Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
* Fixed a bug where regular Basilisk would not heal faster by a booster sometimes (found thanks to new GUI indicator!)
* Un-reverted Lucifer Cannon sound heard by others, with Norf's blessing
* Added a Help menu listing mod changes and other stuff (ESC -> Help), edit ui/help.txt
* Human HUD item list will now wrap around so that it never hides items, also made it a little wider
GUI cross changes:
* Human GUI health cross glows when medkit is active
* Alien GUI health cross glows when on creep
* Double, triple healing rates show as multiple crosses
when perfectly aligned
* Also added two turret params: spin duration and spin down time which give finer control over turret behavior (set their values to minimum)
* Fixed some patch problems, spacing and duplicate code
* Fixed Sprint/Dodge binding through menu
* Tutorial text size shrunk
* ALL clients lose their credits entirely when switching teams
* Reloading a weapon and switching to blaster will not cause it to be "reloaded"
* Removed "team change free" flag, all clients keep credits when changing teams
* Human and Alien credits properly converted when switching teams (based on max)
* Cannot open both say prompts at the same time anymore
dretch bounding box. Prevents spectators from getting stuck in the floor.
* Buildables round their health up when encoding health information for transmission, no more 0 hp buildables that aren't dead
* Removed the devmap credits hack I put in earlier
* Can now use \itemact weapon to switch to weapon, also \itemact weapon/blaster will not repeatedly force a weapon change if that weapon is already selected
* Options menu entry for "Sprint" changed to "Sprint / Dodge" with correct bind (+button6)
Norfenstein decided to switch to fractional "frags" (aka evos) for Aliens:
* BG_ClassCanEvolveFromTo rewritten to be more robust in case classes are shuffled around later
* CG_AtHighestClass and BG_UpgradeClassAvailable merged into BG_AlienCanEvolve
* Changed BG_GetValueOfHuman to BG_GetValueOfPlayer which now accomodates Aliens too
* Aliens now must receive 400 credits per frag point (9 evos = 3600 credits!)
* Aliens can only spend whole points
* TK/Suicide penalties moved to tremulous.h and converted to credit values
* Complex nasty Alien land goes bye-bye
whether to close all menus or ignore menus that don't respond to CloseAll (via the new dontCloseAll MENU_TRUE attribute).
* ui_messagemode2222 and the like won't activate the teamsay menu
* Say menu will no longer close when the player dies
* (bug 3424) Add "noscrollbar" listbox widget property
* Add aspectBias to indicate alignment on non-4:3 video modes
* Add "reset <item>" script command to reset an item
* Compensate for aspect ratio in lots and lots and lots of places
* Release edit field focus when tabbing away
* Fix infinite loop bug in text wrapping code when rect is very narrow
* Mung .menu scripts to line things up correctly on non-4:3 ratios
* Hide cursor when using edit fields and binding keys
* Remove client side chat handling, moving it to UI module
* Remove target and last attacker message modes
* Add ui_developer cvar
* Fix edit field bug where cvar changes under it
* Add onTextEntry UI script event
* Give the user some feedback when binding keys
* Stop doing a UI refresh when primed (and remove cgame ui_loading sets)
* Move cg_drawSnapshot to bottom of the screen
* Add trap_Key_SetOverstrikeMode and trap_Key_GetOverstrikeMode to cgame
* Change Text_[Width|Height] to return floats
* Add Text_Em[Width|Height]
* Add CG_AlignText to cut down on code duplication
* Add itemDef_t::textvalignment for vertical text alignment
* Add UI_DrawTextBlock to replace a lot of duplicate code
* Rewrite text wrapping code from scratch so that it actually works
* Add UI_OwnerDrawText
* Add expression evaluator to .menu parser
* Split off Border_Paint from Window_Paint
* Scale slider items to fit their rect
* Rework edit field widgets to behave somewhat more correctly
* Fix a few listbox widget layout issues
* Don't display scrollbars in "notselectable" listbox widgets
* Make scoreboard team labels ownerdrawn
* Menu script rework
+ Use the expression evaluator to replace lots and lots of absolute
coords with relative ones, hopefully easing future maintenance
+ Remove lots and lots of textalign[xy] that were present to work
around broken text alignment routines
+ Replace a bunch of numeric constants with ones from menudef.h
+ Compose the huds from tremulous_common_hud.h
+ Generally neaten things up
+ Lots of whitespace fixes
+ Fix bug that prevented key up events getting to cgame/ui when not in game
+ Use Key_[GS]etCatcher everywhere to set keycatcher
+ Clear all key states when the catcher changes
* Slim down client userinfo somewhat
* Remove some redundant client autocomplete commands
* Actually make use of "menuStack" in the UI module
+ No longer close all menus when exiting one, instead reverting to the
next one on the stack
+ Cleanup the menu activation functions a little
* Truncate text in list columns if it exceeds the column width
* Remove maxChars field from columns member of ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX
* Revert r992 due to more general and less buggy/hacky fix from ioq3
* When finding a player in the server browser, only list each server once
* (bug 3079) Display the number of kills required in the class information pane
+ SDL everywhere
+ New R_LoadImage
+ net_ip.c
+ Window icon
+ GUI based dedicated server support
+ Compile time linked OpenGL
* Remove ui_menuFiles cvar
* Say "Waiting for response" instead of "...-1 servers"
* (bug 3054) After running a listen server, sv_killserver is not set
overrides/classes/human_bsuit.cfg file can set all the goodies such as
viewHeight and bounding box size. Also, bsuit corpses work now.
dialogs you get when trying to do something that's not allowed with an
active build timer.
* added MN_H_NOARMOURYHERE and MN_H_NOENERGYAMMOHERE error dialogs for
trying to buy/sell when not near the necessary buildables.
* added MN_H_NOROOMBSUITON and MN_H_NOROOMBSUITOFF error dialogs for
when there is no room to change class between PCL_HUMAN and PCL_HUMAN_BSUIT
* removed an unused variable from my recent big ui commit
* spectators can now participate in non-team votes
* added teamvote "admitdefeat"
* replaced "nextmap" vote with "draw"
* removed vote "clientkick" vote (uses "kick" instead)
* removed teamvote "teamclientkick" (uses "kick" instead)
* renamed teamvote "teamkick" to teamvote "kick"
* added teamvote "denybuild" and "allowbuild"
* added vote "mute" and "unmute"
* added !denybuild and !allowbuild g_admin commands
* added /ignore and /unignore commands (and menu support)
* Game -> Info (formerly About) shows server settings instead of local ones
* Voting keys can now be configured in the Options menu
* Voting key binds now display with the vote status (F3 and F4 will be the
eventual default binds for "teamvote yes" and "teamvote no" respectively)
server list automatically if the list is over 1 hour old or if there
are no servers in the list
highest built-in graphic setting. When set to 0, particles
don't use bounce off anything and therefore their movement
doesn't require trace calls. This gives a significant frame
rate boost in many situations.
(Christophe Cavalaria <>)
* (bug 2786) Cleanup of error message display (Martin Doucha)
* (bug 2787) Scroll-wheel support in list widgets (rasz)
* Sort by server name on alpha characters only
* Refresh master server IP address cache on map change
* Fix to disappearing cursor on map load Com_Error bug
* Refactored botlib parsing code into qcommon
- SDL_GammaRamp stuff
- Anisotropic texture filtering
- q3testesque r_flares
- cl_guid
- Security fixes
* Removed nextmap cvar and associated code, replaced with "advanceMapRotation"
* Rework the text displayed during votes to be more verbose
* "destroy" command now only works when cheats are enabled
* Voting UI is now a frontend for "clientkick" instead of plain "kick"
* Fixed sort by ping
* Changed default source to internet
* Added simple options menu to frontend
* Removed PB menu file
* Changed default net rate
* Fixed scoreboard alignment
* Implemented "scoresUp" and "scoresDown"
* Fixed a dumb bug that prevented servers from being listed
* Added BG_UpgradeClassAvailable
* Added generalised BG_*IsAllowed functions
* Added some binding traps to cgame
* Added tutorial mode (cg_tutorial)
* Removed gametype, fraglimit and dmflags cvars
* Removed CD key authentication stuff
* Implemented a means to save and restore cmd context
* Bumped protocol version up to 69 (same as 68)
* Removed various references to punkbuster
* Maps on create server menu now sorted by name
* Fixed some warnings
* Changed defaults for r_picmip and r_textureMode
* Changed internal alien weapon names
* Removed playback of the intro movie
* Fixed painblend reset bug
* Added multiple chat sounds
* Player splash wake now uses mark system
* De-quaked various bits and pieces
* Integrated Tremulous into the ioq3 source
* Relicensed Tremulous to be GPL
* It compiles!!!!!!!!11111111!!!!1
* Added worldspawn keys to disable specific game elements
* Scriptable trails system
* Various other stuff I'm too tired to try and remember now
* Removed loading of some Q3 cruft
* Spilled events attached to temporary entities are now reattached to their
original entities, fixing the missing flame bug
* Fixed "suicide god" bug
* Fixed bug where zap ignores armour
* Fixed missing particle systems when follow-spectating
* Fixed potential bug involving dodgy pointer arithmetic in CG_LoadClientInfo
* Cleaned up logic in CG_AddPlayerWeapon
* MASK_SHOT traces no longer collide with corpses
* Corpses timeout in 20 seconds instead of 60
* Improved robustness of spawn validation, fixing the bug on transit
* A crapload of whitespace fixes
* Reworked the ammo/clips packing system to remove the confusion of concepts
* Marauder lightning now requires aim, does damage over time and chains to other entities
* Implemented the Medkit -- a means for a human to restore health and cure poison in the field
* "Disable Build Warnings" replaced with "Disable Warning Dialogs" and improved
* Disabled client side ET_MISSILE collision
* Sped spectator move speed up
* Implemented "step down" physics for all characters; no more jumping down stairs
* Re-adjusted step time values
* Increased frequency with which the Acid Tube deals damage
* G_RadiusSelectiveDamage no longer applies locational damage
* Moved some speed adjustment code into prediction; should prevent some prediction misses
* Tyrant can no longer charge up forever and must pass a specific minimum charge level
* Wrapped all calls to trap_SendServerCommand in order to circumvent the q3amsgboom.cfg exploit
* Implemented command queueing for commands sent to clients in order to prevent overflows even sv_floodProtect is off, but not by dropping commands
* Added LOS check to creep slowing
* Overmind now only complains if there are 0 spawns
* Spawns can no longer be built when there is no Overmind/Reactor
* The spawn closest to the point of death is chosen preferably if available
* Evolving no longer restores all health
* "give weapons" and "give ammo" cheats removed
* Fixed restoration of energy weapons bug
* When selling the battery pack, max ammo is given
* Fixed a bug where locational damage could sometimes scale damage to 0
* Added stage information to the end of game stats
* Hacked around trap_LinkEntity to allow missiles to have a bounding box displayed
* Added G_ClosestEnt
* Reduced Dragoon spitball damage from 120 to 110
* Reduced Tyrant claw damage from 120 to 100
* Reduced Tyrant charge damage from 160 to 110
* Increased Barricade regeneration rate from 12 to 14
* Increased Overmind health from 500 to 750
* Decreased Overmind regeneration rate from 10 to 6
* Doubled Blaster speed from 700 to 1400
* Reduced Painsaw damage from 18 to 15
* Reduced Painsaw range from 48.0 to 40.0
* Reduced Grenade price from 300 to 200
* Reduced Shotgun repeat rate from 1200 to 1000
* Increased Shotgun damage from 6 to 7
* Increased Mass driver damage from 35 to 38
* Increased Chaingun damage from 5 to 6
* Reduced Flamer repeat rate from 300 to 200
* Extended Flamer range
* Increased ammo on all human weapons
* Reduced splashdamage on MG Turrets
* Moved build directory from tremulous to tremulous-dev
* Added some logging to track a targetting bug
* Advanced construction kit is now free
* Fixed the bug where the armoury and repeater would still work via command when not powered
* Fixed bug where the granger could evolve whilst waiting for its build timer
* Increased the jump height of the base granger slightly