path: root/src
diff options
authorTim Angus <>2003-03-29 05:47:59 +0000
committerTim Angus <>2003-03-29 05:47:59 +0000
commitb8111f05848c2778ca1cb201e4c24df5fcdd0c26 (patch)
tree82685aeef9f1c65152be2c682cac837e18e35e36 /src
parent81ee503696d9d5973713afba2afc06b82e41fca8 (diff)
* Rewrote the weapon loader to reference a set of weapon.cfg files
* Removed the code deprecated by the above change * Fixed a typo in tremulous.h
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
7 files changed, 274 insertions, 321 deletions
diff --git a/src/cgame/cg_draw.c b/src/cgame/cg_draw.c
index 370e55b9..fecbfd70 100644
--- a/src/cgame/cg_draw.c
+++ b/src/cgame/cg_draw.c
@@ -2510,10 +2510,11 @@ CG_DrawCrosshair
static void CG_DrawCrosshair( void )
- float w, h;
- qhandle_t hShader;
- float f;
- float x, y;
+ float w, h;
+ qhandle_t hShader;
+ float f;
+ float x, y;
+ weaponInfo_t *wi;
if( !cg_drawCrosshair.integer )
@@ -2526,13 +2527,15 @@ static void CG_DrawCrosshair( void )
if( cg.renderingThirdPerson )
- w = h = BG_FindCrosshairSizeForWeapon( cg.snap->ps.weapon );
+ wi = &cg_weapons[ cg.snap->ps.weapon ];
+ w = h = wi->crossHairSize;
x = cg_crosshairX.integer;
y = cg_crosshairY.integer;
CG_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h );
- hShader =[ cg.snap->ps.weapon ];
+ hShader = wi->crossHair;
if( hShader != 0 )
diff --git a/src/cgame/cg_local.h b/src/cgame/cg_local.h
index 05783824..e1488cba 100644
--- a/src/cgame/cg_local.h
+++ b/src/cgame/cg_local.h
@@ -436,7 +436,8 @@ typedef struct weaponInfo_s
qhandle_t weaponIcon;
qhandle_t ammoIcon;
- qhandle_t ammoModel;
+ qhandle_t crossHair;
+ int crossHairSize;
qhandle_t missileModel;
sfxHandle_t missileSound;
diff --git a/src/cgame/cg_main.c b/src/cgame/cg_main.c
index 474f18fa..13cd3b96 100644
--- a/src/cgame/cg_main.c
+++ b/src/cgame/cg_main.c
@@ -715,14 +715,6 @@ static void CG_RegisterGraphics( void ) = trap_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/misc/tracer" ); = trap_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/2d/select" );
- for( i = WP_NONE + 1 ; i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS ; i++ )
- {
- char *crosshair = BG_FindCrosshairForWeapon( i );
- if( crosshair != NULL )
-[ i ] = trap_R_RegisterShader( crosshair );
- }
- = trap_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/2d/backtile" ); = trap_R_RegisterShader( "icons/noammo" ); = trap_R_RegisterShader( "sprites/foe" );
@@ -1682,8 +1674,10 @@ void CG_Init( int serverMessageNum, int serverCommandSequence, int clientNum )
CG_RegisterGraphics( );
CG_UpdateMediaFraction( 0.90f );
CG_InitWeapons( );
CG_UpdateMediaFraction( 0.95f );
CG_InitUpgrades( );
CG_UpdateMediaFraction( 1.0f );
diff --git a/src/cgame/cg_weapons.c b/src/cgame/cg_weapons.c
index d4b458ec..f592d583 100644
--- a/src/cgame/cg_weapons.c
+++ b/src/cgame/cg_weapons.c
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ void CG_AlienZap( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int srcENum, int destENum )
VectorCopy( end, re->oldorigin );
@@ -199,16 +200,258 @@ void CG_InitUpgrades( void )
+Parses a configuration file describing a weapon
+static qboolean CG_ParseWeaponFile( const char *filename, weaponInfo_t *wi )
+ char *text_p;
+ int i;
+ int len;
+ char *token;
+ char text[ 20000 ];
+ fileHandle_t f;
+ // load the file
+ len = trap_FS_FOpenFile( filename, &f, FS_READ );
+ if( len <= 0 )
+ return qfalse;
+ if( len >= sizeof( text ) - 1 )
+ {
+ CG_Printf( "File %s too long\n", filename );
+ return qfalse;
+ }
+ trap_FS_Read( text, len, f );
+ text[ len ] = 0;
+ trap_FS_FCloseFile( f );
+ // parse the text
+ text_p = text;
+ // read optional parameters
+ while( 1 )
+ {
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if( !token )
+ break;
+ if( !Q_stricmp( token, "" ) )
+ return;
+ if( !Q_stricmp( token, "weaponModel" ) )
+ {
+ char path[ MAX_QPATH ];
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if( !token )
+ break;
+ wi->weaponModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( token );
+ if( !wi->weaponModel )
+ CG_Printf( "Weapon model not found %s: %s\n", filename, token );
+ strcpy( path, token );
+ COM_StripExtension( path, path );
+ strcat( path, "_flash.md3" );
+ wi->flashModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( path );
+ strcpy( path, token );
+ COM_StripExtension( path, path );
+ strcat( path, "_barrel.md3" );
+ wi->barrelModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( path );
+ strcpy( path, token );
+ COM_StripExtension( path, path );
+ strcat( path, "_hand.md3" );
+ wi->handsModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( path );
+ if( !wi->handsModel )
+ wi->handsModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( "models/weapons2/shotgun/shotgun_hand.md3" );
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "missileModel" ) )
+ {
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if( !token )
+ break;
+ wi->missileModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( token );
+ if( !wi->missileModel )
+ CG_Printf( "Missile model not found %s: %s\n", filename, token );
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "flashDLightColor" ) )
+ {
+ for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
+ {
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if( !token )
+ break;
+ wi->flashDlightColor[ i ] = atof( token );
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "missileDlightColor" ) )
+ {
+ for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
+ {
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if( !token )
+ break;
+ wi->missileDlightColor[ i ] = atof( token );
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "missileDlight" ) )
+ {
+ int size = 0;
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if( !token )
+ break;
+ size = atoi( token );
+ if( size < 0 )
+ size = 0;
+ wi->missileDlight = size;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "idleSound" ) )
+ {
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if( !token )
+ break;
+ wi->readySound = trap_S_RegisterSound( token, qfalse );
+ if( !wi->readySound )
+ CG_Printf( "Weapon idle sound not found %s: %s\n", filename, token );
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "firingSound" ) )
+ {
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if( !token )
+ break;
+ wi->firingSound = trap_S_RegisterSound( token, qfalse );
+ if( !wi->firingSound )
+ CG_Printf( "Weapon firing sound not found %s: %s\n", filename, token );
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "missileSound" ) )
+ {
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if( !token )
+ break;
+ wi->missileSound = trap_S_RegisterSound( token, qfalse );
+ if( !wi->missileSound )
+ CG_Printf( "Weapon missile sound not found %s: %s\n", filename, token );
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "flashSound" ) )
+ {
+ int index = 0;
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if( !token )
+ break;
+ index = atoi( token );
+ if( index < 0 )
+ index = 0;
+ else if( index > 3 )
+ index = 3;
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if( !token )
+ break;
+ wi->flashSound[ index ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( token, qfalse );
+ if( !wi->flashSound[ index ] )
+ CG_Printf( "Weapon flash sound %d not found %s: %s\n", index, filename, token );
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "icon" ) )
+ {
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if( !token )
+ break;
+ wi->weaponIcon = wi->ammoIcon = trap_R_RegisterShader( token );
+ if( !wi->weaponIcon )
+ CG_Printf( "Weapon icon shader not found %s: %s\n", filename, token );
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if( !Q_stricmp( token, "crosshair" ) )
+ {
+ int size = 0;
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if( !token )
+ break;
+ size = atoi( token );
+ if( size < 0 )
+ size = 0;
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if( !token )
+ break;
+ wi->crossHair = trap_R_RegisterShader( token );
+ wi->crossHairSize = size;
+ if( !wi->crossHair )
+ CG_Printf( "Weapon crosshair not found %s: %s\n", filename, token );
+ continue;
+ }
+ Com_Printf( "unknown token '%s' in %s\n", token, filename );
+ }
+ return qtrue;
-The server says this item is used on this level
void CG_RegisterWeapon( int weaponNum )
weaponInfo_t *weaponInfo;
- char path[MAX_QPATH];
+ char path[ MAX_QPATH ];
vec3_t mins, maxs;
int i;
char *icon, *model;
@@ -227,175 +470,24 @@ void CG_RegisterWeapon( int weaponNum )
if( !BG_FindNameForWeapon( weaponNum ) )
CG_Error( "Couldn't find weapon %i", weaponNum );
+ Com_sprintf( path, MAX_QPATH, "models/weapons/%s/weapon.cfg", BG_FindNameForWeapon( weaponNum ) );
weaponInfo->humanName = BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( weaponNum );
- // load cmodel before model so filecache works
- if( model = BG_FindModelsForWeapon( weaponNum, 0 ) )
- weaponInfo->weaponModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( model );
+ CG_ParseWeaponFile( path, weaponInfo );
// calc midpoint for rotation
trap_R_ModelBounds( weaponInfo->weaponModel, mins, maxs );
for( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
weaponInfo->weaponMidpoint[ i ] = mins[ i ] + 0.5 * ( maxs[ i ] - mins[ i ] );
- if( icon = BG_FindIconForWeapon( weaponNum ) )
- {
- weaponInfo->weaponIcon = trap_R_RegisterShader( icon );
- weaponInfo->ammoIcon = trap_R_RegisterShader( icon );
- }
- strcpy( path, model );
- COM_StripExtension( path, path );
- strcat( path, "_flash.md3" );
- weaponInfo->flashModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( path );
- strcpy( path, model );
- COM_StripExtension( path, path );
- strcat( path, "_barrel.md3" );
- weaponInfo->barrelModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( path );
- strcpy( path, model );
- COM_StripExtension( path, path );
- strcat( path, "_hand.md3" );
- weaponInfo->handsModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( path );
- if( !weaponInfo->handsModel )
- weaponInfo->handsModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( "models/weapons2/shotgun/shotgun_hand.md3" );
weaponInfo->loopFireSound = qfalse;
switch( weaponNum )
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->flashDlightColor, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.0f );
- weaponInfo->readySound = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/melee/fsthum.wav", qfalse );
- weaponInfo->firingSound = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/lightning/lg_hum.wav", qfalse );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 0 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/lightning/lg_fire.wav", qfalse );
- = trap_R_RegisterShader( "models/ammo/tesla/tesla_bolt");
- = trap_R_RegisterModel( "models/weaphits/crackle.md3" );
- = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/lightning/lg_fire.wav", qfalse );
- break;
- case WP_AREA_ZAP:
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->flashDlightColor, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 0 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/lightning/lg_fire.wav", qfalse );
- = trap_R_RegisterShader( "models/ammo/tesla/tesla_bolt");
- = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/lightning/lg_fire.wav", qfalse );
- break;
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->flashDlightColor, 1, 1, 0 );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 0 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/machinegun/machgf1b.wav", qfalse );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 1 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/machinegun/machgf2b.wav", qfalse );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 2 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/machinegun/machgf3b.wav", qfalse );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 3 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/machinegun/machgf4b.wav", qfalse );
- weaponInfo->ejectBrassFunc = CG_MachineGunEjectBrass;
- = trap_R_RegisterShader( "bulletExplosion" );
- break;
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->flashDlightColor, 0, 0, 1 );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 0 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/machinegun/machgf1b.wav", qfalse );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 1 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/machinegun/machgf2b.wav", qfalse );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 2 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/machinegun/machgf3b.wav", qfalse );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 3 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/machinegun/machgf4b.wav", qfalse );
- break;
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->flashDlightColor, 1, 1, 0 );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 0 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/machinegun/machgf1b.wav", qfalse );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 1 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/machinegun/machgf2b.wav", qfalse );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 2 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/machinegun/machgf3b.wav", qfalse );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 3 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/machinegun/machgf4b.wav", qfalse );
weaponInfo->ejectBrassFunc = CG_MachineGunEjectBrass;
- = trap_R_RegisterShader( "bulletExplosion" );
- break;
- /* weaponInfo->missileSound = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/rocket/rockfly.wav", qfalse );
- weaponInfo->missileTrailFunc = CG_RocketTrail;
- weaponInfo->missileDlight = 200;
- weaponInfo->wiTrailTime = 2000;
- weaponInfo->trailRadius = 64;
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->missileDlightColor, 1, 0.75f, 0 );
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->flashDlightColor, 1, 0.75f, 0 );*/
- weaponInfo->missileModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( "models/ammo/grenade1.md3" );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 0 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/rocket/rocklf1a.wav", qfalse );
- /* = trap_R_RegisterShader( "rocketExplosion" );*/
- break;
- case WP_FLAMER:
- weaponInfo->missileSound = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/flamer/fireloop.wav", qfalse );
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->flashDlightColor, 0.25f, 0.1f, 0 );
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->missileDlightColor, 0.25f, 0.1f, 0 );
- weaponInfo->missileDlight = 200;
- //weaponInfo->flashSound[ 0 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/railgun/railgf1a.wav", qfalse );
- /* = trap_R_RegisterShader( "rocketExplosion" );*/
- break;
- weaponInfo->missileSound = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/plasma/lasfly.wav", qfalse );
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->flashDlightColor, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.0f );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 0 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/plasma/hyprbf1a.wav", qfalse );
- = trap_R_RegisterShader( "plasmaExplosion" );
- break;
- case WP_LAS_GUN:
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->flashDlightColor, 1, 1, 0 );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 0 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/plasma/hyprbf1a.wav", qfalse );
- = trap_R_RegisterShader( "bulletExplosion" );
- break;
- weaponInfo->readySound = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/bfg/bfg_hum.wav", qfalse );
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->flashDlightColor, 1, 0.7f, 1 );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 0 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/bfg/bfg_fire.wav", qfalse );
- = trap_R_RegisterShader( "bfgExplosion" );
- weaponInfo->missileModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( "models/weaphits/bfg.md3" );
- weaponInfo->missileSound = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/rocket/rockfly.wav", qfalse );
- break;
- case WP_VENOM:
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->flashDlightColor, 0, 0, 0 );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 0 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/melee/fstatck.wav", qfalse );
- break;
- case WP_PAIN_SAW:
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->flashDlightColor, 0, 0, 0 );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 0 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/melee/fstatck.wav", qfalse );
- break;
- case WP_GRAB_CLAW:
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->flashDlightColor, 0, 0, 0 );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 0 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/melee/fstatck.wav", qfalse );
- break;
- case WP_POUNCE:
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->flashDlightColor, 0, 0, 0 );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 0 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/melee/fstatck.wav", qfalse );
- weaponInfo->missileModel = trap_R_RegisterModel( "models/ammo/grenade1.md3" );
- break;
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->flashDlightColor, 0, 0, 0 );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 0 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/melee/fstatck.wav", qfalse );
- break;
- case WP_ABUILD:
- case WP_ABUILD2:
- case WP_HBUILD:
- case WP_HBUILD2:
- //nowt
- break;
- default:
- MAKERGB( weaponInfo->flashDlightColor, 1, 1, 1 );
- weaponInfo->flashSound[ 0 ] = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/rocket/rocklf1a.wav", qfalse );
@@ -415,6 +507,15 @@ void CG_InitWeapons( void )
for( i = WP_NONE + 1; i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS; i++ )
CG_RegisterWeapon( i );
+ = trap_R_RegisterShader( "models/ammo/tesla/tesla_bolt");
+ = trap_R_RegisterModel( "models/weaphits/crackle.md3" );
+ = trap_S_RegisterSound( "sound/weapons/lightning/lg_fire.wav", qfalse );
+ = trap_R_RegisterShader( "models/ammo/tesla/tesla_bolt");
+ = trap_R_RegisterShader( "bulletExplosion" );
+ = trap_R_RegisterShader( "plasmaExplosion" );
+ = trap_R_RegisterShader( "bulletExplosion" );
+ = trap_R_RegisterShader( "bfgExplosion" );
diff --git a/src/game/bg_misc.c b/src/game/bg_misc.c
index ed0f56ac..c38015a9 100644
--- a/src/game/bg_misc.c
+++ b/src/game/bg_misc.c
@@ -2058,9 +2058,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"rifle", //char *weaponName;
"Rifle", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/machinegun/machinegun.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_rifle",
- "gfx/2d/crosshaira", 24,
RIFLE_CLIPSIZE, //int quan;
RIFLE_SPAWNCLIPS, //int clips;
RIFLE_MAXCLIPS, //int maxClips;
@@ -2083,9 +2080,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"flamer", //char *weaponName;
"Flame Thrower", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/plasma/plasma.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_flamer",
- "gfx/2d/crosshaira", 24,
FLAMER_GAS, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2108,9 +2102,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"chaingun", //char *weaponName;
"Chaingun", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/machinegun/machinegun.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_chaingun",
- "gfx/2d/crosshairb", 48,
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2133,9 +2124,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"mdriver", //char *weaponName;
"Mass Driver", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/bfg/bfg.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_driver",
- "gfx/2d/crosshaira", 24,
MDRIVER_MAXCLIPS, //int maxClips;
@@ -2158,9 +2146,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"prifle", //char *weaponName;
"Pulse Rifle", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/prifle/prifle.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_pulse",
- "gfx/2d/crosshaira", 24,
PRIFLE_CLIPS, //int quan;
PRIFLE_MAXCLIPS, //int maxClips;
@@ -2183,9 +2168,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"lcanon", //char *weaponName;
"Lucifer Canon", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/bfg/bfg.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_lucifer",
- "gfx/2d/crosshaira", 24,
LCANON_AMMO, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2208,9 +2190,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"lgun", //char *weaponName;
"Las Gun", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/grenadel/grenadel.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_lasgun",
- "gfx/2d/crosshaira", 24,
LASGUN_AMMO, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2233,9 +2212,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"psaw", //char *weaponName;
"Pain Saw", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_saw",
- NULL, 0,
0, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2258,9 +2234,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"ckit", //char *weaponName;
"Construction Kit", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_construct",
- NULL, 0,
0, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2283,9 +2256,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"ackit", //char *weaponName;
"Adv Construction Kit",//char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_construct",
- NULL, 0,
0, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2308,9 +2278,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"abuild", //char *weaponName;
"Alien build weapon", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_gauntlet",
- NULL, 0,
0, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2333,9 +2300,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"abuild2", //char *weaponName;
"Alien build weapon2",//char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_gauntlet",
- NULL, 0,
0, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2358,9 +2322,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"venom", //char *weaponName;
"Venom", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_gauntlet",
- NULL, 0,
0, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2383,9 +2344,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"pounce", //char *weaponName;
"Claw and pounce", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_gauntlet",
- NULL, 0,
0, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2408,9 +2366,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"pounce_upgrade", //char *weaponName;
"Claw and pounce (upgrade)", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_gauntlet",
- NULL, 0,
3, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2433,9 +2388,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"grabandclaw", //char *weaponName;
"Claws", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_gauntlet",
- NULL, 0,
0, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2458,9 +2410,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"grabandclaw_upgrade",//char *weaponName;
"Claws Upgrade", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_gauntlet",
- NULL, 0,
0, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2483,9 +2432,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"areazap", //char *weaponName;
"Area Zap", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_gauntlet",
- NULL, 0,
0, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2508,9 +2454,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"directzap", //char *weaponName;
"Directed Zap", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_gauntlet",
- NULL, 0,
0, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2533,9 +2476,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"groundpound", //char *weaponName;
"Ground Pound", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_gauntlet",
- NULL, 0,
0, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2558,9 +2498,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"lockblob", //char *weaponName;
"Lock Blob", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_gauntlet",
- NULL, 0,
0, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2583,9 +2520,6 @@ weaponAttributes_t bg_weapons[ ] =
SLOT_WEAPON, //int slots;
"teslagen", //char *weaponName;
"Tesla Generator", //char *weaponHumanName;
- { "models/weapons2/gauntlet/gauntlet.md3", 0, 0, 0 },
- "icons/iconw_gauntlet",
- NULL, 0,
0, //int quan;
0, //int clips;
0, //int maxClips;
@@ -2727,81 +2661,6 @@ char *BG_FindHumanNameForWeapon( int weapon )
-char *BG_FindModelsForWeapon( int weapon, int modelNum )
- int i;
- for( i = 0; i < bg_numWeapons; i++ )
- {
- if( bg_weapons[ i ].weaponNum == weapon )
- return bg_weapons[ i ].models[ modelNum ];
- }
- //wimp out
- return 0;
-char *BG_FindIconForWeapon( int weapon )
- int i;
- for( i = 0; i < bg_numWeapons; i++ )
- {
- if( bg_weapons[ i ].weaponNum == weapon )
- return bg_weapons[ i ].icon;
- }
- //wimp out
- return 0;
-char *BG_FindCrosshairForWeapon( int weapon )
- int i;
- for( i = 0; i < bg_numWeapons; i++ )
- {
- if( bg_weapons[ i ].weaponNum == weapon )
- return bg_weapons[ i ].crosshair;
- }
- //wimp out
- return 0;
-int BG_FindCrosshairSizeForWeapon( int weapon )
- int i;
- for( i = 0; i < bg_numWeapons; i++ )
- {
- if( bg_weapons[ i ].weaponNum == weapon )
- return bg_weapons[ i ].crosshairSize;
- }
- return 24;
diff --git a/src/game/bg_public.h b/src/game/bg_public.h
index e14e1448..a61f9ef7 100644
--- a/src/game/bg_public.h
+++ b/src/game/bg_public.h
@@ -957,11 +957,6 @@ typedef struct
char *weaponName;
char *weaponHumanName;
- char *models[ MAX_ITEM_MODELS ];
- char *icon;
- char *crosshair;
- int crosshairSize;
int quan;
int clips;
int maxClips;
diff --git a/src/game/tremulous.h b/src/game/tremulous.h
index f97e865c..deb419c9 100644
--- a/src/game/tremulous.h
+++ b/src/game/tremulous.h
@@ -410,12 +410,12 @@
#define MGTURRET_BP 80
#define MGTURRET_ANGULARSPEED 5 //degrees/think ~= 200deg/sec
#define MGTURRET_ACCURACYTOLERANCE MGTURRET_ANGULARSPEED / 2 //angular difference for turret to fire
#define MGTURRET_VERTICALCAP 30 // +/- maximum pitch
-#define MGTURRET_RANGE 200
+#define MGTURRET_RANGE 250
#define TESLAGEN_BP 100