path: root/src
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authorTim Angus <>2001-01-07 20:36:52 +0000
committerTim Angus <>2001-01-07 20:36:52 +0000
commit5d7f4543348d701961a929ae0329bb767153dabe (patch)
tree09c795950db2aca301df351deecce8beb85d62b5 /src
parenteb4e4d240dab282addb4fda26ddf77a1d01f22cc (diff)
delta correction in WW code now a general case
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/game/bg_pmove.c b/src/game/bg_pmove.c
index a0c3c150..ad959125 100644
--- a/src/game/bg_pmove.c
+++ b/src/game/bg_pmove.c
@@ -1486,19 +1486,58 @@ static void PM_GroundClimbTrace( void )
if( !VectorCompare( trace.plane.normal, refNormal ) && !VectorCompare( surfNormal, refNormal ) &&
!VectorCompare( trace.plane.normal, ceilingNormal ) && !VectorCompare( surfNormal, ceilingNormal ) )
- int dAngle;
- vectoangles( trace.plane.normal, toAngles );
- vectoangles( surfNormal, surfAngles );
+ int traceANGsurf, traceANGref, surfANGref, correction;
+ vec3_t traceCROSSsurf;
+ float traceDOTsurf, traceDOTref, surfDOTref;
+ vec3_t abc;
+ float d;
+ vec3_t point;
+ CrossProduct( trace.plane.normal, surfNormal, traceCROSSsurf );
+ VectorNormalize( traceCROSSsurf );
+ VectorAdd( pm->ps->origin, traceCROSSsurf, point );
+ //calculate the eq of the plane defined by points: origin, origin + surf, origin + trace
+ VectorCopy( traceCROSSsurf, abc );
+ if( abc[ 2 ] < 0 )
+ VectorInverse( abc );
+ d = DotProduct( abc, pm->ps->origin );
+ //calculate angle between surf and trace
+ traceDOTsurf = DotProduct( trace.plane.normal, surfNormal );
+ traceANGsurf = ANGLE2SHORT( RAD2DEG( arccos( traceDOTsurf ) ) );
+ if( traceANGsurf > 32768 )
+ traceANGsurf -= 32768;
+ //calculate angle between trace and ref
+ traceDOTref = DotProduct( trace.plane.normal, refNormal );
+ traceANGref = ANGLE2SHORT( RAD2DEG( arccos( traceDOTref ) ) );
+ if( traceANGref > 32768 )
+ traceANGref -= 32768;
+ //calculate angle between surf and ref
+ surfDOTref = DotProduct( surfNormal, refNormal );
+ surfANGref = ANGLE2SHORT( RAD2DEG( arccos( surfDOTref ) ) );
+ if( surfANGref > 32768 )
+ surfANGref -= 32768;
+ //change the sign of traceANGsurf if necessary
+ if( ( abc[ 0 ] * point[ 0 ] + abc[ 1 ] * point[ 1 ] + abc[ 2 ] * point[ 2 ] - d ) < 0 )
+ traceANGsurf = -traceANGsurf;
- //pm->ps->delta_angles[ YAW ] -= ANGLE2SHORT( surfAngles[ YAW ] - toAngles[ YAW ] );
- dAngle = ANGLE2SHORT( RAD2DEG( arccos( DotProduct( trace.plane.normal, surfNormal ) ) ) );
- if( dAngle < 0 )
- dAngle = -dAngle;
+ //set the correction angle
+ correction = ( traceANGsurf + surfANGref ) - traceANGref;
- pm->ps->delta_angles[ YAW ] += dAngle;
+ //if the rotation plane is vertical then no correction is necessary - special case
+ if( abc[ 2 ] == 0 )
+ correction = 0;
- Com_Printf( "%1.0f ", surfAngles[ YAW ] - toAngles[ YAW ] );
- Com_Printf( "%1.0f\n", RAD2DEG( arccos( DotProduct( trace.plane.normal, surfNormal ) ) ) );
+ //phew! - correct the angle
+ pm->ps->delta_angles[ YAW ] -= correction;
//transition from wall to ceiling
@@ -1520,7 +1559,7 @@ static void PM_GroundClimbTrace( void )
pm->ps->delta_angles[1] -= ANGLE2SHORT( ( ( surfAngles[1] - toAngles[1] ) * 2 ) - 180 );
- //TA: smooth transitions
+ //smooth transitions
CrossProduct( surfNormal, trace.plane.normal, srotAxis );
VectorNormalize( srotAxis );
srotAngle = abs( RAD2DEG( arccos( DotProduct( surfNormal, trace.plane.normal ) ) ) );