path: root/src
diff options
authorTim Angus <>2003-02-06 03:23:24 +0000
committerTim Angus <>2003-02-06 03:23:24 +0000
commit6d9a746801ad3261ed57627758429fff4d19fd9c (patch)
tree7a19f33453fe0802661e120cc614993ecec4d98e /src
parentc88474a40a80a20b2075cb6e971dd63b85bad932 (diff)
* Added some (slightly hacky) code to allow spectators to skip manually triggered doors
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/game/g_active.c b/src/game/g_active.c
index bb0211b6..3f81dcfb 100644
--- a/src/game/g_active.c
+++ b/src/game/g_active.c
@@ -272,7 +272,11 @@ void G_TouchTriggers( gentity_t *ent )
// this is ugly but adding a new ET_? type will
// most likely cause network incompatibilities
hit->touch != Touch_DoorTrigger )
+ {
+ //check for manually triggered doors
+ manualTriggerSpectator( hit, ent );
+ }
if( !trap_EntityContact( mins, maxs, hit ) )
diff --git a/src/game/g_mover.c b/src/game/g_mover.c
index 9550c4c2..0698ee4c 100644
--- a/src/game/g_mover.c
+++ b/src/game/g_mover.c
@@ -805,6 +805,114 @@ static void Touch_DoorTriggerSpectator( gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *other, trace_
TeleportPlayer( other, origin, angles );
+This effectively creates a temporary door auto trigger so manually
+triggers doors can be skipped by spectators
+static void manualDoorTriggerSpectator( gentity_t *door, gentity_t *player )
+ gentity_t *other;
+ gentity_t triggerHull;
+ int best, i;
+ vec3_t mins, maxs;
+ //don't skip a door that is already open
+ if( door->moverState == MOVER_1TO2 ||
+ door->moverState == MOVER_POS2 )
+ return;
+ // find the bounds of everything on the team
+ VectorCopy( door->r.absmin, mins );
+ VectorCopy( door->r.absmax, maxs );
+ for( other = door->teamchain; other; other = other->teamchain )
+ {
+ AddPointToBounds( other->r.absmin, mins, maxs );
+ AddPointToBounds( other->r.absmax, mins, maxs );
+ }
+ // find the thinnest axis, which will be the one we expand
+ best = 0;
+ for( i = 1; i < 3; i++ )
+ {
+ if( maxs[ i ] - mins[ i ] < maxs[ best ] - mins[ best ] )
+ best = i;
+ }
+ maxs[ best ] += 120;
+ mins[ best ] -= 120;
+ VectorCopy( mins, triggerHull.r.absmin );
+ VectorCopy( maxs, triggerHull.r.absmax );
+ triggerHull.count = best;
+ Touch_DoorTriggerSpectator( &triggerHull, player, NULL );
+Trip to skip the closest door targetted by trigger
+void manualTriggerSpectator( gentity_t *trigger, gentity_t *player )
+ gentity_t *t = NULL;
+ gentity_t *targets[ MAX_GENTITIES ];
+ int i = 0, j;
+ float minDistance = (float)INFINITE;
+ //restrict this hack to trigger_multiple only for now
+ if( strcmp( trigger->classname, "trigger_multiple" ) )
+ return;
+ if( !trigger->target )
+ return;
+ //create a list of door entities this trigger targets
+ while( ( t = G_Find( t, FOFS( targetname ), trigger->target ) ) != NULL )
+ {
+ if( !strcmp( t->classname, "func_door" ) )
+ targets[ i++ ] = t;
+ else if( t == trigger )
+ G_Printf( "WARNING: Entity used itself.\n" );
+ if( !trigger->inuse )
+ {
+ G_Printf( "triggerity was removed while using targets\n" );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //if more than 0 targets
+ if( i > 0 )
+ {
+ gentity_t *closest = NULL;
+ //pick the closest door
+ for( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
+ {
+ float d = Distance( player->r.currentOrigin, targets[ j ]->r.currentOrigin );
+ if( d < minDistance )
+ {
+ minDistance = d;
+ closest = targets[ j ];
+ }
+ }
+ //try and skip the door
+ manualDoorTriggerSpectator( closest, player );
+ }