Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
* Properly prevent deconstructing the last spawn when it's markdeconstruct with no power (Rezyn)
* Fix typo on nextmap votes (Byron Johnson)
- Merge featured / regluar server list back into one list, with featured sorted to the top and sporting emoticons to show their distinction
- Show a key for the featured server type icons (Exclamation)
* (bug 4303) Disallow (escape) emoticons in server hostnames
- No more color bleeding / munching
- No more premature wrapping of the last lines of ui text
* Revert r1738 because it's no longer needed
parse code
feederID or window.borderSize where applicable.
(caused by r1173)
* Fix a load of 1.f style floats to 1.0f
* Refactor any ui_shared.c that gets in the way
* (bug 3952) display winning team string at the bottom of the scoreboard
after a game
* Prevent users from changing some ui communication cvars
* A (perhaps) finally fixed Item_Text_Wrap
+ IPv6
+ VoIP
+ Stereo rendering
+ Other minor stuff
* compiler warning or something
* Fix for controls menu bindings
* Add and delete files that were added and deleted in tremulous SVN and I missed in the merge
.tga in the /emoticons/ dir of fs_game, emoticon file names need
to end with "_{WIDTH}x1.tga". For example, /emoticons/dretch_1x1.tga
(square) or /emoticons/rifle_2x1.tga (double-wide)
/emoticons/dretch.tga inline with text)
* emoticons are square .tga images placed in the /emoticons dir of fs_game
* emoticons should probably be 64x64 to look nice
* g_emoticonsAllowedInNames (default ON) is an optional server setting to
prevent players from using them in names
* emoticons can be escaped by prefixing with an additional [
* cvars ui_emoticons and cg_emoticons can be set to 0 to disable drawing
of emoticons in ui or cgame contexts respectively
* fix color code continuation on wrapped lines
* prefix all wrapped lines with a space to prevent chat shenanigans
* Partially revert 772
* Strip off trailing '\n' from server denial messages
* Squad marking removed
* Marauder walljump reverted to upstream
* Minijump removed
blurry or glitching sometimes
* New feature: Squad Marking -- bind in Options -> Misc, marks teammates in your squad by displaying a triangle above them when they are near
* Remove r_mode, making r_width and r_height the only way to choose resolution
* Add UI code to parse the detected resolutions list
* Make ITEM_TYPE_COMBO do something; basically an ITEM_TYPE_MULTI which is
populated by a feeder. A proper combobox widget would be better... in the
future maybe
* Improve keyboard/mouse button control on ITEM_TYPE_MULTI
* Change resolution selection in options menu to use an ITEM_TYPE_COMBO fed by
* Removed individual weapon build delay
* Removed Advanced Construction Kit, everything is built by the normal kit
* S2+ buildables cannot be built by regular grangers
* Clicking to pick team during spectator mode fixed
* New cvar: cg_printDuplicate, when set to 0 (default) prevents duplicate messages from being printed to screen (they still show up in console)
* Pressing ESC while editing a UI item (esp. new Say menu) will not cause your cursor to disappear next time you open a menu
when perfectly aligned
* Also added two turret params: spin duration and spin down time which give finer control over turret behavior (set their values to minimum)
* Fixed some patch problems, spacing and duplicate code
* Fixed Sprint/Dodge binding through menu
* Tutorial text size shrunk
* ALL clients lose their credits entirely when switching teams
whether to close all menus or ignore menus that don't respond to CloseAll (via the new dontCloseAll MENU_TRUE attribute).
* ui_messagemode2222 and the like won't activate the teamsay menu
* Say menu will no longer close when the player dies
* (bug 3424) Add "noscrollbar" listbox widget property
* Add aspectBias to indicate alignment on non-4:3 video modes
* Add "reset <item>" script command to reset an item
* Compensate for aspect ratio in lots and lots and lots of places
* Release edit field focus when tabbing away
* Fix infinite loop bug in text wrapping code when rect is very narrow
* Mung .menu scripts to line things up correctly on non-4:3 ratios
* Hide cursor when using edit fields and binding keys
* Remove client side chat handling, moving it to UI module
* Remove target and last attacker message modes
* Add ui_developer cvar
* Fix edit field bug where cvar changes under it
* Add onTextEntry UI script event
* Give the user some feedback when binding keys
* Stop doing a UI refresh when primed (and remove cgame ui_loading sets)
* Move cg_drawSnapshot to bottom of the screen
* Add trap_Key_SetOverstrikeMode and trap_Key_GetOverstrikeMode to cgame
* Change Text_[Width|Height] to return floats
* Add Text_Em[Width|Height]
* Add CG_AlignText to cut down on code duplication
* Add itemDef_t::textvalignment for vertical text alignment
* Add UI_DrawTextBlock to replace a lot of duplicate code
* Rewrite text wrapping code from scratch so that it actually works
* Add UI_OwnerDrawText
* Add expression evaluator to .menu parser
* Split off Border_Paint from Window_Paint
* Scale slider items to fit their rect
* Rework edit field widgets to behave somewhat more correctly
* Fix a few listbox widget layout issues
* Don't display scrollbars in "notselectable" listbox widgets
* Make scoreboard team labels ownerdrawn
* Menu script rework
+ Use the expression evaluator to replace lots and lots of absolute
coords with relative ones, hopefully easing future maintenance
+ Remove lots and lots of textalign[xy] that were present to work
around broken text alignment routines
+ Replace a bunch of numeric constants with ones from menudef.h
+ Compose the huds from tremulous_common_hud.h
+ Generally neaten things up
+ Lots of whitespace fixes
+ Fix bug that prevented key up events getting to cgame/ui when not in game
+ Use Key_[GS]etCatcher everywhere to set keycatcher
+ Clear all key states when the catcher changes
* Slim down client userinfo somewhat
* Remove some redundant client autocomplete commands
* Actually make use of "menuStack" in the UI module
+ No longer close all menus when exiting one, instead reverting to the
next one on the stack
+ Cleanup the menu activation functions a little
* Truncate text in list columns if it exceeds the column width
* Remove maxChars field from columns member of ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX
* Revert r992 due to more general and less buggy/hacky fix from ioq3
* spectators can now participate in non-team votes
* added teamvote "admitdefeat"
* replaced "nextmap" vote with "draw"
* removed vote "clientkick" vote (uses "kick" instead)
* removed teamvote "teamclientkick" (uses "kick" instead)
* renamed teamvote "teamkick" to teamvote "kick"
* added teamvote "denybuild" and "allowbuild"
* added vote "mute" and "unmute"
* added !denybuild and !allowbuild g_admin commands
* added /ignore and /unignore commands (and menu support)
* Game -> Info (formerly About) shows server settings instead of local ones
* Voting keys can now be configured in the Options menu
* Voting key binds now display with the vote status (F3 and F4 will be the
eventual default binds for "teamvote yes" and "teamvote no" respectively)
(Christophe Cavalaria <>)
* (bug 2786) Cleanup of error message display (Martin Doucha)
* (bug 2787) Scroll-wheel support in list widgets (rasz)
* Refactored botlib parsing code into qcommon
* De-quaked various bits and pieces
* Integrated Tremulous into the ioq3 source
* Relicensed Tremulous to be GPL
* It compiles!!!!!!!!11111111!!!!1
* Removed loading of some Q3 cruft
* Spilled events attached to temporary entities are now reattached to their
original entities, fixing the missing flame bug
* Fixed "suicide god" bug
* Fixed bug where zap ignores armour
* Fixed missing particle systems when follow-spectating
* Fixed potential bug involving dodgy pointer arithmetic in CG_LoadClientInfo
* Cleaned up logic in CG_AddPlayerWeapon
* MASK_SHOT traces no longer collide with corpses
* Corpses timeout in 20 seconds instead of 60
* Improved robustness of spawn validation, fixing the bug on transit
* A crapload of whitespace fixes
* Reworked the ammo/clips packing system to remove the confusion of concepts
* Marauder lightning now requires aim, does damage over time and chains to other entities
* Implemented the Medkit -- a means for a human to restore health and cure poison in the field
* "Disable Build Warnings" replaced with "Disable Warning Dialogs" and improved
* Disabled client side ET_MISSILE collision
* Sped spectator move speed up
* Implemented "step down" physics for all characters; no more jumping down stairs
* Re-adjusted step time values
* Increased frequency with which the Acid Tube deals damage
* G_RadiusSelectiveDamage no longer applies locational damage
* Moved some speed adjustment code into prediction; should prevent some prediction misses
* Tyrant can no longer charge up forever and must pass a specific minimum charge level
* Wrapped all calls to trap_SendServerCommand in order to circumvent the q3amsgboom.cfg exploit
* Implemented command queueing for commands sent to clients in order to prevent overflows even sv_floodProtect is off, but not by dropping commands
* Added LOS check to creep slowing
* Overmind now only complains if there are 0 spawns
* Spawns can no longer be built when there is no Overmind/Reactor
* The spawn closest to the point of death is chosen preferably if available
* Evolving no longer restores all health
* "give weapons" and "give ammo" cheats removed
* Fixed restoration of energy weapons bug
* When selling the battery pack, max ammo is given
* Fixed a bug where locational damage could sometimes scale damage to 0
* Added stage information to the end of game stats
* Hacked around trap_LinkEntity to allow missiles to have a bounding box displayed
* Added G_ClosestEnt
* Reduced Dragoon spitball damage from 120 to 110
* Reduced Tyrant claw damage from 120 to 100
* Reduced Tyrant charge damage from 160 to 110
* Increased Barricade regeneration rate from 12 to 14
* Increased Overmind health from 500 to 750
* Decreased Overmind regeneration rate from 10 to 6
* Doubled Blaster speed from 700 to 1400
* Reduced Painsaw damage from 18 to 15
* Reduced Painsaw range from 48.0 to 40.0
* Reduced Grenade price from 300 to 200
* Reduced Shotgun repeat rate from 1200 to 1000
* Increased Shotgun damage from 6 to 7
* Increased Mass driver damage from 35 to 38
* Increased Chaingun damage from 5 to 6
* Reduced Flamer repeat rate from 300 to 200
* Extended Flamer range
* Increased ammo on all human weapons
* Reduced splashdamage on MG Turrets
* Moved build directory from tremulous to tremulous-dev