Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
* Remove cvar g_suddenDeath since it is no longer needed
* "Sudden Death in 0 seconds!" should no longer display on map start when sudden
death is disabled
* Try to be nice to log parsers
* Partially reverting 4f9b9168b506093020ea2fe7fd59c600972b2220 because
ammo is immediately set, so the icon has to immediately change too.
feederID or window.borderSize where applicable.
* Fix a load of 1.f style floats to 1.0f
* Don't allow cg_draw2d to disable no-stamina blindness
* Move "SPECTATOR" text to the HUD menu files
* Make "following" text an ownerdraw
* Remove cg_drawStatus as it's pretty much unused, too
FIXME: currently limited to 3 targets due to netcode restrictions
FIXME: this code could probably use some general cleanup as well
* dead buildables no longer bleed
* Merging some fixes from mgdev, courtesy of Michael "Risujin" Levin:
- Ensure SnapVector always snaps downwards, rather than always towards 0
- Don't send score information that won't be displayed
- /give poison as a human poisons rather than boosting
* Remove some trailing whitespace
* Remove some useless intermediate variables in cg_draw.c
* Ammo/clips/build timer display depends on primary weapon rather than equipped
- (this also fixes bug 3837)
* Create a shoulder-cam mode that replaces thirdperson when you have cg_thirdPersonShoulderView 1
* Automatically switch to shoulder view when following someone wallwalking
* Remove ui_emoticons, using the value of cg_emoticons for both contexts.
* Add PM_Paralyzed() to get rid of all the silly >= PM_DEAD comparisons
* Don't allow players to taunt while dead
* Fix full ammo check in reload (oops)
* Fiddle with bg_lib.h _MAX/_MIN defines, fix min(), add [u]intX_t typedefs
* Remove non-functional cgame command (thanks Amanieu for spotting)
* pleasedonthurtmenorfmademedoit
* (this code still doesn't work with vertical barbs, and possible vertical inventory)
* add trap_R_inPVS to cg_local.h/cg_syscalls.asm
their position, instead of cg_crosshairX/cg_crosshairY
* Fix dumb typo left from debugging in last revision
* Fix indentation in crosshairs.shader
* remove some hopefully redundant cursordraw stuff
* Downgrade weapon anim messages to a warning (because we're not really expecting any to exist)
Merge bugs:
* Fix human spawn menu
* Protocol version 69 (oops!)
* Move "overrides/*" to "configs/" and remove all the overriden data from
bg_misc.c, instead requiring it to be in the cfg files
* Add cfg files to source control
* Clean up some naming and typing issues
* Remove existing team_t (TEAM_FREE, TEAM_SPECTATOR)
* s/pTeam_t/team_t/;s/buildableTeam_t/team_t/;s/WUTeam_t/team_t/
* s/pClass_t/class_t/
* Loads of whitespace fiddling to make the code closer to tremulous SVN
* Squad marking removed
* Marauder walljump reverted to upstream
* Minijump removed
* Hooray for physics! 0 = (k v_i)^2 + 2ad --> k^2 v_i^2 / 2a = d, i.e. the minijump scale is sqrt(1/2) for a half-jump
* Oops, forgot to store/restore computed origin for cached buildable cap-traces
* Seeing multiple marked players will not mess up the marker orientations anymore
* Fixed warnings and increased range of squad marking to player crosshair distance
blurry or glitching sometimes
* New feature: Squad Marking -- bind in Options -> Misc, marks teammates in your squad by displaying a triangle above them when they are near
box restrictions
* Buying a weapon with a number greater than 15 while having a Construction Kit will not give you zero ammo
* Human viewheight shrunk to prevent flamer and new Lucifer Cannon shots from exploding inside the ceiling because on account of the muzzle box -- better aligned with the model now too. This should prevent the flamer from burning people in vents.
* Some BG functions made more efficient; BG_GetPlayerWeapon should be used to get a Human's weapon because it may be switching
* Adv. Dragoon barbs regenerate 10 seconds after being shot, not at regular intervals
* Build weapons should no longer need to be in a block in bg_public.h
* Tremulous doesn't use multiple weapons but the G_GiveClientMaxAmmo function will properly restore regular ammunition when a energy weapon is selected
* MN_H_NOENERGYAMMOHERE obsolete; Changed some text to acknowledge that energy ammo is now available at armoury
* Particles can set 'physicsRadius #' to use a fixed bounding box for collisions
* Various HUD elements will immediately update to the new weapon when switching weapons
Flamer changes:
* Bounding box shrunk slightly
* Client-side particles now used a static bounding box that matches the server projectile
* Sitting on a booster won't make it blink the warning bolt (SS_BOOSTEDWARNING), also made the warning fade
* Lucifer Cannon repeat rates fixed
* G_Damage() wont deal damage to dead entities
* Maybe fixed the buildable killed with shotgun won't show dying anim bug
* Attacked hives won't attack back when the OM is dead
* The monstrous hive bounding boxes shrunk to something reasonable
* Tesla Generator muzzle offset to the ball part, now fires over turrets
* HUDs can make vertical charge bars
* Human charge bar no longer overlaps scanner
* "There are no spawns remaining"
Changes to trample attack:
* No longer deals locational damage (wtf?)
* Charge "holding" restored
* Hit repeat rate limited to 50 ms
Changes to health cross icons:
* Inspired by Techhead, made new icons (sorry, yours didn't look so good in game :-\ )
* Icons fade from one to another
* Switched SS_HEALING_2X and SS_HEALING_ACTIVE meaning for Humans -- glows when on medi station, special icon for medkit
* Poisoned icon for humans (Techhead's idea)
* Basilisk gas view bob effect now properly accounts for shorter time due to protection
* SS_POISONCLOUDED moved to EF_POISONCLOUDED (which used to be EF_TALK for chat balloons)
* Added a userinfo cvar cg_alwaysSprint which, when enabled, makes humans sprint all the time (PS_ALWAYSSPRINT)
* Power bolt on the Human HUD glows when sprinting (not very visible though)
* Trample and Lucifer Cannon charging reworked and moved to PMove
* Can no longer "cancel" a charging Lucifer Cannon
* STAT_MISC2 is now unused, booster and charge information can be inferred elsewhere (STAT_UNUSED)
* Trying to fire an empty weapon makes a clicking noise (also a bugfix, apparently the server would spam EV_NOAMMO which did nothing but is now used for the clicking noise -- audible to all players)
* Created an alternate, muffled Lucifer Cannon warning noise for other people's Lucifer Cannons
* Fixed bug which prevented players from switching to a different player while spectating someone in the spawn queue
* Spectators are now properly moved to the lock view position when spectating a player in the spawn queue
* Removed individual weapon build delay
* Removed Advanced Construction Kit, everything is built by the normal kit
* S2+ buildables cannot be built by regular grangers
* Clicking to pick team during spectator mode fixed
* New cvar: cg_printDuplicate, when set to 0 (default) prevents duplicate messages from being printed to screen (they still show up in console)
* Pressing ESC while editing a UI item (esp. new Say menu) will not cause your cursor to disappear next time you open a menu
* Server does not communicate the number of eggs and telenodes to all clients anymore -- the correct number of spawns is passed to the client when they are in the spawn queue only (puts PERS_UNUSED to use)
Sticky and dead spectate (holy fuck that was hard for something so simple sounding):
* Big thanks to Lakitu7 for passing along the patch (with contributions from TJW, Undeference, and R1CH)
* UI has a new option to enable/disable sticky spectate
* Spectators get to see the full dying animation
* Dead players can spectate their teammates whether they are in the spawn queue or not
I corrected several nasty bugs and recoded a LOT of the patch. Potentially the "spawn without a weapon" thing may have been fixed but maybe not. There are possibly other new bugs so keep an eye out for them.