Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
* Fix to disappearing cursor on map load Com_Error bug
* Refactored botlib parsing code into qcommon
- SDL_GammaRamp stuff
- Anisotropic texture filtering
- q3testesque r_flares
- cl_guid
- Security fixes
* Removed nextmap cvar and associated code, replaced with "advanceMapRotation"
* Rework the text displayed during votes to be more verbose
* "destroy" command now only works when cheats are enabled
* Voting UI is now a frontend for "clientkick" instead of plain "kick"
* Fixed sort by ping
* Changed default source to internet
* Added simple options menu to frontend
* Removed PB menu file
* Changed default net rate
* Fixed scoreboard alignment
* Implemented "scoresUp" and "scoresDown"
* Added BG_UpgradeClassAvailable
* Added generalised BG_*IsAllowed functions
* Added some binding traps to cgame
* Added tutorial mode (cg_tutorial)
* Removed gametype, fraglimit and dmflags cvars
* Removed CD key authentication stuff
* Implemented a means to save and restore cmd context
* Bumped protocol version up to 69 (same as 68)
* Removed various references to punkbuster
* Maps on create server menu now sorted by name
* Fixed some warnings
* De-quaked various bits and pieces
* Integrated Tremulous into the ioq3 source
* Relicensed Tremulous to be GPL
* It compiles!!!!!!!!11111111!!!!1
* Added worldspawn keys to disable specific game elements
* Scriptable trails system
* Various other stuff I'm too tired to try and remember now
* Removed loading of some Q3 cruft
* Spilled events attached to temporary entities are now reattached to their
original entities, fixing the missing flame bug
* Fixed "suicide god" bug
* Fixed bug where zap ignores armour
* Fixed missing particle systems when follow-spectating
* Fixed potential bug involving dodgy pointer arithmetic in CG_LoadClientInfo
* Cleaned up logic in CG_AddPlayerWeapon
* MASK_SHOT traces no longer collide with corpses
* Corpses timeout in 20 seconds instead of 60
* Improved robustness of spawn validation, fixing the bug on transit
* A crapload of whitespace fixes
* Reworked the ammo/clips packing system to remove the confusion of concepts
* Marauder lightning now requires aim, does damage over time and chains to other entities
* Implemented the Medkit -- a means for a human to restore health and cure poison in the field
* "Disable Build Warnings" replaced with "Disable Warning Dialogs" and improved
* Disabled client side ET_MISSILE collision
* Sped spectator move speed up
* Implemented "step down" physics for all characters; no more jumping down stairs
* Re-adjusted step time values
* Increased frequency with which the Acid Tube deals damage
* G_RadiusSelectiveDamage no longer applies locational damage
* Moved some speed adjustment code into prediction; should prevent some prediction misses
* Tyrant can no longer charge up forever and must pass a specific minimum charge level
* Wrapped all calls to trap_SendServerCommand in order to circumvent the q3amsgboom.cfg exploit
* Implemented command queueing for commands sent to clients in order to prevent overflows even sv_floodProtect is off, but not by dropping commands
* Added LOS check to creep slowing
* Overmind now only complains if there are 0 spawns
* Spawns can no longer be built when there is no Overmind/Reactor
* The spawn closest to the point of death is chosen preferably if available
* Evolving no longer restores all health
* "give weapons" and "give ammo" cheats removed
* Fixed restoration of energy weapons bug
* When selling the battery pack, max ammo is given
* Fixed a bug where locational damage could sometimes scale damage to 0
* Added stage information to the end of game stats
* Hacked around trap_LinkEntity to allow missiles to have a bounding box displayed
* Added G_ClosestEnt
* Reduced Dragoon spitball damage from 120 to 110
* Reduced Tyrant claw damage from 120 to 100
* Reduced Tyrant charge damage from 160 to 110
* Increased Barricade regeneration rate from 12 to 14
* Increased Overmind health from 500 to 750
* Decreased Overmind regeneration rate from 10 to 6
* Doubled Blaster speed from 700 to 1400
* Reduced Painsaw damage from 18 to 15
* Reduced Painsaw range from 48.0 to 40.0
* Reduced Grenade price from 300 to 200
* Reduced Shotgun repeat rate from 1200 to 1000
* Increased Shotgun damage from 6 to 7
* Increased Mass driver damage from 35 to 38
* Increased Chaingun damage from 5 to 6
* Reduced Flamer repeat rate from 300 to 200
* Extended Flamer range
* Increased ammo on all human weapons
* Reduced splashdamage on MG Turrets
* Moved build directory from tremulous to tremulous-dev
* Added some logging to track a targetting bug
* Advanced construction kit is now free
* Fixed the bug where the armoury and repeater would still work via command when not powered
* Fixed bug where the granger could evolve whilst waiting for its build timer
* Increased the jump height of the base granger slightly
* Improved scanner render and refactored scanner code
* Added animated projectiles
* Grenade
* Changed model names to be human name agnostic
* Added sounds for lev1 grab and lev4 charge
* Added sound for failed evolution
* Added battery pack rendering code
* Added functionality to particle system to allow attachment of particle systems to particles (for nice explosions)
* Implemented CG_FileExists
* Added some code to gracefully handle missing sounds (easier than making the sounds :D)
* cg_drawBBOX now draws player BBOXen
* Renamed the alien classes (now done in class override scripts)
* Implemented Vector4Add
* The usual assorted bug fixes
* Bugfix to first person animation on WP_BLASTER
* Changed defaults for ui_smallFont and ui_bigFont
* Added auto select option to team menu
* g_teamForceBalance now works
* Added "reload" command
* cg_lagometer now works
* Created a general buildable think function
* Fixed the post armoury weapon selection for real
* Balance tweaks
* A pile of other crap
* Implemented dynamic stage boundaries
* A shedload of balance tweaks
* Inevitably other stuff that I've forgotten whilst SF CVS has been down
* Rewroted the hovel block testing code to be cleaner and work better
* Crosshair names (re)implemented
* Mofo attack anims randomised
* Mofo charge anim triggered
* Switched the order of the spawn menus
* Stamina no longer interferes with the jet pack
* Fixed particle system destruction bug with muzzle systems
* Fixed armoury retriggering bug
* Changed a few jump heights
* Added vote team kick
* Re-placed the voting notes
* Passed voting info to UI module
* Removed "spawnBody" command
* Added logging MOD_s
* Exchanged ping and PB columns in server join menu
* Removed debug spraff from server browser
* EV_NEXT_WEAPON event now only triggers on the correct client
* Creep slowdown totally reworked, it's now predicted and might actually work
* Listboxes now have their selection set to 0 whenever displayed
* Fixed bug where credits weren't blanked between team changes
* Flamer ejection point now a tag
* Jetpack ejection point now a tag + jetpack flash
* Adjusted relavant attributes
* Disabled bank
* Credits now non-volatile
* In stages where the advanced builder is allowed it is now available from the egg
* Human weapons stronger
* Radically changed the alien evolution process
* Buy menu now only shows things you are able to buy
* Fixed a bunch of SIG_SEGV bugs
* Fixed "buildable blocking door" bug
* Renamed MCU to Armoury
* A few whitespace fixes
* Removal of most of the legacy Q3A stuff
* Cursor no longer displayed on load screen
* (Biggest commit EVAR?)
* Removed Q3A team system
* Removed "gametype" stuff
* Removed items
* Refactored buildable physics
* Other general cleanups
* Only Tremulous servers are listed in server list
* Only Tremulous maps listed in map list