shared.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6071 +0,0 @@
-// string allocation/managment
- * Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Tim Angus
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the OSML - Open Source Modification License v1.0 as
- * described in the file COPYING which is distributed with this source
- * code.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- */
-#include "ui_shared.h"
-#define SCROLL_TIME_START 500
-typedef struct scrollInfo_s {
- int nextScrollTime;
- int nextAdjustTime;
- int adjustValue;
- int scrollKey;
- float xStart;
- float yStart;
- itemDef_t *item;
- qboolean scrollDir;
-} scrollInfo_t;
-static scrollInfo_t scrollInfo;
-//TA: hack to prevent compiler warnings
-void voidFunction( void *var ) { return; }
-qboolean voidFunction2( itemDef_t *var1, int var2 ) { return qfalse; }
-static void (*captureFunc) (void *p) = voidFunction;
-static void *captureData = NULL;
-static itemDef_t *itemCapture = NULL; // item that has the mouse captured ( if any )
-displayContextDef_t *DC = NULL;
-static qboolean g_waitingForKey = qfalse;
-static qboolean g_editingField = qfalse;
-static itemDef_t *g_bindItem = NULL;
-static itemDef_t *g_editItem = NULL;
-menuDef_t Menus[MAX_MENUS]; // defined menus
-int menuCount = 0; // how many
-menuDef_t *menuStack[MAX_OPEN_MENUS];
-int openMenuCount = 0;
-static qboolean debugMode = qfalse;
-static int lastListBoxClickTime = 0;
-void Item_RunScript(itemDef_t *item, const char *s);
-void Item_SetupKeywordHash(void);
-void Menu_SetupKeywordHash(void);
-int BindingIDFromName(const char *name);
-qboolean Item_Bind_HandleKey(itemDef_t *item, int key, qboolean down);
-itemDef_t *Menu_SetPrevCursorItem(menuDef_t *menu);
-itemDef_t *Menu_SetNextCursorItem(menuDef_t *menu);
-static qboolean Menu_OverActiveItem(menuDef_t *menu, float x, float y);
-#ifdef CGAME
-#define MEM_POOL_SIZE 128 * 1024
-#define MEM_POOL_SIZE 1024 * 1024
-//TA: hacked variable name to avoid conflict with new cgame Alloc
-static char UI_memoryPool[MEM_POOL_SIZE];
-static int allocPoint, outOfMemory;
-void *UI_Alloc( int size )
- char *p;
- if( allocPoint + size > MEM_POOL_SIZE )
- {
- outOfMemory = qtrue;
- if( DC->Print )
- DC->Print( "UI_Alloc: Failure. Out of memory!\n" );
- //DC->trap_Print(S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: UI Out of Memory!\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- p = &UI_memoryPool[ allocPoint ];
- allocPoint += ( size + 15 ) & ~15;
- return p;
-void UI_InitMemory( void )
- allocPoint = 0;
- outOfMemory = qfalse;
-qboolean UI_OutOfMemory( )
- return outOfMemory;
-#define HASH_TABLE_SIZE 2048
-return a hash value for the string
-static long hashForString(const char *str) {
- int i;
- long hash;
- char letter;
- hash = 0;
- i = 0;
- while (str[i] != '\0') {
- letter = tolower(str[i]);
- hash+=(long)(letter)*(i+119);
- i++;
- }
- hash &= (HASH_TABLE_SIZE-1);
- return hash;
-typedef struct stringDef_s {
- struct stringDef_s *next;
- const char *str;
-} stringDef_t;
-static int strPoolIndex = 0;
-static char strPool[STRING_POOL_SIZE];
-static int strHandleCount = 0;
-static stringDef_t *strHandle[HASH_TABLE_SIZE];
-const char *String_Alloc(const char *p) {
- int len;
- long hash;
- stringDef_t *str, *last;
- static const char *staticNULL = "";
- if (p == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (*p == 0) {
- return staticNULL;
- }
- hash = hashForString(p);
- str = strHandle[hash];
- while (str) {
- if (strcmp(p, str->str) == 0) {
- return str->str;
- }
- str = str->next;
- }
- len = strlen(p);
- if (len + strPoolIndex + 1 < STRING_POOL_SIZE) {
- int ph = strPoolIndex;
- strcpy(&strPool[strPoolIndex], p);
- strPoolIndex += len + 1;
- str = strHandle[hash];
- last = str;
- while (str && str->next) {
- last = str;
- str = str->next;
- }
- str = UI_Alloc(sizeof(stringDef_t));
- str->next = NULL;
- str->str = &strPool[ph];
- if (last) {
- last->next = str;
- } else {
- strHandle[hash] = str;
- }
- return &strPool[ph];
- }
- return NULL;
-void String_Report( void ) {
- float f;
- Com_Printf("Memory/String Pool Info\n");
- Com_Printf("----------------\n");
- f = strPoolIndex;
- f *= 100;
- Com_Printf("String Pool is %.1f%% full, %i bytes out of %i used.\n", f, strPoolIndex, STRING_POOL_SIZE);
- f = allocPoint;
- f *= 100;
- Com_Printf("Memory Pool is %.1f%% full, %i bytes out of %i used.\n", f, allocPoint, MEM_POOL_SIZE);
-void String_Init( void )
- int i;
- for( i = 0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++ )
- strHandle[ i ] = 0;
- strHandleCount = 0;
- strPoolIndex = 0;
- menuCount = 0;
- openMenuCount = 0;
- UI_InitMemory( );
- Item_SetupKeywordHash( );
- Menu_SetupKeywordHash( );
- if( DC && DC->getBindingBuf )
- Controls_GetConfig( );
-void PC_SourceWarning(int handle, char *format, ...) {
- int line;
- char filename[128];
- va_list argptr;
- static char string[4096];
- va_start (argptr, format);
- vsprintf (string, format, argptr);
- va_end (argptr);
- filename[0] = '\0';
- line = 0;
- trap_PC_SourceFileAndLine(handle, filename, &line);
- Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: %s, line %d: %s\n", filename, line, string);
-void PC_SourceError(int handle, char *format, ...) {
- int line;
- char filename[128];
- va_list argptr;
- static char string[4096];
- va_start (argptr, format);
- vsprintf (string, format, argptr);
- va_end (argptr);
- filename[0] = '\0';
- line = 0;
- trap_PC_SourceFileAndLine(handle, filename, &line);
- Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: %s, line %d: %s\n", filename, line, string);
-void LerpColor(vec4_t a, vec4_t b, vec4_t c, float t)
- int i;
- // lerp and clamp each component
- for (i=0; i<4; i++)
- {
- c[i] = a[i] + t*(b[i]-a[i]);
- if (c[i] < 0)
- c[i] = 0;
- else if (c[i] > 1.0)
- c[i] = 1.0;
- }
-qboolean Float_Parse(char **p, float *f) {
- char *token;
- token = COM_ParseExt(p, qfalse);
- if (token && token[0] != 0) {
- *f = atof(token);
- return qtrue;
- } else {
- return qfalse;
- }
-qboolean PC_Float_Parse(int handle, float *f) {
- pc_token_t token;
- int negative = qfalse;
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token))
- return qfalse;
- if (token.string[0] == '-') {
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token))
- return qfalse;
- negative = qtrue;
- }
- if (token.type != TT_NUMBER) {
- PC_SourceError(handle, "expected float but found %s\n", token.string);
- return qfalse;
- }
- if (negative)
- *f = -token.floatvalue;
- else
- *f = token.floatvalue;
- return qtrue;
-qboolean Color_Parse(char **p, vec4_t *c) {
- int i;
- float f;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (!Float_Parse(p, &f)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- (*c)[i] = f;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean PC_Color_Parse(int handle, vec4_t *c) {
- int i;
- float f;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &f)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- (*c)[i] = f;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean Int_Parse(char **p, int *i) {
- char *token;
- token = COM_ParseExt(p, qfalse);
- if (token && token[0] != 0) {
- *i = atoi(token);
- return qtrue;
- } else {
- return qfalse;
- }
-qboolean PC_Int_Parse(int handle, int *i) {
- pc_token_t token;
- int negative = qfalse;
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token))
- return qfalse;
- if (token.string[0] == '-') {
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token))
- return qfalse;
- negative = qtrue;
- }
- if (token.type != TT_NUMBER) {
- PC_SourceError(handle, "expected integer but found %s\n", token.string);
- return qfalse;
- }
- *i = token.intvalue;
- if (negative)
- *i = - *i;
- return qtrue;
-qboolean Rect_Parse(char **p, rectDef_t *r) {
- if (Float_Parse(p, &r->x)) {
- if (Float_Parse(p, &r->y)) {
- if (Float_Parse(p, &r->w)) {
- if (Float_Parse(p, &r->h)) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return qfalse;
-qboolean PC_Rect_Parse(int handle, rectDef_t *r) {
- if (PC_Float_Parse(handle, &r->x)) {
- if (PC_Float_Parse(handle, &r->y)) {
- if (PC_Float_Parse(handle, &r->w)) {
- if (PC_Float_Parse(handle, &r->h)) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return qfalse;
-qboolean String_Parse(char **p, const char **out) {
- char *token;
- token = COM_ParseExt(p, qfalse);
- if (token && token[0] != 0) {
- *(out) = String_Alloc(token);
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-qboolean PC_String_Parse(int handle, const char **out) {
- pc_token_t token;
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token))
- return qfalse;
- *(out) = String_Alloc(token.string);
- return qtrue;
-qboolean PC_Script_Parse(int handle, const char **out) {
- char script[1024];
- pc_token_t token;
- memset(script, 0, sizeof(script));
- // scripts start with { and have ; separated command lists.. commands are command, arg..
- // basically we want everything between the { } as it will be interpreted at run time
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token))
- return qfalse;
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "{") != 0) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- while ( 1 ) {
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token))
- return qfalse;
- if (Q_stricmp(token.string, "}") == 0) {
- *out = String_Alloc(script);
- return qtrue;
- }
- if (token.string[1] != '\0') {
- Q_strcat(script, 1024, va("\"%s\"", token.string));
- } else {
- Q_strcat(script, 1024, token.string);
- }
- Q_strcat(script, 1024, " ");
- }
- return qfalse; // bk001105 - LCC missing return value
-// display, window, menu, item code
-Initializes the display with a structure to all the drawing routines
-void Init_Display( displayContextDef_t *dc )
- DC = dc;
-// type and style painting
-void GradientBar_Paint( rectDef_t *rect, vec4_t color )
- // gradient bar takes two paints
- DC->setColor( color );
- DC->drawHandlePic( rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, DC->Assets.gradientBar );
- DC->setColor( NULL );
-Initializes a window structure ( windowDef_t ) with defaults
-void Window_Init(Window *w) {
- memset(w, 0, sizeof(windowDef_t));
- w->borderSize = 1;
- w->foreColor[0] = w->foreColor[1] = w->foreColor[2] = w->foreColor[3] = 1.0;
- w->cinematic = -1;
-void Fade(int *flags, float *f, float clamp, int *nextTime, int offsetTime, qboolean bFlags, float fadeAmount) {
- if (DC->realTime > *nextTime) {
- *nextTime = DC->realTime + offsetTime;
- if (*flags & WINDOW_FADINGOUT) {
- *f -= fadeAmount;
- if (bFlags && *f <= 0.0) {
- }
- } else {
- *f += fadeAmount;
- if (*f >= clamp) {
- *f = clamp;
- if (bFlags) {
- *flags &= ~WINDOW_FADINGIN;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void Window_Paint(Window *w, float fadeAmount, float fadeClamp, float fadeCycle) {
- //float bordersize = 0;
- vec4_t color;
- rectDef_t fillRect = w->rect;
- if (debugMode) {
- color[0] = color[1] = color[2] = color[3] = 1;
- DC->drawRect(w->rect.x, w->rect.y, w->rect.w, w->rect.h, 1, color);
- }
- if (w == NULL || (w->style == 0 && w->border == 0)) {
- return;
- }
- if (w->border != 0) {
- fillRect.x += w->borderSize;
- fillRect.y += w->borderSize;
- fillRect.w -= w->borderSize + 1;
- fillRect.h -= w->borderSize + 1;
- }
- if (w->style == WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED) {
- // box, but possible a shader that needs filled
- if (w->background) {
- Fade(&w->flags, &w->backColor[3], fadeClamp, &w->nextTime, fadeCycle, qtrue, fadeAmount);
- DC->setColor(w->backColor);
- DC->drawHandlePic(fillRect.x, fillRect.y, fillRect.w, fillRect.h, w->background);
- DC->setColor(NULL);
- } else {
- DC->fillRect(fillRect.x, fillRect.y, fillRect.w, fillRect.h, w->backColor);
- }
- } else if (w->style == WINDOW_STYLE_GRADIENT) {
- GradientBar_Paint(&fillRect, w->backColor);
- // gradient bar
- } else if (w->style == WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER) {
- if (w->flags & WINDOW_FORECOLORSET) {
- DC->setColor(w->foreColor);
- }
- DC->drawHandlePic(fillRect.x, fillRect.y, fillRect.w, fillRect.h, w->background);
- DC->setColor(NULL);
- } else if (w->style == WINDOW_STYLE_TEAMCOLOR) {
- if (DC->getTeamColor) {
- DC->getTeamColor(&color);
- DC->fillRect(fillRect.x, fillRect.y, fillRect.w, fillRect.h, color);
- }
- } else if (w->style == WINDOW_STYLE_CINEMATIC) {
- if (w->cinematic == -1) {
- w->cinematic = DC->playCinematic(w->cinematicName, fillRect.x, fillRect.y, fillRect.w, fillRect.h);
- if (w->cinematic == -1) {
- w->cinematic = -2;
- }
- }
- if (w->cinematic >= 0) {
- DC->runCinematicFrame(w->cinematic);
- DC->drawCinematic(w->cinematic, fillRect.x, fillRect.y, fillRect.w, fillRect.h);
- }
- }
- if (w->border == WINDOW_BORDER_FULL) {
- // full
- if (w->style == WINDOW_STYLE_TEAMCOLOR) {
- if (color[0] > 0) {
- // red
- color[0] = 1;
- color[1] = color[2] = .5;
- } else {
- color[2] = 1;
- color[0] = color[1] = .5;
- }
- color[3] = 1;
- DC->drawRect(w->rect.x, w->rect.y, w->rect.w, w->rect.h, w->borderSize, color);
- } else {
- DC->drawRect(w->rect.x, w->rect.y, w->rect.w, w->rect.h, w->borderSize, w->borderColor);
- }
- } else if (w->border == WINDOW_BORDER_HORZ) {
- // top/bottom
- DC->setColor(w->borderColor);
- DC->drawTopBottom(w->rect.x, w->rect.y, w->rect.w, w->rect.h, w->borderSize);
- DC->setColor( NULL );
- } else if (w->border == WINDOW_BORDER_VERT) {
- // left right
- DC->setColor(w->borderColor);
- DC->drawSides(w->rect.x, w->rect.y, w->rect.w, w->rect.h, w->borderSize);
- DC->setColor( NULL );
- } else if (w->border == WINDOW_BORDER_KCGRADIENT) {
- // this is just two gradient bars along each horz edge
- rectDef_t r = w->rect;
- r.h = w->borderSize;
- GradientBar_Paint(&r, w->borderColor);
- r.y = w->rect.y + w->rect.h - 1;
- GradientBar_Paint(&r, w->borderColor);
- }
-void Item_SetScreenCoords(itemDef_t *item, float x, float y) {
- if (item == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- if (item->window.border != 0) {
- x += item->window.borderSize;
- y += item->window.borderSize;
- }
- item->window.rect.x = x + item->window.rectClient.x;
- item->window.rect.y = y + item->window.rectClient.y;
- item->window.rect.w = item->window.rectClient.w;
- item->window.rect.h = item->window.rectClient.h;
- // force the text rects to recompute
- item->textRect.w = 0;
- item->textRect.h = 0;
-// FIXME: consolidate this with nearby stuff
-void Item_UpdatePosition(itemDef_t *item) {
- float x, y;
- menuDef_t *menu;
- if (item == NULL || item->parent == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- menu = item->parent;
- x = menu->window.rect.x;
- y = menu->window.rect.y;
- if (menu->window.border != 0) {
- x += menu->window.borderSize;
- y += menu->window.borderSize;
- }
- Item_SetScreenCoords(item, x, y);
-// menus
-void Menu_UpdatePosition(menuDef_t *menu) {
- int i;
- float x, y;
- if (menu == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- x = menu->window.rect.x;
- y = menu->window.rect.y;
- if (menu->window.border != 0) {
- x += menu->window.borderSize;
- y += menu->window.borderSize;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < menu->itemCount; i++) {
- Item_SetScreenCoords(menu->items[i], x, y);
- }
-void Menu_PostParse(menuDef_t *menu) {
- if (menu == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- if (menu->fullScreen) {
- menu->window.rect.x = 0;
- menu->window.rect.y = 0;
- menu->window.rect.w = 640;
- menu->window.rect.h = 480;
- }
- Menu_UpdatePosition(menu);
-itemDef_t *Menu_ClearFocus(menuDef_t *menu) {
- int i;
- itemDef_t *ret = NULL;
- if (menu == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < menu->itemCount; i++) {
- if (menu->items[i]->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS) {
- ret = menu->items[i];
- }
- menu->items[i]->window.flags &= ~WINDOW_HASFOCUS;
- if (menu->items[i]->leaveFocus) {
- Item_RunScript(menu->items[i], menu->items[i]->leaveFocus);
- }
- }
- return ret;
-qboolean IsVisible(int flags) {
- return (flags & WINDOW_VISIBLE && !(flags & WINDOW_FADINGOUT));
-qboolean Rect_ContainsPoint(rectDef_t *rect, float x, float y) {
- if (rect) {
- if (x > rect->x && x < rect->x + rect->w && y > rect->y && y < rect->y + rect->h) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- return qfalse;
-int Menu_ItemsMatchingGroup(menuDef_t *menu, const char *name) {
- int i;
- int count = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < menu->itemCount; i++) {
- if (Q_stricmp(menu->items[i]->, name) == 0 || (menu->items[i]-> && Q_stricmp(menu->items[i]->, name) == 0)) {
- count++;
- }
- }
- return count;
-itemDef_t *Menu_GetMatchingItemByNumber(menuDef_t *menu, int index, const char *name) {
- int i;
- int count = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < menu->itemCount; i++) {
- if (Q_stricmp(menu->items[i]->, name) == 0 || (menu->items[i]-> && Q_stricmp(menu->items[i]->, name) == 0)) {
- if (count == index) {
- return menu->items[i];
- }
- count++;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-void Script_SetColor(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *name;
- int i;
- float f;
- vec4_t *out;
- // expecting type of color to set and 4 args for the color
- if (String_Parse(args, &name)) {
- out = NULL;
- if (Q_stricmp(name, "backcolor") == 0) {
- out = &item->window.backColor;
- item->window.flags |= WINDOW_BACKCOLORSET;
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "forecolor") == 0) {
- out = &item->window.foreColor;
- item->window.flags |= WINDOW_FORECOLORSET;
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "bordercolor") == 0) {
- out = &item->window.borderColor;
- }
- if (out) {
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (!Float_Parse(args, &f)) {
- return;
- }
- (*out)[i] = f;
- }
- }
- }
-void Script_SetAsset(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *name;
- // expecting name to set asset to
- if (String_Parse(args, &name)) {
- // check for a model
- if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_MODEL) {
- }
- }
-void Script_SetBackground(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *name;
- // expecting name to set asset to
- if (String_Parse(args, &name)) {
- item->window.background = DC->registerShaderNoMip(name);
- }
-itemDef_t *Menu_FindItemByName(menuDef_t *menu, const char *p) {
- int i;
- if (menu == NULL || p == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < menu->itemCount; i++) {
- if (Q_stricmp(p, menu->items[i]-> == 0) {
- return menu->items[i];
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-void Script_SetTeamColor(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- if (DC->getTeamColor) {
- int i;
- vec4_t color;
- DC->getTeamColor(&color);
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- item->window.backColor[i] = color[i];
- }
- }
-void Script_SetItemColor(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *itemname;
- const char *name;
- vec4_t color;
- int i;
- vec4_t *out;
- // expecting type of color to set and 4 args for the color
- if (String_Parse(args, &itemname) && String_Parse(args, &name)) {
- itemDef_t *item2;
- int j;
- int count = Menu_ItemsMatchingGroup(item->parent, itemname);
- if (!Color_Parse(args, &color)) {
- return;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
- item2 = Menu_GetMatchingItemByNumber(item->parent, j, itemname);
- if (item2 != NULL) {
- out = NULL;
- if (Q_stricmp(name, "backcolor") == 0) {
- out = &item2->window.backColor;
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "forecolor") == 0) {
- out = &item2->window.foreColor;
- item2->window.flags |= WINDOW_FORECOLORSET;
- } else if (Q_stricmp(name, "bordercolor") == 0) {
- out = &item2->window.borderColor;
- }
- if (out) {
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- (*out)[i] = color[i];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void Menu_ShowItemByName(menuDef_t *menu, const char *p, qboolean bShow) {
- itemDef_t *item;
- int i;
- int count = Menu_ItemsMatchingGroup(menu, p);
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- item = Menu_GetMatchingItemByNumber(menu, i, p);
- if (item != NULL) {
- if (bShow) {
- item->window.flags |= WINDOW_VISIBLE;
- } else {
- item->window.flags &= ~WINDOW_VISIBLE;
- // stop cinematics playing in the window
- if (item->window.cinematic >= 0) {
- DC->stopCinematic(item->window.cinematic);
- item->window.cinematic = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void Menu_FadeItemByName(menuDef_t *menu, const char *p, qboolean fadeOut) {
- itemDef_t *item;
- int i;
- int count = Menu_ItemsMatchingGroup(menu, p);
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- item = Menu_GetMatchingItemByNumber(menu, i, p);
- if (item != NULL) {
- if (fadeOut) {
- item->window.flags |= (WINDOW_FADINGOUT | WINDOW_VISIBLE);
- item->window.flags &= ~WINDOW_FADINGIN;
- } else {
- item->window.flags |= (WINDOW_VISIBLE | WINDOW_FADINGIN);
- item->window.flags &= ~WINDOW_FADINGOUT;
- }
- }
- }
-menuDef_t *Menus_FindByName(const char *p) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < menuCount; i++) {
- if (Q_stricmp(Menus[i], p) == 0) {
- return &Menus[i];
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-void Menus_ShowByName(const char *p) {
- menuDef_t *menu = Menus_FindByName(p);
- if (menu) {
- Menus_Activate(menu);
- }
-void Menus_OpenByName(const char *p) {
- Menus_ActivateByName(p);
-static void Menu_RunCloseScript(menuDef_t *menu) {
- if (menu && menu->window.flags & WINDOW_VISIBLE && menu->onClose) {
- itemDef_t item;
- item.parent = menu;
- Item_RunScript(&item, menu->onClose);
- }
-void Menus_CloseByName(const char *p) {
- menuDef_t *menu = Menus_FindByName(p);
- if (menu != NULL) {
- Menu_RunCloseScript(menu);
- menu->window.flags &= ~(WINDOW_VISIBLE | WINDOW_HASFOCUS);
- }
-void Menus_CloseAll( void ) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < menuCount; i++) {
- Menu_RunCloseScript(&Menus[i]);
- Menus[i].window.flags &= ~(WINDOW_HASFOCUS | WINDOW_VISIBLE);
- }
-void Script_Show(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *name;
- if (String_Parse(args, &name)) {
- Menu_ShowItemByName(item->parent, name, qtrue);
- }
-void Script_Hide(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *name;
- if (String_Parse(args, &name)) {
- Menu_ShowItemByName(item->parent, name, qfalse);
- }
-void Script_FadeIn(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *name;
- if (String_Parse(args, &name)) {
- Menu_FadeItemByName(item->parent, name, qfalse);
- }
-void Script_FadeOut(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *name;
- if (String_Parse(args, &name)) {
- Menu_FadeItemByName(item->parent, name, qtrue);
- }
-void Script_Open(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *name;
- if (String_Parse(args, &name)) {
- Menus_OpenByName(name);
- }
-void Script_ConditionalOpen(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *cvar;
- const char *name1;
- const char *name2;
- float val;
- if ( String_Parse(args, &cvar) && String_Parse(args, &name1) && String_Parse(args, &name2) ) {
- val = DC->getCVarValue( cvar );
- if ( val == 0.f ) {
- Menus_OpenByName(name2);
- } else {
- Menus_OpenByName(name1);
- }
- }
-void Script_Close(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *name;
- if (String_Parse(args, &name)) {
- Menus_CloseByName(name);
- }
-void Menu_TransitionItemByName(menuDef_t *menu, const char *p, rectDef_t rectFrom, rectDef_t rectTo, int time, float amt) {
- itemDef_t *item;
- int i;
- int count = Menu_ItemsMatchingGroup(menu, p);
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- item = Menu_GetMatchingItemByNumber(menu, i, p);
- if (item != NULL) {
- item->window.flags |= (WINDOW_INTRANSITION | WINDOW_VISIBLE);
- item->window.offsetTime = time;
- memcpy(&item->window.rectClient, &rectFrom, sizeof(rectDef_t));
- memcpy(&item->window.rectEffects, &rectTo, sizeof(rectDef_t));
- item->window.rectEffects2.x = abs(rectTo.x - rectFrom.x) / amt;
- item->window.rectEffects2.y = abs(rectTo.y - rectFrom.y) / amt;
- item->window.rectEffects2.w = abs(rectTo.w - rectFrom.w) / amt;
- item->window.rectEffects2.h = abs(rectTo.h - rectFrom.h) / amt;
- Item_UpdatePosition(item);
- }
- }
-void Script_Transition(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *name;
- rectDef_t rectFrom, rectTo;
- int time;
- float amt;
- if (String_Parse(args, &name)) {
- if ( Rect_Parse(args, &rectFrom) && Rect_Parse(args, &rectTo) && Int_Parse(args, &time) && Float_Parse(args, &amt)) {
- Menu_TransitionItemByName(item->parent, name, rectFrom, rectTo, time, amt);
- }
- }
-void Menu_OrbitItemByName(menuDef_t *menu, const char *p, float x, float y, float cx, float cy, int time) {
- itemDef_t *item;
- int i;
- int count = Menu_ItemsMatchingGroup(menu, p);
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- item = Menu_GetMatchingItemByNumber(menu, i, p);
- if (item != NULL) {
- item->window.flags |= (WINDOW_ORBITING | WINDOW_VISIBLE);
- item->window.offsetTime = time;
- item->window.rectEffects.x = cx;
- item->window.rectEffects.y = cy;
- item->window.rectClient.x = x;
- item->window.rectClient.y = y;
- Item_UpdatePosition(item);
- }
- }
-void Script_Orbit(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *name;
- float cx, cy, x, y;
- int time;
- if (String_Parse(args, &name)) {
- if ( Float_Parse(args, &x) && Float_Parse(args, &y) && Float_Parse(args, &cx) && Float_Parse(args, &cy) && Int_Parse(args, &time) ) {
- Menu_OrbitItemByName(item->parent, name, x, y, cx, cy, time);
- }
- }
-void Script_SetFocus(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *name;
- itemDef_t *focusItem;
- if (String_Parse(args, &name)) {
- focusItem = Menu_FindItemByName(item->parent, name);
- if (focusItem && !(focusItem->window.flags & WINDOW_DECORATION) && !(focusItem->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS)) {
- Menu_ClearFocus(item->parent);
- focusItem->window.flags |= WINDOW_HASFOCUS;
- if (focusItem->onFocus) {
- Item_RunScript(focusItem, focusItem->onFocus);
- }
- if (DC->Assets.itemFocusSound) {
- DC->startLocalSound( DC->Assets.itemFocusSound, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND );
- }
- }
- }
-void Script_SetPlayerModel(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *name;
- if (String_Parse(args, &name)) {
- DC->setCVar("team_model", name);
- }
-void Script_SetPlayerHead(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *name;
- if (String_Parse(args, &name)) {
- DC->setCVar("team_headmodel", name);
- }
-void Script_SetCvar(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *cvar, *val;
- if (String_Parse(args, &cvar) && String_Parse(args, &val)) {
- DC->setCVar(cvar, val);
- }
-void Script_Exec(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *val;
- if (String_Parse(args, &val)) {
- DC->executeText(EXEC_APPEND, va("%s ; ", val));
- }
-void Script_Play(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *val;
- if (String_Parse(args, &val)) {
- DC->startLocalSound(DC->registerSound(val, qfalse), CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND);
- }
-void Script_playLooped(itemDef_t *item, char **args) {
- const char *val;
- if (String_Parse(args, &val)) {
- DC->stopBackgroundTrack();
- DC->startBackgroundTrack(val, val);
- }
-commandDef_t commandList[] =
- {"fadein", &Script_FadeIn}, // group/name
- {"fadeout", &Script_FadeOut}, // group/name
- {"show", &Script_Show}, // group/name
- {"hide", &Script_Hide}, // group/name
- {"setcolor", &Script_SetColor}, // works on this
- {"open", &Script_Open}, // menu
- {"conditionalopen", &Script_ConditionalOpen}, // menu
- {"close", &Script_Close}, // menu
- {"setasset", &Script_SetAsset}, // works on this
- {"setbackground", &Script_SetBackground}, // works on this
- {"setitemcolor", &Script_SetItemColor}, // group/name
- {"setteamcolor", &Script_SetTeamColor}, // sets this background color to team color
- {"setfocus", &Script_SetFocus}, // sets this background color to team color
- {"setplayermodel", &Script_SetPlayerModel}, // sets this background color to team color
- {"setplayerhead", &Script_SetPlayerHead}, // sets this background color to team color
- {"transition", &Script_Transition}, // group/name
- {"setcvar", &Script_SetCvar}, // group/name
- {"exec", &Script_Exec}, // group/name
- {"play", &Script_Play}, // group/name
- {"playlooped", &Script_playLooped}, // group/name
- {"orbit", &Script_Orbit} // group/name
-int scriptCommandCount = sizeof(commandList) / sizeof(commandDef_t);
-void Item_RunScript(itemDef_t *item, const char *s) {
- char script[1024], *p;
- int i;
- qboolean bRan;
- memset(script, 0, sizeof(script));
- if (item && s && s[0]) {
- Q_strcat(script, 1024, s);
- p = script;
- while (1) {
- const char *command;
- // expect command then arguments, ; ends command, NULL ends script
- if (!String_Parse(&p, &command)) {
- return;
- }
- if (command[0] == ';' && command[1] == '\0') {
- continue;
- }
- bRan = qfalse;
- for (i = 0; i < scriptCommandCount; i++) {
- if (Q_stricmp(command, commandList[i].name) == 0) {
- (commandList[i].handler(item, &p));
- bRan = qtrue;
- break;
- }
- }
- // not in our auto list, pass to handler
- if (!bRan) {
- DC->runScript(&p);
- }
- }
- }
-qboolean Item_EnableShowViaCvar(itemDef_t *item, int flag) {
- char script[1024], *p;
- memset(script, 0, sizeof(script));
- if (item && item->enableCvar && *item->enableCvar && item->cvarTest && *item->cvarTest) {
- char buff[1024];
- DC->getCVarString(item->cvarTest, buff, sizeof(buff));
- Q_strcat(script, 1024, item->enableCvar);
- p = script;
- while (1) {
- const char *val;
- // expect value then ; or NULL, NULL ends list
- if (!String_Parse(&p, &val)) {
- return (item->cvarFlags & flag) ? qfalse : qtrue;
- }
- if (val[0] == ';' && val[1] == '\0') {
- continue;
- }
- // enable it if any of the values are true
- if (item->cvarFlags & flag) {
- if (Q_stricmp(buff, val) == 0) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- } else {
- // disable it if any of the values are true
- if (Q_stricmp(buff, val) == 0) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- }
- }
- return (item->cvarFlags & flag) ? qfalse : qtrue;
- }
- return qtrue;
-// will optionaly set focus to this item
-qboolean Item_SetFocus(itemDef_t *item, float x, float y) {
- int i;
- itemDef_t *oldFocus;
- sfxHandle_t *sfx = &DC->Assets.itemFocusSound;
- qboolean playSound = qfalse;
- menuDef_t *parent; // bk001206: = (menuDef_t*)item->parent;
- // sanity check, non-null, not a decoration and does not already have the focus
- if (item == NULL || item->window.flags & WINDOW_DECORATION || item->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS || !(item->window.flags & WINDOW_VISIBLE)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- // bk001206 - this can be NULL.
- parent = (menuDef_t*)item->parent;
- // items can be enabled and disabled based on cvars
- if (item->cvarFlags & (CVAR_ENABLE | CVAR_DISABLE) && !Item_EnableShowViaCvar(item, CVAR_ENABLE)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- if (item->cvarFlags & (CVAR_SHOW | CVAR_HIDE) && !Item_EnableShowViaCvar(item, CVAR_SHOW)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- oldFocus = Menu_ClearFocus(item->parent);
- if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_TEXT) {
- rectDef_t r;
- r = item->textRect;
- r.y -= r.h;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&r, x, y)) {
- item->window.flags |= WINDOW_HASFOCUS;
- if (item->focusSound) {
- sfx = &item->focusSound;
- }
- playSound = qtrue;
- } else {
- if (oldFocus) {
- oldFocus->window.flags |= WINDOW_HASFOCUS;
- if (oldFocus->onFocus) {
- Item_RunScript(oldFocus, oldFocus->onFocus);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- item->window.flags |= WINDOW_HASFOCUS;
- if (item->onFocus) {
- Item_RunScript(item, item->onFocus);
- }
- if (item->focusSound) {
- sfx = &item->focusSound;
- }
- playSound = qtrue;
- }
- if (playSound && sfx) {
- DC->startLocalSound( *sfx, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND );
- }
- for (i = 0; i < parent->itemCount; i++) {
- if (parent->items[i] == item) {
- parent->cursorItem = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- return qtrue;
-int Item_ListBox_MaxScroll(itemDef_t *item) {
- listBoxDef_t *listPtr = (listBoxDef_t*)item->typeData;
- int count = DC->feederCount(item->special);
- int max;
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_HORIZONTAL) {
- max = count - (item->window.rect.w / listPtr->elementWidth) + 1;
- }
- else {
- max = count - (item->window.rect.h / listPtr->elementHeight) + 1;
- }
- if (max < 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- return max;
-int Item_ListBox_ThumbPosition(itemDef_t *item) {
- float max, pos, size;
- listBoxDef_t *listPtr = (listBoxDef_t*)item->typeData;
- max = Item_ListBox_MaxScroll(item);
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_HORIZONTAL) {
- size = item->window.rect.w - (SCROLLBAR_SIZE * 2) - 2;
- if (max > 0) {
- pos = (size-SCROLLBAR_SIZE) / (float) max;
- } else {
- pos = 0;
- }
- pos *= listPtr->startPos;
- return item->window.rect.x + 1 + SCROLLBAR_SIZE + pos;
- }
- else {
- size = item->window.rect.h - (SCROLLBAR_SIZE * 2) - 2;
- if (max > 0) {
- pos = (size-SCROLLBAR_SIZE) / (float) max;
- } else {
- pos = 0;
- }
- pos *= listPtr->startPos;
- return item->window.rect.y + 1 + SCROLLBAR_SIZE + pos;
- }
-int Item_ListBox_ThumbDrawPosition(itemDef_t *item) {
- int min, max;
- if (itemCapture == item) {
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_HORIZONTAL) {
- min = item->window.rect.x + SCROLLBAR_SIZE + 1;
- max = item->window.rect.x + item->window.rect.w - 2*SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 1;
- if (DC->cursorx >= min + SCROLLBAR_SIZE/2 && DC->cursorx <= max + SCROLLBAR_SIZE/2) {
- return DC->cursorx - SCROLLBAR_SIZE/2;
- }
- else {
- return Item_ListBox_ThumbPosition(item);
- }
- }
- else {
- min = item->window.rect.y + SCROLLBAR_SIZE + 1;
- max = item->window.rect.y + item->window.rect.h - 2*SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 1;
- if (DC->cursory >= min + SCROLLBAR_SIZE/2 && DC->cursory <= max + SCROLLBAR_SIZE/2) {
- return DC->cursory - SCROLLBAR_SIZE/2;
- }
- else {
- return Item_ListBox_ThumbPosition(item);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- return Item_ListBox_ThumbPosition(item);
- }
-float Item_Slider_ThumbPosition(itemDef_t *item) {
- float value, range, x;
- editFieldDef_t *editDef = item->typeData;
- if (item->text) {
- x = item->textRect.x + item->textRect.w + 8;
- } else {
- x = item->window.rect.x;
- }
- if (editDef == NULL && item->cvar) {
- return x;
- }
- value = DC->getCVarValue(item->cvar);
- if (value < editDef->minVal) {
- value = editDef->minVal;
- } else if (value > editDef->maxVal) {
- value = editDef->maxVal;
- }
- range = editDef->maxVal - editDef->minVal;
- value -= editDef->minVal;
- value /= range;
- //value /= (editDef->maxVal - editDef->minVal);
- value *= SLIDER_WIDTH;
- x += value;
- // vm fuckage
- //x = x + (((float)value / editDef->maxVal) * SLIDER_WIDTH);
- return x;
-int Item_Slider_OverSlider(itemDef_t *item, float x, float y) {
- rectDef_t r;
- r.x = Item_Slider_ThumbPosition(item) - (SLIDER_THUMB_WIDTH / 2);
- r.y = item->window.rect.y - 2;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&r, x, y)) {
- }
- return 0;
-int Item_ListBox_OverLB(itemDef_t *item, float x, float y) {
- rectDef_t r;
- listBoxDef_t *listPtr;
- int thumbstart;
- int count;
- count = DC->feederCount(item->special);
- listPtr = (listBoxDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_HORIZONTAL) {
- // check if on left arrow
- r.x = item->window.rect.x;
- r.y = item->window.rect.y + item->window.rect.h - SCROLLBAR_SIZE;
- r.h = r.w = SCROLLBAR_SIZE;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&r, x, y)) {
- }
- // check if on right arrow
- r.x = item->window.rect.x + item->window.rect.w - SCROLLBAR_SIZE;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&r, x, y)) {
- }
- // check if on thumb
- thumbstart = Item_ListBox_ThumbPosition(item);
- r.x = thumbstart;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&r, x, y)) {
- }
- r.x = item->window.rect.x + SCROLLBAR_SIZE;
- r.w = thumbstart - r.x;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&r, x, y)) {
- return WINDOW_LB_PGUP;
- }
- r.x = thumbstart + SCROLLBAR_SIZE;
- r.w = item->window.rect.x + item->window.rect.w - SCROLLBAR_SIZE;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&r, x, y)) {
- return WINDOW_LB_PGDN;
- }
- } else {
- r.x = item->window.rect.x + item->window.rect.w - SCROLLBAR_SIZE;
- r.y = item->window.rect.y;
- r.h = r.w = SCROLLBAR_SIZE;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&r, x, y)) {
- }
- r.y = item->window.rect.y + item->window.rect.h - SCROLLBAR_SIZE;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&r, x, y)) {
- }
- thumbstart = Item_ListBox_ThumbPosition(item);
- r.y = thumbstart;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&r, x, y)) {
- }
- r.y = item->window.rect.y + SCROLLBAR_SIZE;
- r.h = thumbstart - r.y;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&r, x, y)) {
- return WINDOW_LB_PGUP;
- }
- r.y = thumbstart + SCROLLBAR_SIZE;
- r.h = item->window.rect.y + item->window.rect.h - SCROLLBAR_SIZE;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&r, x, y)) {
- return WINDOW_LB_PGDN;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-void Item_ListBox_MouseEnter(itemDef_t *item, float x, float y)
- rectDef_t r;
- listBoxDef_t *listPtr = (listBoxDef_t*)item->typeData;
- item->window.flags |= Item_ListBox_OverLB(item, x, y);
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_HORIZONTAL) {
- // check for selection hit as we have exausted buttons and thumb
- if (listPtr->elementStyle == LISTBOX_IMAGE) {
- r.x = item->window.rect.x;
- r.y = item->window.rect.y;
- r.h = item->window.rect.h - SCROLLBAR_SIZE;
- r.w = item->window.rect.w - listPtr->drawPadding;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&r, x, y)) {
- listPtr->cursorPos = (int)((x - r.x) / listPtr->elementWidth) + listPtr->startPos;
- if (listPtr->cursorPos >= listPtr->endPos) {
- listPtr->cursorPos = listPtr->endPos;
- }
- }
- } else {
- // text hit..
- }
- }
- r.x = item->window.rect.x;
- r.y = item->window.rect.y;
- r.w = item->window.rect.w - SCROLLBAR_SIZE;
- r.h = item->window.rect.h - listPtr->drawPadding;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&r, x, y)) {
- listPtr->cursorPos = (int)((y - 2 - r.y) / listPtr->elementHeight) + listPtr->startPos;
- if (listPtr->cursorPos > listPtr->endPos) {
- listPtr->cursorPos = listPtr->endPos;
- }
- }
- }
-void Item_MouseEnter(itemDef_t *item, float x, float y) {
- rectDef_t r;
- if (item) {
- r = item->textRect;
- r.y -= r.h;
- // in the text rect?
- // items can be enabled and disabled based on cvars
- if (item->cvarFlags & (CVAR_ENABLE | CVAR_DISABLE) && !Item_EnableShowViaCvar(item, CVAR_ENABLE)) {
- return;
- }
- if (item->cvarFlags & (CVAR_SHOW | CVAR_HIDE) && !Item_EnableShowViaCvar(item, CVAR_SHOW)) {
- return;
- }
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&r, x, y)) {
- if (!(item->window.flags & WINDOW_MOUSEOVERTEXT)) {
- Item_RunScript(item, item->mouseEnterText);
- item->window.flags |= WINDOW_MOUSEOVERTEXT;
- }
- if (!(item->window.flags & WINDOW_MOUSEOVER)) {
- Item_RunScript(item, item->mouseEnter);
- item->window.flags |= WINDOW_MOUSEOVER;
- }
- } else {
- // not in the text rect
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_MOUSEOVERTEXT) {
- // if we were
- Item_RunScript(item, item->mouseExitText);
- item->window.flags &= ~WINDOW_MOUSEOVERTEXT;
- }
- if (!(item->window.flags & WINDOW_MOUSEOVER)) {
- Item_RunScript(item, item->mouseEnter);
- item->window.flags |= WINDOW_MOUSEOVER;
- }
- if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX) {
- Item_ListBox_MouseEnter(item, x, y);
- }
- }
- }
-void Item_MouseLeave(itemDef_t *item) {
- if (item) {
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_MOUSEOVERTEXT) {
- Item_RunScript(item, item->mouseExitText);
- item->window.flags &= ~WINDOW_MOUSEOVERTEXT;
- }
- Item_RunScript(item, item->mouseExit);
- item->window.flags &= ~(WINDOW_LB_RIGHTARROW | WINDOW_LB_LEFTARROW);
- }
-itemDef_t *Menu_HitTest(menuDef_t *menu, float x, float y) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < menu->itemCount; i++) {
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&menu->items[i]->window.rect, x, y)) {
- return menu->items[i];
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-void Item_SetMouseOver(itemDef_t *item, qboolean focus) {
- if (item) {
- if (focus) {
- item->window.flags |= WINDOW_MOUSEOVER;
- } else {
- item->window.flags &= ~WINDOW_MOUSEOVER;
- }
- }
-qboolean Item_OwnerDraw_HandleKey(itemDef_t *item, int key) {
- if (item && DC->ownerDrawHandleKey) {
- return DC->ownerDrawHandleKey(item->window.ownerDraw, item->window.ownerDrawFlags, &item->special, key);
- }
- return qfalse;
-qboolean Item_ListBox_HandleKey(itemDef_t *item, int key, qboolean down, qboolean force) {
- listBoxDef_t *listPtr = (listBoxDef_t*)item->typeData;
- int count = DC->feederCount(item->special);
- int max, viewmax;
- if (force || (Rect_ContainsPoint(&item->window.rect, DC->cursorx, DC->cursory) && item->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS)) {
- max = Item_ListBox_MaxScroll(item);
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_HORIZONTAL) {
- viewmax = (item->window.rect.w / listPtr->elementWidth);
- if ( key == K_LEFTARROW || key == K_KP_LEFTARROW )
- {
- if (!listPtr->notselectable) {
- listPtr->cursorPos--;
- if (listPtr->cursorPos < 0) {
- listPtr->cursorPos = 0;
- }
- if (listPtr->cursorPos < listPtr->startPos) {
- listPtr->startPos = listPtr->cursorPos;
- }
- if (listPtr->cursorPos >= listPtr->startPos + viewmax) {
- listPtr->startPos = listPtr->cursorPos - viewmax + 1;
- }
- item->cursorPos = listPtr->cursorPos;
- DC->feederSelection(item->special, item->cursorPos);
- }
- else {
- listPtr->startPos--;
- if (listPtr->startPos < 0)
- listPtr->startPos = 0;
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- if ( key == K_RIGHTARROW || key == K_KP_RIGHTARROW )
- {
- if (!listPtr->notselectable) {
- listPtr->cursorPos++;
- if (listPtr->cursorPos < listPtr->startPos) {
- listPtr->startPos = listPtr->cursorPos;
- }
- if (listPtr->cursorPos >= count) {
- listPtr->cursorPos = count-1;
- }
- if (listPtr->cursorPos >= listPtr->startPos + viewmax) {
- listPtr->startPos = listPtr->cursorPos - viewmax + 1;
- }
- item->cursorPos = listPtr->cursorPos;
- DC->feederSelection(item->special, item->cursorPos);
- }
- else {
- listPtr->startPos++;
- if (listPtr->startPos >= count)
- listPtr->startPos = count-1;
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- else {
- viewmax = (item->window.rect.h / listPtr->elementHeight);
- if ( key == K_UPARROW || key == K_KP_UPARROW )
- {
- if (!listPtr->notselectable) {
- listPtr->cursorPos--;
- if (listPtr->cursorPos < 0) {
- listPtr->cursorPos = 0;
- }
- if (listPtr->cursorPos < listPtr->startPos) {
- listPtr->startPos = listPtr->cursorPos;
- }
- if (listPtr->cursorPos >= listPtr->startPos + viewmax) {
- listPtr->startPos = listPtr->cursorPos - viewmax + 1;
- }
- item->cursorPos = listPtr->cursorPos;
- DC->feederSelection(item->special, item->cursorPos);
- }
- else {
- listPtr->startPos--;
- if (listPtr->startPos < 0)
- listPtr->startPos = 0;
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- if ( key == K_DOWNARROW || key == K_KP_DOWNARROW )
- {
- if (!listPtr->notselectable) {
- listPtr->cursorPos++;
- if (listPtr->cursorPos < listPtr->startPos) {
- listPtr->startPos = listPtr->cursorPos;
- }
- if (listPtr->cursorPos >= count) {
- listPtr->cursorPos = count-1;
- }
- if (listPtr->cursorPos >= listPtr->startPos + viewmax) {
- listPtr->startPos = listPtr->cursorPos - viewmax + 1;
- }
- item->cursorPos = listPtr->cursorPos;
- DC->feederSelection(item->special, item->cursorPos);
- }
- else {
- listPtr->startPos++;
- if (listPtr->startPos > max)
- listPtr->startPos = max;
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- // mouse hit
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2) {
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_LB_LEFTARROW) {
- listPtr->startPos--;
- if (listPtr->startPos < 0) {
- listPtr->startPos = 0;
- }
- } else if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_LB_RIGHTARROW) {
- // one down
- listPtr->startPos++;
- if (listPtr->startPos > max) {
- listPtr->startPos = max;
- }
- } else if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_LB_PGUP) {
- // page up
- listPtr->startPos -= viewmax;
- if (listPtr->startPos < 0) {
- listPtr->startPos = 0;
- }
- } else if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_LB_PGDN) {
- // page down
- listPtr->startPos += viewmax;
- if (listPtr->startPos > max) {
- listPtr->startPos = max;
- }
- } else if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_LB_THUMB) {
- // Display_SetCaptureItem(item);
- } else {
- // select an item
- if (DC->realTime < lastListBoxClickTime && listPtr->doubleClick) {
- Item_RunScript(item, listPtr->doubleClick);
- }
- lastListBoxClickTime = DC->realTime + DOUBLE_CLICK_DELAY;
- if (item->cursorPos != listPtr->cursorPos) {
- item->cursorPos = listPtr->cursorPos;
- DC->feederSelection(item->special, item->cursorPos);
- }
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- //TA: invoke the doubleClick handler when enter is pressed
- if( key == K_ENTER )
- {
- if( listPtr->doubleClick )
- Item_RunScript( item, listPtr->doubleClick );
- return qtrue;
- }
- if ( key == K_HOME || key == K_KP_HOME) {
- // home
- listPtr->startPos = 0;
- return qtrue;
- }
- if ( key == K_END || key == K_KP_END) {
- // end
- listPtr->startPos = max;
- return qtrue;
- }
- if (key == K_PGUP || key == K_KP_PGUP ) {
- // page up
- if (!listPtr->notselectable) {
- listPtr->cursorPos -= viewmax;
- if (listPtr->cursorPos < 0) {
- listPtr->cursorPos = 0;
- }
- if (listPtr->cursorPos < listPtr->startPos) {
- listPtr->startPos = listPtr->cursorPos;
- }
- if (listPtr->cursorPos >= listPtr->startPos + viewmax) {
- listPtr->startPos = listPtr->cursorPos - viewmax + 1;
- }
- item->cursorPos = listPtr->cursorPos;
- DC->feederSelection(item->special, item->cursorPos);
- }
- else {
- listPtr->startPos -= viewmax;
- if (listPtr->startPos < 0) {
- listPtr->startPos = 0;
- }
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- if ( key == K_PGDN || key == K_KP_PGDN ) {
- // page down
- if (!listPtr->notselectable) {
- listPtr->cursorPos += viewmax;
- if (listPtr->cursorPos < listPtr->startPos) {
- listPtr->startPos = listPtr->cursorPos;
- }
- if (listPtr->cursorPos >= count) {
- listPtr->cursorPos = count-1;
- }
- if (listPtr->cursorPos >= listPtr->startPos + viewmax) {
- listPtr->startPos = listPtr->cursorPos - viewmax + 1;
- }
- item->cursorPos = listPtr->cursorPos;
- DC->feederSelection(item->special, item->cursorPos);
- }
- else {
- listPtr->startPos += viewmax;
- if (listPtr->startPos > max) {
- listPtr->startPos = max;
- }
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- return qfalse;
-qboolean Item_YesNo_HandleKey(itemDef_t *item, int key) {
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&item->window.rect, DC->cursorx, DC->cursory) && item->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS && item->cvar) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_MOUSE3) {
- DC->setCVar(item->cvar, va("%i", !DC->getCVarValue(item->cvar)));
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- return qfalse;
-int Item_Multi_CountSettings(itemDef_t *item) {
- multiDef_t *multiPtr = (multiDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (multiPtr == NULL) {
- return 0;
- }
- return multiPtr->count;
-int Item_Multi_FindCvarByValue(itemDef_t *item) {
- char buff[1024];
- float value = 0;
- int i;
- multiDef_t *multiPtr = (multiDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (multiPtr) {
- if (multiPtr->strDef) {
- DC->getCVarString(item->cvar, buff, sizeof(buff));
- } else {
- value = DC->getCVarValue(item->cvar);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < multiPtr->count; i++) {
- if (multiPtr->strDef) {
- if (Q_stricmp(buff, multiPtr->cvarStr[i]) == 0) {
- return i;
- }
- } else {
- if (multiPtr->cvarValue[i] == value) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
-const char *Item_Multi_Setting(itemDef_t *item) {
- char buff[1024];
- float value = 0;
- int i;
- multiDef_t *multiPtr = (multiDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (multiPtr) {
- if (multiPtr->strDef) {
- DC->getCVarString(item->cvar, buff, sizeof(buff));
- } else {
- value = DC->getCVarValue(item->cvar);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < multiPtr->count; i++) {
- if (multiPtr->strDef) {
- if (Q_stricmp(buff, multiPtr->cvarStr[i]) == 0) {
- return multiPtr->cvarList[i];
- }
- } else {
- if (multiPtr->cvarValue[i] == value) {
- return multiPtr->cvarList[i];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return "";
-qboolean Item_Multi_HandleKey(itemDef_t *item, int key) {
- multiDef_t *multiPtr = (multiDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (multiPtr) {
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&item->window.rect, DC->cursorx, DC->cursory) && item->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS && item->cvar) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_MOUSE3) {
- int current = Item_Multi_FindCvarByValue(item) + 1;
- int max = Item_Multi_CountSettings(item);
- if ( current < 0 || current >= max ) {
- current = 0;
- }
- if (multiPtr->strDef) {
- DC->setCVar(item->cvar, multiPtr->cvarStr[current]);
- } else {
- float value = multiPtr->cvarValue[current];
- if (((float)((int) value)) == value) {
- DC->setCVar(item->cvar, va("%i", (int) value ));
- }
- else {
- DC->setCVar(item->cvar, va("%f", value ));
- }
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- }
- return qfalse;
-qboolean Item_TextField_HandleKey(itemDef_t *item, int key) {
- char buff[1024];
- int len;
- itemDef_t *newItem = NULL;
- editFieldDef_t *editPtr = (editFieldDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (item->cvar) {
- memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff));
- DC->getCVarString(item->cvar, buff, sizeof(buff));
- len = strlen(buff);
- if (editPtr->maxChars && len > editPtr->maxChars) {
- len = editPtr->maxChars;
- }
- if ( key & K_CHAR_FLAG ) {
- key &= ~K_CHAR_FLAG;
- if (key == 'h' - 'a' + 1 ) { // ctrl-h is backspace
- if ( item->cursorPos > 0 ) {
- memmove( &buff[item->cursorPos - 1], &buff[item->cursorPos], len + 1 - item->cursorPos);
- item->cursorPos--;
- if (item->cursorPos < editPtr->paintOffset) {
- editPtr->paintOffset--;
- }
- }
- DC->setCVar(item->cvar, buff);
- return qtrue;
- }
- //
- // ignore any non printable chars
- //
- if ( key < 32 || !item->cvar) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD) {
- if (key < '0' || key > '9') {
- return qfalse;
- }
- }
- if (!DC->getOverstrikeMode()) {
- if (( len == MAX_EDITFIELD - 1 ) || (editPtr->maxChars && len >= editPtr->maxChars)) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- memmove( &buff[item->cursorPos + 1], &buff[item->cursorPos], len + 1 - item->cursorPos );
- } else {
- if (editPtr->maxChars && item->cursorPos >= editPtr->maxChars) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- buff[item->cursorPos] = key;
- DC->setCVar(item->cvar, buff);
- if (item->cursorPos < len + 1) {
- item->cursorPos++;
- if (editPtr->maxPaintChars && item->cursorPos > editPtr->maxPaintChars) {
- editPtr->paintOffset++;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if ( key == K_DEL || key == K_KP_DEL ) {
- if ( item->cursorPos < len ) {
- memmove( buff + item->cursorPos, buff + item->cursorPos + 1, len - item->cursorPos);
- DC->setCVar(item->cvar, buff);
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- if ( key == K_RIGHTARROW || key == K_KP_RIGHTARROW )
- {
- if (editPtr->maxPaintChars && item->cursorPos >= editPtr->maxPaintChars && item->cursorPos < len) {
- item->cursorPos++;
- editPtr->paintOffset++;
- return qtrue;
- }
- if (item->cursorPos < len) {
- item->cursorPos++;
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- if ( key == K_LEFTARROW || key == K_KP_LEFTARROW )
- {
- if ( item->cursorPos > 0 ) {
- item->cursorPos--;
- }
- if (item->cursorPos < editPtr->paintOffset) {
- editPtr->paintOffset--;
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- if ( key == K_HOME || key == K_KP_HOME) {// || ( tolower(key) == 'a' && trap_Key_IsDown( K_CTRL ) ) ) {
- item->cursorPos = 0;
- editPtr->paintOffset = 0;
- return qtrue;
- }
- if ( key == K_END || key == K_KP_END) {// ( tolower(key) == 'e' && trap_Key_IsDown( K_CTRL ) ) ) {
- item->cursorPos = len;
- if(item->cursorPos > editPtr->maxPaintChars) {
- editPtr->paintOffset = len - editPtr->maxPaintChars;
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- if ( key == K_INS || key == K_KP_INS ) {
- DC->setOverstrikeMode(!DC->getOverstrikeMode());
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- if (key == K_TAB || key == K_DOWNARROW || key == K_KP_DOWNARROW) {
- newItem = Menu_SetNextCursorItem(item->parent);
- if (newItem && (newItem->type == ITEM_TYPE_EDITFIELD || newItem->type == ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD)) {
- g_editItem = newItem;
- }
- }
- if (key == K_UPARROW || key == K_KP_UPARROW) {
- newItem = Menu_SetPrevCursorItem(item->parent);
- if (newItem && (newItem->type == ITEM_TYPE_EDITFIELD || newItem->type == ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD)) {
- g_editItem = newItem;
- }
- }
- if ( key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER || key == K_ESCAPE) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-static void Scroll_ListBox_AutoFunc(void *p) {
- scrollInfo_t *si = (scrollInfo_t*)p;
- if (DC->realTime > si->nextScrollTime) {
- // need to scroll which is done by simulating a click to the item
- // this is done a bit sideways as the autoscroll "knows" that the item is a listbox
- // so it calls it directly
- Item_ListBox_HandleKey(si->item, si->scrollKey, qtrue, qfalse);
- si->nextScrollTime = DC->realTime + si->adjustValue;
- }
- if (DC->realTime > si->nextAdjustTime) {
- si->nextAdjustTime = DC->realTime + SCROLL_TIME_ADJUST;
- if (si->adjustValue > SCROLL_TIME_FLOOR) {
- si->adjustValue -= SCROLL_TIME_ADJUSTOFFSET;
- }
- }
-static void Scroll_ListBox_ThumbFunc(void *p) {
- scrollInfo_t *si = (scrollInfo_t*)p;
- rectDef_t r;
- int pos, max;
- listBoxDef_t *listPtr = (listBoxDef_t*)si->item->typeData;
- if (si->item->window.flags & WINDOW_HORIZONTAL) {
- if (DC->cursorx == si->xStart) {
- return;
- }
- r.x = si->item->window.rect.x + SCROLLBAR_SIZE + 1;
- r.y = si->item->window.rect.y + si->item->window.rect.h - SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 1;
- r.w = si->item->window.rect.w - (SCROLLBAR_SIZE*2) - 2;
- max = Item_ListBox_MaxScroll(si->item);
- //
- pos = (DC->cursorx - r.x - SCROLLBAR_SIZE/2) * max / (r.w - SCROLLBAR_SIZE);
- if (pos < 0) {
- pos = 0;
- }
- else if (pos > max) {
- pos = max;
- }
- listPtr->startPos = pos;
- si->xStart = DC->cursorx;
- }
- else if (DC->cursory != si->yStart) {
- r.x = si->item->window.rect.x + si->item->window.rect.w - SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 1;
- r.y = si->item->window.rect.y + SCROLLBAR_SIZE + 1;
- r.h = si->item->window.rect.h - (SCROLLBAR_SIZE*2) - 2;
- max = Item_ListBox_MaxScroll(si->item);
- //
- pos = (DC->cursory - r.y - SCROLLBAR_SIZE/2) * max / (r.h - SCROLLBAR_SIZE);
- if (pos < 0) {
- pos = 0;
- }
- else if (pos > max) {
- pos = max;
- }
- listPtr->startPos = pos;
- si->yStart = DC->cursory;
- }
- if (DC->realTime > si->nextScrollTime) {
- // need to scroll which is done by simulating a click to the item
- // this is done a bit sideways as the autoscroll "knows" that the item is a listbox
- // so it calls it directly
- Item_ListBox_HandleKey(si->item, si->scrollKey, qtrue, qfalse);
- si->nextScrollTime = DC->realTime + si->adjustValue;
- }
- if (DC->realTime > si->nextAdjustTime) {
- si->nextAdjustTime = DC->realTime + SCROLL_TIME_ADJUST;
- if (si->adjustValue > SCROLL_TIME_FLOOR) {
- si->adjustValue -= SCROLL_TIME_ADJUSTOFFSET;
- }
- }
-static void Scroll_Slider_ThumbFunc(void *p) {
- float x, value, cursorx;
- scrollInfo_t *si = (scrollInfo_t*)p;
- editFieldDef_t *editDef = si->item->typeData;
- if (si->item->text) {
- x = si->item->textRect.x + si->item->textRect.w + 8;
- } else {
- x = si->item->window.rect.x;
- }
- cursorx = DC->cursorx;
- if (cursorx < x) {
- cursorx = x;
- } else if (cursorx > x + SLIDER_WIDTH) {
- cursorx = x + SLIDER_WIDTH;
- }
- value = cursorx - x;
- value /= SLIDER_WIDTH;
- value *= (editDef->maxVal - editDef->minVal);
- value += editDef->minVal;
- DC->setCVar(si->item->cvar, va("%f", value));
-void Item_StartCapture(itemDef_t *item, int key) {
- int flags;
- switch (item->type) {
- {
- flags = Item_ListBox_OverLB(item, DC->cursorx, DC->cursory);
- scrollInfo.nextScrollTime = DC->realTime + SCROLL_TIME_START;
- scrollInfo.nextAdjustTime = DC->realTime + SCROLL_TIME_ADJUST;
- scrollInfo.adjustValue = SCROLL_TIME_START;
- scrollInfo.scrollKey = key;
- scrollInfo.scrollDir = (flags & WINDOW_LB_LEFTARROW) ? qtrue : qfalse;
- scrollInfo.item = item;
- captureData = &scrollInfo;
- captureFunc = &Scroll_ListBox_AutoFunc;
- itemCapture = item;
- } else if (flags & WINDOW_LB_THUMB) {
- scrollInfo.scrollKey = key;
- scrollInfo.item = item;
- scrollInfo.xStart = DC->cursorx;
- scrollInfo.yStart = DC->cursory;
- captureData = &scrollInfo;
- captureFunc = &Scroll_ListBox_ThumbFunc;
- itemCapture = item;
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- flags = Item_Slider_OverSlider(item, DC->cursorx, DC->cursory);
- if (flags & WINDOW_LB_THUMB) {
- scrollInfo.scrollKey = key;
- scrollInfo.item = item;
- scrollInfo.xStart = DC->cursorx;
- scrollInfo.yStart = DC->cursory;
- captureData = &scrollInfo;
- captureFunc = &Scroll_Slider_ThumbFunc;
- itemCapture = item;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
-void Item_StopCapture(itemDef_t *item) {
-qboolean Item_Slider_HandleKey(itemDef_t *item, int key, qboolean down) {
- float x, value, width, work;
- //DC->Print("slider handle key\n");
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS && item->cvar && Rect_ContainsPoint(&item->window.rect, DC->cursorx, DC->cursory)) {
- if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_ENTER || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_MOUSE3) {
- editFieldDef_t *editDef = item->typeData;
- if (editDef) {
- rectDef_t testRect;
- width = SLIDER_WIDTH;
- if (item->text) {
- x = item->textRect.x + item->textRect.w + 8;
- } else {
- x = item->window.rect.x;
- }
- testRect = item->window.rect;
- testRect.x = x;
- value = (float)SLIDER_THUMB_WIDTH / 2;
- testRect.x -= value;
- //DC->Print("slider x: %f\n", testRect.x);
- testRect.w = (SLIDER_WIDTH + (float)SLIDER_THUMB_WIDTH / 2);
- //DC->Print("slider w: %f\n", testRect.w);
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&testRect, DC->cursorx, DC->cursory)) {
- work = DC->cursorx - x;
- value = work / width;
- value *= (editDef->maxVal - editDef->minVal);
- // vm fuckage
- // value = (((float)(DC->cursorx - x)/ SLIDER_WIDTH) * (editDef->maxVal - editDef->minVal));
- value += editDef->minVal;
- DC->setCVar(item->cvar, va("%f", value));
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- DC->Print("slider handle key exit\n");
- return qfalse;
-qboolean Item_HandleKey(itemDef_t *item, int key, qboolean down) {
- if (itemCapture) {
- Item_StopCapture(itemCapture);
- itemCapture = NULL;
- captureFunc = voidFunction;
- captureData = NULL;
- } else {
- // bk001206 - parentheses
- if ( down && ( key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_MOUSE3 ) ) {
- Item_StartCapture(item, key);
- }
- }
- if (!down) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- switch (item->type) {
- return qfalse;
- break;
- return qfalse;
- break;
- return qfalse;
- break;
- //return Item_TextField_HandleKey(item, key);
- return qfalse;
- break;
- return qfalse;
- break;
- return Item_ListBox_HandleKey(item, key, down, qfalse);
- break;
- return Item_YesNo_HandleKey(item, key);
- break;
- return Item_Multi_HandleKey(item, key);
- break;
- return Item_OwnerDraw_HandleKey(item, key);
- break;
- return Item_Bind_HandleKey(item, key, down);
- break;
- return Item_Slider_HandleKey(item, key, down);
- break;
- // Item_Image_Paint(item);
- // break;
- default:
- return qfalse;
- break;
- }
- //return qfalse;
-void Item_Action(itemDef_t *item) {
- if (item) {
- Item_RunScript(item, item->action);
- }
-itemDef_t *Menu_SetPrevCursorItem(menuDef_t *menu) {
- qboolean wrapped = qfalse;
- int oldCursor = menu->cursorItem;
- if (menu->cursorItem < 0) {
- menu->cursorItem = menu->itemCount-1;
- wrapped = qtrue;
- }
- while (menu->cursorItem > -1) {
- menu->cursorItem--;
- if (menu->cursorItem < 0 && !wrapped) {
- wrapped = qtrue;
- menu->cursorItem = menu->itemCount -1;
- }
- if (Item_SetFocus(menu->items[menu->cursorItem], DC->cursorx, DC->cursory)) {
- Menu_HandleMouseMove(menu, menu->items[menu->cursorItem]->window.rect.x + 1, menu->items[menu->cursorItem]->window.rect.y + 1);
- return menu->items[menu->cursorItem];
- }
- }
- menu->cursorItem = oldCursor;
- return NULL;
-itemDef_t *Menu_SetNextCursorItem(menuDef_t *menu) {
- qboolean wrapped = qfalse;
- int oldCursor = menu->cursorItem;
- if (menu->cursorItem == -1) {
- menu->cursorItem = 0;
- wrapped = qtrue;
- }
- while (menu->cursorItem < menu->itemCount) {
- menu->cursorItem++;
- if (menu->cursorItem >= menu->itemCount && !wrapped) {
- wrapped = qtrue;
- menu->cursorItem = 0;
- }
- if (Item_SetFocus(menu->items[menu->cursorItem], DC->cursorx, DC->cursory)) {
- Menu_HandleMouseMove(menu, menu->items[menu->cursorItem]->window.rect.x + 1, menu->items[menu->cursorItem]->window.rect.y + 1);
- return menu->items[menu->cursorItem];
- }
- }
- menu->cursorItem = oldCursor;
- return NULL;
-static void Window_CloseCinematic(windowDef_t *window) {
- if (window->style == WINDOW_STYLE_CINEMATIC && window->cinematic >= 0) {
- DC->stopCinematic(window->cinematic);
- window->cinematic = -1;
- }
-static void Menu_CloseCinematics(menuDef_t *menu) {
- if (menu) {
- int i;
- Window_CloseCinematic(&menu->window);
- for (i = 0; i < menu->itemCount; i++) {
- Window_CloseCinematic(&menu->items[i]->window);
- if (menu->items[i]->type == ITEM_TYPE_OWNERDRAW) {
- DC->stopCinematic(0-menu->items[i]->window.ownerDraw);
- }
- }
- }
-static void Display_CloseCinematics( void ) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < menuCount; i++) {
- Menu_CloseCinematics(&Menus[i]);
- }
-void Menus_Activate(menuDef_t *menu) {
- menu->window.flags |= (WINDOW_HASFOCUS | WINDOW_VISIBLE);
- if (menu->onOpen) {
- itemDef_t item;
- item.parent = menu;
- Item_RunScript(&item, menu->onOpen);
- }
- if (menu->soundName && *menu->soundName) {
-// DC->stopBackgroundTrack(); // you don't want to do this since it will reset s_rawend
- DC->startBackgroundTrack(menu->soundName, menu->soundName);
- }
- Display_CloseCinematics();
-int Display_VisibleMenuCount( void ) {
- int i, count;
- count = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < menuCount; i++) {
- if (Menus[i].window.flags & (WINDOW_FORCED | WINDOW_VISIBLE)) {
- count++;
- }
- }
- return count;
-void Menus_HandleOOBClick(menuDef_t *menu, int key, qboolean down) {
- if (menu) {
- int i;
- // basically the behaviour we are looking for is if there are windows in the stack.. see if
- // the cursor is within any of them.. if not close them otherwise activate them and pass the
- // key on.. force a mouse move to activate focus and script stuff
- if (down && menu->window.flags & WINDOW_OOB_CLICK) {
- Menu_RunCloseScript(menu);
- menu->window.flags &= ~(WINDOW_HASFOCUS | WINDOW_VISIBLE);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < menuCount; i++) {
- if (Menu_OverActiveItem(&Menus[i], DC->cursorx, DC->cursory)) {
- Menu_RunCloseScript(menu);
- menu->window.flags &= ~(WINDOW_HASFOCUS | WINDOW_VISIBLE);
- Menus_Activate(&Menus[i]);
- Menu_HandleMouseMove(&Menus[i], DC->cursorx, DC->cursory);
- Menu_HandleKey(&Menus[i], key, down);
- }
- }
- if (Display_VisibleMenuCount() == 0) {
- if (DC->Pause) {
- DC->Pause(qfalse);
- }
- }
- Display_CloseCinematics();
- }
-static rectDef_t *Item_CorrectedTextRect(itemDef_t *item) {
- static rectDef_t rect;
- memset(&rect, 0, sizeof(rectDef_t));
- if (item) {
- rect = item->textRect;
- if (rect.w) {
- rect.y -= rect.h;
- }
- }
- return &rect;
-void Menu_HandleKey(menuDef_t *menu, int key, qboolean down) {
- int i;
- itemDef_t *item = NULL;
- qboolean inHandler = qfalse;
- if (inHandler) {
- return;
- }
- inHandler = qtrue;
- if (g_waitingForKey && down) {
- Item_Bind_HandleKey(g_bindItem, key, down);
- inHandler = qfalse;
- return;
- }
- if (g_editingField && down) {
- if (!Item_TextField_HandleKey(g_editItem, key)) {
- g_editingField = qfalse;
- g_editItem = NULL;
- inHandler = qfalse;
- return;
- } else if (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_MOUSE3) {
- g_editingField = qfalse;
- g_editItem = NULL;
- Display_MouseMove(NULL, DC->cursorx, DC->cursory);
- } else if (key == K_TAB || key == K_UPARROW || key == K_DOWNARROW) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (menu == NULL) {
- inHandler = qfalse;
- return;
- }
- // see if the mouse is within the window bounds and if so is this a mouse click
- if (down && !(menu->window.flags & WINDOW_POPUP) && !Rect_ContainsPoint(&menu->window.rect, DC->cursorx, DC->cursory)) {
- static qboolean inHandleKey = qfalse;
- // bk001206 - parentheses
- if (!inHandleKey && ( key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_MOUSE2 || key == K_MOUSE3 ) ) {
- inHandleKey = qtrue;
- Menus_HandleOOBClick(menu, key, down);
- inHandleKey = qfalse;
- inHandler = qfalse;
- return;
- }
- }
- // get the item with focus
- for (i = 0; i < menu->itemCount; i++) {
- if (menu->items[i]->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS) {
- item = menu->items[i];
- }
- }
- if (item != NULL) {
- if (Item_HandleKey(item, key, down)) {
- Item_Action(item);
- inHandler = qfalse;
- return;
- }
- }
- if (!down) {
- inHandler = qfalse;
- return;
- }
- // default handling
- switch ( key ) {
- case K_F11:
- if (DC->getCVarValue("developer")) {
- debugMode ^= 1;
- }
- break;
- case K_F12:
- if (DC->getCVarValue("developer")) {
- DC->executeText(EXEC_APPEND, "screenshot\n");
- }
- break;
- case K_KP_UPARROW:
- case K_UPARROW:
- Menu_SetPrevCursorItem(menu);
- break;
- case K_ESCAPE:
- if (!g_waitingForKey && menu->onESC) {
- itemDef_t it;
- it.parent = menu;
- Item_RunScript(&it, menu->onESC);
- }
- break;
- case K_TAB:
- Menu_SetNextCursorItem(menu);
- break;
- case K_MOUSE1:
- case K_MOUSE2:
- if (item) {
- if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_TEXT) {
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(Item_CorrectedTextRect(item), DC->cursorx, DC->cursory)) {
- Item_Action(item);
- }
- } else if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_EDITFIELD || item->type == ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD) {
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&item->window.rect, DC->cursorx, DC->cursory)) {
- item->cursorPos = 0;
- g_editingField = qtrue;
- g_editItem = item;
- DC->setOverstrikeMode(qtrue);
- }
- } else {
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&item->window.rect, DC->cursorx, DC->cursory)) {
- Item_Action(item);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case K_JOY1:
- case K_JOY2:
- case K_JOY3:
- case K_JOY4:
- case K_AUX1:
- case K_AUX2:
- case K_AUX3:
- case K_AUX4:
- case K_AUX5:
- case K_AUX6:
- case K_AUX7:
- case K_AUX8:
- case K_AUX9:
- case K_AUX10:
- case K_AUX11:
- case K_AUX12:
- case K_AUX13:
- case K_AUX14:
- case K_AUX15:
- case K_AUX16:
- break;
- case K_KP_ENTER:
- case K_ENTER:
- if (item) {
- if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_EDITFIELD || item->type == ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD) {
- item->cursorPos = 0;
- g_editingField = qtrue;
- g_editItem = item;
- DC->setOverstrikeMode(qtrue);
- } else {
- Item_Action(item);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- inHandler = qfalse;
-void ToWindowCoords(float *x, float *y, windowDef_t *window) {
- if (window->border != 0) {
- *x += window->borderSize;
- *y += window->borderSize;
- }
- *x += window->rect.x;
- *y += window->rect.y;
-void Rect_ToWindowCoords(rectDef_t *rect, windowDef_t *window) {
- ToWindowCoords(&rect->x, &rect->y, window);
-void Item_SetTextExtents(itemDef_t *item, int *width, int *height, const char *text) {
- const char *textPtr = (text) ? text : item->text;
- if (textPtr == NULL ) {
- return;
- }
- *width = item->textRect.w;
- *height = item->textRect.h;
- // keeps us from computing the widths and heights more than once
- if (*width == 0 || (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_OWNERDRAW && item->textalignment == ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER)) {
- int originalWidth = DC->textWidth(item->text, item->textscale, 0);
- if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_OWNERDRAW && (item->textalignment == ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER || item->textalignment == ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT)) {
- originalWidth += DC->ownerDrawWidth(item->window.ownerDraw, item->textscale);
- } else if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_EDITFIELD && item->textalignment == ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER && item->cvar) {
- char buff[256];
- DC->getCVarString(item->cvar, buff, 256);
- originalWidth += DC->textWidth(buff, item->textscale, 0);
- }
- *width = DC->textWidth(textPtr, item->textscale, 0);
- *height = DC->textHeight(textPtr, item->textscale, 0);
- item->textRect.w = *width;
- item->textRect.h = *height;
- item->textRect.x = item->textalignx;
- item->textRect.y = item->textaligny;
- if (item->textalignment == ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT) {
- item->textRect.x = item->textalignx - originalWidth;
- } else if (item->textalignment == ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER) {
- item->textRect.x = item->textalignx - originalWidth / 2;
- }
- ToWindowCoords(&item->textRect.x, &item->textRect.y, &item->window);
- }
-void Item_TextColor(itemDef_t *item, vec4_t *newColor) {
- vec4_t lowLight;
- menuDef_t *parent = (menuDef_t*)item->parent;
- Fade(&item->window.flags, &item->window.foreColor[3], parent->fadeClamp, &item->window.nextTime, parent->fadeCycle, qtrue, parent->fadeAmount);
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS) {
-/* lowLight[0] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[0];
- lowLight[1] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[1];
- lowLight[2] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[2];
- lowLight[3] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[3];
- LerpColor(parent->focusColor,lowLight,*newColor,0.5+0.5*sin(DC->realTime / PULSE_DIVISOR));*/
- //TA:
- memcpy(newColor, &parent->focusColor, sizeof(vec4_t));
- } else if (item->textStyle == ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_BLINK && !((DC->realTime/BLINK_DIVISOR) & 1)) {
- lowLight[0] = 0.8 * item->window.foreColor[0];
- lowLight[1] = 0.8 * item->window.foreColor[1];
- lowLight[2] = 0.8 * item->window.foreColor[2];
- lowLight[3] = 0.8 * item->window.foreColor[3];
- LerpColor(item->window.foreColor,lowLight,*newColor,0.5+0.5*sin(DC->realTime / PULSE_DIVISOR));
- } else {
- memcpy(newColor, &item->window.foreColor, sizeof(vec4_t));
- // items can be enabled and disabled based on cvars
- }
- if (item->enableCvar != NULL && *item->enableCvar && item->cvarTest != NULL && *item->cvarTest) {
- if (item->cvarFlags & (CVAR_ENABLE | CVAR_DISABLE) && !Item_EnableShowViaCvar(item, CVAR_ENABLE)) {
- memcpy(newColor, &parent->disableColor, sizeof(vec4_t));
- }
- }
-int Item_Text_AutoWrapped_Lines( itemDef_t *item )
- char text[ 1024 ];
- const char *p, *textPtr, *newLinePtr;
- char buff[ 1024 ];
- int len, textWidth, newLine;
- int lines = 0;
- textWidth = 0;
- newLinePtr = NULL;
- if( item->text == NULL )
- {
- if( item->cvar == NULL )
- return 0;
- else
- {
- DC->getCVarString( item->cvar, text, sizeof( text ) );
- textPtr = text;
- }
- }
- else
- textPtr = item->text;
- if( *textPtr == '\0' )
- return 0;
- len = 0;
- buff[ 0 ] = '\0';
- newLine = 0;
- p = textPtr;
- while( p )
- {
- textWidth = DC->textWidth( buff, item->textscale, 0 );
- if( *p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n' || *p == '\0' )
- {
- newLine = len;
- newLinePtr = p + 1;
- }
- //TA: forceably split lines that are too long (where normal splitage has failed)
- if( textWidth > item->window.rect.w && newLine == 0 && *p != '\n' )
- {
- newLine = len;
- newLinePtr = p;
- }
- if( ( newLine && textWidth > item->window.rect.w ) || *p == '\n' || *p == '\0' )
- {
- if( len )
- buff[ newLine ] = '\0';
- if( !( *p == '\n' && !*( p + 1 ) ) )
- lines++;
- if( *p == '\0' )
- break;
- //
- p = newLinePtr;
- len = 0;
- newLine = 0;
- continue;
- }
- buff[ len++ ] = *p++;
- buff[ len ] = '\0';
- }
- return lines;
-#define MAX_AUTOWRAP_TEXT 512
-typedef struct
- //this is used purely for checking for cache hits
- rectDef_t rect;
- int textWidth, textHeight;
- int lineOffsets[ MAX_AUTOWRAP_LINES ][ 2 ];
- int numLines;
-} autoWrapCache_t;
-static int cacheIndex = 0;
-static autoWrapCache_t awc[ MAX_AUTOWRAP_CACHE ];
-static int checkCache( const char *text, rectDef_t *rect, int width, int height )
- int i;
- for( i = 0; i < MAX_AUTOWRAP_CACHE; i++ )
- {
- if( Q_stricmp( text, awc[ i ].text ) )
- continue;
- if( rect->x != awc[ i ].rect.x ||
- rect->y != awc[ i ].rect.y ||
- rect->w != awc[ i ].rect.w ||
- rect->h != awc[ i ].rect.h )
- continue;
- if( awc[ i ].textWidth != width || awc[ i ].textHeight != height )
- continue;
- //this is a match
- return i;
- }
- //no match - autowrap isn't cached
- return -1;
-void Item_Text_AutoWrapped_Paint( itemDef_t *item )
- char text[ 1024 ];
- const char *p, *textPtr, *newLinePtr;
- char buff[ 1024 ];
- char lastCMod[ 2 ] = { 0, 0 };
- qboolean forwardColor = qfalse;
- int width, height, len, textWidth, newLine, newLineWidth;
- int skipLines, totalLines, lineNum = 0;
- float y, totalY, diffY;
- vec4_t color;
- int cache, i;
- textWidth = 0;
- newLinePtr = NULL;
- if( item->text == NULL )
- {
- if( item->cvar == NULL )
- return;
- else
- {
- DC->getCVarString( item->cvar, text, sizeof( text ) );
- textPtr = text;
- }
- }
- else
- textPtr = item->text;
- if( *textPtr == '\0' )
- return;
- Item_TextColor( item, &color );
- Item_SetTextExtents( item, &width, &height, textPtr );
- //check if this block is cached
- cache = checkCache( textPtr, &item->window.rect, width, height );
- if( cache >= 0 )
- {
- lineNum = awc[ cache ].numLines;
- for( i = 0; i < lineNum; i++ )
- {
- item->textRect.x = awc[ cache ].lineOffsets[ i ][ 0 ];
- item->textRect.y = awc[ cache ].lineOffsets[ i ][ 1 ];
- DC->drawText( item->textRect.x, item->textRect.y, item->textscale, color,
- awc[ cache ].lines[ i ], 0, 0, item->textStyle );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- y = item->textaligny;
- len = 0;
- buff[ 0 ] = '\0';
- newLine = 0;
- newLineWidth = 0;
- p = textPtr;
- totalLines = Item_Text_AutoWrapped_Lines( item );
- totalY = totalLines * ( height + 5 );
- diffY = totalY - item->window.rect.h;
- if( diffY > 0.0f )
- skipLines = (int)( diffY / ( (float)height + 5.0f ) );
- else
- skipLines = 0;
- //set up a cache entry
- strcpy( awc[ cacheIndex ].text, textPtr );
- awc[ cacheIndex ].rect.x = item->window.rect.x;
- awc[ cacheIndex ].rect.y = item->window.rect.y;
- awc[ cacheIndex ].rect.w = item->window.rect.w;
- awc[ cacheIndex ].rect.h = item->window.rect.h;
- awc[ cacheIndex ].textWidth = width;
- awc[ cacheIndex ].textHeight = height;
- while( p )
- {
- textWidth = DC->textWidth( buff, item->textscale, 0 );
- if( *p == '^' )
- {
- lastCMod[ 0 ] = p[ 0 ];
- lastCMod[ 1 ] = p[ 1 ];
- }
- if( *p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n' || *p == '\0' )
- {
- newLine = len;
- newLinePtr = p+1;
- newLineWidth = textWidth;
- if( *p == '\n' ) //don't forward colours past deilberate \n's
- lastCMod[ 0 ] = lastCMod[ 1 ] = 0;
- else
- forwardColor = qtrue;
- }
- //TA: forceably split lines that are too long (where normal splitage has failed)
- if( textWidth > item->window.rect.w && newLine == 0 && *p != '\n' )
- {
- newLine = len;
- newLinePtr = p;
- newLineWidth = textWidth;
- forwardColor = qtrue;
- }
- if( ( newLine && textWidth > item->window.rect.w ) || *p == '\n' || *p == '\0' )
- {
- if( len )
- {
- if( item->textalignment == ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT )
- item->textRect.x = item->textalignx;
- else if( item->textalignment == ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT )
- item->textRect.x = item->textalignx - newLineWidth;
- else if( item->textalignment == ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER )
- item->textRect.x = item->textalignx - newLineWidth / 2;
- item->textRect.y = y;
- ToWindowCoords( &item->textRect.x, &item->textRect.y, &item->window );
- //
- buff[ newLine ] = '\0';
- if( !skipLines )
- {
- DC->drawText( item->textRect.x, item->textRect.y, item->textscale, color, buff, 0, 0, item->textStyle );
- strcpy( awc[ cacheIndex ].lines[ lineNum ], buff );
- awc[ cacheIndex ].lineOffsets[ lineNum ][ 0 ] = item->textRect.x;
- awc[ cacheIndex ].lineOffsets[ lineNum ][ 1 ] = item->textRect.y;
- lineNum++;
- }
- }
- if( *p == '\0' )
- break;
- //
- if( !skipLines )
- y += height + 5;
- if( skipLines )
- skipLines--;
- p = newLinePtr;
- len = 0;
- newLine = 0;
- newLineWidth = 0;
- if( forwardColor && lastCMod[ 0 ] != 0 )
- {
- buff[ len++ ] = lastCMod[ 0 ];
- buff[ len++ ] = lastCMod[ 1 ];
- buff[ len ] = '\0';
- forwardColor = qfalse;
- }
- continue;
- }
- buff[ len++ ] = *p++;
- buff[ len ] = '\0';
- }
- //mark the end of the lines list
- awc[ cacheIndex ].numLines = lineNum;
- //increment cacheIndex
- cacheIndex = ( cacheIndex + 1 ) % MAX_AUTOWRAP_CACHE;
- }
-void Item_Text_Wrapped_Paint(itemDef_t *item) {
- char text[1024];
- const char *p, *start, *textPtr;
- char buff[1024];
- int width, height;
- float x, y;
- vec4_t color;
- // now paint the text and/or any optional images
- // default to left
- if (item->text == NULL) {
- if (item->cvar == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- else {
- DC->getCVarString(item->cvar, text, sizeof(text));
- textPtr = text;
- }
- }
- else {
- textPtr = item->text;
- }
- if (*textPtr == '\0') {
- return;
- }
- Item_TextColor(item, &color);
- Item_SetTextExtents(item, &width, &height, textPtr);
- x = item->textRect.x;
- y = item->textRect.y;
- start = textPtr;
- p = strchr(textPtr, '\r');
- while (p && *p) {
- strncpy(buff, start, p-start+1);
- buff[p-start] = '\0';
- DC->drawText(x, y, item->textscale, color, buff, 0, 0, item->textStyle);
- y += height + 5;
- start += p - start + 1;
- p = strchr(p+1, '\r');
- }
- DC->drawText(x, y, item->textscale, color, start, 0, 0, item->textStyle);
-void Item_Text_Paint(itemDef_t *item) {
- char text[1024];
- const char *textPtr;
- int height, width;
- vec4_t color;
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_WRAPPED) {
- Item_Text_Wrapped_Paint(item);
- return;
- }
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_AUTOWRAPPED) {
- Item_Text_AutoWrapped_Paint(item);
- return;
- }
- if (item->text == NULL) {
- if (item->cvar == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- else {
- DC->getCVarString(item->cvar, text, sizeof(text));
- textPtr = text;
- }
- }
- else {
- textPtr = item->text;
- }
- // this needs to go here as it sets extents for cvar types as well
- Item_SetTextExtents(item, &width, &height, textPtr);
- if (*textPtr == '\0') {
- return;
- }
- Item_TextColor(item, &color);
- //FIXME: this is a fucking mess
- adjust = 0;
- if (item->textStyle == ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED || item->textStyle == ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINESHADOWED) {
- adjust = 0.5;
- }
- if (item->textStyle == ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED || item->textStyle == ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINESHADOWED) {
- Fade(&item->window.flags, &DC->Assets.shadowColor[3], DC->Assets.fadeClamp, &item->window.nextTime, DC->Assets.fadeCycle, qfalse);
- DC->drawText(item->textRect.x + DC->Assets.shadowX, item->textRect.y + DC->Assets.shadowY, item->textscale, DC->Assets.shadowColor, textPtr, adjust);
- }
-// if (item->textStyle == ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINED || item->textStyle == ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_OUTLINESHADOWED) {
-// Fade(&item->window.flags, &item->window.outlineColor[3], DC->Assets.fadeClamp, &item->window.nextTime, DC->Assets.fadeCycle, qfalse);
-// /*
-// Text_Paint(item->textRect.x-1, item->textRect.y-1, item->textscale, item->window.foreColor, textPtr, adjust);
-// Text_Paint(item->textRect.x, item->textRect.y-1, item->textscale, item->window.foreColor, textPtr, adjust);
-// Text_Paint(item->textRect.x+1, item->textRect.y-1, item->textscale, item->window.foreColor, textPtr, adjust);
-// Text_Paint(item->textRect.x-1, item->textRect.y, item->textscale, item->window.foreColor, textPtr, adjust);
-// Text_Paint(item->textRect.x+1, item->textRect.y, item->textscale, item->window.foreColor, textPtr, adjust);
-// Text_Paint(item->textRect.x-1, item->textRect.y+1, item->textscale, item->window.foreColor, textPtr, adjust);
-// Text_Paint(item->textRect.x, item->textRect.y+1, item->textscale, item->window.foreColor, textPtr, adjust);
-// Text_Paint(item->textRect.x+1, item->textRect.y+1, item->textscale, item->window.foreColor, textPtr, adjust);
-// */
-// DC->drawText(item->textRect.x - 1, item->textRect.y + 1, item->textscale * 1.02, item->window.outlineColor, textPtr, adjust);
-// }
- DC->drawText(item->textRect.x, item->textRect.y, item->textscale, color, textPtr, 0, 0, item->textStyle);
-//float trap_Cvar_VariableValue( const char *var_name );
-//void trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( const char *var_name, char *buffer, int bufsize );
-void Item_TextField_Paint(itemDef_t *item) {
- char buff[1024];
- vec4_t newColor;
- int offset;
- menuDef_t *parent = (menuDef_t*)item->parent;
- editFieldDef_t *editPtr = (editFieldDef_t*)item->typeData;
- Item_Text_Paint(item);
- buff[0] = '\0';
- if (item->cvar) {
- DC->getCVarString(item->cvar, buff, sizeof(buff));
- }
- parent = (menuDef_t*)item->parent;
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS) {
-/* lowLight[0] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[0];
- lowLight[1] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[1];
- lowLight[2] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[2];
- lowLight[3] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[3];
- LerpColor(parent->focusColor,lowLight,newColor,0.5+0.5*sin(DC->realTime / PULSE_DIVISOR));*/
- //TA:
- memcpy(newColor, &parent->focusColor, sizeof(vec4_t));
- } else {
- memcpy(&newColor, &item->window.foreColor, sizeof(vec4_t));
- }
- offset = (item->text && *item->text) ? 8 : 0;
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS && g_editingField) {
- char cursor = DC->getOverstrikeMode() ? '_' : '|';
- DC->drawTextWithCursor(item->textRect.x + item->textRect.w + offset, item->textRect.y, item->textscale, newColor, buff + editPtr->paintOffset, item->cursorPos - editPtr->paintOffset , cursor, editPtr->maxPaintChars, item->textStyle);
- } else {
- DC->drawText(item->textRect.x + item->textRect.w + offset, item->textRect.y, item->textscale, newColor, buff + editPtr->paintOffset, 0, editPtr->maxPaintChars, item->textStyle);
- }
-void Item_YesNo_Paint(itemDef_t *item) {
- vec4_t newColor;
- float value;
- menuDef_t *parent = (menuDef_t*)item->parent;
- value = (item->cvar) ? DC->getCVarValue(item->cvar) : 0;
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS) {
-/* lowLight[0] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[0];
- lowLight[1] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[1];
- lowLight[2] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[2];
- lowLight[3] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[3];
- LerpColor(parent->focusColor,lowLight,newColor,0.5+0.5*sin(DC->realTime / PULSE_DIVISOR));*/
- //TA:
- memcpy(newColor, &parent->focusColor, sizeof(vec4_t));
- } else {
- memcpy(&newColor, &item->window.foreColor, sizeof(vec4_t));
- }
- if (item->text) {
- Item_Text_Paint(item);
- DC->drawText(item->textRect.x + item->textRect.w + 8, item->textRect.y, item->textscale, newColor, (value != 0) ? "Yes" : "No", 0, 0, item->textStyle);
- } else {
- DC->drawText(item->textRect.x, item->textRect.y, item->textscale, newColor, (value != 0) ? "Yes" : "No", 0, 0, item->textStyle);
- }
-void Item_Multi_Paint(itemDef_t *item) {
- vec4_t newColor;
- const char *text = "";
- menuDef_t *parent = (menuDef_t*)item->parent;
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS) {
-/* lowLight[0] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[0];
- lowLight[1] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[1];
- lowLight[2] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[2];
- lowLight[3] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[3];
- LerpColor(parent->focusColor,lowLight,newColor,0.5+0.5*sin(DC->realTime / PULSE_DIVISOR));*/
- //TA:
- memcpy(newColor, &parent->focusColor, sizeof(vec4_t));
- } else {
- memcpy(&newColor, &item->window.foreColor, sizeof(vec4_t));
- }
- text = Item_Multi_Setting(item);
- if (item->text) {
- Item_Text_Paint(item);
- DC->drawText(item->textRect.x + item->textRect.w + 8, item->textRect.y, item->textscale, newColor, text, 0, 0, item->textStyle);
- } else {
- DC->drawText(item->textRect.x, item->textRect.y, item->textscale, newColor, text, 0, 0, item->textStyle);
- }
-typedef struct {
- char *command;
- int id;
- int defaultbind1;
- int defaultbind2;
- int bind1;
- int bind2;
-} bind_t;
-typedef struct
- char* name;
- float defaultvalue;
- float value;
-} configcvar_t;
-static bind_t g_bindings[] =
- { "+scores", K_TAB, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+button2", K_ENTER, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+speed", K_SHIFT, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "boost", 'x', -1, -1, -1 }, //TA: human sprinting
- { "+forward", K_UPARROW, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+back", K_DOWNARROW, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+moveleft", ',', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+moveright", '.', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+moveup", K_SPACE, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+movedown", 'c', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+left", K_LEFTARROW, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+right", K_RIGHTARROW, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+strafe", K_ALT, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+lookup", K_PGDN, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+lookdown", K_DEL, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+mlook", '/', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "centerview", K_END, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+zoom", -1, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "weapon 1", '1', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "weapon 2", '2', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "weapon 3", '3', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "weapon 4", '4', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "weapon 5", '5', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "weapon 6", '6', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "weapon 7", '7', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "weapon 8", '8', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "weapon 9", '9', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "weapon 10", '0', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "weapon 11", -1, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "weapon 12", -1, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "weapon 13", -1, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+attack", K_MOUSE1, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+button5", K_MOUSE2, -1, -1, -1 }, //TA: secondary attack
- { "reload", 'r', -1, -1, -1 }, //TA: reload
- { "buy ammo", 'b', -1, -1, -1 }, //TA: buy ammo
- { "itemact medkit", 'm', -1, -1, -1 }, //TA: use medkit
- { "+button7", 'q', -1, -1, -1 }, //TA: buildable use
- { "deconstruct", 'e', -1, -1, -1 }, //TA: buildable destroy
- { "weapprev", '[', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "weapnext", ']', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+button3", K_MOUSE3, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "+button4", K_MOUSE4, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "prevTeamMember", 'w', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "nextTeamMember", 'r', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "nextOrder", 't', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "confirmOrder", 'y', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "denyOrder", 'n', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "taskOffense", 'o', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "taskDefense", 'd', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "taskPatrol", 'p', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "taskCamp", 'c', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "taskFollow", 'f', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "taskRetrieve", 'v', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "taskEscort", 'l', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "taskOwnFlag", 'i', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "taskSuicide", 'k', -1, -1, -1 },
- { "tauntKillInsult", K_F1, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "tauntPraise", K_F2, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "tauntTaunt", K_F3, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "tauntDeathInsult", K_F4, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "tauntGauntlet", K_F5, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "scoresUp", K_KP_PGUP, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "scoresDown", K_KP_PGDN, -1, -1, -1 },
- // bk001205 - this one below was: '-1'
- { "messagemode", -1, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "messagemode2", -1, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "messagemode3", -1, -1, -1, -1 },
- { "messagemode4", -1, -1, -1, -1 }
-static const int g_bindCount = sizeof(g_bindings) / sizeof(bind_t);
-static void Controls_GetKeyAssignment (char *command, int *twokeys)
- int count;
- int j;
- char b[256];
- twokeys[0] = twokeys[1] = -1;
- count = 0;
- for ( j = 0; j < 256; j++ )
- {
- DC->getBindingBuf( j, b, 256 );
- if ( *b == 0 ) {
- continue;
- }
- if ( !Q_stricmp( b, command ) ) {
- twokeys[count] = j;
- count++;
- if (count == 2) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-void Controls_GetConfig( void )
- int i;
- int twokeys[ 2 ];
- // iterate each command, get its numeric binding
- for( i = 0; i < g_bindCount; i++ )
- {
- Controls_GetKeyAssignment( g_bindings[ i ].command, twokeys );
- g_bindings[ i ].bind1 = twokeys[ 0 ];
- g_bindings[ i ].bind2 = twokeys[ 1 ];
- }
- //s_controls.invertmouse.curvalue = DC->getCVarValue( "m_pitch" ) < 0;
- //s_controls.smoothmouse.curvalue = UI_ClampCvar( 0, 1, Controls_GetCvarValue( "m_filter" ) );
- //s_controls.alwaysrun.curvalue = UI_ClampCvar( 0, 1, Controls_GetCvarValue( "cl_run" ) );
- //s_controls.autoswitch.curvalue = UI_ClampCvar( 0, 1, Controls_GetCvarValue( "cg_autoswitch" ) );
- //s_controls.sensitivity.curvalue = UI_ClampCvar( 2, 30, Controls_GetCvarValue( "sensitivity" ) );
- //s_controls.joyenable.curvalue = UI_ClampCvar( 0, 1, Controls_GetCvarValue( "in_joystick" ) );
- //s_controls.joythreshold.curvalue = UI_ClampCvar( 0.05, 0.75, Controls_GetCvarValue( "joy_threshold" ) );
- //s_controls.freelook.curvalue = UI_ClampCvar( 0, 1, Controls_GetCvarValue( "cl_freelook" ) );
-void Controls_SetConfig(qboolean restart)
- int i;
- // iterate each command, get its numeric binding
- for (i=0; i < g_bindCount; i++)
- {
- if (g_bindings[i].bind1 != -1)
- {
- DC->setBinding( g_bindings[i].bind1, g_bindings[i].command );
- if (g_bindings[i].bind2 != -1)
- DC->setBinding( g_bindings[i].bind2, g_bindings[i].command );
- }
- }
- //if ( s_controls.invertmouse.curvalue )
- // DC->setCVar("m_pitch", va("%f),-fabs( DC->getCVarValue( "m_pitch" ) ) );
- //else
- // trap_Cvar_SetValue( "m_pitch", fabs( trap_Cvar_VariableValue( "m_pitch" ) ) );
- //trap_Cvar_SetValue( "m_filter", s_controls.smoothmouse.curvalue );
- //trap_Cvar_SetValue( "cl_run", s_controls.alwaysrun.curvalue );
- //trap_Cvar_SetValue( "cg_autoswitch", s_controls.autoswitch.curvalue );
- //trap_Cvar_SetValue( "sensitivity", s_controls.sensitivity.curvalue );
- //trap_Cvar_SetValue( "in_joystick", s_controls.joyenable.curvalue );
- //trap_Cvar_SetValue( "joy_threshold", s_controls.joythreshold.curvalue );
- //trap_Cvar_SetValue( "cl_freelook", s_controls.freelook.curvalue );
- DC->executeText(EXEC_APPEND, "in_restart\n");
- //trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, "in_restart\n" );
-void Controls_SetDefaults( void )
- int i;
- // iterate each command, set its default binding
- for (i=0; i < g_bindCount; i++)
- {
- g_bindings[i].bind1 = g_bindings[i].defaultbind1;
- g_bindings[i].bind2 = g_bindings[i].defaultbind2;
- }
- //s_controls.invertmouse.curvalue = Controls_GetCvarDefault( "m_pitch" ) < 0;
- //s_controls.smoothmouse.curvalue = Controls_GetCvarDefault( "m_filter" );
- //s_controls.alwaysrun.curvalue = Controls_GetCvarDefault( "cl_run" );
- //s_controls.autoswitch.curvalue = Controls_GetCvarDefault( "cg_autoswitch" );
- //s_controls.sensitivity.curvalue = Controls_GetCvarDefault( "sensitivity" );
- //s_controls.joyenable.curvalue = Controls_GetCvarDefault( "in_joystick" );
- //s_controls.joythreshold.curvalue = Controls_GetCvarDefault( "joy_threshold" );
- //s_controls.freelook.curvalue = Controls_GetCvarDefault( "cl_freelook" );
-int BindingIDFromName(const char *name) {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i < g_bindCount; i++)
- {
- if (Q_stricmp(name, g_bindings[i].command) == 0) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-char g_nameBind1[32];
-char g_nameBind2[32];
-void BindingFromName(const char *cvar) {
- int i, b1, b2;
- // iterate each command, set its default binding
- for (i=0; i < g_bindCount; i++)
- {
- if (Q_stricmp(cvar, g_bindings[i].command) == 0) {
- b1 = g_bindings[i].bind1;
- if (b1 == -1) {
- break;
- }
- DC->keynumToStringBuf( b1, g_nameBind1, 32 );
- Q_strupr(g_nameBind1);
- b2 = g_bindings[i].bind2;
- if (b2 != -1)
- {
- DC->keynumToStringBuf( b2, g_nameBind2, 32 );
- Q_strupr(g_nameBind2);
- strcat( g_nameBind1, " or " );
- strcat( g_nameBind1, g_nameBind2 );
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- strcpy(g_nameBind1, "???");
-void Item_Slider_Paint(itemDef_t *item) {
- vec4_t newColor;
- float x, y, value;
- menuDef_t *parent = (menuDef_t*)item->parent;
- value = (item->cvar) ? DC->getCVarValue(item->cvar) : 0;
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS) {
-/* lowLight[0] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[0];
- lowLight[1] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[1];
- lowLight[2] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[2];
- lowLight[3] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[3];
- LerpColor(parent->focusColor,lowLight,newColor,0.5+0.5*sin(DC->realTime / PULSE_DIVISOR));*/
- //TA:
- memcpy(newColor, &parent->focusColor, sizeof(vec4_t));
- } else {
- memcpy(&newColor, &item->window.foreColor, sizeof(vec4_t));
- }
- y = item->window.rect.y;
- if (item->text) {
- Item_Text_Paint(item);
- x = item->textRect.x + item->textRect.w + 8;
- } else {
- x = item->window.rect.x;
- }
- DC->setColor(newColor);
- DC->drawHandlePic( x, y, SLIDER_WIDTH, SLIDER_HEIGHT, DC->Assets.sliderBar );
- x = Item_Slider_ThumbPosition(item);
- DC->drawHandlePic( x - (SLIDER_THUMB_WIDTH / 2), y - 2, SLIDER_THUMB_WIDTH, SLIDER_THUMB_HEIGHT, DC->Assets.sliderThumb );
-void Item_Bind_Paint(itemDef_t *item) {
- vec4_t newColor, lowLight;
- float value;
- int maxChars = 0;
- menuDef_t *parent = (menuDef_t*)item->parent;
- editFieldDef_t *editPtr = (editFieldDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (editPtr) {
- maxChars = editPtr->maxPaintChars;
- }
- value = (item->cvar) ? DC->getCVarValue(item->cvar) : 0;
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS) {
- if (g_bindItem == item) {
- lowLight[0] = 0.8f * 1.0f;
- lowLight[1] = 0.8f * 0.0f;
- lowLight[2] = 0.8f * 0.0f;
- lowLight[3] = 0.8f * 1.0f;
- } else {
- lowLight[0] = 0.8f * parent->focusColor[0];
- lowLight[1] = 0.8f * parent->focusColor[1];
- lowLight[2] = 0.8f * parent->focusColor[2];
- lowLight[3] = 0.8f * parent->focusColor[3];
- }
- /*LerpColor(parent->focusColor,lowLight,newColor,0.5+0.5*sin(DC->realTime / PULSE_DIVISOR));*/
- //TA:
- memcpy(newColor, &parent->focusColor, sizeof(vec4_t));
- } else {
- memcpy(&newColor, &item->window.foreColor, sizeof(vec4_t));
- }
- if (item->text) {
- Item_Text_Paint(item);
- BindingFromName(item->cvar);
- DC->drawText(item->textRect.x + item->textRect.w + 8, item->textRect.y, item->textscale, newColor, g_nameBind1, 0, maxChars, item->textStyle);
- } else {
- DC->drawText(item->textRect.x, item->textRect.y, item->textscale, newColor, (value != 0) ? "FIXME" : "FIXME", 0, maxChars, item->textStyle);
- }
-qboolean Display_KeyBindPending( void ) {
- return g_waitingForKey;
-qboolean Item_Bind_HandleKey(itemDef_t *item, int key, qboolean down) {
- int id;
- int i;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&item->window.rect, DC->cursorx, DC->cursory) && !g_waitingForKey)
- {
- if (down && (key == K_MOUSE1 || key == K_ENTER)) {
- g_waitingForKey = qtrue;
- g_bindItem = item;
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!g_waitingForKey || g_bindItem == NULL) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- if (key & K_CHAR_FLAG) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- switch (key)
- {
- case K_ESCAPE:
- g_waitingForKey = qfalse;
- return qtrue;
- id = BindingIDFromName(item->cvar);
- if (id != -1) {
- g_bindings[id].bind1 = -1;
- g_bindings[id].bind2 = -1;
- }
- Controls_SetConfig(qtrue);
- g_waitingForKey = qfalse;
- g_bindItem = NULL;
- return qtrue;
- case '`':
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- if (key != -1)
- {
- for (i=0; i < g_bindCount; i++)
- {
- if (g_bindings[i].bind2 == key) {
- g_bindings[i].bind2 = -1;
- }
- if (g_bindings[i].bind1 == key)
- {
- g_bindings[i].bind1 = g_bindings[i].bind2;
- g_bindings[i].bind2 = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- id = BindingIDFromName(item->cvar);
- if (id != -1) {
- if (key == -1) {
- if( g_bindings[id].bind1 != -1 ) {
- DC->setBinding( g_bindings[id].bind1, "" );
- g_bindings[id].bind1 = -1;
- }
- if( g_bindings[id].bind2 != -1 ) {
- DC->setBinding( g_bindings[id].bind2, "" );
- g_bindings[id].bind2 = -1;
- }
- }
- else if (g_bindings[id].bind1 == -1) {
- g_bindings[id].bind1 = key;
- }
- else if (g_bindings[id].bind1 != key && g_bindings[id].bind2 == -1) {
- g_bindings[id].bind2 = key;
- }
- else {
- DC->setBinding( g_bindings[id].bind1, "" );
- DC->setBinding( g_bindings[id].bind2, "" );
- g_bindings[id].bind1 = key;
- g_bindings[id].bind2 = -1;
- }
- }
- Controls_SetConfig(qtrue);
- g_waitingForKey = qfalse;
- return qtrue;
-void AdjustFrom640(float *x, float *y, float *w, float *h) {
- //*x = *x * DC->scale + DC->bias;
- *x *= DC->xscale;
- *y *= DC->yscale;
- *w *= DC->xscale;
- *h *= DC->yscale;
-void Item_Model_Paint(itemDef_t *item) {
- float x, y, w, h;
- refdef_t refdef;
- refEntity_t ent;
- vec3_t mins, maxs, origin;
- vec3_t angles;
- modelDef_t *modelPtr = (modelDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (modelPtr == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- // setup the refdef
- memset( &refdef, 0, sizeof( refdef ) );
- refdef.rdflags = RDF_NOWORLDMODEL;
- AxisClear( refdef.viewaxis );
- x = item->window.rect.x+1;
- y = item->window.rect.y+1;
- w = item->window.rect.w-2;
- h = item->window.rect.h-2;
- AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h );
- refdef.x = x;
- refdef.y = y;
- refdef.width = w;
- refdef.height = h;
- DC->modelBounds( item->asset, mins, maxs );
- origin[2] = -0.5 * ( mins[2] + maxs[2] );
- origin[1] = 0.5 * ( mins[1] + maxs[1] );
- // calculate distance so the model nearly fills the box
- if (qtrue) {
- float len = 0.5 * ( maxs[2] - mins[2] );
- origin[0] = len / 0.268; // len / tan( fov/2 )
- //origin[0] = len / tan(w/2);
- } else {
- origin[0] = item->textscale;
- }
- refdef.fov_x = (modelPtr->fov_x) ? modelPtr->fov_x : w;
- refdef.fov_y = (modelPtr->fov_y) ? modelPtr->fov_y : h;
- //refdef.fov_x = (int)((float)refdef.width / 640.0f * 90.0f);
- //xx = refdef.width / tan( refdef.fov_x / 360 * M_PI );
- //refdef.fov_y = atan2( refdef.height, xx );
- //refdef.fov_y *= ( 360 / M_PI );
- DC->clearScene();
- refdef.time = DC->realTime;
- // add the model
- memset( &ent, 0, sizeof(ent) );
- //adjust = 5.0 * sin( (float)uis.realtime / 500 );
- //adjust = 360 % (int)((float)uis.realtime / 1000);
- //VectorSet( angles, 0, 0, 1 );
- // use item storage to track
- if (modelPtr->rotationSpeed) {
- if (DC->realTime > item->window.nextTime) {
- item->window.nextTime = DC->realTime + modelPtr->rotationSpeed;
- modelPtr->angle = (int)(modelPtr->angle + 1) % 360;
- }
- }
- VectorSet( angles, 0, modelPtr->angle, 0 );
- AnglesToAxis( angles, ent.axis );
- ent.hModel = item->asset;
- VectorCopy( origin, ent.origin );
- VectorCopy( origin, ent.lightingOrigin );
- VectorCopy( ent.origin, ent.oldorigin );
- DC->addRefEntityToScene( &ent );
- DC->renderScene( &refdef );
-void Item_Image_Paint(itemDef_t *item) {
- if (item == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- DC->drawHandlePic(item->window.rect.x+1, item->window.rect.y+1, item->window.rect.w-2, item->window.rect.h-2, item->asset);
-void Item_ListBox_Paint(itemDef_t *item) {
- float x, y, size, thumb;
- int i, count;
- qhandle_t image;
- qhandle_t optionalImage;
- listBoxDef_t *listPtr = (listBoxDef_t*)item->typeData;
- // the listbox is horizontal or vertical and has a fixed size scroll bar going either direction
- // elements are enumerated from the DC and either text or image handles are acquired from the DC as well
- // textscale is used to size the text, textalignx and textaligny are used to size image elements
- // there is no clipping available so only the last completely visible item is painted
- count = DC->feederCount(item->special);
- // default is vertical if horizontal flag is not here
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_HORIZONTAL) {
- // draw scrollbar in bottom of the window
- // bar
- x = item->window.rect.x + 1;
- y = item->window.rect.y + item->window.rect.h - SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 1;
- DC->drawHandlePic(x, y, SCROLLBAR_SIZE, SCROLLBAR_SIZE, DC->Assets.scrollBarArrowLeft);
- x += SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 1;
- size = item->window.rect.w - (SCROLLBAR_SIZE * 2);
- DC->drawHandlePic(x, y, size+1, SCROLLBAR_SIZE, DC->Assets.scrollBar);
- x += size - 1;
- DC->drawHandlePic(x, y, SCROLLBAR_SIZE, SCROLLBAR_SIZE, DC->Assets.scrollBarArrowRight);
- // thumb
- thumb = Item_ListBox_ThumbDrawPosition(item);//Item_ListBox_ThumbPosition(item);
- if (thumb > x - SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 1) {
- thumb = x - SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 1;
- }
- DC->drawHandlePic(thumb, y, SCROLLBAR_SIZE, SCROLLBAR_SIZE, DC->Assets.scrollBarThumb);
- //
- listPtr->endPos = listPtr->startPos;
- size = item->window.rect.w - 2;
- // items
- // size contains max available space
- if (listPtr->elementStyle == LISTBOX_IMAGE) {
- // fit = 0;
- x = item->window.rect.x + 1;
- y = item->window.rect.y + 1;
- for (i = listPtr->startPos; i < count; i++) {
- // always draw at least one
- // which may overdraw the box if it is too small for the element
- image = DC->feederItemImage(item->special, i);
- if (image) {
- DC->drawHandlePic(x+1, y+1, listPtr->elementWidth - 2, listPtr->elementHeight - 2, image);
- }
- if (i == item->cursorPos) {
- DC->drawRect(x, y, listPtr->elementWidth-1, listPtr->elementHeight-1, item->window.borderSize, item->window.borderColor);
- }
- listPtr->endPos++;
- size -= listPtr->elementWidth;
- if (size < listPtr->elementWidth) {
- listPtr->drawPadding = size; //listPtr->elementWidth - size;
- break;
- }
- x += listPtr->elementWidth;
- // fit++;
- }
- } else {
- //
- }
- } else {
- // draw scrollbar to right side of the window
- x = item->window.rect.x + item->window.rect.w - SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 1;
- y = item->window.rect.y + 1;
- DC->drawHandlePic(x, y, SCROLLBAR_SIZE, SCROLLBAR_SIZE, DC->Assets.scrollBarArrowUp);
- y += SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 1;
- listPtr->endPos = listPtr->startPos;
- size = item->window.rect.h - (SCROLLBAR_SIZE * 2);
- DC->drawHandlePic(x, y, SCROLLBAR_SIZE, size+1, DC->Assets.scrollBar);
- y += size - 1;
- DC->drawHandlePic(x, y, SCROLLBAR_SIZE, SCROLLBAR_SIZE, DC->Assets.scrollBarArrowDown);
- // thumb
- thumb = Item_ListBox_ThumbDrawPosition(item);//Item_ListBox_ThumbPosition(item);
- if (thumb > y - SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 1) {
- thumb = y - SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 1;
- }
- DC->drawHandlePic(x, thumb, SCROLLBAR_SIZE, SCROLLBAR_SIZE, DC->Assets.scrollBarThumb);
- // adjust size for item painting
- size = item->window.rect.h - 2;
- if (listPtr->elementStyle == LISTBOX_IMAGE) {
- // fit = 0;
- x = item->window.rect.x + 1;
- y = item->window.rect.y + 1;
- for (i = listPtr->startPos; i < count; i++) {
- // always draw at least one
- // which may overdraw the box if it is too small for the element
- image = DC->feederItemImage(item->special, i);
- if (image) {
- DC->drawHandlePic(x+1, y+1, listPtr->elementWidth - 2, listPtr->elementHeight - 2, image);
- }
- if (i == item->cursorPos) {
- DC->drawRect(x, y, listPtr->elementWidth - 1, listPtr->elementHeight - 1, item->window.borderSize, item->window.borderColor);
- }
- listPtr->endPos++;
- size -= listPtr->elementWidth;
- if (size < listPtr->elementHeight) {
- listPtr->drawPadding = listPtr->elementHeight - size;
- break;
- }
- y += listPtr->elementHeight;
- // fit++;
- }
- } else {
- x = item->window.rect.x + 1;
- y = item->window.rect.y + 1;
- for (i = listPtr->startPos; i < count; i++) {
- const char *text;
- // always draw at least one
- // which may overdraw the box if it is too small for the element
- if (listPtr->numColumns > 0) {
- int j;
- for (j = 0; j < listPtr->numColumns; j++) {
- text = DC->feederItemText(item->special, i, j, &optionalImage);
- if (optionalImage >= 0) {
- DC->drawHandlePic(x + 4 + listPtr->columnInfo[j].pos, y - 1 + listPtr->elementHeight / 2, listPtr->columnInfo[j].width, listPtr->columnInfo[j].width, optionalImage);
- } else if (text) {
- //TA:
- int alignOffset = 0.0f, tw;
- tw = DC->textWidth( text, item->textscale, 0 );
- switch( listPtr->columnInfo[ j ].align )
- {
- alignOffset = 0.0f;
- break;
- alignOffset = listPtr->columnInfo[ j ].width - tw;
- break;
- alignOffset = ( listPtr->columnInfo[ j ].width / 2.0f ) - ( tw / 2.0f );
- break;
- default:
- alignOffset = 0.0f;
- }
- DC->drawText( x + 4 + listPtr->columnInfo[j].pos + alignOffset, y + listPtr->elementHeight,
- item->textscale, item->window.foreColor, text, 0,
- listPtr->columnInfo[j].maxChars, item->textStyle );
- }
- }
- } else {
- text = DC->feederItemText(item->special, i, 0, &optionalImage);
- if (optionalImage >= 0) {
- //DC->drawHandlePic(x + 4 + listPtr->elementHeight, y, listPtr->columnInfo[j].width, listPtr->columnInfo[j].width, optionalImage);
- } else if (text) {
- DC->drawText(x + 4, y + listPtr->elementHeight, item->textscale, item->window.foreColor, text, 0, 0, item->textStyle);
- }
- }
- if (i == item->cursorPos) {
- DC->fillRect(x + 2, y + 2, item->window.rect.w - SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 4, listPtr->elementHeight, item->window.outlineColor);
- }
- listPtr->endPos++;
- size -= listPtr->elementHeight;
- if (size < listPtr->elementHeight) {
- listPtr->drawPadding = listPtr->elementHeight - size;
- break;
- }
- y += listPtr->elementHeight;
- // fit++;
- }
- }
- }
- //TA: FIXME: hacky fix to off-by-one bug
- listPtr->endPos--;
-void Item_OwnerDraw_Paint(itemDef_t *item) {
- menuDef_t *parent;
- if (item == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- parent = (menuDef_t*)item->parent;
- if (DC->ownerDrawItem) {
- vec4_t color, lowLight;
- menuDef_t *parent = (menuDef_t*)item->parent;
- Fade(&item->window.flags, &item->window.foreColor[3], parent->fadeClamp, &item->window.nextTime, parent->fadeCycle, qtrue, parent->fadeAmount);
- memcpy(&color, &item->window.foreColor, sizeof(color));
- if (item->numColors > 0 && DC->getValue) {
- // if the value is within one of the ranges then set color to that, otherwise leave at default
- int i;
- float f = DC->getValue(item->window.ownerDraw);
- for (i = 0; i < item->numColors; i++) {
- if (f >= item->colorRanges[i].low && f <= item->colorRanges[i].high) {
- memcpy(&color, &item->colorRanges[i].color, sizeof(color));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS) {
-/* lowLight[0] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[0];
- lowLight[1] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[1];
- lowLight[2] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[2];
- lowLight[3] = 0.8 * parent->focusColor[3];
- LerpColor(parent->focusColor,lowLight,color,0.5+0.5*sin(DC->realTime / PULSE_DIVISOR));*/
- //TA:
- memcpy(color, &parent->focusColor, sizeof(vec4_t));
- } else if (item->textStyle == ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_BLINK && !((DC->realTime/BLINK_DIVISOR) & 1)) {
- lowLight[0] = 0.8 * item->window.foreColor[0];
- lowLight[1] = 0.8 * item->window.foreColor[1];
- lowLight[2] = 0.8 * item->window.foreColor[2];
- lowLight[3] = 0.8 * item->window.foreColor[3];
- LerpColor(item->window.foreColor,lowLight,color,0.5+0.5*sin(DC->realTime / PULSE_DIVISOR));
- }
- if (item->cvarFlags & (CVAR_ENABLE | CVAR_DISABLE) && !Item_EnableShowViaCvar(item, CVAR_ENABLE)) {
- memcpy(color, parent->disableColor, sizeof(vec4_t)); // bk001207 - FIXME: Com_Memcpy
- }
- if (item->text) {
- Item_Text_Paint(item);
- if (item->text[0]) {
- // +8 is an offset kludge to properly align owner draw items that have text combined with them
- DC->ownerDrawItem(item->textRect.x + item->textRect.w + 8, item->window.rect.y, item->window.rect.w, item->window.rect.h, 0, item->textaligny, item->window.ownerDraw, item->window.ownerDrawFlags, item->alignment, item->special, item->textscale, color, item->window.background, item->textStyle );
- } else {
- DC->ownerDrawItem(item->textRect.x + item->textRect.w, item->window.rect.y, item->window.rect.w, item->window.rect.h, 0, item->textaligny, item->window.ownerDraw, item->window.ownerDrawFlags, item->alignment, item->special, item->textscale, color, item->window.background, item->textStyle );
- }
- } else {
- DC->ownerDrawItem(item->window.rect.x, item->window.rect.y, item->window.rect.w, item->window.rect.h, item->textalignx, item->textaligny, item->window.ownerDraw, item->window.ownerDrawFlags, item->alignment, item->special, item->textscale, color, item->window.background, item->textStyle );
- }
- }
-void Item_Paint(itemDef_t *item) {
- vec4_t red;
- menuDef_t *parent = (menuDef_t*)item->parent;
- red[0] = red[3] = 1;
- red[1] = red[2] = 0;
- if (item == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_ORBITING) {
- if (DC->realTime > item->window.nextTime) {
- float rx, ry, a, c, s, w, h;
- item->window.nextTime = DC->realTime + item->window.offsetTime;
- // translate
- w = item->window.rectClient.w / 2;
- h = item->window.rectClient.h / 2;
- rx = item->window.rectClient.x + w - item->window.rectEffects.x;
- ry = item->window.rectClient.y + h - item->window.rectEffects.y;
- a = 3 * M_PI / 180;
- c = cos(a);
- s = sin(a);
- item->window.rectClient.x = (rx * c - ry * s) + item->window.rectEffects.x - w;
- item->window.rectClient.y = (rx * s + ry * c) + item->window.rectEffects.y - h;
- Item_UpdatePosition(item);
- }
- }
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_INTRANSITION) {
- if (DC->realTime > item->window.nextTime) {
- int done = 0;
- item->window.nextTime = DC->realTime + item->window.offsetTime;
- // transition the x,y
- if (item->window.rectClient.x == item->window.rectEffects.x) {
- done++;
- } else {
- if (item->window.rectClient.x < item->window.rectEffects.x) {
- item->window.rectClient.x += item->window.rectEffects2.x;
- if (item->window.rectClient.x > item->window.rectEffects.x) {
- item->window.rectClient.x = item->window.rectEffects.x;
- done++;
- }
- } else {
- item->window.rectClient.x -= item->window.rectEffects2.x;
- if (item->window.rectClient.x < item->window.rectEffects.x) {
- item->window.rectClient.x = item->window.rectEffects.x;
- done++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (item->window.rectClient.y == item->window.rectEffects.y) {
- done++;
- } else {
- if (item->window.rectClient.y < item->window.rectEffects.y) {
- item->window.rectClient.y += item->window.rectEffects2.y;
- if (item->window.rectClient.y > item->window.rectEffects.y) {
- item->window.rectClient.y = item->window.rectEffects.y;
- done++;
- }
- } else {
- item->window.rectClient.y -= item->window.rectEffects2.y;
- if (item->window.rectClient.y < item->window.rectEffects.y) {
- item->window.rectClient.y = item->window.rectEffects.y;
- done++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (item->window.rectClient.w == item->window.rectEffects.w) {
- done++;
- } else {
- if (item->window.rectClient.w < item->window.rectEffects.w) {
- item->window.rectClient.w += item->window.rectEffects2.w;
- if (item->window.rectClient.w > item->window.rectEffects.w) {
- item->window.rectClient.w = item->window.rectEffects.w;
- done++;
- }
- } else {
- item->window.rectClient.w -= item->window.rectEffects2.w;
- if (item->window.rectClient.w < item->window.rectEffects.w) {
- item->window.rectClient.w = item->window.rectEffects.w;
- done++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (item->window.rectClient.h == item->window.rectEffects.h) {
- done++;
- } else {
- if (item->window.rectClient.h < item->window.rectEffects.h) {
- item->window.rectClient.h += item->window.rectEffects2.h;
- if (item->window.rectClient.h > item->window.rectEffects.h) {
- item->window.rectClient.h = item->window.rectEffects.h;
- done++;
- }
- } else {
- item->window.rectClient.h -= item->window.rectEffects2.h;
- if (item->window.rectClient.h < item->window.rectEffects.h) {
- item->window.rectClient.h = item->window.rectEffects.h;
- done++;
- }
- }
- }
- Item_UpdatePosition(item);
- if (done == 4) {
- item->window.flags &= ~WINDOW_INTRANSITION;
- }
- }
- }
- if (item->window.ownerDrawFlags && DC->ownerDrawVisible) {
- if (!DC->ownerDrawVisible(item->window.ownerDrawFlags)) {
- item->window.flags &= ~WINDOW_VISIBLE;
- } else {
- item->window.flags |= WINDOW_VISIBLE;
- }
- }
- if (item->cvarFlags & (CVAR_SHOW | CVAR_HIDE)) {
- if (!Item_EnableShowViaCvar(item, CVAR_SHOW)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (item->window.flags & WINDOW_TIMEDVISIBLE) {
- }
- if (!(item->window.flags & WINDOW_VISIBLE)) {
- return;
- }
- // paint the rect first..
- Window_Paint(&item->window, parent->fadeAmount , parent->fadeClamp, parent->fadeCycle);
- if (debugMode) {
- vec4_t color;
- rectDef_t *r = Item_CorrectedTextRect(item);
- color[1] = color[3] = 1;
- color[0] = color[2] = 0;
- DC->drawRect(r->x, r->y, r->w, r->h, 1, color);
- }
- //DC->drawRect(item->window.rect.x, item->window.rect.y, item->window.rect.w, item->window.rect.h, 1, red);
- switch (item->type) {
- Item_OwnerDraw_Paint(item);
- break;
- Item_Text_Paint(item);
- break;
- break;
- break;
- Item_TextField_Paint(item);
- break;
- break;
- Item_ListBox_Paint(item);
- break;
- // Item_Image_Paint(item);
- // break;
- Item_Model_Paint(item);
- break;
- Item_YesNo_Paint(item);
- break;
- Item_Multi_Paint(item);
- break;
- Item_Bind_Paint(item);
- break;
- Item_Slider_Paint(item);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void Menu_Init(menuDef_t *menu) {
- memset(menu, 0, sizeof(menuDef_t));
- menu->cursorItem = -1;
- menu->fadeAmount = DC->Assets.fadeAmount;
- menu->fadeClamp = DC->Assets.fadeClamp;
- menu->fadeCycle = DC->Assets.fadeCycle;
- Window_Init(&menu->window);
-itemDef_t *Menu_GetFocusedItem(menuDef_t *menu) {
- int i;
- if (menu) {
- for (i = 0; i < menu->itemCount; i++) {
- if (menu->items[i]->window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS) {
- return menu->items[i];
- }
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-menuDef_t *Menu_GetFocused( void ) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < menuCount; i++) {
- if (Menus[i].window.flags & WINDOW_HASFOCUS && Menus[i].window.flags & WINDOW_VISIBLE) {
- return &Menus[i];
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-void Menu_ScrollFeeder(menuDef_t *menu, int feeder, qboolean down) {
- if (menu) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < menu->itemCount; i++) {
- if (menu->items[i]->special == feeder) {
- Item_ListBox_HandleKey(menu->items[i], (down) ? K_DOWNARROW : K_UPARROW, qtrue, qtrue);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
-void Menu_SetFeederSelection(menuDef_t *menu, int feeder, int index, const char *name) {
- if (menu == NULL) {
- if (name == NULL) {
- menu = Menu_GetFocused();
- } else {
- menu = Menus_FindByName(name);
- }
- }
- if (menu) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < menu->itemCount; i++) {
- if (menu->items[i]->special == feeder) {
- if (index == 0) {
- listBoxDef_t *listPtr = (listBoxDef_t*)menu->items[i]->typeData;
- listPtr->cursorPos = 0;
- listPtr->startPos = 0;
- }
- menu->items[i]->cursorPos = index;
- DC->feederSelection(menu->items[i]->special, menu->items[i]->cursorPos);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
-qboolean Menus_AnyFullScreenVisible( void ) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < menuCount; i++) {
- if (Menus[i].window.flags & WINDOW_VISIBLE && Menus[i].fullScreen) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- return qfalse;
-menuDef_t *Menus_ActivateByName(const char *p) {
- int i, j;
- menuDef_t *m = NULL;
- menuDef_t *focus = Menu_GetFocused();
- for (i = 0; i < menuCount; i++) {
- if (Q_stricmp(Menus[i], p) == 0) {
- m = &Menus[i];
- Menus_Activate(m);
- Menu_HandleMouseMove( m, DC->cursorx, DC->cursory ); //TA: force the item under the cursor to focus
- for( j = 0; j < m->itemCount; j++ ) //TA: reset selection in listboxes when opened
- {
- if( m->items[ j ]->type == ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX )
- {
- listBoxDef_t *listPtr = (listBoxDef_t*)m->items[ j ]->typeData;
- m->items[ j ]->cursorPos = 0;
- listPtr->startPos = 0;
- DC->feederSelection( m->items[ j ]->special, 0 );
- }
- }
- if (openMenuCount < MAX_OPEN_MENUS && focus != NULL) {
- menuStack[openMenuCount++] = focus;
- }
- } else {
- Menus[i].window.flags &= ~WINDOW_HASFOCUS;
- }
- }
- Display_CloseCinematics();
- return m;
-void Item_Init(itemDef_t *item) {
- memset(item, 0, sizeof(itemDef_t));
- item->textscale = 0.55f;
- Window_Init(&item->window);
-void Menu_HandleMouseMove(menuDef_t *menu, float x, float y) {
- int i, pass;
- qboolean focusSet = qfalse;
- itemDef_t *overItem;
- if (menu == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- if (!(menu->window.flags & (WINDOW_VISIBLE | WINDOW_FORCED))) {
- return;
- }
- if (itemCapture) {
- //Item_MouseMove(itemCapture, x, y);
- return;
- }
- if (g_waitingForKey || g_editingField) {
- return;
- }
- // FIXME: this is the whole issue of focus vs. mouse over..
- // need a better overall solution as i don't like going through everything twice
- for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) {
- for (i = 0; i < menu->itemCount; i++) {
- // turn off focus each item
- // menu->items[i].window.flags &= ~WINDOW_HASFOCUS;
- if (!(menu->items[i]->window.flags & (WINDOW_VISIBLE | WINDOW_FORCED))) {
- continue;
- }
- // items can be enabled and disabled based on cvars
- if (menu->items[i]->cvarFlags & (CVAR_ENABLE | CVAR_DISABLE) && !Item_EnableShowViaCvar(menu->items[i], CVAR_ENABLE)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (menu->items[i]->cvarFlags & (CVAR_SHOW | CVAR_HIDE) && !Item_EnableShowViaCvar(menu->items[i], CVAR_SHOW)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&menu->items[i]->window.rect, x, y)) {
- if (pass == 1) {
- overItem = menu->items[i];
- if (overItem->type == ITEM_TYPE_TEXT && overItem->text) {
- if (!Rect_ContainsPoint(Item_CorrectedTextRect(overItem), x, y)) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- // if we are over an item
- if (IsVisible(overItem->window.flags)) {
- // different one
- Item_MouseEnter(overItem, x, y);
- // Item_SetMouseOver(overItem, qtrue);
- // if item is not a decoration see if it can take focus
- if (!focusSet) {
- focusSet = Item_SetFocus(overItem, x, y);
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (menu->items[i]->window.flags & WINDOW_MOUSEOVER) {
- Item_MouseLeave(menu->items[i]);
- Item_SetMouseOver(menu->items[i], qfalse);
- }
- }
- }
-void Menu_Paint(menuDef_t *menu, qboolean forcePaint) {
- int i;
- if (menu == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- if (!(menu->window.flags & WINDOW_VISIBLE) && !forcePaint) {
- return;
- }
- if (menu->window.ownerDrawFlags && DC->ownerDrawVisible && !DC->ownerDrawVisible(menu->window.ownerDrawFlags)) {
- return;
- }
- if (forcePaint) {
- menu->window.flags |= WINDOW_FORCED;
- }
- // draw the background if necessary
- if (menu->fullScreen) {
- // implies a background shader
- // FIXME: make sure we have a default shader if fullscreen is set with no background
- DC->drawHandlePic( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, menu->window.background );
- } else if (menu->window.background) {
- // this allows a background shader without being full screen
- //UI_DrawHandlePic(menu->window.rect.x, menu->window.rect.y, menu->window.rect.w, menu->window.rect.h, menu->backgroundShader);
- }
- // paint the background and or border
- Window_Paint(&menu->window, menu->fadeAmount, menu->fadeClamp, menu->fadeCycle );
- for (i = 0; i < menu->itemCount; i++) {
- Item_Paint(menu->items[i]);
- }
- if (debugMode) {
- vec4_t color;
- color[0] = color[2] = color[3] = 1;
- color[1] = 0;
- DC->drawRect(menu->window.rect.x, menu->window.rect.y, menu->window.rect.w, menu->window.rect.h, 1, color);
- }
-void Item_ValidateTypeData(itemDef_t *item) {
- if (item->typeData) {
- return;
- }
- if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX) {
- item->typeData = UI_Alloc(sizeof(listBoxDef_t));
- memset(item->typeData, 0, sizeof(listBoxDef_t));
- } else if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_EDITFIELD || item->type == ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD || item->type == ITEM_TYPE_YESNO || item->type == ITEM_TYPE_BIND || item->type == ITEM_TYPE_SLIDER || item->type == ITEM_TYPE_TEXT) {
- item->typeData = UI_Alloc(sizeof(editFieldDef_t));
- memset(item->typeData, 0, sizeof(editFieldDef_t));
- if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_EDITFIELD) {
- if (!((editFieldDef_t *) item->typeData)->maxPaintChars) {
- ((editFieldDef_t *) item->typeData)->maxPaintChars = MAX_EDITFIELD;
- }
- }
- } else if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_MULTI) {
- item->typeData = UI_Alloc(sizeof(multiDef_t));
- } else if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_MODEL) {
- item->typeData = UI_Alloc(sizeof(modelDef_t));
- }
-Keyword Hash
-typedef struct keywordHash_s
- char *keyword;
- qboolean (*func)(itemDef_t *item, int handle);
- struct keywordHash_s *next;
-} keywordHash_t;
-int KeywordHash_Key(char *keyword) {
- int register hash, i;
- hash = 0;
- for (i = 0; keyword[i] != '\0'; i++) {
- if (keyword[i] >= 'A' && keyword[i] <= 'Z')
- hash += (keyword[i] + ('a' - 'A')) * (119 + i);
- else
- hash += keyword[i] * (119 + i);
- }
- hash = (hash ^ (hash >> 10) ^ (hash >> 20)) & (KEYWORDHASH_SIZE-1);
- return hash;
-void KeywordHash_Add(keywordHash_t *table[], keywordHash_t *key) {
- int hash;
- hash = KeywordHash_Key(key->keyword);
- if (table[hash]) {
- int collision = qtrue;
- }
- key->next = table[hash];
- table[hash] = key;
-keywordHash_t *KeywordHash_Find(keywordHash_t *table[], char *keyword)
- keywordHash_t *key;
- int hash;
- hash = KeywordHash_Key(keyword);
- for (key = table[hash]; key; key = key->next) {
- if (!Q_stricmp(key->keyword, keyword))
- return key;
- }
- return NULL;
-Item Keyword Parse functions
-// name <string>
-qboolean ItemParse_name( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &item-> {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-// name <string>
-qboolean ItemParse_focusSound( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- const char *temp;
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &temp)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- item->focusSound = DC->registerSound(temp, qfalse);
- return qtrue;
-// text <string>
-qboolean ItemParse_text( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &item->text)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-// group <string>
-qboolean ItemParse_group( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &item-> {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-// asset_model <string>
-qboolean ItemParse_asset_model( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- const char *temp;
- modelDef_t *modelPtr;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- modelPtr = (modelDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &temp)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- item->asset = DC->registerModel(temp);
- modelPtr->angle = rand() % 360;
- return qtrue;
-// asset_shader <string>
-qboolean ItemParse_asset_shader( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- const char *temp;
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &temp)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- item->asset = DC->registerShaderNoMip(temp);
- return qtrue;
-// model_origin <number> <number> <number>
-qboolean ItemParse_model_origin( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- modelDef_t *modelPtr;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- modelPtr = (modelDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (PC_Float_Parse(handle, &modelPtr->origin[0])) {
- if (PC_Float_Parse(handle, &modelPtr->origin[1])) {
- if (PC_Float_Parse(handle, &modelPtr->origin[2])) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- }
- return qfalse;
-// model_fovx <number>
-qboolean ItemParse_model_fovx( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- modelDef_t *modelPtr;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- modelPtr = (modelDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &modelPtr->fov_x)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-// model_fovy <number>
-qboolean ItemParse_model_fovy( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- modelDef_t *modelPtr;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- modelPtr = (modelDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &modelPtr->fov_y)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-// model_rotation <integer>
-qboolean ItemParse_model_rotation( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- modelDef_t *modelPtr;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- modelPtr = (modelDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &modelPtr->rotationSpeed)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-// model_angle <integer>
-qboolean ItemParse_model_angle( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- modelDef_t *modelPtr;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- modelPtr = (modelDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &modelPtr->angle)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-// rect <rectangle>
-qboolean ItemParse_rect( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Rect_Parse(handle, &item->window.rectClient)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-// style <integer>
-qboolean ItemParse_style( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &item-> {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-// decoration
-qboolean ItemParse_decoration( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- item->window.flags |= WINDOW_DECORATION;
- return qtrue;
-// notselectable
-qboolean ItemParse_notselectable( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- listBoxDef_t *listPtr;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- listPtr = (listBoxDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX && listPtr) {
- listPtr->notselectable = qtrue;
- }
- return qtrue;
-// manually wrapped
-qboolean ItemParse_wrapped( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- item->window.flags |= WINDOW_WRAPPED;
- return qtrue;
-// auto wrapped
-qboolean ItemParse_autowrapped( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- item->window.flags |= WINDOW_AUTOWRAPPED;
- return qtrue;
-// horizontalscroll
-qboolean ItemParse_horizontalscroll( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- item->window.flags |= WINDOW_HORIZONTAL;
- return qtrue;
-// type <integer>
-qboolean ItemParse_type( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &item->type)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- return qtrue;
-// elementwidth, used for listbox image elements
-// uses textalignx for storage
-qboolean ItemParse_elementwidth( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- listBoxDef_t *listPtr;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- listPtr = (listBoxDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &listPtr->elementWidth)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-// elementheight, used for listbox image elements
-// uses textaligny for storage
-qboolean ItemParse_elementheight( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- listBoxDef_t *listPtr;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- listPtr = (listBoxDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &listPtr->elementHeight)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-// feeder <float>
-qboolean ItemParse_feeder( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &item->special)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-// elementtype, used to specify what type of elements a listbox contains
-// uses textstyle for storage
-qboolean ItemParse_elementtype( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- listBoxDef_t *listPtr;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- if (!item->typeData)
- return qfalse;
- listPtr = (listBoxDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &listPtr->elementStyle)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-// columns sets a number of columns and an x pos and width per..
-qboolean ItemParse_columns( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- int num, i;
- listBoxDef_t *listPtr;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- if (!item->typeData)
- return qfalse;
- listPtr = (listBoxDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (PC_Int_Parse(handle, &num)) {
- if (num > MAX_LB_COLUMNS) {
- }
- listPtr->numColumns = num;
- for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- int pos, width, maxChars, align;
- if( PC_Int_Parse( handle, &pos ) &&
- PC_Int_Parse( handle, &width ) &&
- PC_Int_Parse( handle, &maxChars ) &&
- PC_Int_Parse( handle, &align ) )
- {
- listPtr->columnInfo[i].pos = pos;
- listPtr->columnInfo[i].width = width;
- listPtr->columnInfo[i].maxChars = maxChars;
- listPtr->columnInfo[i].align = align;
- } else {
- return qfalse;
- }
- }
- } else {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_border( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &item->window.border)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_bordersize( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &item->window.borderSize)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_visible( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- int i;
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &i)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- if (i) {
- item->window.flags |= WINDOW_VISIBLE;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_ownerdraw( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &item->window.ownerDraw)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- item->type = ITEM_TYPE_OWNERDRAW;
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_align( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &item->alignment)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_textalign( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &item->textalignment)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_textalignx( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &item->textalignx)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_textaligny( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &item->textaligny)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_textscale( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &item->textscale)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_textstyle( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &item->textStyle)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_backcolor( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- int i;
- float f;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &f)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- item->window.backColor[i] = f;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_forecolor( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- int i;
- float f;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &f)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- item->window.foreColor[i] = f;
- item->window.flags |= WINDOW_FORECOLORSET;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_bordercolor( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- int i;
- float f;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &f)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- item->window.borderColor[i] = f;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_outlinecolor( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Color_Parse(handle, &item->window.outlineColor)){
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_background( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- const char *temp;
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &temp)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- item->window.background = DC->registerShaderNoMip(temp);
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_cinematic( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &item->window.cinematicName)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_doubleClick( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- listBoxDef_t *listPtr;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- if (!item->typeData) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- listPtr = (listBoxDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (!PC_Script_Parse(handle, &listPtr->doubleClick)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_onFocus( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Script_Parse(handle, &item->onFocus)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_leaveFocus( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Script_Parse(handle, &item->leaveFocus)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_mouseEnter( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Script_Parse(handle, &item->mouseEnter)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_mouseExit( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Script_Parse(handle, &item->mouseExit)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_mouseEnterText( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Script_Parse(handle, &item->mouseEnterText)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_mouseExitText( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Script_Parse(handle, &item->mouseExitText)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_action( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Script_Parse(handle, &item->action)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_special( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &item->special)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_cvarTest( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &item->cvarTest)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_cvar( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- editFieldDef_t *editPtr;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &item->cvar)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- if (item->typeData) {
- editPtr = (editFieldDef_t*)item->typeData;
- editPtr->minVal = -1;
- editPtr->maxVal = -1;
- editPtr->defVal = -1;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_maxChars( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- editFieldDef_t *editPtr;
- int maxChars;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- if (!item->typeData)
- return qfalse;
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &maxChars)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- editPtr = (editFieldDef_t*)item->typeData;
- editPtr->maxChars = maxChars;
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_maxPaintChars( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- editFieldDef_t *editPtr;
- int maxChars;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- if (!item->typeData)
- return qfalse;
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &maxChars)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- editPtr = (editFieldDef_t*)item->typeData;
- editPtr->maxPaintChars = maxChars;
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_cvarFloat( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- editFieldDef_t *editPtr;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- if (!item->typeData)
- return qfalse;
- editPtr = (editFieldDef_t*)item->typeData;
- if (PC_String_Parse(handle, &item->cvar) &&
- PC_Float_Parse(handle, &editPtr->defVal) &&
- PC_Float_Parse(handle, &editPtr->minVal) &&
- PC_Float_Parse(handle, &editPtr->maxVal)) {
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-qboolean ItemParse_cvarStrList( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- pc_token_t token;
- multiDef_t *multiPtr;
- int pass;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- if (!item->typeData)
- return qfalse;
- multiPtr = (multiDef_t*)item->typeData;
- multiPtr->count = 0;
- multiPtr->strDef = qtrue;
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token))
- return qfalse;
- if (*token.string != '{') {
- return qfalse;
- }
- pass = 0;
- while ( 1 ) {
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token)) {
- PC_SourceError(handle, "end of file inside menu item\n");
- return qfalse;
- }
- if (*token.string == '}') {
- return qtrue;
- }
- if (*token.string == ',' || *token.string == ';') {
- continue;
- }
- if (pass == 0) {
- multiPtr->cvarList[multiPtr->count] = String_Alloc(token.string);
- pass = 1;
- } else {
- multiPtr->cvarStr[multiPtr->count] = String_Alloc(token.string);
- pass = 0;
- multiPtr->count++;
- if (multiPtr->count >= MAX_MULTI_CVARS) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- }
- }
- return qfalse; // bk001205 - LCC missing return value
-qboolean ItemParse_cvarFloatList( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- pc_token_t token;
- multiDef_t *multiPtr;
- Item_ValidateTypeData(item);
- if (!item->typeData)
- return qfalse;
- multiPtr = (multiDef_t*)item->typeData;
- multiPtr->count = 0;
- multiPtr->strDef = qfalse;
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token))
- return qfalse;
- if (*token.string != '{') {
- return qfalse;
- }
- while ( 1 ) {
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token)) {
- PC_SourceError(handle, "end of file inside menu item\n");
- return qfalse;
- }
- if (*token.string == '}') {
- return qtrue;
- }
- if (*token.string == ',' || *token.string == ';') {
- continue;
- }
- multiPtr->cvarList[multiPtr->count] = String_Alloc(token.string);
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &multiPtr->cvarValue[multiPtr->count])) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- multiPtr->count++;
- if (multiPtr->count >= MAX_MULTI_CVARS) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- }
- return qfalse; // bk001205 - LCC missing return value
-qboolean ItemParse_addColorRange( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- colorRangeDef_t color;
- if (PC_Float_Parse(handle, &color.low) &&
- PC_Float_Parse(handle, &color.high) &&
- PC_Color_Parse(handle, &color.color) ) {
- if (item->numColors < MAX_COLOR_RANGES) {
- memcpy(&item->colorRanges[item->numColors], &color, sizeof(color));
- item->numColors++;
- }
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-qboolean ItemParse_ownerdrawFlag( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- int i;
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &i)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- item->window.ownerDrawFlags |= i;
- return qtrue;
-qboolean ItemParse_enableCvar( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (PC_Script_Parse(handle, &item->enableCvar)) {
- item->cvarFlags = CVAR_ENABLE;
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-qboolean ItemParse_disableCvar( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (PC_Script_Parse(handle, &item->enableCvar)) {
- item->cvarFlags = CVAR_DISABLE;
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-qboolean ItemParse_showCvar( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (PC_Script_Parse(handle, &item->enableCvar)) {
- item->cvarFlags = CVAR_SHOW;
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-qboolean ItemParse_hideCvar( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- if (PC_Script_Parse(handle, &item->enableCvar)) {
- item->cvarFlags = CVAR_HIDE;
- return qtrue;
- }
- return qfalse;
-keywordHash_t itemParseKeywords[] = {
- {"name", ItemParse_name, NULL},
- {"text", ItemParse_text, NULL},
- {"group", ItemParse_group, NULL},
- {"asset_model", ItemParse_asset_model, NULL},
- {"asset_shader", ItemParse_asset_shader, NULL},
- {"model_origin", ItemParse_model_origin, NULL},
- {"model_fovx", ItemParse_model_fovx, NULL},
- {"model_fovy", ItemParse_model_fovy, NULL},
- {"model_rotation", ItemParse_model_rotation, NULL},
- {"model_angle", ItemParse_model_angle, NULL},
- {"rect", ItemParse_rect, NULL},
- {"style", ItemParse_style, NULL},
- {"decoration", ItemParse_decoration, NULL},
- {"notselectable", ItemParse_notselectable, NULL},
- {"wrapped", ItemParse_wrapped, NULL},
- {"autowrapped", ItemParse_autowrapped, NULL},
- {"horizontalscroll", ItemParse_horizontalscroll, NULL},
- {"type", ItemParse_type, NULL},
- {"elementwidth", ItemParse_elementwidth, NULL},
- {"elementheight", ItemParse_elementheight, NULL},
- {"feeder", ItemParse_feeder, NULL},
- {"elementtype", ItemParse_elementtype, NULL},
- {"columns", ItemParse_columns, NULL},
- {"border", ItemParse_border, NULL},
- {"bordersize", ItemParse_bordersize, NULL},
- {"visible", ItemParse_visible, NULL},
- {"ownerdraw", ItemParse_ownerdraw, NULL},
- {"align", ItemParse_align, NULL},
- {"textalign", ItemParse_textalign, NULL},
- {"textalignx", ItemParse_textalignx, NULL},
- {"textaligny", ItemParse_textaligny, NULL},
- {"textscale", ItemParse_textscale, NULL},
- {"textstyle", ItemParse_textstyle, NULL},
- {"backcolor", ItemParse_backcolor, NULL},
- {"forecolor", ItemParse_forecolor, NULL},
- {"bordercolor", ItemParse_bordercolor, NULL},
- {"outlinecolor", ItemParse_outlinecolor, NULL},
- {"background", ItemParse_background, NULL},
- {"onFocus", ItemParse_onFocus, NULL},
- {"leaveFocus", ItemParse_leaveFocus, NULL},
- {"mouseEnter", ItemParse_mouseEnter, NULL},
- {"mouseExit", ItemParse_mouseExit, NULL},
- {"mouseEnterText", ItemParse_mouseEnterText, NULL},
- {"mouseExitText", ItemParse_mouseExitText, NULL},
- {"action", ItemParse_action, NULL},
- {"special", ItemParse_special, NULL},
- {"cvar", ItemParse_cvar, NULL},
- {"maxChars", ItemParse_maxChars, NULL},
- {"maxPaintChars", ItemParse_maxPaintChars, NULL},
- {"focusSound", ItemParse_focusSound, NULL},
- {"cvarFloat", ItemParse_cvarFloat, NULL},
- {"cvarStrList", ItemParse_cvarStrList, NULL},
- {"cvarFloatList", ItemParse_cvarFloatList, NULL},
- {"addColorRange", ItemParse_addColorRange, NULL},
- {"ownerdrawFlag", ItemParse_ownerdrawFlag, NULL},
- {"enableCvar", ItemParse_enableCvar, NULL},
- {"cvarTest", ItemParse_cvarTest, NULL},
- {"disableCvar", ItemParse_disableCvar, NULL},
- {"showCvar", ItemParse_showCvar, NULL},
- {"hideCvar", ItemParse_hideCvar, NULL},
- {"cinematic", ItemParse_cinematic, NULL},
- {"doubleclick", ItemParse_doubleClick, NULL},
- {NULL, voidFunction2, NULL}
-keywordHash_t *itemParseKeywordHash[KEYWORDHASH_SIZE];
-void Item_SetupKeywordHash( void )
- int i;
- memset( itemParseKeywordHash, 0, sizeof( itemParseKeywordHash ) );
- for( i = 0; itemParseKeywords[ i ].keyword; i++ )
- KeywordHash_Add( itemParseKeywordHash, &itemParseKeywords[ i ] );
-qboolean Item_Parse(int handle, itemDef_t *item) {
- pc_token_t token;
- keywordHash_t *key;
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token))
- return qfalse;
- if (*token.string != '{') {
- return qfalse;
- }
- while ( 1 ) {
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token)) {
- PC_SourceError(handle, "end of file inside menu item\n");
- return qfalse;
- }
- if (*token.string == '}') {
- return qtrue;
- }
- key = KeywordHash_Find(itemParseKeywordHash, token.string);
- if (!key) {
- PC_SourceError(handle, "unknown menu item keyword %s", token.string);
- continue;
- }
- if ( !key->func(item, handle) ) {
- PC_SourceError(handle, "couldn't parse menu item keyword %s", token.string);
- return qfalse;
- }
- }
- return qfalse; // bk001205 - LCC missing return value
-// Item_InitControls
-// init's special control types
-void Item_InitControls(itemDef_t *item) {
- if (item == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX) {
- listBoxDef_t *listPtr = (listBoxDef_t*)item->typeData;
- item->cursorPos = 0;
- if (listPtr) {
- listPtr->cursorPos = 0;
- listPtr->startPos = 0;
- listPtr->endPos = 0;
- listPtr->cursorPos = 0;
- }
- }
-Menu Keyword Parse functions
-qboolean MenuParse_font( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &menu->font)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- if (!DC->Assets.fontRegistered) {
- DC->registerFont(menu->font, 48, &DC->Assets.textFont);
- DC->Assets.fontRegistered = qtrue;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_name( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &menu-> {
- return qfalse;
- }
- if (Q_stricmp(menu->, "main") == 0) {
- // default main as having focus
- //menu->window.flags |= WINDOW_HASFOCUS;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_fullscreen( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, (int*) &menu->fullScreen)) { // bk001206 - cast qboolean
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_rect( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_Rect_Parse(handle, &menu->window.rect)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_style( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &menu-> {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_visible( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- int i;
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &i)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- if (i) {
- menu->window.flags |= WINDOW_VISIBLE;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_onOpen( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_Script_Parse(handle, &menu->onOpen)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_onClose( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_Script_Parse(handle, &menu->onClose)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_onESC( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_Script_Parse(handle, &menu->onESC)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_border( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &menu->window.border)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_borderSize( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &menu->window.borderSize)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_backcolor( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- int i;
- float f;
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &f)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- menu->window.backColor[i] = f;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_forecolor( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- int i;
- float f;
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &f)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- menu->window.foreColor[i] = f;
- menu->window.flags |= WINDOW_FORECOLORSET;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_bordercolor( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- int i;
- float f;
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &f)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- menu->window.borderColor[i] = f;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_focuscolor( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- int i;
- float f;
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &f)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- menu->focusColor[i] = f;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_disablecolor( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- int i;
- float f;
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &f)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- menu->disableColor[i] = f;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_outlinecolor( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_Color_Parse(handle, &menu->window.outlineColor)){
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_background( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- const char *buff;
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &buff)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- menu->window.background = DC->registerShaderNoMip(buff);
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_cinematic( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &menu->window.cinematicName)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_ownerdrawFlag( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- int i;
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &i)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- menu->window.ownerDrawFlags |= i;
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_ownerdraw( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &menu->window.ownerDraw)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-// decoration
-qboolean MenuParse_popup( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- menu->window.flags |= WINDOW_POPUP;
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_outOfBounds( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- menu->window.flags |= WINDOW_OOB_CLICK;
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_soundLoop( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_String_Parse(handle, &menu->soundName)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_fadeClamp( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &menu->fadeClamp)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_fadeAmount( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_Float_Parse(handle, &menu->fadeAmount)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_fadeCycle( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (!PC_Int_Parse(handle, &menu->fadeCycle)) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-qboolean MenuParse_itemDef( itemDef_t *item, int handle ) {
- menuDef_t *menu = (menuDef_t*)item;
- if (menu->itemCount < MAX_MENUITEMS) {
- menu->items[menu->itemCount] = UI_Alloc(sizeof(itemDef_t));
- Item_Init(menu->items[menu->itemCount]);
- if (!Item_Parse(handle, menu->items[menu->itemCount])) {
- return qfalse;
- }
- Item_InitControls(menu->items[menu->itemCount]);
- menu->items[menu->itemCount++]->parent = menu;
- }
- return qtrue;
-keywordHash_t menuParseKeywords[] = {
- {"font", MenuParse_font, NULL},
- {"name", MenuParse_name, NULL},
- {"fullscreen", MenuParse_fullscreen, NULL},
- {"rect", MenuParse_rect, NULL},
- {"style", MenuParse_style, NULL},
- {"visible", MenuParse_visible, NULL},
- {"onOpen", MenuParse_onOpen, NULL},
- {"onClose", MenuParse_onClose, NULL},
- {"onESC", MenuParse_onESC, NULL},
- {"border", MenuParse_border, NULL},
- {"borderSize", MenuParse_borderSize, NULL},
- {"backcolor", MenuParse_backcolor, NULL},
- {"forecolor", MenuParse_forecolor, NULL},
- {"bordercolor", MenuParse_bordercolor, NULL},
- {"focuscolor", MenuParse_focuscolor, NULL},
- {"disablecolor", MenuParse_disablecolor, NULL},
- {"outlinecolor", MenuParse_outlinecolor, NULL},
- {"background", MenuParse_background, NULL},
- {"ownerdraw", MenuParse_ownerdraw, NULL},
- {"ownerdrawFlag", MenuParse_ownerdrawFlag, NULL},
- {"outOfBoundsClick", MenuParse_outOfBounds, NULL},
- {"soundLoop", MenuParse_soundLoop, NULL},
- {"itemDef", MenuParse_itemDef, NULL},
- {"cinematic", MenuParse_cinematic, NULL},
- {"popup", MenuParse_popup, NULL},
- {"fadeClamp", MenuParse_fadeClamp, NULL},
- {"fadeCycle", MenuParse_fadeCycle, NULL},
- {"fadeAmount", MenuParse_fadeAmount, NULL},
- {NULL, voidFunction2, NULL}
-keywordHash_t *menuParseKeywordHash[KEYWORDHASH_SIZE];
-void Menu_SetupKeywordHash( void )
- int i;
- memset( menuParseKeywordHash, 0, sizeof( menuParseKeywordHash ) );
- for(i = 0; menuParseKeywords[ i ].keyword; i++ )
- KeywordHash_Add( menuParseKeywordHash, &menuParseKeywords[ i ] );
-qboolean Menu_Parse(int handle, menuDef_t *menu) {
- pc_token_t token;
- keywordHash_t *key;
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token))
- return qfalse;
- if (*token.string != '{') {
- return qfalse;
- }
- while ( 1 ) {
- memset(&token, 0, sizeof(pc_token_t));
- if (!trap_PC_ReadToken(handle, &token)) {
- PC_SourceError(handle, "end of file inside menu\n");
- return qfalse;
- }
- if (*token.string == '}') {
- return qtrue;
- }
- key = KeywordHash_Find(menuParseKeywordHash, token.string);
- if (!key) {
- PC_SourceError(handle, "unknown menu keyword %s", token.string);
- continue;
- }
- if ( !key->func((itemDef_t*)menu, handle) ) {
- PC_SourceError(handle, "couldn't parse menu keyword %s", token.string);
- return qfalse;
- }
- }
- return qfalse; // bk001205 - LCC missing return value
-void Menu_New(int handle) {
- menuDef_t *menu = &Menus[menuCount];
- if (menuCount < MAX_MENUS) {
- Menu_Init(menu);
- if (Menu_Parse(handle, menu)) {
- Menu_PostParse(menu);
- menuCount++;
- }
- }
-int Menu_Count( void ) {
- return menuCount;
-void Menu_PaintAll( void ) {
- int i;
- if (captureFunc) {
- captureFunc(captureData);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < Menu_Count(); i++) {
- Menu_Paint(&Menus[i], qfalse);
- }
- if (debugMode) {
- vec4_t v = {1, 1, 1, 1};
- DC->drawText(5, 25, .5, v, va("fps: %f", DC->FPS), 0, 0, 0);
- }
-void Menu_Reset( void )
- menuCount = 0;
-displayContextDef_t *Display_GetContext( void ) {
- return DC;
-void *Display_CaptureItem(int x, int y) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < menuCount; i++) {
- // turn off focus each item
- // menu->items[i].window.flags &= ~WINDOW_HASFOCUS;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&Menus[i].window.rect, x, y)) {
- return &Menus[i];
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-// FIXME:
-qboolean Display_MouseMove(void *p, int x, int y) {
- int i;
- menuDef_t *menu = p;
- if (menu == NULL) {
- menu = Menu_GetFocused();
- if (menu) {
- if (menu->window.flags & WINDOW_POPUP) {
- Menu_HandleMouseMove(menu, x, y);
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < menuCount; i++) {
- Menu_HandleMouseMove(&Menus[i], x, y);
- }
- } else {
- menu->window.rect.x += x;
- menu->window.rect.y += y;
- Menu_UpdatePosition(menu);
- }
- return qtrue;
-int Display_CursorType(int x, int y) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < menuCount; i++) {
- rectDef_t r2;
- r2.x = Menus[i].window.rect.x - 3;
- r2.y = Menus[i].window.rect.y - 3;
- r2.w = r2.h = 7;
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&r2, x, y)) {
- return CURSOR_SIZER;
- }
- }
- return CURSOR_ARROW;
-void Display_HandleKey(int key, qboolean down, int x, int y) {
- menuDef_t *menu = Display_CaptureItem(x, y);
- if (menu == NULL) {
- menu = Menu_GetFocused();
- }
- if (menu) {
- Menu_HandleKey(menu, key, down );
- }
-static void Window_CacheContents(windowDef_t *window) {
- if (window) {
- if (window->cinematicName) {
- int cin = DC->playCinematic(window->cinematicName, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- DC->stopCinematic(cin);
- }
- }
-static void Item_CacheContents(itemDef_t *item) {
- if (item) {
- Window_CacheContents(&item->window);
- }
-static void Menu_CacheContents(menuDef_t *menu) {
- if (menu) {
- int i;
- Window_CacheContents(&menu->window);
- for (i = 0; i < menu->itemCount; i++) {
- Item_CacheContents(menu->items[i]);
- }
- if (menu->soundName && *menu->soundName) {
- DC->registerSound(menu->soundName, qfalse);
- }
- }
-void Display_CacheAll( void ) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < menuCount; i++) {
- Menu_CacheContents(&Menus[i]);
- }
-static qboolean Menu_OverActiveItem(menuDef_t *menu, float x, float y) {
- if (menu && menu->window.flags & (WINDOW_VISIBLE | WINDOW_FORCED)) {
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&menu->window.rect, x, y)) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < menu->itemCount; i++) {
- // turn off focus each item
- // menu->items[i].window.flags &= ~WINDOW_HASFOCUS;
- if (!(menu->items[i]->window.flags & (WINDOW_VISIBLE | WINDOW_FORCED))) {
- continue;
- }
- if (menu->items[i]->window.flags & WINDOW_DECORATION) {
- continue;
- }
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(&menu->items[i]->window.rect, x, y)) {
- itemDef_t *overItem = menu->items[i];
- if (overItem->type == ITEM_TYPE_TEXT && overItem->text) {
- if (Rect_ContainsPoint(Item_CorrectedTextRect(overItem), x, y)) {
- return qtrue;
- } else {
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- return qtrue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return qfalse;
diff --git a/src/ui/ui_shared.h b/src/ui/ui_shared.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b41b97e5..00000000
--- a/src/ui/ui_shared.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
- * Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Tim Angus
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the OSML - Open Source Modification License v1.0 as
- * described in the file COPYING which is distributed with this source
- * code.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- */
-#ifndef __UI_SHARED_H
-#define __UI_SHARED_H
-#include "../game/q_shared.h"
-#include "../cgame/tr_types.h"
-#include "keycodes.h"
-#include "../../ui/menudef.h"
-#define MAX_MENUNAME 32
-#define MAX_ITEMTEXT 64
-#define MAX_ITEMACTION 64
-#define MAX_MENUDEFFILE 4096
-#define MAX_MENUFILE 32768
-#define MAX_MENUS 256
-#define MAX_MENUITEMS 96
-#define MAX_COLOR_RANGES 10
-#define MAX_OPEN_MENUS 16
-#define WINDOW_MOUSEOVER 0x00000001 // mouse is over it, non exclusive
-#define WINDOW_HASFOCUS 0x00000002 // has cursor focus, exclusive
-#define WINDOW_VISIBLE 0x00000004 // is visible
-#define WINDOW_GREY 0x00000008 // is visible but grey ( non-active )
-#define WINDOW_DECORATION 0x00000010 // for decoration only, no mouse, keyboard, etc..
-#define WINDOW_FADINGOUT 0x00000020 // fading out, non-active
-#define WINDOW_FADINGIN 0x00000040 // fading in
-#define WINDOW_MOUSEOVERTEXT 0x00000080 // mouse is over it, non exclusive
-#define WINDOW_INTRANSITION 0x00000100 // window is in transition
-#define WINDOW_FORECOLORSET 0x00000200 // forecolor was explicitly set ( used to color alpha images or not )
-#define WINDOW_HORIZONTAL 0x00000400 // for list boxes and sliders, vertical is default this is set of horizontal
-#define WINDOW_LB_LEFTARROW 0x00000800 // mouse is over left/up arrow
-#define WINDOW_LB_RIGHTARROW 0x00001000 // mouse is over right/down arrow
-#define WINDOW_LB_THUMB 0x00002000 // mouse is over thumb
-#define WINDOW_LB_PGUP 0x00004000 // mouse is over page up
-#define WINDOW_LB_PGDN 0x00008000 // mouse is over page down
-#define WINDOW_ORBITING 0x00010000 // item is in orbit
-#define WINDOW_OOB_CLICK 0x00020000 // close on out of bounds click
-#define WINDOW_WRAPPED 0x00040000 // manually wrap text
-#define WINDOW_AUTOWRAPPED 0x00080000 // auto wrap text
-#define WINDOW_FORCED 0x00100000 // forced open
-#define WINDOW_POPUP 0x00200000 // popup
-#define WINDOW_BACKCOLORSET 0x00400000 // backcolor was explicitly set
-#define WINDOW_TIMEDVISIBLE 0x00800000 // visibility timing ( NOT implemented )
-// CGAME cursor type bits
-#define CURSOR_NONE 0x00000001
-#define CURSOR_ARROW 0x00000002
-#define CURSOR_SIZER 0x00000004
-#ifdef CGAME
-#define STRING_POOL_SIZE 128*1024
-#define STRING_POOL_SIZE 384*1024
-#define MAX_STRING_HANDLES 4096
-#define MAX_SCRIPT_ARGS 12
-#define MAX_EDITFIELD 256
-#define ART_FX_BASE "menu/art/fx_base"
-#define ART_FX_BLUE "menu/art/fx_blue"
-#define ART_FX_CYAN "menu/art/fx_cyan"
-#define ART_FX_GREEN "menu/art/fx_grn"
-#define ART_FX_RED "menu/art/fx_red"
-#define ART_FX_TEAL "menu/art/fx_teal"
-#define ART_FX_WHITE "menu/art/fx_white"
-#define ART_FX_YELLOW "menu/art/fx_yel"
-#define ASSET_GRADIENTBAR "ui/assets/gradientbar2.tga"
-#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR "ui/assets/scrollbar.tga"
-#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWDOWN "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_dwn_a.tga"
-#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWUP "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_up_a.tga"
-#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWLEFT "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_left.tga"
-#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWRIGHT "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_right.tga"
-#define ASSET_SCROLL_THUMB "ui/assets/scrollbar_thumb.tga"
-#define ASSET_SLIDER_BAR "ui/assets/slider2.tga"
-#define ASSET_SLIDER_THUMB "ui/assets/sliderbutt_1.tga"
-#define SCROLLBAR_SIZE 16.0
-#define SLIDER_WIDTH 96.0
-#define SLIDER_HEIGHT 16.0
-#define SLIDER_THUMB_WIDTH 12.0
-#define NUM_CROSSHAIRS 10
-typedef struct {
- const char *command;
- const char *args[MAX_SCRIPT_ARGS];
-} scriptDef_t;
-typedef struct {
- float x; // horiz position
- float y; // vert position
- float w; // width
- float h; // height;
-} rectDef_t;
-typedef rectDef_t Rectangle;
-// FIXME: do something to separate text vs window stuff
-typedef struct {
- Rectangle rect; // client coord rectangle
- Rectangle rectClient; // screen coord rectangle
- const char *name; //
- const char *group; // if it belongs to a group
- const char *cinematicName; // cinematic name
- int cinematic; // cinematic handle
- int style; //
- int border; //
- int ownerDraw; // ownerDraw style
- int ownerDrawFlags; // show flags for ownerdraw items
- float borderSize; //
- int flags; // visible, focus, mouseover, cursor
- Rectangle rectEffects; // for various effects
- Rectangle rectEffects2; // for various effects
- int offsetTime; // time based value for various effects
- int nextTime; // time next effect should cycle
- vec4_t foreColor; // text color
- vec4_t backColor; // border color
- vec4_t borderColor; // border color
- vec4_t outlineColor; // border color
- qhandle_t background; // background asset
-} windowDef_t;
-typedef windowDef_t Window;
-typedef struct {
- vec4_t color;
- float low;
- float high;
-} colorRangeDef_t;
-// FIXME: combine flags into bitfields to save space
-// FIXME: consolidate all of the common stuff in one structure for menus and items
-// THINKABOUTME: is there any compelling reason not to have items contain items
-// and do away with a menu per say.. major issue is not being able to dynamically allocate
-// and destroy stuff.. Another point to consider is adding an alloc free call for vm's and have
-// the engine just allocate the pool for it based on a cvar
-// many of the vars are re-used for different item types, as such they are not always named appropriately
-// the benefits of c++ in DOOM will greatly help crap like this
-// FIXME: need to put a type ptr that points to specific type info per type
-#define MAX_LB_COLUMNS 16
-typedef struct columnInfo_s {
- int pos;
- int width;
- int maxChars;
- int align;
-} columnInfo_t;
-typedef struct listBoxDef_s {
- int startPos;
- int endPos;
- int drawPadding;
- int cursorPos;
- float elementWidth;
- float elementHeight;
- int elementStyle;
- int numColumns;
- columnInfo_t columnInfo[MAX_LB_COLUMNS];
- const char *doubleClick;
- qboolean notselectable;
-} listBoxDef_t;
-typedef struct editFieldDef_s {
- float minVal; // edit field limits
- float maxVal; //
- float defVal; //
- float range; //
- int maxChars; // for edit fields
- int maxPaintChars; // for edit fields
- int paintOffset; //
-} editFieldDef_t;
-#define MAX_MULTI_CVARS 32
-typedef struct multiDef_s {
- const char *cvarList[MAX_MULTI_CVARS];
- const char *cvarStr[MAX_MULTI_CVARS];
- float cvarValue[MAX_MULTI_CVARS];
- int count;
- qboolean strDef;
-} multiDef_t;
-typedef struct modelDef_s {
- int angle;
- vec3_t origin;
- float fov_x;
- float fov_y;
- int rotationSpeed;
-} modelDef_t;
-#define CVAR_ENABLE 0x00000001
-#define CVAR_DISABLE 0x00000002
-#define CVAR_SHOW 0x00000004
-#define CVAR_HIDE 0x00000008
-typedef struct itemDef_s {
- Window window; // common positional, border, style, layout info
- Rectangle textRect; // rectangle the text ( if any ) consumes
- int type; // text, button, radiobutton, checkbox, textfield, listbox, combo
- int alignment; // left center right
- int textalignment; // ( optional ) alignment for text within rect based on text width
- float textalignx; // ( optional ) text alignment x coord
- float textaligny; // ( optional ) text alignment x coord
- float textscale; // scale percentage from 72pts
- int textStyle; // ( optional ) style, normal and shadowed are it for now
- const char *text; // display text
- void *parent; // menu owner
- qhandle_t asset; // handle to asset
- const char *mouseEnterText; // mouse enter script
- const char *mouseExitText; // mouse exit script
- const char *mouseEnter; // mouse enter script
- const char *mouseExit; // mouse exit script
- const char *action; // select script
- const char *onFocus; // select script
- const char *leaveFocus; // select script
- const char *cvar; // associated cvar
- const char *cvarTest; // associated cvar for enable actions
- const char *enableCvar; // enable, disable, show, or hide based on value, this can contain a list
- int cvarFlags; // what type of action to take on cvarenables
- sfxHandle_t focusSound;
- int numColors; // number of color ranges
- colorRangeDef_t colorRanges[MAX_COLOR_RANGES];
- float special; // used for feeder id's etc.. diff per type
- int cursorPos; // cursor position in characters
- void *typeData; // type specific data ptr's
-} itemDef_t;
-typedef struct {
- Window window;
- const char *font; // font
- qboolean fullScreen; // covers entire screen
- int itemCount; // number of items;
- int fontIndex; //
- int cursorItem; // which item as the cursor
- int fadeCycle; //
- float fadeClamp; //
- float fadeAmount; //
- const char *onOpen; // run when the menu is first opened
- const char *onClose; // run when the menu is closed
- const char *onESC; // run when the menu is closed
- const char *soundName; // background loop sound for menu
- vec4_t focusColor; // focus color for items
- vec4_t disableColor; // focus color for items
- itemDef_t *items[MAX_MENUITEMS]; // items this menu contains
-} menuDef_t;
-typedef struct {
- const char *fontStr;
- const char *cursorStr;
- const char *gradientStr;
- fontInfo_t textFont;
- fontInfo_t smallFont;
- fontInfo_t bigFont;
- qhandle_t cursor;
- qhandle_t gradientBar;
- qhandle_t scrollBarArrowUp;
- qhandle_t scrollBarArrowDown;
- qhandle_t scrollBarArrowLeft;
- qhandle_t scrollBarArrowRight;
- qhandle_t scrollBar;
- qhandle_t scrollBarThumb;
- qhandle_t buttonMiddle;
- qhandle_t buttonInside;
- qhandle_t solidBox;
- qhandle_t sliderBar;
- qhandle_t sliderThumb;
- sfxHandle_t menuEnterSound;
- sfxHandle_t menuExitSound;
- sfxHandle_t menuBuzzSound;
- sfxHandle_t itemFocusSound;
- float fadeClamp;
- int fadeCycle;
- float fadeAmount;
- float shadowX;
- float shadowY;
- vec4_t shadowColor;
- float shadowFadeClamp;
- qboolean fontRegistered;
-} cachedAssets_t;
-typedef struct {
- const char *name;
- void (*handler) (itemDef_t *item, char** args);
-} commandDef_t;
-typedef struct {
- qhandle_t (*registerShaderNoMip) (const char *p);
- void (*setColor) (const vec4_t v);
- void (*drawHandlePic) (float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t asset);
- void (*drawStretchPic) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, qhandle_t hShader );
- void (*drawText) (float x, float y, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, float adjust, int limit, int style );
- int (*textWidth) (const char *text, float scale, int limit);
- int (*textHeight) (const char *text, float scale, int limit);
- qhandle_t (*registerModel) (const char *p);
- void (*modelBounds) (qhandle_t model, vec3_t min, vec3_t max);
- void (*fillRect) ( float x, float y, float w, float h, const vec4_t color);
- void (*drawRect) ( float x, float y, float w, float h, float size, const vec4_t color);
- void (*drawSides) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float size);
- void (*drawTopBottom) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float size);
- void (*clearScene) (void);
- void (*addRefEntityToScene) (const refEntity_t *re );
- void (*renderScene) ( const refdef_t *fd );
- void (*registerFont) (const char *pFontname, int pointSize, fontInfo_t *font);
- void (*ownerDrawItem) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float text_x, float text_y, int ownerDraw, int ownerDrawFlags, int align, float special, float scale, vec4_t color, qhandle_t shader, int textStyle);
- float (*getValue) (int ownerDraw);
- qboolean (*ownerDrawVisible) (int flags);
- void (*runScript)(char **p);
- void (*getTeamColor)(vec4_t *color);
- void (*getCVarString)(const char *cvar, char *buffer, int bufsize);
- float (*getCVarValue)(const char *cvar);
- void (*setCVar)(const char *cvar, const char *value);
- void (*drawTextWithCursor)(float x, float y, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, int cursorPos, char cursor, int limit, int style);
- void (*setOverstrikeMode)(qboolean b);
- qboolean (*getOverstrikeMode)();
- void (*startLocalSound)( sfxHandle_t sfx, int channelNum );
- qboolean (*ownerDrawHandleKey)(int ownerDraw, int flags, float *special, int key);
- int (*feederCount)(float feederID);
- const char *(*feederItemText)(float feederID, int index, int column, qhandle_t *handle);
- qhandle_t (*feederItemImage)(float feederID, int index);
- void (*feederSelection)(float feederID, int index);
- void (*keynumToStringBuf)( int keynum, char *buf, int buflen );
- void (*getBindingBuf)( int keynum, char *buf, int buflen );
- void (*setBinding)( int keynum, const char *binding );
- void (*executeText)(int exec_when, const char *text );
- void (*Error)(int level, const char *error, ...);
- void (*Print)(const char *msg, ...);
- void (*Pause)(qboolean b);
- int (*ownerDrawWidth)(int ownerDraw, float scale);
- sfxHandle_t (*registerSound)(const char *name, qboolean compressed);
- void (*startBackgroundTrack)( const char *intro, const char *loop);
- void (*stopBackgroundTrack)( void );
- int (*playCinematic)(const char *name, float x, float y, float w, float h);
- void (*stopCinematic)(int handle);
- void (*drawCinematic)(int handle, float x, float y, float w, float h);
- void (*runCinematicFrame)(int handle);
- float yscale;
- float xscale;
- float bias;
- int realTime;
- int frameTime;
- int cursorx;
- int cursory;
- qboolean debug;
- cachedAssets_t Assets;
- glconfig_t glconfig;
- qhandle_t whiteShader;
- qhandle_t gradientImage;
- qhandle_t cursor;
- float FPS;
-} displayContextDef_t;
-const char *String_Alloc(const char *p);
-void String_Init( void );
-void String_Report( void );
-void Init_Display(displayContextDef_t *dc);
-void Display_ExpandMacros(char * buff);
-void Menu_Init(menuDef_t *menu);
-void Item_Init(itemDef_t *item);
-void Menu_PostParse(menuDef_t *menu);
-menuDef_t *Menu_GetFocused( void );
-void Menu_HandleKey(menuDef_t *menu, int key, qboolean down);
-void Menu_HandleMouseMove(menuDef_t *menu, float x, float y);
-void Menu_ScrollFeeder(menuDef_t *menu, int feeder, qboolean down);
-qboolean Float_Parse(char **p, float *f);
-qboolean Color_Parse(char **p, vec4_t *c);
-qboolean Int_Parse(char **p, int *i);
-qboolean Rect_Parse(char **p, rectDef_t *r);
-qboolean String_Parse(char **p, const char **out);
-qboolean Script_Parse(char **p, const char **out);
-qboolean PC_Float_Parse(int handle, float *f);
-qboolean PC_Color_Parse(int handle, vec4_t *c);
-qboolean PC_Int_Parse(int handle, int *i);
-qboolean PC_Rect_Parse(int handle, rectDef_t *r);
-qboolean PC_String_Parse(int handle, const char **out);
-qboolean PC_Script_Parse(int handle, const char **out);
-int Menu_Count( void );
-void Menu_New(int handle);
-void Menu_PaintAll( void );
-menuDef_t *Menus_ActivateByName(const char *p);
-void Menu_Reset( void );
-qboolean Menus_AnyFullScreenVisible();
-void Menus_Activate(menuDef_t *menu);
-displayContextDef_t *Display_GetContext( void );
-void *Display_CaptureItem(int x, int y);
-qboolean Display_MouseMove(void *p, int x, int y);
-int Display_CursorType(int x, int y);
-qboolean Display_KeyBindPending( void );
-void Menus_OpenByName(const char *p);
-menuDef_t *Menus_FindByName(const char *p);
-void Menus_ShowByName(const char *p);
-void Menus_CloseByName(const char *p);
-void Display_HandleKey(int key, qboolean down, int x, int y);
-void LerpColor(vec4_t a, vec4_t b, vec4_t c, float t);
-void Menus_CloseAll( void );
-void Menu_Paint(menuDef_t *menu, qboolean forcePaint);
-void Menu_SetFeederSelection(menuDef_t *menu, int feeder, int index, const char *name);
-void Display_CacheAll( void );
-void *UI_Alloc( int size );
-void UI_InitMemory( void );
-qboolean UI_OutOfMemory( void );
-void Controls_GetConfig( void );
-void Controls_SetConfig(qboolean restart);
-void Controls_SetDefaults( void );
-//for cg_draw.c
-void Item_Text_AutoWrapped_Paint( itemDef_t *item );
-int trap_PC_AddGlobalDefine( char *define );
-int trap_PC_LoadSource( const char *filename );
-int trap_PC_FreeSource( int handle );
-int trap_PC_ReadToken( int handle, pc_token_t *pc_token );
-int trap_PC_SourceFileAndLine( int handle, char *filename, int *line );
-void BindingFromName( const char *cvar );
-extern char g_nameBind1[ 32 ];
-extern char g_nameBind2[ 32 ];
diff --git a/src/ui/ui_syscalls.asm b/src/ui/ui_syscalls.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index 54255f29..00000000
--- a/src/ui/ui_syscalls.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-equ trap_Error -1
-equ trap_Print -2
-equ trap_Milliseconds -3
-equ trap_Cvar_Set -4
-equ trap_Cvar_VariableValue -5
-equ trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer -6
-equ trap_Cvar_SetValue -7
-equ trap_Cvar_Reset -8
-equ trap_Cvar_Create -9
-equ trap_Cvar_InfoStringBuffer -10
-equ trap_Argc -11
-equ trap_Argv -12
-equ trap_Cmd_ExecuteText -13
-equ trap_FS_FOpenFile -14
-equ trap_FS_Read -15
-equ trap_FS_Write -16
-equ trap_FS_FCloseFile -17
-equ trap_FS_GetFileList -18
-equ trap_R_RegisterModel -19
-equ trap_R_RegisterSkin -20
-equ trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip -21
-equ trap_R_ClearScene -22
-equ trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene -23
-equ trap_R_AddPolyToScene -24
-equ trap_R_AddLightToScene -25
-equ trap_R_RenderScene -26
-equ trap_R_SetColor -27
-equ trap_R_DrawStretchPic -28
-equ trap_UpdateScreen -29
-equ trap_CM_LerpTag -30
-equ trap_CM_LoadModel -31
-equ trap_S_RegisterSound -32
-equ trap_S_StartLocalSound -33
-equ trap_Key_KeynumToStringBuf -34
-equ trap_Key_GetBindingBuf -35
-equ trap_Key_SetBinding -36
-equ trap_Key_IsDown -37
-equ trap_Key_GetOverstrikeMode -38
-equ trap_Key_SetOverstrikeMode -39
-equ trap_Key_ClearStates -40
-equ trap_Key_GetCatcher -41
-equ trap_Key_SetCatcher -42
-equ trap_GetClipboardData -43
-equ trap_GetGlconfig -44
-equ trap_GetClientState -45
-equ trap_GetConfigString -46
-equ trap_LAN_GetPingQueueCount -47
-equ trap_LAN_ClearPing -48
-equ trap_LAN_GetPing -49
-equ trap_LAN_GetPingInfo -50
-equ trap_Cvar_Register -51
-equ trap_Cvar_Update -52
-equ trap_MemoryRemaining -53
-equ trap_GetCDKey -54
-equ trap_SetCDKey -55
-equ trap_R_RegisterFont -56
-equ trap_R_ModelBounds -57
-equ trap_PC_AddGlobalDefine -58
-equ trap_PC_LoadSource -59
-equ trap_PC_FreeSource -60
-equ trap_PC_ReadToken -61
-equ trap_PC_SourceFileAndLine -62
-equ trap_S_StopBackgroundTrack -63
-equ trap_S_StartBackgroundTrack -64
-equ trap_RealTime -65
-equ trap_LAN_GetServerCount -66
-equ trap_LAN_GetServerAddressString -67
-equ trap_LAN_GetServerInfo -68
-equ trap_LAN_MarkServerVisible -69
-equ trap_LAN_UpdateVisiblePings -70
-equ trap_LAN_ResetPings -71
-equ trap_LAN_LoadCachedServers -72
-equ trap_LAN_SaveCachedServers -73
-equ trap_LAN_AddServer -74
-equ trap_LAN_RemoveServer -75
-equ trap_CIN_PlayCinematic -76
-equ trap_CIN_StopCinematic -77
-equ trap_CIN_RunCinematic -78
-equ trap_CIN_DrawCinematic -79
-equ trap_CIN_SetExtents -80
-equ trap_R_RemapShader -81
-equ trap_VerifyCDKey -82
-equ trap_LAN_ServerStatus -83
-equ trap_LAN_GetServerPing -84
-equ trap_LAN_ServerIsVisible -85
-equ trap_LAN_CompareServers -86
-equ trap_FS_Seek -87
-equ trap_SetPbClStatus -88
-equ memset -101
-equ memcpy -102
-equ strncpy -103
-equ sin -104
-equ cos -105
-equ atan2 -106
-equ sqrt -107
-equ floor -108
-equ ceil -109
diff --git a/src/ui/ui_syscalls.c b/src/ui/ui_syscalls.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cef3b74f..00000000
--- a/src/ui/ui_syscalls.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Id Software, Inc.
- * Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Tim Angus
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the OSML - Open Source Modification License v1.0 as
- * described in the file COPYING which is distributed with this source
- * code.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- */
-#include "ui_local.h"
-// this file is only included when building a dll
-// syscalls.asm is included instead when building a qvm
-static long (QDECL *syscall)( long arg, ... ) = (long (QDECL *)( long, ...))-1;
-void dllEntry( long (QDECL *syscallptr)( long arg,... ) ) {
- syscall = syscallptr;
-int PASSFLOAT( float x ) {
- float floatTemp;
- floatTemp = x;
- return *(int *)&floatTemp;
-void trap_Print( const char *string ) {
- syscall( UI_PRINT, string );
-void trap_Error( const char *string ) {
- syscall( UI_ERROR, string );
-int trap_Milliseconds( void ) {
- return syscall( UI_MILLISECONDS );
-void trap_Cvar_Register( vmCvar_t *cvar, const char *var_name, const char *value, int flags ) {
- syscall( UI_CVAR_REGISTER, cvar, var_name, value, flags );
-void trap_Cvar_Update( vmCvar_t *cvar ) {
- syscall( UI_CVAR_UPDATE, cvar );
-void trap_Cvar_Set( const char *var_name, const char *value ) {
- syscall( UI_CVAR_SET, var_name, value );
-float trap_Cvar_VariableValue( const char *var_name ) {
- int temp;
- temp = syscall( UI_CVAR_VARIABLEVALUE, var_name );
- return (*(float*)&temp);
-void trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( const char *var_name, char *buffer, int bufsize ) {
- syscall( UI_CVAR_VARIABLESTRINGBUFFER, var_name, buffer, bufsize );
-void trap_Cvar_SetValue( const char *var_name, float value ) {
- syscall( UI_CVAR_SETVALUE, var_name, PASSFLOAT( value ) );
-void trap_Cvar_Reset( const char *name ) {
- syscall( UI_CVAR_RESET, name );
-void trap_Cvar_Create( const char *var_name, const char *var_value, int flags ) {
- syscall( UI_CVAR_CREATE, var_name, var_value, flags );
-void trap_Cvar_InfoStringBuffer( int bit, char *buffer, int bufsize ) {
- syscall( UI_CVAR_INFOSTRINGBUFFER, bit, buffer, bufsize );
-int trap_Argc( void ) {
- return syscall( UI_ARGC );
-void trap_Argv( int n, char *buffer, int bufferLength ) {
- syscall( UI_ARGV, n, buffer, bufferLength );
-void trap_Cmd_ExecuteText( int exec_when, const char *text ) {
- syscall( UI_CMD_EXECUTETEXT, exec_when, text );
-int trap_FS_FOpenFile( const char *qpath, fileHandle_t *f, fsMode_t mode ) {
- return syscall( UI_FS_FOPENFILE, qpath, f, mode );
-void trap_FS_Read( void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f ) {
- syscall( UI_FS_READ, buffer, len, f );
-void trap_FS_Write( const void *buffer, int len, fileHandle_t f ) {
- syscall( UI_FS_WRITE, buffer, len, f );
-void trap_FS_FCloseFile( fileHandle_t f ) {
- syscall( UI_FS_FCLOSEFILE, f );
-int trap_FS_GetFileList( const char *path, const char *extension, char *listbuf, int bufsize ) {
- return syscall( UI_FS_GETFILELIST, path, extension, listbuf, bufsize );
-int trap_FS_Seek( fileHandle_t f, long offset, int origin ) {
- return syscall( UI_FS_SEEK, f, offset, origin );
-qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterModel( const char *name ) {
- return syscall( UI_R_REGISTERMODEL, name );
-qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterSkin( const char *name ) {
- return syscall( UI_R_REGISTERSKIN, name );
-void trap_R_RegisterFont(const char *fontName, int pointSize, fontInfo_t *font) {
- syscall( UI_R_REGISTERFONT, fontName, pointSize, font );
-qhandle_t trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( const char *name ) {
- return syscall( UI_R_REGISTERSHADERNOMIP, name );
-void trap_R_ClearScene( void ) {
- syscall( UI_R_CLEARSCENE );
-void trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( const refEntity_t *re ) {
-void trap_R_AddPolyToScene( qhandle_t hShader , int numVerts, const polyVert_t *verts ) {
- syscall( UI_R_ADDPOLYTOSCENE, hShader, numVerts, verts );
-void trap_R_AddLightToScene( const vec3_t org, float intensity, float r, float g, float b ) {
-void trap_R_RenderScene( const refdef_t *fd ) {
- syscall( UI_R_RENDERSCENE, fd );
-void trap_R_SetColor( const float *rgba ) {
- syscall( UI_R_SETCOLOR, rgba );
-void trap_R_DrawStretchPic( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, qhandle_t hShader ) {
-void trap_R_ModelBounds( clipHandle_t model, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs ) {
- syscall( UI_R_MODELBOUNDS, model, mins, maxs );
-void trap_UpdateScreen( void ) {
- syscall( UI_UPDATESCREEN );
-int trap_CM_LerpTag( orientation_t *tag, clipHandle_t mod, int startFrame, int endFrame, float frac, const char *tagName ) {
- return syscall( UI_CM_LERPTAG, tag, mod, startFrame, endFrame, PASSFLOAT(frac), tagName );
-void trap_S_StartLocalSound( sfxHandle_t sfx, int channelNum ) {
- syscall( UI_S_STARTLOCALSOUND, sfx, channelNum );
-sfxHandle_t trap_S_RegisterSound( const char *sample, qboolean compressed ) {
- return syscall( UI_S_REGISTERSOUND, sample, compressed );
-void trap_Key_KeynumToStringBuf( int keynum, char *buf, int buflen ) {
- syscall( UI_KEY_KEYNUMTOSTRINGBUF, keynum, buf, buflen );
-void trap_Key_GetBindingBuf( int keynum, char *buf, int buflen ) {
- syscall( UI_KEY_GETBINDINGBUF, keynum, buf, buflen );
-void trap_Key_SetBinding( int keynum, const char *binding ) {
- syscall( UI_KEY_SETBINDING, keynum, binding );
-qboolean trap_Key_IsDown( int keynum ) {
- return syscall( UI_KEY_ISDOWN, keynum );
-qboolean trap_Key_GetOverstrikeMode( void ) {
- return syscall( UI_KEY_GETOVERSTRIKEMODE );
-void trap_Key_SetOverstrikeMode( qboolean state ) {
- syscall( UI_KEY_SETOVERSTRIKEMODE, state );
-void trap_Key_ClearStates( void ) {
- syscall( UI_KEY_CLEARSTATES );
-int trap_Key_GetCatcher( void ) {
- return syscall( UI_KEY_GETCATCHER );
-void trap_Key_SetCatcher( int catcher ) {
- syscall( UI_KEY_SETCATCHER, catcher );
-void trap_GetClipboardData( char *buf, int bufsize ) {
- syscall( UI_GETCLIPBOARDDATA, buf, bufsize );
-void trap_GetClientState( uiClientState_t *state ) {
- syscall( UI_GETCLIENTSTATE, state );
-void trap_GetGlconfig( glconfig_t *glconfig ) {
- syscall( UI_GETGLCONFIG, glconfig );
-int trap_GetConfigString( int index, char* buff, int buffsize ) {
- return syscall( UI_GETCONFIGSTRING, index, buff, buffsize );
-int trap_LAN_GetServerCount( int source ) {
- return syscall( UI_LAN_GETSERVERCOUNT, source );
-void trap_LAN_GetServerAddressString( int source, int n, char *buf, int buflen ) {
- syscall( UI_LAN_GETSERVERADDRESSSTRING, source, n, buf, buflen );
-void trap_LAN_GetServerInfo( int source, int n, char *buf, int buflen ) {
- syscall( UI_LAN_GETSERVERINFO, source, n, buf, buflen );
-int trap_LAN_GetServerPing( int source, int n ) {
- return syscall( UI_LAN_GETSERVERPING, source, n );
-int trap_LAN_GetPingQueueCount( void ) {
- return syscall( UI_LAN_GETPINGQUEUECOUNT );
-int trap_LAN_ServerStatus( const char *serverAddress, char *serverStatus, int maxLen ) {
- return syscall( UI_LAN_SERVERSTATUS, serverAddress, serverStatus, maxLen );
-void trap_LAN_SaveCachedServers( void ) {
-void trap_LAN_LoadCachedServers( void ) {
-void trap_LAN_ResetPings(int n) {
- syscall( UI_LAN_RESETPINGS, n );
-void trap_LAN_ClearPing( int n ) {
- syscall( UI_LAN_CLEARPING, n );
-void trap_LAN_GetPing( int n, char *buf, int buflen, int *pingtime ) {
- syscall( UI_LAN_GETPING, n, buf, buflen, pingtime );
-void trap_LAN_GetPingInfo( int n, char *buf, int buflen ) {
- syscall( UI_LAN_GETPINGINFO, n, buf, buflen );
-void trap_LAN_MarkServerVisible( int source, int n, qboolean visible ) {
- syscall( UI_LAN_MARKSERVERVISIBLE, source, n, visible );
-int trap_LAN_ServerIsVisible( int source, int n) {
- return syscall( UI_LAN_SERVERISVISIBLE, source, n );
-qboolean trap_LAN_UpdateVisiblePings( int source ) {
- return syscall( UI_LAN_UPDATEVISIBLEPINGS, source );
-int trap_LAN_AddServer(int source, const char *name, const char *addr) {
- return syscall( UI_LAN_ADDSERVER, source, name, addr );
-void trap_LAN_RemoveServer(int source, const char *addr) {
- syscall( UI_LAN_REMOVESERVER, source, addr );
-int trap_LAN_CompareServers( int source, int sortKey, int sortDir, int s1, int s2 ) {
- return syscall( UI_LAN_COMPARESERVERS, source, sortKey, sortDir, s1, s2 );
-int trap_MemoryRemaining( void ) {
- return syscall( UI_MEMORY_REMAINING );
-void trap_GetCDKey( char *buf, int buflen ) {
- syscall( UI_GET_CDKEY, buf, buflen );
-void trap_SetCDKey( char *buf ) {
- syscall( UI_SET_CDKEY, buf );
-int trap_PC_AddGlobalDefine( char *define ) {
- return syscall( UI_PC_ADD_GLOBAL_DEFINE, define );
-int trap_PC_LoadSource( const char *filename ) {
- return syscall( UI_PC_LOAD_SOURCE, filename );
-int trap_PC_FreeSource( int handle ) {
- return syscall( UI_PC_FREE_SOURCE, handle );
-int trap_PC_ReadToken( int handle, pc_token_t *pc_token ) {
- return syscall( UI_PC_READ_TOKEN, handle, pc_token );
-int trap_PC_SourceFileAndLine( int handle, char *filename, int *line ) {
- return syscall( UI_PC_SOURCE_FILE_AND_LINE, handle, filename, line );
-void trap_S_StopBackgroundTrack( void ) {
-void trap_S_StartBackgroundTrack( const char *intro, const char *loop) {
- syscall( UI_S_STARTBACKGROUNDTRACK, intro, loop );
-int trap_RealTime(qtime_t *qtime) {
- return syscall( UI_REAL_TIME, qtime );
-// this returns a handle. arg0 is the name in the format "idlogo.roq", set arg1 to NULL, alteredstates to qfalse (do not alter gamestate)
-int trap_CIN_PlayCinematic( const char *arg0, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height, int bits) {
- return syscall(UI_CIN_PLAYCINEMATIC, arg0, xpos, ypos, width, height, bits);
-// stops playing the cinematic and ends it. should always return FMV_EOF
-// cinematics must be stopped in reverse order of when they are started
-e_status trap_CIN_StopCinematic(int handle) {
- return syscall(UI_CIN_STOPCINEMATIC, handle);
-// will run a frame of the cinematic but will not draw it. Will return FMV_EOF if the end of the cinematic has been reached.
-e_status trap_CIN_RunCinematic (int handle) {
- return syscall(UI_CIN_RUNCINEMATIC, handle);
-// draws the current frame
-void trap_CIN_DrawCinematic (int handle) {
- syscall(UI_CIN_DRAWCINEMATIC, handle);
-// allows you to resize the animation dynamically
-void trap_CIN_SetExtents (int handle, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
- syscall(UI_CIN_SETEXTENTS, handle, x, y, w, h);
-void trap_R_RemapShader( const char *oldShader, const char *newShader, const char *timeOffset ) {
- syscall( UI_R_REMAP_SHADER, oldShader, newShader, timeOffset );
-qboolean trap_VerifyCDKey( const char *key, const char *chksum) {
- return syscall( UI_VERIFY_CDKEY, key, chksum);
-void trap_SetPbClStatus( int status ) {
- syscall( UI_SET_PBCLSTATUS, status );